Memo from PlanningR]ECEI`T~D Requested Changes to the Agenda: none that we know of! O ~®V ~ 7 2007 Project: Kelly Creek~Commercial pity of Meridian t;Zty Clexlc ~ Outstanding Issues before Council: none known Staff Recommendation: Approval; the final plat substantially complies with approved PP. Applicant Provided Written Agreement with Conditions: Yes Project: Kennedy Commercial Outstanding Issues before Council: none known Staff Recommendation: Approval; the final plat substantially complies with approved PP. Applicant Provided Written Agreement with Conditions: Yes ~, Project: Selway Apartments Mayor-I would recommend that you give equal presentation time to the appellant and the applicant. Location: west side of N. Goddard Creek Way, approximately 500 feet north of W. McMillan Rd. and a quarter mile east of N. Ten Mile Rd. Applications: City Council review of a Planning Commission decision on a Conditional Use Highlights of Proposed Development: conditional use approval to construct amulti-family development consisting of 17 multi-family buildings (4 24-plexes, 8 8-plexes, and 5 duplexes); one storage building; and a club house with managerial living quarters on 10.1 acres. The applicant is also requesting approval to construct a Private Street loop road to provide access and circulation throughout the proposed development. Gross Residential Density: 17 units per acre Other: As part of the Lochsa Falls Planned Development approval in 2002, this area was conceptually approved for 171 multi-family units. As part of the Lochsa Falls approval, the City Council allowed the subject multi-family development as a use exception to the primarily single- family Lochsa Falls Development. The City and the developer have entered into a Development Agreement requiring CUP approval prior to construction of the subject multi-family development. A final plat was also approved by the City Council for the subject site in June 2007. The site is currently designated High Density Residential on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and zoned R-4. Elevations: Yes Commission Action: approval at their October 4`h public hearing. Summary of Commission Public Hearing: i. In favor: Daren Fluke, Wayne Thowless, Allen Wallace ii. In opposition: John Nelson, Laurie Miller, Brian Coffey, Dion Callahan, Matt Hessing, David, Budolfson, Anna Budolfson, Tammy Witham, Erin Tidermen, Mr. and Mrs. Valas, Tracy fries, Majorie Matthis, Chris, Sandra Robert Lighton, Donna Eggess, Jennifer Regner, Ken Pahlas, Ann Nikakis, Nick Nikakis, Bernadette Reisbeck, Glen 11/27/2007 Tiderman; James Shilton, Brian Katcher, Sheryl Hopkins, Don Fleck, Dan Skoric, Mark Wheeler, Sarah Marksfield Katcher, Dan Clizbe, John Bellamy, Lawerence Gibson, Wally Reisbeck, Sabdra Freeman, Jim Freeman, Linda Ullman, Jim Ullman, Andrea Skoric Jeff Weeks, LaDawn Weeks, Ron Horsley, Joanne Stevens, Mel Grant, Lillian Grant, Sylie Carbajal iii. Commenting: Glen Tiderman, James Shilton, Brian Katcher, Sheryl Hopkins, Don Fleck, Dan Skoric, Mark Wheeler, Sarah Marksfield Katcher, Dan Clizbe, John Bellamy, Lawerence Gibson, John Nelson, Karl Miller, Matt Hessing, Tammy Witham, Paul Valas, Tracy Fries, Marjorie Matthis, Russ Pollock, Mindy Hayes, Rachael Nelson iv. Written testimony: John and Rachel Nelson, Elaine and Mike Robey, Sheryl Hopkins, Dion Callahan Key Issues of Discussion by Commission: i. Lighting for the development. ii. The berming along the northern and western property lines. iii. The building materials (i.e vinyl siding, three tab roofing, hardie plank siding, rock/stone accents) for the proposed development. iv. The pathway connectivity to the north with the existing residential neighborhood. v. Denser landscaping adjacent to the residential homes along the western and northern boundaries. vi. Construction of the trash enclosures being of block with off-set metal gates. vii. Vinyl fencing along the southern property boundary. ~ viii. Mechariical units to remain in the rear of buildings F. ix. New elevations with new building materials for Commission review. x. Access and future connectivity with the commercial parcel to the south. xi. Building setbacks adjacent to residential structures. Key Commission Changes to Staff Recommendation: i. Building materials for the buildings are to be hardie board siding as submitted with CUP application. ii. Lighting for the development must be shielded. iii. Applicant is to work with staff regarding an additional amenity. iv. Trash enclosures are to be constructed of block with off-set metal gates. v. Additional trees to be planted along the north and west side with trees touching at 80% maturity. vi. Provide vinyl fencing along the southern boundary. vii. Connect the existing micropath to the north. ~ viii. All landscaping along the north and west property lines shall be installed and prior to obtaining any occupancy for any building, all development improvements such as irrigation, parking and landscaping shall be installed on that building's site. ix. Additional elevation for Building F1 has been inserted into Exhibit A of the staff report. xi. Building setbacks are to remain the same along the western and northern side. xii. AC units to remain in the rear of Building F/F1 along northern boundary. Written Testimony since Staff Report: Request for City Council review and response from original applicant. Outstanding Issue(s) for City Council: architectural materials, density, school over-crowding, and compatibility with the surrounding residences are the primary concerns of the appellants. 11/27/2007