March 17, 2005 P&Z Minutes Meridian Planning & Zoning March 17, 2005 Page 22 of 60 MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Rohm: Mr. Chairman. I move that we forward on to City Council recommending approval of CUP 05-009, including all staff comments for the hearing date March 17th and received on March 11th, including all staff comments. Moe: Second. Zaremba: We have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. Anyopposed? That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Newton-Huckabay: I just have one comment. We might suggest to Mrs. Smith who to contact in the enforcement agency if they are not taking care of their landscaping as they are supposed to. Zaremba: That is a good point. I believe she was talking about an existing property, but -- Newton-Huckabay: Yeah. Well, we can't enforce that, but we can steer her in the proper direction, so that -- the enforcement body for the property that are existing. Item 7: Item 8: Item 9: Public Hearing: AZ 05-007 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 43.18 acres from RUT to R-8 zone for Bellingham Park Subdivision by Gemstar Development, LLC - north of Amity Road and east of South Locust Grove Road: Public Hearing: PP 05-009 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 166 building lots and 37 common lots on 43.18 acres in a proposed R-8 zone for Bellingham Park Subdivision by Gemstar Development, LLC - north of Amity Road and east of South Locust Grove Road: Public Hearing: CUP 05-008 Request for a Planned Development consisting of 166 residential units with reductions to the minimum requirements for lot size, street frontage and yard setbacks for Bellingham Park Subdivision by Gemstar Development, LLC - north of Amity Road and east of South Locust Grove Road: Zaremba: I believe that's a called to the police department where the enforcement officer is. Okay. Thank you. I will now open the Public Hearing for Items 7, 8 and 9. That's AZ 05-007, PP 05-009, CUP 05-008. All three relating the Bellingham Park Subdivision and as mentioned earlier, we have a request to continue this item -- requested for March 31 st, but since we don't have it, let's assume the request is for April 7th. My only question would be to staff if they believe they will be prepared by then. Is that enough time? Meridian Planning & Zoning March 17,2005 Page 23 of 60 Wilson: No. Bruce is indicating that the second meeting in April -- and that may be full, from what I'm hearing. But that is what they are requesting. Zaremba: Okay. So, we would rather that it be April 21 st? Wilson: That's what they would prefer. I'm not sure if it fits or not. Zaremba: Okay. Commissioners? Newton-Huckabay: Didn't they just say that April 21 st is already full? Zaremba: It's much more than the 7th is. The 7th is a pretty light agenda, but -- Rohm: We will just work harder. Zaremba: It's up to us to -- it was noticed for tonight and it's up to us where we move it to, if there is a better time. Rohm: We have six items already for the 21 st? Zaremba: That sounds right. Borup: Items or hearings? Rohm: We had 18 for tonight, so -- Canning: Chairman Zaremba? Zaremba: Actually, on the 21 st I'm already up to ten. There may be a few more. Director Canning. Canning: You have six projects, four of them residential, two commercial. Newton-Huckabay: I don't want to add anymore to the 21 st, because I believe this is a - - this is a rather large development itself as well. Freckleton: Mr. Chairman, the applicant, in our meeting with them today, they felt like getting on the first one -- the first meeting in April was a little too close. They wanted to have time to make sure that they got everything addressed and I explained to them that typically the second meeting is for carry over projects and that sort of thing, so they threw it out, but it's your prerogative. Zaremba: Yeah. The other option would be to go all the way to May 5th. Borup: Help them out by giving them even more time. Meridian Planning & Zoning March 17, 2005 Page 24 of 60 Newton-Huckabay: I think we ought to move it to May 5th. If we have that many projects on the 21 st of April, that's getting huge. Rohm: This is your opportunity to make a motion to that effect. Zaremba: The chair would entertain a motion to that effect, Commissioner Newton- Huckabay. Newton-Huckabay: Mr. Chair, I'd like to recommend that we move AZ 05-007, PP 05- 009, and CUP 05-008 to our May 5th, 2005, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Rohm: Second. Zaremba: We have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. Anyopposed? That motion carries. Those three are continued to May 5th. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 10: Public Hearing: RZ 05-002 Request for a Rezone of 1.28 acres from R-4 to L-Q for Meridian Fire Station No.4 by the City of Meridian - Lot 1, Block 4, Thousand Springs Subdivision No.1: Zaremba: Okay. Next we will open the Public Hearing for Item No.1 O. This is RZ 05- 002, request for a rezone of 1.28 acres from R-4 to L-O for Meridian Fire Station No.4 by the City of Meridian, Lot 1, Block 4 of Thousand Springs Subdivision No.1. And we will begin with the staff report. Wilson: Thank you, Chairman Zaremba, Members of the Commission. The City of Meridian and Meridian fire department have jointly applied to rezone approximately 1.28 acres on South Eagle Road from R-4 to L-O construction of a Meridian fire department sub station. The subject property was identified on the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map as a potential location for a fire station and it was also identified on the face of the plat for Thousand Springs Subdivision No.1 recorded in 1999 as a site for a Meridian department fire sub station as well. There are no outstanding issues that staff is aware of for the Commission. I would just mention that the surrounding land uses are Bonito Subdivision, a commercial subdivision zoned C-G is to the north across the Ridenbaugh Canal. Thousand Springs Subdivision No.1 does lie to the west and south of the subject lot. Directly to the south of the lot -- of the subject lot is a City of Meridian well lot. I'm not -- Bruce can maybe help me out if that has been developed yet or not. No. That's a future well lot. And across Eagle Road to the east is some rural residences and some vacant land. I think with that we have some members of the Meridian fire department and some -- a person from ZGA Architects who has been working with the fire department and I will turn it over to them and also take questions from the Commission.