2019-06-04 Work Session C I T Y C OUNC I L W OR K SESSI ON A GENDA C ity C ouncil C hamber s 33 E ast Broadway Avenue M er idian, I daho Tuesday, J une 4, 2019 at 4:30 P M 1. Roll-C all Attendance X A nne L ittle R oberts X J oe Borton X Ty P almer X Treg B ernt X Genesis Milam L uke Cavener X Mayor Tammy de Weerd 2. Adoption of Agenda - Adopted 3. Announcements 4. P roclamation: P ublic Wor ks Week 5. C onsent Agenda - Approved A. Approve M inutes of M ay 21, 2019 C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting B. Approve M inutes of M ay 28, 2019 C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting C. P ine 43 S ubdivision No. 1 - S anitar y S ewer and Water M ain E asement D. P leasant View E lementary S chool/G ondola View S ubdivision Water M ain E asement E. F indings of F act, Conclusions of L aw for O r char d Creek P ump House (H-2019-0052) by O A+D, L ocated on the North side of E . L ake Hazel Rd., E ast of S . E agle Rd. F. F indings of F act, C onclusions of L aw for P ollard S ubdivision (H- 2019-0021) by B righton Investments, LLC, L ocated off the NE corner of S H-16 and W. C hinden B lvd. G. F inal Order for B lakeslee C ommons No. 2 (H-2019-0050) by Bungalows M eridian, LLC, L ocated on the S outh side of E. Ustick Rd., between N. L ocust G r ove Rd. and N. E agle Rd. H. F inal Order for M ovado No. 5 (H-2019-0039) by M ovado D evelopment, LLC , L ocated 1/4 mile S outh of E. O verland Rd, West of S . M ovado Way I. F inal Order for M ovado No. 6 (H-2019-0051) by E vans D evelopment, LLC , L ocated 1/2 mile S outh of E. O verland Rd., West of S . C lover dale Rd. J. F inal Order for Silver stone Apartments (H-2019-0054) by D ave E vans C onstruction, L ocated at 4107 E . O verland Rd. K. F ir st Addendum to Recycled Water Use Agreement with Walmart, Inc. L. Approval of C hange O rder 1 for Well 20b Assessment & Rehabilitation to Hydro L ogic, Inc. for the Not-To-E xceed amount of $48,885.00. M. P rofessional S ervice Agreements for Ar twor k for T r affic B ox Community Art Project with West Ada S tudent Ar twor k S elected fr om F r amed Not-to-E xceed $250 1. W illiam B lauer - Jump Out of the Airplane 2. E lisabeth B reckon - Li ttle Drops of Sunshine 3. I an C lifford - Facing the Wave 4. K iley Moss - Flowers at Sunset 5. R iley R usk - Appal oosa N. Resolution No. 19-2143: A Resolution O f T he C ity Council Of T he City O f M eridian, Idaho, Authorizing the Conveyance of Var ious Computer Equipment to M eridian F ood B ank, Boys & G ir ls C lub, M eridian S enior C enter, E mmett S chool Distr ict, Nampa S chool Distr ict, And C omputers F or K ids. O. Resolution No. 19-2144: A Resolution O f T he C ity Council Of T he City O f M eridian, Idaho, S etting F orth C er tain F indings And P ur poses To D eclar e S urplus P r operty And Authorizing T he M ayor Of T he City O f M eridian To Donate B icycles To Victory M iddle S chool P. AP Invoices for P ayment - 05/24/19 - $12,255.82 Q. AP Invoices for P ayment - 05/29/19 S pecial - $11,277.78 R. AP Invoices for P ayment - 06/05/19 - $579,119.43 6. Items M oved from the C onsent Agenda 7. D epar tment / C ommission Repor ts A. Community D evelopment B lock G rant (CDB G ) P Y 19 D raft Action P lan B. P lanning D epar tment Repor t: P roposed Code Update to Implement P arklet P ermits C. Council: UD C Text Amendment D iscussion Regar ding Variances All materials presented at public meetings shall become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities related to documents and/or hearing should contact the Office of the City Clerk Office at 208-888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting. Meeting Adjourned at 5:23 PM