2018-05-22 C I T Y C OUNCI L R EGU L A R M EETI N G A GENDA C ity C ouncil C hamber s 33 E ast B r oadway Avenue M er idian, I daho Tuesday, M ay 22, 2018 at 6:00 P M 1. Roll-C all Attendance X A nne L ittle R oberts X J oe Borton X Ty P almer X Treg B ernt X Genesis Milam X L uke Cavener X Mayor Tammy de Weerd 2. P ledge of Allegiance 3. C ommunity I nvocation by T roy D rake with C alvary C hapel 4. Adoption of Agenda Adopted 5. F uture M eeting Topics - Public F orum (Up to 30 M inutes M aximum) Thi s time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding matters of general i nterest or concern of public matters and is not speci fic to an active land use/development application. By law, no deci sions can be made on topics presented under this public comment section, other than the City Counci l may request that the topic be added to a future meeting agenda for a more detailed discussion or action. The Mayor may also direct staff to further assist you in resolving the matter following the meeting. 6. C onsent Agenda [Action I tem] Approved A. Howr y L ane S ubdivision #2 S anitary S ewer E asement B. Howry L ane S ubdivision #2 Water M ain E asement C. Release of Water M ain E asement Gramer cy S ub No 1 D. F inal P lat for B ainbridge C onnection S ubdivision (H-2018-0026) by Brighton Investments, LLC, located at the Nor th side of W. Vanderbilt D r. and E ast of N. B lack C at Rd. E. F inal P lat for B ar aya No. 3 (H-2018-0047) by S chultz D evelopment located on the south side of W. F ranklin Rd. between Ten M ile Rd. and B lack C at Rd. F. D evelopment Agr eement for L ost Rapids (B righton Site) H-2018- 0004, L ocated at the S outhwest C or ner of S tate High 20/26 (C hinden B lvd) and Nor th Ten M ile Road G. Acceptance Agreement for M eridian M ill M ur al H. Resolution No. 18-2078: A Resolution O f T he M ayor And T he C ity C ouncil O f T he City O f M eridian S ignifying F inal Acceptance Of M er idian M ill M ural B y S ector S eventeen, And Providing An E ffective D ate. I. P rofessional S er vices Agr eement with S ensus US A Inc. for M onitor ing and D ata C ollection J. S econd Amendment to M emor andum of Agr eement B etween M er idian D evelopment C orpor ation and the C ity of M er idian for Implementation and C onstruction of M D C Improvements for P ine Avenue P roject K. Resolution No. 18-2077: A Resolution O f T he M ayor And T he C ity C ouncil Of T he City O f M eridian Approving T he Naming Of D iscovery P ar k; And P roviding An E ffective D ate. L. Award of C hange Order No. 3 to T he Ewing Compan y, Inc. for the “WRRF Headwor ks E xpansion” project for a Not-To-E xceed amount of $152,549.93. M. AP Invoices for P ayment 5/23/18 - $3,922,845.33 N. Amended onto Agenda: Agreement for Extension of Domestic Water and Sewer Service Outside of Meridian City Limits: 750 W. Ustick Road 7. Items M oved F r om T he C onsent Agenda [Action Item] 8. Community Items/P r esentations A. C ity S cholarship Presentations B. P ublic Wor ks Week Invitation to C ouncil C. F ire D epartment L abor Analysis Report by RS M 9. Action Items Land Use Public Hearing Process: After the Public Hearing is opened the staff report will be presented by the assigned City planner. Following Staff's report the applicant has up to 15 minutes to present their application. Each member of the public may provide testimony up to 3 mi nutes or if they are representi ng a larger group, such as a Homeowners Association, they are allowed 10 minutes. The applicant is then allowed 10 addi tional minutes to respond to the public's comments. No additional public testimony is taken once the public hearing is closed. The City Counci l may move to continue the item for additional information or vote to approve or deny the i tem with or without changes as presented. The Mayor is not a member of the City Council and pursuant to Idaho Code does not vote on public hearing items, unless to break a tie vote. A. Resolution No. 18-2079: A Resolution O f T he M ayor And T he C ity C ouncil O f T he C ity O f M eridian Reappointing S tephan L ewis To S eat 5, T r acy Hopkins To S eat 6 And B r yan L eisle To S eat 7 Of T he M eridian T ranspor tation C ommission; And Providing An E ffective D ate. Approved B. M er idian D airy and S tock S how Request for C ost S har e for Annual D air y D ays P ar ade Approved Not to Exceed $6,000 C. C ontinued from M ay 15, 2018: Approval of Request for P roposals for O ld C ity Hall Approved D. P ublic Hear ing on City C ouncil Election Process Keep election process as -is E. Request for Reconsider ation for L ost Rapids (H-2018-0004) by C oalition Against L ost Rapids Request denied F. F inal P lat for Hill's C entury F ar ms No. 10 by B righton Investments, L C C , located approximately 1/2 mile S outh of E. Amity Rd. and 1/4 mile E ast of S. E agle Rd. Approved G. F inal P lat for S ky M esa C ommons S ubdivision No. 1 (H-2018- 0039) by L ionwood P r operties, LLC , L ocated Southwest of S . E agle Rd. at E. Taconic D r. Approved H. P ublic Hear ing To Consider T he C onveyance O f C er tain C ity O wned Real P roper ty To T he Ada C ounty Highway Distr ict F or Right-O f-Way P urposes L ocated Nor th And S outh O f Woodbur y D rive Adjacent To M eridian Road, A P ortion Of L ot 1, Block 1, And A P ortion O f L ot 1, Block 13 O f T he F othergill P ointe S ubdivision No.1 In T he C ity O f M er idian, Ada County, Idaho 1. O rdinance No. 18-1776 : A n O rdinance Authorizing T he Conveyance O f Certain City Owned Real P roperty To The Ada County Highway District For Right-Of-Way P urposes L ocated North A nd S outh O f Woodbury Drive A djacent To Meridian Road, A P ortion O f L ot 1, B lock 1, And A P ortion Of L ot 1, B lock 13 Of T he F othergill P ointe S ubdivision No.1 I n T he C ity O f Meridian, A da County, I daho; A uthorizing T he Mayor A nd City Clerk To E xecute A nd A ttest O n B ehalf Of T he City Of Meridian T he D eed A nd O ther D ocuments Necessary To C omplete T he Transaction; P roviding F or A Waiver O f T he R eading R ules; And Providing A n E ffective Date. Approved I. P ar ks and Recreation D epar tment: Net Zer o B udget Amendment for S pending Authority Not-to-E xceed $1,000 for the Hillsdale P ar k G rand O pening Approved J. Community Development Budget Amendment for Comprehensive Plan Consultant Not-to-Exceed $214,954 Approved K. Approval of Agreement to Logan Simpson Design, Inc. for the “MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN” project for a Not-To- Exceed amount of $212,554.00 Approved 10. Department Reports A. P olice and P arks & Recr eation D epartment: P roposed ordinance update to amend T respass in P ar ks penalty fr om misdemeanor to infraction 11. O rdinances [Action Items] A. O rdinance No. 18-1775: An O rdinance (H-2018-0004 - L ost Rapids) F or Annexation Of A P ar cel O f L and B eing A Portion Of T he Northeast ¼ Of S ection 27, Township 4 North, Range 1 West, B oise M eridian, Ada County, Idaho, As D escr ibed In Attachment “A” And Annexing C ertain L ands And Territor y, S ituated In Ada C ounty, I daho, And Adjacent And C ontiguous To T he C orpor ate L imits Of T he C ity O f M eridian As Requested B y T he C ity Of M er idian; E stablishing And D eter mining T he L and Use Zoning C lassification O f 39.005 Acres O f L and F rom Rut To R-15 (M edium D ensity Residential) Zoning Distr ict In T he M er idian C ity C ode; Providing T hat C opies O f T his O rdinance S hall B e F iled With T he Ada C ounty Assessor, T he Ada C ounty Recor der, And T he I daho S tate Tax Commission, As Requir ed B y L aw; And P roviding F or A Summar y O f T he O rdinance; And P roviding F or A Waiver O f T he Reading Rules; And P r oviding An E ffective D ate. Approved 12. F utur e M eeting Topics Adjourned at 8:43pm All materials presented at public meetings shall bec ome property of the C ity of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities related to doc uments and/or hearing, please c ontac t the C ity Clerk's Offic e at 888-4433 at least 48 hour s pr ior to the public meeting. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018. A meeting of the Meridian City Council was called to order at 6:01 p.m., Tuesday, May 22, 2018, by Mayor Tammy de Weerd. Members Present: Tammy De Weerd, Joe Borton, Genesis Milam, Luke Cavener, Anne Little Roberts, Ty Palmer and Treg Bernt. Others Present: Bill Nary, C.Jay Coles, Warren Stewart, Cameron Ariel, Caleb Hood, Scott Colaianni, Mark Niemeyer, Charlie Butterfield, Dale Bolthouse, Colin Moss, Shawn Harper and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-call Attendance: Roll call. X__ Anne Little Roberts X _ _Joe Borton X__ Ty Palmer X_ Treg Bernt __X___Genesis Milam __X___ Lucas Cavener __X_ Mayor Tammy de Weerd De Weerd: Okay. We will go ahead and start our regular City Council meeting first by welcoming all that are here in attendance. Thank you for joining us. For the record it is Tuesday, May 22nd. It's one minute after 6:00. We will start with roll call attendance. Item 2: Pledge of Allegiance De Weerd: Item No. 2 is the Pledge of Allegiance. If you will all rise and join us in the pledge to our flag. (Pledge of Allegiance recited.) Item 3: Community Invocation by Troy Drake with Calvary Chapel De Weerd: Item 3 is our community invocation. Tonight we will be led by Pastor Troy Drake with Calvary Chapel. Thank you for joining us. If you will all join us in the community invocation or take this as an opportunity for a moment of reflection. Drake: Council Members, Mayor, will you join me. Lord God, I just want to, on behalf of everybody here, thank you for this beautiful day that we have , this day that you made. Lord, we just thank you that we have life and we can enjoy it, Lord, and that you have given us freedom in our country, all those people who have -- who have sacrificed so that we can live free and work where we want to and pursue our dreams and family and it's just awesome and so we just want to be grateful, first of all, for that and, God, we are also just thankful for all the hundreds of people that are moving into the valley and it's just so great for them to get to enjoy what we already have and -- but with it brings lots of challenges and so we just pray for all the decisions that are being made here tonight. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 2 of 57 I imagine many of them are just because we have a lot of people m oving here and -- and so we just pray for wisdom for all of these people who sacrifice as -- to make decisions for our community. Lord, we also pray for all the first responders that are also impacted by all the people that live here and we just thank you for them, God, and asked that you would keep them safe as they keep us safe and we appreciate them so much and so we just honor you here tonight and I just pray that -- that you give a lot of wisdom to my friends here, these folks who are doing this and, Lord, all these various decisions to be made, whether they are small or big, that, you know, they would have lots of wisdom, God, and that you would give them a lot of grace for their service and so we just appreciate you, God, in Jesus' name, amen. Item 4: Adoption of Agenda De Weerd: Thank you. What a great way to start a meeting; right? Okay. Item No. 4 is adoption of the agenda. Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: We are going to add an Item 6-N, as in Nancy. It's an agreement to extend domestic water service to 750 Ustick Road as a Consent Agenda item and this agreement was just presented to the city earlier today or yesterday was the reason why it wasn't originally on the agenda as published. So, with that amendment I would move that we adopt the agenda. Cavener: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to adopt the agenda as amended. All those in favor say aye. All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 5: Future Meeting Topics - Public Forum (Up to 30 Minutes Maximum) Coles: There were no sign-ups, Madam Mayor. Item 6: Consent Agenda [Action Item] A. Howry Lane Subdivision #2 Sanitary Sewer Easement B. Howry Lane Subdivision #2 Water Main Easement C. Release of Water Main Easement Gramercy Sub No 1 Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 3 of 57 D. Final Plat for Bainbridge Connection Subdivision (H-2018- 0026) by Brighton Investments, LLC, located at the North side of W. Vanderbilt Dr. and East of N. Black Cat Rd. E. Final Plat for Baraya No. 3 (H-2018-0047) by Schultz Development located on the south side of W. Franklin Rd. between Ten Mile Rd. and Black Cat Rd. F. Development Agreement for Lost Rapids (Brighton Site) H- 2018-0004, Located at the Southwest Corner of State High 20/26 Chinden Blvd) and North Ten Mile Road G. Acceptance Agreement for Meridian Mill Mural H. Resolution No. 18-2078: A Resolution Of The Mayor And The City Council Of The City Of Meridian Signifying Final Acceptance Of Meridian Mill Mural By Sector Seventeen, And Providing An Effective Date. I. Professional Services Agreement with Sensus USA Inc. for Monitoring and Data Collection J. Second Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement Between Meridian Development Corporation and the City of Meridian for Implementation and Construction of MDC Improvements for Pine Avenue Project K. Resolution No. 18-2077: A Resolution Of The Mayor And The City Council Of The City Of Meridian Approving The Naming Of Discovery Park; And Providing An Effective Date. L. Award of Change Order No. 3 to The Ewing Company, Inc. for the WRRF Headworks Expansion” project for a Not-To-Exceed amount of $152,549.93. M. AP Invoices for Payment 5/23/18 - $3,922,845.33 N. Amended onto Agenda: Agreement for Extension of Domestic Water and Sewer Service Outside of Meridian City Limits: 750 W. Ustick Road De Weerd: Okay. Thank you. Item 6 is our Consent Agenda. Borton: Madam Mayor? Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 4 of 57 De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: With that addition of Item 6 -N, I would move that we adopt -- or we approve the Consent Agenda and for the Mayor to sign and the clerk to attest. Cavener: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to approve the Consent Agenda. Mr. Clerk, will you call roll. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 7: Items Moved From The Consent Agenda [Action Item] De Weerd: There were no items moved from the Consent Agenda. Item 8: Community Items/Presentations A. City Scholarship Presentations De Weerd: So, we will move to Item 8-A, which is our city scholarships. Each year we have the opportunity to award scholarships to four students that have been great contributors to our community. Many of them are familiar faces to the City Council and to our city employees because of their service at the city level and sometimes we are not familiar with the face, but they have made significant contributions to our community. So, I'm going to go through and read something about each of the students and I think as I start to read it -- this is just a sprinkling of information as to why they were selected, but I hope at the end as they accept their certificate you will join me in congratulating them and acknowledging their community service to the great City of Meridian. So, I'm going to ask Ella if she would come forward, please. You get to stand up here as I brag about you. So, if -- Council, if you don't recognize Ella -- and I think at least one of you do -- Ella is on our Historic Preservation Commission. So, thank you for your service. Ella is graduating from Meridian High. Ella has a passion for city government and has been an intern with the City of Meridian in the past couple of years. She is currently a member the Meridian Historic Preservation Commission and volunteers in the city clerk's office a few hours each week doing data entry for past property owners in downtown for the Historical Preservation Commission and the Meridian Historic Society. When not spending time with the city, because she spends considerable time here, Ella teaches Sunday school to children ranging from two to 16, many whom do not speak English as a first language. Ella will continue to pursue her passion for law, government, and policy and hopes to be a congresswoman, a city attorney or work directly in policy as she will be attending Wisconsin Lutheran College Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 5 of 57 with a major in philosophy and business in the chosen direction she would like to go and eventually attend a law school and graduate with a juris doctor degree. So, please, join me in congratulating Ella Kramer. (Applause). Cavener: Congratulations. De Weerd: Okay. Our next recipient is Macy Smith. I couldn't eyeball you, because I haven't met you before. Okay. Macy is graduating from Meridian High where she is ranked first out of a class of 381 students. Okay. So, I get emotional, so if I cry I apologize. Okay. Macy has a passion for giving back to her community and peers. Through her church Macy has volunteered her time to teach young children during Bible study or care for babies in her church's nursery. She spends her time visiting and playing with refugee children in the valley, handing out toys and giving piggyback rides. Macy has also participated in coat drives, turkey box stuffing, and delivering Angel Tree presents, as well as helped in the Capital Easter egg hunt every year. Macy plans to attend the University of Utah and she plans on majoring in biomedical engineering . So, to all four of our recipients I think as you go off to college we want you to remember where home is and we hope that once you go and spread your wings that you will return here to pursue your career and to raise your families. So, congratulation, Macy. (Applause.) De Weerd: Okay. McKalya George. Okay. These last two are really hard, because I feel like I have been part of raising them. So, I apologize. Okay. McKayla is graduating from Mountain View High School. McKayla has made volunteering and giving back to the community a priority in her daily life as an active member of the Girl Scouts of America for 13 years and if you ever want to know what Girl Scouts stands for, you need to talk to McKayla, because she has done every single one of them and she is the perfect example of what a Girl Scout does in their communities. She was the creator and facilitator for the Strong Body-Strong Minds STEM Camp, which served 80 girls at the Meridian Boys and Girls Club. She has been active in MYAC serving in several leadership roles, including chair. She has been a lobbyist for the American Heart Association and a partner with Buckle Up For Bobby for seatbelt safety. McKayla received the President's Volunteer Service Award from Barack Obama for her volunteer commitment to Idaho where she has served thousands of hours in volunteer projects . She plans to attend the College of Western Idaho and earn her teaching degree with a focus on STEM education for kindergarten through fifth grade. So, please, join me in congratulating McKayla George. (Applause.) George: I would just like to thank everyone here for all the amazing opportunit ies they have given me. I have been a part of MYAC for about six years and -- Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 6 of 57 De Weerd: She gets it from me. George: -- I loved being part of it and working close with Mayor Tammy and I'm just -- it's crazy how fast time has gone. Thank you so much. De Weerd: Okay. Our fourth recipient is Rebecca Steed. Rebecca is graduating from Renaissance High School and will be receiving -- I was trying to rush through. And receiving her associates of arts degree from Idaho State University. Rebecca is a member of MYAC and is currently the secretary of the executive council within MYAC and I will tell you what, she's been hands down the best secretary we have ever had. We will get the minutes that night after the meeting. So, you can't have her, she's going off, but she's just been a dynamo. As vice-chair of the Teen Activities Council she was one of the co-creators for the food frenzy fundraiser to promote suicide awareness, which was an incredibly successful event that raised money for the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline. Through her church Rebecca has taken on several leadership roles and helps plan events for girls, oftentimes service projects, including food drives, visiting the elderly, humanitarian projects as well. She has been a volunteer for the Idaho Humane Society helping with fundraisers and mobile adoptions. Rebecca plans to further her education and pursue her bachelor's degree in business management at Idaho State University. So, hopefully, she won't wander too far off and eventually she will be pursuing a masters in business administration. So, please, join me in welcoming and congratulating Rebecca. (Applause.) Steed: I would just like to thank the -- the City Council I guess for the opportunities that I have had led to serve my community through the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council. I have loved -- I have loved being able to serve my community the feeling that I get when I do and the lives that I have been able to touch through it. So, thank you very much. De Weerd: So, MYAC will be holding their end-of-the-year party on June 4th. Thank you. And we are inviting City Council to be judges of the potluck. So, we hope you will come and help us send off our teens and thank them for all the service they have provided our community. We have had an amazing year at the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council and as Rebecca mentioned, she has an opportunity -- all of these members -- to touch the lives of many and their work in the organ donor legislation that was passed this year, as well as the suicide prevention outreach that they have taken on and made this a priority over the last several years, has, indeed, made a huge difference. So, Council, I appreciate you being a part of that and continuing to support our youth . B. Public Works Week Invitation to Council De Weerd: Item 8-B is under Public Works Week and I will turn this over to Mr. Dale. Bolthouse: Madam Mayor, Members of Council, I'm going to pop in here for a minute, because we have not had the opportunity to introduce our new communication and Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 7 of 57 outreach specialist. So, I wanted to take a minute to welcome Shandy Lam to the Public Works Department. Shandy comes to us from most recently Pullman. She's a graduate of University of Idaho. Has lived in northern Idaho for a lot of her tenure and we are so excited to have her join us on the Public Works Department. So, I wanted to give her a proper introduction and she's going to extend the welcome to Public Works Week tonight for you. De Weerd: Thank you, Dale. Bolthouse: Thanks. De Weerd: Welcome, Shandy. Lam: Thank you. All right. Madam Mayor and Members of the Council, it is my honor to have the opportunity tonight to personally invite you to the 2018 Public Works Week celebration. We are excited to be celebrating our tenth anniversary of this event and would like to have all of you be a part of it . Public Works Week is a national acknowledgement of the men and women who work behind the scenes to make our cities, counties, and states run smoothly. The average citizen will wake up in the morning and they will brush their teeth, use the restroom, take a shower and as long as they get water out of the spout or when they flushed it goes down the drain they don't give much thought to what happens before that water gets to their h ouse or after it leaves. The department and what we do is very out of sight , out of mind and if you ask us that means we are doing our jobs right. So, Public Works Week -- Public Works Week gives us the opportunity to show Meridian citizens what our team does on a daily basis. This gives us a great platform to showcase our city -- our city, our department, and our partners. We have two main events this year, beginning with the Go With The Flow tour. This is the optimal way to get an up close look at the infrastructure, meet the team, and learn about the processes used by each citizen within in the Public Works Department. Tour goers will meet at City Hall on June 6 where we will hop on a bus and head to location, location, location. We appreciate our Council members joining us in years past and we are very excited to have Mayor Tammy aboard the tour bus this year. One of our most popular city events is Public Works Expo, which will be held June 7th right here at City Hall. This event typically draws in about 800 to 1,000 residents and is chock full of interactive displays, educational activities, and kids can even help run equipment, work through the permitting process to build their very own firehouse, they can even cool off with the fire hydrant flushing demo. Families are invited to enjoy free hot dogs and popcorn as they hop from booth to booth throughout the plaza and City Hall lobby. Even if you have been before, there is always something new to see and with it being our ten year anniversary it's going to be bigger and better than ever. The Public Works Week events have grown more and more each year and our staff has continuously stepped up taking on roles from partnership plan -- from forming partnerships, planning and executing logistics, marketing the events, leading the tour and creating activities to engage our community. This is a huge effort by all of the Public -- Public Works staff. This event also would not be possible without a lot of collaboration and partnership with local busines ses. The power of community is very Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 8 of 57 apparent as consultants, contractors, and vendors come together from the city, county -- city and county to make the expo what it is. Of course as you can imagine, this valuable event is also not free. We couldn't do it without the financial support of our amazing sponsors. We had a lot of great support this year and would like to especially recognize Republic Services and Coastline Equipment for their generous platinum level sponsorship. At the end of the week any remaining sponsorship contributions go straight back into our community. Like we have done in years past, we would like to donate those funds to Meridian Food Bank, the Parks Department Care To Share Scholarship Fund, and the community recycling fund. As you can see, Public Works Week has become a Meridian tradition. We would love to have you join us this year. Tonight we have a personal invitation for each one of you and a commemorative coin. Please stop by and don't forget to meet the famous Lady Poo and Hydro. De Weerd: Lady Poo? Lam: Lady Poo. That is correct. I will stand for questions. De Weerd: Oh, can we get more creative with that name? I mean Lady Poop? Lam: Madam Mayor, I believe that it was come up with by all of the kids that attended. If you can imagine. De Weerd: Maybe one of your first official programs you -- to rename the emoji that we have. Council, any questions? I think -- I think all of you have been involved in the tour and some of the events and can attest to the -- the whole experience from start to finish, hands down, it makes us proud to show -- be able to show our citizens not only the facilities and the service we provide , but the employees that put the face on it and show the pride, the commitment and the dedication that they have . So, any you in the audience that want to participate, strongly encourage that. Council, any questions or comments? Lam: Thank you for having me. De Weerd: Thank you. I will look to hearing the new name. Palmer: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Palmer. Palmer: Maybe we should put it out to a vote of the people. De Weerd: Yeah. We will have Parky McPoop Face or something like that. Or something. Sorry. C. Fire Department Labor Analysis Report by RSM Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 9 of 57 De Weerd: Okay. Item -- before I get further in trouble, Item 8-C is under our Fire Department. Is -- chief, are you kicking this off or we are just -- John, come on up. Niemeyer: Madam Mayor, Council, good evening. I'm going to be brief, because John is really the one that you're going to hear from. As you know, the city did commission a consultant to come in and evaluate the Fire Department overtime. I would just like to add before John comes up that it was a pleasure to work with him. We had a very good working relationship throughout the process to look at where the issues are and with that I will let -- John, I will let you take over and, then, we will back it up when you get done. De Weerd: Okay. Thank you, Mark. Or chief. John, thank you for being here. Croy: My pleasure. De Weerd: Council, I believe you all received a copy -- or at least a link to the report. Okay. Croy: Madam Mayor and Members of the Council, my name is John Croy, I work with RSM. I don't know if you're familiar with RSM. We are a large CPA firm -- De Weerd: John, can you pull -- yeah. Croy: How is that? Large CPA firm and one of our practices is consulting and that's where I fall in with respect to internal audit. So, we were engaged to do a labor analysis with respect to the fire department and before I do that I want to thank Mark and his staff for their utmost cooperation. We met with him several times, walked through the process, went through our observations and recommendations and it was very, very helpful. The report is broken down into three pieces. We have the first page is the executive summary and, then, following that is where we go through each one of the tasks. We identify the procedures we went through, our observations, and any recommendations and at the end on page 13 we have also incorporated some graphs that elaborates a little bit with respect to some of our analys is. So, I will just briefly walk through and summarize I think the highlights of the report that I think you might be interested in. So, on the executive summary we have the background and in the background the objective of this audit was to assess the controls and operating efficiency of managing the fire department's labor cost. We had three primary tasks that was included in our objective and scope of work, but the time period of this is from October 16th, 2014, through October 4th, 2016. We had three areas that -- tasks that was included in our statement of work. The first had to do with staffing analysis and this was to identify those factors, policy standards, and operating procedures that create inefficiencies and may contribute to excessive overtime against tools and controls identified with the collective bargaining agreement. The next had to do with the industry standards. We want to compare what was in place with the fire department to make sure we had best practices and industry standards in place . And the next had to do with the control environment and I will talk a little bit about the control environment when we Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 10 of 57 get to that task and specifically what that means in the world of internal audit . To summarize the highlights, we compared the City of Meridian's labors and hours with different what we call peer cities. They were Nampa, Idaho; Bend, Oregon; Hillsboro, Oregon; Gresham, Oregon, and also Yakima, Washington. Our examination indicated the City of Meridian's labor and hours were comparable to the peers, these cities I just mentioned with respect to compensation, percent time work, staffing and overtime. The one thing I want to point out was that the City of Meridian keeps very detailed records. We have a very strong, robust system, we keep detailed records where the peer cities may not. They may not keep records in the level of detail that the City of Meridian was. Therefore, some of the data may not be comparable or comparable . For example, let's talk training overtime. So, we capture and identify training overtime. Other cities may not. They may just all roll that up within regular overtime. So, that's just an example of some -- a situation where it is difficult to make comparisons . One thing we did when we received a peer data, we relied on the peer data. We didn't validate that. There was sometimes we would get back with the cities to confirm that data , but we didn't validate the data that they did provide us. So, why were -- we are very strong with respect to a lot of the areas with respect our efficiencies and controls . There was some areas of improvements. It's noted on the executive summary. We had a situation where labor was reclassified. It was transferred from shift overtime to training overtime by an individual and we will talk about that a little bit later on . Also our training hours are about 11 percent of our total hours, where in the peer cities it might be at the top around four or five percent and, again, we will address that later on. And a lso with respect to the 192 hours. So, an employee -- or under the collective bargain agreement will work two consecutive 24 hour shifts and, then, take 96 -- 96 hours off. So, if you take those two shifts and multiple that by four, you're looking at 192 hours pertaining to that where we want coverage -- we are going to call it coverage. So, what we noted with respect to 192 hours, there was about only 34 percent of the time where an employee would work to full 192 hours and that -- contributed to that was sick leave, which we will talk a little bit later on and the fact -- how that plays into that. So, that's the executive summary. What I will do now is I will move on to each one of these tasks and the -- and what we do within each task. So, again, the first one has to do with the staffing analysis and, again, this is where we -- we identify those inefficiencies, maybe overtime cost that was related to the collective bargain agreement. The procedures we did on that -- we analyzed the staffing requirements as set forth in the union agreement compared with the current staffing levels. We analyzed the hours by union, non-union, employees. We also analyzed the hours by station, by shift, by labor classification. Pretty fun exercise, think of this -- all the stuff done here. We assessed the overtime hours for the City of Meridian compared to the hours by the peer cities. We compared the compensation package set forth in the union agreement with the peer cities. We also compared the computation of overtime to the requirements to the Fair Labor Standards Act. So, moving along, with respect to the staff ing requirements, the union agreement, Article 23, sets forth the staff requirements, which the City of Meridian adhered to. We were able to do that by looking at the shift calendar and, actually, the people that worked for the City of Meridian. The other thing that's involved that the City of Meridian has is floaters. I mean they have floaters that will help fill in on these -- on these vacancies and one of the things that we noted was that during the time of our examination there was a shift Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 11 of 57 that didn't have a floater that would help back fill some of these vacancies and you will see as we go later on how that impacted some of the financial ana lysis. With respect to managing vacancies, approximately 76 percent of the union employees -- or 76 percent is the time -- for regular time. We have eight percent for overtime, getting a total of 84, which is very comparable to the other cities. In breaking that down between the different labor classifications, the battalion chief works 70 percent -- that's just the regular time. The captain 76. Engineer 72. And the firefighters 75. And one the shift overtime we have the battalion chief at 14 percent, captain six, engineer eight, and the firefighter eight. The battalion chief is a little higher and we will talk about that a little later on on what's impacting that. One of the things we came across is that we have a policy that if you're going on a vacation we give a 30 day advanced notice for vacations, which makes sense, because we can kind of control that. People can kind of estimate when they are going to take a vacation. That doesn't come into play when you have sick leave, bereavement, because, obviously, we don't know when those things are going to happen. But the other factor that comes into play is wellness. We don't have an advanced notice for wellness. So, what we recommend is that this -- maybe take a look at it, see if we can fall that into the same requirements as in the vacation where they provide 30 day advance notice and while it may not be significant, it would possibly help improve efficiency on the overtime side. One of the things we looked at was how much shift overtime is used for vacation, because you have those things that are uncontrollable and those things that are controllable. We talked about giving you the 30 day advanced notice for vacation. So, we should be able to -- which helps manage that and maybe help us not use overtime to backfill for vacation . But what we noticed in our analysis was that 23 percent of the shift overtime was used for vacation . Borton: Madam Mayor, can I -- De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: I apologize to interrupt, but just on the vacation, I thought there was the provision in the contract that vacation was scheduled to the extent it doesn't require or create an overtime expense. The problem would be individuals would be on vacation, that selection didn't create overtime and, then, subsequent to that there might be an injury or bereavement or something that -- that was the factor that created the overcome, not the original request for vacation. Croy: Well -- and I'm not sure specifically, Joe, to that point, if -- I can't create vacation. I know that it can, because you have incidental pay to -- or incidental time that comes into play. I think they can also request vacation if there is other criteria that's being met. What I did with respect to this analysis was that I said -- I took all of the -- all of the shift overtime and say, okay, here is shift overtime associated with those factors we can't control, that being bereavement, sick leave, those kind of things and I said what's left over. So, I'm assuming what's left over is going toward vacation and incidental and that's where this 23 percent is coming into play. Borton: Okay. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 12 of 57 Croy: And, then, you also have this other factor -- a primary contributor that -- and we will get into that -- is the battalion chief. So, we don't have some -- we have to backfill the battalion chief with overtime, because we don't have qualified people to backfill that individual when they are gone. So, we have to backfill with another other battalion chiefs that creates overtime. Did that make sense? The other contributing factor to this had to do with the firefighters and we talked about the floaters . So, there really wasn't adequate floaters to meet the uncontrollable compensate -- I mean compensated absence. Does that make sense? The uncontrollable compensated absence can be like the bereavement, sick leave, and whatnot. So, because we didn't have that floater we had additional overtime with respect to the firefighter, which is around 31 percent from vacation. I don't know if that answered your question. Borton: It did. Croy: Okay. So moving on to the next -- the calculation of overtime and shift overtime specifically with respect to the agreement and the Fair Labor Standards Act. The way our agreement states -- it's in 21.1, it states that scheduled overtime shall be when a firefighter is requested to return to work for any meetings, training, shifts or any other reason deemed necessary by the department that is scheduled and planned. When looking at the FLSA and the requirements there, it's really based upon -- there is people out there that believe that it's really based upon time worked. So, overtime should be based on times worked. So, the point is this: If we had somebody that takes vacation for a holiday, whatever, or vacation for 182 hours, just as an extreme example, do we bring it back in, do we have to pay them overtime , where under the strict interpretation of FLSA we may not have to. So, that's something to look at when negotiating the next agreement. And there is some wording that we worked with Mark on that that we may take into consideration. I think it was the City in Nampa had some really good wording in their collective bargaining agreement that can be taken in consideration for that. Borton: Okay. Croy: So, with respect to the recommendation, just to summarize that on task one, one is the fact of the wellness time, it would be good to have advanced notice or take a look at advanced notice similar to the vacation . The next has to do with the -- the swing up program. I know Mark is looking at this right now, but the swing up program would be a program where people could go up in a classification and work -- and help backfill that. There are some requirements right now that they have be a primarily qualifier, but we are looking -- I think Mark's looking at it from using it as a temporary employee to help backfill, go up in classification to help in his staffing requirements . The other recommendation had to be the floate r and I know they have done this, but under the period of our engagement we were lacking a floater in that shift C, so it would be helpful to maintain that floater throughout, especially as the fire department grows and also with the FLSA requirement and looking at that in our future agreement to see where -- and see if we can look at that being based on time worked. The next one had to do with industry standards. The procedures we did here, we analyzed the use of floaters for the Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 13 of 57 various classifications. We compared the staffing levels with the peer cities. We discussed and reviewed the swing up program. We discussed the training program for the City of Meridian. We analyzed the training overtime by employee by classification and we compared the training time for the City of Meridian with the peer cities. With respect to our floaters, we have an average of one floater for every five to six employees where the peer cities are about one to four. And, again, we talked about the fact that we didn't have this floater on that shift C and what happened there, we didn't even have enough floater -- floaters to address vacation time for the firefighters. So, the firefighters were short a floater, you know, during our pre-examination for this shift C, so we didn't even have enough floaters to address the vacation , so, hence, that was why we had a little bit more overtime there. So, the swing up program is one where it allows employees to work in a higher class, thereby gives the City of Meridian a little more flexibility in managing vacancies. Generally we have about three individuals within the swing up program, but we don't have any individuals again to address the swing up program for the captain and engineers, but we don't have any individuals for the battalion chiefs to swing up and, again, this is why we are having the -- the overtime issue with respect to the battalion chiefs. With respect to training, what we noticed that the -- the training hours for the City of Meridian was about 11 percent of the total hours. We mentioned earlier on the peer cities it was about four to five percent. The overtime that -- the overtime related to training is about .88, which is a little bit less than we came across on those peer cities that didn't track training overtime. With respect to the training overtime, about a third of that is related to six employees who were classified as field training officers that provide training. The other factor that came in that was about a third was the fact that if somebody goes on training, the person that backfills for that person probably incurs overtime and that's classified as training overtime , which is different than the peer cities. Hopefully that makes sense. So -- again, so if somebody goes off in training, the person that backfills we classify that -- or as -- as training overtime if training overtime is incurred and peer cities don't do that. So, again, that's another anomaly when we are doing this comparison. When doing this analysis we came across an incidence where time was transferred by an individual for several employees and it was transferred from shift overtime to training overtime. We reviewed this. There was a potential risk or potential control weakness there and we have asked the city to take a look at that and, then, to -- and it may very well have been looked at. This was under the old system, so, again, we view this one when someone has the ability to do that as a control weakness, but that's something we brought up and that we will be looking at. So, with respect to the recommendations when we -- again, we had the recommendations on the floater to make sure we had that adequately staffed. We also brought up the recommendation again with respect to this -- bringing the in-house swing up program. The training -- our recommendation would be take a look at the training and make sure it's necessary and make s sure that it doesn't impact our overtime situation and also take a look at the process to make sure we don't have a process where an individual can transfer labor from one classification to the other without the proper interim controls. Going back to that transfer, too, I forgot to mention there was some instances there, too, where the transfer is made and there was no description for the reason for the transfer either. So, our third task had to do with the control environment. So, a control environment is really the foundation of an adequate Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 14 of 57 internal control and has to do with morals, integrity, it has to do with the fact that we have good internal controls in place. We have procedures that are documented in that they are -- adequately document the process and that also we follow that process. In other words, we haven't -- we have it adequately documented and it's operating as an -- and this is all taken into consideration. It is the controlled environment. It's kind of the attitude within a department of within an organization or even with the city with respect to the controls and that's what this is all about. A lot of times you just can't go in and do specific tests to determine if there is adequate controls, you have to sit for a controlled environment, you have sit back and take a look at the entire picture and -- and assess that and see what you have out there with r espect to the environment. So, with respect to the controlled environment, we reviewed the employees' roles and responsibilities. We discussed the scheduling process for managing changes to stiff -- to the shifts. We compared roles and responsibilities to the union agreement, reviewed duties that are necessary and unnecessary. We analyzed the sick leave taken by days and by hours. We analyzed the training overtime by hours, by day. We compared the vacancy for the City of Meridian with peer cities. We conducted further reviews to compare sick leave with the peer cities and we discussed the environment with the fire department management. So, one of the requirement is to take a look at your procedures to -- to make sure it adhered to the collective bargain agreement and the collective bargain agreement doesn't set forth procedures, it just has requirements and the procedures -- you have met the requirements set forth in the collective bargain agreement. We did note there was a couple of procedures that were not addressed. That happened to be with the wellness agreement that we recommend being drafted. With respect to the roles and possibilities of the chief, we will take a look at that to make sure their roles and responsibilities align with the collective bargain agreement, which it did. There was additional responsibilities conducted by the chief. I don't know if you know this, but the City of Meridian is growing, so I used to be able to pull out of my neighborhood and not even look, now I got to pull out, I have to look and stop at times. But anyway -- so, anyway -- but some of these other tasks that are being performed, such as public affairs, inspecting fires, working with citizen groups are really -- I feel they are necessary to meet the growth that the city's undertaking right now. So, with respect to the control environment, the City of Meridian uses a software, it's called CrewSense that maintains the schedules for the -- the firefighters and it's a very powerful tool that they have and, really, what it does is it goes -- in theory goes out and definitely for these people it schedules them for the outcoming years. They also maintain that the city maintains a white board to assist them in managing vacancies by individuals, so they can see how they can fill positions when -- when there is a vacancy. We -- we did mention in the report the shifting of labor. Again, we brought that up with respect to the control environment. Yet one of the most challenging areas they have to manage, again, is what we call that uncontrollable compensated personal absence , which is sick leave, injured time, bereavement and wellness. These are last minute events and, again, it would be helpful if we -- through the swing up program and make sure we have adequate floaters to address those situations. One of the areas we did come across had to do with sick leave. The sick leave with the City of Meridian was 141 hours per year per employee, which was at the top when compared to the peers. There was one other city that was very comparable. When we broke that down the sick leave -- there Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 15 of 57 was an anomaly I guess you want to call it, it was a little bit -- it was high with respect to the captains. So, in other words, for the engineers and the firefighters, the average was 80 hours of sick leave and six instances per year, whereas for the captains it was about double that. It was 161 hours per year and 11 instances for a majority of those individuals, which is about two-thirds of individuals. There is an appendix or attachment to this. I believe it is Exhibit H, which really lays that out and you can see by employees the number of instances and you can see we are about -- we are in the captains -- where it is higher than it is with the other classifications. So, with respect to our recommendations, we mentioned -- I wanted to address the procedures related to vacation -- for wellness. With respect to the sick leave, take a look at that. I know our bank that we have in the union agreement that they can bank for sick leave is 2,920 hours. Some of the peer cities it's considerably less than that. So, that's something to take a look at. And, then, also, again, we addressed the swing up program in there, so - - any questions? I know there is a lot of data in there. De Weerd: Thank you, John. Council, any questions? Okay. We appreciate you being here this evening and sharing an overview of the report and findings. Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: I will ask you one just to -- Croy: You didn't want me to leave yet, did you. Borton: No. So, you make reference to the addition of floaters as being a potential solution to some of these issues. Croy: Yes. Borton: Does that mean that the background data shows that the -- the net labor costs increase for an additional floater is greater than or less than this -- the overtime expense created that the floater would be hired to eliminate? Croy: I understand your question. When I did my analysis -- I don't know if I -- I didn't do it on dollars, I did it by hours and I thought we were right at the break even point when I was -- when I was analyzing vacation alone and the impact there. So, the answer to your question would be, yes, I think it would be beneficial from a cost perspective, even though all I did was -- is just look at the hours, I thought that the impact of that individual would compensate -- would at least break even. It would break even. Borton: So -- Madam Mayor. Then that's -- that's a tough analysis. At the end what you're saying there is if you spend a hundred dollars on additional labor you're going to Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 16 of 57 save 110 in reduced overtime, so that's -- right? So, if the net cost to the city goes down with the add -- addition of a floater -- Croy: Yes. I was -- well -- and I did a -- Joe, I'm sorry. I thought it was at least a break even. Borton: Okay. Croy: You know, again, I didn't do the financials, I looked at it more from an hour perspective and when I did that I thought exactly it will break even and I could walk through what I did, but I don't know if -- Borton: No. Croy: Oh. Okay. Borton: Madam Mayor. No. I get it -- if you're basing it on the hours -- Croy: I did it based on the hours. Borton: -- how you got there, but -- Croy: Yes. Yes. I did it based on the hours and when I looked at it just from the vacation standpoint, I thought at a minimum it was a break even -- Borton: Okay. Croy: -- to bring on that floater. A good question. Milam: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Milam: Thank you for the report. I have read it two times now. Feeling pretty comfortable with it. I guess my question is about the -- the cities that you chose to do -- to be sister cities for your analysis for like wage -- wage related issues, have you -- do you do this in other areas as well? Because it seems what I know of -- like the Portland area, their general wage is much higher than it is here , it's not really a comparable city, and so it seems like you would use something more -- either in Idaho or even Utah, as opposed to Oregon where the minimum wage is much higher and wages in general are. Croy: Yeah. There was -- we sat down with the city and determined together which ones we would use. There was one city, Idaho Falls, we had originally decided to use, but they didn't have -- the systems that provided the -- they were going to -- yeah, we would have to go down manually to get all the data we want, so we didn't do that. So, what we tried to do is determine, in working with the city, those that would be the most Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 17 of 57 comparable to what we are facing right now, understanding like Portland may be higher and there may be some in the Utah area and those -- I think the Utah area was -- there was in that was really considered, but we -- we decided to use those that we identified in the report. I don't know if that really answered your question, but it -- it was a collaborative effort between RSM and the city which cities we wanted to look at. We don't want to do it in a vacuum, because we knew you were more familiar with what was out there in the marketplace. Milam: Thank you. De Weerd: Okay. Anything further? Thank you, John. We appreciate you being -- Croy: No. Thank you and everything you do for the city. Thanks. De Weerd: Thank you. Okay. Chief, any final remarks or Todd? Niemeyer: Madam Mayor, Council, yes, I'd like to address a couple things. I'm sure we would have these discussions further, but -- and I know you have some public hearings, but just to address a few things. Obviously, overtime has been an issue that I have been addressing the last eight years and a lot of the analysis that was done by John reflected the same type of analysis that has been done by Todd and I the last eight years. We have had these discussions going back -- we have had overtime task forces, we have had discussions with the Mayor. Council Woman Milam, I remember you asking me three years ago how many people do we need to hire to get rid of overtime and that's a complex issue, as you can imagine. When it comes to floaters -- when I came in in 2010 as the fire chief we had three floaters, a captain, engineer, and a firefighter. That was adequate enough to cover the -- the contract that you have with Local 4627 on the vacation allowance off. We had three people off and, Councilman Borton, your point -- I want to clarify -- those vacation spots don't create overtime, unless we have two captains off, that creates an overtime, because we don’t have the float to cover it. So, that is -- it goes to some of the staffing complexities when you talk about how many to get X and I know the Mayor e-mailed me about a year and a half ago and said I found a department that had zero overtime. I said, great, I will call them. I called them and they had about 20 extra staff on shift to cover the vacancies. So, yeah, they had zero overtime. So, our current float pool doesn't account for when we get hurt -- and I know a couple of you councilmen had the opportunity to participate in Fire Opps 101. You got to see and feel some of the difficulties sometimes in the job we do and so that causes injuries. We don't have the floaters to account for that. So, that's part of the analysis that we continue to do is with work comp, with bereavement, with wellness, with sick leave, where is that magic number and I have not known a fire department yet that has found the magic number. So, we do the best we can here in Meridian to balance that. So, the question of hiring full-time staff versus overtime, that's an age old question. That's fire department anywhere USA. That's a body decision by the elected officials to say what do we want to spend to make sure there is coverage. So, it's that threshold and what's comfortable. I know Councilman Borton and I have had this conversation many times. Where is that comfort level in the amount. We do do Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 18 of 57 things a little bit differently in how we look at overtime. The city of Boise is a one -- and they weren't involved in this analysis. They break out overtime in shift coverage and training and, then, the admin assignments. That's the way we do it, so we can track our training overtime. We know the cost of that. Our staffing overtime, we keep that separate, because that's a mandate for the collective labor agreement. We want to make sure we are meeting that. The reason we do that is we want to keep our engines staffed to meet the level of service that we have committed to our community. So, that's the reason that backfill occurs when we have somebody that's off. As far as the controls on the time card issue, that was about four years ago. That was resolved very quickly. That was a chief that's no longer here that -- it was the right intent, but didn't comment on why he was doing that. He was, basically, saying you were off on training, it got classified as shift coverage, that's not accurate in how we report things and so that was that move that happened. John mentioned CrewSense. That actually does realtime calculations of what are doing and we have found that to be very successful working with Finance, so we have fixed that error. The time sheet vacancy, we have known that for a while. We own that. The administration. We could have put it on sooner. We were trying to work on an alternate solution there that didn't work out. We own that piece. We are testing right now for battalion chief, so, hopefully, we have that issue resolved pretty quickly, but we certainly own that piece. With that -- the overtime discussion I know is going to continue. It's a comfort level. What do we want? It really goes to Councilman Borton's question about staffing levels versus overtime, which is more, which is less. Did look around the country at this issue. I just got an e -mail from Todd today about an overtime issue in Los Angeles. And so it's an issue, but I think we are balancing it fairly well and I think that was reflected in what John presented that we are not out of whack as compared to the sister cities, as we call them, but we are always looking for better solutions as well. So, we look forward to the continued discussion. De Weerd: Thank you, chief. Council, any questions? We appreciate you being here. Niemeyer: Thank you. De Weerd: If there is nothing further -- I don't see Todd walking this way. Okay. Thank you. Item 9: Action Items A. Resolution No. 18-2079: A Resolution Of The Mayor And The City Council Of The City Of Meridian Reappointing Stephan Lewis To Seat 5, Tracy Hopkins To Seat 6 And Bryan Leisle To Seat 7 Of The Meridian Transportation Commission; And Providing An Effective Date. De Weerd: Okay. Item 9-A is Resolution 18-2079. This is reappointing three of our citizen commissioners to the Meridian Transportation Commission and those appointments are in front of you today via resolution. Council, any questions? I know Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 19 of 57 we have Steve in the back row and I don't see Tracy or Bryan. But, Steve, thank you for your service. We definitely appreciate your involvement and your contributions. So, Council, I would stand for any questions. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: I don't see anybody piping up for a question, so I will just -- just a quick comment for -- for the Council's benefit. These three appointees that are before us have done an incredible job on the transportation commission. They come well prepared, reviewed the information, and make the most of our meetings. Again, you are all good examples of what it is to be a citizen on one of our city commissions. And, Steve, appreciate you being here tonight. Madam Mayor, with that I move we approve Resolution 18-2079, appointing Steven Lewis, Tracy Hopkins, and Brian Leisle to the Meridian Transportation Commission. Milam: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second. Any discussion? Mr. Clerk, will you, please, call roll. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. De Weerd: Steve, would you like to say anything? Okay. I would echo Mr. Ca vener's comments. We have appreciated what you have added to the Commission and it's often a thankless job, so just consider this as our thanks and appreciation for what you do. B. Meridian Dairy and Stock Show Request for Cost Share for Annual Dairy Days Parade De Weerd: Okay. Item B is under our Meridian Dairy Board to come and talk about Dairy Days. Hans and Jerry, welcome. Mattison: Thank you. Bruijn: Hans Bruijn, Meridian Dairy Board. Mattison: And Jerry Mattison, Meridian Dairy Board. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 20 of 57 Bruijn: We also have Keith Bird and Mike Murgiotio as board members here. We brought Mike Murgiotio along to show that we are not all just gray haired old people. We do have some younger -- not very many, but -- De Weerd: Thanks for bringing your token young guys. Bruijn: It's hard to believe it's already a year ago that we were here last year to request the financial support for the traffic control for the parade this year. A couple of things that stay the same. KTVB will once again broadcast the parade, which is June 22nd, Friday. Chobani will be back as a sponsor handing out anywhere between 15 and 20 thousand yogurt sticks. Dairy Gold came on board this year. They will be handing out milk at the parade. We are going to try a small area where we come out of the Speedway onto Main Street as a candy free zone. It's kind of a dangerous spot where fairly big rigs come in and a tight turn. It's just going to be a fairly short area. We are hoping that the parents will keep the kids back. It's just -- it's just an attempt to -- for safety. Specialty Construction, as you can see, gave us the quote again for this year. It's a little bit higher than last year. Some of the way had to do with the hours of wages that they used to, you know, put out all the -- the equipment and traffic controls, et cetera. Their quote was 5,063 dollars for traffic control. In lieu of what happened last year, their quote was I believe 4,300 dollars. The end bill ended up to be I think a little over 5,000 and that had to do with ACHD acquiring, you know, after we came to you saying, okay, this and this -- this needs to be changed, you need to increase flag or show whatever. So, what we would like to request is assistance up to 6,000 dollars, just in case ACHD or Meridian police decide, you know, we need to do something extra or something unforeseen coming up. Do you have anything questions on -- De Weerd: Council, any questions? Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: Hans, you indicated that last year the cost went up because after you had come before us you went to the highway district and they made some changes. I guess you went to the highway district in preparation of this meeting to give some greater clarity what the request will be? Bruijn: We -- we send our permit to the City of Meridian, which we did some ago and, then, they pass all the paperwork on to ACHD and it's not something that we go to -- you know, that they kind of changed their permit processing, so it runs through the City of Meridian. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 21 of 57 Cavener: I don't know if this is a question for the clerk or for you, Hans, giving us some timing -- when did you deliver that to us and, then, what is our process for delivering that to the highway district I guess would be the question for the clerk's office. Bruijn: They have had the permit request for a little over a month. De Weerd: Well, I would ask Mr. Clerk. Coles: Thank you, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council and Councilman Cavener. So, yes, the -- the Dairy Board submits the application to us as a part of that intake process. We submit it directly to John Wasson, who works on special events and permitting for ACHD and send it directly to him, so he has it moments after we have it, so he can start working on it. De Weerd: And have we heard back from them? Coles: I can -- I have opened the system right now. If you give me just a few minutes I can check to see if we have. Bruijn: And we generally invite them to our meeting -- meetings as well and -- and at this point he has not come to any of our meetings. De Weerd: And -- and I think, Mr. Clerk, ACHD used to be wrapped into our process. They over this last year changed their process that it's now become independent from ours and so is -- that's what my memory serves. Coles: That is correct, Madam Mayor. So, they have their own special event permit now, which they did not have before and we used to have -- it was a citizen's use permit that we would issue contingent on their approval . We did away with that, because they have their own special event permit now. So, they have a process independent of ours. However, we still work much in collaboration and cooperation with them on that process. Bruijn: And that is correct and we submitted that at the same time and, then, to the city clerk just passed that on to ACHD and, then, we have paid them the fee for that permit. Borton: Okay. Thank you. Colaianni: Madam Mayor, Council Members, I just wanted to -- there was a split last year in the way the process works and so it's different than it was a couple of years ago. ACHD evaluates that independently, assesses their fees and what roadways are going to be closed and John is solely in charge of that , so it kind of -- before it was all together, but now it's not. De Weerd: Not ideal, was it. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 22 of 57 Bruijn: And ACHD has the same plans, you know, from Specialty Construction as what the City of Meridian has, so -- De Weerd: Okay. Any other questions from Council? Milam: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Milam: Not regarding the finances -- going back to you have a -- you have a candy free zone, which I understand, and certainly for safety reasons you feel the need to do that. Do you have -- are you going to have any kind of posting up to let people know -- I just don't know how people get -- they just get mad at you, they are not going to understand that this is about their safety. Bruijn: Now we will for a very short section have several signs saying that this is a candy free zone. How much it's going to work we will find out. Mattison: We also have to educate the people in the floats that that is a candy free zone. That's just the spectators, so -- Milam: Great. Bruijn: Because, you know, we try to do our best to tell them, you know, when you are in the parade don't throw candy out, just have somebody walk. Milam: Yeah. We all know how well that works. De Weerd: It's even in our Meridian video is someone throwing candy off the -- the truck. I have just a -- I know. We only video best practices. I just have a question that comes up every single year and I know that -- I think that you have signed it, but on the west side of Main Street before the split corridor we have people that sit there, regardless of the signs, and, then, they want to impede the traffic that's still coming through there and, then, they get angry for the dangerous situation that you guys are setting up. Actually, they say the city. So, any additional efforts in trying to add to the signage -- volunteers to say you cannot sit here. Bruijn: We have -- and I have seen it. We have had a -- and I have done it myself, too, we walked up and down saying, you know, when you sit here you're not going to be able to see the parade and, then, they leave and, then, the next group comes in and just -- so, we will just put the signs there. The one thing that they were going to do as Special Construction, that little -- that stretch -- well, basically, the one-way stretch from where we get out of the Speedway until the -- the split corridor -- De Weerd: Uh-huh. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 23 of 57 Bruijn: -- we will have one -- the lane of -- for the parade -- last year they didn't do a very good job putting a lot of cones on the -- basically the center aisle, so that that center aisle is completely closed off for -- for anybody and, then, the -- so that live traffic will only be on the west lane. So, that's one of the things that, you know, we told them that needs to be improved. De Weerd: Yeah. I think that probably would help. Lieutenant Colaianni, is -- do you have any suggestions about that area? It is extremely -- the traffic goes through there fast and can we put up reduced speeds or -- I don't know what the answer is. Colaianni: Yeah. Welcome to the club. Madam Mayor, Council Members, it's something we struggled with for a couple of years. We have talked about barricades -- what we are trying to balance -- if we are going to demand certain things it's going to run up the cost of the -- the barricades. You know, do we put in the barricades, do we put something out and close the road down further and it causes traffic congestion and frustration and so right now really what we are trying to do is add more candles and we are looking at using the radar trailer with a sign on it and, then, putting people there that just says, you know, you can't be here. You can't be here. It's not safe. This isn't where you know, you can see the best view of the parade and try and move people and just do it that way and continue to -- I mean don't have a real solid solution at this point. I mean we know it's an issue and we are doing everything we can to mitigate it without driving up the costs even more for traffic control. Bruijn: And it has improved. I remember the first year we had parade entries throwing candy over the live traffic to the people that were sitting there, so it is getting a little better. De Weerd: Council, any other questions? You do have a request in front of you and looking for your direction. Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: I think again -- and we say this a lot, but I will support you guys to the end of days, because what the Dairy Board has done in event for our community is phenomenal and you do an excellent job of leveraging resources and manpower and getting sponsors where ever possible and I think this request fits squarely within an appropriate continued partnership for the city. So, we just thank you and your board for all you do in organizing this and making the impossible possible for the city, so -- Mattison: Thank you. Bruijn: And one -- one little struggle this year -- we have -- for the last two years the Meridian Arts Commission have organized Arts in the Park and that was just a great Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 24 of 57 addition to Dairy Day. Unfortunately, Hillary, who has been heading it up, decided to get married of all weeks -- De Weerd: I know. Geez. Bruijn: -- during -- during Dairy Days. It's just, you know, priorities. De Weerd: I know. Where are her priorities. Oh, my gosh. Bruijn: And some of the other members I think were out of town. So, we are going to try to take it over just for the year and -- which causes a whole new problem with insurance requests and everything else. That's what we are trying to work thro ugh, so - - Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: If there is not additional discussion, I would move we approve the request for the Meridian Dairy and Stock Show cost share in an amount not to exceed 6,000 dollars. Bernt: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second. Any discussion? Mr. Clerk. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. C. Continued from May 15, 2018: Approval of Request for Proposals for Old City Hall De Weerd: Thank you for all you do. Okay. Item C is continued from May 15th regarding a request for proposals and I will -- Mr. Lakey. Lakey: Thank you, Madam Mayor. I will give the clerk a -- Council Members, should we wait for the Mayor or should I proceed? Okay. I will wait. The one I h anded out is -- the only difference from the last one is I think I added a picture of the renewal district boundaries. Also an addition to downtown t hat emphasized within that map. So, really, the only difference from the last one. So, Madam Mayor, Council Members, again, Todd Lakey, general counsel for the Meridian Development Corporation urban renewal agency for the City of Meridian. Mayor and Council Members, I'm not planning on going Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 25 of 57 through the whole presentation that we made last time. My understanding is that Counsel Member Bernt had an opportunity to at least watch the video, the presentation, and Council Member Little Roberts was on the joi nt committee. So, I will go through and emphasize a couple of things and, then, as always I'm happy to answer any specific questions if you have any additional ones on the -- on the RFP. Council Members, I didn't receive any additional questions from folks, but understand Director Ariel had an opportunity to visit with Council Member Cavener a little bit on some of the questions he had. I just remind you of the goal of the committee and the urban renewal agency in this case in issuing the RFP is to select an iconic signature mixed use project that will be an economic catalyst for downtown Meridian. I emphasize also, again, that this RFP came from the effort of the joint committee, which was comprised of Council Members and MDC board members and citizens in the community. That committee recommended approval of this RFP. The MDC board has also approved it, with the understanding we were going to add some of those additional diagrams , maps, pictures and things that we have and, then, there will also be a handout that goes with it to provide some of the technical and infrastructure information to those that are interested in submitting a proposal. In addition, with the additional time, we are also looking at more of a 60 day window to respond, instead of a 45 day window. That's trying to balance the sufficient time for somebody to put the proposal together, but also recognizing the sense of urgency we have to get something moving and rolling downtown. So, instead of the July 2nd date for submission, we are looking at a July 25th date for submission and, then, we will adjust the other dates accordingly. So, Mayor and Council Members, we are asking for your approval to issue the RFP and, again, also so last thing I guess I would emphasize is, again, MDC and the city have the ultimate authority to decide whether or not to approve a proposal that's been submitted and with the city and MDC approving both the successful proposal on the development agreement before the old city hall is transferred, there is control particularly -- and the city currently owns the property, but also the MDC board. With that, Madam Mayor, Council Members, I would be happy to answer any specific questions if you have them. De Weerd: Thank you, Mr. Lakey. Council, any questions? Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: I think I have two questions. First, I guess maybe a question for Madam Mayor. Can I get some better clarification as to why this item was continued last week. I don't think it was ever really made clear on the record as to why it was being continued, especially without a vote from Council. De Weerd: There wasn't a vote from Council, so it was continued and I believe that Mr. Lakey suggested that if there was any further questions -- I haven't reviewed the -- the minutes, so I can't answer it in all confidence, but I believe that the sentiment was this was a big decision, not all the council members were -- were present and it gave an Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 26 of 57 opportunity for their input and participation in it as well. That's what I recall, so -- you watched -- Cavener: Madam Mayor, I did, I watch it, and there really wasn't a reason cited for the continuation, so I thought it was important that we put it on the record as to the reason why we chose to continue it. So, I appreciate that. The question, Madam Mayor, for Mr. Lakey. Todd, I don't see any part of the RFP that contemplates or articulates or gives the applicant an opportunity to share what they would be compensating the city in the form of either a purchase agreement or any dollars that they are planning to transfer to the city for the purchase of that asset. Was that contemplated amongst the committee? Was it chosen to be omitted or there is a spot where the applicant would be able to articulate that part? Lakey: Madam Mayor and Council Member Cavener, the RFP really leaves that completely open to a particular entity that wants to make a pro posal. It talks about potential public-private partnerships and the transfer of the property to MDC for development and the -- the use of a development agreement to pursue the successful proposal, but the intent is really not to -- to specify whether they are requesting a transfer of the property for a minimal cost or a number, a particular value, that's really up to that proposal to describe how they foresee that transfer happening and, then, that proposal being evaluated under the criteria that we have. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Yes. Cavener: Maybe, then, a question for either Mr. Nary or for Mr. Lakey, whoever wants to chime in and answer it. How do we -- if we are giving the property to MDC and if an applicant wants to pay for that prope rty, like I would hope they would, how do they pay the city for property that would inevitably be given to them from MDC? Lakey I will let Bill take a stab at it and, then, I will take a stab at it. Nary: So, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, Council Member Cavener, so maybe -- one of the things that wasn't said at the prior presentation or at the joint meeting with the -- the issue of how the property gets transferred or the valuation of the property as part of this proposal is really still left open. The awarding of -- or the release of this RFP and the proposals that come in aren't the end of the discussion or -- of the ongoing transaction, because there still is required a transfer and what does that look like and how does it relate to what is being proposed and those agreements. The basic reason that MDC and the city are partnering on this is because the city cannot directly sell property to a private entity. So, if the desire is to sell the property for some value, it's going to be balanced against the value that the R FP is going to propose they are going to bring to the table and the city and MDC would enter that as part of the agreement on how they would go about this transfer. So, I think as Mr. Lakey said, it was left open intentionally, because it really is -- again, if -- again, if you were -- if you Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 27 of 57 were going to propose a project that would create a taxable value of a 200 million dollar building, the value of the property itself may or may not be a significant portion of that for the applicant -- of paying for it or whether it's part of the whole package . That's why I think it's left open. It's not going to be simply issue an RFP, pick the winner, and, then, send the property to MDC and life goes on. I think there is still going to be ongoing discussion on the transfer, the city's comfort level, what the city's investment into that project will be, if any, and what the city's expectation in return is if any. All that's really proposed at the moment is to put it out to the world to say what would you do if this property was available. What would it look like? What would you want it to do? What would be the long term value? And, again, what the level of investment the city would be making or not making to make that happen, so -- I don't know if that answers your question. And, Todd, certainly chime in if you have other -- other thoughts on that. Lakey: Madam Mayor and Council Member Cavener, I think Bill did a good job of describing it. I guess a couple things I would add is we will know if there is a successful proposal that's selected what that number may be and, then, we will have the opportunity to put together, if a successful proposal is selected, the development agreement with that entity and also the agreement for the transfer of the property with the city. So, we could address, if there is an amount that's suggested by the proposer, that could be transferred as part of the transfer from the city to MDC. Palmer: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Palmer. Palmer: And I don't really know who to direct this question to. So, with this process, after we get some proposals and we have the highest scoring one, is it simply -- we say yes or no or can we say, okay, you scored the highest, but we -- you offered 125,000 and we want everything else you propose, but we want 200,000. Is that an option or is it always yes or no? Lakey: Madman and Council Member Palmer, I think we would have an opportunity to have the committee look at that. They make a recommendation and ultimately we are envisioning perhaps a joint meeting with the city and with MDC. I think that could be part of that discussion and negotiation with a successful proposal. Ultimately they have to sign a development agreement that specifies how the project will proceed. So, I think we have an opportunity to have that discussion. De Weerd: I think you have a little bit more flexibility than you do if you put it out for bid . If you put it out for bid the highest bid wins. It's -- you can't negotiate further. Is that correct? Nary: Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, you could set a minimum price, but that is -- that is all you could do. De Weerd: Okay. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 28 of 57 Palmer: Madam Mayor? So, then, with that scenario, if we are going to go with one you have to go with the highest scoring based on our -- what's in the RFP; correct? Lakey: Madam Mayor and Council Member Palmer, the highest scoring one would be a recommendation from the committee. But the RFP does not bind the city or MDC to select any proposal. They could have the opportunity to reject all of them if you didn't like the highest scoring one. So, you don't have to take the highest scoring one. You can reject it. Palmer: Madam Mayor? But can you accept the lowest scoring one? Lakey: Madam Mayor and Council Member Palmer, ultimately there will be a recommendation from the committee I think, the way we are envisioning that process working and, then, the City Council and MDC would have an opportunity to interview those two proposals. But I don't think you're bound to take the highest scoring one . You can interview those and if they say -- have better answers to your questions, so to speak, then, maybe the highest scoring one -- I think you're bound to take the highest scoring proposal. I think that comes with the flexibility of the -- of the RFP process. And maybe a better way to describe that is either -- you look at the committee's recommendation as a recommendation or both bodies would have an opportunity to score things on your own and you could score them differently than the committee did. Little Roberts: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Little Roberts. Little Roberts: If -- if I may jump in, Councilman Palmer. We spent a lot of time kind of vetting out the scoring process, so I have a real tough time picturing something that would be the lowest scorer be the desired, you know, project and so I think that it naturally will sort itself out and I'm very excited . I have not seen the finished product. Hopefully we will get a lot of -- or at least several opportunities to -- to vet out further some potential development and see what can happen in downtown. De Weerd: Thank you. Mr. Bernt. Bernt: Quick question. Thank you, Todd, for your presentation. When a hypothetical situation occurs that we don't select a proposal, are we able to put out another RFP with different stipulations maybe or different scenarios if -- if we want to? Lakey: Madam Mayor and Council Member Bernt, yes, again, you're not bound to pick any of the proposals. If, as a result of the process, you see some other things that may be of a higher priority and you want to modify the proposal and a take a fresh start, I think you can. De Weerd: Any other questions? Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 29 of 57 Little Roberts: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Little Roberts. Little Roberts: If there is no other questions, I would like to move that we accept the RFP. Milam: Second. De Weerd: Okay. I have a motion and a second. Any discussion? Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: I appreciate the -- the motion and the -- the second. I would just really urge this body to take pause on this. We have an -- we have an order from the court to provide a court facility in Meridian. That question has not been answered and we as a Council have worked to identify that location as the place to provide that facility, if ultimately we are required to do that. I think that we have had that building over there for ten years or it has operated in a similar capacity as it is today and I don't understand the need to rush this until we have had the question answered by the courts and by the county. So, I appreciate this is a quick motion and a second, but I would really hope that this body takes pause and -- and puts this RFP on hold for a number of months until we actually know what we are required to do and how we are going to address that requirement. So, I will be voting no. I would encourage you all to do the same. De Weerd: Okay. Little Roberts: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Little Roberts. Little Roberts: If I may kind of throw in something there. I don't see those two things as mutually exclusive. I definitely -- you know, I'm aware of the situation with the courthouse, but I think that getting interest and potentially something happening in downtown doesn't need to be put on hold until -- until we have that, because we are no further ahead when, hopefully, that gets resolved into creating something wonderful and energetic downtown. De Weerd: And, again, I -- I think that that has been a topic of discussion , both of this Council and MDC, knowing that these two processes can work concurrently and there is an exit if there seems to be a conflict. So, I -- at this point we have a lot of things gearing in the -- I think we have a lot of things that are kind of working in a direction that looks like there won't be a conflict with the passage of the legislation, with the county Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 30 of 57 stipulating that they are in agreement for a stay until the legislation works its -- its process out, that we have other options for a second proposal if we need it , if all else fails. So, I think there are some safeguards built into this. Bernt: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bernt. Bernt: I want to applaud this committee and the detail and the vetting process that took place. I think this RFP will provide, you know, if successful, a project in downtown to stimulate economic development and I'm in favor of that . I also appreciate the safeguards that were put in place in order for us to be -- to protect our interests, to have control over the situation and know what's going to happen in that -- in that -- in that building as well. So, I applaud the committee for their -- their due diligence and the time taken to make sure that this RFP was done correctly. Palmer: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Palmer. Palmer: This is the mechanism by which we bail out the poor decisions of the urban renewal district in giving the properties adjacent to it to the most interested party and this property that we are not discussing. This is the wrong way to do this. If we are going to get rid of this property it needs to be at a public auction, not through this process where we keep picking winners and losers. De Weerd: Okay. Anything further? Mr. Clerk, will you call roll. Roll call: Borton, abstain; Milam, yea; Cavener, any; Palmer, nay; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: Okay. The ayes have it. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO NAYS. ONE ABSTAIN. Lakey: Thank you, Madam Mayor, Council Members. D. Public Hearing on City Council Election Process De Weerd: Thank you. Okay. Item D is a public hearing on City Council election process. I will ask Mr. Nary if you can introduce this. You did such a great job at the town hall meeting. Nary: Could we just run the videotape? Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, what's on your agenda tonight is a public opportunity to provide input on the question of the selection and election of City Council members. The current way City Council members Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 31 of 57 in Meridian are selected is by seats. Each Council Member sits in designated seats one through six. Each election cycle three seats are up for election. Even numbers in one election cycle and odd numbers in the other. About a dozen cities or less in the state of Idaho operate that way. The majority of cities have them elected at large, so the number of council members are selected, whether it be two or three per election cycle, but they are selected as a group -- or they are selected at large, so when the electorate votes they vote for their top two or three candidates for those seats and not by any particular seat number, just the top three. So, you will see that in a number of elections where it will say simply select the top three and the top three are the ones that win. Those are two options in the state code that we can have. There is a third and the third is by district. So, the -- if the Council so desires we can create a system where the Council Members are selected by district and the district can be done one of two ways. It can be done like the legislature where there are designated districts around the town, normal process you would use is the census, because you do have to divide them up as evenly as possible by population. You, then, have each Council Member selected by the people that live within that district. So, it's similar to the legislative seats at the state legislative level. The other method of selecting by district is similar to how county commissioners are selected where the council member lives within the designated district, but the city as a whole votes for the entire council. So, you would still have them -- whether it's two or three per election cycle, but the entire city would vote for them, even though they are required to reside within the district they choose to run in. So, we currently have the seat method. The question that was posed at the city -- or at the town hall meeting and out to the general public in anticipation of tonight was is another method of interest to the members of the public . If so what is it? And, then, the Council -- it would simply be a recommendation to the City Council to consider that and, then, decide if you wish to take further action to either change the current process or you wish to leave the current process as it is. De Weerd: Thank you, Mr. Nary. Nary: You're welcome. De Weerd: Any other comments before we see if there is any public testimony? Okay. Mr. Clerk. Coles: We do have one sign up this evening, Madam Mayor. Sally Reynolds would like to address the Council on this issue. De Weerd: Okay. Good evening. Thank you for joining us. Reynolds: Thank you, Madam Mayor, Members of City Council. My name is Sally Reynolds and I reside at 1166 West Bacall Street in Meridian, Idaho. And I would just like to state for the record I am in favor of having the City Council look into this matter further. Personally not only because I favor the voting at large that Mr. Nary outlined , I do believe that choosing the top two or three candidates in a city council election will allow the most experienced people to be on the city council and it will also -- and I'm not Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 32 of 57 sure how to explain this exactly, but if there is an issue the city is divided on somewhat equally, it won't be just for an area or for a district. If there is -- if they want to be represented and there is a -- there is almost a tie on that issue for them, both groups would be represented on the city council if they did vote for the top two or three people. One person just wouldn't be on the city council because the majority voted them in , if that makes sense. So, I would like to see the City Council change the voting to having the Council voted at large with the best two or three every -- every other election cycle. Thank you. Stand for any questions. De Weerd: Thank you, Sally. Council, any questions? Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: Sally, I'm just curious. Have you lived in any other municipalities that have done elections at large? Reynolds: No. I have been in -- in just Meridian. Cavener: That's okay. Thank you. I appreciate it. Reynolds: Sure. De Weerd: Okay. Is there anyone else who would like to provide testimony on this item? Milam: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Milam: I guess it's time for us to talk. So, the reason that I wanted to bring this forward is because I have watched the elections since before I was even in this position and I see many times where nobody runs against an incumbent and I think that the way that - - the way that it is currently it really discourages people from running , because it is -- it is tough to just run against an incumbent. I think that the more -- if it was a pool situation we would have more candidates and, therefore, we would have more quality council members in the long run. There are only 12 cities in Idaho that do it the way that we do, which means the other 188 or 89 -- there is a little bit of a conflict on how many cities there are, but do it as a pool system . So, I think that is a better way to do it and for an example, if Ralph or Sally or Becky or Deb or John wanted to run for City Council, but they know us all and they respect us and they don't necessarily want to pick somebody to run against, but they want -- they would love to serve their community, it's discouraging the way that we do it and I think if it was a pool system they might be willing to just -- to put their name in the pool and run for something, as Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 33 of 57 opposed to against something. I think that's one of the main reasons that I think we need to change it. Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: I will ask a quick clarifying question to -- to maybe Mr. Nary. Of the two -- of the 200 cities or so is -- is it 12 or so that do seats and th e other 180 do at large or vice- versa? Nary: So, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, so -- so, in the research we found and contacting AIC, Councilman Borton, what we found is they said -- and it's somewhere between nine and 12 that do seats. No one does districts. So every other city does at large, except for the -- and I said it kind of varies of when we -- who you talk to at AIC, but -- so, I didn't go out and poll every city, but they said it was in the area of about a dozen that did it like this. Boise is one of them. In this county Eagle -- Eagle, Star, Kuna, all elect their cities by -- or their council members at large. Only Boise and us select this way. Oh, Garden -- I think I left out Garden City. So, four cities in the county do it at large, two do it by seat. De Weerd: Speechless. Palmer: Madam Mayor? I don't know what's going on here. I was so distracted I wasn't really listening to what you said, Mr. Nary. Our -- do the -- I think you said some -- the county do it the same way we do. I guess my question is do the 12 tend to be the larger cities in the state? Nary: So, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, Council Member Palmer, when this question was asked -- we also put this out to our municipal attorneys and asked the same question, why do you do it that way, how long have you been doing it. Every single one that responded -- which wasn't a ton of them and there was probably about 15 or 20 that responded that probably represent 25 cities or more -- all said it's the way they have always done it. They have -- none of them had worked in the city when they changed from at large to seats. So, all of them said it's been the way they always did it and I think the discussion among most of them is similar to what Council Member Milam has brought up, it really is a perception of fairness and what works for them , but it wasn't larger or small. I mean it varied. Again, some pretty small cities -- Parma is a city that has six. It's very small. So, it hasn't really -- there wasn't any trend we could find. Even talked to AIC of large cities versus small cities, six versus four. I mean it didn't have any -- it's the way most people have always done it . As I -- if you recall when we brought this up initially, this city changed in 1987 from at large to the seat system and the research I could find, which was really just looking at minutes, there was very little discussion -- the legislature authorized the change in that legislative session to go from at large as the only method you can do or districts, to allowing by seat and the city changed to seats with no discussion I could find, other than they have authorized Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 34 of 57 this, so we will just do it. So, I don't know that it gets debated as much as this even, so - - Palmer: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Palmer. Palmer: So, then, is the superior way of doing things Meridian was just kind of ahead of the game and that was 11 friends in the business and maybe over time others will join the better way as they have seen that Meridian does a lot of things better than a lot of other cities and this is just one of them. De Weerd: I guess until this topic came up I think there was questions about our process and why we did it different than -- than the other cities, but I -- I think that Council Member Milam does bring up a good point, is it is a struggle when you think, yeah, I want -- I want to run for political office. I don't want to run against someone. I want to run for a City Council seat and if all the incumbents are running, you're running against someone and that's what it's always kind of seemed. So, I hadn't thought of it that way. I would agree that that is a perception. Bernt: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bernt. Bernt: I want to commend Council Woman Milam for -- for bringing this topic of discussion before this body. It's been interesting to think about the different ways in which we elect our officials and -- and public engagement and how that works and the process. I don't know of another topic that I have thought so much about , whether it be for or against. I think that there is definitely some compelling arguments on both sides and I -- and I -- I think it's one of the reasons why I wanted to run for City Council to have the opportunity to discuss these issues and its fantastic that we can all be friends and we can agree to disagree and in this case I think I -- I lean more toward disagreeing and I will explain why. When I -- when I was knocking doors and in the midst of my campaign over the fall I would be in north Meridian and after the pleasantries in introducing myself, they would always ask me where I live and I would tell them I live in Woodbridge, central south'ish Meridian, and they would be like what are you doing knocking doors here, you know, they were sort of confused why I was so far away from my house, you know, meeting people and they were sort of surprised , even knowing how long we have been in this process, of -- just a little bit confused -- maybe they were comparing it to legislative districts, but my experience talking to people, if we are really wanting to discuss what the people want, I think that the people would be more interested in -- in being represented by -- by folks that live near them, not necessarily away for them. And I'm not saying that I support that either, it's just that I ran into that topic of conversation much more than I -- than I have others. I'm not a hundred percent convinced that it's tough to take incumbency out of the equation and I'm not a hundred percent convinced that whether you're running against someone or you're running -- you Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 35 of 57 know -- you know, against someone with a -- in a particular seat or in a general pool, that the outcome is going to be any different and I haven't be en able to talk to people or get concrete data that would suggest otherwise. I mean just two weeks ago we were sitting in a town hall and we were discussing this very thing with -- with Mr. Nary and the number one topic of conversation in that city -- in that town hall was who was going to pay for the special election. I think the first three or four questions asked were who is paying for this. They were more concerned about who was going to pay for the election to take place than the topic at hand, which leads me to believe they don't care and so I struggle with it, but I lean more towards leaving it the way that it is, because I think this is more like an interesting discussion than it is something that merits a vote to the general public to change the status quo. So, that's where I stand. It's too wordy. I apologize, but -- Milam: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Milam: Councilman Bernt? Bernt: Yes, here I am. Milam: Would you be sitting right here right now had there not been an open se at? Bernt: Good question. You know, I -- it's tough to say. I sat down with people in the past wanting me to run against different people and having discussions about what do you think about running against Luke Cavener and I said absolutely not. I would lose. So, all kidding aside, my thought process was never about whether I would run against someone or not. My thought process when it came to -- when it came down to me running for something was more about timing. Did this time make sense for me and my family. Did it make sense for my job? Do I have the appropriate amount of time to put forth the effort that it takes to run a successful campaign, to go meet thousands of people, to shake hands, to sit down with concerned citizens and -- and listen? So, I think that that was -- timing was more of a -- personally that was more of my thought process, as opposed to who is there and who wasn't, honestly. Milam: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Milam: I can honestly say that I would not be sitting here had there not been an open seat and I -- it was a -- we had a bigger turnout for voting that year than ever before in history. Seventeen people. And it just -- but I would not have run against David or Charlie or Keith or Brad, because I highly respected them and felt like they were doing a good job. Had there been a pool system I might stick my name in there with out having a single one of them out to run against and I think the only people who benefit from the way that we have this set up right now is the people sitting up here right now voting for Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 36 of 57 this. We are the only people that benefit from this the way that it is right now and I'm up for election next. So, you know -- Bernt: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bernt. Bernt: Would you agree that it's a hair more complicated than that? Would you agree that there is a little bit more of a thought process that goes into, you know, whether you are going to run or not? I -- it certainly isn't -- you wake up one morning and say I'm going to run for City Council. I mean it's so much more in depth and complicated than that. Milam: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Milam: Councilman Bernt, yes, I'm not saying that's the only reason -- that I -- the reason I ran is because of the empty seat. It was also the timing in my life and a lot of other considerations. What I'm saying is I would not have run against any of the incumbents that were the previous councilmen. Bernt: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Brent. Bernt: But you're still running against them. You're still on the stage debating them. I mean imagine yourself at Meridian Middle School and -- and in having a debate amongst the same people that you are saying that you're not wanting to run against. Technically you are running against them. You're wanting to beat them or you wouldn't want to be running. So, whether you're running against them or you're running with them -- it seems different. Milam: You're not singling somebody out to run against. Palmer: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Palmer. Palmer: Madam Mayor, Mrs. Milam, you know, in this scenario of your election, the top two vote getters sit on Council today. It worked out in our current system that the top two vote getters are both on Council today for that race. Milam: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 37 of 57 Milam: You can't quantify that, because they were -- we were in different seats. It might have been you and me. De Weerd: Okay. This has been fun. We wanted to have a public conversation about this and -- and I don't know if Council had wanted to make it exclusive only for this evening, if you wanted to continue to contemplate and think about it , ask for public input. What are the thoughts? Palmer: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Palmer. Palmer: There was a bill -- I can't remember how far it got or if it got to hearing or got to distracted with other things -- to -- there may be a very drastic change happening to the way cities have elections anyway in the coming -- hopefully very soon, but at least in the coming years as it tends to take bills like that a few years to get through. There was talk of a couple different series. One where both options of one moving us to even years and having the elections at the same time everybody else does and also making us partisan elections. So, there is one bill that had both, but there was also a scenario where if that wasn't going to fly, then, just go with moving us to even years. And so with the possible chaos coming, should anything like that happen in the next year or the next couple of years, I think it would be wise for us to keep things the way they are , see how that plays out and, then, if that idea goes down the drain or if something does happen , then, we would be in a better position to knowing where we sit and, then, making a pool adjustment or it may not -- the legislature may remove the pool option if they are to do partisan. Who knows what might happen. But it is gaining momentum. Milam: And Madam Member -- Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Milam: I just wanted to bring up one other point that Councilman Palmer brought up at a previous discussion that I hadn't thought about, which is -- I think kind of something that happened a couple of years ago in a race where there were a couple of people running for city council and on the very last day one of them convinces the other one to pull out and so that person that's left in that election is guaranteed a seat, where if there was somebody running against them they might not necessarily win or if you get in the pool situation I just think it would be -- you're going to get the better -- the better people period. All right. I will quit. De Weerd: Is there any further comment? Ms. Little Roberts. Little Roberts: Madam Mayor, just because I wasn't able to attend the town meeting, just a little clarification, Bill, if you wouldn't mind. If we did decide to change it, what is the next step? Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 38 of 57 Nary: Thank you, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, Council Member Little Roberts. So, right now it's -- it's all set by ordinance. So, the statute in the state code determines the number of -- number of Council Members that you can have, four or six. How to change from four to six. How to create a district or how to create seats. So, then, after that it's left to your code. So, technically, you don't have to make any decision tonight at all. What's required is if you're going to change the method it has to be done at least 120 days prior to the election and the next -- and the election is next October -- or November. So, at least 120 days prior to that, if the desire is to change from seats to at large, we need to change the city ordinance to reflect that . Then those -- those three seats would still be up, they would no longer be designated individually, they would be simply designated as the three seats that are up for election. The same council members would still be up for election, then, the next one, but, again, it would be the top three. But until a majority of this Council directs and, then, approves a change in the ordinance, there is no change. If the Council wishes to direct through the ordinance to have this discussion and debate further, you could, then, vote up or down on the ordinance. It could be done in two weeks, it could be done in eight months. So, it's not -- there is no time urgency today. If the desire is to change you can simply table that and bring that up at a later time if you wish . Little Roberts: Thank you. Madam Mayor, follow up? De Weerd: Uh-huh. Little Roberts: Just wanted to clarify that there is no additional cost to the taxpayers, as it sounds like it was expressed at the town hall. Nary: Yeah. Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, Council Member Little Roberts, no, the counties run the elections. All the elections are in the hands of the county. They are going to hold a municipal election next year regardless of whether it's by seats or by at large, it doesn't matter. Little Roberts: Thank you. De Weerd: Okay. Anything further? Is there a desire to continue the conversation? To set a direction tonight? Milam: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Milam: I'd like to set a direction tonight. Create an ordinance to change to the pool system. De Weerd: Is that a motion? Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 39 of 57 Milam: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Milam. Milam: W ell, maybe. De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: Madam Mayor. Very briefly. I -- I'm not so sure I'm on board with what the consequences of a change might create, but -- but I think -- I like the adversarial system of the seats and I think it provides the best mechanism if there is to be change . Our community is big, but it's still pretty small and if there is concern over a need for a change in any particular seat, that's the best way to create true contrast and provide the voter an opportunity to pick -- pick a path, so to speak, within a seat, A or B, and if there is somebody who -- who wants to serve and there is nobody amongst the current elected officials that they believe is going the wrong way or representing the city po orly, it doesn't necessarily mean that the -- those current elected officials should change and we think of some of the long-term council members we have had and been blessed with that have done good work. So, for me it's -- I think the focus is on whatever the election mechanism that creates the best for the city, as opposed to what might be best for a candidate interested in serving, what's best for the city and I think the current system both -- both ways have pluses and minuses, but the current system at least provides an opportunity in our small city to say candidate X is going the wrong way, but I can give it a shot and run against him or her and let the chips fall where they may. I think it could be argued that it's as easy for a bad candidate to hi de, so to speak, within a group election just by name recognition and would be more difficult to take out , for lack of a better term. I think our current system provides that best opportunity to leave good servants in and take a shot a removing somebody who might be problematic. I agree with the intent and I love the discussion and the intent is something we all need to be mindful of as we serve, but I think the lesser of two evils is our current system now, I believe is a good way to put it. It's not really evils, but -- more benefits I guess with contrast. De Weerd: Interesting. Adversarial system. That's -- Borton: It's our world. And I have lost contested elections, I have won contested elections, I have won open seats, so I have been on all sides of it. I still think it's the best. Cavener: Madam Mayor? Bernt: It's about time. De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 40 of 57 Cavener: Council Member Bernt, keeps nodding my head like he wants me to chime in. First, I'm really proud to be a part of this body tonight. I have loved the diverse and passionate back and forth that has occurred between some of our members tonight and to me what that shows is that everyone is trying to do what they think is best to serve our community. Councilman Milam wants to open -- make doors open wider for more candidates who want to run. I think that's to be applauded. Council Member Borton, as always, articulates that we -- he believes that his direction is what's best for the city. Are those in conflict? Are those in adversarial positions? I don't know. I can only speak, I think like a lot of us have done , is to take our own perspective and try to apply that into our decision making process and so I know that I -- while I have had opponents, I have never ran against anybody, I have always ran for the seat and five years ago I was running for Seat 3 or I was running for Seat 6. I had made the decision that I was running for something, because I thought it was important that our community had someone who represented what our community looked like . I wasn't running against anybody that sat in those seats , I was running for what I thought was important for our community. I think that we need people that are like that and I think that we have that here and we had that -- many of us have had those people as opposition. So, I struggle back and forth and what -- oftentimes when I get ready to make a decision , a little Joe Borton hops on my shoulder and says what about the unintended consequences and I start thinking about that and if we move what are those unintended consequences. Are there any? Do people, because there is now 12 people running for a couple of seats, do they say, boy, I don't want to put my -- my hat in the race or, no, Council Member Cavener is a bum, I want to run against him. I want to kick him off. Well, it's a lot easier to do that when it's one specific person than when you're running against a half a dozen or a dozen people. The other part of me takes into the feedback that we have heard from the public and I think, if I have read the written testimony and the testimony from Sally here tonight, is half the people are saying do districts and the other half are saying go for an open pool. Nobody is saying stay the status quote. That said, we have sat here long enough that we know that oftentimes people don't ever come and testify to say keep doing what you're doing, so we have to take that into account. The idea of districts is to me very compelling, but I think that it runs a foul to what makes local government so great is that we represent the entire community . I appreciate the perspective, but if I live in south Meridian I like knocking doors in north Meridian and I'm proud that I represent our whole community and it being a struggle for me to think that our city is in a better place by heading that direction. For me it comes back to, boy, is there a compelling reason to change and I -- I haven't seen or heard one that I think is large enough to say, yep, we need to do this change. I'm open to continuing the discussion. I just don't see, yep, here is the problem, open pool elections is a solution, let's go forth. I just don't see that. Is that enough for you, Council Member Bernt? De Weerd: Yes. So, unless there is a specific motion, will just continue to have dialogue. We can bring it up in July and -- Milam: Madam Mayor? Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 41 of 57 De Weerd: -- and maybe then you will say we don't need to talk about it any further. Mrs. Milam. Milam: Madam Mayor, this is a public hearing -- De Weerd: Uh-huh. Milam: -- so we if leave the public hearing open and , you know, maybe we can get some -- try to encourage some more feedback from the public. De Weerd: If -- if that is the desire, we would need to continue it to a date specific. Bernt: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bernt. Bernt: I'm okay with having a vote tonight. I think that it's pretty clear where the -- that the vote may or may not go and I -- and I don't -- and I don't know by continuing it until July if it's going to make a huge difference in our community and those who may or may not want to express interest. I mean we -- I -- I move that we have a vote this evening on this issue and not continue -- Cavener: A motion is always in order. De Weerd: You don't need to move to do that, you just need to make a motion. Bernt: Okay. I make a motion that we have a vote tonight -- De Weerd: No. Make a motion on what you want the vote to be about. Bernt: I move that we -- that we have a -- I move that we deny this -- this request to -- to change the status quo in how we vote from individual seats to open seats . Palmer: Second. Borton: Madam Mayor? For discussion. Does that take action at all? I mean to stay the status quo -- De Weerd: That is status -- it's to not continue the conversation. Borton: Oh. Cavener: Keep our elections as is would be the motion. Keep our elections as is. De Weerd: Okay. Any discussion? Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 42 of 57 Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Yes, Mr. Cavener. Cavener: I think that when Council Member Borton started engaging with the City Council about some of these issues that we want to address, I know that our -- at least my goal in mind was to have these questions asked and answered. There is a lot of issues that we as Council have wanted to address and I think it's important that we -- we address the issue and bring it to a conclusion and so whether that is that this body wants to move to change our elec tions, great, I think we should make that decision tonight. If our -- as a body we want to keep our elections as is , great, I think we need to make that decision night. The goal would be to have these questions addressed. We have been talking about this particular one for a number of months. Have invited the public, have had town hall meetings about it, it's possible there is somebody that's out there that hasn't heard about this that will now hear about it that may bring a compelling argument. I just -- I struggle to believe that that person exists. So, I'm supportive of us addressing this issue tonight, regardless of how this body wants to move forward. De Weerd: Okay. Any further discussion? Mr. Clerk. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, nay; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: The ayes have it. MOTION CARRIED: FIVE AYES. ONE NAY. De Weerd: It was a good discussion and -- Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: I -- you know, the decision today and to Councilman Cavener's point, that's exactly what we are doing. We are getting off the fence on issues that we have been wanting to discuss. That does not mean if, again, there is discussion from the community the topic continues and what -- we are all available for outreach, this can be revisited if there is additional information or any one of us changes their position and wants to discuss it further you can always ask. That's kind of what we are trying to do is be open about that and -- and give ideas, an up or down. So, I don't think our -- our ears are closed, so to speak, to the concept. So, anyone in the community watching, continue to reach out if they have got perspective and want to share that maybe we missed. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 43 of 57 De Weerd: And I think it is important to continue to ask questions and say why do we do it the way we do and can we be doing it differently and bette r. So, appreciate the discussion. E. Request for Reconsideration for Lost Rapids (H-2018-0004) by Coalition Against Lost Rapids De Weerd: Item E is a request for a reconsideration for H-2018-0004. I will ask comment from Mr. Nary. Nary: Thank you, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council. So, you have before you a request for reconsideration of your decision on the Lost Rapids, H-2018-0004. It was filed by the coalition against Loss Rapid represented by Andrea Carroll. It was filed timely. It had to be filed within 14 days of your decision and it was. The request required by our code, which also follows the Idaho Code, requires that the request be in writing, which it was. The request must identify specific deficiencies in the decision for which the reconsideration is sought. Ms. Carroll has -- has identified three areas that she believes are a deficiency. One is in regards to a variance that was granted. There was language in the -- in the findings is finding enough evidence und er the Idaho Code to grant a variance. That was discussed there, as well as there was an alternative that was proposed by the other party -- or, excused me, by the applicant in that case. She has identified the -- a deficiency she claimed in regard to how ex-parte information entered the discussion with the Council in regards to this type of use within neighborhoods and its impact in design and neighborhoods and , then, the third was whether the findings were insufficient with the requirements of the Local Land Use Planning Act and whether due process was met. The request -- then notice was provided by the clerk's office to Ms. Carroll that this would be heard tonight. Our ordinance, as well as the state code, says no additional evidence or testimony is allowed at our hearing. At this hearing now the Council's tasked with either affirming the decision you made back in -- on May 14th -- or, excuse me, May -- I apologize. April 24th with the findings. Or affirming them, reversing those decisions, or directing modification of those findings be done and new findings be brought forward . The -- the decision of the Council is final in this regard. If the decision is to reverse it, we would have to notice it for a new hearing. If the decision is to modify, we would bring those back. But the decision tonight would be final. Moving forward the Council can consider what was in the record, what you -- reviewing of the record, reviewing of the information you have been provided, a legal opinion from counsel as well -- from legal counsel as well on this and you, basically, have your choice. Again, there is no evidence, there is no presentation. There was in the record a response by the applicant in this case, which we -- which we deemed allowable. They could provide that, but no additional evidence or testimony is allowed at this point . So, unless you have questions, really, Council, it is your decision on whether to affirm, reverse, or modify the decision that was made back in April. De Weerd: Thank you, Mr. Nary. Council, any questions? Any additional information needed? Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 44 of 57 Nary: Madam Mayor, let me add one more thing to make sure just for the record. Based on your decision tonight, then, we will prepare a written decision that will be prepared -- it has to be prepared within 60 days of the original request . So, that will follow whether -- whichever decision you make. But that's the other piece of the public process that occurs. But, again, your decision tonight is final after that. De Weerd: Okay. I will ask if there is any discussion or looking for direction from Council. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: I don't see anybody jumping to the front of this, but I have had an opportunity to review the request from the citizen group. I have also had an opportunity for review a letter from the applicant. Taking that into consideration, I move that we approve our findings on Matter 9-E, request for reconsideration, application H-2018-0004. Palmer: Second. De Weerd: Okay. I have a motion and a second. Any discussion? Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: This was a project that I had -- I had voted against on the underlying hearing, but to the -- within the scope of the request for reconsideration I'm supportive of the motion. I do believe that -- that the findings and action of the body as a whole were lawful and supported by the record. De Weerd: Okay. Any further discussion? Mr. Clerk, will you call roll. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. F. Final Plat for Hill's Century Farms No. 10 by Brighton Investments, LCC , located approximately 1/2 mile South of E. Amity Rd. and 1/4 mile East of S. Eagle Rd. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 45 of 57 De Weerd: Item F is a request for final plat. The applicant is an agreement. Any additional staff comments on this? Ariel: Madam Mayor, no -- no additional comments necessarily, just approve -- recommend approval and just -- the response was received too late to be placed on the Consent Agenda. De Weerd: Thank you. Council, any information needed? Okay. If not, I would entertain a motion on Item F. Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: I move that we approve Item 9-F, the final plat for Hill Century Farms No. 10. Bernt: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to approve Item 9-F. Mr. Clerk, will you call roll. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. G. Final Plat for Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 (H-2018- 0039) by Lionwood Properties, LLC , Located Southwest of S . Eagle Rd. at E. Taconic Dr. De Weerd: Item G on final plat for H-2018-0039. Mr. Cameron. Ariel: Yes, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, this also -- as of just recently I believe the applicant and staff have come to a reasonable conclusion on the lighting issue that was a -- was a consideration here and we are recommending approval, But, of course, the applicant is here -- or the -- the applicant is here if they want to address that at all. De Weerd: Okay. Does the applicant have any comment? Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 46 of 57 Borton: Briefly for the record can you let us know how the lighting issue was worked out today? Stewart: Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, Councilman Borton, so Al Christy, who is the transportation utility coordinator and who is responsible for our street lighting program, had conversations with Becky and basically worked out the issues that appeared to be there with the street ligh ting. They are going to go ahead and install street lighting per Al's request on that. There was a misunderstanding or some understanding that we were going to require an additional light at an intersection that already had a light. We assured the applicant that we weren't going to require one there, but there would be some lights in some additional places and that they would be placed behind the sidewalk, so that the issue with the curbing and the future roundabout would not come into play. So, I think we are in agreement that we can move forward and everything is okay. Borton: Okay. Thanks, Warren. De Weerd: Okay. Council, any further information needed? If not, I would entertain a motion. Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: I move that we approve the final plat at H-2018-0039. Bernt: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to approve Item 9-G. If there is no discussion, Mr. Clerk. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Litt le Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. H. Public Hearing To Consider The Conveyance Of Certain City Owned Real Property To The Ada County Highway District For Right-Of-Way Purposes Located North And South Of Woodbury Drive Adjacent To Meridian Road, A Portion Of Lot 1, Block 1, And A Portion Of Lot 1, Block 13 Of The Fothergill Pointe Subdivision No. 1 In The City Of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 47 of 57 1. Ordinance No. 18-1776 : An Ordinance Authorizing The Conveyance Of Certain City Owned Real Property To The Ada County Highway District For Right-Of-Way Purposes Located North And South Of Woodbury Drive Adjacent To Meridian Road, A Portion Of Lot 1, Block 1, And A Portion Of Lot 1, Block 13 Of The Fothergill Pointe Subdivision No.1 In The City Of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho; Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute And Attest On Behalf Of The City Of Meridian The Deed And Other Documents Necessary To Complete The Transaction; Providing For A Waiver Of The Reading Rules; And Providing An Effective Date. De Weerd: Item 8-H is a public hearing for a very long title. I will open this public hearing. Who is -- I guess Mr. Nary is not going to comment? Who wants to talk about this? Don't all jump at once. This is -- Mr. Nary? Nary: Yes. De Weerd: Thank you. Nary: We are at Item H. De Weerd: Yes. Nary: Sorry. I was trying to fix another issue before we got to that. I'm sorry, it took a little longer than I thought. Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, Item H is a statutory requirement to do -- this is to convey a certain amount of property to the highway district in regards to -- essentially a road widening project on Meridian Road. Based on our current agreement we have with the Ada County Highway District, they receive that right of way at no cost to them, but we are required by statute to have a public hearing and to have an ordinance to do that transfer . So, that's really what's in front of you. Apologize nobody else is here to talk about that, but it really is just more of the statutory process. Mr. Baird has been the one tracking this with the highway district. He prepared the ordinance and he is the one that's dealt with them. So, this is really that sliver on Meridian Road between -- just north of the Albertsons at Woodberry. It's Woodbury and Waterbury and it goes until there is a -- just as you pass the Blue Heron Apartments -- is that one section of Meridian where it's still fairly narrow compared to both ends. So, the highway district's intention is to widen that to match up the roadway from Ustick to Meridian -- or to Fairview. De Weerd: Thank you, Mr. Nary. This is a public hearing. Is there anyone who wishes to provide testimony on this item? Council, any questions regarding this item? And I would request a closing of the public hearing and, then, we will ask the clerk to read the ordinance. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 48 of 57 Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: I move we close the public hearing on 9-H. Little Roberts: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing. All those in favor say aye. All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. De Weerd: Mr. Clerk, will you, please, read Ordinance 18-1776 by title. Coles: Thank you, Madam Mayor. City of Meridian Ordinance No. 18-1776: An ordinance authorizing the conveyance of certain city owned real property to the Ada County Highway District for right-of-way purposes located north and south of Woodbury Drive adjacent to Meridian Road, a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, and a portion of Lot 1, Block 13 of the Fothergill Pointe Subdivision No. 1 in the City of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest on behalf of the City of Meridian the deed and other documents necessary to complete the transaction; providing for a waiver of the reading rules; and providing an effective date. De Weerd: You have heard this ordinance read by title. Is there anyone who would like to hear it read in its entirety? It would be really interesting. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: Nobody is running to the podium, I move we approve Ordinance No. 18-1776 with suspension of rules. Little Roberts: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to approve Item 9-H-1. Mr. Clerk, will you, please, call roll. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 49 of 57 I. Parks and Recreation Department: Net Zero Budget Amendment for Spending Authority Not-to-Exceed $1,000 for the Hillsdale Park Grand Opening De Weerd: Item 9-I is under our Parks Department. I will turn this over to Colin. Moss: Thank you, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council. As you know, this Friday we are going to throw a Marty Party to celebrate the grand opening of Hillsdale Park. Of course, you are all invited. I hope you will all attend. But what we have tonight is a budget amendment that's a net zero budget amendment. We were fortunate enough to get a -- a donation from the Russell Corporation to go towards some of the event expenses and we ask tonight to be able to spend that 1,000 dollars. So, we have already received the check, so the revenue is already received by the Finance Department, so we are just ready to spend it on some bounce houses and some fun . De Weerd: Thank you, Colin. Council, any question? Bernt: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bernt. Bernt: I move that we approve this net zero budget amendment for spending authority not to exceed 1,000 dollars for the Hillsdale Park grand opening. Cavener: Second. Little Roberts: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second. Any discussion? Mr. Clerk, will you call roll. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. J. Community Development Budget Amendment for Comprehensive Plan Consultant Not-to-Exceed $214,954 De Weerd: Item 9-J is under our Community Development Department and I will turn this to Caleb. Hood: Thank you, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council. I wasn't planning on going through many details tonight on this budget amendment. I presented it to you last week in detail. I recognize a couple of you were not here last week , so, please, if I'm Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 50 of 57 assuming too much I can answer any questions , but went through the scope of work with our consultant. What you have tonight is really kind of two fold and, in fact, there is two different items on the agenda, J and K go together. The first one, J, is the budget amendment for the entire project of developing a new Comprehensive Plan. The second item, then, would be for the contracted portion of that. Our consultant helped with Logan Simpson. You have that contract signed -- actually, just earlier today by them and given to the city clerk, so thanks to Keith Watts for bird dogging that here and making that happen kind of last minute. But, again, the request is for a budget amendment for 214,954 dollars to develop a new Comprehensive Plan for the city. De Weerd: Council, any questions? Discussion? Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Borton: Caleb, remind me -- and I apologize for not asking this before today. Didn't we allocate some funds in last year's budget for this accelerated comp plan process? Hood: So, Madam Mayor, Councilman Borton, no, we -- we came at last year with a 50,000 dollar enhancement request to address the south Meridian planning area and the south rim and if you recall we had in 2020 I believe , like a year or two out further, development of a new Comprehensive Plan. We said, well, instead of just biting the smaller piece off at 50,000 dollars, why don't we accelerate the new Comprehensive Plan and combine that together to do this now. So, we are addressing -- our enhancement request you didn't fund, you didn't fund any of that, you said come back with an amendment to do a new plan that incorporates that. Borton: Okay. So, in -- Madam Mayor? We spent the 50 on the south Meridian part or no? De Weerd: No. Hood: No. De Weerd: We didn't -- we withdrew that 50,000 enhancement in lieu of coming back to Council. Borton: Thanks. De Weerd: Okay. Any other questions? Okay. Borton: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Borton. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 51 of 57 Borton: It's yours. Palmer: So, J and K at the same time? De Weerd: No. Just J. Palmer: Okay. Then, Madam Mayor, I move that we approve the budget amendment for the Comprehensive Plan consultant not to exceed 214,954 dollars. Cavener: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second. Any discussion? Mr. Clerk, will you, please, call roll for Item 9-J. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. K. Approval of Agreement to Logan Simpson Design, Inc. for the “MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN” project for a Not-To- Exceed amount of $212,554.00 De Weerd: Thank you, Caleb. Hood: So, again, Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, K is the lion's share of what you just approved to go to Logan Simpson , with a small set aside. I do appreciate the comments last week and like Colin was just here, we will look for corporate sponsors to maybe help with this and so maybe we don't have to spend the -- the remaining portion, which is a 2,400 dollars, on promotions, giveaways, those types of things. Food and beverage. But -- but, again, the lion's share -- what Item K is is to pay to our consultant Logan Simpson. De Weerd: Council, any questions? Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: Caleb, last week we talked a little bit about marketing and promotion . Is that referenced in here or is that going to be something that's going to come separately from Kaycee? What's the plan related to that? Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 52 of 57 Hood: So, Madam Mayor, Councilman Cavener, there are three -- actually three separate line items in the budget amendment which you just approved. So, the one, again, the lion's share is for consulting help. Line two is advertising and promotions at 1,500 dollars and the line three is food and beverage at 900 dollars. I worked with Rita - - those are different -- what are called GL codes, so they have to be coded separately, but advertising and promotions are all under the same type of budget expense. But that's why I'm hoping maybe we don't even spend all 1,500 dollars on that, if we can get some corporate or other sponsors to donate things to give away or draw attention to this. But some of that I imagine will be spent with Kaycee to advertise this project as we come upon, you know, major events in this series to either do Facebook pumps, promotions, whatever they call them, and those types of things or run advertisements on -- you know, in the newspaper or whatever. Those types of things, so -- Cavener: And Madam Mayor? Caleb, do you think the amount that you are asking for, then, the 1,500 is going to be sufficient to do all that? Hood: Yeah. Madam Mayor. So, again, in talking with Kayce, she recommended about a thousand dollar budget for that. So, I'm just going off of her -- what she thinks is a good amount to -- and I think we talked about it a little bit last week, too. She may be able to help supplement some of that with just her general set aside that may be earmarked for other things. She didn't say I will give you some of that, but I think we can get some of that done without any real hard costs. She's willing to kind of help promote this just through normal channels and interns and things like that, so -- Cavener: Great. If you think it's appropriate it's good enough for me. Thank you. De Weerd: Okay. Any other questions? Palmer: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Palmer. Palmer: I wonder if anyone is keeping a tally of how much I have spent in motions in the month of May, because -- Borton: We are. Palmer: -- it's been astronomical compared to my other two years. De Weerd: You can count on it. Palmer: Good thing we don't have a pool for elections, but -- I move we approve the agreement with Logan Simpson Design, Incorporated, for the Meridian Comprehensive Plan project in an amount not to exceed 212,554 dollars. Cavener: Second. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 53 of 57 De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to approve Item 9-K. If there is no discussion, Mr. Clerk, will you call roll. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 10: Department Reports A. Police and Parks & Recreation Department: Proposed ordinance update to amend Trespass in Parks penalty from misdemeanor to infraction De Weerd: Under Department Reports we have 10-A under our Police and Parks and Recreation Department. The age old discussion about Movie Night. Harper: Yes. Good evening, Madam Mayor and Council. Thanks for having me. Tonight we wanted to talk about Section 13-2-9C, which is the trespassing ordinance for our parks. After working with the Parks and Legal, we were wanting to move the misdemeanor to an infraction, which really is due to assist law enforcement with dealing with issues in our parks after hours or outside of our director's orders when there is specific events being held. So, with that being said, it's currently a misdemeanor. We would like to move that to an infraction -- or change it to an infraction with a 50 dollar fine attached. And I will stand for any questions. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: Lieutenant Harper, nice to see you. Thanks for being here. Harper: Thank you for having me. Cavener: How many of these interactions does the Department have in a year? Harper: I can't give you an exact number, but there are quite a few and currently with it being a misdemeanor, it's very challenging for us to enforce that in regards to the paperwork that's required and, then, the time spent in court over a rather miniscule offense. Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 54 of 57 De Weerd: Any other questions from Council? Colin, do you have anything you want to add? This has been a great collaboration between the departments to find a solution to maybe ensuring that family Movie Night is family Movie Night. Harper: Madam Mayor, if you don't mind, I think you're talking about Movie Night on top of all the other events that we do in our city parks, but I think, really, this will help deal with a small portion of the problems that we do have at Movie Night. It's a small number of people causing a majority of the problems for us and I think being able to issue a n infraction immediately and deal with that problem immediately will ultimately resolve the problem hopefully. De Weerd: Okay. Little Roberts: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mrs. Little Roberts. Little Roberts: Hearing no more discussion, I would move we accept and proceed with the proposed ordinance updating to amend trespass in the parks penalty from a misdemeanor to infraction. Bernt: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to approve Item 10-A. Is this -- Mr. Nary, is the next step to -- to bring back the change? Nary: Madam Mayor, Members of the Council, this ordinance is on your agenda, so you can approve it tonight. De Weerd: Okay. Where -- where is it? Nary: I'm looking at it. It's part of -- it's -- it's perhaps on the top of it, Madam Mayor, in your packet. Okay. So, I apologize, Madam Mayor, yeah, it is in the packet as a draft. We will put it on for the June 5th Council meeting for final approval and, then, we can take the draft notation as well. De Weerd: Okay. I have a motion and a second to approve Item 10-A. Mr. Clerk. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 11: Ordinances [Action Items] Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 55 of 57 A. Ordinance No. 18-1775: An Ordinance (H-2018-0004 - Lost Rapids) For Annexation Of A Parcel Of Land Being A Portion Of The Northeast ¼ Of Section 27, Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, As Described In Attachment A” And Annexing Certain Lands And Territory, Situated In Ada County, Idaho, And Adjacent And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Meridian As Requested By The City Of Meridian; Establishing And Determining The Land Use Zoning Classification Of 39.005 Acres Of Land From Rut To R-15 Medium Density Residential) Zoning District In The Meridian City Code; Providing That Copies Of This Ordinance Shall Be Filed With The Ada County Assessor, The Ada County Recorder, And The Idaho State Tax Commission, As Required By Law; And Providing For A Summary Of The Ordinance; And Providing For A Waiver Of The Reading Rules; And Providing An Effective Date. De Weerd: Item 11-A is Ordinance 18-1775. Mr. Clerk, will you, please, read this by title. Coles: Thank you, Madam Mayor. City of Meridian Ordinance No. 18-1775: An Ordinance file H-2018-0004, Lost Rapids, Brighton Site annexation, for annexation of a parcel of land being a portion of the Northeast ¼ of Section 27, Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Boise meridian, Ada county, Idaho, as described in Attachment "A" and annexing certain lands and territory, situated in Ada county, Idaho, and adjacent and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Meridian as requested by the City of Meridian; establishing and determining the land use zoning classification of 39.005 acres of land from RUT to R-15, Medium Density Residential Zoning District, in the Meridian City Code; providing that copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the Ada County Assessor, the Ada County Recorder, and the Idaho State Tax Commission, as required by law; and providing for a summary of the ordinance; and providing for a waiver of the reading rules; and providing an effective date. De Weerd: You have heard this ordinance read by Title. Is there anyone who would like to hear it read in its entirety? You would like to hear it read in its entirety? Okay. Coles: Thank you. Be it ordained by the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Meridian, County of Ada, state of Idaho: Section 1. That the following described land as evidenced by attached legal description herein incorporated by reference as Exhibit "A" are within the corporate limits of the City of Meridian, Idaho, and that the City of Meridian has received a written request for annexation and re -zoning by the owner of said property, to-wit: Brighton Investments, LLC. Section 2. That the above-described real property is hereby annexed and re-zoned from RUT to R-15, Medium Density Residential Zoning District, in the Meridian City Code. Section 3. That the city has authority pursuant to the laws of the State of Idaho, and the ordinances of the City of Meridian to annex and zone said property. Section 4. That the city has complied with Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 56 of 57 all the noticing requirements pursuant to the laws of the State of Idaho, and the ordinances of the City of Meridian to annex and re-zone said property. Section 5. That the City Engineer is hereby directed to alter all use and area maps , as well as the of official zoning maps and all official maps depicting the boundaries and the zoning districts of the City of Meridian in accordance with this ordinance. Section 6. All ordinances, resolutions, orders or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, rescinded and annulled. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after it's passage, approval and publication according to law. Section 8. The Clerk of the City of Meridian shall, within ten (10) days following the effective date of this ordinance, duly file a certified copy of this ordinance and a map prepared in a draftsman manner, including the lands herein rezoned, with the following officials of the County of Ada, State of Idaho, to-wit: The Recorder, Auditor, Treasurer and Assessor and shall also file simultaneously a certified copy of this ordinance and map with the St ate Tax Commission of the State of Idaho. Section 9. That pursuant to the affirmative vote of one-half (1/ 2) plus one (1) of the members of the full Council, the rule requiring two (2) separate readings by title and one (1) reading in full be, and th e same is hereby, dispensed with, and, accordingly, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication. De Weerd: Thank you, Mr. Clerk. Council, any -- any questions? If not I would entertain a motion. Bernt: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Bernt. Bernt: I move that we have approve Ordinance No. 18-1775 with suspension of rules. Little Roberts: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and second to approve Item 11-A. Any discussion? Mr. Clerk, will you call roll. Roll call: Borton, yea; Milam, yea; Cavener, yea; Palmer, yea; Little Roberts, yea; Bernt, yea. De Weerd: All ayes. Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 12: Future Meeting Topics De Weerd: Any items for Item 12? We do have a couple of upcoming events . Hill ribbon cutting at 10:30 a.m. at the Y and at 4:00 o'clock starts the -- oh, it's the park is at 4:00 -- 5:00. Okay. Hopefully you are all there to enjoy the festivities. On Memorial Day there is a small service that is happening at the Rock of Honor at 11:00 a.m. And Meridian City Council May 22, 2018 Page 57 of 56 the American Legion is doing something at their facility at 1:00 p.m. And just a reminder about Public Works Week from June 4th through 8th. With that I would entertain a motion to adjourn. Cavener: Madam Mayor? De Weerd: Mr. Cavener. Cavener: Before I make that motion, just a clarification. The Legions event is going to be at the Meridian Cemetery, not at their facility, at 1:00 o'clock. De Weerd: Thank you for that. Cavener: Madam Mayor, I move that we adjourn tonight's meeting. Palmer: Second. De Weerd: I have a motion and a second to adjourn. All those in favor say aye. All ayes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:43 P.M. (AUDIO RE ORDING ON_FILE_OF THESE PROCEEDINGS) MAYOR 7 MY DE WEERD DATE APPROVED ATTEST: U ��"�,, "s,\ C. JAY COLES, CITY RK Orrn �o IDI W ANS m2� SE c City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 5 Project/File Number: Item Title: Future Meeting Topics -Public Forum (Up to 30 Minutes Maximum) Meeting Notes CITY OF MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC FORUM SIGN -IN SHEET Date: May 22, 2018 Prior to the commencement of the meeting a person wishing to address the Mayor and City Council MUST sign in and limit their comments to the matter described below. Complaints about individuals, city staff, business or private matters will not be allowed. Testimony or comment on an active application or proposal that is or will be pending before Planning and Zoning or City Council is strictly prohibited by Idaho law. Each speaker will have up to three (3) minutes to address the Mayor and Council, but the chair may stop the speaker if the matter does appear to violate guidelines, varies from the topic identified on this sign in sheet or other provisions of law or policy. Print Name j Provide Description of Discussion Topic City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6A Project/File Number: Item Title: Howry Lane Subdivision #2 Sanitary Sewer Easement Meetina Notes ADA COUNTY RECORDER Christopher D. Rich 2018-047196 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=7 CHE FOWLER 05/23/2018 12:35 PM CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO NO FEE THIS INDENTURE, made this I day of/%(,2d6 between M31DHOWry Lane, LLC the parties of the first part, and hereinafter called the Grantors, and the City of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, the party of the second part, and hereinafter called the Grantee; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Grantors desire to provide a sanitary sewer right-of-way across the premises and property hereinafter particularly bounded and described; and WHEREAS, the sanitary sewer is to be provided for through an underground pipeline to be constructed by others; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to maintain and service said pipeline from time to time by the Grantee; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to be received by the Grantors, and other good and valuable consideration, the Grantors do hereby give, grant and convey unto the Grantee the right-of-way for an easement for the operation and maintenance of a sewer line over and across the following described property: (SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A and B) The easement hereby granted is for the purpose of construction and operation of a sanitary sewer line and their allied facilities, together with their maintenance, repair and replacement at the convenience of the Grantee, with the free right of access to such facilities at any and all times. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said easement and fight -of -way unto the said Grantee, ifs successors and assigns forever, IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, by and between the parties hereto, that after making repairs or performing other maintenance, Grantee shall restore the area of the easement and adjacent property to that existent,priox to undertaking such repairs and maintenance, However, Grantee shall not be responsible for repairing, replacing or restoring anything placed within the area described in this easement that was placed there in violation of this easement. THE GRANTORS hereby covenant and agree that they will not place or allow to be placed any permanent structures, trees, brush, or perennial shrubs or flowers within the area Sewer Main Easement REV. 08/15/16 H4o Lx) r/ I �at)e- ff 2- M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 7 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 8 o f 4 0 0 GRANTEE: CITY OF MERIDIAN Approved By City Council STATE OF IDAHO ) ss County of Ada ) City Of E IDIAN+6- W SEAL tee/ s ani o-Ve the On this 2 R d day of ►"l , 20 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, person ly appeared TAMMY DE WEERD and C.JAY COLES known to me to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Meridian, Idaho, and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that the City of Meridian executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Sewer Easement Clhpu�Qgy-Uaml-� — NOTARY PUB,>;,�C FOR IDAHO � Residing at: �• 1 � � s ,( did of )_ �U Commission Expires: 3 - a8 - acs a 2 REV. 08/15/16 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 0 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 1 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 2 o f 4 0 0 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6B Project/File Number: Item Title: Howry Lane Subdivision #2 Water Main Easement Meetinq Notes 9 APPROVED ADA COUNTY RECORDER Christopher D. Rich 2018-047195 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=7 CHE FOWLER 05/23/2018 12:35 PM CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO NO FEE ffmluiffiyj� MokyjIl THIS INDENTURE, made this I day ofh, 20/_�_ between. M3 ID Howry Lane, LLC the parties of The first part, and hereinafter called the GRANTORS, and the City of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, the party of the second part, and hereinafter called the GRANTEE; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the GRANTORS desire to provide a water main right-of-way across the premises and property hereinafter particularly bounded and described; and WHEREAS, the water main is to be provided for through an underground pipeline to be constructed by others; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to maintain, service and subsequently connect to said pipeline from time to time by the GRANTEE; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to be received by The GRANTORS, and other good and valuable consideration, the GRANTORS do hereby give, grant and convey unto the GRANTEE the right-of-way for an casement over and across the following described property: (SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A and B) The casement hereby granted is for the purpose of construction and operation of a water line, and their allied facilities, together with their maintenance, repair, replacement and subsequent connection at the convenience of the GRANTEE, with the flee right of access to such facilities at any and all times. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said casement and right-of-way unto the said GRANTEE, it's successors and assigns forever. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, by and between the parties hereto, that after making repairs, performing maintenance, replacements or subsequent connections to the water mains, GRANTEE shall restore the area of the easement and adj acent property to that existent prior to undertaking such procedures, However, GRANTEE shall not be responsible for repairing, replacing or restoring anything placed within the area described in this casement that was placed there in violation of this easement. Water Main Easement REV. 08/15/16.doc 6one -*-'I- M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 5 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 6 o f 4 0 0 GRANTEE: CITY OF MERIDIAN Approved By City Council On: STATE OF IDAHO, ) : ss G-r'?d pTED gvCGs T 2 � Ciq of o A 04 E jDAO4 Nj %. SEAL / S / ')� / C;bl� County of Ada ) On this day of, 20 g , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Tammy de Weerd and C.Jay Coles, known to me to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Meridian, Idaho, and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that the City of Meridian executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Water Main Easement *8 (0(1� 7 OK k&�K -Ojjlkku� � Im- NOTARY PU I FOR ID O Residing at: Commission Expires: REV. 08/15/16.doc M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 8 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 9 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 2 0 o f 4 0 0 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6C Project/File Number: Item Title: Release of Water Main Easement Gramercy Sub No 1 Meeting Notes Rf APPROVED ADA COUNTY RECORDER Christopher D. Rich 2018-047194 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=4 CHE FOWLER 05/23/2018 12:35 PM CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO NO FEE RELEASE OF EASEMENT TYPE OF EASEMENT BEING RELEASED: WATER MAIN GRANTEE: CITY OF MERIDIAN GRANTOR: TUSCANY DEVELOPMENT, INC WHEREAS, by casement dated July 30, 2007, and recorded as Instrument Number 107119569 in the records of Ada County, State of Idaho, an casement of the type and nature set forth in the above captioned title was granted to the City of Meridian, an Idaho Municipal Corporation, over and across the real property legally described therein and attached hereto for reference as Exhibits A and B. WHEREAS, the continuance of this casement is no longer necessary or desirable because the building served by this easement is now served by a different recorded easement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the said City of Meridian does hereby vacate, relinquish, release and abandon the said rights and easements hereinabove referred to and described, with the intent that the same shall forthwith cease and be extinguished. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE CITY OF MERIDIAN has caused these presents to be executed by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized this ),day of May, 2018. CITY OF MERIDIAN---- By A 0 0 Tammy eeurd dyer t,QIANk- -4 1DA140 ATTEST SEAL C.J Cole , City Clerk STATE OF IDAHO ss County of Ada On this 22P, day of May, 2018, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Tammy de Weerd and C.Jay Coles, know or identified to me to be the Mayor and Clerk, respectively, of the City of Meridian, who executed the instrument of behalf of said City, and acknowledged to me that such City executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. (SEALI-! 01TA4 #0*047)� 0V 6968490 G vayYwcu sulo w. 1 Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: Commission expires:3 - M -'A0 a D- Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 23 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 24 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 25 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6D Project/File Number: H-2018-0026 Item Title: Bainbridge Connection Subdivision Final Plat for Bainbridge Connection Subdivision (H-2018-0026) by Brighton Investments, LLC, located at the North side of W. Vanderbilt Dr. and East of N. Black Cat Rd. Meetina Notes Q UPROIED Bainbridge Connection Subdivision– FP H-2018-0026 1 STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2018 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Josh Beach, Associate City Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: Bainbridge Connection (formerly Trilogy Sub.) – FP (H-2018-0026) I. APPLICATION SUMMARY The applicant, Brighton Corporation, has applied for final plat (FP) approval of 10 single-family residential building lots on 2.595 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. NOTE: The subject property was approved as part of the Trilogy Subdivision. The applicant has acquired the property to include it as part of the Bainbridge project. Although ownership has changed this property is still subject to the development agreement approved with the Trilogy Subdivision. In the analysis section below, staff has compared the differences between the layout approved with the preliminary plat and the one proposed with the final plat to ensure substantial comp liance in accord with UDC 11-6B-3C. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Bainbridge Connection Subdivision final plat subject to the conditions noted in Sections VI and VII below. These conditions shall be considered in full, unless expressly modified or deleted by motion of the City Council. III. PROPOSED MOTION Approval I move to approve File Number H-2018-0026 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 22, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial I move to deny File Number H-2018-0026, as presented during the hearing on May 22, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0026 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) IV. APPLICATION AND PROPERTY FACTS A. Site Address/Location: The subject property is located on the north side of W. Vanderbilt Drive, east of N. Black Cat Road, in the NW ¼ of Section 27, T. 4N., R. 1W. B. Applicant: Brighton Investments, LLC 12601 W. Explorer Drive, Ste. 200 Boise, Idaho 83713 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 27 of 400 Bainbridge Connection Subdivision– FP H-2018-0026 2 C. Owner: Same as Applicant D. Representative: Michael Wardle, Brighton Development, Inc. 12601 W. Explorer Drive, Ste. 200 Boise, Idaho 83713 V. STAFF ANALYSIS The proposed final plat depicts 10 single-family residential building lots on 2.595 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. The minimum property size is 7,919 square feet (s.f.) with an average size of 9,318 s.f. As noted above, the subject property was approved as part of the Trilogy Subdivision. The layout approved with the preliminary plat included a total of 22 residential lots in this area of the plat and a stub street along the west boundary of the Bainbridge Subdivision. The submitted plat reduces the number of residential lots from 22 to 10. The stub street along the west boundary now provides a direct west/east connection between this and other phases of the Bainbridge project. With the modification proposed by the applicant, the block length with this phase in conjunction with additional phases exceeds the 750 maximum block length required by UDC 11-6C-3F. The UDC authorizes the Council to grant longer block lengths if a pedestrian connection is proposed to an adjoining development. The applicant should provide a micropath connection with the adjoining property to the north (future phase of the Trilogy Subdivision) to mitigate the extended block length and provide interconnectivity between developments. There are no amenities or open space proposed with this phase of development.. The UDC grants the director the authority to allow modifications to a plat notwithstanding the following changes: 1. The number of buildable lots is the same or fewer; 2. The amount of common open space is increased; 3. The amount of open space is relocated with no reduction in the total amount; 4. The number of open space lots has been increased; or 5. The transportation authority has required minor change. Based on the changes as described above, staff has reviewed the proposed final plat for substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat (PP-15-015) as required by UDC 11-6B-3C.2. VI. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. Applicant shall meet all terms of the approved annexation (AZ-06-032, Development Agreement #2015-107894), and preliminary plat (PP-15-015) applications approved for this site. 2. The applicant shall obtain the City Engineer’s signature on the final plat by October 24, 2018 OR within two years of the City Engineer’s signature on the previous phase final plat in accord with UDC 11-6B-7. 3. Prior to submittal for the City Engineer’s signature, have the Certificate of Owners and the accompanying acknowledgement signed and notarized. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 28 of 400 Bainbridge Connection Subdivision– FP H-2018-0026 3 4. The final plat prepared by KM Engineering, stamped on 2/1/18 by Aaron L. Ballard, is approved with the following revisions: a) Include a note on the plate that references the recorded development agreement Instrument # 2015-107894. b) Applicant shall include a 15-foot micropath lot in Block 1 to mitigate the extended block length between this phase and future phases of the Bainbridge Subdivision. 5. All fencing installed on the site must be consistent with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. If permanent fencing does not exist at the subdivision boundary, temporary construction fencing to contain debris shall be installed around this phase prior to release of building permits. 6. Staff’s failure to cite specific ordinance provisions or conditions from the preliminary plat does not relieve the Applicant of responsibility for compliance. 7. Prior to the issuance of any new building permit, the property shall be subdivided in accordance with the UDC. 8. Prior to City Engineer’s signature on the final plat, the applicant shall submit an electronic copy of a landscape plan demonstrating compliance with the micropath standards set forth in UDC 11- 3A-8 and 11-3B-12. VII. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Sanitary sewer service to this development is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall install mains to and through this subdivision; applicant shall coordinate main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2. Water service to this site is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall be responsible to install water mains to and through this development, coordinate main size and routing with Public Works. 3. All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 4. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Department staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14A. 5. A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% will be required for all incomplete fencing, landscaping, amenities, pressurized irrigation, prior to signature on the final plat. 6. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post with the City a performance surety in the amount of 125% of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The applicant shall be required to enter into a Development Surety Agreement with the City of Meridian. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 29 of 400 Bainbridge Connection Subdivision– FP H-2018-0026 4 7. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, and water infrastructure for a duration of two years. This surety amount will be verified by a line item final cost invoicing provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 8. In the event that an applicant and/or owner cannot complete non-life, non-safety and non-health improvements, prior to City Engineer signature on the final plat and/or prior to occupancy, a surety agreement may be approved as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3C. 9. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 10. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 11. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 12. Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 13. All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-1-4B. 14. Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 15. The engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 16. The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 17. At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 18. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting (http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272). All street lights shall be installed at developer’s expense. Final design shall be submitted as part of the development plan set for approval, which must include the location of any existing street lights. The contractor’s work and materials shall conform to the ISPWC and the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications to the ISPWC. Contact the City of Meridian Transportation and Utility Coordinator at 898-5500 for information on the locations of existing street lighting. 19. The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 30 of 400 Bainbridge Connection Subdivision– FP H-2018-0026 5 Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to signature of the final plat by the City Engineer. 20. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with and NPDES permitting that may be required by the Environmental Protection Agency. 21. Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Water Department at (208)888-5242 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources. 22. Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact the Central District Health Department for abandonment procedures and inspections. 23. The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water (MCC 9-1-28.C.1). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single -point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to development plan approval. 24. All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. V. EXHIIBITS A. Vicinity Map B. Preliminary Plat (dated:8/12/2015) C. Proposed Final Plat (dated: 2/01/18) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 31 of 400 Bainbridge Connection Subdivision– FP H-2018-0026 6 Exhibit A – Vicinity Map Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 32 of 400 Bainbridge Connection Subdivision– FP H-2018-0026 7 Exhibit B – Preliminary Plat (dated: 8/12/2015) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 33 of 400 Bainbridge Connection Subdivision– FP H-2018-0026 8 Exhibit C – Proposed Final Plat (dated: 2/01/2018) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 34 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6E Project/File Number: H-2018-0047 Item Title: Final Plat for Baraya No. 3 Final Plat for Baraya No. 3 (H-2018-0047) by Schultz Development located on the south side of W. Franklin Rd. between Ten Mile Rd. and Black Cat Rd. Meetinq Notes 9 APPROIED Baraya Subdivision No. 3– FP H-2018-0047 1 STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2018 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Josh Beach, Associate City Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: Baraya Sub. No. 3– FP (H-2018-0047) I. APPLICATION SUMMARY The applicant, Schultz Development, has applied for final plat (FP) approval of 72 single-family residential building lots and 3 common lots on 15.19 acres of land in the R-8 and R-15 zoning districts. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Baraya Subdivision No. 3 final plat subject to the conditions noted in Sections VI and VII below. These conditions shall be considered in full, unless expressly modified or deleted by motion of the City Council. III. PROPOSED MOTION Approval I move to approve File Number H-2018-0047 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 22, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial I move to deny File Number H-2018-0047, as presented during the hearing on May 22, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0047 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) IV. APPLICATION AND PROPERTY FACTS A. Site Address/Location: The site is located on the south side of W. Franklin Road, midway between S, Ten Mile Road and S. Black Cat Road in the north portion of Section 15, T. 3N., R. 1W. B. Applicant/Representative: Schultz Development PO Box 1118 Meridian, Idaho 83680 C. Owner: Endurance Holdings, LLC 1877 E. Overland Road Meridian, ID 83642 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 36 of 400 Baraya Subdivision No. 3– FP H-2018-0047 2 V. STAFF ANALYSIS The proposed final plat depicts 72 single-family residential building lots and three common lots on 15.19 acres of land in the R-8 and R-15 zoning districts. The minimum property size is 4,000 square feet (s.f.) with an average size of 5,482 s.f. The net density for this phase of the development is 4.74 d.u. per acre and a gross density of 7.96 d.u. per acre. The applicant is providing 0.95 on an acre of qualified open space, which is roughly 6.2% for this phase. The main amenity is a multi-use pathway along the west side of the Purdam Drain. Staff has reviewed the proposed final plat for substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat as required by UDC 11-6B-3D.2. VI. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. Applicant shall meet all terms of the approved annexation (AZ-06-061, Development Agreement #107123289), preliminary plat (PP-06-062) and two final plats (FP-07-030, FP-07-031) approved for this site. 2. The applicant shall obtain the City Engineer’s signature on the final plat within two years (9/26/2018) of the City Engineer’s signature on the previous phase final plat in accord with UDC 11-6B-7. 3. Prior to submittal for the City Engineer’s signature, have the Certificate of Owners and the accompanying acknowledgement signed and notarized. 4. The final plat prepared by Bailey Engineering, Inc., stamped on 4/19/18 by Gregory G. Carter, is approved with the following revisions: a. Note 12 and 13 include ACHD instrument numbers. b. Lot 12, Block 7 must comply with the R-8 dimensional standards set forth in Table 11-2A-6. 5. The final plat landscape plan prepared by Breckon Land Design on 4/20/2018 is approved as shown. 6. Direct lot access to W. Franklin Road shall be prohibited; place a not on the final plat. 7. The applicant shall construct crosswalks and signage, as allowed by ACHD, at the intersection of West Snow Canyon Drive and South Sunset Point Way. 8. All fencing installed on the site must be consistent with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. If permanent fencing does not exist at the subdivision boundary, temporary construction fencing to contain debris shall be installed around this phase prior to release of building permits. 9. Staff’s failure to cite specific ordinance provisions or conditions from the preliminary plat does not relieve the Applicant of responsibility for compliance. 10. Prior to the issuance of any new building permit, the property shall be subdivided in accordance with the UDC. 11. Prior to signature on the final plat the applicant shall record a pedestrian easement for the 10-foot wide multi-use pathway along the Purdam Drain. 12. Prior to signature of the final plat by the City Engineer, the applicant shall provide a letter from the United States Postal Service stating that the applicant has received approval for the location of mailboxes. Contact the Meridian Postmaster, Richard Buttram, at 887-1620 for more information. 13. The applicants engineer has submitted a master grading that establishes the existing grade at each lot, the minimum top of stem wall elevation, the max top of st em wall elevation, and the lot pad design elevation. This plan also shows the location and direction of designed swales for the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 37 of 400 Baraya Subdivision No. 3– FP H-2018-0047 3 conveyance of storm water. The plans also depict the typical drainage patterns around the Type “A” & “B” homes. 14. The applicants engineer has also submitted specifications on the structural fill placement. Strict adherence to these specifications shall be required. 15. With the application for a building permit, each home builder must submit lot grading and finished floor elevation consistent with the approved master grading and drainage plan for the subdivision. If deviations from the approved master grading and drainage plan are proposed, they must be submitted and approved by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Any such revision proposal shall be accompanied by a written authorization from the Developer to allow a revision to the master lot grading plan 16. Current City of Meridian Street Light Plan Notes need to be added to the street light plan. The streetlight notes can be found at: http://meridiancity.org/land/files/STANDARD%20NOTES%20- %20Street%20Lights%20AP%203-29-18%20LDWEB.pdf VII. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Sanitary sewer service to this development is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall install mains to and through this subdivision; applicant shall coordinate main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2. Water service to this site is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall be responsible to install water mains to and through this development, coordinate main size and routing with Public Works. 3. All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 4. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Department staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14A. 5. A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% will be required for all incomplete fencing, landscaping, amenities, pressurized irrigation, prior to signature on the final plat. 6. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post with the City a performance surety in the amount of 125% of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The applicant shall be required to enter into a Development Surety Agreement with the City of Meridian. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 7. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, and water infrastructure for a duration of two years. This surety amount will be verified by a line item final cost invoicing provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable le tter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 38 of 400 Baraya Subdivision No. 3– FP H-2018-0047 4 Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 8. In the event that an applicant and/or owner cannot complete non-life, non-safety and non-health improvements, prior to City Engineer signature on the final plat and/or prior to occupancy, a surety agreement may be approved as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3C. 9. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 10. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development featur es comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 11. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 12. Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 13. All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-1-4B. 14. Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 15. The engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 16. The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 17. At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 18. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting (http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272). All street lights shall be installed at developer’s expense. Final design shall be submitted as part of the development plan set for approval, which must include the location of any existing street lights. The contractor’s work and materials shall conform to the ISPWC and the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications to the ISPWC. Contact the City of Meridian Transportation and Utility Coordinator at 898-5500 for information on the locations of existing street lighting. 19. The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20 -feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to signature of the final plat by the City Engineer. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 39 of 400 Baraya Subdivision No. 3– FP H-2018-0047 5 20. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with and NPDES permitting that may be required by the Environmental Protection Agency. 21. Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Water Department at (208)888-5242 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources. 22. Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinanc e Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact the Central District Health Department for abandonment procedures and inspections. 23. The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year -round source of water (MCC 9-1-28.C.1). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single -point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single -point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to development plan approval. 24. All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. VIII. EXHIBITS A. Vicinity Map B. Preliminary Plat (dated:1/12/2007) C. Proposed Final Plat (dated: 4/19/2018) D. Proposed Landscape plan (dated: 04/20/2018) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 40 of 400 Baraya Subdivision No. 3– FP H-2018-0047 6 Exhibit A – Vicinity Map Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 41 of 400 Baraya Subdivision No. 3– FP H-2018-0047 7 Exhibit B – Preliminary Plat (dated: 1/12/2007) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 42 of 400 Baraya Subdivision No. 3– FP H-2018-0047 8 Exhibit C – Proposed Final Plat (dated: 4/19/2018) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 43 of 400 Baraya Subdivision No. 3– FP H-2018-0047 9 Exhibit D – Proposed Landscape plan (dated: 04/20/2018) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 44 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6F Project/File Number: H-2018-0004 Item Title: Lost Rapids Development Agreement for Lost Rapids (Brighton Site) H-2018- 0004, Located at the Southwest Corner of State High 20/26 (Chinden Blvd) and North Ten Mile Road Meetinq Notes u✓ APPROVED ADA COUNTY RECORDER Christopher D. Rich 2018-047368 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=87 NIKOLA OLSON 05/23/2018 04:39 PM CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO NO FEE I PARTIES: I. City of Meridian 2. Brighton Investments, LLC, Owner/Developer nd day of THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (this Agreement), is made and entered into this 22 - 2018, by and between City of Meridian, a municipal M corporation of the State of Idaho, vereafter called CITY whose address is 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 83642 and Brighton Investments, LLC, whose address is 12601 W. Explorer Dr., Ste. 200, Boise, Idaho 83713, hereinafter called OWNER/DEVELOPER. L RECITALS: 1.1 WHEREAS, Owner is the sole owner, in law and/or equity, of a certain tract of land in the County of Ada, State of Idaho, comprising approximately 39.005 acres of land, described in Exhibit "A" (Brighton Site), which is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as if set forth in full, herein after referred to as the Property; and 1.2 WHEREAS, Idaho Code § 67-6511A provides that cities may, by ordinance, require or permit as a condition of zoning that the Owner/Developer make a written commitment concerning the use or development of the subject Property; and 1.3 WHEREAS, City has exercised its statutory authority by the enactment of Section 11-513-3 of the Unified Development Code ("UDC"), which authorizes development agreements upon the annexation and/or re -zoning of land; and 1.4 WHEREAS, Owner/Developer has submitted an application for annexation and zoning of the Property, known as the Brighton Site, with an R-15 (Medium Density Residential) zoning district, under the Unified Development Code, which generally describes how the Property will be developed and what improvements will be made; and 1.5 WHERE AS, Owner/Developer made representations at the public hearings both before the Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission and before the Meridian City Council, as to how the Property will be developed and what improvements will be made; and DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT — LOST RAPIDS (BRIGHTON SITE) (H-2018-0004.) PAGE 1 OF 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 47 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 48 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 49 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 50 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 51 of 400 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have herein executed this agreement and made it effective as hereinabove provided. OWNER/DEVELOPER: Brighton Investments, LLC By - Its: `" V CITY OF MERIDIAN Go�Q0 " EOAUc sTTEST: s ' Cif V �� B Mayor T� y de Weerd = jDl Ho o , City Clerk SEAL STATE OF Idaho) "e TREAS"' ss: County of Ada, ) On this EL day of 2018, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared known or identified to me to be the P&MIY4 &'W(owy of Brighton Investments, LLC, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of said C rporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and ffixed m offcial seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. I (SEA C AMANDA McCURRY NOTARY PUBLIC N tary Public for !� STATE OF IDAHO Residing ai My Commission Expires: STATE OF IDAHO ) ss County of Ada ) On this 2-r day of , 2018, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Tammy de Weerd and C.Jay Coles, know or ideAffied to me to be the Mayor and Clerk, respectively, of the City of Meridian, who executed the instrument or the person that executed the instrument of behalf of said City, and acknowledged to me that such City executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. ( .'1`E _w�'• Notary Public for Idaho . y ' NR Y • O Residing at: Commission expires:?)-D�-2 aya� .�. TA ''EOPMENT AGREEW-NT: LOST RAPIDS (BRIGHTON SITE) (H-2018-0004) PAGE. 7 OF 7 ti • Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 53 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 54 of 400 &9)*#*5# Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 55 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 56 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 57 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 58 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 59 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 60 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 61 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 62 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 63 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 64 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 65 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda 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2018 – Page 125 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 126 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 127 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 128 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 129 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 130 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 131 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 132 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6G Project/File Number: Item Title: Acceptance Agreement for Meridian Mill Mural Meetina Notes u✓ APPROVED ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT: MERIDIAN MILL MURAL, 611 N. MAIN STREET This ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT: MERIDIAN MILL MURAL, 611 N. MAIN STREET is made this 22rdday of May, 2018 ("Effective Date"), by and between the City of Meridian, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho ("City"), and Solomon Hawk Sahlein, on behalf of Sector Seventeen LLC, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the state of Idaho ("Artist"). WHEREAS, on December 19, 2017, Artist and City entered into a Master Agreement for Professional Set -vices: Mural Design, Installation, and Maintenance ("Master Agreement"), which establishes terms and conditions under which City may invite Artist to provide services including consultations, design, installation, maintenance, and repair of murals, pursuant to separate project task order(s) setting forth specific conditions, compensation amount, and scope of work; and WHEREAS, on November 21, 2017, City and the Meridian Development Corporation ("MDC") entered into a Memorandum of Agreement for Contribution to Public Art Project: Meridian Mill Mural, by which Agreement MDC provided funds to City for the purpose of installation of a public art mural at 611 N. Main Street, in Meridian, Ada County parcel no. R5672000090 ("Property"), owned by JCJ Holdings, LLC, the owners of the Property ("Owners"); and WHEREAS, on December 19, 2017, City and Artist entered into a Task Order for Mural Design: 611 N. Main Street, and, on April 17, 2018, a Task Order for Mural Installation: 611 N. Main Street ("April 17, 2018 Task Order"), by which agreements City engaged Artist to design and install a mural on Property, under City's access thereto under an April 10, 2018 Public Art Easement Agreement entered into by City and Owners; and WHEREAS, Owners, City, and MDC have worked with Artist to design and install a mural on the south face of the Meridian Mill ("Artwork") that exemplifies the history and legacy of the Meridian Mill, establishes a sense of place and local identity in downtown Meridian, and beautifies public spaces; NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and agreed, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, the Parties agree as follows: I. INDEMNIFICATION. Artist hereby indemnifies and saves and holds harmless City and its respective employees, elected officials, agents, guests, and/or business invitees, from any and all liabilities, losses, claims, actions, and/or judgments for damages, expenses, and/or injury to any person or property caused or incurred by or as the result of the performance of or failure to perform any work or service under or related to the January 26, 2016 Agreement. Artist specifically hereby indemnifies and saves and holds harmless City and its respective employees, elected officials, agents, guests, and/or business invitees, from any and all liabilities, losses, claims, actions, judgments for damages, expenses, or injury to any person or to property arising as a result of: ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT MERIDIAN MILL MURAL PAGE 1 of 2 A. Artist's failure, or the failure of any agent, employee, or subcontractor of Artist to exercise reasonable care, skill or diligence in the performance of any work or service under or related to the April 17, 2018 Task Order; B. Any breach of any representation, warranty or covenant made by Artist, or by any of Artist's agent(s), employee(s), or subcontractor(s); C. Artist's infringement of or upon any intellectual property rights, whether intentional or unintentional, known or unknown, including any copyright or patent arising out of the reproduction or use in any manner of any plans, designs, drawings, specifications, information, material, sketches, notes or documents created by Artist in the performance of any work or service under the April 17, 2018 Task Order; and/or D. The malfunction or failure of the Artwork, or any portion or component thereof, created and installed under the April 17, 2018 Task Order. IL WAIVER. Artist hereby waives and releases, on behalf of Artist and Artist's employees, agents, heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and/or personal representatives, any and all claims and/or rights for damages Artist now has or may hereafter have against the City of Meridian and/or its employees, elected officials, agents, guests, and/or business invitees, suffered in connection with or arising out of the performance of any work or service under or related to the April 17, 2018 Task Order. Except as otherwise expressly delineated in the April 17, 2018 Task Order, Artist hereby waives any and all right, title, or interest in the Artwork and/or all items created under, assembled pursuant to, and/or otherwise related to the April 17, 2018 Task Order and any and all addenda thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the /6 day of May, 2018. ARTIST: Solomon Hawk Sahlein, Manager Sector Seventeen LLC CITY OF MERIDIAN: Q0, pjED AUG6s I �r Ate t: l IDIAN- Tammy de rd, Mayor , D H o C. y Coles, ity Clerk SEAL AccEPTANCE AGREEMENT RZT��e`the TRF PSPAGE 2 of 2 MERIDIAN MILL MURAL City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6H Project/File Number: Item Title: Resolution No. 18-2078: Resolution No. 18-2078: A Resolution Of The Mayor And The City Council Of The City Of Meridian Signifying Final Acceptance Of Meridian Mill Mural By Sector Seventeen, And Providing An Effective Date. APPROVED CITY OF MERIDIAN RESOLUTION NO. 18-2078 BY THE CITY COUNCIL: BERNT, BORTON, CAVENER, LITTLE ROBERTS, MILAM, PALMER A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN SIGNIFYING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF MERIDIAN MILL MURAL BY SECTOR SEVENTEEN, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Sector Seventeen LLC ("Artist") designed and installed at 611 N. Main Street, in Meridian, Idaho, a public art mural for the City and people of Meridian ("Artwork"); WHEREAS, this Artwork has been accepted by the property owner, JCJ Holdings, LLC, by Meridian Development Corporation, and by the City of Meridian, and has been found to be compliant with the specifications set forth in the Task Order for Mural Installation: 611 N. Main Street executed by City and Artist on April 17, 2018 ("April 17, 2018 Task Order"); WHEREAS, pursuant to the April 17, 2018 Task Order, Artist submitted a Maintenance Plan for the artwork, attached hereto as Exhibit A; obtained written approval of the mural by JCJ Holdings, LLC, and executed an acceptance agreement with City contemporaneously herewith, and by these actions and submissions Artist did timely all tasks enumerated in the April 17, 2018 Task Order; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN CITY, IDAHO: Section 1. That the City of Meridian hereby accepts the delivery of the mural as designed and installed at 611 N. Main Street, in downtown Meridian, and by this instrument the City conveys its approval and acceptance thereof. Section 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this 22\d day of May, 2018. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this 22"�day of May, 2018. APPROVED: ATTEST: Mayor Tamm%% Weerd z � ;,V „f w / E IDIAN� IDAHO SEAL (%"-') EXHIBIT A MAINTENANCE PLAN Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 138 of 400 “The Feed Mill” Mural Maintenance Plan! Sector Seventeen! 5-11-18!! Materials used:!! Latex exterior base coat, multiple aerosol layers, finished with a Sherwin Williams exterior semi-gloss clear coat. !! Maintenance:!! The clear top coat should hold under normal weather conditions for quite some time before the colors start to fade. For dirt, dust and other light soil, low pressure water (i.e. hose with a regular garden sprayer attachment) should clean the surface without damaging the artwork. !! In case of tagging or vandalism, contact Sector Seventeen for touch up where necessary. !!!! Enjoy! Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 139 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 61 Project/File Number: Item Title: Professional Services Agreement with Sensus USA Inc. for Monitoring and Data Collection Meeting Notes PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR MONITORING AND DATA COLLECTION This PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR MONITORING AND DATA COLLECTION (the "Agreement"), dated and effective as of Z 20]8 ("Effective Date"), is by and between Sensus USA Inc., a Delawarh'corporation whose address is 8601 Six Forks Rd., Suite 700, Raleigh NC 27516 ("Sensus"), and the City of Meridian, Idaho ("City"). WHEREAS, the City has purchased approximately eleven thousand (11,000) Sensus iPERL water meters (the "Meters"); WHEREAS, a potential dispute arose between Sensus and the City regarding the Meters (the "Dispute"); and WHEREAS, following good faith negotiations, Sensus and the City have agreed to resolve the Dispute on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements set forth below and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby expressly acknowledged, Sensus and the City hereby agree as follows: I. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. 2. Infrastructure. Data. Monitoring and Renlacement Meters. a. Flexnet Infrastructure. Sensus will provide and install at no cost to the City approximately thirty -rive hundred (3,500) Dual port 520M SmartPoint modules as well as approximately one hundred fifty (150) single port 520M SmartPoint Modules to accommodate the City's iPERL meters manufactured prior to July 2014. Additionally, at no cost to the City, during the Monitoring Period, Sensus will provide, install and configure one or more M400 Base Stations, as needed, for successful data reception of the above listed SmartPoint modules (the SmartPoint modules and the M400 Base Stations collectively "Flexnet Infrastructure"). Sensus will provide the Flexnet Infrastructure during the Monitoring Period. The SmartPoint modules (both dual port and single port), upon installation, shall become property of the City of Meridian and shall not be removed. At the conclusion of the Monitoring Period, Sensus may remove the base stations and radio tower(s), at Sensus's sole expense. b. Meter Data. Meter data transmitted from the Flexnet radio system to the Sensus owned data servers shall be provided and maintained during the Monitoring Period at no cost to the City. C. Monitoring.. Sensus agrees to monitor the data collected by the SmartPoint modules from the iPERL water meters manufactured prior to July 2014, on a per billing cycle basis (twice monthly), for a period up to two (2) years from the effective date ("Monitoring Period"). At or before one (1) year of monitoring, Sensus and the City agree to re-evaluate the monitoring program to discuss monitoring frequency as well as required steps needed for agreement conclusion. M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 4 2 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 4 3 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 4 4 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 4 5 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 4 6 o f 4 0 0 upon, the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Sensus and the City have executed this Settlement and Release Agreement as of the Effective Date. SENSUS USA INC. By: _ Name: ';i Title: 'q GS2Ms,r S�e�es5 CITY Si nature: Name: amm de rd Title: Mayor ED— n� Date:% �� DOE /=c ATTEST: jD W Signature: j r A1V Name: CJ Cole SEAL � Title: City Clerk 7 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 4 8 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 4 9 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 1 5 0 o f 4 0 0 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6J Project/File Number: Item Title: Second Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement Between Meridian Development Corporation and the City of Meridian for Implementation and Construction of MDC Improvements for Pine Avenue Project Meetina Notes Chi OPIDIED SECOND AMENDMENT TO MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN MERIDIAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND CITY OF MERIDIAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF MDC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PINE AVENUE PROJECT This SECOND AMENDMENT TO MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN MERIDIAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND CITY OF MERIDIAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF MDC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PINE AVENUE PROJECT ("Second Addendum"), is made and entered into this ZL day of H6ZU 2018, by and between the Meridian Development Corporation, an urban renewal agency organizeb under the laws of the State of Idaho ("MDC"), and the City of Meridian, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho ("City") (collectively, "Parties"). WHEREAS, on November 22, 2016, City and MDC entered into a Memorandum of Agreement Between Meridian Development Corporation and City of Meridian for Implementation and Construction of MDC Improvements for Pine Avenue Project ("November 22, 2016 MOA") to cooperatively plan and fund certain landscaping and other improvements as part of the Ada County Highway District ("ACHD")'s Pine Avenue Project roadway improvements, pursuant to a Cost -Share Agreement between City and ACHD; WHEREAS, City has requested that a sewer service line be bored instead of trenched, in order to prevent damage to an adjacent tree, and to that end ACHD has submitted a change order to City for payment; WHEREAS, the work described in the change order relates to fulfillment of the MDC Improvements as described and defined in the November 22, 2016 MOA, and to that end, MDC is willing to pay for same; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants, agreements and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties mutually agree as follows: I. Exhibit A modified. Section 3 of Exhibit A of the November 22, 2016 shall be amended by the addition of the following: c. Measures necessary to preserve existing landscaping II. All other provisions in effect. Except as expressly modified by this Second Amendment or other duly executed addenda, all provisions of the November 22, 2016 MOA shall remain in full force and effect. No other understanding, whether oral or written, shall be deemed to enlarge, limit or otherwise affect the operation of the November 22, 2016 MOA or this amendment thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties shall cause this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers to be effective as of the day and year first above written. ME AN DEVELOPMENT ORPORATION: an--Ba�sa6m,air , Secretary VM& vVIM'J!!1'ji $TG ` s CITY O oPe PTEDgoGe, Attest: BY: �° '� Tammy d eerd, Mayo ❑�R . 