Wrinkleneck Legal Description . . '!:I 17 04 10.54a Pinnacle Encineers. Inc. 208-887-7781 EXHIBIT "A" A parcel ofland for the purpose of annexation, located in the SEI/4 of tile SElI4 of Section 18. Township 3 North, Range I East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho and described as follows: BEGINNING at a brass cap monument marking the SE comer of said Sf] 14 of the SEI/4, thence along the South line of said SEJ/4 ofthe SEI/4 S89°44'] 8"W a distance of 420.32 feet to a point from which a brass cap monument marking the SW corner of said SEI/4 bears S89°44' IS"W a distance of2228.73 feet; Thence leaving said South line NOD"] S'42"W a distance 01'264.00 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar; Thence parallel with said South line N89°44']8"E a distance of 423.98 feet to a point 011 East line of said SEI14 of the SEJ/4; Thence along said East line SOO.31 '58"W a distance of264.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 2.56 acres more or less and is subject to all. existing easements and rights-of-ways of record or implied. ~ Meridian Pøb1ic Works Dept.