Recorded Plat V118-12vz 120 CUR N0. BEARING LENGTH l 975' 32°03' 2&004' 54539' N2°2030'W 538.31, 2 /000' 3/°4?' 283.9/' 55327' V?*3/'W 546.24, 3 /050' 31`03'/6" 29/73' 5-69/0' 2'50'22"W 562.16' 4 /050, l2'53'/6" //8.59' 236.18' N6°/4'38"W 135.68' 5 /050' 101,421 9833' 196.09' N5'33'W /95.80, 6 /050' 7-28' 68.5/' 196.83' N/4'38'W 136.74' 7 /55' 47,36,24" 6837' /?8.79' A/41%072W /25./2' 8 /80' 5/°/3' 8627' /6L06' 435830" 155..60, 9 230' 55°58' 137°?0' /227/' //5�2' 22466' N46 Z/'W 2/584' t0 45' /07.86' N/9755'E 83.83' 1/ 45' /0240' 5624' 80.63' N7955E 70?7' 12 35' 60'00' 20.2/' 36.65' N58°35'E 35.00' APPROVED L L ROLL N-1JG J I S UIB-) /, I V I� I 0 N AVED "J/ _r ace:ve=au oo A PART OF THE Wp OF THE SE4 SECT/ON /6, 7.3 At, R. / E., M. M. A DA co u*v r y, ivA H O . TOOTNMAAI $ ASSOCIATES ---_ CONSULTING ENGINEERS ,n N � N UILDIM5 SETBACKS The ('ilm ,/''h,s plal rues not in /hp 7rrgnkvnec B s a � I I /v il./a C',,ur,ly of ,vny Public /1r4h/ of' Way or %uhl,c u�-,nc'nt ray `;h�,o I. nn Scud p/c7/, dnd no/,cc ,5 hcrrh ivcn O� 20 ' FRONT '-�'" Y 4 o So ioo zoo 300 4U0 500 FFFT I N� 5' S/DFS a/ /1dra Counly sh,a// %rrver !orhear Pro- rlom6� any _ n,.y,nlcnancc, rmTvovrn,cnJ, prrvrmrnJ vr.vr�'rn� or /r�hbn�¢ SCALE 10, flf4R lm r-'on, cxcep/ a, prov,dcd ,n Sec/ron 77l Ad;, rounly 5 ulJd,Vi Sion Oro'mance. N RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ;irri/clmg a„d occupancy shall ron/'orm to the Ol,gndards 50°43'30'E /327.77' estaE,/,shcd /�y the Kes/r,ct,vc Covenants as Pl/cd,nBonk --- ---- -- 630.64' -- ---------P7//, :- --------49732'------------- 52,75= R9.94� o/ Miscellaneous Records 9t Page , Ade Counly, Idaho. In // / G' O vi m'L 5j_ 49322'- --- - �® R7.&EMBAUGH 6 w 5' - N043'30"W - C3 C c'-4 C-5 2 `cam N (!) Sif 5 s 15 vo�'9i� O Q O li 114 F � b h ZD vl 50'46 06"E 1089.77' 07 c /. L- 0.0 O'Si'W_4s9.o9'-- 29396` - r r . /5700' - -- r - 388b/'- r 2/l00' /9600'-- 3/338' 5 f1.5 s=A' s' v�i N3•f C /2 W 333.73" A 112°30' .K 45' HIV V ./000' II i a 209/4' 38882' 21100, 196,00' 1 234.32' 194.90' 3Z/9' so' /6234' /62.00' /57.00' h p Ap If VIP el POLLING N/Llc. ~ -433' 96.22 168.00' 248.00, 24600' 74600, /8309' /8309' 22/00' 23047' /6U5" /62.00' /57.00' Q rIt 1074' s rs s. rs A? 45 O (8P..3E' _ O O ~ O Q ¢ - -- - �, (t) jli I; � li ji ti � W I i II li i /0�11 NO°5/W 238.03' /8/79' - /68.00'- /83.09'- 183.09' 22L00' - - 2/L/O' fro �' -- 1VO'5/'W 2387.59' I I CURVE &AiAi LEGEND te�7�rsfri�f�'�Q_Covvna- � .. ,sae eeF'i rr.1r Itr,. 5s65�cS" -' May 22 VE RADIUS d TANGENT LENGTH LONG CHORD 24 o --. Angle pornf , on Bound.;+r y - 58.x 30"Ir017 _Kars All other Po,nts !2"x 2<1".'ron 5r9r5 Lol Number, Blor_k Nur„bcr- Publ/c U/,///y (S' Dr-csonA-6e Lgsernenfs. 18-1203 APPROjerl I FN C A rff OF OWNERS LL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we fhe undersigned, are fhe owners y hereinaP/er described; A par/ oP fhe W? of the SE9 Seclion /6, 7.73N., R.1 F.-., B.M., Ada County, /dah o; more partieulary described cps follows .