March 4, 2004 P&Z MinutesMeridian Planning & Zoning March 4, 2004 Page 47 of 76 Zaremba: Okay. Let see. Mr. Chairman, I move that we forward to the Council recommending approval of Item 8 on our agenda, PP 04-001, request for preliminary plat approval of 98 single family residential building lots and seven common lots on 24.45 acres in a proposed R-8 zone for proposed Roseleaf Subdivision by Centennial Development, LLC, 3615 South Locust Grove Road, to included all staff comments of their staff memo for the hearing date of March 4th, 2004, received by the city clerk March 1, 2004, with the following changes: The note that I'm referring to, the revision of plat, with a revision date of March 2nd, '04, received by the city clerk March 4, 2004, and the changes to the staff notes are: On page eight, preliminary- plat special considerations, paragraph one, the second paragraph in that refers to some lot and block numbers and those lot and block numbers should now be Block 3, lot 15, and Lot 20. And the point of that is that those lots shall take access from Chatsworth. On page nine, paragraph three, will be changed to read applicant has agreed to reconfigure, so that the Bell property, which is Block 1, Lot 5, takes access internally and the city has agreed to help the permit for a new garage. and conversion of the current garage to living space. Then, on page 12 we will add a paragraph 12 that says a reference to the right-to-farm act shall be stated on the face of the plat. Moe: Second. Zaremba: End of motion. Moe: Make sure you were done there. Zaremba: Did we get everything? Borup: I think so. Zaremba: Okay. Borup: Motion and second. All in favor? Any opposed? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Borup: Thank you. Commissioners, are we -- would we like a short break? Okay. We will take a short break at this time. (Recess.) Item 9: Public Hearing: CUP 04-002 Request for a Conditional Use Permit for a temporary bank facility with adrive-thru window and adrive-thru window for the permanent structure in a C-C zone for Farmers and Merchants State Bank by CSHQA -southwest corner of East Overland Road and South Eagle Road: Meridian Planning & Zoning March 4, 2004 Page 48 of 76 Borup: We'd like to reconvene our Planning and Zoning meeting, start with Public Hearing CUP 04-002, request for a Conditional Use Permit for a temporary bank facility, drive-thru window, in a C-C zone for Farmers and Merchants State Bank. We'd like to open this hearing and start with the staff report. Siddoway: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. This is a request foi• Farmers and Merchants State Bank in EI Dorado. We recently went through the approval process for Farmers and Merchants Bank here in downtown and this is a second site for them out at Eagle Road. The proposal is for a new bank. It's located -- trying to get the mouse -- here we go. This is Eagle Road running north and south. And, then, Overland Road runs east and west. This is right at the intersection of Overland and Eagle. This is an aerial photo of the same property, largely unbuilt when this photo was taken, although some of these lots in Silverstone have since developed around here. The proposal for a new 4,765 square foot bank building with two drive- thi•u tellers and a third lane for adrive-up ATM. They are also proposing a temporary bank structure while the permanent one is being built. It will sit on the south end of the site and they have submitted two site plans. So, both of these represent the same site. The one on the left is what will be built first for the temporary bank and I have some representative photos of what this would look like. They would intend to operate out of the temporary facility for no longer than 18 months while the permanent one is being built, after which they would remove it from the site, replace it with landscaping, and move into the permanent facility. I have on page five of the staff report shown five special considerations that I need to briefly go through. The first is a lot line adjustment. The proposed site for this project, similar to the Key Bank project, which is just two lots west of here, it doesnR fill the entire site and is a portion of what was platted in EI Dorado as Lot 9, Block 5. In anticipation of shifting the lot line, they have already submitted a lot line adjustment to match this configuration. That lot line adjustment has been approved by the city engineer, I did verify that, but they will not record the lot line adjustment until they see if the Conditional Use Permit is approved through City Council. So, we have added a condition that that lot line adjustment will need to be recorded prior to issuance of a certificate of zoning compliance and that's already in the conditions. The second item I wanted to point out is that temporary use. We did a similar arrangement of a temporary bank facility for D.L. Evans Bank about one year ago. They had requested 12 months in their faulty and we suggested giving them 18 to give the extra time, just in case there is a lag, and so they have requested the same amount of time that was granted to D.L. Evans Bank and we don't have a problem with that. But we did want to place a limit on the amount of time allowed between occupancy of the permanent structure and removal of the temporary one, so that they are not just sitting there simultaneously for a long period of time and so we have added a condition to address that and that is also in line with what was done for D.L. Evans Bank. Item number three is the site plan modifications that we are requesting. If you look at the landscape plan here, there were two items mentioned on the site plan modification. One, the stalls along the south side of this property are 17 feet deep. You can see on the permanent configuration that they are adjacent to landscaping and we typically do approve that, but under the temporary bank location they have a 17 foot deep stall adjacent to a four foot wide sidewalk and we are requesting that they increase the width Meridian Planning & Zoning March 4, 2004 Page 49 of 76 of this sidewalk to be at least seven feet to allow for the overhang. If they wanted to do a temporary surface, like asphalt, instead of concrete, that would be acceptable and, then, could be removed and replaced completely with landscaping at the time of the permanent structure being occupied. This second point is the handicapped parking. On the -- there is handicapped parking delineated for the permanent structure, but there is none delineated on this plan for the temporary building and so we have requested that one of these stalls be turned into a handicapped accessible parking with an accessible route into the building and I have also noted that by doing so they will still meet parking requirement for the site. On the landscaping, on the permanent site plan, there is an island up here at the end of this row of parking that does not currently contain a tree and we are asking that a tree be added. And, then, in our meeting with the police department, they had expressed some concerns about wanting to coordinate with the applicant about the planting adjacent to the drive-thru, so that they make sure that it is low plantings and will have good visibility for police patrols to be able to view the drive-thru and the ATM at all hours of the day that they would be patrolling. So, I will let the - I don't know if the applicant's met with the police department yet. It looks like he has, so I'll let him address that to the Commission. The final item is an easement. Up in the upper right-hand corner of the site there is a common lot right on the corner that contains the EI Dorado Subdivision signage. Their proposed driveways do cross over that common lot and so we have required that an easement be put in place that allows them to have access across that corner of the common lot and to show a recorded easement for that location prior to the certificate of zoning compliance. All other issues, I think, are taken care of and I will stand for any questions. Borup: Questions from any of the Commissioners? Would the applicant like to make their presentation? Slocum: Good evening, Chairman, Members of the Commission. Craig Slocum with CSHQA Architects, 250 South 5th, representing the Farmers and Merchants Bank this evening. Borup: I just might mention that -- I mean staff has recommended approval. You have got the list of their recommendations. Are there any of those you have any questions or concems with? Slocum: We take no exception to any of those special conditions and, for the record, we have spoke with Chief Musser regarding the police concerns regarding visibility and are in good shape to meet those desires. Other than that, we'd just stand for any questions. Borup: Questions from the Commissioners? Rohm: It looks like a good proposal and no questions. Zaremba: If we could just have the record show that for the first time in probably history I have no questions that haven't already been answered. Meridian Planning & Zoning March 4, 2004 Page 50 of 76 Slocum: Thank you. Borup: Thank you. Do we have anyone else to testify on this application? Seeing none, Commissioners? Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, I move the Public Hearing on CUP 04-002 be closed. Rohm: Second. Borup: Motion and second to close the Public Hearing. All in favor? Any opposed? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Borup: We are moving along now, if we can just get a motion. Rohm: Mr. Chairman, I move that we forward on to City Council recommending approval of CUP 04-002, request for a Conditional Use Permit for a temporary bank facility with drive-thru window and adrive-thru window for the permanent structure in a C-C zone for Farmers and Merchants State Bank by CSHOA, southwest corner of east Overload Road and South Eagle Road, including all staff comments dated March 1, 2004. End of motion. Moe: Second. Borup: Motion and second. All in favor? Any opposed? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 10: Public Hearing: AZ 04-001 Request for Annexation and Zoning of .5 acres from RUT to C-G zones for Equity Benefits by Equity Benefits, LLC - 2540 East Franklin Road: Borup: Thank you. Next item is Public Hearing Z 04-001, request for annexation and zoning of .5 acres from RUT to C-G zones for Eq ity Benefits by Equity Benefits at 2540 East Franklin Road. Open the public hearing at t is time and start with the staff report. Hood: Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of tl application is for annexation and zoning of just zoned property in the county to GG, which is district. Included within the .56 acres, 4,200 sc ACHD, which is 40 feet from center line, makinc is located on the north side of Franklin Road, Road. The current mailing address for the p Franklin Road. To the north of the subject siti there is some bus storage, too, on the backside e Commission. As you stated, this over half an acre in an existing RUT ieneral retail and service commercial care feet of that will be right of way to a build-able area .46 acres. The site proximately 2,000 feet west of Eagle ~perty is 2540. Franklin Road. East is the Meridian Academy School and ~f that property. To the south are the