Staff Comments CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS STAFF REPORT STAFF REPORT: Hearing Date: June 26 2007 Transmittal Date: June 21,2007 TO: Mayor and City Council Kristy Vigil, Assistant City Planner '{.JI 208-884-5533 Scott Steckline, Development Services Coordinator 208-898-5500 FROM: SUBJECT: Gateway Marketplace Subdivision No. I Request for Final Plat Approval of Gateway Marketplace Subdivision No.1 Consisting of 2 Commercial Lots on 5.51 Acres in a C-G Zone by Landmark Development, LLC (File# FP~07-019). We have reviewed this submittal and offer the following comments and conditions of the applicant. These conditions shall be considered in full, unless expressly modified or deleted by motion of the Meridian City Council: APPLICATION SUMMARY & LOCATION Tht: applil,;anl, Landmark Development, LLC, has applied for final plat approval of 2 commercial lots on 5.51 acres of land for Gateway Marketplace Subdivision No.1. The zoning district for the proposed subdivision is C-G (General Retail and Service Commercial District). Gateway Marketplace Subdivision No. 1 is located on Eagle Road, approximately a y,j mile south of Ustick Road in the NW y.; of Section 4, T. 3N., R. IE. This property has not been previously platted. The City Council approved the preliminary plat for Gateway Marketplace Subdivision on July 18, 2006. The submitted final plat substantially complies with the approved preliminary plat. Note: The submitted landscape plan depicts a 35-foot wide landscape buffer along Eagle Road. However, the Applicant has submitted a variance application requesting to allow 15 feet of right-of-way along Eagle Road to count towards the required landscape street buffer of 35 feet. Staff does not believe that the future approval or denial of the variance request by the Council will have a major impact on the layout of the proposed subdivision. The subject report does not assume that a variance by the Council will be granted. Staff recommends approval of Gateway Marketplace Subdivision No.1 with the comments and conditions stated in this report. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. Applicant is to meet all terms of the approved, annexation (AZ-03-018), development agreement (lnst. #104107406), preliminary plat (PP-06-002), and variance (V AR-06-002) for this subdivision. 2. The Final Plat approval for this subject phase shall expire on 07/18/08, if the City Engineer's signature has nul bt:t:n ublalllt:U. FP-07-019 Gateway Marketplace Subdivision No.1 FP.doc PAGE CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS STAFF REPORT 3. Prior to submittal for the City Engineer's signature, have the Certificate of Owners and the accompanying acknowledgement signed and notarized. 4. Prior to signature of the final plat by the City Engineer, the applicant shall provide cross access to the parcels east and south of the site; provide a copy of the recorded document(s) to the Planning Department. 5. Provide instrument number for the water main easement on the face of the plat. 6. Provide instrument number for the sanitary sewer easement on the face ofthe plat_ 7. Prior to signature of the [mal plat by the City Engineer, the applicant shall provide the appropriate documentation from County Surveyors Office that the usage of Gateway Marketplace is an approved subdivision name. 8. Prior to signature of the [mal plat by the City Engineer, all existing structures shall be removed from the site. 9. The commercial cross access drives extending to the east of the site shall be constructed according to the private street standards in UDC 11-3F-4, the width of the travel lane shall be at least 24 feet or 26 feet wide, as determined by the fire marshal, a Fire Department approved turnaround shall be provided and the adjacent curb shall be painted red, post the private street "No Parking", gates or other obstacles shall not be allowed, and construct a 5-foot wide sidewalk on each side of the private street, as proposed. 10. Internal sidewalks and landscaping, in accordance with the UDC and the preliminary plat, shall be provided within the subdivision. II. Graphically depict the required 20-foot wide landscape buffer along eastern perimeter on the face of the plat. 12. Graphically depict on the face of the plat a lO-foot wide public use easement along to Eagle Road for the multi-use pathway. 13. Graphically depict the required 20-foot wide landscape buffer along southern boundary on the face of the plat. 14. Graphically depict the required water connection and easement to Eagle Rd. 15. All fencing installed on the site must be in compliance with UDC 11-3A-6 and 11-3A-7, and as proposed on the landscape plan. Temporary construction fencing to contain debris shall be installed at the subdivision boundary where permanent fencing does not exist. Perimeter fencing shall be installed prior to release of building permits for this subdivision. 16. Revise or add the following note(s) on the face of the plat prepared by Waite Land Surveying, LLC, stamped on 05/15/07 by Todd R. Waite, prior to signature of the [mal plat by the City Engineer: 7.) Revise to read, ". . . approved by .'\CHD ITD and the. . ." *.) Add a note addressing the maintenance responsibilities of the landscape buffers adjacent to Eagle Road, the eastern perimeter, and the southern boundary that are not within common lots. FP-07-019 Gateway Marketplace Subdivision No. 1 FP.doc PAGE CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS STAFF REPORT *.) Add note, "This plat is subiect to a development agreement recorded as instrument number 104107406 of Ada Countv Records." 