Mountain West Bank Legal Critser lInd Survey 10546 Summerwind Drive Boise, Idaho 83704 . Boise - (208) 322-6145 Jerome - (208) 324-8824 Fax - (208) 322-0369 RB)JEST R:R AtlNEXATICI\I PARCEL DESCRIPTIGJ REV I SID LDCATIGJ: lOI\NSHlP 3 N:R11i, RAIIŒ I ~, IÐISE MERIDIAN. SECTICI\I 4, PART SWkSE1, ÞÐA alNIY, II:W-D. I\.oœE SPECIFICALLY described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner for Section 4; thence Nol">ttil 89° 5;1' !is'' West 1626.20 feet along the Sol,ltherly boundary of Sect ion 4 to the mJE miNT OF B£GII'NI~: thence Nm!'th 89° .51' 58" West 367.77 feet a long sa id Souther Iy boundary to the extended Wester Iy boundary of "Venture Street;" thence North 0° 07' 12" East 293.54 feet along the Westerly boundary of Venture Street to the extended Southerly boundary of Lot 14, "Venture Subdivision," Book 27, Page 1705; thence South 89° 53' 21" East (recorded East) 367.54 feet along the Southerly boundary of Venture Subdivision; thence South 0° 04' 31" West 293.67 feet to the Southerly boundary of Section 4 and the 11UE miNT OF 8EG11'N1~; Said Parcel containing 2.48 Acres more or less. g Meridian Puhüa Works Dept.