Public Comments6 Y Z 07-0,S- City of Meridian RECEIVE. October 4, 2007 OCT 0 4 2007 We are John and Monine Cole of 614 East Idaho Avenue, in Old Town Meridian. City Cl Meridian fce We chose to build our home in Oliason Park in Old Town Meridian, due to the city realizing the need to restore and preserve the history we are currently surrounded by. Our home is just one block from the property in question. The pride of homeownership has improved drastically in the last 5 years in several blocks around us. However the properties adjacent to the 4 plexes currently in place on Broadway Avenue continue to decline. Approving the zoning change to O-T would allow the investor to bypass hearings with the surrounding owner occupied neighbors who would be directly affected by the lack of notice and hearings.. Multi family rentals need to be located in areas and in a manner as to create minimal negative influences on the surrounding neighbors. 6th street running north and south adjacent to the subject property is a half street which appears that it will be difficult to widened, so the addition to of 4 to 8 if not more family vehicles in that area will be a negative impact on an already over burdened block of land. Approving O-T zoning will allow this with notice to properties which will be directly affected by the increased traffic. The block of land which includes the property requesting the O-T zoning was originally platted for single family dwellings, with each parcel having two small lots. On the FIVE single family lots there are currently ELEVEN family dwelling spaces, which already lack pride of ownership, this was the only negative we found when we chose to build our home. The area in question is already overburdened which increases neighborhood crime, and excess cost to the city resources, while contributing little with it being a NON -OWNER OCCUPIED investment. O-T zoning will allow this project to be in an unsuitable area. We are not opposed to well maintained rental properties, however we are VERY OPPOSED to multifamily "NON -OWNER OCCUPIED" property located in an area that is already over burdened, supporting eleven families in an area platted for only five. Old Town Meridian has some beautiful existing buildings that could be restored to their original form and house not only apartments, lofts, condos, but also business which will not require a re -zone to permit multifamily dwellings. We urge you to deny this request. The change to O-T zoning, allowing the addition of a multifamily dwelling, WITHOUT NOTICE OR HEARINGS with the surrounding neighbors, will NOT benefit the City of Meridian, or the already established long term residents. Thank you John ovine of t City of Meridian Oct 4,2007 We are Jean and Tony Hickey of 602 E Idaho Ave. here in Meridian. RECEIVI'D OCT 0 4 2007 City of Meridian City Clerk Office We created Oliason Park from 1999 through 2005, a carefully planned, 10 home development only one block from the subject location. We currently reside in one of these homes. Each of these 10 homes single-family homes is currently valued in excess of $250,000. This small neighborhood is proud to be a part of the City of Meridian. It would appear that the owners of the properties in the several block area around the subject property have enjoyed a resurgence of pride in their homes and have maintained their homes in exemplary fashion. This may or may not be due to the increased neighborhood values of the Oliason Park neighborhood. However, the single exceptions are the properties just adjacent to the existing 4 plexes. Simply put, 4 plexes seem to be an income producing, "NON -OWNER OCCUPIED" structure with little regard for the neighborhood or their neighbors' property. Property value and pride of ownership don't seem to increase around 4 plexes. We are owner/broker of Avante' Realty and Avante' Property Management. We certainly understand the need for affordable rental property. We own 3 other homes in Oliason Park, the original home on Pine Ave. and have purchased 2 additional small older homes on Idaho Street in the last 3 years. All of our investments are well maintained and hopefully an asset to the City of Meridian, causing little problem or expense to the city. Multifamily rentals need to be located in such a manner as to create minimal negative influence on a neighborhood. The subject property is bordered on the east by a half street, which will not be easily or soon widened to accommodate 4 to 8 more family vehicles. These structures add excessive city, police, fire department, street and school cost while contributing minimal property tax dollars. Please understand we are not opposed to well maintained rental properties. We are however "VERY OPPOSED" to multifamily "NON -OWNER OCCUPIED"properties located in an area totally unsuited for them, simply built as an income producing property for an absentee manager/owner. We urge you to deny this request. This will NOT be an asset to the City of Meridian. Thank you,