November 17, 2005 Minutes !. Meridian Planning & Zoning November 17, 2005 Page 34 of 37 Mae: Second. Zaremba: We have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. Anyopposed? That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Zaremba: I'd like to open the Public Hearing for AZ 05-052 -- did I skip one? Borup: Yes, you skipped 12 and 13. Item 12: Item 13: Public Hearing: PP 05-054 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 22 building lots and 1 other lot on 15.35 acres in an L-O zone for Touchmark Center Subdivision by Touchmark of the Treasure Valley - southwest corner of Touchmark Way and Franklin Road: Public Hearing: CUP 05-050 Request for a Conceptual Conditional Use for office uses on 15.35 acres in an L-O zone for Touchmark Center Subdivision by Touchmark of the Treasure Valley - southwest corner of Touchmark Way and Franklin Road: Zaremba: I'll go back. Strike that. I will open the Public Hearing for PP 05-054 and CUP 05-050 relating to Touchmark Center Subdivision. Open those public hearings and entertain a motion to continue those to our special meeting of December 8th, 2005. Mae: So moved. Borup: Second. Zaremba: We have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 14: Item 15: Item 16: Public Hearing: AZ 05-052 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 7.87 acres from R1 to C-G zone for Sadie Creek Promenade Subdivision by Landmark Development Group, LLC - 3055 North Eagle Road: Public Hearing: PP 05-053 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 24 commercial building lots 15.33 acres in a proposed C-G zone and an approved C-G zone for Sadie Creek Promenade Subdivision by Landmark Development Group, LLC - 3055 and 3085 North Eagle Road: Public Hearing: Request for a conceptual Conditional Use for retail, restaurant, drive-thru and office uses in a proposed C-G zone and an Meridian Planning & Zoning November 17, 2005 Page 35 of 37 approved C-G zone for Sadie Creek Promenade Subdivision by Landmark Development Group, LLC - 3055 and 3085 North Eagle Road: Zaremba: I will open the public hearings AZ 05-052, PP 05-053, and CUP 05-049, all relating to Sadie Creek Promenade Subdivision and entertain a motion to continue those to our special meeting of December 8th, 2005. Newton-Huckabay: So moved. Moe: Second. Zaremba: We have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. Anyopposed? That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 17: Review Modification to Planning Department Application: Zaremba: The last item on our agenda, No. 17. Review modification to planning department application and we will have a staff report. Hood: A very brief staff report. Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission. I'll just read through a little bit of the new code here regarding the application processes UDC-5A-3B2. It says: Prior to commencement of any substantive changes to the application requirements, the director shall submit the changes to the Planning and Zoning Commission at a Public Hearing. The director has determined that what we have done, basically, with the new applications that mirror our new MDC is we have helped them clean up items, some things that are spelled wrong, some things we just didn't carry over from the old applications. A few of them are significant. You do have a memo on -- should have a memo from Sonya Waters for today's date just listing, basically, all of our Commission and administrative review applications. Again, just clean-up stuff, but the director did want you to become aware that we are cleaning those up in an effort to perfect them. So, probably a couple few of them will be back to you in the future with some other changes, but they are pretty -- they are just pretty standard changes and, hopefully, makes the process a lot smoother, just some things that were inadvertently left off from the initial draft. So, I will stand for any questions you have. Zaremba: Commissioners, any questions? Borup: They look good to me. Zaremba: Okay. Any action you need us to take, other than to say At A Boy? Hood: Not that I'm aware of. I think that was more of a -- just an FYI type thing, so --