May 22, 2007 C/C Minutes Meridian City Council May 22, 2007 Page 34 of 36 De Weerd: Okay. Item 13. Rountree: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Rountree. Rountree: I move that we approve Item 13, CPA 07-008, Ten Mile Specific Area Plan Text, and that the text be modified to incorporate the changes as stated in the previous motion. Bird: Second. De Weerd: Okay. I have a motion and a second to approve Item 13. Is there any discussion? Mr. Berg, will you, please, call roll. Roll-Call: Bird, yea; Rountree, yea; Zaremba, yea; Borton, absent. MOTION CARRIES: THREE AYES. ONE ABSENT. Item 14: Public Hearing: RZ 07-006 Request for a Rezone of 4.38 acres from an R-8 to an R-15 zone for Bellabrook by J.E. Development, LLC - 300 South Locust Grove Road: f Item 15: Public Hearing: CUP 07-005 Request for a Conditional Use Permit approval for multi-family residential use in a proposed R-15 zone for Bellabrook by J.E. Development, LLC - 300 South Locust Grove Road: De Weerd: Thank you. Okay. Items 14 and 15 have been requested to be continued to June 5th. I will open these two public hearings, RZ 07-006 and CUP 07-005, and ask for a motion to continue these two public hearings. Zaremba: Madam Mayor? Rountree: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Yes, Mr. Zaremba. Zaremba: I move that we continue Items 14 and 15, RZ 07-006 and CUP 07-005, relating to Bellabrook to our regularly scheduled meeting of June 5, 2007. Rountree: Second. De Weerd: Okay. I have a motion and a second to continue Items 14 and 15. All those in favor say aye. All ayes. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIES: THREE AYES. ONE ABSENT.