2018-12-11 C I T Y C OUNC I L W ORKSH OP M EET I NG AGENDA C ity Council Chamber s 33 E ast B roadway Avenue M er idian, I daho Tuesday, D ecember 11, 2018 at 3:00 P M 1. Roll-C all Attendance X A nne L ittle R oberts X J oe Borton O Ty P almer(arrived 3:21pm) X Treg B ernt X Genesis Milam O L uke Cavener X Mayor Tammy de Weerd 2. P ledge of Allegiance 3. Adoption of Agenda Adopted 4. Consent Agenda [Action Item] Approved A. Approve M inutes of D ecember 4, 2018 C ity C ouncil S pecial M eeting B. T he Village at M eridian Apar tments Water M ain E asement C. F inal Order for Whiteacre S ubdivision No. 6 (H-2018-0124) by K ent B rown, L ocated on the West side of N. M eridian Rd. between W. Ashton Dr. and W. L ava F alls Dr. D. D evelopment Agreement for Westbridge Subdivision (H-2018-0088) with E ndurance Holdings LLC (O wner ) and Viper Investments LLC (O wner) and C hallenger D evelopment Inc. (D eveloper) located at 5745 & 5865 N. B lack C at Rd., in the NE 1/4 of S ection 28, Township 4N., Range 1 W. (P arcel Numbers: S 0428143150 & S 0424141600) E. D evelopment Agreement for C herry B lossom S ubdivision (H-2018- 0018) with J ayo Holdings, LLC (O WNE R) and Doug J ayo, J ayo L and D evelopment C ompany, Inc.(D EVEL O PER) located at 615 W. Cherry L n., in the NE 1/4 of S ection 12, Township 3N., Range 1 W. (P arcel # R8512250150, R8512250140, S 1212120850, and S 1212120695) F. F ir e S tation #4 Roof Warranty Replacement G. Inter agency Agreement B etween T he Ada C ounty Highway D istrict and the City O f M eridian for Water and S ewer Improvements for L inder Road, Ustick to M cM illan Road & L inder Ro ad, C ayuse C r eek D rive to C hinden B oulevard. AC HD P roject No. 517024 & 517032 H. Dog L icen se D esignee Agr eement between Idaho Humane S ociety and C ity of M er idian I. Dog L icen se D esignee Agr eement between M er idian Veterinar y Hospital and C ity of M eridian J. Dog L icen se D esignee Agr eement between L inder P et M edical C ar e and C ity of M eridian K. AP I nvoices for P ayment 12/07/18 - $627,301.98 L. AP I nvoices for P ayment 12/12/18 - $563,418.01 5. Items M oved F rom the C onsent Agenda 6. Action I tems A. Continued from No vember 20, 2018: Request to P rovide Water and S ewer S ervice to Un-annexed P roperty at 5233 W. F ranklin Rd. Continued to January 8, 2019 B. Request for Reconsideration for O wyhee High S chool (H-2018- 0075) Request Denied C. Community D evelopment: Idaho E lectrical Inspector Q ualification P osition P aper Council support/approved 7. D epar tment Reports A. P olice D epartment Annual Repor t B. F ir e S tation #6 Update C. F inance: Amer ican Institute of Ar chitects (AI A) C ontract P r ocess E valuation D. Discussion on C ode T imeline Requir ement for P rojects/Hear ings E. Council: C ommission and B oard Updates 8. O rdinances [Action I tems] A. O rdinance No. 18-1798: An O rdinance (H-2018-0088 – Westbr idge S ubdivision) F or Annexation O f A P ar cel O f L and L ocated In T he S W ¼ Of T he NE ¼ Of S ection 28, Township 4 Nor th, Range 1 West, B oise M eridian, Ada C ounty, Idaho, As D escribed In Attachment “A” And Annexing C er tain L ands And Territory, S ituated In Ada C ounty, Idaho, And Adjacent And C ontiguous To T he C orporate L imits Of T he C ity O f M er idian As Requested B y T he City Of M eridian; E stablishing And D eter mining T he L and Use Zoning C lassification O f 12.84 Acr es O f L and F rom RUT To R-4 (M edium L ow D ensity Residential Zoning Distr ict In T he M er idian City C ode; Providing T hat C opies O f T his O rdinance S hall B e F iled With T he Ada C ounty Assessor, T he Ada County Recor der, And T he Idaho S tate Tax C ommission, As Requir ed B y L aw; And P roviding F or A S ummary O f T he O r dinance; And P roviding F or A Waiver O f T he Reading Rules; And P r oviding An E ffective D ate. Approved B. O rdinance No. 18-1799: An O rdinance (H-2018-0018 – C herry Blossom S ubdivision) F or T he Re-Zone O f A P ar cel L and B eing All O f L ots 6 And 7 O f B lock 2, J .L . Towne S ubdivision As Filed In Book 15 O f P lats At P ages 982 And 983, Records Of Ada C ounty, Idaho And A P ortion Of T he Nor theast ¼ O f S ection 12, Township 3 Nor th, Range 1 West, Boise M er idian, City Of M er idian, Ada County Idaho; E stablishing And D eter mining T he L and Use Zoning Classification F rom R-4 (M edium L ow D ensity Residential) Zoning Distr ict To R-8 (M edium High D ensity Residential) Zoning Distr ict In T he M er idian C ity C ode; P roviding T hat Copies Of T his O rdinance S hall B e F iled With T he Ada C ounty Assessor, T he Ada County Recor der, And T he Idaho S tate Tax Commission, As Required B y L aw; And P roviding F or A S ummary O f T he O rdinance; And Providing F or A Waiver O f T he Reading Rules; And P r oviding An E ffective D ate. Approved 9. F uture M eeting Topics Adjourned at 6:14pm All mater ials presented at public meetings shall bec ome pr oper ty of the C ity of Meridian. Any one desir ing accommodation for disabilities related to doc uments and/or hearing, please c ontac t the C ity Clerk's Offic e at 888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting.