Brockton Subdivision CUPCUP 04-012 MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING MEETING June 3, 2004 APPLICANT Confluence Management, LLC ITEM NO. 9 REQUEST Public Hearing -Request CUP for a PD for proposed Brockton Sub with request for reduction to required landscape buffer along north, south and west boundaries & reduced or no lot frontage - 3665 North Locust Grove Road AGENCY CITY CLERK: CITY ENGINEER: CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: CITY ATTORNEY CITY POLICE DEPT: CITY FIRE DEPT: CITY BUILDING DEPT: CITY WATER DEPT: CITY SEWER DEPT: CITY PARKS DEPT: MERIDIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT: SANITARY SERVICES: ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT: CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH: NAMPA MERIDIAN IRRIGATION: SETTLERS' IRRIGATION: IDAHO POWER: INTERMOUNTAIN GAS: OTHER: Contacted: Emailed: COMMENTS See attached Staff Comments ~ti~ No Comment See attached Comments See attached Comments No Comment No Comment Materials presented at public meetings shall become property of the City of Meridian. MAYOR Tammy de Weerd - ~- CrfY HALL r ~ (208) 888-0433 -Fax 8874813 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS C7"IY OF 4~~~_ PUBLIC WORKS Keith Bird _ , BUILDING DEPARTMENT William L.M. Nary ~~~~~~~ ~ A '. (208) 867-2211 -Fax 898-9551 Shaun Wardle ~ Charles M. Roumree I IU,~HO j LEGAL DEPARTMENT ' T ~ j (208) 466-9272 ~ FAX 466-4405 c. R } ~e ~ TnFnsune. V.u+£y sixct ~ 1903 STAFF REPORT: P&Z Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Transmittal Date: May 31, 2004 To: Mayor, City Council and Planning & Zoning Commission ~ I From: Bruce Freckleton, Senior Engineering Tech ~ ~'~ ~ lry `" ~~~~' '" Craig Hood, Associate City Planner ~~ ~91'~ ~ ~ L~4 £;rty Of iVIeridia<r Subject: Brockton Subdivision City Clerk Officr-.-.. Annexation and Zoning (AZ) of 4.10 Acres from RUT (Ada County) to L-O (Limited Office) for the Proposed Brockton Subdivision, by Confluence Management, LLC (File No. AZ-04-010). Preliminary Plat (PP) Approval for 10 Building Lots on 3.8 Acres for Brockton Subdivision, by Confluence Management, LLC (File No. PP-04-013). • Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Approval for a Planned Development Consisting of Ten Office Buildings with Reductions to Street Frontage and Landscape Buffers for Proposed Brockton Subdivision, by Confluence Management, LLC (File No. CUP - 04-012). We have reviewed the aforementioned applications and now offer the following comments, as conditions of approval. These conditions shall be considered in full, unless expressly modified or deleted by motion of the Meridian City Council: APPLICATIONS SDMMARY The applicant, Confluence Management, LLC, has requested Annexation and Zoning (AZ), Preliminary Plat (PP), and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) approval for a Planned Development (PD) on 4.10 acres of land (includes existing and future right-of--way for Locust Grove Road) located on the west side of Locust Grove Road, approximately Y mile north of Ustick Road. The site is currently zoned RUT in Ada County. There is currently asingle-family home and some outbuildings on the site that the applicant is proposing to remove. The property is designated "Mixed Use -Neighborhood" with a Neighborhood Center on the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. The AZ application proposes to annex and zone the entire site to L-O (Limited Office). The submitted PP proposes to subdivide the existing 4.10 acres into ten (10) office lots, with each lot containing a minimum 7,000 square-feet. All lots within the plat shaze a common ingress/egress easement to Locust Grove Road. AZ-04-010, PP-04-O13, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 2 The submitted CUP/PD application proposes 10 office buildings, consisting of 29,742 square-feet of office .space, with each building being on an individual lot. The CUP/PD application is required because Chapter VII of the Comprehensive Plan requires all new uses within Mixed Use -Community areas to be processed as Planned Developments. The purpose of this policy is to encourage more collaboration between the developer and the City to help create neighborhood centers that have unique designs, with regazd to both site layouts and structures. Originally, the applicant did not submit elevations or a construction materials list for the proposed office buildings and was requesting that they not be required to submit additional conditional use permits for each building. However, after talking with the applicant they decided to submit pictures of the prototype building and a construction materials list. (See Special Considerations under Conditional Use PermiUPlanned Development Analysis below for analysis of the submitted pictures and materials list.) The CUP/PD includes a request for reduced/waived street frontage for .the proposed lots, and for reduced landscape buffers to the north, west, and south. (See chart below for a comparison and summary of proposed exceptions.) Lot Frontage in L-O Zone- City Minimum Requirement Pronosed (Minimum) 50-feet None (typical) Landscape Buffer Between Uses- City Minimum Requirement (L-O zonel Pronosed To Single Family = 20-feet 10-feet For the required PD amenities, the applicant is proposing to construct two gazebo areas with picnic tables. One of the gazebo areas is on the north side of the site (proposed Lot 10), and the second gazebo is on the south side of the site (proposed Lot 7). (See Special Considerations under Conditional Use Permit/Planned Development Analysis below for detailed analysis of the proposed amenities.) This site abuts Heritage Commons (a.k.a. - Quenzer Commons) Subdivision to the west. As part of the Heritage Commons CUP/PD approval in 2002, the City approved as a use exception (because the recent Comprehensive Plan had not been officially adopted yet) 3.8 acres for future office and commercial uses. The office and commercial uses are located on Locust Grove Road, approximately 200-feet north of the subject site. The approved Razzberry Crossing Subdivision also lies within the same Neighborhood Center designation on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. The City approved 3.31 acres of L-O zoned property for Razzbeny Crossing. If the City approves the proposed application for L-O zoning as proposed, there will be 10.91 acres of property approved for non- residential uses. (See Special Considerations under Annexation and Zoning Analysis below for detailed analysis of the proposed zoning of this property.) Staff struggled with a recommendation of the subject proposal, as it does not seem to meet several of the design elements needed to provide for a healthy mixed-use/neighborhood center. If approved staff believes that the area will function more like a strip mall and less like amixed-use neighborhood center. However, after reviewing the required findings, staff did not believe that the facts were there to recommend denial. Staff has provided a detailed analysis and recommended conditions of approval for the requested preliminary plat and conditional use permit applications below. We are recommending approval of the applications, with the conditions outlined in this report. AZ-04A10, PP-04A13, COP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.COP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 3 PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD Herbert & Cynthia Lee are the current property owners, and Herb Lee has submitted notarized consent for Confluence Management, LLC, to submit the subject applications. LOCATION The subject property is located on the west side of Locust Grove Road, approximately t/< of a mile north ofUstick Road, within Section 31, Township 4 North, Range 1 East. SURROUNDING PROPERTIES North: Single-family home on 1.2 acres, zoned RUT (Ada County) South: Meridian Fire Station, zoned L-O /Single-family home, zoned RUT (Ada County) East: Meridian Charter School /Single-family homes (Summerfield Subdivision), zoned R-4 West: Heritage (Quenzer) Commons Subdivision, zoned R-8 ANNEXATION AND ZONING ANALYSIS The legal description submitted with the application meets the requirements of the City of Meridian and State Tax Commission. The subject property is within the Urban Service Planning Area. Because the analysis below applies both to the proposed use and the proposed zoning, staff has combined the analysis of use with the annexation and zoning findings. According to Ordinance 11-15-11, General Standards Applicable to Zoning Amendments, both the P&Z Commission and Council aze required "to review the particular facts and circumstances of each proposed zoning amendment in terms of the following standards and shall find adequate evidence answering the following questions about the proposed zoning amendment." The following is the list of standards found in 11-15-11 and analysis by staff: "A. Will the new zoning be harmonious with and in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and, if not, has there been an application for a Comprehensive Plan amendment; The 2002 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designates the subject property as "Mixed Use -Neighborhood" with a Neighborhood Center. The purpose of this designation is "to provide a blend of high-density residential, small-scale commercial, entertainment, office and open space uses that are geazed to serve all residents within a one to two square mile area. The centers should offer an internal circulation system that connects with adjacent neighborhoods or regional pathway(s). They will also serve as public transit locations for future pazk and ride lots, bus stops, shuttle bus stops or other alternative modes of transportation." (See Chapter VII, pg. 95.) Staff finds that the requested L-O zoning generally conforms to this stated purpose and intent of the Mixed Use -Neighborhood ,designation (see Special Considerations below for further analysis). Staff also finds the following 2002 Comprehensive Plan text policies to be applicable to this application (stafj"analysis is in italics below policy): AZ-04-010, PP-04-013, CUP-04-O12 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 4 Mixed Use Area Comn Plan Policies (taken from Chanter VII) • "All development proposed in these areas will require approval as planned developments under the Conditional Use Permit application process. In these locations, the developer has the option to develop either a neighborhood center in conformance with the City's neighborhood center design ordinance, or develop a conventional mixed use project." A CUP application accompanies the annexation and zoning request, which fulfills the first part of this policy. To date, the City has not adopted a neighborhood center design ordinance. This application is being processed as a "conventional mixed use project. " (See next bullet.) • "If developing a conventional mixed use project, four specific design elements must be incorporated into the development: a) street connectivity, b) open space, c) pathways, and d) density, not below eight (8) dwelling units per acre." a) Street Connectivity: The development proposes to connect the development with Locust Grove Road with a single commercial driveway, not a public street. This driveway is stubbed to the 1.2-acre parcel to the north. Traditional urban design development typically uses public rights-of--way fo connect parcels together to help ensure permanent, public accessibility to and around the site. Staff believes a driveway, rather than a public street is acceptable, as long as an access easement is provided to the property to the north to utilize the driveway for ingress and egress. (See Site Speciftc Condition #2 in the Preliminary Plat section of this report.) b) Omen Space.• Other than landscaping around the perimeter of the project, the applicant is not proposing any open space. The Comprehensive Plan is not more explicit with regard to open space, other than it must be provided somewhere within neighborhood centers. (See Special Considerations in the CUP/PD section for more discussion.) c) Pathwavs: No public pathways are called for in this area on the Future Land Use Map as part of the regional system. The applicant is proposing a S foot wide sidewalk adjacent to the drive aisle, in front of the proposed buildings that would allow pedestrian movement throughout the development. To improve pedestrian access within this area, staff is recommending that the applicant extend the sidewalk adjacent to drive aisle to the north property Zine. Staff also recommends that the applicant provide a sidewalk/pathway to the unplatted parcel to the southwest of the site. (See Special Considerations in the CUP/PD section for more discussion.) d) Densi : N/A (No residential uses are proposed.) Rather than all office, some residential component may be appropriate. `"I'he following standards will serve as guidelines for development of the neighborhood center areas: a. Most blocks are 300' maximum, similar to Old Town. b. Larger blocks along arterial streets and for traffic calming. c. Neighborhood Center Commercial area is located at the %2 mile, not at arterial intersections. d. Schools are located mid-section, with frontage along a collector street. AZ-04-OIQ, PP-04-013, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and PBaZ Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 5 e. Interconnected circulation that is convenient for automobiles, pedestrians, and transit. f. Variety of housing choices. g. Housing is arranged in a radiating pattern of lessening densities. h. Transition between different housing types or densities at alleys. i. Residents can access neighborhood commercial services without being forced onto arterial streets. j. Facilitates more efficient transportation along arterials. k. Grid street pattern within the neighborhood allows traffic to disperse, eases congestion, slows traffio, and is safer for residents. 1. Connects to and integrates with the larger street and pathway system. m. Reduced right-of--way widths are encouraged. n. Open space must be provided. o. Unless a Specific Area Plan has been adopted, Neighborhood Centers must be developed under a Planned DevelopmenUCUP application." As the fifth and ninth standards listed above convey, a key principle of the Neighborhood Center is to create a pedestrian friendly environment. If the applicant constructs sidewalks/pathways along Locust Grove Road, to the north, and to the southwest as staff has recommended, staff believes that this development will be in general compliance with adl of the relevant Neighborhood Center guidelines listed above. (See Chapter VII, pgs. 97-98, for the above-mentioned mixed-use policies.) "Permit new ...commercial development only where urban services can be reasonably provided at the time of final approval and development is contiguous to the City." (Chapter IV, Goal I, Obj. A, #6) Sanitary sewer and water to serve this development is currently available in Locust Grove Road. The Meridian Fire Department recently completed construction of a new station directly south of this site. "Locate new community commercial areas on arterials or collectors near residential areas in such a way as to complement with adjoining residential areas." (Chapter VII, Goal I, Obj. B, #5) The subject property has frontage on Locust Grove Road, an arterial street. If landscaping and sidewalks/pathways are constructed adjacent to the residential uses to the north, west, and southwest, as conditioned in this report, staff believes that this development could complement the adjoining residential areas. "Require all commercial businesses to install and maintain landscaping" (Chapter V, Goal III, Obj. D, #5) Staff has included conditions for landscaping within this report. AZ-04-010, PP-04-013, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 6 • "Consider "Accommodafing Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel: A Recommended Approach" from the National Center for Bicycling and Walking in all land use decisions." (Chapter VI, Goal II, Obj. A, #3) This publication encourages jurisdictions to establish bikeway and walkway facilities in new construction and reconstruction projects, in a manner that is safe, accessible and convenient. • "Plan for a variety of commercial and retail opportunities within the Impact Area." (Chapter VII, Goal 1, Objective B) The proposed and existing uses do provide a variety of commercial (oj~ce) uses in this area, as envisioned with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Is the area included in the zoning amendment intended to be rezoned in the future; Staff does not anticipate that the applicant intends to rezone the subject property in the future. C. Is the area included in the zoning amendment intended to be developed in the fashion that would be allowed under the new zoning -for example, a residential area turning into commercial area by means of conditional use permits; The applicant is proposing offices with the proposed L-O zone; professional offices are a permitted use in the L-O zone. D. Has there been a change in the area or adjacent areas which may dictate that the area should be rezoned. For example, have the streets been widened, new railroad access been developed or planned or adjacent area being developed in a fashion similar to the proposed rezone area; Staff finds that the annexation and zoning of Heritage (Quenzer) Commons, Razzberry Crossing, the Charter High School, Summerfield Subdivision, and the recent construction of the fire station directly south of this site, dictates that the subject property be similarly zoned _ and developed. Additionally, ACHD recently improved and signalized the intersection of Locust Grove Road at Ustick Road. E. Will the proposed uses be designed, constructed, operated and maintained to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not change the essential character of the same area; Staff finds that any future uses, if designed, constructed and operated in accordance with the submitted photos/elevations and adopted city ordinances, should be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the intended character of the vicinity. The area is intended to be a mix used area which, based on the Comprehensive Plan description, will have such uses as retail stores, garden centers, restaurants, etc. AZ04-010, PP-04-013, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 7 F. Will the proposed uses not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighboring uses; Staff finds the future uses on the subject property will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighboring uses if the applicant complies with all the conditions of this report. The existing single-family uses to the north, west, and southwest are less-intense uses than the proposed office uses. Staff believes that office uses are compatible adjacent to residential if appropriate design measures aze taken. Therefore, appropriate landscape buffers will be required adjacent to all residential uses (see Special Considerations in the Conditional Use Permit/Planned Development section below). The Commission and Council should rely on public testimony to determine whether the proposed uses will be disturbing or hazazdous to the neighboring residential uses. G. Will the area be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water, sewer or that the person responsible for the establishment of proposed zoning amendment shall be able to provide adequately any of such services; Staff finds that the project can be provided sanitary sewer and water service via the existing mains adjacent to the project site. On May 5, 2004, the ACHD Commission voted to approve this development with site-specific and standard conditions. Please review the ACHD report for this project for additional information regarding this finding. On May 14, 2004, a joint agency/department comments meeting was held with representatives of key service providers to this property. See detailed conditions from these agencies at the end of this report. All other public services and facilities noted above appear to be adequate to serve this property. 13. Will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community; If approved, the developer will be financing the extension of sewer, water, local street -- infrastructure, ufilities and irrigation services to serve the project. The primary public costs to serve the future residents will be fire and police services. Staff finds there will not be excessive additional requirements at public cost and that the annexation and zoning will not be detrimental to the community's economic welfare. I. Will the proposed uses not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors; It is estimated that this development will generate 393 vehicle trips per day. Staff recognizes that traffic and noise will increase with the approval of this development; however, staff does .not believe that the amount generated will be detrimental to the general welfare of the public. AZ-04-010, PP-04-013, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 8 Staff does not anticipate the proposed annexation and subsequent uses will create excessive noise, smoke, fumes, glare, or odors. Staff finds that the proposed office zoning/uses will not be detrimental to people, property or the general welfare of the area. J. Will the area have vehicular approaches to the property which shall be so designed as not to create an interference with traffic on surrounding public streets; Staff finds that any future use would impact the level and flow of traffic on the surrounding streets to some degree. Sidewalk improvements to Locust Grove Road are required of the developer to bring the facilities up to acceptable standards. The applicant should comply with ACHD policies in order to preserve the capacity and movement on the adjacent roadways. K. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural or scenic feature of major importance; and Staff fords that the proposed development will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of natural features. Staff recommends that the Commission and Council reference any public testimony that may be presented to determine whether or not the proposed development may destroy or damage a natural or scenic feature(s) of major importance of which staff is unawaze. L. Is the proposed zoning amendment in the best interest of the City of Meridian. (Ord. 592, 11-17-1992)" Staff finds that the annexation and zoning of this property would be in the best interest of the City for the following reasons: • increased property tax revenue; • the project provides office services near existing residences; • municipal services are available to the area; and • the application substantially complies with the Comprehensive Plan. In the Mixed Use -Neighborhood section of the Comprehensive Plan (Chapter VII, Page 98) the following standards apply to each designated Neighborhood Center: • Up to 10 acres may benon-residential uses • Up to 100,000 square-feet ofnon-residential building area • Residential density of 3 to 8 units per acre • Sample uses include: grocery stores, drug stores, coffee/sandwich shops, dry cleaner/Laundromat, salons, daycare, professional offices, medical/dental clinics, retail/gift shops, schools, parks, churches, clubhouses, public uses. The City has already approved 7.11 acres and 77,500 square feet of non-residential uses within this Neighborhood Center designation. Heritage (Quenzer) Commons received approval from the City for 3.8 acres of office/commercial uses, which equates to approximately 44,000 square feet of non- residential building area. Razzberry Crossing received approval for 3.31 acres of office use, which equates to approximately 33,500 square feet of non-residential buildings. If the City approves Brockton Subdivision as submitted, the City will have approved 11.21 acres and 107,242 square feet AZ-04-010; PP-04-013, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 9 for non-residential uses within this Neighborhood Center designation. After the approval of the first three developments in this designation, all of the anticipated non-residential azea has been exhausted. These non-residential numbers and the development trends in this area concern staff for several reasons. There aze a number of parcels, closer to the middle of the neighborhood center than the subject parcel that have not yet developed in the City. In fact, there are approximate]y 32 acres (7 parcels) that the City has not annexed. However, when these parcels develop it will be hard for staff to make findings to approve non-residential zones and uses even though most of the undeveloped parcels are closer to where the non-residential uses are envisioned in the Comprehensive Plan (see Neighborhood Center Concept Diagram on Page 96). This Neighborhood Center is developing more like a strip mall, than a mixed-use neighborhood center. If the City annexes and zones this property as proposed, the majority of the non-residential azea approved for this Neighborhood Center (7.41 acres) will lie on the fringe of the designation. This practice leaves the "core" of the Neighborhood Center for residential uses. This design does not lend itself well to a functional Neighborhood Center. Staff recommends that the Commission and Council review the analysis above when determining whether annexation and zoning all of the subject property to L-O is in the best interest of the City and this up-and-coming neighborhood. NOTE: The City recently accepted a development application for one of the seven pazcels listed above (within this neighborhood center designation). This parcel, located just south of Razzbery Crossing and submitted as Alexandria Subdivision, proposes approximately 2-acres of the site to be reserved for office (L-O zoning) uses. ANNEXATION AND ZONING FACTS AND CONDITIONS 1. The legal description submitted with the application meets the requirements of the City of Meridian and the State Tax Commission. 2. The subject property is within the Urban Service Planning Area. Essential City services can be made available to the subject property. 3. Any existing domestic wells and/or septic systems within this project will have to be removed from their domestic service, per City Ordinance Section 5-7-517, when services are available from the City of Meridian. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation. PRELIMINARY PLAT ANALYSIS Sections 12-3-3.J.2 and 12-3-S.D of Meridian City Code read as follows: In determining the acceptance of a proposed subdivision, the Commission/Council shall consider the objectives of this title and at least the following: A. The conformance of the subdivision with the Comprehensive Development Plan; Staff finds that the proposed application considerably complies with the adopted Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan (Chapter VII) and other policies, as noted under section AZ-04-0I0, PP-04-O13, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 10 "A" in the Annexation and Zoning Analysis above. The proposed office uses comply with the sample uses for this mixed-use classification. Staff finds that if the Commission and Council grant the applicant the requested modifications with the CUP/PD, and the applicant complies with the conditions included in this report, the uses, lot configuration and overall design of the subdivision would be in general conformance with the City of Meridian Comprehensive Plan. Please see Conditional Use Permit/Planned Development Analysis below for further assessment of the proposed development and associated deviations from development standards. B. The availability of public services to accommodate the proposed development; Please see the findings in sections "G" and "H" of the Annexation and Zoning Analysis in this report. C. The continuity of the proposed development with the capital improvement program; Because the developer is installing sewer, water, utilities and irrigation, for the development at their cost, staff finds that the subdivision will not conflict with the capital improvement program. D. The public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Staff finds that the City and its related services are capable of servicing the proposed development. The development will not require major expenditures for providing supporting services. Staff recommends that the Commission and Council reference any written and/or verbal testimony submitted by the Meridian Police and Fire Departments with regard to their capability to serve the proposed development (see the end of this report for detailed comments from agencies). E. The other health, safety or environmental problems that may be brought to the Commission's attention. Please see the fmdings in sections "I°, "J", and "K" of the Annexation and Zoning Analysis of this report. The Commission and Council should rely on any public testimony when -- determining whether the proposed use may cause health, safety or an environmental problem of which staff is unaware. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS (PRELIMINARY PLATT A. Access. Drive Aisles and Parkine: The applicant is proposing to construct one new driveway off Locust Grove Road to serve the entire development. ACHD has reviewed and approved the access point, as it aligns with Summerridge Drive across Locust Grove Road. The applicant is proposing to stub the drive aisle to the north (1.2 acres, Parcel #50531417685). Staff is supportive of the general design of the access point and parking layout, with one exception; the northern portion of the proposed drive aisle does not account for a Fire Departrnent turnaround. AZ-04-O10, PP-04-013, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 11 The applicant should provide cross-access to the property owner to the north (Parcel #50531417685) to utilize the new drive aisles as access to Locust Grove Road. Because several of the proposed lots do not have frontage on a public street, a cross parking/cross access agreement for all of the new lots within the subdivision to utilize the driveways and parking should be provided. Maintenance of the drive aisles and parla'ng areas should be provided for in a note on the face of the fanal plat, AND/OR in a document such as CCR's. Unless otherwise approved by the City and ACHD, direct lot ar parcel access to Locust Grove Road is prohibited. See Site Specific Condition #2 below. Staff further recommends that the applicant construct sidewalk adjacent to the pazking and drive aisle stub to the north {See Special Considerations in the CUP/PD Analysis below). The conceptual parking layout and drive aisle forms a Y-shape in the northern portion of the plat. Said drive aisles are greater than 150-feet in length. Any fire lane greater than 1 SO feet in length that is not provided with an outlet shall be required to have a Fire Department approved turnaround. See comments from the Meridian Fire Department at the end of this report All parking stalls and drive aisles will be required to meet the requirements of the Meridian Fire Department and City Code at the time of CZC submittal/approval. See Site Specific Condition #3 below. B. Locust Grove Road Rieht-of-Wad Meridian City Code 12-4-2.A states: Within a proposed subdivision, arterial and collector streets as shown on the Comprehensive Plan shall be dedicated to the public in all cases. Street right-of--way widths shall comply with the requirements of ACHD or any successor agency. Meridian City Code 12-4-2.C.1 states that street and road right-of--way widths shall conform to the adopted major street plan or comprehensive development plan and the rules of the State Department of Highways and the highway district or department having jurisdiction. Locust Grove Road is depicted as an arterial street in the Comprehensive Plan. There are only 25-feet ofright-of--way (from centerline) for Locust Grove Road depicted on the submitted preliminary plat. The ACHD has given the applicant three options for complying with the requirement for ultimate right-of--way adjacent to this site. The applicant should dedicate right-of-way (or preserve area for future dedication) as required by ACHD. See staff report from ACHD and Site Specific Condition #4 below. Street Buffer: Meridian City Code 12-13-10-2 states that all required street buffers shall be located beyond any street right-of--way and shall be maintained by the property owner upon which the buffer lies. All street buffers with attached sidewallcs shall be measured from the property line and not from the sidewalk or curb. If detached sidewalks aze provided as per MCC 12-13-10-8, the buffer may be measured from the back of curb when it can be demonstrated that there is no opportunity for expansion of the street section within the right of way; the buffer width must exclude the width of the sidewalk. No fences are permitted within required street buffers. Meridian City Code 12-13-10-4 requires the width of a landscape street buffer to be calculated based on the Ada County Long Range Highway and Street Map. Because Locust Grove Road is designated as an arterial street with a 35-foot right-of--way (measured to centerline), the AZ-04-OIQ, PP-04013, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PBCUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 12 applicant should be required to construct a minimum 25 foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to Locust Grove Road. Said landscape buffer shall be located beyond any future street right-of- way for Locust Grove Road and maintained by the Brockton Business Owners' Association. See Site Specific Condition #5 and CUP/PD Special Considerations below. NOTE: This change will force the buildings to be located a minimum of 60-feet from the centerline of Locust Grove Road. Some of the proposed building pads are shown at 55-feet from the centerline of Locust Grove Road on the submitted plan. Sidewalk: Meridian City Code 12-13-10-8 requires detached sidewalks along all arterial streets in new developments. The minimum width of the parkway area between the curb and the sidewalk is five feet. There is no sidewalk shown on the submitted preliminary plat. In accordance with Meridian City Code, the applicant should be required to construct a detached sidewalk on Locust Grove Road. See Site Specific Condition #6 below. C. Pressure Irrigation: The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water (MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant shall be required to utilize any existing surface or well water for the primazy source. If a surface or well source is not available, asingle-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connecfion is utilized, the developer shall be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. An .underground, pressurized irrigation system shall be installed to all landscape areas per the approved specifications and in accordance with MCC 12-13-8 and MCC 9-1-28. See Site Specific Condition #7 below. D. Ditches, Laterals, and Canals: All irrigation ditches, laterals or canals, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or lying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per MCC 12-4-13. Plans will need to be approved by the appropriate irrigation/drainage district, or lateral users association (ditch owners), with written approval or non-approval submitted to the Public Works Department. If lateral users association approval cannot be obtained, plans will be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to final plat signature. See Site Specific Condition #8 below. E. Covenants, Codes, and Restrictions: The applicant has submitted a copy of the CCR's for Brockton Subdivision with the application. Staff recommends that for maintenance and operation purposes of the common areas (landscape, drive aisles, parking, etc.), the applicant record CCR's for this development. See Site Specific Condition #9 below. F. Fencine: No fencing is proposed as part of the preliminary plat application. A detailed fencing plan should be submitted upon application of the final plat (MCC 12-4-10.F.3). If no permanent fencing is provided, temporary construction fencing to contain debris must be installed around the perimeter prior to Issuance of a building permit. All fencing should be installed in accordance with MCC 11-4-Z0. See Site Specific Condition #10 below. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (PRELIMINARY PLATT AZ-04-010, PP-04-O13, CUP-04012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.dac Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 13 All condifions of the Annexation and Zoning (AZ-04-010) and CUP/PD (CUP-04-012) applications shall also be considered conditions of the Preliminary Plat (PP-04-013). 2. Provide a note on the plat granting cross-access to the lot to the north (Parcel #S0531417685) to utilize the new drive aisles as access to Locust Grove Road. Because several of the proposed lots do not have frontage on a public street, the applicant shall provide a recorded cross pazking/cross access agreement for all of the new lots within the subdivision to utilize the driveways and pazking to the Planning and Zoning Department. Maintenance of the drive aisles and parking areas should be provided for in a note on the face of the final plat, AND/OR in a document such as CCR's. The applicant shall provide the required documents prior to the City Engineer's signature of the final plat. Unless otherwise approved by the City and ACHD, direct lot or parcel access to Locust Grove Road is prohibited. 3. Any fire lane greater than 150-feet in length that is not provided with an outlet shall be required to have a Fire Department approved turnaround. 4. Dedicate right-of--way (or preserve azea for future dedication) for Locust Grove Road as required by ACHD. 5. Construct a minimum 25-foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to Locust Grove Road. Said landscape buffer shall be located beyond any future street right-of--way for Locust Grove Road. The Brockton Business Owners' Association shall be responsible for maintaining said landscape buffer. 6. Construct a minimum 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Locust Grove Road abutting the site An underground, pressurized irrigation system shall be installed to all landscape areas per the approved specifications and in accordance with MCC 12-13-8 and MCC 9-1-2. 8. All irrigation ditches, laterals or canals, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or lying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per MCC 12-4-13. Plans will need to be approved by the appropriate irrigation/drainage district, or lateral users association (ditch owners), with written approval or non-approval submitted to the Public Works Department. If lateral users association approval can not be obtained, plans will be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to final plat signature. 9. Maintenance of all common areas, including but not limited to: drive aisles, pazking areas, landscaping, etc., shall be the responsibility of the Brockton Business Owners' Association. 10. A detailed fencing plan shall be submitted upon application of the final plat (MCC 12-4- 10.F.3). All fencing shall be installed in accordance with MCC 12-4-10. If no permanent fencing is provided, temporary construction fencing to contain debris must be installed around the perimeter prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. A drainage plan designed by a State of Idaho licensed architect or engineer is required and shall be submitted to the City Engineer (Ord. 557, 10-1-91) for all off-street parking areas. Storm AZ-04-010, PP-04-013, CUP-04A12 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 14 water treatment and disposal must be designed in accordance with Department of Environmental Quality 1997 publication Catalog of Storm Water Best Management Practices for Idaho Cities and Counties and City of Meridian standards and policies. Off-site disposal into surface water is prohibited unless the jurisdiction which has authority over the receiving stream provides written authorization prior to development plan approval. The applicant is responsible for filing all necessary applications with the Idaho Department of Water Resources regarding Shallow Injection Wells. 12. Sewer and water service shall be via main line extension from the existing mains adjacent to the subject site. The subdivision designer to coordinate main sizing and routing with the Public Works Department. The applicant shall execute City of Meridian standard forms of easements, for any mains that are required to provide service. STANDARD CONDITIONS (PRELIMINARY PLAT): 1. Prior to signature of the final plat(s) by the City Engineer, a letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% will be required for all fencing, landscaping, pressurized irrigation, sanitary sewer, water, etc. that has not been completed. 2. Streetlights may be required at locations designated by the Public Works Department. Al] streetlights shall be installed at the expense of the applicant. Typical locations aze at street intersections and/or fire hydrants. Final design locations and quantity are determined after power designs are completed by Idaho Power Company. The street light contractor shall obtain design and permit from the Public Works Department prior commencing installations. Down-shield or otherwise alter all exterior lighting, whether attached to the building or located within the pazking area, so that the light does not spill over onto adjacent properties or rights- of-way. All parking lot lighting shall be in accordance with Ordinance 11-14-4.C. 4. Please submit groundwater/soils monitoring data, as collected and analyzed by a soils scientist, 1o the Public Works Department for review. Any drainage azeas (detention/retention basins) must be designed to ensure that water will percolate or dischazge with a period of time not to exceed 24-hours for all storms up to and including a 100-year storm events. Side slopes within drainage areas shall not exceed 3:1. Any portion of a drainage azea not improved with sod/grass seed (or other approved landscaping) shall not count towards the required open space area. The project engineer should pay close attention to the results of field studies determining the groundwater, soil type & and characteristics during the design and construction phases. All signage shall be in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 11-14 of the City Zoning and Development Ordinance. All signage is subject to design review and shall require separate permits. Temporary or portable signs shall be prohibited, and will be removed upon three (3) days notice to the applicant. 6. Coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. AZ-04-010, PP-04-013, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 15 Any existing domestic wells and/or septic systems within this project will have to be removed from their domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9-4-8. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation. 8. Compaction test results must be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 9. Staffs failure to cite specific ordinance provisions or terms of the approved annexation/conditional use does not relieve the Applicant of responsibility for compliance. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (CUP/PDl ANALYSIS The Commission and Council shall review the particular facts and circumstances of each proposed conditional use in terms of the following and may approve a conditional use permit if they find evidence presented at the hearing(s) is adequate to establish (11-17-3): A. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and all yards, open spaces, parking, landscaping and other features as may be required by this ordinance; On the submitted site plan, the applicant has shown enough parking to accommodate the proposed uses. Although the site is large enough to accommodate all of the features required by ordinance, the applicant has asked, through the Planned Development, to modify specific development standards. The applicant specifically requested relief from the required landscape buffer width between uses and street frontage standards in the CUP/PD application. Staff finds that four of the proposed lots do not meet the frontage requirement of the L-O zone. Staff finds that the 10-foot wide landscape easement shown on the north and west sides of the site does not meet the minimum width requirements outlined in MCC 12-13-12. Staff is supportive of the requested lot frontage because all of the proposed lots within the subdivision have access to the common parking/drive easement. See Special Considerations below for detailed analysis of the proposed perimeter landscaping for this development. Staff finds that the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed uses and all yards, open spaces, parking, landscaping and other features required by ordinance and/or by modifying the requirements through the PD process. B. That the proposed use and development plan will be harmonious with the Meridian Comprehensive Plan and in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance; See Section "A" in the Annexation and Zoning Analysis above. C. That the design, construction, operation, and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area; AZ-04-010, PP-04-013, COP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 16 Staff finds that the general design, construction, operation, and maintenance should be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the area. See Section "E" in the Annexation and Zoning Analysis above. D. That the proposed use, if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity; Staff does not anticipate that the proposed development will have an adverse impact on the surrounding property. However, staff recommends that the Commission and Council rely upon public testimony, staffs analysis, and other agency comments when determining if the proposed uses will adversely affect the other properties in the vicinity. E. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, street, police, and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water, sewer or that the person responsible for the establishment of proposed conditional use shall be able to provide adequately any such services; See Section "G" in the Annexation and Zoning Analysis above. F. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community; If approved, the developer will be required to finance the extension of sewer, water, utilities and pressurized irrigation to serve the project. The primary public costs to serve the site will be fire and police services. Staff finds there will not be excessive additional requirements at public cost and that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the community's economic welfare. G. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes, materials, equipment, and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property, or general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors; It is estimated that this development will generate 393 vehicle trips per day. Staff recognizes that traffic and noise will increase with the approval of this development; however, staff does not believe that the amount generated will be detrimental to the general welfare of the public. Staff does not anticipate the proposed annexation and subsequent uses will create excessive noise, smoke, fumes, glare, or odors. Staff finds that the proposed office zoning/uses will not be detrimental to people, property or the general welfare of the area. H. That the proposed use will have vehicular approaches to the property which shall be so designed as not to create an interference with traffic on surrounding public streets; ACHD staff has reviewed and approved a single vehicular approach to the site from Locust Grove Road. Please review the ACHD report for this project for additional information regarding this finding. AZ-04-OI0, PP-04013, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 17 I. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance. Staff finds that the proposed development will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of natural, scenic or historic features. Staff recommends that the Commission and Council reference any public testimony that may be presented to determine whether or not the proposed development may destroy or damage a natural, scenic or historic feature(s) of major importance of which staff is unaware. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS (CUP/PD) A. CUP Application Submittal Requirements: As mentioned eazlier in this report, the applicant is submitting the subject CUP/PD because the Comprehensive Plan requires it in this area. The applicant did not submit elevations or a materials list with the application. However, after discussing this standard requirement for CUP/PD approval, the applicant decided to submit a materials list and pictures of a typical building within the proposed development. The photos depict single-story office buildings. The submitted materials list states that the buildings will be stucco with masonry accents. The colors of the buildings will be earth tones, primarily beige for the body and brown tones for the trim. The buildings will have architectural shingles on the roofs. Even though there is no direct lot access to Locust Grove Road, staff believes that the appearance of the buildings should be attractive from Locust Grove Road. The intent of this comment is to prevent the east elevations of the future buildings from being blank walls and looking like the back of buildings. Staff believes that the office buildings will be compatible with the adjoining uses (azchitecturally and aesthetically), if the buildings are constructed as shown on the submitted photos, using the materials listed. When a Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) is issued for each building in the future, staff will verify that the orientation and construction of each building is consistent with the approved photos/elevations submitted for this development. Ald building construction within Brockton Subdivision shall comply with the eight photos/elevations submitted via a-mail by Ms. Becky McKay on May 27, 2004. Construction materials shall comply with the materials list submitted on May 27, 2004, by Ms. Becky McKay. Construction materials used on the structures should be approved by City of Meridian Building Department and in accordance with the most recent Uniform Building Code. If any modification(s) to the approved architectural design features and/ar materials list are requested for building(s) in the future, the property owner should submit a CUP modifcation. Said modification will require City Council approval. See Site Specific Condition #2 below. The Commission and Council should also consider if the submitted photos/elevations and materials aze acceptable to Brant detailed CUP/PD approval. B. Reduced Standazds: The applicant has requested approval of a PD to allow reduced/waived development standazds including a frontage waiver and a landscape buffer reduction. As noted in the Preliminary Plat section above, staff recommends approval of the requested frontage modification because the proposed buildable lots within the subdivision have access to the drive aisle easement. See Site Specific Condition #3 below. AZ-04-O10, PP-04-013, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 18 There is asingle-family home and a fire station to the south of this site. In accordance with Meridian City Code, the applicant has depicted a 20-foot wide landscape buffer to the south, on the submitted landscape plan. To the west of the site are lots for single-family homes (Heritage Commons). The applicant has depicted a 20-foot wide landscape buffer between the buildings and the west property line, but has only shown a 10-foot wide buffer between the drive aisle and the single-family uses in the northwest comer of the site. Staff recommends that the applicant remove one parking stall, relocate the proposed trash enclosure, and construct a full 20 foot wide landscape buffer along the entire west property line. The applicant has depicted a 10-foot wide landscape buffer between the proposed office uses and the existing single-family home to the north. Staff does not usually support a reduced landscape buffer width without consent from the adjacent property owner. Because staff anticipates that the pazcel north of this site will develop with amore-intense use than single-family residential (e.g., multi-family), staff is supportive of this reduced width. However, if the adjacent property owner submits either a written or verbal objection to the proposed reduced buffer width or design, staff recommends that the Commission and Council consider their concerns. See Site Specific Condition #4 below. NOTE: There is a table on the face of the submitted site plan that lists setbacks for the development. The proposed setbacks are more restrictive than that of the L-O zone. Building setbacks are typically measured from property lines. Some of the proposed building pads are not consistent with the setbacks proposed in the setback table. Staff recommends that this table be deleted and a note placed on the final plat stating that all building setbacks shall be in compliance with the effective zoning regulations of the City of Meridian. See Site Specific Condition #5 below. C. Amenities and Open Space: For the required PD amenities, the applicant is proposing to construct two gazebo areas with picnic tables. One of the gazebo azeas is on the north side of the site (proposed Lot 10), and the second gazebo is on the south side of the site (proposed Lot 7). The applicant is also proposing to construct a bike rack on the site (Lot 9). Chapter 7 of the Comprehensive Plan requires four specific design elements to be incorporated into a development within a neighborhood center: a) street connectivity, b) open space, c) pathways, and d) density, not below eight dwelling units per acre (pg. 97). The applicant is not proposing any common open space within this development. Meridian City Code does not exempt non-residential PDs from providing amenities. It does state that "other amenities appropriate to the size and uses of the proposed development, as may be proposed by the applicant and approved by the Commission and Council," can be approved. Staff is supportive of the proposed gazebo concept, with one exception. Staff recommends that the applicant remove the proposed gazebos and adjacent open area from the buildable lot area and incorporate them into a common lot(s). This change will make it apparent that all future lot owners within the development have access to the amenities and that they aze all responsible for maintenance thereof. At least 10 days prior to the City Council hearing, the applicant should be required to submtt 10 copies of a schematic showing how the amenities wild be oriented on the common lot(s). The Council should review the proposed amenities and determine if they are "appropriate to the size and uses of the proposed development." See Site Specific Condition #6 below. AZ-04-010, PP-04-O13, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 19 D. Landscapine: The landscape plan prepared by Harvest Design, P.C., on 3-17-04, is approved with the following changes: • Meridian City Code 12-13-10-2 states that all required street buffers shall be located beyond any street right-of--way and shall be maintained by the property owner upon which the buffer lies. Further, Meridian City Code 12-13-10-4 requires the width of a landscape street buffer to be calculated based on the Ada County Long Range Highway and Street Map. Because Locust Grove Road is designated as an arterial street with a 35-foot right-of--way (measured to centerline), the applicant should be required to depict/construct a minimum 25 foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to Locust Grove Road. Satd landscape buffer shall be located bevond anv future street right-of-wav for Locust Grove Road. NOTE: This change will force the buildings to be a minimum of 60-feet from the centerline of Locust Grove Road. Some of the building pads are 55- feet from the centerline of Locust Grove Road on the submitted plan. • Any tree over 4" in caliper that is removed from the property shall be replaced by installing additional trees, being the equivalent number of caliper inches of trees that were removed. Required landscaping trees will not be considered as replacement trees for those trees that aze removed (MCC 12-13-13-3). A revised landscape plan, should be submitted for review and approval with the submittal of the Final Plat application(s). The plan must include the changes listed above, the sizes and species of trees, shrubs, berming/swale details, and all proposed ground cover/treatment. E. Pedestrian Connectivity: The purpose of the Neighborhood Center designation on the Comprehensive plan is "to provide a blend ofhigh-density residential, small-scale commercial, entertainment, office and open space uses that are geazed to serve all residents within a one to two square mile area. The centers should offer an internal circulation system that connects with adiacent neighborhoods or regional pathwav(sl. They will also serve as public transit locations for future park and ride lots, bus stops, shuttle bus stops or other alternative modes of transportation." (See Chapter VII, pg. 95.) The applicant is not proposing any pedestrian connectivity to the undeveloped parcels to the north or southwest. In order for this office development to adequately serve the residents in the area, staff recommends that a pedestrian _ walkway be constructed from the proposed sidewalks abutting the parking area to the southwest (Parcel #50531449500) and to the north (Parcel #50531417685). The required walkways should be constructed in accordance with MCC 12-5-2.K and MCC 12-13-I5. See Site Specific Condition #8 below. 1. All conditions of the Annexation and Zoning (AZ-04-010) and Preliminary Plat (PP-04-013) applications shall also be considered conditions of CUP/PD (CUP-04-012). 2. All building construction within Brockton Subdivision shall comply with the eight photos/elevations on file with the Planning and Zoning Department, submitted by Ms. Becky McKay on May 27, 2004. Construction materials shall comply with the materials list on file with the Planning and Zoning Department, submitted by Ms. Becky McKay on May 27, 2004. AZ-04-010, PP-04-O13, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 20 Any modification(s) to the approved architectural design features and/or materials list will require separate CUP modification approval. Said modification will require City Council approval. There is no frontage requirement for the lots within Brockton Subdivision. All lots within Brockton Subdivision shall utilize a common ingress/egress drive aisle, as proposed. 4. Construct a 20-foot wide landscape buffer along the southern property line as proposed. Construct a 10-foot wide landscape buffer along the northern property line as proposed. Redesign the northwest portion of the drive aisle and parking area to allow for a fu1120-foot wide landscape buffer along the entire west property line. This condition will require the removal of at least one parking stall and the relocation of the proposed trash enclosure location. 5. Place a note on the face of the final plat stating that all building setbacks shall be in compliance with the effective zoning regulations of the City of Meridian. 6. As amenities for the Planned Development, construct two gazebo azeas with picnic tables. Said gazebo areas shall be incorporated into common lot(s) so all future lot owners within the development have access to the amenities. At least 10 days prior to the City Council hearing, the applicant shall submit 10 copies of a schematic showing how the amenities will be oriented on the common lot(s). The landscape plan prepazed by Harvest Design, P.C., on 3-17-04, is approved with the following changes: • Depict/construct aminimum 25-foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to Locust Grove Road. Said landscape buffer shall be located beyond any future street rieht-of-wad Locust Grove Road. • Any tree over 4" in caliper that is removed from the property shall be replaced by installing additional trees, being the equivalent number of caliper inches of trees that were removed. Required landscaping trees will not be considered as replacement trees for those trees that are removed (MCC 12-13-13-3). A revised landscape plan shall be submitted for review and approval with the submittal of the Final Plat application(s). The plan must include the changes listed above, the sizes and species of trees, shrubs, berming/swale details, and all proposed ground cover/treatment. Construct a pedestrian walkway, from the proposed internal sidewalks, to the southwest (Pazcel #50531449500) and to the north (Pazcel #50531417685). The required walkways should be constructed in accordance with MCC 12-5-2.K and MCC 12-13-15. 9. All parking and areas of circulation should be paved, striped, and meet the minimum dimensional requirements of Meridian City Code. 10. The aplicant shall coordinate the location and design of trash dumpsters with Sanitary Services Company (SSC) staff. Trash enclosures must be built in the location and to the size approved by SSC. Prior to Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) submittal, the applicant shall submit AZ-04-D (D, PP-04-013, CUP-04A l2 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 21 a revised site plan, stamped approved by SSC, for the proposed trash enclosure location and design. All dumpster(s) must be screened in accordance with MCC 11-12-1.C. 11. All internal sidewalks shall be constructed as submitted and in accordance with MCC 12-5-2.K. 12. No building or other structure shall be erected, moved, added to or structurally altered, nor shall any building structure or land be established or change in use on this site without first obtaining a Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) from the Meridian Planning and Zoning Department (MCC 11-19-1). 13. All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy for the proposed development. A temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a letter of credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the cost of the required improvements (including paving, striping, landscaping, and irrigation). A bid must accompany any request for temporary occupancy. Any temporary occupancy will not exceed 60 days to complete the required improvements. 14. This conditional use permit shall be valid for a maximum period of 18 months. If construction has not begun within this timeframe, a new conditional use permit must be obtained prior to the start of development. Other Agency/DeAartment Comments & Conditions SANITARY SERVICES COMPANY (SSC) 1. Please contact Bill Gregory at SSC (888-3999) for detailed review of your proposal prior to the public hearing. There is a concern that the required modifications may significantly impact your site design and may require a revised site plan. If the site plan is revised, contact the planner assigned to the project immediately to discuss the changes and how to proceed with the revised site plan. 2. Please contact Bill Gregory at SSC (888-3999) for detailed review of your proposal and submit stamped (approved) plans with your certificate of zoning compliance application. MERIDIAN FIRE DEPARTMENT 1. Final approval of the fire hydrant locations shall be by the Meridian Fire Department. a. Fire Hydrants shall have the 4 '/~" outlet face the main street or parking lot aisle. b. The Fire hydrant shall not face a street which does not have addresses on it. c. Fire hydrant mazkers shall be provided per Public Works spec. d. Locations with fire hydrants shall have the curb painted red 10' to each side of the hydrant location. e. Fire Hydrants shall be placed on corners. f. Fire hydrants shall not have any vertical obstructions to outlets within 10' The phasing plan may require that any roadway greater than 150' in length that is not provided with an outlet shall be required to have an approved tum around. 3. All entrance and internal roads shall have a turning radius of 28' inside and 48' outside radius. AZ-04-OIQ, PP-04-013, CUP-04-O12 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Mayor, Council, and P&Z Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 Page 22 4. Provide a 20' wide Fire Lane for all internal & external roadways. 5. Operational fire hydrants and temporary or permanent street signs are required before combustible construction begins. 6. Fire lanes and streets shall have a vertical clearance of 13'6". This includes mature landscaping. Commercial and office occupancies will require afire-flow consistent with the International Fire Code to service the proposed project. Fire hydrants shall be placed an average of 300' apart. 8. The 10 office lots will have an unknown transient population and will have an unknown impact on Meridian Fire Department call volumes. The Meridian Fire Department has experienced 2397 responses in the year 2003. According to a report completed by Fire & Emergency Services Consulting Group our requests for service are projected to reach 2800 in the yeaz 2005 and 3800 by the year 2010. 9. Maintain a separation of 5' from the building to the dumpster enclosures. 10. In areas deternuned by the Fire Department to be fire lanes, paint the curb red and provide signage "No Pazking Fire Lane." 11. All processes & storage practices shall be required to wmply with the International Fire Code. 12. All portions of the buildings located on this project must be within 150' of a paved surface. MERIDIAN PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1. Standard for Mitigation of trees: The standazd established in the City of Meridian Landscape Ordinance will be followed. 2. standazd Plan for Protection of Existing Trees during Construction: The standard established in the City of Meridian Landscape Ordinance will be followed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Annexation/Zoning (AZ-04-010), Preliminary Plat (PP-04- 013) and Conditional Use Permit/Planned Development (CUP-04-012) applications with the conditions listed herein. AZ-04-010, PP-04-013, CUP-04-012 Brockton AZ.PP.CUP.doc Ada County Highway District John S. uave t. wynKOOp tst vice Hresident Susan S. Eastlake, 2nd Vice President Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Dave Bivens, Commissioner May 7, 2004 To: Confluence Management, LLC 5418 N. Eagle Road, Suite 180 Boise, Idaho 83713 Subject: MPP04-013/MAZ04-010/MCUP04-012 Brockton Subdivision 3665 N. Locust Grove Road 3775 N. Adams Street Garden City ID 83714-6499 Phone (208) 387-6100 FAX (208) 387-6391 E-mail: tellus~ACHD.ada.id.us RECEIi/ED MAY 1 ~ 2004 City of Meridian City Clerk Office On May 5, 2004, the Ada County Highway District acted on your application for the above referenced project. The attached report lists site-specific requirements, conditions of approval and street improvements, which are required. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 208-387-6174. Si ere~'C/ on Den Hartog Senior Development Analys Right-of-way & Development Services, Planning Division CC: Planning & Development project file Construction Services, Drainage, Utilities Gity of Meridian Herbert C. Cynthia A. Lee 3665 N. Locust Grove Road Meridian, Idaho 83642 Engineering Solutions, LLP 150 E. Aikens Street, Suite B Eagle, Idaho 83616 .~~ ~~~~. Ada County Highway District Right-of-Way Planning Review Division This application does require Commission action due to its location in the North Meridian Planning Area, and is was approved on fhe consent agenda on May 5, 2004. Tech Review for this item was held with the applicant on Apri! 23, 2004. Please refer to the attachment for request for reconsideration guidelines. Staff contact: Lori Den Harfog, phone: 387-6174, E-mail: JdenhartooCcr~achd.ada.id.us File Numbers: Brockton SubdivisionlMPP04013/MAZ04-010/MCUP04-012 Site address: 3665 N. Locust Grove Applicant: Confluence Management, LLC 5418 N. Eagle Rd., Suite 180 Boise, Idaho 83713 Representative: Engineering Solutions, LLP 150 E. Aikens Street, Suite B Eagle, Idaho 83616 Owner: Herbert C. and Cynthia A. Lee Application Information: The applicant has submitted the above referenced application to the City of Meridian requesting rezone, annexation, conditional use, and preliminary plat approval for the development of 10 commercial lots on 4.10-acres. The site is located south of Heritage Park at 3665 N. Locust Grove Road. Acreage: 4.10-acres Commercial lots: 10 Current Zoning: RUT Proposed Zoning: L-O (PD) Vicinity Map I~ _,__: _ - -~ = --- ~~ ..A91Ga~Flre SIGOn-~I' ~( -- 9 E ~~ A. Findings of Fact Trip Generation: This development is estimated to generate 383 additional vehicle trips per day (10 existing) based on the submitted traffic impact study. 2. Impact Fees: There will be an impact fee that is assessed and due prior to issuance of a building permit. The assessed impact fee will be based on the impact fee ordinance that is in effect at that time. 3. Traffic Impact Study: A traffic impact study was not required with this application. However, listed below as an executive summary of the North Meridian Traffic Study. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE NORTH MERIDIAN TRAFFIC STUDY The proposed 12-square mile study area between US 20126 and Ustick Road and between McDermott Road and Eagle Road (Sections 25-28, 33-36 of T4N R1 W and sections 29-32 of T4N R1 E), is selected Ada County Highway District (ACRD) for anticipated development build out. The following are the principal findings and recommendations of the study: • By the year 2020 the study area is anticipated to develop an additional 17,599 dwelling units, 2,744,000 sq. ft of office buildings, 1,929,000 sq.ft. of retail buildings, 12 elementary schools, 2 senior high schools, 2 junior high schools, 38,260 sq. ft of church buildings, and approximately 60 acres of park. • The build out scenario of the study area is projected to generate an average daily traffic (ADT) of 276,764 vehicles per day (vpd), of which the peak hour traffic (PHT) will be 28,206 vehicles per hour (vph). Out of these trips approximately 10% of the trips remain internal within each section, and 6% of the trips are pass-by trips. • The distribution of the traffic from all of the study area sections indicate that approximately 30% traffic directed towards south, 27% of the traffic directed towards east, 21 % of the traffic directed towards west and north. The remaining 22% of the traffic is distributed within the study area. • At build out, traffic on the arterials is expected to significantly increase (see Table 4). • All of the arterial intersections in the study area are currently operating at acceptable level of service of "C" or better. • By the year 2020, the majority of study intersections are projected to meet the peak hour traffic signal warrant. • A proportionate share of the impacts of the individual sections at each of the study area arterial intersections is summarized in Table 6. • Several mid-mile intersections may warrant traffic signals due to the heavy left turn traffic volume._ • Chinden Boulevard is forecasted with 5-lane section in the study area. Right turns lanes may be required at some access and arterial intersections. • McMillan Road is forecasted with a 5-lane section east of Black Cat. McMillan Road is forecasted with a 3-lane section west of Black Cat. At arterial intersections and at access intersections right turns lanes may be necessary. • Ustick Road is forecasted with a 5-lane section east of Black Cat. Ustick Road is forecasted with a 3-lane section west of Black Cat. At arterial intersections and at access intersections right turns lanes may be necessary. • 'Linder Road forecasted with a 5-lane section in the study area. At arterial intersections and at access intersections right turns lanes may be required. • McDermott Road is forecasted with a 3-lane section in the study area. At arterial intersections and at access intersections turn lanes may be required. 2 • Black Cat Road is forecasted with a 3-lane section in the study area. At arterial intersections right tum lanes may be required. • Ten Mile Road is forecasted with a 5-lane section in the study area. At arterial intersections and at access intersections turn lanes may be required. • Meridian Road requires a 3-lane section north of McMillan and 5-lane section south of McMillan in the study area. At arterial intersections right turn lanes may be required. • Locust Grove Road requires a 3-lane section in the study area. At arterial intersections right turn lanes may be required. At Ustick Road a 5-lane section is forecasted. Staff recognizes that the amount of right-of-way dedicated with these improvements is overwhelming, and that ACHD may not have the funds to purchase such a large amount of right-of-way. In this situation it is likely that impact fee offset agreements will be utilized to offset the amount of money that ACHD will pay out-of-pocket to acquire the right-of-way. 4. Site Information: There is currently a single family residence on the site. 5. Description of Adjacent Surrounding Area: Direction Land Use Zoning North Sin le-famil residential RUT-Ada Coun South Meridian Fire Station L-O-Ci of Meridian East Sin le-famil residential R-4-Ci of Meridian West Single-family residential R-8-City of Meridian 6. Impacted Roadways Roadway Frontage Functional Traffic Count Level of Speed Classification Service* Limit Locust Grove 507' Minor Arterial 8,443 north of Ustick Better 35 MPH on 9116103 than "C" Ustick None Minor Arterial 10,868 east of Locust Better 40 MPH Grove on 9/16/03 than "C" *Acceptable level of service for a two lane arterial roadway is °t ~ (~ o,auu v i u/. 7. Roadway Improvements Adjacent To and Near the Site Locust Grove Road is currently improved with 2 lanes (no center turn lane) no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. 8. Existing Right-of-Way Locust Grove Road can-ently has 50-feet of right-of-way (25-feet from centerline) abutting the site. 9. Existing Access to the Site The site currently takes access via a dirt driveway located 103-feet north of the south property line. 10. Site History The District has not reviewed this site within the past year. 3 11. Capital Improvements Plan/Five Year Work Program There are currently no projects within this area that are scheduled in the District's Five Year Work Program. Ustick Road is scheduled in the Capital Improvements Plan to be widened to 5 lanes from Meridian Road to Cloverdale Road in 11 to 15 years. 12. Other Development in the Area Staff has reviewed a number of development applications in the north Meridian area. The following list is a compilation of developments that the District has approved recently within this identified area: • On October 17, 2001 the Commission approved a rezone and preliminary plat application for an 8-lot industrial subdivision on 34.6-acres (Utility Subdivision). Note: Later denied by City of Meridian. • On November 7, 2001 the Commission approved a rezone and annexation application for 370- acres. The Commission also approved a preliminary plat for 336-lots on 175-acres and conditional use approval for a total of 692 single-family residences, 59 senior housing units, 17 office lots, 10 commercial lots, and an elementary school (Bridgetower Subdivision). • On February 6, 2002, the Commission approved a preliminary plat application fora 272-lot residential subdivision on 78-acres (Baldwin Park). • On April 17, 2002, the Commission approved a preliminary plat application fora 285-lot subdivision on 75-acres (Heritage Commons Subdivision). • On May 22, 2002, the Commission approved a preliminary plat application for an 876-lot mixed- use subdivision. The subdivision consisted of 862 single-family dwellings, 171 multi-family dwellings, 11 office buildings, 1 commercial building, 1 fire station, 1 city park and 1 private park (Lochsa Falls Subdivision). • On July 17, 2002, the Commission approved a request for approval for an annexation and rezone fora 135,000 square foot Middle School within the Meridian Schocl District. • On August 21, 2002, the Commission approved a preliminary plat application fora 144-lot residential subdivision on 43-acres (Sundance Place Subdivision). • On August 28, 2002, the Commission approved a preliminary plat application fora 12-lot residential subdivision on 5-acres (Drawbridge Subdivision). • On October 23, 2002, the Commission approved an 89-lot residential subdivision on 15.4-acres (Cobblefield Crossing Subdivision). • November 6, 2002, the Commission approved a 327-lot residential subdivision and 1 school site_ on 120-acres (Havasu Creek Subdivision). • On November 6, 2002, the Commission approved a 3-lot commercial subdivision that is anticipated to include a new Meridian School District Educational Campus that will include one elementary school, iwo senior high charter schools, iwo senior high professional technical high schools and one District administration building on 39-acres (Education Campus Subdivision). • On November 20, 2002, the Commission approved, Burney Glen Subdivision, a 117-lot single- family residential subdivision on 36-acres • On November 26, 2002, the Commission approved Cedar Springs North Subdivision, a 229-lot mixed-use subdivision consisting of 184-single-family residential lots, 12-office lots, and 32- common lots and 1-lot that is anticipated to redevelop into attached single-family residential lots (town houses). • On January 8, 2003, the Commission approved Watersong Estates Subdivision, a 125-lot single- family residential subdivision located on 39.92. 4 • On January 15, 2003, the Commission approved Silverleaf Subdivision, a 73-lot mixed-use subdivision. The subdivision is proposed to contain 72-single-family residential lots and 1- elementaryschool lots located on 38.65-acres. • On January 29, 2003, the Commission approved Parkstone Subdivision, a 334-mixed-use subdivision proposed to contain 275-single-family residential lots, 52-townhouse lots, 4-office lots, 2-commercial lots and 1-mini storage lot. • On February 19, 2003, the Commission approved Setter Cove Subdivision, a 16-lot single-family residential subdivision located on 10-acres. • On March 19, 2003, the Commission approved Paramount Subdivision, an 847-lot mixed-use subdivision proposed to contain 764 single-family residential lots, 5-commercial and office lots, 73-townhouse lots, 1multi-family lot (270 apartments), a community center, 1-elementary school lot, 1-high school lot and 2-church lots on 392-acres. • On April 23, 2003, the Commission approved Birchstone Creek Subdivision, a 98-lot residential subdivision consisting of 89 single-family lots, an elementary school site and 8 common lots on 34.5-acres. • On July 2, 2003, the Commission approved Kelly Creek Subdivision, a 230-lot mixed us subdivision consisting of 216 single-family lots and 14-commercial/office lots. • On November 7, 2003, the District approved Cobblefield Crossing Subdivision #2, a 39-lot single- family residential subdivision on 7.98-acres. • On November 12, 2003, the Commission approved Saguaro Canyon Subdivision, a 461-lot single-family residential subdivision on 140.25-acres. • On December 3, 2003, the Commission approved a 66-lot single-family residential subdivision. on 15.04-acres. • On December 3, 2003, the Commission approved Sheridan Place Subdivision, a 46-lot single- family residential subdivision on 13.995-acres. • On December 17, 2003, the Commission approved Razberry Crossing Subdivision, a 38-lot mixed-use subdivision on 11.31-acres. The subdivision is proposed to contain 34-single-family residential lots and 4-office lots. • On January 7, 2004, the Commission approved Baldwin Park Subdivision, a 71-lot single-family residential subdivision on 19.07-acres. • On January 21; 2004, the Commission approved Settlement Bridge Subdivision, a 266-lot single- family residential subdivision on 70.64-acres. If staff examines each one of these developments individually, the roadway system appears adequate, but when staff adds each approved development, the traffic capacities of the surrounding roadways reach their 2020 planning thresholds. One option for funding improving these roadways is the implementation of an extra-ordinary impact fee overlay district. This application may also be subject to any extraordinary fees that the District may impose. B. Findings for Consideration Right-of-Way and Sidewalk Locust Grove Road District policy requires 96-feet of right-of-way on arterial roadways (Figure 72-F1 B). This right-of-way allows for the construction of a 5-lane roadway with curb, gutter, 5-foot concrete detached sidewalks and bike lanes. As a part of the North Meridian Traffic Plan, it was noted that a 3-lane roadway with curb, gutter, 5- foot concrete detached sidewalks and bike lanes within 70-feet of right-of-way would be adequate to accommodate the projected traffic volumes on Locust Grove Road. Due to the fact that the IJorth Meridian Traffic Plan recommended a 70-foot right-of-way on Locust Grove Road and the Commission has supported the recommendations in the past, staff is recommending that the applicant dedicate 70-feet of right-of-way (35-feet from centerline) as opposed to 96-feet of right-of- way (48-feet from centerline). The adjoining road is not listed as a proposed project in the District's currently adopted Five-Year Work Program or in the currently adopted 20-year Capita! Improvements Plan. As such, the applicant cannot receive reimbursement for dedicated right-of--way from available collected impact fees. The applicant shall do one of the following: a. Dedicate by donation a total of 35-feet ofright-of-way along Locust Grove Road, and construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Locust Grove Road, located a minimum of 28-feet from the centerline of the right-of--way. b. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Locust Grove Road, located a minimum of 28-feet from the centerline of the right-of-way, in an easement provided to the District. c. Do not dedicate additional right-of--way, but construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Locust Grove Road, located at the back edge of the existing right-of-way. Accomplish all necessary adjustments to properly accommodate existing drainage and utilities. Internal Streets District policy 7204.4.1 and Figure 72-F1A requires 50-feet of right-of-way on local streets. This right- of-way allows for the construction of a 2-lane roadway with curb, gutter and 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks. The applicant has proposed to construct the infernal local streets within 50-feet of right-of-way. This right-of-way meets District policy and should be approved with this application. 2. Driveways Location District policy 72-F5, requires driveways located on collector or arterial roadways with a speed limit of 35 to align or offset a minimum of 150-feet from any existing or proposed driveway. The applicant has proposed to locate one driveway on Locust Grove Road in alignment with E. Summerridge Drive on the east side of Locust Grove Road. This location meets District policy and should be approved with this application. Width District policy 7207.9.3 restricts commercial driveways with daily traffic volumes over 1,000 vehicles to a maximum width of 35-feet. Most commercial driveways will be constructed as curb-cut type facilities if located on local streets. Curb return type driveways with 15-foot radii will be required for driveways accessing collector and arterial roadways. 