Memo from PlanningChanges to Agenda: • The applicant has requested JJA Annexation be continued to the regularly scheduled meeting on October 15, 2009. • Staff requests Item #6, the CUP modification (MCU-09-002) for Avendale (Silver Oaks) be continued to the regularly scheduled meeting on November 5, 2009. Items #4 & #5: Cavanaugh Ridge (RZ-08-005/PP-08-010) Location size of property and existing zoning: This site is located at 4275 S. Locust Grove o Road and south of E. Victory Road. The properly consists of 91.09 acres and is currently zontff -�Tt� Application: OCT 0 12009 ➢ Rezone of 91.09 acres from R-4 to R-8 CITY OF C E IDznrr ➢ Preliminary Plat consisting of 252 single-family residential building lots & 29 commo�lRrr PVt�RKS OFFICE ➢ Modification to the existing development agreement approved with Reflection Ridge Subdivision to include updated project information. (This application does not require Commission action) History of Previous Actions: • This property received annexation and zoning approval with an R-4 zoning district in 2006. A preliminary plat (PP-05-048) was also approved for Reflection Ridge Subdivision consisting of 255 residential building lots and 29 common area lots. A CUP was approved for a planned development with reductions to lot size, lot frontage, building setbacks, and exceeding the maximum block length allowed in residential districts. The preliminary plat and CUP/PD approvals have expired; only the zoning of R-4 and development agreement remains in effect. The applicant is proposing essentially the same preliminary plat as previously approved for Reflection Ridge in 2005. However, some conditions affecting development of the site have changed, as follows: ➢ A 40-foot wide access easement exists along the west boundary of this site that was not accounted for with the original preliminary plat. This easement benefits the land locked property to the southwest of this site that is currently a gravel pit. As such, gravel trucks and other large trucks frequent this road. Additionally, the land use designation of the adjacent property changed from medium density residential to mixed use — non-residential last year, which allows a mix of uses with up to 50% of retail uses, office, food service/restaurants, industry, flex buildings, storage facilities, or warehouse uses. For these reasons, staff recommends the building lots shown along the west boundary be relocated and common area be placed in this area instead (see condition #1.2.3). Further, staff recommends a 10-foot wide street buffer be constructed within the recommended common area adjacent to the access road (see condition #1.2.13). ➢ The pathways plan in effect in 2005 did not require a pathway along the Farr Lateral. The Master Pathways Plan, adopted in 2007, now requires a pathway connection between the future Ridenbaugh pathway along SH 69 and Mary McPherson Elementary School to the south. Because of the topography of the land in this area, Staff recommends the pathway be located on this site along the Farr Lateral as detailed in condition #1.2.10. ➢ Two of the blocks (Blocks 7 & 18) exceed the maximum block length required by the UDC. Previously, these lots were allowed to exceed the maximum block length along with other reductions to dimensional standards in the R- 4 district through the planned development under the old City Code. Now, a variance is required, per the UDC. Elevations: Yes (Approved with Reflection Ridge Sub. & included in the existing DA) Written Testimony: A letter in response to the staff report was submitted by the applicant, Ashley Ford. Outstanding Issue(s) for Commission: None Note: The staff report has been revised to delete a DA provision (#1.4.4) requiring land to be designated for future ROW along the west boundary of the site for construction of a public street — Staff is not requiring a public street along the west boundary and this DA provision has been deleted from the staff report. Staff Recommendation: Approval w/the conditions & DA provisions stated in the staff report. Item #8: JJA Land (AZ-09-005) — Request for continuance to November 5th, by Scott Stanfield n T Items 9 & 10: Street Name Change — Request for continuance to November 19th, by Terri Ricks XV� �" 1 ��U OCT 15 2B Items 4 & 5: Cavanaugh Ridge (RZ•08-005 & PP-08-010) CITY OFC FR ZW CITY CLERKS Location, size of property and existing zoning: This site is located at 4275 S. Locust Grove Road, east of S. Merid an Road o dFICE south of E. Victory Road. The property consists of 91.09 acres and is currently zoned R-4. Application: Rezone of 91.09 acres from R-4 to R-8 Preliminary Plat consisting of 255 single-family residential building lots & 27 common area lots Modification to the existing development agreement approved with Reflection Ridge Subdivision to include updated project information. (This application does not require Commission action) History of Previous Actions: • This property received annexation and zoning approval with an R-4 zoning district in 2006. A preliminary plat (PP-05-048) was also approved for Reflection Ridge Subdivision consisting of 255 residential building lots and 29 common area lots. A CUP was approved for a planned development with reductions to lot size, lot frontage, building setbacks, and exceeding the maximum block length allowed in residential districts. The preliminary plat and CUP/PD approvals have expired; only the zoning of R-4 and development agreement remains in effect. Updated Information Since the Last Commission Hearing on October 1sc: Staff met with the applicant as requested by the Commission to work out the outstanding issues related to: 1) the 40' wide access easement along the west boundary of the site; and 2) the pathway along the Farr Lateral providing a pedestrian connection from the Ridenbaugh pathway planned along S. Meridian Road to Mary McPherson Elementary School. The applicant submitted a revised plat in response to discussion at that meeting with the following changes: A public street was added along the west boundary of the site where the existing 40' wide access easement is located. This street will provide access to the property to the south as well as serve as another access to Cavanaugh Ridge from Meridian Road once Harris Street (Rumpel Ln.) is extended & improved as a public street. (The access easement is required to be vacated once the public street has been constructed.) As a result, the configuration of lots & streets in the northwest portion of the plat have been revised to accommodate the public street resulting in 3 additional building lots and 2 fewer common lots. A 10' wide multi -use pathway has also been added within the common area proposed on the east side of the public street along the west boundary to provide a connection to the Farr Lateral pathway along the southwest boundary of the site. The stub street previously shown at the south boundary has been removed and replaced with common area containing a pathway connecting to the pathway along the Farr Lateral, as recommended by staff. The 10' wide multi -use pathway along the Ridenbaugh Canal at the northeast boundary has been adjusted to drop down across Lot 1, block 3 and intersect with Locust Grove at Wrightwood Drive. The pathway then extends north along Locust Grove and is required to cross the Ridenbaugh & connect to the detached sidewalk planned in Normandy Subdivision. Elevations: Yes (Approved with Reflection Ridge Sub. & included in the existing DA) Written Testimony: A letter in response to the staff report was submitted by the applicant, Ashley Ford. Outstanding Issue(s) for Commission: None Staff Recommendation: Approval w/the conditions & DA provisions stated in the staff report w/ one slight change: condition #1.4.2 requires a "barricade" to be installed at the end of Reflection Ridge Drive where it connects to the public street; the Fire Dept. would prefer a gate with a knox box entry system in accord with IFC standards instead.