0L �C. " Coles C ty Clerk PRo1ECT MiREEM BETWEEN MDC ND Cl - Y RIYp7'Ho J PAGE I SEAL, City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6K Project/File Number: Item Title: Resolution No. 18-2077 Resolution No. 18-2077: A Resolution Of The Mayor And The City Council Of The City Of Meridian Approving The Naming Of Discovery Park; And Providing An Effective Date. Meetina Notes 9 APPROVED CITY OF MERIDIAN RESOLUTION NO. 18-2077 BY THE CITY COUNCIL: BERNT, BORTON, CAVENER, LITTLE ROBERTS, MILAM, PALMIER A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN APPROVING THE NAMING OF DISCOVERY PARK; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Meridian, by and through the Meridian Parks and Recreation Department, is building a park in south Meridian with features and amenities designed to integrate and encourage experiential learning about science, technology, engineering, art, and math; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO: Section 1. That the regional park on the south side of Lake Hazel Road, between Locust Grove and Eagle Roads, shall be named Discovery Park. Section 2. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this 22"0(day of May, 2018. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this Z2 day of May, 2018. Attest: Tammy eerd, Mayor oRATeoq�� C y Col s, ity Clerk aQ �;D. =G Pity of w EIDIAN -� IDAHO to SEAL RESOLUTION NAMING DISCOVERY PARK PAGE 1 OF 1 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6L Project/File Number: Item Title: Award of Change Order No. 3 to The Ewing Company, Inc. for the "WRRF Headworks Expansion" project for a Not -To -Exceed amount of $152,549.93. Meetinq Notes Page 1 Memo To: C. Jay Coles, City Clerk, From: Keith Watts, Purchasing Manager CC: Troy Thrall, Clint Dolsby Date: 5/15/2018 Re: May 22nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item The Purchasing Department respectfully requests that the following item be placed on the May 22 nd City Council Consent Agenda for Council’s consideration. Award of Change Order No. 3 to The Ewing Company, Inc. for the “WRRF Headworks Expansion” project for a Not-To-Exceed amount of $152,549.93. Recommended Council Action: Approval of Change Order No. 3 to The Ewing Company, Inc. for the Not-To-Exceed amount of $152,549.93 and authorize the Purchasing Manager to sign. Thank you for your consideration. City of Meridian Purchasing Dept. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 156 of 400 CITY OF MERIOIAN 33 EAST BROADWAY MERIDIAN, ID 83642 CHANGE ORDER CHANGE ORDER NO PROJECT NO 10044.i CHANGE ORDER DATE 3t30t2018 EFFECTIVE DATE Ewing Company, lnc.CONTRACTOR WRRF Headworks Capacity ExpansionPROJECT Ths contractor 16 h.reby drrectod to make the tolowrng changss from tho contract oocumsnts and prans. Dsscrlption of addltlonal work: (attadr additjonalpages ifneeded) Tha Ewing company is dirscted to install4oo-feet of 36-inch diameter raw sewage pipe shrting at th€ bld altemate locationdownste-am of tha influent pump station in a no(hwest direclion generally lollowiing the alignmint sl,o,rn as opiion *z in the workchange Directiv€ 5 (attached). The alignment will deflect slignu/to tle norttr sioe -ot ttre pioposeo o-inctr prim'ary scum ana e-inctrprimary sludge force main. WHO REQUESTED THE CHANGE Cltys tr Contractor WHY IS THE CHANGE NECESSARY Check all thal apply tr Unforeseen / Hidden Conditions tr Error with the Plans and/or Specifications Explanation: This tYork is a portion of the bid altemate item in the bid documents that uras not awarded. This porton is being installed to easeinstallation of the lijture extension of the 36.inch raw sewage pipe to the Headwo*s Building. The Contractor ias directed to dothis work in Work Change Dkective 5 (attached). E Scope Change z olhet - aescri* *aw . BIDDING ADDITIONALFOR C RKRDER VS EI The work is in the area of the original conkact and a conflicl with the on-site contractor is probable and would make coordination of work diffrcult and bidding unreasonable. El Time is of the essence and bidding would require the contractor to stop work and the City u6uld face costly standby fees therefore making bidding disadvantageous E Emergency Work to correct unsafe conditions. E Other - desdrb€ bebw Explanatlon: (.tt ch.d .ddiIon.t psgB ta rEcdcdl The work of this change order is directly related to work that is bsing p€rformed by the Ewing Company. There will be significant mobilization and equipment rental cost savings because the HDPE welding aquipment for large diameier pipe willalread, be onsite for other ,.rork. Check all that apply Page I of 2 oklKiy= 3 3t30t2018 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 157 of 400 CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price: $9,729,000.00 Original Contract Times: 545 days Net changes from previous Change Orders Net changes form previous Change Orders (calendar days) No. to No. No. to No. Note change order numbers here $32,052.88 mer cont arnount a manes nere Note change order numbers here 0 days Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order: Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order: (calendar days) $152,549.93 9 days a dQw amouNt of tha Q4amQ0 ordff Total Change (Increase / decrease) to date: Total Days (Increase /decrease) to date: (calendar days) $184,602.81 9 days New Contract Price with all Approved Change Orders: New Contract Times with all Approved Change Orders: (calendar days) $9,913,602.81 554 days APPROVED: (City Purchasing Manager) AC PT (Co Mij By: Keith Watts Date: Date: -5— 5/ - RECOMMENDED: (City Project Maannag�ger) C& C4) DATE APPROVED BY COUNCIL (If required) By: NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED / Q Date: s�/ S / / O DATE METHOD OF COST DETERMINATION / COST ANALYSIS OR VERIFICATION: Ewing submitted CCR #12 to the City PM and B&C for their review and comment. Backup documentation was provided to the reviewers. The proposed cost was found to be appropriate for the scope of work. Budget Available (Attach Report) Information: Budget FY Date Submitted to Clerk for Agenda: Order No. CPo\ry),. e OrLv- 0 0.3 C,)- Use Date Issued: Page 2 of 2 Amendment: Approval Date: 01 26 OO-8. WORK CHANGE DIR ECTIVE FORM Change Directive No. OO5 Date of lssuance: 2/2O/2OLA Effective Date 2/7/2OLA er : City of Meridian ctor: The Ewing Company gineer: Brown and Caldr,vell Project: WRRF Headworks Capacity Expansion Contractor is directed to proceed promp y with the following change(s): Description: The purpose of this work change directive is to install approximately 4oGfeet of 3Ginch diameter raw sewage pipe. ln thebidding documents, the second (redundant) raw sewage pipe was included as a bid alternate item. The Ewi;g company isdirected to install this pipe starting at the bid alternate location downstream of the inftuent pump station in a northwestdirectjon generally following the allgnment shown as option #2 inthe attachment. The alignment will deflect staghtty to thenorth side of the proposed Ginch primary scum and 6-inch primary sludge force main. This termination point will improvethe ease of installation on the future extension of the 36-inch raw sewage pipe to the Headworks Buildir€. Attachments: Optron #2 - 3&inch Raw Sewage Line Extension, CCR#12 Purpose for Work Change Directive: Directive to proceed plomptly with the work described herein, prior to agreeing to changes on contract price and ContractTime, is issued due loi lcheck one or both of the followinE] E Non-agreement on pricing of proposed change. I Necessity to proceed for schedule or other project reasons. Estimated Change in Convact price and Contract Times (non-bindin& preliminary): Contract Price $152,549.93 [increase] td€€f$sel. Contract Time Days - 5 working days [incresse] td€€Ieasel. Basis of estimated change in Contract Price: tr Lump Sum f] Cost of the Work RECOMMENDED vid Be olt By: AUTHORIZED BY Troy Thrall Title: ConstructionManager Date: RECEIVED: Doug Stanbrough Prolect lvlanager D Unit Price ! ottrer By: Title: Date Project lVanager 18 Trtle: Date: 1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 159 of 400 6.d, ^&-..'/s.Lry-Z-e , 1.,P,6 OAoa/.2_ _ M TCBlrNE SEE D\ GC-1104012 III I*i I'lu nz !t Fflz> I o ? I i I rI ,1, i .itl !!t llilr tl'l 8u$i:ml: Q. EEgSA Eil o 3 o iffliiliiiiilii.lErr rlE r'! eg I ;oil i, !: a i ! I I iiirii l8t;!i dt * IA i!!iII ]dd o tiEiiiEt i9:: iie ';;;:il ;' L I i ii E! !iI I t 6t 6i t3t itt}Ei !:a rtlri: 6 ryt 3r EESiiii :r;iiii9i !c t: tEi ; M I $ I // IT /t. ? tl irl itiil Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 160 of 400 iix :B; |15 Iat!;:Et! ?tri!t't IJ -a MAICH L ll{E SEE OiY6 C- r ldmi 1 x'\ .E El 1 \^ (F Pa I ,Ia $' ?3 Cat- i((J t\" Ii c a I !; ir aI I I i I I E 6 8 CI T3,9 ri x EE!!IR ';TIE :;g; az a1I IEil !l i!! E !ct9l re EI 8i rirl II,', r: t, EITI :!f; !Eil iili ,E iE TI E!: E I ! I q o ? !> o*Eft Er I I tj I I Er$E: Ersf,e q /6ItY Efl t E--..\< !+ ar--.- il ]}il l-r / ,/ v I i _--l \ I 1-1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 161 of 400 >> Capfial Clty Unde0round LLC 6269 Deer Flat Bd Nampa, lD 83686 (208)461-3020 jennif er4ccu@gmail.com http://capitalcityundergroundllc.com Estimate AMOUNT 1 7,000.00 $17,000.00 ESTIMATE '1057 ADORESS The Ewing Company 01-2017 1500 Eldorado St. Suite 4 Bdse, ldaho 83704 DATE 02/06/2018 ACTIVITY Bas€ Bid Meruian WWTP CCR#'I2 Back up estimate requested by Doug @ Ewing 400 ft ol 36" Alternate RS Line @ 942.50 per ft. This is tor installalion only. No pipe includod. Accepted By OTY 400 SATE 42.50 TOTAT Accepted Dale Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 162 of 400 ,,FERGUSON FEt lAU 452 NORTH LOCUST GROVE RD litERlOIAN, lD 83642-0000WATERWORKS liver To: nts: Matthew S. Sisson Phooe: 20E*5t2(X0 Far: 208€55-2869 17:01:2'1 JAN 31 2018 Page 1 of FERGUSON WATERWORXS #1701 Pnlce Quotation Phone: 20&85t2040 Fax:20&855-2869 Bid No: 8id Date: Quoted By: Customer: Cust PO#: 8186994 01t25t18 MSS Cust Phone: Terms: 20*377-1500 NET 1fiH PROX THE EWNG CO INC MERIDIAN WRRF HEADWORKS I5OO ELDORADO STE 4 BOTSE, tD 83704 Ship To:THE EWNG CO INC MERIDIAN WRRF HEAOWORKS 15OO ELDORADO STE 4 BOTSE, lD 83704 ltem Oescription Ouaotity Net Price Utrl Tolal NOTE: PRICING IS VruO UNTIL FEB 5TH AFTER THIS DATE PfuONG wlLL HAI./E TO BE UPDATED. LEAD TIME WLL BE DETERMINEO AT TIME OF OROER. AS OF TODAY LEAD TIIiG lS 22-24 VI/EEKS ARO. FERGUSO'{ NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DELAYS OR PRICE II.ICREASES OUT OF OUR :** " oPTroN 1 PEt17A3650 TW12SLO45G500 FSF 36X50 IPS DR17 HOPE PIPE 12GA Su) COP PE45 WRE GREE 5OO SPECIAL FA8 36' HDPE ,15 ELBow FRT crIARE FEE 29925.00 79.99 379't.67 FFREIGHT SP-36HDPEFITTING 1 250.000 EA 898.857 EA 250.m 1797.71 IBUPSDR ' 7368 FBSETZ36 36 HDPE FTTTING OESCRIPTION SELOW HOPE FLG AONPTER 38 SOR'|7 12s PSt Dt B{.l RNG 36 Zl.l FLG BLT SET 2 2 2 5333.35 EA 1988.0m EA 'r 0666.67 3976.00 SUBTOTAL 50487.M " oPTroN 2 PEr17A3550 TW12SLlr5Gs00 FSF lo0 500 2 1 175(n.m0 c 1s9.979 M 3791.665 EA 70000.@ 79.9S 75t8.33 FSF 36X50 IPS DR17 HOPE PIPE 12GA Su) COF PE{s WRE GREE 5OO SPECIAL FAB 36" '15 DEG ELEOW SPECIAL FAB 3750.000 EA 3750.00 JobName: MERIDIAN WRRF HEADwoRKs rso 19950.000 c500 159.979 M't 379t.670 EA Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 163 of 400 ,, FERGUSON Page ? c WATERWORKS FERGUSON WATERWORKS #1 701 Price Quotation Fax: 208-855-2869 17:01:21 JAN 31 20'tB Refersnce No: 81g6994 Item Ouantity Net P.lc€ UM Tolal FFREIGHT SP-3OTIDPEFITTING r8nrPsDRl7368 FBSETZ36 36',22.5 ELBOW FRT CHARGE FEE 675.650 EA 898.8t EA 5333.33s EA 1988.0m EA 1 2 2 2 675.6s 1757.71 PEtt7A3650 Twl25LO45G5OO FSF IBUPSORl736B FBSETZ36 FSF FFREIGHT SPJ6HDPEFITTING 't6500.000 c't59.979 M 6e11.667 EA 115500.00 '159.98 1S925.00 3788.880 EA 750.550 EA 898.Eti7 EA36 HOPE FTTTNG DESCRIPTION BELOU/ FLANGE ADAPTER 36 SOR17 125 PSI OI BU RNG36 ZN FLG BLT SET A3O7 BLUE BOTTS w,/ GASKET 11366.64 750.55 3535.43 21333.34 s940.00 36 HDPE FITTING DESCRIPTION BELOW FTANGE ADAPTER 38 SDR17 125 PSI DI BU RNG36 ZN FLG BLT SET SUBTOTAL - oPION 3 36X50 IPS DRIT HOPE PIPE 12GA SLO COP PE45 w|RE GREE 5OO SPECIAL FA8 36 90 DEG ELBOW SPECIAL FAB 35 4s ELBOW FRT CHARGE FEE 10666.67 3976.00 98529.35 5333_335 EA 198a.000 EA 1375.000 EA 2p6.417 EA 2750.00 2006.42 1988.000 EA 1750.000 EA 1750.000 EA 5964.00 7000.00 3500.00 FLOW METER PIPING: FLOW METER BY OTHERS SPECIAL FAB lEA 201€'6 FLG X MRNESS SPOOL W SEEP RING EPOXY UNED/COATEO 1 38150.000 EA 38150.00 2EA 36X24 FLGXFLG CON REO. EPOXY 20 X J3 HARNESS X PE SPOOL WSEEP R'NG EPOXY LINED A COATED 24 X 20- FLG X HARNESS ENO FAB REOUCER EPOXY LINED & COAIED R40021 m04071 0 RFC{002 r 600420D000 2 1 3 4 2 't 15558.330 EA 15558.3l:}FSF 257499.69 I).sc,iption F8SETZ36 FasETZ24 FBSETM 1EA 24X20 FLG X HARNESS ENO FAA REDUCER EPOXY LINED/COATEO : 'cvR. 4m-21.60..t/4 X 7 mUP EPOXY 'cvR' Fc,ro0-21.60 - 1,/4x10 20 cLS D 36 ZN RG BLT SET 24 ZN FLG BLT SET 20 FLG NAB SET 1 .1AX5 36' STEEL 90 OUT OF HEAI)WORI(S BI-DG SPECIAL FAA 36- FLGXFLG FAA 5 PIECE MITER 9 EPOXY UNEO & COATEO SUBTOTAL 7n 1000 3 I 4 4 5 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 164 of 400 7.10S. lAfll S'f WrslEugnl \tA 9*rt?t pt|orE l60.trj.: l!9 Fl\ r6o.xi5.l5iE.iINlClAN A EQUIPI{ENT RATESTo malntrtn hlgh gtandard3 o, que liry cootror, Fargu3.n lrdustrral prastic! provrds! a factorT trarn6d tochnician wrth trade FER(3USOru It td t rs i ;'ittl P I rts t i t.s D ! ct i s i t-t it a lA/Ol.sELE) :cmFany FERGUSON CODE .FLCST60 .Pt,60 .FLCOT60 RA'E 565 00fr S75 00ht S97 50hr apcclfc took tnd lngul.rlca. A TedYlban - Sbaiilu timc Trcfrn-iat - Prwrltotg ryage TeclEicjao - Overlims.. (indu&E r! Otue Umer)S Odly prr diom (M€Js) C. Mbalc Oo & Fro,n ilosne)€. Ho(dntotct F. Ai, Fa.€ G. Ca. rsflbl 330 oodey 51.6(Ymile TBO IBO 7BD"'T5O Rentd Reauire.t ,or polr,cr Fusion 618 +4 -) € verage nuftber per 2.- 6., B 3 par hou, 8" - 18.'.2 pGr hou. ..F.r.p. rh.drrd ho..E.rr 81oo.E ro r:ropn. o*,rl'!t. ti iiHi;:fi:::;.,r*..*t!A'i.l.r'qrhcit'rts *G rrG .rtporr60ay of rt. .urro,,,rr. crrro'.i rr ..ip.r"itr. ,., n. pkk-op rnd r.rum o,h. GqulpmGot. Atl fEEhr ctrr!6..lrt.{ ro rlG *ipptng tr rlc tcrpoortbt;;;a,;;.*,"..., ,",r *It b. rddld.to t[! hvokr.-Slrrdlrd lrt lrlll.rdy to io saoplr.t.s h.!.ood tt...ntil oln rg*on l!d. pbjti.rcoitr.caor ao fEi!&b cqritr!.oa ,rd pcrrolr.l for.rrtir.o..i .ort,g .iJir"iri"r plp..Prr Dlcm ao b. prld for t..hnkbo c! r:ct..dr br dr".tlor of JrroJairccOt rvJcaas rfct'cfnl'irn orrr ro falurD to lr'zrtoulrl Tcchnichrr h8 0prion ro r.rurn a..ry ort cr wccr.nd .r a{llorart .rp.or..REMAL FEES WLL NOI APPLY TOIVARDS PURCI{AiEr.R€}I'3ECNS UHilIACIIIXET-rE$FIP{IIBEXDSTHEI'{A€HINEI!}RETURX€I'IOfJ9!:. MONTHLY LIST1E- MC00?Lc SIzE BANGE r7-2',I DAILY LIST 60 00 00 WEEKLY LISi 250 00 EQUIPMENI LC Fusbn Fuslon FERGUSON c@E 2'- 8' tPS 2'-6'rPS l' - .a' tPs 2' - 6' tPS MC001.l 330.m 465.m 6m-m 600.m .00 1 100 2 i2E Fusion Machlnd. 80 00 120 m 165 m20000 I 4'-1? rPS 1'-1 I IPS .MC0412 .ttc412r 1.00.m 12S.(r 4 r 12 300 006'- ,,8'tPS Llcc618 375.00 rEm-006--rrlPs 1,600 008T 450 00 400 m 675 00 _ 825.m 500 Fusion 7 3 m 900 00 f,IUbJIJ .MC9(}0T12'- 36' IPS 975.(n m m 000 ll l'r 1 ,1236 _ lE:,tE IPS llC 16.16 11.200.m 1.500.m ,MCSFXDK 165 @ 60.mtaroe Oiameter Sde!,vi.xret';6". t8r' Elurion Gurr' 800 00 11OEF 251 1 1 1 x-2 'ta^-26. 1r?"-26. EiEE atil 00 00 ,00KW Generator Gereralor Generator NA N'A N'A N'A MAl OOKVA MA50@ DL 40.00 r00.@ 100 oo 1 .@ 50 00 00 00 400 1 325.00 1 1 -r;E-iIEru- FTECHPEROIEII FSEIIR HUF .IAFFEE RCFFEE I i : I Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 165 of 400 -tswtuo W,contracro^ Meridian WRRF Headworks Expantion CCRr12 Exte.d Alternate RS Pip€ Line Option f2 M.chou6 & M.t rl.l 911.,529.1s 159.s17,179 40 sl3t,7o8.7s s17,000.00 s850.00 517,E50.@ qty CCi 9.ap the L5 ss0.00 sn00.00 400.00 1 Ls t6 s50.00 9800.00 I L5 140 s35.00 s4,900 0O s 4,900.00.on3um.bl.r and toolt L5 s500 00 77eupply p!p.ind rittlngt 1 L5 59E,529.35r.nt T9@ furion d..hin.1 ts 93,900.00Irctlht lor TrO0 dclivcr ind rcrm s3,600.00 s400 s 400-00 t5 s1,5m.00 Con!,.ct Trm. E(?ntion -t 0 100.00 35 00sr7 PAGE TOIALS II II II II I I -- 2%s2,99r.18 s152 91 S 8m-oo $98.529.35 E F I 1 1 F -H I E ---___l J1 I t-lsE l I $l7,mo.oo I -L15 t I F tit- r-sl _Ti-_- _-+T__--_- t ---T_----- -r----- I Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 166 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6M Project/File Number: Item Title: AP Invoices for Payment 5/23/18 - $3,922,845.33 Meeting Notes M" APPROVED City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Amie Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund ACTION FORKLIFT SERVICE Lanark Parks Shop forklift repair 1,034.13 01 General Fund ADA COUNTY WEED & PEST CONTROL gopher control at Gordon Harris Park on 4/17/18 34.50 01 General Fund ADA COUNTY WEED & PEST CONTROL gopher control at Gordon Harris Park on 4/25/18 30.88 01 General Fund ADA COUNTY WEED & PEST CONTROL gopher control at Tully Park on 4/25/18 56.75 01 General Fund ADA COUNTY WEED & PEST CONTROL gopher control on pathway from Pine to Badley (H2) 4/25/1 30.88 01 General Fund ALICE HENKE instructor fee - Zumba Gold 4/3-4/24/18 - qty 1 12.80 01 General Fund AMY MERRILL instructor fee-ballet, HipHop, lyrical jazz 4/3-4/26/18 x 34 1,006.40 01 General Fund ASSOC OF IDAHO CITIES 2018 AIC Conference registration in Boise 6/20/18 S Siddoway 175.00 01 General Fund BACK 2 BLACK SEALCOATING & STRIPING, INC. Repair cracks in City Hall parking lots 8,204.80 01 General Fund BIG T RECREATION chipmunk spring rocker & Pony Spring Toy Parts - qty 2 1,870.25 01 General Fund BOISE FITNESS EQUIPMENT 220/equip mtnc, repair elliptical, St. 3 83.90 01 General Fund BOISE SOFTBALL UMPIRES ASSOC.18-0321 softball umpire officials 5/7-5/11/18 - qty 44 games 1,224.96 01 General Fund BOISE SOFTBALL UMPIRES ASSOC.18-0321 softball umpire services 4/16-4/20/18 - qty 52 games 1,447.68 01 General Fund BOISE SOFTBALL UMPIRES ASSOC.18-0321 softball umpire services 4/23-4/27/18 qty 51.5 games 1,433.76 01 General Fund BOISE SOFTBALL UMPIRES ASSOC.18-0321 softball umpire services 4/30-5/4/18 - qty 51 games 1,419.84 01 General Fund BRICON, INC concrete sidewalk repairs at Settlers park 650.00 01 General Fund BRICON, INC curb & asphalt repairs at Champion Park 1,832.00 01 General Fund BRICON, INC install ADA ramp to playground at Champion Park 360.00 01 General Fund BRICON, INC install new sidewalk next to Settlers restroom/concessions 2,739.00 01 General Fund BRICON, INC install sidewalk at parking lot-Meridian Rd side of Settlers 1,380.50 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Accessory Battery for Unit # 133 161.96 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Battery for Unit # 167 207.38 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Credit for Oil Change on Unit #164, See Orig Inv# MER0003932 (58.30) 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC credit on oil change & air filter truck 17 - license C17289 (84.75) 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC LOF, ATF Service, Differential Fluid Service & Tires 854.07 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC New tires for Facilities Van C19521 566.50 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC oil change & air filter for fleet truck 17 - license C17289 77.78 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Oil Change & Flat Repair for Unit# 164 57.20 Date: 5/17/18 11:13:46 AM Page: 1Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 168 of 400 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Amie Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Oil Change for Unit # 11 55.00 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Oil Change for Unit # 121 55.00 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Oil Change for Unit # 46 50.00 01 General Fund BRUNEEL TIRE OF MERIDIAN LLC Oil Change for Unit# 31 60.00 01 General Fund BUSY BEE SAND & GRAVEL, INC.drain rock for Settlers Park - qty 4.37 cu yds 54.63 01 General Fund Campbell Tractor Co.credit on rollers for John Deere 8800 mower - qty 4 (114.00) 01 General Fund Campbell Tractor Co.Settlers John Deere 1600 #2 mower spindle & cap screw x 15 249.30 01 General Fund CDW GOVERNMENT BTO HP 840 G4 I7-7500U 512/8 W10p 1,175.00 01 General Fund CDW GOVERNMENT HP Ultraslim Docking Station G2 115.00 01 General Fund CHAD SOMBKE, PH.D, P.C.Pre Employment Testing 5/7/18 - Qty 1 400.00 01 General Fund CHAD SOMBKE, PH.D, P.C.Pre Employment Testing, 4/30/18 - Qty 1 400.00 01 General Fund CHAD SOMBKE, PH.D, P.C.Pre Employment Testing, 5/3/18 - Qty 1 400.00 01 General Fund CHAD SOMBKE, PH.D, P.C.Pre-Employment Evaluation for M. Enderlin 400.00 01 General Fund CIVIL SURVEY CONSULTANTS 18-0301 Professional Services During the Period of 4/1/18 th 6,683.05 01 General Fund CLOVERDALE NURSERY rock for Settlers Park island beds - qty 39 yds 2,090.40 01 General Fund CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY,bolts & washers for Heroes bollard install - qty 64 31.04 01 General Fund CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY,hand edger for ADA repairs - qty 1 8.50 01 General Fund CUSTOM GLASS, INC.Repair doors at City Hall 227.50 01 General Fund DEBEST PLUMBING, INC Repaired toilet in ADA bathroom Old City Hall 305.37 01 General Fund DISCOVERY BENEFITS 18-0157, COBRA/FSA Fees April 2018 - Qty 605 1,151.25 01 General Fund DISCOVERY BENEFITS Flex Deductions - May 2018 21,126.23 01 General Fund DYNA SYSTEMS cut-off wheels for Lanark Parks Shop - qty 25 190.02 01 General Fund FAMILY TANG SOO DO instructor fee - Martial Arts 4/6-4/27/18 - qty 4 128.00 01 General Fund FAMILY TANG SOO DO instructor fee - Martial Arts 4/6-5/1/18 - qty 19 572.00 01 General Fund FASTENAL COMPANY 220/Hardware for training, qty 25 pieces 2.72 01 General Fund FOUNTAIN PEOPLE, INC Settlers splash pad buttons - qty 8 4,987.00 01 General Fund FRANKLIN BUILDING SUPPLY 220/3 pieces of sheeting material for training 459.00 01 General Fund GIESLER AUTO REPAIR Replaced Serpentine Belt & Idler Pulley on Truck 7 187.12 01 General Fund GYM OUTFITTERS Maintenance for Gym Equipment 80.00 01 General Fund HIGHLAND GOLF parts for Settlers Park golf cart repairs - qty 7 286.93 01 General Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING A. Rudan, Case# 340303, Child Support May 2018 481.00 01 General Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING B. Caldwell, Case# 251042, Child Support May 2018 245.00 01 General Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING B. Day, Case# 175578, Child Support May 2018 325.00 01 General Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING G. Stark, Case# 352890, Child Support May 2018 653.19 01 General Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING J. Overton, Case# 416457, Child Support May 2018 328.57 01 General Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING M. Gould, Case# 321962, Child Support May 2018 821.71 01 General Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING M. Payne, Case# 311213, Child Support May 2018 317.00 01 General Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING T. Bryner, Case# 262519, Child Support May 2018 1,174.00 Date: 5/17/18 11:13:46 AM Page: 2Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 169 of 400 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Amie Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund IDAHO POWER 2203586629, Street Lights Power - April 2018 28,960.87 01 General Fund IDAHO PRESS-TRIBUNE Legal Notice for Ord 17-1772 on Oaks West Sub, 5/4/18 163.79 01 General Fund IDAHO PRESS-TRIBUNE Legal Notice for Ord 18-1771 on Onwiler Sub, 5/4/18 162.07 01 General Fund IDAHO PRESS-TRIBUNE Legal Notice for Ord 18-1773 on Unified Dev Code Amendment 91.30 01 General Fund IDAHO PRESS-TRIBUNE Legal Notice for PH 5/15/18 on New Cert of Zoning Compl Fee 36.26 01 General Fund IDAHO PRESS-TRIBUNE Legal Notice of Invitation to Bid on Monument Sign 67.62 01 General Fund IDAHO PRESS-TRIBUNE Summary of Action on Reso 18-2073 Intent to Convey Real Prop 41.44 01 General Fund IDAHO STATE POLICE Fingerprinting for Background Checks, Qty 18 - April 2018 666.00 01 General Fund INTERMOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS Portable Radio Repair, Ser# 205CGP1118 470.00 01 General Fund INTERMOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS Portable Radio Repair, Ser# 205CGT3531 470.00 01 General Fund INTERMOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS Portable Radio Repair, Ser# 205CHM3916 470.00 01 General Fund JAYKER WHOLESALE NURSERY discount credit reference invoice 0000149422 (132.22) 01 General Fund JAYKER WHOLESALE NURSERY discount credit reference invoices 149921, 150077, 148746 (256.81) 01 General Fund JAYKER WHOLESALE NURSERY trees for Settlers Park - qty 5 740.75 01 General Fund JOHN S OVERTON Expense Report, J. Overton, NFA Course - Fire Inspector Prin 142.00 01 General Fund JOHNSTONE SUPPLY Belts for Twice Yearly HVAC Serv @ PD Admin/K9 bldgs - qty26 244.89 01 General Fund JON SALISBURY Per Diem, J. Salisbury, Long Range Recon & Surveillance Cour 76.50 01 General Fund KAREN WOODDELL Expense Report, K. Wooddell, GFOA Annual Conference, St Loui 34.54 01 General Fund KENDALL SUPERSTORE Replaced Accessory Battery for Engine Light Unit# 16 207.32 01 General Fund KEVIN KINNAMAN Per Diem, K. Kinnaman, Long Range Recon & Surveillance Cours 76.50 01 General Fund LAURIE MCELROY instructor fee - Yoga 4/22/18 - qty 12 96.00 01 General Fund LAWN CO MAINTENANCE 18-0289 price code 1/landscape maint contract May 2018 16,496.80 01 General Fund LEGACY FEED & FUEL 220/replacement saw bar and sprocket, equip mtnc - qty 2 78.69 01 General Fund LEXIS NEXIS On-line Legal Research April, 2018 118.00 01 General Fund LITHIA FORD LINCOLN OF BOISE LOF, Rear Toe Link Recall, Oil Leak Rear Main 41.70 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC Pre-Pay City#4, #0554, Low Balance as of 5/15/18 2,500.00 01 General Fund MASTERCARD MC Pre-Pay PD#3, #0620, Low Balance as of 5/14/18 2,500.00 Date: 5/17/18 11:13:46 AM Page: 3Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 170 of 400 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Amie Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund MERIDIAN PLUMBING CO, INC.unclog men's restroom toilet at Tully Park 99.00 01 General Fund MERIDIAN VETERINARY CLINIC Vet Care for K9 Randy 256.42 01 General Fund MISTER CAR WASH Patrol Vehicle Washes for April 2018 150.00 01 General Fund MODERN PRINTERS 2018 Unplug & Be Outside folders and schedule - qty 200 133.00 01 General Fund MOORE & ELIA, LLP 18-0377, Legal Services for Courthouse Matter - 3/1/18-3/19/ 1,440.00 01 General Fund MOTIONS DANCE STUDIO InstructorFee-CheerBalletTapJazzTumbleCapoeiraCamp 4/2-27/18 2,127.20 01 General Fund MUSIC CENTER STUDIOS instructor fee - Drumline 4/6-4/27/18 - qty 2 80.00 01 General Fund NAGE Union Dues Local R-14-687, May 2018 28.00 01 General Fund NORCO cylinder rental for welding gas, qty 4 - April 2018 40.80 01 General Fund NORCO sniffer confined space monitor replacement 2,996.34 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Credit for B Duff chair - price matching (73.37) 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Gel Pens - Qty 1 Dozen 8.09 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Highlighters - Qty 1 Set 3.86 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.LaserJet, M402n 163.42 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Log Book,Paper,Batteries,Paper Clips,Pens,Leg Pads,Post-Its 128.29 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Office Chair for B. Duff & 1 Case Copy paper 299.02 01 General Fund OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Scissors & Badge Clips for IT - Qty 3 11.45 01 General Fund OFFICE TEAM 18-0318, Temp Labor, J. Hale, W/E 4/27/18, 36.5 Hrs 674.89 01 General Fund OFFICE TEAM Temp Labor, K. McFadden, W/E 4/27/18, 7 Hrs - Admin Asst 147.00 01 General Fund OFFICE TEAM Temp Labor, R. Hibbard, W/E 4/17/18, 40 Hrs, Permit Tech 994.40 01 General Fund PAIGE MECHANICAL GROUP, INC.Boiler #1 repair, ignition rod and flame sensor replaced 859.00 01 General Fund PAVEMENT SPECIALTIES OF IDAHO, INC paint & restripe Heroes parking lot 1,895.00 01 General Fund PERSONNEL SYSTEMS & SERVICES INC Consulting fee for PD Compensation Study 4,500.00 01 General Fund PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY data jacks & cover plate for MPR Dept at City Hall x 3 7.69 01 General Fund PORTAPROS, LLC portable toilets for Heritage ball fields 4/6/18 498.00 01 General Fund PORTAPROS, LLC portable toilets for Heritage ball fields 5/4/18 498.00 01 General Fund PORTAPROS, LLC portable toilets for Jabil fields 4/9/18 498.00 01 General Fund PROBUILD concrete for Storey Bark Park ADA repairs - qty 42 bags 203.58 01 General Fund RANDY S LATTIMER instructor fee - Line Dancing 4/1-4/29/18 - qty 16 320.00 01 General Fund RICOH USA, INC C86173707 3/29-4/28/18 addt'l pgs BW=3646 color=4729 266.35 01 General Fund RICOH USA, INC C86173707, Addt'l Copies 2/28-3/28/18, BW=4603,Color=7151 395.29 Date: 5/17/18 11:13:46 AM Page: 4Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 171 of 400 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Amie Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund ROBERT SIMISON Expense Report, R. Simison, Boise Metro Chamber Leadership C 58.32 01 General Fund ROBERTSON SUPPLY, INC.plumbing repair parts for Kleiner - qty 22 655.39 01 General Fund RUSSELL BRANDS LLC Credit on Softballs - Qty 72 (278.64) 01 General Fund RUSSELL BRANDS LLC Softballs - Qty 72 278.64 01 General Fund RUSSELL BRANDS LLC Softballs - Qty 936 2,869.92 01 General Fund S & S WORLDWIDE, INC.miscellaneous summer day camp supplies - qty 98 1,933.98 01 General Fund SBI CONTRACTING hand dryer for Gordon Harris ADA upgrade - qty 1 305.00 01 General Fund SBI CONTRACTING hand dryers for ADA compliance at Gordon Harris Park - qty 2 872.00 01 General Fund SHANNON LIND instructor fee - Gentle Movement Stretch 4/4-4/25/18 - qty 5 112.00 01 General Fund SHRED-IT USA, LLC.Document Shredding - April 2018 75.53 01 General Fund SHRED-IT USA, LLC.Document Shredding for MUBS, Finance, Clerks - April 2018 122.10 01 General Fund SILVER CREEK SUPPLY irrigation riser extensions & drip parts for Heroes Park; 64 157.36 01 General Fund SIMPLEX GRINNELL 18-0033, Alarm Monitoring - May 2018 466.74 01 General Fund SIMPLEX GRINNELL 18-0034, Annual Portable Extinguishers Testing/Inspection 54.45 01 General Fund SIMPLEX GRINNELL 18-0034, credit for alarm monitoring, see orig inv# 84420908 (180.00) 01 General Fund SOUTHEASTERN SECURITY CONSULTANTS, INC. background checks for volunteers & concessionaires x 13 240.50 01 General Fund SOUTHERN IDAHO ELECTRIC light contactor repairs at Lanark Parks Shop 55.00 01 General Fund SOUTHERN IDAHO ELECTRIC pump wire repairs at Generations Plaza 151.20 01 General Fund STAR FIRE DISTRICT MAINTENANCE DIVISION 220/BR35, repair emissions system fault 170.00 01 General Fund STAR FIRE DISTRICT MAINTENANCE DIVISION 220/BR35, repair foam tank leak 722.50 01 General Fund STATE OF IDAHO DEPT OF INSURANCE 2018 Fire Code Official Re-certification for 27 Employees 135.00 01 General Fund SUMMERWIND SKIPPERS INC jump ropes for 2018 Unplug & Be Outside event - qty 105 525.00 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON ball field chalkers - qty 2 199.74 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON Bike Helmets, Lysol Wipes, Bike Lock, Sit/Stand Desk -Qty 11 312.59 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON metal storage form holder/organizer - qty 1 29.26 01 General Fund SYNCB/AMAZON office cart - qty 1 13.79 01 General Fund SYRINGA NETWORKS, LLC 18-0041 Dark Fiber (4 Strands) Lease - May 2018 1,150.00 Date: 5/17/18 11:13:46 AM Page: 5Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 172 of 400 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Amie Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 01 General Fund SYRINGA NETWORKS, LLC Internet B/W (100mb)790.00 01 General Fund TATES RENTS (GENERAL OFFICE)propane for forklift 23.02 01 General Fund TATES RENTS (GENERAL OFFICE)sod cutter rental - Settlers Park parking lot island 5/7/18 130.00 01 General Fund TATES RENTS (GENERAL OFFICE)sod cutter rental for Bear Creek Park 5/1/18 66.84 01 General Fund TATES RENTS (GENERAL OFFICE)sod cutter rental for sidewalk install at Tully-ADA repairs 47.00 01 General Fund TATES RENTS (GENERAL OFFICE)weed back pack sprayers - qty 2 239.90 01 General Fund TENZINGA Tenzinga Performance Mgmt Annual License Fee - May 2018 480.00 01 General Fund THE LAND GROUP, INC.professional services for park site maps - April 2018 1,795.00 01 General Fund THE UPS STORE postage to mail irrigation cards to TRC Irrigation Remotes 11.16 01 General Fund TODD LAVOIE Expense Report, T. Lavoie, GFOA Conf, St Louis MO, 5/5/18-5/ 25.59 01 General Fund TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE DATA SOLUTIONS TLOxp Charges & Credits - April 2018 197.69 01 General Fund TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Cream, Cups - Qty 17 & Cooler Rental 283.72 01 General Fund TREG BERNT Expense Report, T. Bernt, Boise Metro Chamber Leadership Con 58.32 01 General Fund TROPHY HOUSE PROS 220/2 Retirement Plaques, S. Kiesig & J. Murray 168.00 01 General Fund TURF EQUIPMENT & IRRIGATION Toro 5040 groomer hydraulic filters - qty 3 43.03 01 General Fund UNITED WAY OF TREASURE VALLEY #17426 May 2018 Donations 431.18 01 General Fund USSSOA 18-0347 volleyball officiating 4/23-4/27/18 - qty 42 games 916.55 01 General Fund USSSOA 18-0347 volleyball officiating 4/30-5/11/18 - qty 85 games 1,854.92 01 General Fund VERIZON FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC. BELLEVUE 742047228-00001 