6 The applicant has proposed the one driveway to be 30-feet in width. This width meets District policy and should be approved with this application. The driveway should be constructed as a curb return type driveway with 15-foot radii. Paving Graveled driveways abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. In accordance with District policy, 7207.9.1, the applicant should be required to pave the driveway its full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway. 3. Cross Access The applicant has proposed to provide cross access to all of the lots within the development. The District is supportive of this due to the fact that four of the lots will not have frontage on a publicly maintained road. The applicant has also proposed to provide cross access to the 1.22-acre parcel to the north. The District is supportive of this cross access due to the fact that this property may not be eligible for a full access onto Locust Grove Road in the future when it redevelops. 4. Other Access Locust Grove Road is classified as a minor arterial. Other than the access that is specifically approved with this application, direct lot access to Locust Grove Road is prohibited and notes of this should be required on the final plat. C. Site Specific Conditions of Approval The applicant shall do one of the following a. Dedicate by donation a total of 35-feet of right-of-way along Locust Grove Road, and construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Locust Grove Road, located a minimum of 28-feet from the centerline of the right-of-way. b. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Locust Grove Road, located a minimum of 28-feet from the centerline of the right-of-way, in an easement provided to the District. c. Do not dedicate additional right-of--way, but construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk - along Locust Grove Road, located at the back edge of the existing right-of-way. Accomplish all necessary adjustments to properly accommodate existing drainage and utilities. 2. Construct one 30-foot wide driveway intersecting Locust Grove Road in alignment with Summerridge Drive on the east side of Locust Grove. The driveway shall be constructed as a curb return type driveway with 15-foot radii. The driveway shall be paved its full width and at least 30-feet into the site. 3. Direct lot access to Locust Grove Road is prohibited and shall be noted on the final plat. 4. Comply with all Standard Conditions of Approval. D. Standard Conditions of Approval 1. Any existing irrigation facilities shall be relocated outside of the right-of-way. 2. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be borne by the developer. 3. Replace any existing damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk and any that may be damaged during the construction of the proposed development. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file number) for details. 4. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact the District's Utility Coordinator at 387-6258 (with file numbers) for details. 5. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACRD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 6. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 7. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 8. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinahce #198, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 9. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of-way. The applicant at no cost to ACHD shall repair existing utilities damaged by the applicant. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of-way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 10. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 11. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the properly which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. E. Conclusions of Law The proposed site plan is approved, if all of the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval are satisfied. 2. ACHD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Attachments 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. Reconsideration Guidelines 10 IGL4TE 0311610 POGl NG. 40106 exEEr 1C>F1 VICIN RUT ~i ~ R-8 RUT ~-o RUT 3 --~-'~~ O BROCKTON SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN TiiE SE 114 OF SECTION 81, T.4N., R.1E., B.M. MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO VICINITY MAP R-4 O } ~s E9~C~,~tplZ G O O Request for Reconsideration of Commission Action Request for Reconsideration of Commission Action: A Commissioner, a member of ACRD staff or any other person objecting to any final action taken by the Commission may request reconsideration of that action, provided the request is not for a reconsideration of an action previously requested to be reconsidered, an action whose provisions have been partly and materially carried out, or an action that has created a contractual relationship with third parties. a. Only a Commission member who voted with the prevailing side can move for reconsideration, but the motion may be seconded by any Commissioner and is voted on by all Commissioners present. If a motion to reconsider is made and seconded it is subject to a motion to postpone to a certain time. b. The request must be in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Highway District no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Commission's next scheduled regular meeting following the meeting at which the action to be reconsidered was taken. Upon receipt of the request, the Secretary shall cause the same to be placed on the agenda for that next scheduled regular Commission meeting. c. The request for reconsideration must be supported by written documentation setting forth new facts and information not presented at the earlier meeting, or a changed situation that has developed since the taking of the earlier vote, or information establishing an error of fact or law in the earlier action. The request may also be supported by oral testimony at the meeting. d. If a motion to reconsider passes, the effect is the original matter is in the exact position it occupied the moment before it was voted on originally. It will nonnally be returned to ACHD staff for further review. The Commission may set the date of the meeting at which the matter is to be returned. The Commission shall only take action on the original matter at a meeting where the agenda notice so provides. e. At the meeting where the original matter is again on the agenda for Commission action, interested persons and ACHD staff may present such written and oral testimony as the President of the Commission determines to be appropriate, and the Commission may take any action the majority of the Commission deems advisable. f. If a motion to reconsider passes, the applicant may be charged a reasonable fee, to cover administrative costs, as established by the Commission. 11 CENTRAL ~• DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT Rezone # Conditional Use # CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPT I~~Eyl Environmental Health Division aPR 2 ? ~r« Preliminary /Final /Short Plat of Meridian Clerk Offiet• Return to: ^ Boise ^ Eagle ^ Garden City - Meridian " ^ Kuna ^ ACZ ^ Star 4~1: We have No Objections to this Proposal. /^ 2. We recommend Denial of this Proposal. ^ 3. Specific knowledge as to the exact type of use must be provided before we can comment on this Proposal. ^ 4. We will require more data concerning soil conditions on this Proposal before we can comment. ^ 5. Before we can comment concerning individual sewage disposal, we will require more data concerning the depth of: ^ high seasonal ground water ^ waste flow characteristics ^ or bedrock from original grade ^ other ^ 6. This office will require a study to assess the impact of nutrients and pathogens to receiving ground waters and/or surface waters. ^ 7. This project shall be reviewed by the Idaho Department of Water Resources concerning well construction and water availability. ^ 8. After written approval from appropriate entities are submitted, we can approve this proposal for: ^ central sewage ^ community sewage system ^ community water well ^ interim sewage ^ central water ^ individual sewage ^ individual water ^ 9. The following plan(s) must be submitted to and approved by the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality: ^ central sewage ^ community sewage system ^ community water ^ sewage dry lines ^ central water ^ 10. Run-off is not to create a mosquito breeding problem. ^ 11. This Department would recommend deferral until high seasonal ground water can be determined if other considerations indicate approval. ^ 12. If restroom facilities are to be installed, then a sewage system MUST be installed to meet Idaho State Sewage Regulations. ^ 13. We will require plans be submitted for a plan review for any: ^ food establishment ^ swimming pools or spas ^ beverage establishment ^ grocery slore ^ 14. Please see attached stormwater management recommendatations ^ 15. ^ child care center Date: I ID Reviewed By: coHOS~ooi~ Review Sheet MAYOR Tammy de Weerd CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Shaun Wardle William L. M. Nary Charles M. Rountree Keith Bird ; CITY OF ~T~~ I_.~...: .. ~;, BY1G~1CtY1~ ~' -<,, v ~ IDAHO ~~ ~~ ~CF»'ea a.T V,wbY LEGAL DEPARTMENT (208) 466-9272 • FAX 466-4405 PARKS @ RECREATION (208) 888-3579 • Pax 898-5501 PUBLIC WORKS (206) 898-550D • Fax 887-1297 BUILDING DEPARTMENT (2os) ss7-zzll • Pax as7-]zm aensuae vxoE PLANNING & ZONING .;1903 (208) 884-5533 • Fax 888-6854 TRANSMITTALS TO AGENCIES FOR COMMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS WITH THE CITY OF MERIDIAN Te insure that your comments and recommendations will be considered by the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission, please submit your comments and recommendations to Meridian City Clerk's Office Attn: Will Berg, City Clerk, by: May 27, 2004 Transmittal Date: April 73, 2004 Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 File No.: CUP 04-012 Request: C_UP for a PD for proposed Brockton Subdivision wire uest for reduction to required land- scape buffer along north, south & west boundaries & reduced or no lot frontage By: Location of Property or Project: 3665 North David Zaremba, P/Z (No VAR, VAC; FP) David Moe, P/Z (No VAR, VAC, FP) Wendy Newton-Huckabay, P2 (No vAR, vqc) Michael Rohm, P/Z (A!o VAR, VAC, FP) Keith Bolup, P/Z (No VAR, VAC, FP) Tammy de Weerd, Mayor Bill Nary, C/C Charlie Rountree, C/C KeRh Bird, C/C Shaun Wardle, C/C Water Department Sewer Department Sanitary Service (No VAR, VAC, FPJ Building Department Fire Department Meridian School District (No FP) Meridian Post Office (FPiPPonly) Ada County Highway District Ada County Development Services Gentral District Health Nampa Meridian Irrig. District Settlers Irrigation District Idaho POWef Co. (FP/PP only) Qwest (FP/PP only) Intermountain Gas (FPiPPOnty) Bureau of Reclamation (FP/PP only) Idaho Transportation Department (No FP) Ada GOUnty (Annexation only) Ada County Land Records (FP/PP onry) Meridian Development Corporation Police Department Historical Preservation Commission City Attorney City Engineer City Planner ;~`..~a ' ..~ ~~ APR I ~ : _ "~ ss~ ,.~m,~~I~~i;~.~ ". .. T APR 19 2004 _ -,a; ~;~ ?ig ;~ ~~' p City Of Meridian =.y"9 "" City Clerk Office 33 EAST IDAHO AVENUE • MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 • (208) 888-4433 RECEIVED City Clerk Office Fax (208) 888-4218 Human Resources Fax (208j 884-8723 Finance & Utility Billing Fax (208) 887-4813 Your Concise Remarks: ~~sr~£za 8c ~ie;d,ia~ ~I~x;gati,~~t ~ut>~uct 1503 FIRST STREET SOIfTH ~ NAMPA, IDAHO 83651-4395 FAX # 208-463-0092 William G. Berg Jr. City Clerk ~iir nf~ ~exi~an Mdridian,lD $3642 MAY - 3 200# Phones: Area Code 208 OFFICE: Nampa 466-7861 SHOP: Nampa 466-0663 -_ - - _ _ 'Clt~' ~f - f i t r% t'91~x'J~ RE: CUP 04-012(Brockton Subdivision Dear Will: Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District has no comment on the above referenced application for proposed Brockton Subdivision w/request for reduction to required landscape buffer along north, south and west boundaries and reduced or no lot frontage as it is out of our district. Please contact Settler's Irrigation District at 344-2471 or P.O. Box 7571, Boise, Idaho, 83707. However, if any surface drainage leaves the site, the Nactipa & Meridian Irrigation District requires a Land Use Change Application be 1'iledfor review prior to final platting. Please contact Donna Moore at 466-7861 for further information. Sincerely~~ John P. Anderson Water Superintendent NAMPA & MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT JPA/dbg _ - - - APPROXIMATE IRRIGABLE ACRES RIVER FLOW RIGHTS 23,000 BOISE PROTECT RIGHTS - 40,000 27 April, 2004 ~ & ~~~ CO Y 1503 FIRST STREET SOUTH NAMPA, IDAHO 63651-4395 Kathy Stroschein, Engineer Becky McKay, Planner Engineering Solutions, LLP _ 150_E,._Aikens Street Suite B -- Eagle, ID 83616 FAX # 208-463-0092 ~/y~~ Phones: Area Code 208 ~~'djD OFFICE: Nampa 466-7661 SHOP: Nampo 456-D663 MAY-3~ - - - - -- - C~il,1p ofDAeiid6an RE: Land Use Change Application - Dear Ms. Stroschein and Ms. McKay: Enclosed please find a Land Use Change Application for your use to file with the Irrigation District for its review on the above-referenced development. If this development is under a "rush" to be finalized, I would recommend that you submit a cashier's check, money order or cash as payment of the fees in order to speed the process up. If you submit a company or personal check, it must clear the bank before processing the application. Should this development be planning a pressure urban irrigation system that will be owned, operated and maintained by the Irrigation District, I strongly