2019-07-09 Work Session C I T Y C OUNC I L W OR K SESSI ON A GENDA C ity Council Chamber s 33 E ast B roadway Avenue M er idian, I daho Tuesday, J uly 9, 2019 at 4:30 P M 1. Roll-C all Attendance X A nne L ittle R oberts X J oe Borton X Ty P almer X Treg B ernt (via phone) X Genesis Milam X L uke Cavener X Mayor Tammy de Weerd 2. Adoption of Agenda – Adopted as Noted 3. Consent Agenda [Action Item] – Approved A. Approve M inutes of J une 25, 2019 C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting B. F inal Order for Alicia Court S ubdivision (H-2019-0065) by Riley P lanning S er vices. L ocated at 4036 E. G ranger Ave. C. D evelopment Agreement for G ander C reek North & South (H-2019- 0013) with Union S quar e, LLC/RWK Investments, LLC /Heartland Townhomes P roperty M anagement, LLC and K enneth P. G oldbach & M elynda A. M axwell (O wners) and T r ilogy D evelopment, Inc. (D eveloper ) located at the S outhwest cor ner of N. M c D ermott Rd. and W. M cM illan Rd. (P ar cel #s: S 0432110450; S 0432110100; S 0432110565; S 0432141800; S 0432110500) D. D evelopment Agreement for Pollar d S ubdivision (H-2019-0021) with Tomlinson F amily T rust, D ated April 7, 1982 (O wner) and B righton D evelopment, Inc. (D eveloper). L ocated off the NE Corner of S H-16 and W. C hinden B lvd. E. D evelopment Agreement for Villaspor t (H-2018-0121) with S adie C r eek C ommons, LLC ., (O wner/D eveloper ) L ocated at the S W Corner of E. Ustick Rd. and N. E agle Rd. F. Williams Pipeline S pecific E ncroachment Agreement for Water M ain E xtension W. Victory Ro ad and S Ten M ile G. F ranchise Agr eement between C ity of M eridian and B ir d Rides, Inc. for O per ation of S hared Vehicle S har ing P r ogram H. 2019-2021 Discovery P ark C oncessions L ease Agreement I. M emorandum of Agr eement for S har ed Use of C ountywide Addr ess D ata J. Acceptance Agr eement for Display of Ar twor k in Initial P oint G allery with S hawn Hubbs K. P rofessional S er vices Agr eements for Ar twor k for T raffic B ox Community Ar t P r oject 1. Holly Badke, Allegretto 2. Nicole Branham, Uni corn Ice Cream 3. Ava Gardiner, Hopeful Bunny 4. Anne Watson Sorensen, Meri di an of Ti me (aka Funky Town #10) L. F Y 2019 Budget Amendment in the Amount of $61,071 for L egal S ervices M. AP I nvoices for P ayment - 06/27/19 - S pecial - $10,550.76 N. AP I nvoices for P ayment - 06/28/19 - $112,950.63 O. AP I nvoices for P ayment - 07/03/19 - $789,533.59 P. AP I nvoices for P ayment - 7/10/19 - $642,218.07 4. Action I tems A. Appeal of D enial of Vehicle Immobilization L icense C ontinued from J une 25, 2019 by Nathan Nuno – Vacated from Agenda B. M ayor's O ffice: Resolution No. 19-2155: A Resolution Appointing Ryan L ancaster and Tom L eC laire to the M eridian T ranspor tation Commission. - Approved 5. Community I tems / Presentations A. M ayor and Council C ompensation C ommittee: P r esentation of the Recommendation of the M ayor and C ouncil C ompensation Committee [Action I tem] – Accepted Recommendation of Committee. Public Hearing will be held at the first readi ng of the Ordinance B. L egal/HR: C ontinued Discussion of S elf-F unded T rusts and T rustees [Action Item] – No Action Required 6. D epar tment / Commission Repor ts A. Budget Amendment for F Y 2019 in the Amount of $464,147 to P ur chase Additional Water M eter s / M X Us S uppor ting C ity Gr owth [Action Item] - Approved 7. E xecutive S ession per Idaho S tate C ode 74-206 to communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal r amifications of and legal options for pending litigation author ized under section 74- 206(1)(f) ; and (1)(j) to consider labor contr act matters authorized under section 74-206 A (1)(a) and (b) Into Executive Session: 5:26pm Out of Executive Session: 6:02pm Meeting Adjourned at 6:02pm