2018 05-071 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Monday, May 7, 2018 – 3:30 pm Council Chambers - Meridian City Hall - 33 East Broadway Ave., Meridian, Idaho 1. Roll Call: Tracy Hopkins Bryan Leisle ___ Luke Cavener (ex-officio) Ryan Lancaster Ryan Hall ___ Shawn Martin (ex-officio) Stephen Lewis David McKinney ___ Toni Tisdale (ex-officio) David Ballard Britton Davis ___ Rhonda Jalbert (ex-officio) Brent Knezacek Erika Bowen (ex-officio) ___ Miranda Carson (ex-officio) 2. Adoption of the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes From April 2, 2018 Meeting (attached) 4. Old Business Items a. Transportation Projects Update (memo attached; C. Hood) 5. New Business Items a. Meridian Police Department Status Report (Sgt. Arnold) b. School Zone Design (memo attached; Tim Curns; ACHD) c. New Comprehensive Plan Update (C. Hood) d. Staff Communications (memo attached; C. Hood) 6. Future Meeting Topics a. Linder Village Project Update b. Communities in Motion 2040 2.0 (July) c. Master Mobility Map d. Comprehensive Plan Update e. Local Jurisdiction on State Highways 7. Next Meeting Date: Discuss Cancelling June Meeting; July 2, 2018 (Tentative) 8. Adjourn Meeting Minutes Meridian Transportation Commission May 7, 2018 Council Chambers — Meridian City Hall • 33 East Broadway Ave., Meridian, Idaho I. Roll Call (Meeting called to order at 3:31 pm, You Tube started and roll taken) X Tracy Hopkins X Brian Leslie p Luke Cavener (ex -officio) X Ryan Lancaster X Ryan Hall X Shawn Martin (ex -officio) X Stephen Lewis X David McKinney X Toni Tisdale (ex -officio) X David Ballard p Britton Davis o Rhonda Jalbert (ex -officio) X Brent Knezacek Erika Bowen (ex -officio) X Miranda Carson (ex -officio) via phone: X 208-830-1773 Others Present: Sgt. Stacy Arnold, Lt. Brown, Tim Curns, Ted Baird, and Caleb Hood 2. Adoption of the Agenda Chairman Ballard asked for agenda discussion or a motion to adopt. No discussion took place and a motion to adopt the agenda was made by Commissioner Lewis with a second by Commissioner Leslie — all ayes — motion carried. Chairman Ballard noted that Ms. Jalbert arrived. 3. Approval of Minutes from April 2nd, 2018 Meeting Chairman Ballard called for any discussion or changes prior to the motion to approve the April 2nd, 2018 meeting minutes. No discussion was had and Commissioner Lewis motioned to approve the minutes as presented with a second by Commissioner Hopkins — all ayes — motion carried. 4. Old Business Items a. Transportation Projects Update (memo attached; C. Hood) Mr. Hood began by directing the Commission to page 7 of the packet and the Transportation Projects Update memo. Prior to his update Mr. Hood prefaced that his update would be brief, but if the Commissioners had questions or needed further detail than what was in the memo to feel free to interrupt and ask. As a reminder new information is in BOLD. Mr. Hood then made a brief comment regarding the Ten Mile Road projects and inviting the Commissioners to attend the Public Involvement Meeting (PIM) on Wednesday May 9th at Sawtooth Middle School starting at 5:30. Mr. Hood moved onto page 11, and highlighted that the Valley Regional Transit Board adopted the ValleyConnect 2.0 plan. Further information is available in the Staff Communications memo and through the email communication he sent to the Commissioners. Mr. Hood, moved to the Idaho Avenue, Main to 2"d Avenue topic and recapped the historical context of the item for the Commissioners. The Meridian Downtown Business Association E (MDBA) has made a request to the City and ACHD to convert Idaho Avenue back to its original design prior to the place making project, but with an enhancement of additional parking. A letter from the City has gone to ACHD malting the request and MDBA is discussing with ACHD the possibility of making Idaho, between Main and 2"d Street, one-way so that additional parking can be obtained. Additional discussion with the City, MDBA, MDC and ACHD is needed and there will be a future update once options are vetted with all stakeholders. Chairman Ballard opened the floor for further discussion, on topics presented in the Memo, which took place. Chairman Ballard inquired about the west end of Pine Avenue and its completion. Mr. Hood will reach out to Al Christy in Public Works for an update and report back to the Commission. No further discussion took place and Chairman Ballard closed item 4a and moved on to New Business. S. New Business Items a. Meridian Police Department Status Report (Sgt. Arnold) Prior to Sgt. Arnold's report he introduced Lt. Brown who has been heavily involved in the ACHD discussions and the school zone issues. Sgt. Arnold then began with a brief report that the ACRD speed studies results f;�J iverValley and Records are in and that ACHD is recommending an increased speed limit toph in that area. PD would be in support of the ACHD recommendation if the Commission was in agreement as well. Chairman Ballard opened the floor for discussion and questions and answers, which tool-, place. (Chairman Ballard noted that Commissioner Davis arrived during this agenda topic.) No further discussion was had and Chairman Ballard closed item 5a and moved on to item 5b. b. School Zone Design (memo attached; Tim Curns; ACHD) Prior to Mr. Curns update Mr. Hood refreshed the Commission on the topic that was discussed the prior month regarding three school zones and their design, including length and signage. Chairman Ballard welcomed Mr. Curns to the meeting and asked him to introduce himself prior to his presentation. Mr. Curns gave a brief review of his background as a Traffic Engineer for the last five years at ACHD. Prior to working at ACHD Mr. Curns was an employee of the City of Meridian working in the Public Works Department. Mr. Curns provided a high level review of what components are used to determine school zone design; including laws and guidelines, wall-, routes and the school zone area itself. There are several resources ACHD uses including The MUTCD (the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices), State Statutes and AAA School Safety Patrol Operations Manual. Mr. Curns drew the Commission's attention to the Idaho Statute in the presentation because it is a relatively new Statute and outlines the requirements for traffic impact studies and devices that are needed for new schools that are built in the State, which might not apply to older schools in the district. 2 The MUTCD is a Federal Highway Administration document that the State of Idaho has adopted and ACHD is re fired to use to make engineering decisions for the roadways, including signs, signals and stripping, etc. The MUTCD has a specific section related to school zones. Walk Routes are established in the Walk Zones which are established by the school district for safety. ACHD uses walk routes to funnel students to a route that has good sidewalk connectivity that lead to guarded or controlled crossings and minimizes crossing conflicts, (i.e. Paramount). Mr. Curns noted that even with walks zones/routes and signage/signals, there is no substitute for a good school zone crossing guard. Mr. Curns then moved on to discuss the school zone areas and specific signage requirements. Idaho has special fines for school zone infractions and school zone signs set the parameter of that area. School zone speed limits are set within the school zone and the minimum requirement is that a school zone sign must precede a crossing location by 200 feet or wherever a student may be entering the roadway i.e. drop-off zone. Mr. Curns concluded his presentation and stood for questions and answers. Chairman Ballard opened the floor for discussion. A robust discussion took place including questions to Mr. Curns, Ms. Carson and others. Ms. Carson shared the Walk Zones for the three schools that were discussed last meeting. In addition, the idea of a speed zone subcommittee was suggested. Commissioner Lancaster will put together a proposal for the subcommittee to share at the next Commission meeting. Chairman Ballard closed the topic and moved on to item 5c. c. New Comprehensive Plan Update (C. Hood) Mr. Hood noted, before he began his item 5c update, that item 6d under Future Meeting Topics, Comprehensive Plan Update, remained on the agenda because there will be future updates throughout the revision process. Mr. Hood then gave a brief update and indicated that Logan Simpson, out of Fort Collins, CO, was chosen as the consulting firm to assist with the Comprehensive Plan. Kittleson will be retained as a sub -contractor through Logan Simpson to work specifically on the Master Mobility Map. A full scope of work hasn't been planned yet, but is anticipated within the next month once a contract is signed. A steering committee of about 20 people has been put together and a kickoff is being planned to coincide with the YMCA and Hillsdale Park ribbon cutting as long as the consultants are in place. Mr. Hood concluded and stood for questions. Chairman Ballard opened the floor for discussion, none was had and the item was closed. d. Staff Communications (memo attached; C. Hood) Mr. Hood noted that Staff Communications begin on page 13 and is straight forward this month. Mr. Hood also reminded the Commission that he has added the crosswalk across Meridian Road to Settler's Park North of Ustick to next year's prioritization project listing. ACHD only observed one Saturday from 9:30-11:30 and one mid -week time period and the pedestrian traffic didn't justify installation of a crosswalk at this time. Mr. Hood noted that Commissioners Lewis, Leslie and Hopkins' appointments are expected to be ratified through a resolution at the next City Council meeting and welcomed them back. Mr. Hood concluded by directing the Commissioners attention to page 15 and the loading/unloading issue that Ms. Carson wanted to discuss in the Staff Communications update. Ms. 91 Carson asked for advice from the Commission on proposed fixes in the area of Rebound High School. Mr. Lewis provided some suggestions, and Chairman Ballard suggested that Commissioners Lancaster and Lewis undertake analyzing the issue and come up with some solutions as part of the speed zone subcommittee proposal discussed early in the meeting. Discussion took place. Chairman Ballard closed topic 5d and moved onto Future Meeting Topics. 6. Future Meeting Topics Chairman Ballard asked for any new future meeting topics. The Speed Zone Subcommittee proposal was identified. No additional topics were identified. a. Linder Village Project Update b. Communities in Motion 2040 2.0 (July) c. Master Mobility Map d. Comprehensive Plan Update e. Local Jurisdiction on State Highways f. Speed Zone Subcommittee (July) 7. Next Meeting Date: Discuss Cancelling June Meeting; July 2, 2018 (Tentative) Discussion occurred about cancelling the June meeting, and moving the July 2nd meeting to July 91h. Mr. Baird confirmed that Council Chambers are available on July 9`h, until 5pm. A motion by Commissioner Hopkins was made to cancel the June meeting, move the July 2nd meeting to July 9th and shorten the July 9th meeting from 3:30-5 pm, second by Commissioner Leslie — all ayes — motion passed. No further discussion was had. 8. Adjourn A Motion by Commissioner Leslie and second by Commissioner Hopkins to adjourn — all ayes — motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:53 p.m. (AUDIO RECORDING AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST) tE:AP OV DAVID BALLARD, CHAIR _ DATE O���GD A UG`'S'- EST 0 City of EI'IDJAN* .- Y a LES o�N�, r SEAL ,�� - -j DATE 51 7. Next Meeting Date: May 7, 2018 8. Adjourn Motion by Commissioner Lewis and second by Commissioner Leisle to adjourn — all ayes — motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:27 p.m. (AUDIO RECORDING AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST) p� A . RO ED: 7 VID BALLARD, CHAIR DAT ATTEST C.JAY CO S 04�ov;[ED A UCGSr J City of EItII?IAN*- °�. I D A H O SEAL a S Oi-l/ r DATE 7 4a. Transportation Projects Update Memo To: Meridian Transportation Commission From: Caleb Hood, Planning Division Manager Date: 5/3/2018 Re: May Transportation Projects Update Below is a summary/update on some of the transportation and roadway projects City Staff has been involved with recently. This is not an exhaustive list, but rather highlights some of the more important activities that have recently transpired (or are about to occur) in the transportation realm. Staff will be at the May Commission meeting to discuss some of these topics in more detail. Please feel free to contact staff should you have any comments, concerns, or questions on any of these projects. New information is in bold. KEY ACHD PROJECTS: Pine Ave, Meridian to Locust Grove: This project, to improve Pine between Meridian Road and Locust Grove, is in construction. The City and MDC are partnering with ACHD to ensure the design and construction of Pine Avenue is consistent with the communities’ needs. Because Meridian Public Works is planning to do sewer improvements in Pine, the roadway between Main and E. 6th will be re-built. Establishing a Cost Share Agreement with ACHD and a project agreement between the City and MDC was approved in September. Knife River is the contractor. Contract amount is $5.5M. Pine is closed from Locust Grove to Meridian Road. Working on water, sewer and irrigation; pipe is approximately 60% complete. New bridge is done. Project should be complete in September. Cherry Lane, Linder to Meridian Road Lighting: Using federal funds, ACHD is working with Precision to design roadway lighting for approximately one mile of Cherry Lane. The City is providing a local match. Bid opening was July 12th. Quality Electric, Inc. is the contractor; notice to proceed was August 27, 2017. Once materials are delivered, the contractor has 55 days to complete construction. Project to be completed by June 2018 at a cost of $340K. Project substantially complete as of March 14th. E. 3rd Street Extension: When ACHD adopted the 2014-2018 Integrated Five Year Work Plan, E. 3rd Street, from Carlton to Fairview, was listed as a project in the E conomic Development Program. This project was split into two phases by ACHD – north (phase 2) 8 and south (phase 1) of Carlton. In the adopted ACHD 2018-2022 IFYWP, phase 1, between Franklin and Carlton, is in PD. Meridian Road, Cherry to Ustick: Project includes widening Meridian Road to 5 lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Design is underway. Construction is planned for 2020 in the ACHD adopted IFYWP at a cost of $4.3M. Appraisals began in July; right-of-way acquisition in process. Linder Road, Franklin to Pine: Project includes the widening of Linder Road to 5 lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Project includes upgrade of the railroad crossing and a safe routes to school request; attached sidewalks are being designed. Construction is planned for 2020 to correspond with the upgraded railroad crossing ITD plans to do that year. Cost of $1.5M. Project is in right-of-way acquisition phase. Linder Road, Ustick to McMillan: Widen Linder to 5 lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Construction is planned for 2021 in IFYWP at a cost of $3.5M. Project is designed. Public Involvement Meetings (PIM) held on May 1st and August 31st. Based on comments, pedestrian signal at Monument Drive may eventually become full signal. This project is shown for construction in 2021 in the adopted 2018-2022 IFYWP. ACHD is looking to advance construction of this project up to 2019. Linder Road, Cayuse Creek Drive to Chinden: Widen the remaining portions of Linder to 5 lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Construction was planned for 2020 at a cost of $653,000. Currently in design phase and tracking with Linder, Ustick to McMillan project. This project has advanced to construction (CN) to 2019 in the adopted 2018-2022 IFYWP. Ten Mile Road, McMillan to Chinden: Widen Ten Mile to 5 lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Design will be done with in-house, ACHD resources, beginning in 2018. Right-of-way acquisition is in 2020 and construction is planned for 2022 in the adopted 2018-2022 IFYWP with a cost of $3.5M. Project kick-off meeting held November 30th. ACHD is looking to advance construction of this project up to 2020. Public involvement meeting on May 9th, 5:30 to 7 pm at Sawooth Middle School. Ten Mile Road, Ustick to McMillan: Widen Ten Mile to 5 lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Project includes 2 bridges. Design is in 2018, right-of-way acquisition in 2019, and construction is planned for 2021 in the adopted 2018-2022 IFYWP with a cost of $5.7M. Public involvement meeting on May 9th, 5:30 to 7 pm at Sawooth Middle School. Eagle Road, Amity to Victory: Widen to 5 lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Design will be done with in-house, ACHD resources, beginning in 2018. Construction is planned for 2020 in the adopted 2018-2022 IFYWP with a cost of $4.5M. Public involvement meeting held April 19th at Siena Elementary School. Eagle Road/Amity Roundabout: ACHD has entered into a Cooperative Development Agreement (CDA) with Albertsons to reconstruct the Eagle/Amity Roundabout. These improvements include full improvements, curb, gutter, and sidewalk on their frontages of both roads in addition in re-building the RAB with two-lanes on each leg. Project is 9 expected to begin construction this year. NOTE: There is insufficient right-of-way on Amity west of Eagle to allow the striping of the bike lane on the north side of the road, so it will only be the two travel lanes westbound, the center turn lane, and one eastbound trave l lane until ACHD can program a project there in the future and widen to the south. The west side of Eagle Road will be fully improved including the bike lane. Eagle Road, Lake Hazel to Amity: Widen to 5 lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Design will be done in 2022. Construction is in PD in the adopted 2018-2022 IFYWP with a cost of $3.4M. Lake Hazel Road, Eagle to Cloverdale: Widen to 5 lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Design will be done in 2022. Construction is in PD in the adopted 2018-2022 IFYWP with a total cost of $2.3M. Locust Grove Road, Victory to Overland: Widen to 5 lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Design will be done in 2022. Construction is in PD in the adopted 2018-2022 IFYWP with a cost of $4.07M. Locust Grove Road, Fairview to Ustick: Widen to 5 lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Design will be done in 2022 ($365K); construction is in PD in the adopted 2018 - 2022 IFYWP with a cost of $3.325M ($4M total cost). Fairview/Locust Grove Signal: Widen intersection to 8 lanes on Fairview and 7 lanes on Locust Grove, including curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes. Design in 2020, right-of-way acquisition in 2021, and construction in 2022 in adopted IFYWP with a cost of $6.457M. Victory/Locust Grove Roundabout: Construct a multi-lane roundabout. Design is in 2019, right-of-way acquisition in 2020, and construction is planned for 2021 in the adopted 