Vicinity Map 500 footService Laye r Cre dits: Ida ho State Po lice Leg en d Ultra C le a n Fra nk lin -30 70 E. Fr an k lin R d . - Pr op e r tie s w ithin 50 0'0 0.450.225 mi [ The information s hown on thi s m ap is com piled f rom v ario us s ources a nd is s ubjec t t o con stant r evi sion . Th e C it y of Me ridianmakes no wa rranty or gua rantee as t o the content , ac curacy, t ime liness , or co mpl ete ness of a ny of the dat a prov ided , andassumes no legal res ponsibil ity for the info rmatio n c on tain ed on this map.Pri nt Date: 11/30/20 23Author: Vicinity Map 3070 E Franklin Road 43°36'16.43" N 116°21'16.20" W Scale: 1 inch approx 100 feet Nov 07, 2023 - landproDATA.com The materials available at this website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a legal document. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)