March 3, 2005 P&Z Minutes Meridian Planning & Zoning March 3. 2005 Page 50 of 89 Zaremba: Yes. Borup: I think the difference between the two is there were lots eliminated and some of those other concessions. Canning: Chairman Zaremba, yeah, the pictures I have shown you tonight are of the one that was sent to the neighbors and the one that the letter is based on. But the staff report had a different preliminary plat date. So, the correct date would be the March 2nd date. Zaremba: Okay. Do we need to amend the motion to reference that plat? Nary: Yeah. Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, if -- that was the basis of all the testimony that you have received, so to make it clear from the record that that's what you have based your decision on, then, that should be part of your motion. Zaremba: Commissioner Rohm, would you care to amend -- Newton-Huckabay: So, everything that we had -- all the copies that we had in front of us tonight and on the board were the amended one? Rohm: Right. Mr. Chairman? Zaremba: Commissioner Rohm. Rohm: I would like to amend all three motions to include the plat dated March 2nd, 2005. Moe: Second. Zaremba: Okay. We have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? That motion to amend carries five to nothing. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Zaremba: All right. Thank you all very much for your input. There will be another Public Hearing in front of the City Council on the same subject. And we traditionally take a break about 9:00 o'clock, which we have passed. We will take about a ten minute break and reconvene. (Recess.) Item 12: Public Hearing: PP 05-005 Request to amend the Preliminary Plat (PP 02-007) to add seven additional building lots for Heritage Commons by Brighton Investments, LLC - west of Locust Grove Road and north of Ustick Road: Meridian Pianning & Zoning March 3. 2005 Page 51 of 89 Zaremba: Ladies and gentlemen, we will reconvene and let the record show that all the Commissioners are present again and we will proceed onto Item 12. This is -- we will open the Public Hearing for PP 05-005, request to amend the preliminary plat to add seven additional building lots for Heritage Commons and we will begin with the staff report. Guenther: Thank you, Mr. Chair. The request is for actually 27 -- did this get turned on? Okay. The request is for 27 residential lots. The original proposal had -- okay. The original proposal is in this location here for 21 lots. The applicant has come back and made a request for 27 lots. There was an amendment made to the preliminary plat and that was dated -- it just says January 25. They reduced their lots by one in the original proposal. This is the original layout for the preliminary plat. This is the new layout. They did reduce this side by one. There was originally I believe seven lots in -- or eight lots in here and now it's going to be seven lots in there. Like I said, there is 27 lots in this configuration, although they would be reduced by one. We have discussed this with the fire department and SSC and they brought back comments on the alley- loaded product and we had, actually, asked them to give us comment on that, based on how -- their serviceability has been traditionally and they are satisfied with the 16 foot alleys, based on our conversation last week. At this time I have nothing further to add, other than staff is recommending approval of this redesign. Zaremba: Questions from the Commissioners? Seeing none, would the applicant care to comment? Turnbull: Thank you, Chairman Zaremba. David Turnbull, Brighton Corporation, 12601 West Explorer Drive, Boise. It seems like I was here some time earlier today. Zaremba: Well, you look familiar. Turnbull: Just very simply -- could you go back to the original layout that -- in the original layout I have always been a little bit troubled with this. This is going to be our last phase and, you know, I think what I consider a better design dawned on me and so we brought that forward. Originally we had some alley loaded products here and in between just five kind of standard front-on garage homes sandwiched in between them. That part always bothered me. Also, this is a residential collector road here and I don't think we really want to have parking -- these would be the front of these houses here. So, we thought it was appropriate to get those aligned more to these local streets, so that people could park in front of their homes and collector street, really, that's simply the reason for this adjustment. Plus the fact that the first phase of our -- what we call Carriage Lane homes proved to be very popular and we'd like to add some more. So, that's the reason for this request. Thank you. Any questions? Thank you. Zaremba: Makes sense to me. If something sells, you might as well do more of them. Turnbull: And we are in concurrence with the staff conditions. Meridian Pianning & Zoning March 3. 2005 Page 52 of 89 Zaremba: Great. Thank you. Any questions from the Commissioners? Newton-Huckabay: I have none. Rohm: Way too easy. Zaremba: Yes. We do have some people signed up. I will begin with Rebecca Klaus Young. Young: And I'm, actually, going to go ahead and speak for the others that are signed up on there. Zaremba: Okay. Let me mention who those are. They are Dan Young and Vanessa Klaus. Young: Right. We are the ten acres that's right on the north -- Zaremba: We need your name and address. Young: I'm Rebecca Klaus Young, 4053 North Locust Grove Road. Zaremba: Thank you. Young: Okay. And I'm -- they have it listed as East Lake Street, it is actually Herons Lane. I don't know how that got on there, but it is supposed to be Herons Lane. I talked to David a little bit this evening and the only thing that I had a concern about -- and he's given me the names of who I should actually talk to, but I thought I could address it to Bruce a little bit -- is that if you guys have any notes that there is a problem with that sewer line that's going down that road right now. Do you have any of that -- would you have any of that in your notes or your records? Zaremba: We have not heard of there being a problem. Young: Have you, Bruce? Zaremba: I will address that to Mr. Freckleton. Freckleton: Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, we did have some odor complaints. We have -- to our knowledge we have corrected those. We had some issues with -- Young: Okay. Go ahead. Freckleton: We had some issues with some timing of the cycling of the lift station pumps over at Vienna Woods. We have made corrections to that. Part of the problem Meridian Planning & Zoning March 3. 