2018- 2022 IFYWP with a cost of $1.25M. Ten Mile/Amity Intersection: A traffic study was finished by Six Mile Engineering in April. ACHD is proceeding with design and ROW. Design will take place in FY17/FY18 with ROW programmed for FY18/19. A dual-lane roundabout will be the ultimate build-out condition of the intersection. Initially though, a single-lane roundabout will be constructed; designed for easy expansion to a dual-lane. This project is shown for construction in 2022 in the adopted 2018-2022 IFYWP. ACHD MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Cherry Lane, Ten Mile to Linder: Beginning in August (est.) Sunroc will be doing a capital maintenance project on Cherry Lane, between Ten Mile and Linder. The project should be done by late summer or early fall. ITD PROJECTS SH-55 (Eagle Road): Design work is complete to add an additional northbound and southbound lane to Eagle Road, between River Valley and I-84. The northbound lane between Franklin and Fairview was complete earlier this spring. CenterCal plans to construct the additional southbound lane in 2022 through the STAR program. 10 US 20/26: A Strategic Initiatives Project to widen Chinden to 4-lanes between Locust Grove and Eagle is in the ITIP for construction in 2021. ITD and ACHD are coordinating intersection improvements at Locust Grove/Chinden as well. On September 21st, the ITD Board approved the FY18-2024 ITIP (this is the first year for a 7-year Program). The ITIP contains segments of US 20/26, from Eagle Road to Star Road – 7 miles! On October 30th, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) determined that the US 20/26 EA will have no significant impact on the human or natural environment (FONSI). This finding allows the improvements, and mitigation, on the corridor to proceed. A kick-off meeting was held at ITD District 3 on December 5th, for the Locust Grove to Eagle segment; Parametrix is doing the design for ITD. The cities of Eagle, Boise and Meridian all impacted. City, ITD and ACHD staff are coordinating with a couple of developers on the potential to accelerate improvements between Locust Grove and SH-16, through a STAR(s) agreement(s). Interstate 84: This project is for the Nampa segment of the Interstate between Karcher Underpass and Franklin Boulevard. The project includes replacement and widening of a canal structure at Mason Creek, replacement and expansion of two bridges that cross over the UPRR and a canal, widening I-84 to three lanes with an additional auxiliary lane between Franklin and Northside Boulevards, and improving the two interchanges. This corridor is listed as the number one priority in the regional long-range transportation plan. In April, the ITD Board voted to use additional GARVEE bonding authority for this project. A FY2017-2021 STIP/TIP amendment added $150M to the program for this project. SH-16: During the December 14th ITD Board meeting, the Board approved $6M to design SH-16 between US 20/26 and I-84 in 2018. PATHWAYS Rail with Trail: In the fall of 2012, the City applied for an $85,000 grant to study the Rail with Trail (RWT) pathway crossing of streets (7 crossings; Black Cat to Locust Grove). Currently, there is $511,000 in PD for pathway construction in the Regional Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). This project was recently delayed as there are additional environmental and right-of-way impacts. Five Mile Creek Pathway: The City applied for a COMPASS grant to design and construct a portion of the Five Mile Creek pathway near the wastewater recovery facility. Parametrix has prepared the project development report which should be available on the COMPASS website in the near future. This project has advanced from PD to CN in 2022 at a cost of $395K in the TIP. MDC / OTHER PROJECTS Harvest Lifestyle Service: A public transit service focusing on seniors and persons with disabilities has been operating since December 2016. This Lifestyle Service concept, which includes two service zones, was presented to the Council in July of 2016. The service is operated by Harvest Church. An enhancement for FY19 is being explored to add a third Harvest van. 11 Transit: Valley Regional Transit (VRT) is in the process of updating ValleyConnect, VRT’s six-year capital and service plan. ValleyConnect 2.0 will guide future VRT activities and be used to help coordinate VRT activities, funding as well as with community stakeholders. ValleyConnect 2.0 was approved by the VRT Board for release for public comment in January. On April 2, 2018, the Valley Regional Transit Board approved the final version of the ValleyConnect 2.0 plan (see Staff Communications memo for additional information.) Eagle Road Signal Equipment Upgrades: In 2018, ITD plans to install upgraded signal controllers and radar detection at intersections along the corridor. ACHD has Signal Performance Measure software that provides a visual display of traffic data to aid in signal timing and maintenance. This is a $463,000 project. Eagle Road Bike/Ped Project Development: COMPASS has contracted with Keller Associates to further develop a bicycle and pedestrian plan for the corridor. The boundaries of the project are Overland and Chinden. Reports for the four highest ranking segments have been completed. In the 2018-2022 TIP there is $700K programmed in PD for CN of the first segment, Franklin to Pine. Idaho Avenue, Main to 2nd: The MDBA is discussing with ACHD converting Idaho Avenue, between Main and 2nd Street, to a one-way (eastbound) road so that additional parking can be obtained. 12 5b. School Zone Design Memo To: Meridian Transportation Commission From: Caleb Hood, Planning Division Manager Date: 5/2/2018 Re: School Zone Design – Signs and Length During the 13 5d. Staff Communications Memo To: Meridian Transportation Commission From: Caleb Hood, Planning Division Manager Date: 5/3/2018 Re: Staff Communications On the following pages are relevant correspondences since the April meeting. Caleb, We did observations for a crosswalk across Meridian Road for Settler’s Park as requested. You can see the results below. For 2 hours on a Saturday, there were 11 pedestrians crossing. However, 4 of those were from people parking on Meridian Road and then crossing the street and not coming from the neighborhood. So based on our investigation, we don’t see enough activity to justify an enhanced crossing. Shawn From: Tim Curns Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 9:10 AM To: Shawn Martin Subject: RE: Meridian Rd/Settlers Park 9:30-11:30 AM. According to Meridian Parks and Rec, this is when activity peaks there. Tim Curns (208) 387-6145 From: Shawn Martin Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 9:07 AM To: Tim Curns Subject: RE: Meridian Rd/Settlers Park How long was the Saturday observation? From: Tim Curns Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 11:18 AM To: Shawn Martin Subject: Meridian Rd/Settlers Park 14 Shawn, I believe this came through the Meridian Transportation Commission originally. We conducted observations of Meridian Rd, along the Settlers Park frontage, both on a weekday afternoon and at peak park usage on a Saturday with good weather. The weekday count only had two pedestrians crossing near the pond and on Saturday we had one at Ashby, 6 at the pathway that comes from the east side of Meridian Rd, and 4 from people parked on the east side of Meridian Rd. Overall, there is not enough activity to justif y a crosswalk, which would need to be an enhanced crossing for this type of roadway. Let me know if you want the count sheets to look at. Tim Curns, PE, PTOE Traffic Engineer Ada County Highway District 3775 Adams Street Garden City, ID 83714 (208) 387-6145 ValleyConnect 2.0 VRT Jurisdiction City Clerks/Assistants: Please forward the weblink for the final version of the ValleyConnect 2.0 Plan to your city council/commissioners and other email distribution lists you might keep. Thank you. On April 2, 2018, the Valley Regional Transit Board approved the final version of the ValleyConnect 2.0 plan. The weblink to the final plan is: https://www.valleyregionaltransit.org/media/1415/valleyconnect2_apr18_final.pdf Linda Ihli, Executive Assistant 700 NE 2nd Street, Suite 100 Meridian, ID 83642 208-258-2706 (direct) Email: lihli@valleyregionaltransit.org 15 From: Carson Miranda [mailto:Carson.Miranda@westada.org] Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 9:33 AM To: Stacy Arnold Subject: Water Tower Rd Hello, We are having some traffic concerns during the 4 loading/unloading periods at Rebound. The students park curbside. Buses pick up in the lane of traffic, and students walk between parked cars. ACHD will not put crosswalks out because there is not enough dai ly traffic. Also students descend onto the street from no one point. With all the student drivers and foot traffic, I was thinking of requesting speed bumps. Drivers were flying down the road as students were walking past parked cars, cars pulling out, buses dropping off/picking up. It is such a unique location. Since it is directly across from your office I thought you may have some insight. Miranda Carson Transportation Liaison West Ada School District Michelle, We have 3 Transportation Commission appointments which are up for Stephen Lewis, Tracy Hopkins and Bryan Leisle. Can you please do a resolution for May 22 to reappoint them to the Commission? Let me know if you need anything else, but I have no new applications from them to include. Robert Simison | Chief of Staff City of Meridian | Mayor’s Office 33 E. Broadway Ave., Meridian, Idaho 83642