HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-04 MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA City C ouncil C hamber s 33 E ast Br oadway Avenue M eridian, Idaho T hursday, April 4, 2019 at 6:00 P M 1. Roll-C all Attendance __X__Lis a H olland __X__And rew S eal __O__R honda M c C arvel ___X_R eid O ls en __O__Ryan F itzgerald ___O_Bill C assinelli 2. Adoption of Agenda Adopted as Noted ___X__ J essica P errault - C hairp ers on 3. C onsent Agenda [Action Item] A. Appr ove M inutes of M ar ch 21, 2019 Planning and Zoning C ommission M eeting Approved 4. Acti on Items L and U se P ublic H ea rin g P rocess: After th e P ublic H ea rin g is op en ed th e sta ff rep ort w ill b e p resen ted b y th e a ssigned city p lann er. F ollow in g S ta ff's rep ort th e applicant has u p to 1 5 m inutes to p resen t th eir applica tion . E a ch m em b er of th e pub lic m a y p rovid e testim on y u p to 3 m inutes or if th ey a re rep resen tin g a la rg er g roup, su ch a s a H om eow n ers Associa tion , th ey m a y b e a llow ed 1 0 m inutes. T h e applicant is th en a llow ed 1 0 add itional m inutes to resp on d to th e pub lic's commen ts. N o add itional pub lic testim on y is ta ken on ce th e pub lic h ea rin g is closed . A. P ublic Hearing C ontinued fr om F ebr uar y 21, 2019 for Real L ife C hur ch (H-2019-0004) by Real L ife C hur ch, L ocated 1098 N. Hickor y Ave. Approved 1. R equest: A C onditional Use P ermit f or a church and ancillary daycare c enter on 0.68 acres of land in the I -L zoning district B. P ublic Hearing for C able One O T N B uilding at M cM illan (H-2019- 0026) by by C able O ne, Inc, L ocated 2350 W. M c M illan Rd. Vacated from the Agenda 1. R equest: C onditional Use P ermit approval to contruct an O ptical Transport Network (O T N) building f or high-speed internet and cable in the L -O zoning district as required by the development agreement f or the site C. P ublic Hearing C ontinued fr om M ar ch 7, 2019 for T hr ee Cor ner s Ranch (H-2019-0006) by S weet L and Development, Inc., L ocated at 1890 E . D unwoody Ct. Continued to May 16, 2019 1. R equest: A nnexation and Z oning of 31.06 acres of land with the R-4 zoning D istrict, and; 2. R equest: A P reliminary P lat cons isting of 45 building lots and 9 c ommons lots. D. P ublic Hearing for G ander C reek (H-2019-0013) by T rilogy D evelopment, Inc., L ocated at the S W cor ner of N. M cDermott Rd. and W. M c M illan Rd. Continued to April 18, 2019 1. R equest: A nnexation and zoning of 125.68 acres of land with an R- 8 zoning district; and, 2. R equest: a P reliminary P lat consisting of 401 building lots, 55 common lots, and 5 other lots on 117.10 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district Meeting Adjourned at 6:22 PM