Highlighted response to staff comments V1(E IDI� I.�1\ APPROVED plans haven't been revised per my comments; if you or the landscape architect have DATE: 07/20/22 let me know. RE NUABER: FPs-zozzaoio cape plan needs to be revised as follows: 1) landscaping along pathways and within required street buffers need to include a MIX of trees and shrubs per UDC 11-313-7C.3 11-313-12C.2 - the buffers along the eastern portion of Lake Hazel & along Locust Grove need to include shrubs; and the note for the cross -hatch symbol needs to be revised to say "shrubs AND perennials or grasses". 14' wide public pedestrian easements shall be submitted to the Planning Division for the 10-foot wide multi -use pathways proposed within the site along E. Lake Hazel Rd. and S. Locust Grove Rd. that are not located within right-of-way, prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Please make sure to name the file the same name so that it versions. Thanks APPROVED mh oMor2z Fug 1Ps MMM ® ���•s•MMi�m�i'ai�3n`�Ilr /Pe4V el ewwwe�a®ees D 1 �•amosm ��. � �,• ae • �� ° • r �:. rJ� ♦ ••umill z. ICA ,�,!e�wa �� ■uee I q' �. arcesum i u i'@ A�31 :'��.: ,o �; ° m r!"'ourun lwwl�wane®sin i III o o e�eesoa>,eeaasO '0t r���'�� � ®Cm� �♦r = mm I,AFE- e IA DWT-,)- APPROVED ChM, OMO/22 FU : z z 0 z Ito TOTAL OPEN SPACE TREES 00 STREETTREE CALCULATIONS (1TREE/35 LF) 6126 T L-ONAA, Z to 0 Ito x 41 ..........