17. The landscape plan, prepared by The Land Group, Inc., and dated 04/23/07, shall be revised as follows: a. The required 20-foot wide landscape buffer along the eastern perimeter appears to be substandard in some areas, revise plan accordingly. b. Depict the lawn symbol in the 20-foot wide landscape buffer on the eastern perimeter. c. Include two additional trees in the landscape buffer along the southern bOlmdary. d. Depict the lO-foot wide multi-use pathway with a public use easement along Eagle Road per the approved preliminary plat and UDC 11-3H-4C3. The landscape buffers adjacent to Eagle Road, the eastern perimeter, and the southern boundary are required subdivision improvements and shall be installed prior to occupancy of the first building. The intemallandscaping for the individuallots/buildings and the parking areas are not approved with this final plat, they will be reviewed with each individual Czc. Submit three copies of the revised landscape plan to the Planning Department prior to signature of the final plat by the City Engineer. 18. Prior to signature of the [mal plat by the City Engineer, the applicant shall provide a letter from the United States Postal Service stating thal the applicanl has rt:l,;t:ivt:u approval fur lht: lUl,;aliun U[ mailboxes. Contact the Meridian Postmaster, Richard Buttram, at 887~1620 for more information. 19. Submit a copy of the Ada County Street Name Committee's "Final" letter for the street names and lot & block numbering. Make all corrections necessary to comply. 20. All areas approved as open space shall be free of wet ponds or other such nuisances. All stormwater detention facilities incorporated into the approved open space are suhject to UDC 11- 3B-II and shall be fully vegetated with grass and trees. Sand, gravel or other non-vegetated surface materials shall not be used in open space lots, except as permitted under UDC 11- 3B-ll. If the stormwater detention facility cannot be incorporated into the approved open space and still meet the standards of UDC 11-3B-ll, then the applicant shall relocate the facility. This may require losing a developable lot or developable area. It is the responsibility of the developer to comply with ACHD, City of Meridian and all other regulatory requirements at the time of final construction. 21. Staff's failure to cite specific ordinance provisions or conditions from the preliminary plat does not relieve the Applicant of responsibility for compliance. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS I. Per UDC 11-3A-6 all irrigation ditches, laterals or canals, exclusive of natural waterways, that interscct, cross or lie within the area being subdivided shall be covered. Plans will need to be approved by the appropriate irrigation/drainage district, or lateral users association (ditch owners), with written approval or non-approval submitted to the Public Works Department prior to plan approval. Iflateral users association approval can not be obtained, alternate plans will be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. FP-07-019 Gateway Marketplace Subdivision NO.1 FP.doc PAGE CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS STAFF REPORT 2. Street signs are to be in place, water system shall be approved and activated, fencing installed, sewer line shall be installed and passed air test and video inspection, fmal plat recorded and road bast: shall be approved prior to applying for building permits. 3. A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% shall be required for all uncompleted fencing, landscaping, amenities, pressurized irrigation, sanitary sewer, water, etc., prior to signature on the final plat. 4. All development improvements, including but not limited to water, sewer, fencing, micro-paths, pressurized irrigation and landscaping shall be installed and approved prior to obtaining certificates of occupancy. 5. A written certificate of completion shall be prepared by the landscape architect, landscape designer or qualified nurseryman responsible for the landscape plan Upon completion of the landscape installation. The Certificate of Completion shall verify that all landscape improvements, including plant materials and sprinkler installation, are in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan. 6. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to signature on the final plat. 7. Compaction test results must be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 8. Applicant shall bt: rt:sponsible [or applicaliun and cumplianct: wilh any St:l,;liun 404 Pt:rmitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 9. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with and NPDES Permitting that may be required by the Environmental Protection Agency. 10. All development features shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. II. Any tree over 4" in caliper that is removed from the property shall be replaced by installing additional trees, being the equivalent number of caliper inches of trees that were removed. Required landscaping trees will not be considered as replacement trees for those trees that have to be removed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the final plat for Gateway Marketplace Subdivision No.1 (FP-07- 019) with the above stated comments and conditions. FP-07-019 Gateway Marketplace Subdivision No. 1 FP.doc PAGE