January 24, 2006 CC Minutes Meridian City Council January 24, 2006 Page 23 of 55 Bird: Second. De Weerd: Okay. Motion to approve Item 11 as amended. If there is no further discussion, Mr. Berg, will you call roll. Roll-Call: Bird, yea; Rountree, yea; Wardle, yea; Borton, yea. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 12: Public Hearing: Fee Schedule for Reservation to Use Police Station Conference Room: De Weerd: Thank you. Okay. Item 12 is Public Hearing on fee schedule for reservation to use the police station conference room. I will go ahead and open this Public Hearing with the chief's comments. Musser: Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, what we have done is taken a look back at the use on the public meeting room at the police department, which has been rather extensive and heavy. We have also divided the fees into two groups for a half day and a full day on that. And made just some minor adjustments. Part of that adjustment in terms of the amount of time it takes for us to schedule the building and due do to food problems in the public meeting room as well, there is some additional cleanup costs also incorporated in there and we are looking at the potential down the road that we are probably going to have to replace carpet out of there. So, what we are trying to do with the fees is hold to those actual costs that we may be incurring upon them, not try to make it too unreasonable or anything, but also try to adjust it to cover a full day usage, in addition to just having the half day usage as well. De Weerd: Thank you, chief. Any questions for the chief? Okay. Is there anyone from the public who would like to offer testimony on this item? Seeing none, Mr. Nary. Nary: Madam Mayor, I just wanted to put on the record the reason it was listed in your packets and in the advertisement as a new fee and not an amended fee is because we couldn't find that we actually ever did it before. I think we talked about it, but we didn't actually do a Public Hearing and do it, so that's why it's listed as a new fee. De Weerd: Thank you. Rountree: Oops. Nary: Chief Worley was the chief. Bird: Blame him. De Weerd: It certainly wasn't Chief Musser. Meridian City Council January 24, 2006 Page 24 of 55 Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Yes, Mr. Borton. Borton: Chief, is there a need for a deposit on these room rentals to take care of spills and problems that might happen? Musser: At this point, Councilman, what we have done is -- is we have made the agreements structured such that we can bill that party for additional cleanup costs if we -- if we run into those. It's part of the agreement when they sign on it, that they could have to put out additional costs on it. We don't require deposit at this point. We have kept the fees really pretty reasonable in the long run for what the public's using it for and for private organizations as well. So, we have tried not to be too hard nosed about it. Borton: Okay. De Weerd: Thank you. Wardle: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Wardle. Wardle: Chief, just a quick question. Is there -- in the ordinance or in the resolution is there a mechanism for waiver of the fee? Musser: Councilman Wardle, I'm not aware of one that we have at this time. Traditionally we have an imposed fee for city functions within the city building or those types of functions which we are a part of. Say, for instance, a board meeting with Drug Free Idaho, Pay/Ada, that type of thing. If the city is directly affiliated, there is an expectation that they can use the city facility without having to pay for it, if that answers your question. Wardle: Madam Mayor. It does answer my question. I'm just wondering if we need -- Mr. Nary, if we need further clarification of -- since we will be charging other outside organizations, which are outside of the city, and there are volunteer organizations which are internal to the city. Do we need to clarify that there wouldn't be a fee for those? Nary: Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, Councilmember Wardle, that's a policy decision of the city is that when the fees are imposed, but probably to make it clearer in your motion, if you want to approve the resolution, you can certainly include that. Or if you would like us to bring a different resolution back with that specific language contained within it, so that it's clear to folks that that was the intent, that anything that's a city function there wouldn't be a fee. Or that would be discretionary. We could certainly do any of those things. Meridian City Council January 24, 2006 Page 25 of 55 Wardle: Okay. Thank you. De Weerd: Thank you. Mr. Berg. Berg: Thank you, Madam Mayor. I didn't want to bring another little situation, but sometimes we have had some conflicts with the use of City Hall and this chamber and needed to use it for a special City Council meeting or P&Z meeting, which we bumped an organization from this meeting room and the police department has let us use that one. For instance, Meridian Historical Society or something like that. I just was -- I don't want to get into it, but that's always been kind of an administrative thing that if it was available and we couldn't make this room available, that the police department's always made it available over there. I don't know if that needed to be addressed, but I don't want people to start pointing fingers that we do this for this or that for them or -- they are part of our community, yes. De Weerd: Okay. Nary: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Yes, Mr. Nary. Nary: Maybe in light of that we could bring a different resolution back in a couple of weeks to at least have those contingencies that since section two says the police department is authorized to carry out the collection of fees, if the Council wants either the policy decision in the resolution itself of, you know, city organization or city business, or at the city's request or that it gives the chief or the department the discretion on city business or something to that effect -- we can figure out the language, but bring that back in a couple weeks and having it in a resolution is sometimes easier, we can always point to it, it's a little clearer to everybody how it's applied and, then, we can put that on your next meeting. De Weerd: Okay. Thank you. Okay. Is there anything further? Wardle: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Wardle. Wardle: Hearing nothing further, I move that we close the Public Hearing on Item 12. Borton: Second. De Weerd: Okay. Motion is to close the Public Hearing on Item 12. All those in favor say aye. All ayes. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES.