March 18, 2004 P&Z MinutesMeridian Planning & Zoning Commission March 18, 2004 Page 5 of 14 Rohm: Okay. Good. Thank you. Appreciate that, Anna. Okay. With that being said, I will open Public Hearing AZ 04-004, request for annexation and zoning of 34.6 acres from RUT to I-L, L-O, and C-G zones for proposed McNelis Subdivision by Falcon Creek, LLC, northwest comer of North Ten Mile Road and West Ustick Road and Public Hearing PP 004. Both of these are open. Moe: Mr. Chairman, I move to continue the Public Hearings on items AZ 04-004 and Public Hearing PP 04-004 for the McNelis Subdivision. Newton-Huckabay: I second that. Rohm: And to continue them to -- Moe: Excuse me and continue those hearings to the April 29th meeting. Rohm: Thank you. It's been moved and seconded that we continue AZ 004 and PP 04- 004 to the April 29th regularly scheduled P&Z meeting. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Thank you very much. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Item 12. Public Hearing: RZ 04-002 Request for a Rezone of 7.48 acres from L- O to R-15 zones for proposed Rock Creek Subdivision by Treasure Valley Development -east of North Linder Road and south of West Pine Avenue: Item 13. Public Hearing: PP 04-005 Request for Preliminary Plat approval for 52 residential building lots and 1 common lot on 7.48 acres in a proposed R- 15 zone for proposed Rock Creek Subdivision by Treasure Valley Development -east of North Linder Road and south of West Pine Avenue: Item 14. Public Hearing: CUP 04-006 Request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Development consisting of a mix of residential and commercial uses with reductions to building setback requirements for proposed Rock Creek Subdivision by Treasure Valley Development -east of North Linder Road and south of West Pine Avenue: Rohm: The next item on our agenda is the continuance of Public Hearing RZ 04-002, request for rezone of 7.48 acres from L-O to R-15 zones for proposed Rock Creek Subdivision by Treasure Valley Development, east of North Linder Road and south of West Pine Avenue. PP 04-005 and CUP 04-006. All three of these are open. Moe: Mr. Chairman, I move to continue the Public Hearings on Items RZ 04-002, PP 04-005, and CUP hearing 04-006, to our Commission Meeting of April the 29th. Newton-Huckabay: I second. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission March 18, 2004 Page 6 of 14 Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we continue Items 12, 13, and 14 to the meeting scheduled for April 29~'. All in favor say aye. Opposed same? Good. Thank you. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES, TWO ABSENT Item 7. Public Hearing: PFP 04-001 Request for Preliminary Final Plat approval for 3 residential building lots and 1 common lot on .73 acre in an R-15 zone for Troy Place Subdivision by PPN, LLC - 1236 East 2'/z Street: Item 8. Public Hearing: CUP 04-003 Request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Development to allow for amulti-family development consisting of 1 tri-plex and 2four-plexes with reduced street frontage, setbacks and minimum lot width requirements in an R-15 zone for Troy Place Subdivision by PPN, LLC - 1236 East 2'/z Street: Rohm: Moving right along. I'd like to open the Public Hearing for PFP 04-001, request for preliminary plat, final plat, approval for three residential lots and one common lot on .73 acres in an R-15 zone for Troy Place Subdivision by PPN, LLC, dash 1236 East 2 1/2 Street. Public Hearing CUP 04-003, request for a Conditional Use Permit for a planned development to allow for amulti-family development consisting of one triplex and two four-plexes with reduced street frontage setbacks and minimum lot width requirement in an R-15 zone by Troy Place Subdivision, by PPN, LLC, 1236 East 2 1/2 Street. With these two open, could we get comments from staff, please? Hood: You bet. Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission. As you stated, this is an application for amulti-family development, including three new buildable lots on 2'/z Street. The site is located on the east side of 2'/2 Street, approximately 450 feet north of Carlton Avenue in an R-15 zone. The property is currently designated high density residential in the 2002 Comprehensive Plan land use map. Here is the aerial for the site. Just north of the site is an existing single-family home right here and, then, there is also a large vacant parcel on the north side of this lot. There to the east is a multi-family residential development. To the south is a salon spa that was recently approved, I believe in 2002 by the city. Then some other single family homes to the south. Across 2 '/z Street is a duplex and, then, this is the school, the Cole Valley Christian School. Two of the three lots you see here in the preliminary plat are going to contain one four-plex each and the four-plexes will be on these two lots here. The existing triplex is nearer 2 % Street in this location. This existing triplex was recently approved by the city, as CUP 03-038 just late last year, I believe, is when that actually went through. The gross density of the development is 15.06 dwelling units per acre and as part of the approval to convert that existing home into an apartment house. The applicant was granted approval to construct a driveway on 2 '/2 Street in this location, with additional off-street parking. Now, again, they are coming back and going to redevelop the backside of this parcel. The Conditional Use Permit includes a request for reduced street frontage, reduced building setbacks, reduced lot sizes, and the driveway modification in the R-15 zone. The applicant is proposing to construct a 25-foot wide