urge you to coordinate with John P. Anderson, Water Superintendent for the Irrigation District, concerning the installation of the pressure system. Enclosed is a questionnaire that you must fill out and return in order to initiate the process of contractual agreements between the owner or developer and the Irrigation District for the ownership, operation and maintenance of the pressure urban irrigation system. If you have any questions concerning this matter, pleasA feel free to call on me at the District's office, or John P. Anderson, at the District's shop. Sincerely, ~~ Donna N. Moore, Asst. Secretary/Treasurer NAMPA & MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT DNM/smc cc: File Water Superintendent Will Berg, City Clerk, Meridian City Herbert C. & Cynthia A. Lee, 3665 N. Locust Grove Road, Meridian, ID 83642 Confluence Management, LLC, 5418 N. Eagle Road, Suite 180, Boise, ID 883713 enc. APPROXIMATE IRRIGABLE ACRES RIVER FLOW RIGHTS - 23,000 BOISE PROJECT RIGHTS - 40,000 MAYOR - Tammy de Weerd - ~p~ ~F~qq LEGAL DEPARTMENT ~y ~ T~ ~7 466-9272 • PAX 466-4405 `J 1 ITY OF ~~~'~t 7 ( / ~ ARKS & RECREATION ~ CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS , / r ~~ ~ (2087 B-5501 ~ ~ \ Shaun Wardle y / / p \`~ 1 LLJ/ 1 1~/L pp ~~~I J ZUU4 PUBLICWORKS ~ ~ APR" William L. M. Nary r IDAHO // (2D8) 898-5500 • Fax 887-1297 Charles M. Rountree bE " CE ' -~F MERIDIAI7LDING DEPARTMENT 887-22] 1 • Fax 887-1297 ' e" Kei[h Bird ~'TREtSV'0.EV i19Q1 PLANNING&ZANING (208) 884-5533 • Fax 888-6854 TRANSMITTALS TO AGENCIES FOR COMMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS WITH THE CITY OF MERIDIAN To insure that your comments and recommendations. will be considered by the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission, please submit your comments and recommendations to Meridian City Clerk's Office Attn: Will Berg, City Clerk, by: May 27, 2004 Transmittal Date: April 13, 2004 Hearing Date: June 3, 2004 File No.: CUP 04-012 Request: C_UP for a PD for proposed Brockton Subdivision w/request for reduction to required land scape buffer along north, south & west boundaries & reduced or no lot frontage By: LLC Location of Property or Protect: 3665 North Locust Grove Road David Zaremba, P/Z (No VAR, VAC, FPJ David Moe, P/Z (No VAR, VAC, FP) Wendy Newton-Huckabay, P/Z (No VAR, VAC/ Michael Rohm, P2 (No VAR, VAC, FPJ Keith Borup, P/Z (No VAR, VAC, FP) Tammy de Weerd, Mayor Bill Nary, C/C Charlie Rountree, C/C Keith Bird, C/C Shaun Wardle, C/C Water Department Sewer Department Sanitary Service (No VAR, VAC, FP) Building Department Fire Department Police Department Meridian School Disttct (No FP) Meridian Post Office (FP/PP only) Ada County Highway District Ada County Development Services Central DistriG Health Nampa Meridian brig. District Settlers Irrigation DistriG Idaho Power Co. (FP/PP only) QWeSt (FP/PP only) Intermountain Gas (FP/PP oMyJ Bureau of ReGamation (FP/PP ~~ty) Idaho Transportation Department (No FP) Ada County (Annexation onry) Ada County Land Records (FP/PP onry) Meridian Development Corporation Historical Preservation Commission city Attorney Your Concise Remarks: City Engineer / City Planner Parks Department '>/.~ ~ , .~° T •.; ~,_~~ _ 33 EAST IDAHO AVENUE • MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 • (208) 888-4433 Jr?/ r City Clerk Office Fax (208) 888-4218 Human Resources Fax (208) 884-8723 Finance & Utility Billing Fax (208) 887-4813 ENGINEERING pknning and engineering communities !or IAe fuWre aSOLUTIONS,~P June 3, 2004 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission City of Meridian 33 East Idaho Avenue Meridian, ID 83642 ~~~F~~T~~~~ JUN03200§ City Clnriti. f'l ~}~i(, i~ Re: Brockton Subdivision Annexation and Zoning, Preliminary Plat and Planned Development Files Nos. AZ-04-010, PP-04-013, CUP-03-012 Dear Commissioners: We have reviewed the staff comments transmitted to our office on June 1, 2004, and have the following responses: APPLICATIONS SUMMARY Page 2, last paragraph, second sentence - We take issue with staff s statement that the area will function like a strip mall. Strip malls are usually characterized by a row of buildings (often attached), multiple access points, and have their parking lots in front of the buildings adjacent to public streets. This will not be the case in this project. Staff needs to familiarize themselves with the correct definitions for land use planning prior to incorporating them into a staff report Page 4, b) under second bullet - Onen Snace -Although not contained within separate lots, there is an abundance of landscaping and open space within the development. Being an office development, offices will have landscaping surrounding the individual buildings. A simple review of the site plan would correct the false assumption that there is little open space in this development Page 4, d) under second bullet - Densi -The developer of this project is not interested in a residential component to the project. The existence of a charter high school and elementary school across the street, along with the profusion of residential development in the area and the Meridian Fire Station on the south boundary, have made this property a desirable site for office development. The property is only 4.1 acres and does not lend itsedf to a residential component C:1Documents and Settings~greenflLocal SettingslTemporary Interne[ Files10LK1881RecsRespoosel.doc Meridian Planning & Zoning Commissioners June 3, 2004 Page 2 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS (ANNEXATION AND ZONING) Page 9, second paragraph, last four sentences -See our first response under Applications Summary. Until the City adopts actual standards far neghborhood centers under an ordinance, `functional Neighborhood Center" is a nebulous and arbitrary term, as is the staff comment that the area is developing as a strip mall A. ANNEXATION AND ZONING CONDITIONS Noted. Noted. 3. The applicant will comply. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS (PRELIMINARY PLAT) A. Access Drive Aisles and Parkins: -Concerning the comment that the site plan does not account for a Fire Department turnaround, the applicant will coordinate with the Meridian Fire Department to make sure they have adequate space to turn around. A fue truck can easily pull into one leg of the northern parking area and back into the other leg. The furthest building is less than 150 feet from the center of the ``Y". Cross-access will be provided to the property owner to the north and to the lots within the development and is shown on the submitted plans. B. Locust Grove Road Rieht-of-Wav: The applicant will meet ACHD requirements for roadway dedication. The applicant has selected Option l .b. in the ACHD report and will preserve that area for future right-of--way. Street Buffer: The applicant will comply with City Code. The requirement to construct a landscape buffer beyond any uture street right-of-way is not in City Ordinance, and is an indefinable and arbitrary condition. C. Pressure Irrieation: The applicant will comply. D. Ditches. Laterals and Canals: The applicant will comply. E. Covenants. Codes and Restrictions: The applicant will comply. F. Fencine: As this is a business park, permanent fencing is proposed only for the north and west boundaries. C:\Docwnents and Settings\gre®t\Local Settings\Tempomry Internet Files\OLKI881RecsResponsel.doc Meridian Planning & Zoning Commissioners June 3, 2004 Page 3 SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (PRELIMINARY PLATT 1. The applicant will comply with all conditions of the annexation and zoning (AZ- 04-010), CUP/PD (CUP-04-012) as conditions of the preliminary plat (PP-04- 013). 2. The applicant will comply 3. The applicant will coordinate with the Meridian Fire Department and obtain approval for the interior circulation. 4. The applicant will comply with ACHD requirements for right-of--way preservation. 5. The applicant will comply. 6. The applicant will comply. 7. The applicant will comply. 8. The applicant will comply. 9. The applicant will comply. 10. The applicant will comply. 11. The applicant will comply. 12. The applicant will comply. STANDARD CONDITIONS (PRELMINARY PLATT 1. The applicant will comply. 2. The applicant will comply. 3. The applicant will comply. 4. The applicant will comply. 5. The applicant will comply. 6. The applicant will comply. 7. The applicant will comply. C:\Documents and SettingslgreentlLocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files10LK188V2ecsResponsel,doc Meridian Planning & Zoning Commissioners June 3, 2004 Page 4 8. The applicant will comply if applicable. 9. Noted. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS (CUP/PDl A. CUP Application Submittal Requirements: The applicant will comply; however, the applicant would like to have the ability to meet or exceed the quality of materials and receive approval through the Planning Director. B. Reduced Standards: The applicant will comply and supports staff recommendation to delete the proposed setback table and use applicable setbacks for the L-O zone. C. Amenities and Ouen Space: The applicant does not wish to include the amenities within common lots, particularly in regard to the effect it would have on setbacks for the buildings. We would propose to include the gazebos and picnic areas in a recreational easement. D. Landscanine: The applicant will comply. E. Pedestrian Connectivity: The applicant will revise the site plan to incorporate extension of pedestrian paths to the north and south. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (CONDITIONAL USEI 1. The applicant will comply with all conditions of the annexation and zoning (AZ- 04-010) and preliminary plat (PP-04-013) as conditions of the CUP/PD (CUP- 04-012). 2. The building footprints and sizes may vary to meet market demand. Elevations may not be exactly as shown in the photographs provided, but will be similar. Although this is a smaller project, we would appreciate receiving the same consideration that other, larger projects have received (e.g., Silverstone, EI Dorado) to vary somewhat from that proposed, as long as the square footage and building materials substantially comply. For example, slate or copper roofs may be determined to be more desirable, and would be an upgrade from the proposed materials. Meridian City Code II- I7-IO.C. allows stgff level review for reduction in density, minor relocation of building pads, minor changes to recreation area or open space design, and increases in building square footage not exceeding 20 percent. Commission review is required for a significant change in the development phasing plan or a change in proposed setbacks. Noted. C:\Documen[s and Settings\greent\I.ocal Settings\Tempotary Internet Files10IK188\RecsResponsel.doc Meridian Planning & Zoning Comrnissioners June 3, 2004 Page 5 4. The applicant will comply. 5. The applicant will comply. 6. The applicant respectfully requests that the amenities not be required to be placed on separate lots. Through recreational easements, the business owners' association and sales and/or lease agreements, it can clearly be spelled out that the amenities are common throughout the development. 7. The applicant will comply 8. The applicant will comply. 9. The applicant will comply. 10. The applicant's representative has met with Sanitary Services Company and will comply with their recommendations. A stamped, approved plan has been delivered to the Planning & Zoning Department. 11. The applicant will comply. 12. The applicant will comply. 13. The applicant will comply. 14. Noted. Other A¢encv/Deoartment Comments & Condifions Sanitary Services Company (SSC) 1. The applicant's representative met with Bill Gregory on 6/1/04. Very minor modifications were required to the site plan. A stamped, approved plan was submitted to the Meridian Planning & Zoning Department. 2. Completed. Meridian Fire Department 1. The applicant will comply. 2. The applicant will coordinate with the Meridian Fire Department. 3. The site plan complies with the radius requirements. 4. The applicant will comply. C:1Doc~tents and Settings\greent\Local Settings\Temponry ]ntemet Files\OLK188\RecsResponsel.doc Meridian Planning & Zoning Commissioners June 3, 2004 Page 6 5. Noted. 6. The applicant will comply. 7. The applicant will comply. 8. Noted. 9. The applicant will comply. 10. The applicant will comply. 11. The applicant will comply. 12. The applicant will comply. Meridian Parks & Recreation Department 1. The applicant will comply. 2. The applicant will comply. Please feel free to call me if you have additional comments or questions. Sincerely, Engineering Solutions, LLP Becky McKay Partner BM:ss cc: Confluence Management, LLC C:\Documeots and Settingslgreent\Local SettingslTemporary Internet Files\OLK188u2ecsResponseLdoc CITY OF MERIDIAN PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP SHEET DATE June 3, 2004 ITEM # 9 PROJECT NUMBER CUP 04-012 PROJECT NAME Brockton Subdivision NAME (PLEASE PRINT) FOR AGAINST NEUTRAL CUP 04-012 MERIDIAN PLANNING 8. ZONING MEETING June 3, 2004 APPLICANT Confluence Management, LLC ITEM NO. REQUEST Public Hearing -Request CUP for a PD for proposed Brockton Sub with request for reduction to required landscape buffer along north, south and west boundaries & reduced or no lot frontage - 3665 North Locust Grove Road AGENCY CITY CLERK: CITY ENGINEER: CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: CITY ATTORNEY CITY POLICE DEPT: CITY FIRE DEPT: CITY BUILDING DEPT: CITY WATER DEPT: CITY SEWER DEPT: CITY PARKS DEPT: MERIDIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT: SANITARY SERVICES: ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT: CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH: NAMPA MERIDIAN IRRIGATION: SERLERS' IRRIGATION: IDAHO POWER: INTERMOUNTAIN GAS: OTHER: Contacted: Emailed: COMMENTS Date: Phone: Staff Initials: Materials presented of public meeflngs shall become properly oP the City of Meridian.