Staff Comments REV v'" \,. .J. L V V V V. I J nUl I ~ U, ~ u 9~ , r . I CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and City Council STAFF REPORT: Hearing Date~ October 3, 2006 Transmittal Date: September 28~ 2006 FROM: Ih I -. .!~. ~ >~.!t' ~.'(~'~fii .. Kristy Vigil, Assistant City Planner t--I ""~ M ~ ., 'L,~:.tt~ Michael Cole, Development Services Coordinator "\ '-- v ..f:!,/ S bdi .. F" I PI C Oc 1 /) ~ 'I 7) Tapestry U VlSIon ma at p l.:r--~ ()~. l.i lOOo . t..t \'"> )';;, , <,';.', . Request for Final Plat Approval of Tapestry Subdivision ConSis~"of\1~~\, Family Residential Building Lots and 5 Common Lots on 3.92 Acres in an~?i'?~ Zone by Raftis Tapestry, LLC (File# FP-06-043). SUBJECT: We have reviewed this submittal and offer the" following comments and conditions of the applicant. These conditions shall be considered in full, unless expressly modified or deleted by motion of the Meridian City Council: APPLICATION SUMMARY & LOCATION The applicant, Raftis Tapestry, LLC, has applied for fmal plat approval of 19 single-family tesidentiallots and 5 common lots on 3.92 acres of land for Tapestry Subdivision. The current zoning designation for the :~;; property proposed for subdivision is R-8. The gross denSity of the proposed subdivision is 4.85 dwelling units per acre; the net density is 6.74 dwelling units per acre. Tapestry Subdivision is located at 635 and 675 S. Linder Road in T. 3N.~ R.IW.. Section 14. This property has not been previously platted. Concurrent to the Annexation and Preliminary Plat approval, the" applic~t received alternative compliance approval to allow a reduction for the required 25-foot landscape buffer along S. Linder Road. The approval allowed the applicant to cons1IUct a IO-foot landscape buffer in the area where the existing home will remain. The existing home on the proposed Lot 2. Block 2 encroaches into the required buffer by 10 feet. The landscape buffer along the property boundary of the home< shall remain a 25-foot wide section until within 5 feet of the existing home, wherein it will "angle and be reduced to 10 feet to accommodate: the home. The; applicant is providing an additional 70 feet buffer/common lot on the north side of the site entrance as compensation. The final plat submitted for this phase depicts one more lot than was approved on the preliminary plat for Tapestry Subdivision; however. the additional lot is a common lot for a micro-path to Peregrine Elementary school. The:addition of this common lot was discussed at the preliminary plat stage. Staff believes that the proposed final plat substantially complies with the approved preliminary plat. The City Council approved the preliminary plat for Tapestry Subdivision on August 15, 2006. Staff teeomniCi1ds approval of Tapestrv Subdivision with ,the comments and conditions ~tated in "tJ1is repoIt. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. Applicant is to meet all tenns of the approved preliminary plat (PP-06-026) and annexation and zoning (AZ-06-27). Comm.nt not,d. 1 I ~: +~: FP-06-043 Tapestry Subdivision FP.doc PAGE 1 OCT 03 '06 09:44 PAGE. 01 u c t. j. (2 U U b ~: I b Awf No. 5859 P. 2 ~ CITY OF aWERIDIAN PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS STAFF REPORT 2. The applicant has indicated that the passurized irrigation system in this d!velopnrent is to be o\VDed and operated by Nampa and Meridian Irrigation District. A letter of plan approval shall be ~ submitted prior to scheduling of a pr&-conStIUctiOD meeting. Plans have been submitted to NMlD, and th~l'tttr oj flJJproval.ill br forwardld to th' City. :t.i 3. Prior to plan approval the applicant shall submit signed written clot:umentation from the School District, granting permission to install mains across their property. Matt Schultz is working with Wendizll Bigham at tJit Mmdian School District and writt,n docummtation granting permission win be lorwardM to the City. ~ City of Meridian ~quires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water. If a single-point connection to the potable wa~ system is used, the developDr shall be responsible for the payment of assessments for the iIrigable common areas prior to signature on the final plat by the Meridian City Engineer. Our infraslructure is an .xtension of the Whit.stong,PI syst.... A backjlow prnlllDOII d,vic~ iI cWTilnfly in plael. 5" All fencing installed on the site must be in compliance with UDe 11-3A-6 and 11-3A-7. Temporary construction fencing to contain debris shall be installed at the lubdivision boundary whem p&manont fencing does not ~xist. Perimeter fencing shall be installed prior to release of building pennits for this subdivision. Commt1lt noted. , 6. The existing house shall be required to connect to City sewer and water. The applicant shall be respensibll for the payment of assessments prior to signature on the final plat, and shall be respdhsible for the actual physical connection of the house to the services prior to certificates of occupancy being issued. Com".nt not.