2018-12-04 C I T Y C OUNCI L R EGU L A R M EET I NG AGENDA C ity Council Chamber s 33 E ast B roadway Avenue M er idian, I daho Tuesday, D ecember 4, 2018 at 6:00 P M 1. Roll-C all Attendance X A nne L ittle R oberts X J oe Borton X Ty P almer X Treg B ernt X Genesis Milam X L uke Cavener X Mayor Tammy de Weerd 2. P ledge of Allegiance 3. Community Invocation by M ichael P ear son of S eventh D ay Adventist Church 4. Adoption of Agenda Adopted 5. F uture M eeting Topics - Public F orum (Up to 30 M inutes M aximum) Signing up prior to the start of the meeting is required. This time is reserved for the public to address thei r elected officials regarding matters of general interest or concern of public matters and is not specific to an active land use/development application. By law, no decisions can be made on topics presented under this public comment section, other than the City Council may request that the topic be added to a future meeting agenda for a more detailed discussion or action. The Mayor may also direct staff to further assi st you i n resolving the matter following the meeting. 6. Consent Agenda [Action Item] Approved A. Approve M inutes of Novemb er 20, 2018 C ity C ouncil S pecial M eeting B. Approve M inutes of Novemb er 20, 2018 C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting C. Approve M inutes of Novemb er 27, 2018 C ity C ouncil Regular M eeting D. S ky M esa C ommons S ub No. 1 Water M ain E asement E. S ky M esa S ub No. 1 S ewer M ain E asement F. F inal Order for G ondola View Subdivision (H-2018-0116) by West Ada S chool D istr ict, L ocated E ast of N. B lack C at Rd. on the Nor th S ide of W. G ondola Dr. G. F inal Order for J ump C r eek S ubdivision (H-2018-0113) by T r ilogy Idaho, L ocated at the NW C orner of N. B lack C at Rd. and W. M cM illan Rd. H. F indings of F act, C onclusions of L aw for J ocelyn P ar k S ubdivision (H-2018-0100) by J arron L angston, L ocated Near the S W C orner of W. Victo r y Rd. and S . M er idian Rd. I. Addendum to D evelopment Agreement for C ostco Wholesale S tore (H-2018-0066), located at the S W Corner of W. C hinden Blvd./S H- 20/26 and N. Ten M ile Road. J. Approval of Agr eement to M er cer Health for “Benefits B r oker age and C onsulting S ervices” for the Not-to-E xceed amount of $60,000.00. K. Awar d of C hange O r der No. 7 to T he E wing C ompany, Inc. for the “WRRF Headworks E xpansion” project for a Not-To-E xceed amount of $150,250.37. L. Approval of C hange O rder 8 for D iscover y P ar k G ener al Construction to K nife River C orp. – Northwest for the Not-to- E xceed amount of $105,993.00. M. AP I nvoices for P ayment 12/5/18 - $735,942.06 7. Items M oved F rom T he C onsent Agenda [Action Item] 8. Community I tems/Presentations A. M ayor's Youth Advisory C ouncil Update B. Community D evelopment B lock G r ant P r ogram (CDB G ) Consolidated Annual P erfor mance and E valuation Report for P rogram Year 2017 9. Action I tems Land Use Public Hearing Process: After the Public Hearing is opened the staff report will be presented by the assigned City planner. Following Staff's report the applicant has up to 15 minutes to present their application. Each member of the public may provide testimony up to 3 minutes or if they are representing a larger group, such as a Homeowners Association, they are allowed 10 minutes. The applicant is then allowed 10 additional minutes to respond to the public's comments. No additional public testimony is taken once the public hearing is closed. The City Counci l may move to continue the item for additional information or vote to approve or deny the i tem with or without changes as presented. The Mayor is not a member of the Ci ty Council and pursuant to Idaho Code does not vote on public hearing i tems, unless to break a tie vote. A. Conditions of Appr oval for T imber C r eek Recycling (H-2018-0042) by M ichael M ur goitio, L ocated at 7695 S . L ocust G rove Rd. Approved B. F indings of F act, C onclusions of L aw for T imber C reek Recycling (H-2018-0042) by M ichael M urgoitio, L ocated at 7695 S. L ocust G rove Rd. Approved C. P ublic Hearing C ontinued fr om November 7, 2018 for Summer town S ubdivision (H-2017-0142) B y 745 W Ustick, LLC, L ocated at 745 W Ustick Road Approved 1. R equest: A nnexation and Z oning of 15.13 Acres of L and with a T N- R Z oning D istrict D. P ublic Hearing for Elevate F ranklin S torage (H-2018-0109) by Ten M ile D evelopment, LLC, L ocated at the NW corner of W. F r anklin Rd. and N. Umbria Hill's Ave. at 3755 W. P erugia S t. Approved 1. R equest: Rezone of 3.53 ac res of land f rom the L -O to the R -15 zoning district; and 2. R equest: Development A greement Modif ication to remove the subject property f rom the existing agreement (I nstrument No. 106002636, S ilver O aks S ubdivision) E. P ublic Hearing for Altur as Rezone (H-2018-0105) by T ravis B arney, Alturas 1550 Tech L ane, LLC , L ocated at 1550 S. Tech Ln. Approved 1. R equest: Rezone of 7.24 ac res of land f rom I -L to C -G zone F. Budget Amendment for F ire S tation 4 F ir e Alarm P anel S ystem Replacement Not to E xceed $11,000 Approved 10. F uture M eeting Topics Adjourned at 9:27pm All mater ials presented at public meetings shall bec ome pr oper ty of the C ity of Meridian. Any one desir ing accommodation for disabilities related to doc uments and/or hearing, please c ontac t the C ity Clerk's Offic e at 888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting.