Comment Response V1CUEIDR IAy APPROVED DATE: 06/23/22 FILE NUMBER: n 0210059 hing ell RE: Eagle View Landing Office Building 5 CZC May 6, 2022 The included list encompasses Meridian's CZC Architectural review comments and Architectural responses: The following two comments will be addressed together. Meridian Comment: If not complying with design standards #2.1A, #2.18 submit a request for a design standard exception as outlined on pg. A-4 of the Architectural Standards Manual. Meridian Comment: How are you complying with design standards #3.4A & #3.4C? If not complying, request a design standard exception. Standard 2.1A: "Buildings with rooflines 50-feet in length or greater must incorporate roofline and parapet variations. Variations may include step-downs, step -backs, other modulation, or architectural features such as cornices, ledges, or columns, and must occur in total combination for at least 20% of the fagade length. May be averaged over entire fagade, but may not exceed 75-feet without a break." Standard 2.1 B: For buildings with fagades longer than 200-feet, reduce massing of buildings by grouping or incorporating smaller tenant spaces along the commercial fagade, or by incorporating at least one significant modulation with depth at least 3% of the total fagade length or 10-feet, and a width in combination at least 20% of the fagade length. Standard 3.4A: For flat roofs, incorporate primary and secondary roof elements including but not limited to: multiple material types along parapets, multiple parapet elevations with at least 1-foot change in elevation, or modulation of at least 2-feet in the parapet, such as along entryway overhangs. Qualifying elements must exist for at least 20% the length of applicable fagades. May also incorporate secondary roof types, such as hip roofs along overhangs. Standard 3.4C: Provide variation in roof profile over fagade modulation and/or articulation over fagade material/color transitions. Options include, but are not limited to: varying parapet heights; two or more roof planes; continuation of fagade modulation through roof lines; dormers; lookouts; overhang eaves; sloped roofs; or cornice work. Response: We understand the importance of modulation, and are articulating the facades and roofs in several ways. At the South elevation, an extruded mass frames the entrance, and the stair tower provides further fagade articulation and breaks up the parapet form. At the North and East, the first floor mass extends outward, forming a rooftop patio and providing significant modulation. Additionally at the North, a stair tower is massed to visually intersect the fagade and has been raised to extend beyond the parapet. At the roof, the parapet is designed as a dynamic sloping articulation and avoids flat, non -interesting aesthetics. Parapet shape is designed for simplicity and cushingterrell.com L ( E IDIAN> APPROVED niformity of form. Additional modulation would be aberrant from the overall building DATE 06/23/22 Irm and design language. f IlE NUMBER! A-2022-0059 Meridian Comment: Is architectural lighting proposed on the building? If so, submit a detail of such (#2.28, #6.00). Response: Yes, architectural lighting is proposed. Fixtures to be surface -mounted with manufacturer -supplied trim. See attached lighting rendering. Meridian Comment: What architectural features are proposed for pedestrian scale besides fenestration patterns, that demonstrate compliance with design standard #2.3A (i.e. ledges, lighting, entry canopies, etc.)? Response: Pedestrian -scale elements include: fenestration patterns, vertical and horizontal material transitions/modulation, and landscaping. Meridian Comment: Are canopies or other projections or overhangs proposed within 20' of all public entryways that comply with design standard #4.18? Yes, raised building elements are provided at primary North and South entries. Additionally, vestibules are provided, meeting standard 4.1 B. cushingterrell.com