2005 Page 53 of 89 was the size of the lift station wet well was sized to handle a very large area and with Vienna Woods and Edinburgh being the only two developments, basically, that were flowing to that lift station, it wasn't turning over often enough and so the sewage sat there longer what we wanted it to and you start developing odors when it sits too long and so we increased the -- Zaremba: Are you saying the problem was not having enough sewage? Freckleton: Basically, yes. Yeah. That's exactly it. So, we have made some changes to that. It sounds like maybe we have still got some problems, so we-- Young: It's worse. Freckleton: -- definitely need to hear from you. Young: It's worse on our street. The problem being is that the manhole -- the one that is right in front of our driveway and, then, the next one is up by our mail boxes, which are up on North Locust Grove -- we are kind of a ways down that, that's a dirt road right now -- and that's going to be my next question -- and it is -- what I'm fearful of is with the density of those homes this last -- this last development area here is going to bring them closer to my house, of course, and I have animals, horses, barns -- I don't want to be at -- being faulted for that. I want it to be understood that that's where that's coming from. I don't want to be here trying to get my issues put across at a later time -- Freckleton: Sure. Young: -- because somebody is thinking it's coming from my property. Freckleton: Right. Young: And it's uncomfortable for us, too, so -- Freckleton: Sure. One other thing that we do have in the works is we are building a sewer trunk that's going to go up there and take that lift station off line and that lift station is going to go away and everything will flow to the trunk and so the issues that we have been experiencing with that lack of turnover are going to go away. So, hopefully, in the very short -- in a very short time frame we will totally eliminate that problem. Young: Okay. Well - and the most important thing was I just wanted it to get on the record. Freckleton: Sure. Young: For that. Meridian Planning & Zoning March 3, 2005 Page 54 of 89 Freckleton: I appreciate that. Young: I think it might be an issue later with these homes next to us, because we are in a very different lifestyle to theirs, so -- and, then, my next question tonight was just simply there is going to be a change -- thanks -- where the roads now come out into our road, that Herons Lane there, instead of two turnouts there is going to be four now, which I have already worked with Dave on, we are going to get some cluster trees and some stuff like that, so I think that we can work that out okay. The only thing is is I don't know what the plans for stop signs or what the speed is going to be in there or -- is there any of that stuff being addressed tonight? That is going to be a fairly heavy volume -- what's.that? Zaremba: The roadways are normally ACHD's responsibility. Young: That's what I'm always told, but -- you know. Zaremba: Well, give me a little background. Is Herons Lane a private road or is it a public road or-- Young: Well, it's private now. It's a dirt road right now, but we are working with David and that is getting put through, it's going to be developed as those homes are developed and he's been very very good about accommodating us, about trying to give us a barrier there, but I'm worried about -- I want some kind of restrictions put out there about the speed, because it's a straight shot from all the back subdivisions to go to the school across North Locust Grove and we are almost looking at another Eagle Road out there. I mean the school goes in so many cycles, they have like a morning shift and, then, the afternoon shift, so you have got four different shifts of parents bringing kids in and out right there on that corner. Zaremba: Okay. We will ask for comment on those subjects. Young: Okay. And so that's all -- I just wanted to know how can I get information on what are going to be the speed limits set on that road, where are there going to be stop signs, and such. Zaremba: That will eventually be ACHD's decision, but -- Young: Okay. Do you how I can get that information, though? Zaremba: Mr. Turnbull may have some input into what he's suggesting to them. Nary: Mr. Chairman? Mr. Chairman? Zaremba: Yes, Meridian Pianning & Zoning March 3, 2005 Page 55 of 89 Nary: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, if that's going to eventually be a public roadway, the city has a traffic safety commission that makes recommendation to the highway district about speed limits based on those types of comments. If she wants to contact Captain Overton with the Meridian Police Department, he's a member of that commission, and make those concerns known, so that that can get passed on through our process with our commission to the highway district. Zaremba: Thank you. Okay. That constitutes the list of people that signed up, Anybody else care to comment on this subject? Mr. Turnbull. Turnbull: As far as the street here, I believe generally speed limits on local streets are 25 miles per hour and there will be a stop sign here at Locust Grove Road initially. I am -- if the time comes when a traffic signal is warranted, that was placed at the half mile section, so that -- and lined up with the school property across the road, so that it could be signalized in the future if ACHD finds that there is traffic warrants for it. And I just don't have any response for this sewer issue. I think that's in Bruce's court. I might point out that the sewage is coming from his project, but -- Zaremba: The problem is not enough of it, you know, can you get people to flush more or something? Turnbull: Other than that, I think I'm done, unless you have questions for me. Zaremba: Thank you. Commissioners? Moe: Mr. Chairman, I move that we close the Public Hearing on PP 05-005. Rohm: Second. Zaremba: We have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. Anyopposed? That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Moe: Mr. Chairman? Zaremba: Commissioner Moe. Moe: I move that we forward to City Council recommending approval of PP 05-005, to include all staff comments of the hearing date March 3rd, 2005, received from the city clerk's office February 25th, 2005. Rohm: Second. Zaremba: We have a motion and a second. All in favor say aye. Anyopposed? That motion carries.