2019-10-22 Regular Meeting C I T Y C OUNCI L R EGU L A R M EET I NG AGENDA C ity Council Chamber s 33 E ast B roadway Avenue M er idian, I daho Tuesday, O ctober 22, 2019 at 6:00 P M (Called to Order at 6:10 pm) 1. Roll-C all Attendance X A nne L ittle R oberts X J oe Borton X Ty P almer X Treg B ernt X Genesis Milam (left at 8:00pm X L uke C avener X Mayor Tammy de Weerd 2. P ledge of Allegiance 3. Community Invocation by L arry Woodar d of Ten M ile C hr istian C hurch 4. Adoption of Agenda – Adopted as Noted 5. Consent Agenda - Approved A. Approve M inutes of O ctober 15, 2019 C ity C ouncil Work S ession B. Approve M inutes of O ctober 15, 2019 C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting C. C astlecr eek S ubdivision S anitar y S ewer & Water M ain E asement D. E dgehill S ubdivision No. 1 P edestrian P athway E asement E. P ine Avenue 4-P lex E asement F. S ky M esa S ub No. 2 S ewer M ain E asement G. Temporary C onstr uction E asement with Lyn ette M ay F amily Trust of 3096 N. E lisha Ave. for the Repair/Replacement of a S ewer S ervice. H. F inal P lat for G ander C reek S outh S ubdivision No. 1 (H-2019-0108) by T r ilogy Idaho, L ocated S W of the Intersection of N. M cD er mott Rd. and W. M cM illan Rd. I. F inal P lat for L ittle Creek No. 2 (H-2019-0103) by J UB E ngineer s, L ocated at 1440 N. L ocust G rove Rd. J. Amended F indings of F act, C onclusions of L aw for M illbr ae S ubdivision (H-2019-0066) by WHP acific, L ocated at 4888 and 4920 W. C herry L n. K. Revised F indings of F act, C onclusions of L aw for S tapleton S ubdivision (H-2018-0129) by S tapleton, LLC , L ocated at the S W corner of S . M er idian Rd./S H 69 and W. Harris S t. L. Cooperative Agr eement B etween the C ity and Valley Regional T ransit for “Annual D ues and S ervice C ontribution” for a Not-To- E xceed amount of $317,857.00 and C apital C ontribution of $419,000.00 for a G r and Total of $736,857.00. M. D evelopment Agreement for C aldera C anyon (H-2019-0062) with Vanessa K laus (O wner/D eveloper), L ocated at 1294 E . L eigh F ield D r. N. D evelopment Agreement for Silver S prings (H-2019-0058) with L eigh & D onna B rinkerhoff, Todd C ampbell Construction, Inc. and Boos Homes, Inc., Boyd Hill and D avid A. M eyers (O wners) and Tall T imber Consulting, LLC and Todd C ampbell C onstruction, Inc. (D eveloper) L ocated at 1035, 1157, 805 & 905 E . M cM illan Rd. O. D evelopment Agr eement for T hr ee C or ner s Ranch (H-2019-0006) with S weet L and D evelopment, Inc. (D eveloper ) and D avid J . and L uane D ean (O wner s), L ocated at 1890 E . D unwoody C t. P. Approval of Purchase O rder 20-0060 to Eidebailly for F iscal Year 2019 Audit S ervices for the Not-to-E xceed Amount of $53,800.00. Q. Approval of Purchase O rder #20-0087 to Var sity F acility S ervices for F iscal Year 2020 J anitorial S er vices for the Not-to-E xceed Amount of $237,853.80 R. Approval of Task O rder 10036.a to M ountain Waterwor ks for the WRRF S idestr eam P hosphorus Removal P r oject for the Not-to- E xceed amount of $123,048.00 S. Approval of Task O rder 10550.c to SPF Water Engineering for Well 9 Replacement for the Not-to-E xceed amount of $129,000.00 T. M aster Agreement for P rofessional S er vices: P ark Identities P ublic Art Roster B etween S tephanie Inman and the C ity of M eridian U. M aster Agreement for P rofessional S er vices: P ark Identities P ublic Art Roster B etween T rademar k S ign Company, Inc. and the City of M er idian V. AC HD I mpact F ee Assessment and D eferral Agr eement for Ten M ile M edical O ffice B uilding W. AP I nvoices for P ayment - 10/15/19 - $671,799.54 S pecial X . AP I nvoices for P ayment - 10/23/19 - $2,916,479.89 6. Items M oved fr om the C onsent Agenda 7. Announcements 8. F uture M eeting Topics - Public F orum (Up to 30 M inutes M aximum) Si gni ng up pri or to the start of the meeti ng is required. This time i s reserved for the public to address their el ected officials regarding matters of general interest or concern of public matters and is not specific to an active land use/devel opment application. By law, no decisi ons can be made on topics presented under this public comment section, other than the City Council may request that the topic be added to a future meeting agenda for a more detailed discussi on or action. The Mayor may also direct staff to further assist you in resolvi ng the matter following the meeti ng. 9. Action I tems Public Heari ngs for Land Use Applications follow this process: Once the Public Heari ng is opened, City staff will present thei r report. F ollowing the report, the applicant is allowed up to 15 minutes to present their applicati on. Members of the public are allowed up to 3 mi nutes each to address council regarding the applicati on. If a person is representi ng a large group such as a Homeowner's Associati on, indicated by a show of hands, they may be allowed up to 10 minutes. Following all public testimony, the applicant is then allowed 10 additional minutes to respond to comments. Once the public hearing is closed, no