Email from Jim Flecker Tara Green From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Peggy Gardner Thursday, August 31, 2006 1 :34 PM Charlie Rountree; Joe Borton; Keith Bird (birdronaldkeith@msn.com); Shaun Wardle Tammy de Weerd; Clerks FW: Returned mail: delivery problems encountered Attachments: jflecker@cableone.net-22245-77.html; jflecker@cableone.net-22245-75.msg ~\~, ;''")--,11 ...- ~=-:d jflecker@cabljflecker@cabl e.net- 22245- Je.net- 22245- i I am forwarding this email from Jim Flecker. He had a problem sending it directly. Peggy, Would you please see that this is forwarded to the Mayor and City Council Members? Thank you, Jim I would like to extend my support to Item 16 on the Council meeting schedule of September 5, 2006: Public Hearing: AP 06-001 Request for an Appeal of the Planning Director's determination that the submitted development applications for Waverly Place Subdivision are incomplete by Vacation Village Villas, LLC - 2510 Magic View Drive: You may recall that Gene Fox and I made presentations to you on Conger's request to develop in that area. We represented Woodbridge Subdivision's opposition to that plan for a density of 9 residential units per acre. At that time, we indicated that 6 or less would be acceptable. I also sent an email to you after that development was denied approval. I thanked you for the right decision and indicated that I was prepared to work with any developer, the city, and surrounding communities to find a solution that would be good for all. I am of the opinion that Waverly Place is precisely the type of transitional development that would be appropriate in that area. It provides an excellent buffer between Woodbridge, offices and/or commercial applications. I encourage you to approve this request for a Conditional Use Permit. I recognize that there may be some "technical" issues and some question that a Comprehensive Plan change may be needed (I certainly claim no "expertise" on that). The developer has indicated that he hopes to obtain and develop additional acreage (5 acres on his North and the area that Conger had planned) if this is approved. The larger acreage developed in this way would be a wise use of this land and, as far as I can determine, removes all of Woodbridge's concerns. We would have supported a Comp Plan change for this. However, it would be much easier and a lot less 1 bureaucracy to go through, if a comp plan change could be avoided. I hate to see the developer have to go through all that extra expense to accomplish the same thing. But, if it is required, it would be our intention to support a comp plan change for the area (roughly 20 acres) in question specifically to allow this type of development and at this density. I would like to be there for this meeting but am in North Carolina now and will not return to Meridian until mid September. Thank you very much for your consideration. Please contact me if you have any questions via email or my cell phone. Regards, Jim Flecker 538 S. Thornwood Way Meridian, ID 83642 861-3607 (cell) Peggy Administrative Secretary to Mayor Tammy de Weerd City of Meridian Phone 884-2468 ext. 204 From: Jim Flecker [mailto:jflecker@cableone.net] Sent: Thursday, August 31, 20062:09 PM To: Peggy Gardner Subject: Fwd: Returned mail: delivery problems encountered jflecker@cableone.net-22245-77.html (6.9 Kb) attached jflecker@cableone.net-22245-75.msg (0.3 Kb) attached ----- Original Message ----- From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@prserv.net> To: JFlecker@cableone.net Sent: Thu Aug 31 15:53 Subject: Fwd: Returned mail: delivery problems encountered 2 A message (from <JFlecker@cableone.net <javascripttop.opencompose('JFlecker@cableone.net',",",")> >) was received at 31 Aug 2006 15:53:26 +0000. The following addresses had delivery problems: <gardnerp@meridiancity. org <javascripUop.opencompose('gardnerp@meridiancity.org',"," I ")> > Permanent Failure: 550_ See _ http://spf.pobox.com/why.html\?sender=JFlecker%40cableone.net&ip= &receiver=smtp3.boidmz.fiberpipe.neC\(#5. 7.1) Delivery last attempted at Thu, 31 Aug 2006 15:53:34 -0000 3