February 21, 2006 C/C Minutes ,ic Meridian City Council February 21, 2006 Page 43 of 69 Bird: Okay. Madam Mayor, I would change my motion, if the second would agree, to strike the revised, because she is right, that it don't show, if that's -- if the second agrees. Borton: Agreeable to the second. De Weerd: Okay. Any discussion? Mr. Berg, will you call roll. Roll-Call: Bird, yea; Rountree, yea; Wardle, nay; Borton, yea. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. ONE NAY. De Weerd: Okay. Item 14. Bird: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bird. Bird: I would move we approve CUP 05-049 with a change in the drive-up. I would prefer to go with the staff recommendation of 300 feet at drive-thrus and to show so in the findings, if it's not already in there. Rountree: Second. De Weerd: Okay. Motion to approve Item 14 with the correction or addition as stated. Mr. Bird, would that also be to clarify the hours of operation for that office buildings on the western portion? Bird: That's already stated -- De Weerd: Okay. Bird: -- Madam Mayor, that the offices on the west is from -- has got a time limit on it and the applicant agreed to that. De Weerd: Okay. Thank you. Any discussion? Mr. Berg, will you call roll. Roll-Call: Bird, yea; Rountree, yea; Wardle, nay; Borton, yea. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. ONE NAY. Item 16: Continued Public Hearing from February 7, 2006: V AR 05-027 Request for a Variance to UDC 11-3.H requirements for access to State Highway 69 for Meridian Gateway by White-Leasure Development Company - 1601 South Meridian Road: . Meridian City Council February 21,2006 Page 44 of 69 De Weerd: Okay. Thank you. Item 16 has been requested to be continued. Do I have a motion? Bird: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Yes, Mr. Bird. Bird: I move we continue VAR 05-027 to March 7th, 2006. Rountree: Second. De Weerd: Okay. The motion is to continue Item 16. All those in favor say aye. All ayes. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 17: Item 18: Item 19: Public Hearing: AZ 05-045 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 91.085 acres from RUT to R-4 zone for Reflection Ridae Subdivision by M & H Development, LLC - 4275 South Locust Grove Road: Public Hearing: PP 05-048 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 255 building lots and 26 other lots on 91.085 acres in a proposed R-4 zone for Reflection Ridae Subdivision by M & H Development, LLC - 4275 South Locust Grove Road: Public Hearing: CUP 05-046 Request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Development for 255 single-family residential dwelling units with reductions to minimum lot sizes, frontage and setbacks. Also, the applicant is requesting a waiver of the standard block length in a proposed R-4 zone for Reflection Ridae Subdivision by M & H Development, LLC - 4275 South Locust Grove Road: De Weerd: Okay. Items 17, 18 and 19 are AZ 05-045, PP 05-048, and CUP 05-046. I will open these three public hearings with staff comments. Canning: Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, this is the Reflection Ridge project. It's located on the east side of Locust Grove and south of Victory Road. As you see, it's kind of an unusual shaped parcel. It has very limited frontage and, then, kind of flares out or flags out towards the center of the project. This is an annexation -- application for annexation and zoning, preliminary plat, and conditional use approval for a planned development. This one has been kicking around for awhile. We still -- this is one of our last planned developments to come through. I think I say that every time and another one pops up. We have got to be running out of them soon. But this is a planned development application. The applicant is requesting zoning of the 91 acres to R-4 and the preliminary plat approval is for 255 build-able lots and, then, conditional use approval for a planned development with reductions to minimum lot size, minimum lot