Southeast CPA CITY OF MERIDIAN RESOLUTION NO. BY THE CITY COUNCIL: BIRD, BORTON, ROUNTREE, WARDLE A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN TO MODIFY THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP TO EXTEND FUTURE LAND USES WITHIN THE CITY OF MERIDIAN SOUTH TO COLUMBIA ROAD, WEST TO MERIDIAN ROAD AND EAST TO EAGLE ROAD AND TO MODIFY SOME OF THE EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ON THE MAP ALONG AMITY ROAD, BETWEEN MERIDIAN ROAD AND EAGLE ROAD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council have the authority pursuant to I.C. ~ 50-302 to establish resolutions not inconsistent with the laws of the state of Idaho as may be expedient, in addition to the special powers therein granted, to maintain the peace, good government and welfare of the corporation and its trade, commerce and industry; and WHEREAS, the City of Meridian Comprehensive Plan was adopted in August in 2002 as resolution 02-382; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council have deemed it appropriate to modify the Future Land Use Map to extend future land uses within the City of Meridian south to Columbia Road, west to Meridian Road and east to Eagle Road and to modify some of the existing land use designations on the Map along Amity Road, between Meridian Road and Eagle Road; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have provided all the requisite notices, held the necessary hearings, and received the required information necessary to make a final decision as required by the Idaho Local Land Use Planning Act to amend the adopted comprehensive plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Idaho Code ~67-6509, the Mayor and City Council hereby amend the City of Meridian Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map, a copy of which is attached hereto incorporated herein by reference. A copy of this Resolution and the attached amendment shall be held on file in the office of the City Clerk. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR FUTURE LAND USE - SOUTHEAST AREA - CPA 06-003 - Page 1 of 2 ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this _ day of ,2006. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this _ day of ,2006. APPROVED: Mayor Tammy de Weerd ATTEST: By: (SEAL) William G. Berg, Jr., City Clerk COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR FUTURE LAND USE - SOUTHEAST AREA - CPA 06-003 - Page2 of 2 1 I .I .. *_h 1111 ~ " "' 1;'; If) ill n '" r '" I 1'1 0 If) If) 0 CJ '" '" ,-< p 1"; CJ :P' '" x oj "> ,'0 Vi CJ Z; oj ~ "' "' If) Z >< Z ;;; '" UJ Vi Ifl -< l'l '" oj ~ '" " il' >< z -< ;.~ '" '" f'1 8 " oj ;;: !!] m% 0 il' 00 8.9 ~ n1 z !!] f'1 '" "1J ~ Z ~ z I'l' 0 oj oj ~ z f': ,. " =I r' 0 :g f': r;1 z r oj f': '" '" "1J ;< ~ co '" n 0', CD <: " 0 0 J:: !;i m r r .s:: I '" UJ UJ <= If) '" '" D v.1 <= ,. ,. z " If) "1J 0 '" T ". 0 '" "1J :;! n ;;:: '" ~ ,. ;;: ~ '" z co c ,. fe- z; :';! f': " Vi UJ