May 19, 2005 P&Z Minutes Meridian Planning & Zoning May 19, 2005 Page 64 of 67 zone for Crossfield Subdivision by Packard Estates Development, LLC - 955 West Ustick Road: Zaremba: Thank you all. Okay. We'd like to open the Public Hearing for Items 17, 18 and 19. That is AZ 05-015, PP 05-017, CUP 05-022. All of these regarding Crossfield Subdivision. And a motion would be in order to continue these to July 21 st, 2005. Borup: So moved. Zaremba: So moved. Do we have a second? Newton-Huckabay: Second. Zaremba: Okay. We have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 20: Discuss Request for Continuance for Bellingham Park Subdivision: Zaremba: Okay. Item 20. This is a discussion and we are cautioned that we cannot discuss the merits of the case itself, but we can discuss the continuance. Bellingham Park Subdivision, I believe, has been continued too many -- three times and is now scheduled for us to hear on June 2nd. Staff has been supplied with the details that they need. They are prepared to write the report. The applicant has requested another continuance, just because it's inconvenient for them to be here that night. Our discussion is do we want to -- on June 2nd come prepared to continue it again or do we want to insist that the applicant show up on June 2nd? Moe: In our -- in our last discussions on this issue we set it out to the 2nd, so they, in fact, would have everything done, over with, and we made statement, then, that if they couldn't make the 2nd, it was over. And as far as I'm concerned that's -- if they can't make it on the 2nd, I guess it's over. Zaremba: I remember a similar discussion. Newton-Huckabay: I would want to know what works for you guys, because you're the ones that are going to have to do the work over again, potentially, and we certainly don't want to -- you know, that all costs money. Borup: And along that -- and along with that, it seems like I remember their last meeting that we were pretty full that night. And I agree with Commissioner Moe, but -- was it the 2nd one that -- where you said we wouldn't get through everything? Or was that the 16th? Zaremba: Actually, it was tonight. Meridian Planning & Zoning May 19, 2005 Page 65 of 67 Mae: It was tonight. Yeah. Borup: Oh, tonight was the one that was going to take us until 2:00 'clock? Mae: Well, yeah, but don't forget, we -- Zaremba: We lost a few. And the 2nd looks the same way to begin with. Borup: Okay. So, maybe that's -- that is one thing in consideration, if we are that jammed up. Rohm: I think sending the signal along the lines of what Commissioner Moe spoke is exactly where we want to go. Zaremba: And in -- Borup: But what if they show up and, then, we don't get through everything? Or are we assuming they won't show up? Rohm: Boy, that's a -- Zaremba: I suspect they would -- they ought to be able to send somebody to represent their case, even if it's not the principal. Moe: Well, would it be in a continued hearing? Would that not be up front anyway? Borup: Right. Moe: So, they are either here and we have our hearing or they are not here and they are gone. Zaremba: And it's over quickly. And my instinct is this is unfair to the public to keep pushing it off, pushing it off. I mean if they go to the effort to show up when we have said it's going to happen and, then, it gets delayed -- I mean you just get the feeling that somebody's trying to wear them out and -- Rohm: It wears me out. Zaremba: Yeah. It does. Borup: And I agree. I don't think we had any public testimony on this one, did we? But Zaremba: We may not have had. Meridian Planning & Zoning May 19, 2005 Page 66 of 67 Borup: And Mr. Freckleton can remember back -- when I came on this Commission, I had been here six months and there was a thing that got continued again and been -- found out it had been continued for two years. Packard Estates, when it first started. I don't know how that ever happened, but it -- I mean every few months it would get continued again. Newton-Huckabay: I still maintain -- I'd like to know how staff feels on that, because, like I said, I mean if you have to do the work again, that costs money. Freckleton: Mr. Chair, I guess just a point of clarification. When you opened up your comments for discussion, did you say that we did have everything we needed and we were prepared to write a report? Zaremba: I think it's Joe who is the -- Freckleton: Joe's the planner in Planning and Zoning. Zaremba: The planner and I asked him before he left this evening and he said he did have what he needed. I didn't ask him whether you had what you needed or not, but-- is it to -- to state what he said to me, his wish was that we either fish or cut bait, that we have it on the 2nd and they are either here or they are not, but he did say that he had the materials that he had asked for. Freckleton: Okay. The last I knew we hadn't -- we still did not have a resolution on the pathway issue and we have received some additional data on the groundwater study, but -- I wish he was still here. The pathway -- Mike was just saying that he thought that Joe was pretty happy with the pathway issue. So, I guess I'm ill-informed, so -- I guess if it's your pleasure to move forward, we will have a staff report ready for you. Zaremba: It would be my preference to leave it on the 2nd. The public's been told that and -- Rohm: I think you know the position of the Commission. Zaremba: It doesn't require any kind of a vote, but that was discussion and we will now entertain a totally different motion. Rohm: I move that we close the Public Hearing. Newton-Huckabay: There is no Public Hearing. Rohm: Excuse me. Zaremba: Adjournment is the appropriate motion. Rohm: There you go. I move we adjourn. Meridian Planning & Zoning May 19, 2005 Page 67 of 67 Moe: Second. Zaremba: We have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Zaremba: Thank you very much. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:43 P.M. (TAPE ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED I I DATE APPROVED DAVID ZAREMBA - CHAIRMAN ATTESTED: WILLIAM G. BERG JR., CITY CLERK