DOC_U-Haul Meridian CZC Narrative V1CUEIDR IAy APPROVED DATE: 08/30/22 FILE NUMBER: A-2022-0- 61de itecturepllc August 8, 2022 Bill Parsons Planning Supervisor, Current Planning Group 33 E. Broadway Ave. Suite 102 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Re: U-Haul Moving & Storage CZC Application Narrative Project Information: 1030 W. Franklin Rd, Meridian, ID 83642 Apn: S1212346615 Lot: 4.13 Acres (179,902 sf) Zoning: I-L - Light Industry entitlements f planning f design Hillside-Architecture.com Please note the proposed design has changed since the first submittal the client has selected to omit Building B as part of this phase. This is to be submitted at a later date. Project Description: U-Haul International and AMERCO real estate company are expanding their moving and storage capacity to better serve the Meridian area with a new facility. This site is comprised of one building, one pad for a future building, and a parking lot for its patrons and their rental fleet (including trucks and trailers). The Building is a four-story structure having a footprint of approximately 31,600 sq ft. The building has a square footage of approximately 126,350, with 2,480 sq ft being for Showroom, 1,460 sq ft being for R&D and the rest of the facility allocated for self -storage. The building undulates between 48'-0" and 50'-0" at its highest parapet. The exterior is composed of six primary materials: aggregate tilt -up concrete, smokey grey faux brick wainscot, Insulated Architectural Panels (two different profiles: varying texture and color), Architectural paneling (wood siding profile), and glazing/fenestration. There are also 6 distinct colors along the primary elevation with 6 additional accent colors to add to the visual interest. Accents have been applied to increase wayfinding and pedestrian scale useability. Wayfinding and pedestrian useability have been further defined by canopy structures locating the primary entrance to the showroom and the entry to the self -storage facility. Exterior doors have been delineated between public and private via color and appearance, public doors are either black or chocolate colored, non -customer doors will match adjacent material color. The fagade has several vertical and horizontal modulations and material variations to provide more street and pedestrian interest along the Franklin Road Frontage. 208-890-4837 j 409 S. 8th St., Ste. 201, Boise, ID 83702 �E IDIAN APPROVED DATE: 08/30/22 FILE NUMBER: ^ 022-011e 11SIde itecturepllc entitlements f planning f design Hillside-Architecture.com Horizontally, the building has been delineated via the following features: faux brick wainscot terminating at 3'-4" A.F.F., aggregate tilt -up concrete, terminating at 11'-6" A.F.F. The Insulated Architectural Panels has a color variation providing the building with a striped ribbon between 23'-2" A.F.F. to 41'-10" A.F.F. -which aligns with the 2ndstory and 3`d story storefront system, strengthening and unifying the differing building materials along the fagade. There is also an additional Insulated Architectural Panels introduced between 18'-0" A.F.F. and 33'-0" A.F.F. Furred Insulated Architectural Panels have applied along every fagade (except rear) to provide, depth, texture, and verticality to the buildings massing. Thank you for your time and consideration, Brett Gulash, AIA, NCARB 409 S. 8th St., Ste 201 Boise, ID 83702 Direct: 775-722-1682 bgulash Phillside-architecture. com 208-890-4837 409 S. 8th St., Ste. 201, Boise, ID 83702