& ~ 7. Sanitary sewer service is being proposed by mains that flow to the Landing Lift Station. The applicant shall be responsible for any upgrades to the lift station that are deemed necessary by the Public Works Department. Written approval from enginsilll staff shall be submitted prior to construction plan approval. Comment 1&otld. 8. Sanitary sewer and water service to this site is being proposed via extensions of existing mains in S. Linder Road. Applicant will be responsible to constmct the sew.. and water mains to and through this proposld dcvolopm~nt. Subdivision dceigDa' to coordinate main sizing and routine with tile Public Works Department. Applicant shall execute City of Meridian standard fonns of easements, for any mains that are required to provide servicI. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three-feel If there is less than three feet from top of pipe to sub-grade then upgr!ded pipe materials shall be used per City of :Meridian Standard Specifications. Comment noted. 9. Any exist~g domestic wells and/or septic systems within this project will have to be removed from their domestic ge1Vice per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9-4-8. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation. Comm.nt noted. 10. Graphically depict on the face of the plat a special setback on the eastern bounda:ry of Lot 8~ Block 2 of sufficient width to ensure the Department of Environmental Quality's Best Management Pra.ctitle of 20-feet separation between building foundations and infiltration trenches. Will hav. relocated the 20' wide tr'71ch on Lot 9. Lot 8 wiU htnJe a sfandtzrd 5' setback on tA~ w,stlhl boundary. 11. Revise Lot 13, Block 1 (pathway to the. school) to be 15 feet wide.o comply with the standards for micro-paths in DOC 11-3B-12. Tht revised plat will indiCllte a 15' wid. lot. FP..06.043 Tlpestry Subdivision FP.doc PAGE 2 OCT 03 '06 ~:44 c~~t:' r.:tI.., V l.. l. :; . L V V U 0; 10M IVI I~ O. , ti , ~ r . j CITY OP MERIDIAN PLANNINO AND PUBLIC WORKS DBPART'MENTS STAFf REPORT 12. Per UDe 11-3A-6 all irrigation ditches, laterals or canals, e~clusive of natural waterways, that intsrse~ cross or lie within the area being subdivicad shall be covered. During ~ preliminary plat phase the applicant received approval to not pipe th~ ditch along the~soutlitm boundary if the provided documentation that the ditch did not lay within their prop~rty. Their engineer submitted a stamped signed letter stating the ditch was not within the propert)' owned by the applicant. Therefore this ditch does not need to be tiled. All ditches that lay within this development shall be tiled, plans will need to be approved by the appropriate in'igationldra~e district, or lateral users association (ditch owners), with written approval or non-approval submitted to the Public Works Department prior to plan approval. If laferal usErs association approval can not be obtained, alternate pla~ will be reviewed and approvMi by the City Engineer. Comment nolld. 13. The Certificate of Owners is missing the call of the northern boundary of this subdivisioDa Th. applicant shall make any necessary corrections to ensure the Certificate of Owners is accurate. The C..tijicate of ownu! has be!1Z ,evised. 14. . Revise ~following plat notes on the face of the plat prepared by Marks Land Surveying and dated 8/24/06: 2. Revis'lto read, ". . . wide permanent Public Utilities irrigation and . . ." 11. Add Lot 13, Block 1 and Lot 9, Block 2 as a common lot owned and maintained by the HOA. * Add a note dedicating a 10-foot wide public utilities, drainage, and irrigation !aSement cent~ed on all interior lot lines. *. Add note, "Direct lot access to South Linder Road is prohibited." Tlce fi1UZl plDt has been ,.visftl. IS. The landscape p1an~ prepared by Jensen Belts end dated 7/07/0fJ, shall be revised as follows: a. The plan appears to be accura~ but it does not scale conectly. Revise the scale accordingly. b. Depict Lot 13, Bl(JC~ 1 and the required landscaping for micro-paths ~r UDC 11-3B..12 on the plan. c. Revise the proposed fencing on Lot 2, Block 1 and Lots 2 and 3, Block 2 to meet the standards in UDC 11-3A-7Cl and UDC 11-3A-7C2.. d. Include fencing details for the proposed vinyl fencing and the existing chain link (i.e. constrUCtion materials & picturelskttch). c. Show Bayeux Street as a stub street to the south. f. Depict a lo-foot wide gravel