additional testimony will be received. The Ci ty Council may move to continue the item for additional informati on or vote to approve or deny the item with or without changes as presented. The Mayor i s not a member of the City Council and pursuant to Idaho Code does not vote on public heari ng items, unl ess to break a tie vote. A. P ublic Works: S olid Waste S urvey Results – Removed from Agenda B. F inal P lat for E ntrata F arms No. 2 (H-2019-0113) by F I G Village at P arkside, LLC , L ocated at 3882 W. F ranklin Rd. – Continued to November 6, 2019 C. P ublic Hearing C ontinued fr om O ctober 15, 2019 for C ity of M eridian Business Hours - Denied D. P ublic Hear ing for O r dinance 19-1857: An O rdinance P rohibiting the Use of Handheld Wir eless D evices While O per ating a Vehicle Upon a S treet or Highway Within the C ity of M eridian E. P ublic Hearing for Ordinance 19-1855: An O rdinance P rohibiting Use of Compression B rakes Within the C ity of M eridian F. P ublic Hearing for Ten M ile P laza (H-2019-0102) by Huston- Bugatsch Architects, L ocated at 3110 W. Q uintale Drive. – Continued to November 6, 2019 1. R eque s t: Modified Development A greement for the purpose of removing the subject property f rom D A I nstrument #101117652 and be placed in a new, separate agreement. G. P ublic Hearing C ontinued fr om O ctober 15, 2019 for Victor y Commons M D A (H-2019-0091) by B VA D evelopment, LLC. L ocated at 130 E . Victory Rd. and 3030 S. M eridian Rd. - Approved 1. R eque s t: Modified Development A greement for the purpose of removing the subject property from D A I nstrument #106155843 and to be placed into a new, separate development agreement. H. P ublic Hearing for Silver stone Apartments (H-2019-0099) by D ave E vans C onstruction, L ocated at 4107 E . O verland Rd. (Became Item 9-A) – Continued to November 12, 2019 1. R eque s t: Modified D evelopment A greement f or the purpose of removing the subject property from D A I nstrument #2018-012457 and D A I ns trument # 2018-012456 and be placed in a new, separate agreement. I. P ublic Hearing for G em P rep (H-2019-0100) by E r stad Ar chitects, L ocated at 2750 E. G ala C ourt - Approved 1. R eque s t: To vacate an existing 20’ x 20’ water easement located near the northeast c orner of L ot 7, Block 2 and the northwest corner of L ot 8, B lock 2 of G ramercy S ubdivision No. 1. J. P ublic Hearing C ontinued fr om O ctober 15, 2019 for Nick E states S ubdivision (H-2019-0086) by L R G eomatics, P LLC , L ocated at 1180 N. Ten M ile Rd. - Approved 1. R equest: To combine preliminary/f inal plat consisting of 4 building lots on 1.4 ac res of land in the R -4 zoning district. 10. O rdinances A. O rdinance 19-1855: An O rdinance P r ohibiting Use of C ompression B r akes Within the City of M eridian - Approved B. O rdinance 19-1857: An O rdinance P r ohibiting the Use of Handheld Wireless D evices While O per ating a Vehicle Upon a S treet or Highway Within the C ity of M eridian - Approved C. O rdinance No. 19-1858: An O rdinance (H-2019-0006 – T hr ee Corners Ranch) for Annexation of a P ar cel of L and B eing a P ortion O f T he NW ¼ of S ection 29, Township 4 No r th, Range 1 E ast, B oise M eridian, Ada C ounty, Idaho, as D escr ibed in Attachment “A” And Annexing C ertain L ands And Territor y, S ituated In Ada C ounty, Idaho, and Adjacent and C ontiguous to the C or porate Limits of the City of M er idian as Requested by the C ity of M eridian; E stablishing And D eter mining T he L and Use Zoning C lassification of 31.104 Acres of L and from RUT To R-4 (M edium L ow D ensity Residential) Zoning D istr icts in the M eridian City C ode; P roviding that C opies of this O rdinance S hall B e F iled With T he Ada C ounty Assessor, T he Ada C ounty Reco rder, And T he Idaho S tate Tax Commission, As Required by L aw; And P roviding for a S ummary of the O rdinance; And Providing for a Waiver of the Reading Rules; And P roviding an E ffective D ate. - Approved D. O rdinance No. 19-1859: An O rdinance (H-2019-0058 – S ilver S pr ings S ubdivision) F or Annexation O f A P ar cel O f L and S ituate In T he North O ne-Half O f T he Northeast Q uar ter O f S ection 31, Township 4 Nor th, Range 1 E ast, Boise M er idian, Ada C ounty, Idaho, As D escr ibed In Attachment “A” And Annexing C ertain L ands And Territory, S ituated In Ada C ounty, Idaho, And Adjacent And Contiguous To T he C or porate L imits O f T he C ity Of M eridian As Requested B y T he C ity O f M er idian; E stablishing And D eter mining T he L and Use Zoning C lassification O f 5.19 Acres Of L and F rom RUT To R-4 (M edium L ow D ensity Residential) Zoning Distr ict I n T he M eridian City C ode; P roviding T hat C opies Of T his O rdinance S hall B e F iled With T he Ada C ounty Assessor, T he Ada County Recor der, And T he Idaho S tate Tax Commission, As Required B y L aw; And P roviding F or A S ummary O f T he O rdinance; And Providing F or A Waiver O f T he Reading Rules; And P r oviding An E ffective D ate. - Approved 11. F uture M eeting Topics Meeting Adjourned at 8:40 pm