February 7, 2006 C/C Minutes. ,< T Meridian City Council February 7, 2006 Page 87 of 90 De Weerd: And I would have to recognize you, so I don't know who you are. It's too late. Okay. Council, it has been requested to continue Items 19 through 22 to February 21 st. Do I have a motion? Bird: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bird. Bird: I move that -- well, we haven't -- why don't you open it and we will continue it. De Weerd: Okay. I will open the three public hearings -- or four public hearings on Items 19 through 22. I will entertain a motion to continue these items. Bird: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bird. Bird: I move we continue the public hearings on 19, 20, 21 and 22 to February 21 st, 2006. Rountree: Second. De Weerd: Okay. All those in favor say aye. All ayes. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 23: Public Hearing: VAR 05..027 Request for a Variance to UDC 11-3.H requirements for access to State Highway 69 for Meridian Gateway by White-Leasure Development Company - 1601 South Meridian Road: De Weerd: Okay. Oh, man. Item 23 has been also requested to continue to the 21 st. Do I have a motion? Bird: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bird. Bird: Are you going to open that first? De Weerd: Oh, you bet. I already did. Bird: Okay. I move that we continue the Public Hearing on VAR 05-027 to February 21 st, 2006. Rountree: Second. 'r Meridian City Council February 7, 2006 Page 88 of 90 De Weerd: Okay. Motion to continue Item 23 to February 2st. All those in favor say aye. All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 24: Ordinance No. 06-1213 : AZ 05-046 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 31.72 acres from RUT to R-4 zone for Estancia Subdivision by Gemstar Development, LLC - 1990 East Amity Road: Item 25: Ordinance No. 06-1214 : AZ 05-042 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 9.63 acres from RUT to R-8 zone for Medford Place Subdivision by Dyver Development, LLC - 3335 South Eagle Road: De Weerd: Item 24 and 25 are ordinances. Mr. Berg, will you, please, read those with the speed of light by title only. Berg: Thank you, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council. Ordinance 06-1213, an ordinance for annexation of property located in the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, as described in Attachment A and annexing certain lands and territories situated in Ada County, Idaho, and adjacent and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Meridian, as requested by the City of Meridian, establishing and determining the land use zoning classification of said land from RUT to R-4 in the Meridian City Code, providing that copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the Ada County assessor, the Ada County recorder, the Idaho State Tax Commission, as required by law, and providing for a summary of the ordinance and providing for a waiver of the reading of the rules and providing an effective date. Berg: Ordinance 06-1214, an ordinance for the annexation of property located in the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 29, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, as described in Attachment A and annexing certain lands and territories situated in Ada County, Idaho, and adjacent and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Meridian, as requested by the City of Meridian, establishing and determining the land use zoning classification of said lands from RUT to R-8 and R-15 in the Meridian City Code, providing that copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the Ada County assessor, the Ada County recorder, the Idaho State Tax Commission, as required by law, and providing for a summary of the ordinance and providing for a waiver of the reading of the rules and providing an effective date. De Weerd: Thank you. Pretty darn good. You have heard the ordinances read by title only for Items 24 and 25. Seeing no one in the audience, I would entertain a motion to approve these ordinances. Wardle: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Wardle.