shoulder and lawn or other vegetative groundcover along S. Linder Road adjacent to the site, per UDC 11-3B-7C5a. g. Include planting and installation details on th. plan. h~ Include tree class in the plant palette. Comm,nts hava bMn jorward,d to Jensen & B,lts. Copi.s of tM<,evised plan will be JOIWtudld to the PUmning D.,arbn,nI. Submit t1uw44copi~s of th! rtvised landscape plan 10 t~ 'Planning D~artment prior to signature on the final plat by t~ City EngEn&r. 16. All areas approved as open space shall be fret of wet ponds or other such nuism:es. All stormwater detention facilities incorporated into the approved open space are subject to UDC 11- 3B-ll and shall be fully vegetated with grass and trees. Sand~ gravel or other non-vegetated surface materials shall not be used in open space lots, exc!pt as permitted under UDC 11-3B.. 11. Wher! the applicant has submitted a preliminary landscape plan and where staff has reviewed such plan, the landscaping shall be consistent with the preliminary plan with modifications as proposed by staff. If ~ stormw.. detention facility cannot be incorporattd into the approved FP.Qf\-043 Tap6l:ry Subdivision FP.doc OCT 03 ~05 09:45 PAGE 3 pt:lr:a= lir~ ...,.... "'. ./. LVVV V. I (fllll itu. ~u" I. 't ~ CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING AND PUBL.IC WORKS DEPARTMENTS STAFF REPORT open space and still meet the standards ofUDC 11-3B-ll, then the applicant slaall relocate the facility. This m~ require losing a developable iot or d8velopabli aita. It is the responsibility of thel aleveloper to comply with ACHD, City of Meridian and all other regulatory requirements at the time of final construction. COJhme1l1noutL 17 · Staff's failure to cite specific ordinlIlce provisions or conditions of the preliminary plat does not relieve tb& Applicant of responsibility for compliance. Comm,nt noted. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS L A letter of credit or cash surety in tlie amount of 110'1 shall be required for all uncompleted fencing, landscaping, amenities, pressurized irrigation, sanitary sewer, water, etc.~ prior to signatur~ on the final plat. . All development improvlIJIlents, including but not limited to water, sewer, ft!.ncing, micro-paths, pre!Jsurized irrigation and landscaping shall De installed, and approved prior to obtaining certificates of occupancy. L A written ~rtificatc of completion shall be preparCd by the landscape architect, landscape designer or qualified nurseryman responsibl~ for the landscape plan upon completion of the landscape installation. The Certificate of Completion shall verify that all landscape improvements, inc1udina plant materials and sprinlcler installation~ are in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan. !L Applicant shall ~ required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fEes, as detenniMd during th. plan review proc=ss, prior to signature: on the final plat. It Compaction ~st I!sults must be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all builwnf pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill materiaL II Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 7. Applicant shall be ~sp'nsibl~ for application and compliance with and NPDES Permitting that may be~ tBluired by the Environmental Protection Agency. 8. All development features shall comply with the Am'means with Disabiliti!Js Act and the Fair Housing Act. 9. Any tree over 4" in caliper that is removed from the property shall be replaced by installing addition 11 trees, being the equivalent number of caliper inches of treeI that were removed. Requirid landscaping trees will not b.conside:red as replacement trees for those trees that have to be removed. 10. Approval of the preliminary plat shall become null and void if the applicant fails to record the fmal plat within two YIlU'S of the approval of the preliminary plat per UDe 11-6B-7 A. In the event that the ctev!Jopment of the preliminary plat is mad.. in successive phases in an orderly and reasonable manner, and conforms substantially to the approved preliminay plat, such seaments, if submitted within successivel intervals of eighteen months, may bt! considered for tinal approval without resubmission for preliminary plat approval ~ UDC 11-6B-7B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION FP-0i-043 T.pestry Suidivision FP..doc PAGE 4 OCT 03 '0E> 09: 45 PAGE. 04 ~ ~~ 60VVV p..~m ~ I I' \/. J V.l1 1..1 CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS STAFF REPORT ~ Staff Fo;unends approval of ~ final oIat for Tapestry Subdivision (PP"(x)-043) wjJ1 the< above stated comments and conditions. ~ 11.'" ~lJ FP-06-043 Ta1eStry Subdivision FP.doc PAGB5 ~T 03 ~06 09:45 PAGE. 05