-- Corr,rr,cncing al thr .4 Corner common to Soctions /6 it, 21, T.3N., R./E., B.M., thence N0"51'W 30.00 Pr-1 to Mo Rcol Point oP Beginning; /henre NO'51'W 2387.59 {Peel to an iron pin; lhonr- EAST 673.14 feet to an iron pin; thence 30°46'06'E 1089.77 Peel to an iron pin; 1hotire EAST 33585 Peel to an iron pin; thence S0"43'30"F. 132777 Pecl to an iron pin; thence !VEST 1004.57 Peel to an iron pin ; /hFncF N0151'W 30.00 Peel to the Rea/ Poinl oP Beginning. They owlycos do hereby deo'icole to the,, public, for public use forever the streets and public ways as shown on this p/a/. The easements -indicated on said plat cure not dedicated to fhe public, but the use oP said eesernents r,9 hereby perpetually r-r srrven 1Prr public "ti/itiF s rvnd such ofhrr ,yes as dcsi¢nale- d hrreon, and no permanent slrur,'vre rti„>r =`.nn rur Fuel, utility purFose- rr ri'her dcsi neled use ere to be erCeted witi;ir; t.`,o .'r:' - L, iri .'i cPn;'c. 1A' W1TNE6' WHEREOF, wF iave hPreunlo : of our hands IbisIf day oP4�-,1968. A," !• Owner meot'l caner ACKNOWL E®%^x- Am G r STATE OF 1DAH0 COUNTV OF ADAISS 3• On this A/s-" day of , 196,; before me fhe undersigned, a Nolevey Public in and for aid State, personally appeared GLENN F. 15LASER cvno' RUTH C. BLASER, husbana' ano' w/fe, whose names are subscribed hereto, and acknowledged /o me /heel /hey execu/ed fhe Same. My Commission Fxpires 0,1 eK ��. /X.616. Not y Public Po fhe State oP Idaho. /, LESTER C. WALKER, Licensed Enoineer for Ada that / have checked /his p/a/, and th complies re/atrn� to plats and surveys. L�P0P(s� Licensed Eng5ineer Dev to Fe b. 13. 19 L 3 As County, ldaho, do hereby certify with the Slate of /doho Code GE PrIFIC ArE OF ENGINEER /, DAVIS C. TOOTHMAN, do hereby certify that I rvrrt a Pr,-)Prss,ona/ mince r, licensed by the 31sle of /oSvho , and thal this p/a1, as desrrif_,cd in /ern Ownrr•s Ccr/ifieale, was dre9evn Prom an actual s,1rt,ry rr,vde on /he 'roe no ur,dcr my direct supervision and aecur.-Wely rcprresents /he pninfs 04-v//c > is in eonPormrly wi/h /he Slevlc oP idaP,o Code rclNFng /o plats cv,ley surveyn. v' 'n err/ Uavis C 6+n - /dtii,o A ffs KNO WL- EV a N7 Em r STATF OF 1DA1/0 COUNTY OF AD11 SS 4 On this � L� r�y OP /�.. , /96?, h(-Por-r rnr lhr rrr>dersi nrd, ev Alolary Public in evrid Por said Stale, personaally a,,Dpreared Uwt,is C. whose name is subscribed to //re 1orr5ioing Cerlifrcate oP fng-ineer and acknowledged' to me thia/ he exec"/co' ther same . My Commission F-xpl,-rs S-/.a-4--, a.4�1 r'�. _ Nolepry Pub/rc for 11 Stale oll Idaho. Accepted and approved this -2.2 day of / , /962, by the Board OP Commissioners oP etch Coun/y , lo'evho. Chairm n Ifte `I"t4dmont 11�c� ss6 ssyc STATF OF /DAHO % SS COGiNTY OF ADA I hereby certify thal this insfr-urnenl was Piled for record at the recluesl of a«KZ , AY-f.v , at ,era- ruin"/Fs pc95/ Z_ oblook--44_A>, on this -P z day of MA �7 r Deputy Fx- OPPicio Recorder