9/5 Letter from Celeste Fox RECEIVED SEP - 5 2006 city of Meridian City Clerk Office This letter is in support of Item 16 on the Council meeting schedule of September 5,2006: Public Hearing: AP 06-001 Request for an Appeal of the Planning Director's determination that the submitted development applications for Waverly Place Subdivision are incomplete by Vacation Village Villas, LLC - 2510 Magic View Drive: I live in Woodbridge Community, directly to the West ofthe proposed Waverly Place Subdivision. I would like to convey to the council and mayor that this proposed Waverly Place project has my full support. I believe that this project would be an excellent transition between Woodbridge, medical offices, and commercial projects. I also believe this would be the type of development that would have low traffic impact, which has been of great concern to Woodbridge residents due _ to the uniqueness of the roadways in and around our community. I encourage you to approve this request for a Conditional Use Permit. Thank you very much for your consideration. Please contact me if you have any questions via email or phone. Regards, f;) ,/-' ~-- :1/..'."--' ,., .f.-- . . ,./ / ~,Celeste Fox, Delegate Woodbridge Homeowners Association 582 5 Woodhaven Ave Meridian 1083642 (208) 846-9162