Parks HPN Modems FY18, 4/2/18-5/1/18 162.28 01 General Fund VLCM RMVD Misc Items x12 Extension & Mailbox License, Prorated Pa 1,953.74 01 General Fund WIENHOFF & ASSOCIATES, INC 18-0196 Pre-Employ & Random Drug/Alcohol Testing -April 2018 600.00 01 General Fund WSCFF EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST May 2018 MERP Contributions 3,850.00 01 General Fund WW GRAINGER, INC 220/batteries for equip & saw blades - qty 4 117.34 01 General Fund WW GRAINGER, INC 220/garden hose - qty 1 36.53 Total 01 General Fund 172,673.31 Date: 5/17/18 11:13:46 AM Page: 6Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 173 of 400 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Amie Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 07 Impact Fund CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY,bolts & washers for bollard install at Reta Huskey Park x 16 5.76 07 Impact Fund DEBEST PLUMBING, INC 18-0242, Plumbing @ S Mer Reg Park - Serv to 4/30/18 8,835.50 07 Impact Fund FASTENAL COMPANY cement anchors for Hillsdale Park amenities - qty 280 146.59 07 Impact Fund FRANZ WITTE LANDSCAPE 18-0233, Landscaping @ S Mer Reg Park - Serv to 4/30/18 37,050.00 07 Impact Fund JAYKER WHOLESALE NURSERY discount credit reference 135066 (653.55) 07 Impact Fund JAYKER WHOLESALE NURSERY trees for Hillsdale Park - qty 5 1,157.30 07 Impact Fund KNIFE RIVER 18-0232, Site Work @ S Mer Reg Park - Serv to 4/25/18 235,257.62 07 Impact Fund OUTLAND STEEL, INC 18-0235, Steel Fab & Erect @ S Mer Reg Park- Serv to 3/31/18 11,400.00 07 Impact Fund POWER PLUS, INC.18-0243. Electrical for S Meridian Reg Park -Serv to 4/30/18 12,350.00 07 Impact Fund SPF WATER ENGINEERING, LLC 15-0468 prof services for Borup park well & pump - 04/2018 794.00 07 Impact Fund THE LAND GROUP, INC.16-0355, A & E Design Serv for S Mer Reg Park - April 2018 9,204.50 07 Impact Fund THE RUSSELL CORPORATION 17-0234, CM Service for Hillsdale Park - 2/1/18-4/30/18 51,040.73 Total 07 Impact Fund 366,588.45 20 Grant Fund governmental MERIDIAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 17-0381, CDBG Grant - Meridian Development Corp Sidewalk Des 635.03 20 Grant Fund governmental MERIDIAN FOOD BANK 18-0264, CDBG Grant - Meridian Food Bank, 3/2/18-4/30/18 9,101.28 Total 20 Grant Fund governmental 9,736.31 60 Enterprise Fund AIR FILTER SUPERSTORE WHOLESALE LLC Standard Air Filters Water Admn Bldg Qty 12 53.88 60 Enterprise Fund ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES INC.18-0366 Water Sampling Qty 105 1,596.00 60 Enterprise Fund ASSOC OF IDAHO CITIES Registration, A. Freitag & W. Stewart, 2018 AIC Conf, Boise 590.00 60 Enterprise Fund ASSOC OF IDAHO CITIES Registration, D. Bolthouse, 2018 AIC Annual Conf, Boise ID, 295.00 60 Enterprise Fund ASSOC OF IDAHO CITIES Registration, D. Miles, 2018 AIC Annual Conf, Boise ID, 6/20 295.00 Date: 5/17/18 11:13:46 AM Page: 7Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 174 of 400 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Amie Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 60 Enterprise Fund BOE - Boise Office Equipment Yellow Toner for LJ4700 13K Non Contract Printer Qty 1 120.94 60 Enterprise Fund BOISE RIGGING SUPPLY Full Brim Safety Hard Hat Qty 3 95.94 60 Enterprise Fund CIVIL SURVEY CONSULTANTS 17-0366, service 4/1-4/30/18, Pine sewer and water main 1,084.00 60 Enterprise Fund CIVIL SURVEY CONSULTANTS 18-0130,ACHD Linder RD,Consult services 4/1-4/30/18 2,303.00 60 Enterprise Fund CIVIL SURVEY CONSULTANTS 18-0167, service 4/1-4/30/18, Water Main Chateau/11th 4,013.00 60 Enterprise Fund CIVIL SURVEY CONSULTANTS 18-0312,Tertiary Filter Building,Service 4/1-4/30/18 3,056.00 60 Enterprise Fund CIVIL SURVEY CONSULTANTS 18-0334, service 4/1-4/30/18, Victory water main 6,098.00 60 Enterprise Fund CLYDE & NICOLE KENDALL Refund, 4520111303, Wat/Sew/Trash, 1359 E Ionia St, Title Co 50.91 60 Enterprise Fund CONDOC WRRF Headworks,Services as of 4/30/18 49.99 60 Enterprise Fund CUES Plugs, Cables,y eliminator, pigtail, strain relief-qty 34 7,698.01 60 Enterprise Fund CUES Return tow cable, strain relief, pigtail, y eliminator-qty12 (3,107.82) 60 Enterprise Fund DAVID & DANA POTTER Refund, 3074315806, Wat/Sew/Trash, 1082 W Egret Dr, Title Co 74.17 60 Enterprise Fund DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS Install of Senus Unit Module, Radio & Antennas to New C14312 2,297.04 60 Enterprise Fund DIGLINE, INC.Digline Monthly Tickets Qty 964 1,725.56 60 Enterprise Fund DISCOVERY BENEFITS Flex Deductions - May 2018 5,826.06 60 Enterprise Fund EWING CO., INC.17-0387,WRRF Headworks Upgrades,Const 4/1-4/30/18 334,008.00 60 Enterprise Fund EWING CO., INC.18-0205, service to 4/30/18, Tertiary Filter Building 5,557.50 60 Enterprise Fund FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC.Unistrut Channel Nut Qty 1 0.85 60 Enterprise Fund GLEASON HOLDINGS Refund, 0823031102, Wat/Sew/Trash, 4236 N Heritage View, Tit 171.28 60 Enterprise Fund HAZEL ASPHALT, LLC Asphalt Patch @ 239 W Cherry Repair 750.00 60 Enterprise Fund HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES Drawstring Bags Qty 2 25.94 60 Enterprise Fund HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES Pipe, Deck Brush, Deck Scruber, Adpter, Caulk, Screen-Qty 57 235.62 60 Enterprise Fund HONSINGER LAW 18-0303, service 2/20-4/30/18, water rights 2,290.00 60 Enterprise Fund HYDRO INTERNATIONAL 18-0211,WRRF Headworks,Control Panel,Received 5/4/18 83,285.46 60 Enterprise Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING B. Arte, Case# 352719, Child Support May 2018 420.00 60 Enterprise Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING B. Kerr, Case# 344238, Child Support May 2018 405.00 60 Enterprise Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING M. Edwards, Case# 354376, Child Support May 2018 221.64 60 Enterprise Fund IDAHO CHILD SUPPORT RECEIPTING N. Howell, Case# 326566, Child Support May 2018 299.00 Date: 5/17/18 11:13:46 AM Page: 8Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 175 of 400 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Amie Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount 60 Enterprise Fund IRMINGER CONSTRUCTION 17-0326, 18-0357, service to 4/30/18, Boise river fallout 67,999.05 60 Enterprise Fund JC CONSTRUCTORS INC 18-0066, service to 4/30/18, WRRF Capacity Expansion 2,115,956.61 60 Enterprise Fund KNIFE RIVER 18-0146, service to 5/1/18, Black Cat Trunk Sewer Ph 5 664,263.75 60 Enterprise Fund KTURBO USA, INC.18-0274 Compressor motor assembly to repair blower 1 21,589.00 60 Enterprise Fund LAWN CO MAINTENANCE 18-0290,18-0368,price code 2/landscape maint contract - 5/18 2,164.60 60 Enterprise Fund LAYNE of IDAHO, INC.Rebuild of 3Stage Water Lube Pump @ Well 21 12,700.00 60 Enterprise Fund LAYNE of IDAHO, INC.Well 15, Pull & Reinstall 2nd Pump, as of 4/10/18 2,315.30 60 Enterprise Fund LUCAS DAVIS Reimb, L. Davis, IBOL Cert Exam for Water Treatment Class I 117.00 60 Enterprise Fund MATHEW & DENVER BARFUSS Refund, 1010251604, Wat/Sew/Trash, 2122 W Windchime Dr, Titl 122.46 60 Enterprise Fund MOUNTAIN WATERWORKS, INC 17-0218,WRRF Boise River Outfall Upgrades,services 4/28/18 4,192.00 60 Enterprise Fund MOUNTAIN WATERWORKS, INC 18-0116, service to 4/28/18, Well 28 Water Treatment 9,241.00 60 Enterprise Fund MOUNTAIN WATERWORKS, INC 18-0169,WRRF Centrate Mods,Service through 4/28/18 987.50 60 Enterprise Fund PACIFIC BACKFLOW 18-0051 Backflow Device Testing Services Qty 19 - April 2018 437.00 60 Enterprise Fund ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROLL Rental of Canopy, wash station, PA system, popcorn mach, 1,204.95 60 Enterprise Fund SHRED-IT USA, LLC.Document Shredding for MUBS, Finance, Clerks - April 2018 63.03 60 Enterprise Fund SIMPLEX GRINNELL 18-0033, Alarm Monitoring - May 2018 105.95 60 Enterprise Fund SIMPLEX GRINNELL 18-0034, Annual Fire Alarm & Sprinkler Test/Inspection 464.07 60 Enterprise Fund SIMPLEX GRINNELL 18-0034, credit for alarm monitoring, see orig inv# 84420908 (45.00) 60 Enterprise Fund SULLIVAN REBERGER 17-0409, April lobbying fees 4,000.00 60 Enterprise Fund THE BRYAN YAGER GROUP, LLC Leadership Development Training, 15 Employees, Meridian,4/30 1,917.50 60 Enterprise Fund TPD PROPERTY MGMT Refund, 0448061103, Wat/Sew/Trash, 469 W Ramsbrook St, Both 71.77 60 Enterprise Fund ULINE, INC.Pneumatic Caster Wheels Cart Qty 2 93.27 60 Enterprise Fund UNITED WAY OF TREASURE VALLEY #17426 May 2018 Donations 77.00 60 Enterprise Fund UTILITY TRAILER SALES OF BOISE / UTILITY TRUCK EQUIPMENT Tool Box Light Switch Truck Vin# C34230, Lic# C19969 Qty 1 39.83 60 Enterprise Fund WATERTECH Corrosion inhibitor for stock (463 lbs)1,833.74 60 Enterprise Fund XUEYUAN ZHOU Refund, 1820011802, Wat/Sew/Trash, 2771 N Centrepoint Way, T 50.91 Date: 5/17/18 11:13:46 AM Page: 9Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 176 of 400 City Of Meridian Invoices Selected for Payment - Invoices for Payment - Amie Code Fund Fund Title Vendor Name Invoice/Credit Description Invoice Amount Total 60 Enterprise Fund 3,373,847.26 Report Total 3,922,845.33 Date: 5/17/18 11:13:46 AM Page: 10Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 177 of 400 City Council Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 6N Project/File Number: Amended onto Agenda — Agreement for Extension Item Title: Agreement for Extension of Domestic Water and Sewer Service 750 W. Ustick Road Meetinq Notes ADA COUNTY RECORDER Christopher D. Rich 2018-047087 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=9 BONNIE OBERBILLIG 05/23/2018 10:25 AM CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO NO FEE AGREEMENT FOR EXTENSION OF DOMESTIC WATER AND SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE MERIDIAN CITY LIMITS: 750. Ustick Rd Meridian, ID 83642 This AGREEMENT FOR EXTENSION OF DOMESTIC WATER AND SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE MERIDIAN CITY LIMITS is made this 21day of /i -q � f , 2018, by and between the City of Meridian, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho, whose address is 33 East Broadway Avenue, Meridian, Idaho (hereinafter "City"), and Zina Ann Denny, (hereinafter "User") (collectively, "Parties"). WHEREAS, User is the owner of parcel numbered S0531438411 with an address of 750 E. Ustick Rd., Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, with a legal description of PAR #8410 @ S SIDE S2, SEC 31 4N 1E, PARCEL 1 R/S 9145 EXC R/W #438410B (hereinafter "Subject Property"), which real properties are located outside of Meridian City limits; WHEREAS, the City is authorized by Idaho Code section 50-323 to develop, operate, and maintain a domestic water supply, and to protect the same from contamination, and the City does exercise such authority, including by the adoption and enforcement of Title 9, Chapters 1 and 4, Meridian City Code; WHEREAS, the City is authorized by Idaho Code section 50-332 to operate and maintain a domestic sewer system, and the City does exercise such authority, including by the adoption and enforcement of Title 9, Chapter 4, Meridian City Code; WHEREAS, in or about April, 2017, a roadway project by the Ada County Highway District ("ACHD") necessitated disconnection of the septic system from the residence at Subject Property and disconnection of the private water well at Subject Property for domestic purposes, in turn requiring User to connect the residence at the Subject Property to the City water and sewer systems; NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and agreed, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, and in consideration of the recitals above, which are incorporated herein, the Parties agree as follows: I. DrrINTIONS. For purposes of this Agreement, the following words, terms, and phrases shall be defined and interpreted as provided herein, unless the clear context of the presentation of same requires otherwise: A. "ACHD" shall mean the Ada County Highway District, a public body corporate and politic, organized under the laws of the State of Idaho, whose address is 3775 Adams St. Garden City, Idaho 83714. AGREEMENT FOR EXTENSION OF DOMESTIC WATER AND SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE MERIDIAN CITY LIMITS PAGE 1 OF 8 B. "Agreement" shall mean the instant Agreement for Extension of Domestic Water and Sewer Service Outside Meridian City Limits. C. "User" shall mean the Zina Ann Denny, the sole owner in law and equity of Subject Property as of the Effective Date of this Agreement. D. "City" shall mean the City of Meridian, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho, whose address is 33 East Broadway Avenue, Meridian, Idaho. E. "Parties" shall mean, collectively, City and User. F. "Subject Property" shall mean the parcel numbered 50531438411 with an address of 750 E. Ustick Rd, Meridian, Ada County, Idaho and legally described as PAR #8410 @ S SIDE S2, SEC 31 4N 1E, PARCEL 1 R/S 9145 EXC R/W #438410B. As of the Effective Date, the Subject Property has not been annexed into the City of Meridian and is therefore outside of Meridian City limits. 11. COMMITMENTS BY CITY. A. Provision of Services. At all times relevant hereunder, City shall provide sewer and water services to the Subject Property, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any and all applicable laws and City ordinances. B. Billing. City shall bill User monthly for sewer and water usage according to the metering, accounting, and billing system in place under Meridian City Code and the policies and practices of the City of Meridian. C. Recordation. City shall record this Agreement in the land records of Ada County, Idaho. 111. COMMITMENTS BY USER. A. Payment for City services. User shall be responsible for fulfilling its obligation to pay to City any and all costs related to sewer and water infrastructure construction, materials, and connection, including, but not limited to, hookup, assessment, meter installation, and inspection fees. Upon connection to the City's sewer and/or water system, User shall pay to City all applicable fees and costs for sewer and water services provided, including, but not limited to use fees, as such are calculated and billed by City as set forth herein and established by law or City ordinance. The exclusive remedy for disputes, objections, or appeals regarding such fees and charges shall be appealed to the Board of Appraisers under the procedure set forth in Meridian City Code. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this provision shall be binding upon User and upon any and all successors in interest of User and/or to the Subject Property. B. No cross -connection. User shall abide by and comply with any and all applicable provisions of law, which shall specifically include, but shall not be limited to, compliance with Chapter 3, AGREEMENT FOR EXTENSION OF DOMESTIC WATER AND SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE MERIDIAN CITY LIMITS PAGE 2 OF 8 Title 9, Meridian City Code and/or any and all similar ordinances subsequently adopted, which prohibit the installation and/or maintenance of a cross -connection to the City's water system. This provision shall be binding upon User and upon any and all successors in interest of User and/or to the Subject Property. C. Consent to annexation. User specifically agrees that, as a specific consideration of City's willingness to enter into this Agreement, User shall, and hereby does, provide perpetual consent to annexation of the Subject Property into the City of Meridian. This provision shall comprise evidence of User's consent to annexation as to the Subject Property, and shall be binding upon all subsequent purchasers, heirs, or assigns of the Subject Property. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this provision shall be binding upon User and upon any and all successors in interest of User and/or to the Subject Property. D. Annexation application. Within ten (10) business days of the approval of this Agreement, User shall, at User's sole expense, submit an Annexation Application for the Subject Property into the City of Meridian. User's Annexation Application shall be a complete submittal of all City -required documents, exhibits, and fees for requesting annexation into the corporate boundary that are in effect at the time of application. Such Annexation Application shall propose zoning designations consistent with the Future Land Use Map designation of the City's Comprehensive Plan. E. Consent to entry. User shall, and hereby does, provide perpetual consent and access to the City to enter the Subject Property for the purpose of inspecting any and all sewer and/or water pipes, connections, and related infrastructure. Except as to routine meter readings or in the event of an imminent or realized threat to the public health, safety, or welfare, City shall provide User at least twenty-four (24) hours prior notice of such entry; such notice may be verbal or written and may be posted at one (1) of the Subject Property, IV. GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. Default. Any failure to perform the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or any portion thereof, shall be a default hereunder. In the event of a default, the non -defaulting party may serve a written Notice of Default upon the defaulting party by the method set forth herein. Except in case of an imminent or realized threat to the public health, safety, or welfare, the defaulting party shall have thirty (30) days following delivery of such notice to cure or correct the default before the non -defaulting parry may seek any remedy as provided herein. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this provision shall be binding upon the Parties and upon any and all successors in interest thereof. B. Enforcement. This Agreement shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction by either City or User, or any respective successor(s) in interest thereof An action at law or in equity, as appropriate, shall lie to secure specific performance of any covenant, agreement, condition, commitment, and/or obligation set forth herein. In addition, remedies available to City shall include, but shall not be limited to, termination of sewer and/or water service to User, to any successor(s) in interest, and/or to any sewer or water user located on the Subject Property. AGREEMENT FOR EXTENSION OF DOMESTIC WATER AND SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE MERIDIAN CITY LIMITS PAGE 3 OF 8 C. Notices. Any notice desired by the Parties or required by this Agreement shall be deemed delivered after deposit in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: City: City of Meridian Attn: Public Works Department Director 33 E. Broadway Ave. Meridian, Idaho 83642 User: Zina Ann Denny 750 E. Ustick Meridian, Idaho 83646 Either Party may change its address for the purpose of this section by delivering to the other Party written notification of such change, establishing a new address for noticing purposes, in accordance with the requirements of this section. D. Time is of the essence. The Parties acknowledge and agree that time is strictly of the essence with respect to each and every term, condition, and provision hereof, and that the failure to timely perform any of the obligations hereunder shall constitute a breach and default hereunder by the Party so failing to perform. E. Binding upon successors. Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, this Agreement shall be binding upon any and all owners of the Subject Property, any and all subsequent owners thereof, and each and every other person acquiring an interest in the Subject Property. Nothing herein shall, or shall be construed to, in any way prevent the sale or alienation of the Subject Property, or any portion thereof, except that any sale or alienation shall occur subject to the provisions of this Agreement, and any successive owner or owners shall be both benefited and bound by the conditions and restrictions herein expressed. F. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed to be exiled herefrom and the invalidity thereof shall not affect any other provision or provisions contained herein. G. Attorney fees. Should any litigation be commenced between the parties hereto concerning this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled, in addition to any other relief as may be granted, to court costs and reasonable attorney fees as determined by such court. This provision shall be deemed to be a separate contract between the Parties and shall survive, inter alia, any default, termination, or forfeiture of this Agreement. H. Final Agreement. This Agreement sets forth all promises, inducements, agreements, conditions, and understandings between City and User relative to the subject matter hereof, and there are no promises, agreements, conditions, or understandings, either oral or written, express or implied, between City and User, other than as are stated herein. Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, no subsequent alteration, amendment, change, or addition to this AGREEMENT FOR EXTENSION OF DOMESTIC WATER AND SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE MERIDIAN CITY LIMITS PAGE 4 OF 8 Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties unless set forth in writing and duly executed by both Parties or their successors in interest. I. Non -waiver. Failure of either Party to promptly enforce the strict performance of any term of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver or relinquishment of any Party's right to thereafter enforce such term, and any right or remedy hereunder may be asserted at any time after either party becomes entitled to the benefit thereof, notwithstanding delay in enforcement. All rights and remedies herein enumerated shall be cumulative and none shall exclude any other right or remedy allowed by law. Likewise, the exercise of any remedy provided for herein or allowed by law shall not be to the exclusion of any other remedy. J. Compliance with laws. Throughout the course of this Agreement, the Parties shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of Federal, State, and local governments. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, and the ordinances of the City of Meridian. The City's ordinances appertaining to the regulation, control, and use of its sewer and water systems, and any prospective amendments to and/or recodifications thereof, are specifically and without limitation incorporated into this Agreement as if set forth fully herein. K. Advice of attorney. Each party warrants and represents that in executing this Agreement, it has received independent legal advice from its attorney or the opportunity to seek such advice. L. Approval Required: This Agreement shall not become effective or binding until approved by the City Council of the City of Meridian. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on this 21"day USER M l� Zina Ann Denny: BY � STATE OF IDAHO ss County of Ada ) This record was acknowledged before me on the 2_ day of 2018. ASHLI CIVIELLO EAOES Ey: Zinj Ann Denny Notary Public As Individual State of Idaho Qary Public for Idaho My Commission Expires: k,j3\� t-- AGREEMENT FOR EXTENSION OF DOMESTIC WATER AND SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE MERIDIAN CITY LIMITS PAGE 5 OF 8 oPQORAT E D A �CGST CITY OF MERIDIAN: (71vof to ,� B _ DAH Tammy er , or SEAL C. ay Cols City Clerk erne TREASV�O STATE OF IDAHO County of Ada ) �...■.■; d 1 , ••••••�.. NE rY•••• I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day of �•,, ��'%' ARS; 9�:� before the undersigned, personally appeared TAMMY de ERD and C.JAY COLES, known or identified to me to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Meridian, who executed the instrument * on behalf of the City of Meridian, and acknowledged to me that the City 1'U10� of Meridian executed the same. IN SS OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed •••.r;ATE OY 19:•• my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. ohw bou I�-- Notary Public for Idaho Residing at p�,(��Q/Lt_� Idaho My Commission Expires: AGREEMENT FOR EXTENSION OF DOMESTIC WATER AND SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE MERIDIAN CITY LIMITS PAGE 6 OF 8 E Auk tt /Yds' •a1 I �' �� T=V JJ,� Property Details for Parcel S0531438411 and Year 2017 Back to Parcel Search Parcel: S0531438411 Year: 2017 Primary Owner: DENNY ZINA ANN Zone Code: R1 Total Acres: 0.379 Tax Code Area: 242 Instrument Number: 2015117978 Property Description: PAR #8410 @ S SIDE S2 SEC 31 4N lE PARCEL 1 R/S 9145 EXC R/W #438410B Address: 750 E USTICK RD MERIDIAN , ID 83646 Subdivision: 4N lE 31 Land Group Type: SECT Township/Range/Section: 4N1E31 Valuation Details Role SCC Property 120 RESIDENTIAL TRACT Property 340 RES IMPROVEMENT Valuation History Year Value 2017 $147,600 2016 $138,000 2015 $130,700 Acreage Assessed Value 0.379 $69,600 0.0 $78,000 Tax Districts Tax Levy Description District 1 0.002953537 ADA COUNTY 2 0.000131285 PEST EXTERMINATION 3 0.000146049 EMERGENCY MEDICAL 6 0.000923828 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DIST 8 0.003773321 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 12 0.000525937 MERIDIAN LIBRARY 24 0.000051486 MERIDIAN CEMETERY 30 0.002012556 MERIDIAN FIRE 43 0.000028307 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 46 0.000080141 WESTERN ADA RECREATION 100 0.000153551 COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO Total Levy: 0.010779998000000002 Taxes, Certifications, and Fees Year Total Taxes Taxes Paid Taxes Due 2017 $1,591.14 $1,591.14 $0.00 Valuation Code Area Method MARKET 242 COST 242 Phone 208-287-7000 208-577-4646 208-287-2962 208-387-6123 208-855-4500 208-888-4451 208-376-3929 208-888-1234 208-577-4646 208-887-1730 208-562-3295 Delinquent Tax Data Current as of No 05/14/2018 AK IL R (T tP �1 rn L3 h 4� w 8 12.194 i Ak L cd- CT, W , C o _ V 1AM art , w cn CD n R sn co' City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 8A Project/File Number: Item Title: City Scholarship Presentations Meetina Notes City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 8B Project/File Number: Item Title: Public Works Week Invitation to Council Meetina Notes Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 180 of 400 Go with the flow tour June 6th 5:30p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 181 of 400 expo June 7th 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 182 of 400 Wide World of Golf Beef ‘O’ Brady’s Big Daddy’s BBQ High Desert Harley Davidson Louie’s Italian Restaurant Sizzler Outdoor Beards Smoky Mountain Pizza The Counter Custom Burgers Village Cinemas CESCO Sodalicious Home Depot Partnership Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 183 of 400 Partnership Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 184 of 400 GIVING BACK Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 185 of 400 We hope to See you there! Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 186 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 8C Project/File Number: Item Title: Fire Department Labor Analysis Report by RSM Meetina Notes �x Fire Department Labor Analysis Report City of Meridian March 1, 2018 City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 2 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background There are a variety of factors that can influence fire departments’ labor costs; some are within the control of management or the elected officials. These factors may increase the risk of operational inefficiencies that may be avoidable and also lead to volatile “budget to actual” overtime labor costs. The objectives of this audit was to assess the controls and operating efficiency of managing the fire department’s labor costs. There are three primary tasks associated with the scope of work:  Staffing analysis  Comparison to industry standards  Assessment of the control environment Overall Summary/Highlights We compared the City of Meridian’s labor and hours to peers located in Nampa, Idaho; Bend, Oregon; Hillsboro, Oregon; Gresham, Oregon; and Yakima, Washington. Our examination indicated that the City of Meridian’s firefighters labor and hours were comparable to their peers in several categories such as (1) compensation, (2) percent time worked, (3) staffing and overtime. The data provided by the peers may not always be comparable to the City of Meridian due to accounting practices and the union agreements. Our labor analysis identified areas where City of Meridian should review to determine if improvements can be made or assess the situation. This includes the following:  Under the previous system, costs were reclassified between accounts. The City of Meridian should review the current procedures to ensure there are adequate internal controls regarding the reclassification of costs under the current system.  Training hours are approximately 11 percent of the total hours. The peer’s cities who provided this information is reporting training time of approximately 5 percent of hours. While training overtime is comparable to other cities, total training time should be assessed to determine the necessity of specific training programs in relation to other cities.  Per the labor agreement, under a 24-hour day work cycle, the coverage or hours to be worked is 192 hours. Our analysis indicated that employees work the full 192 hours, approximately 34 percent of the time. A contributing factor to this is the control environment and sick leave. Sick hours for the City of Meridian is equal to or higher than the peer cities. In addition, the sick hours for the majority of the captains is approximately double the hours for the other labor classifications. The union agreement should be compared to other cites or provide incentives to determine if modifications could be made to reduce sick leave. The details of our examination with the three areas of tasks are on the following pages. Objective and Scope The scope of this audit was to examine the hours for the time period October 16, 2014, through October 4, 2016. The objective for each task was as follows: Task 1: Staffing analysis—Identify those factors (union contract terms, staffing policies, standard operation procedures, etc.) that create inefficiencies and volatile overtime costs, and to analyze these factors against the available tools and controls identified within the City of Meridian Firefighters I.A.F.F. Local 4627 Collective Labor Agreement (union contract) for the City of Meridian’s fire chief to manage labor costs and staffing in a fiscally efficient and foreseeable manner . Task 2: Industry standards—Determine if the fire chief is employing best practices and meeting industry standards and/or adequate controls based on our experience with the development of the fire department’s employees. Task 3: Control environment—Assess the City of Meridian fire department’s control environment related to timekeeping. City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 3 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. TASK 1: STAFFING ANALYSIS Objective: Identify those factors (union contract terms, staffing policies, standard operation procedures, etc.) that create inefficienci es and volatile overtime costs, and to analyze these factors against the available tools and controls identif ied within the City of Meridian Firefighters I.A.F.F. Local 4627 Collective Labor Agreement (union contract) for the City of Meridian’s fire chief to manage labor costs and staffing in a fiscally efficient a nd foreseeable manner. Procedures: To meet the objectives of this task , we conducted the following:  We analyzed the staffing requirements as set forth in the union agreement and compared it to current staffing levels.  We analyzed the hours by union and nonunion employees.  We also analyzed the hours by station, by shift and by labor classification.  We assessed the overtime hours for the City of Meridian and compared the hours to the peer cities.  We compared the compensation package as set forth in the union agreement with the peer cites.  We also compared the computation of overtime to the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and to peer cities. Testing Results: Task 1.1: Staffing Requirements The staffing requirements maintained by the City of Meridian are in compliance with the requirements set forth in the union agreement for engine and truck companies. The union agreement requires a captain, an engineer and a firefighter for an engine company, while the truck compa nies require an additional firefighter. The staffing requirements are:  Station 1: captain, engineer and two firefighters  Station 2: captain, engineer and one firefighter  Station 3: captain, engineer and one firefighter  Station 4: captain, engineer and one firefighter  Station 5: captain, engineer and one firefighter City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 4 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. Based on the shift calendar, we were able to verify that the City of Meridian was able to staff the stations in accordance with the union agreement. There was also a floater for every shift and every classification with the exception of the firefighter. There was a floater for every shift for the firefighter except “C” shift, which did not have a floater during the time period under this audit. Therefore the City of Meridian was not fully staffed for floaters for the firefighter cla ssification. Task 1.2: Managing Vacancies Approximately 76 percent of a union employee’s time is for regular hours worked with an additional 8 percent for overtime for a total of 84 percent. A summary of the union hours are provided for on Attachment A. The total hours worked is comparable to other cities that range from 79 percent for Nampa to 92 percent to Yakima. See Attachment B for the peer analysis. The average costs per hour for regular time for the City of Meridian was $31.27, while the costs for regular hours for the City of Nampa, including longevity, was $24.30 per hour. The average costs per hour for overtime for the City of Meridian and the City of Nampa was $40.00 and $33.47, respectively. The difference in the hourly rates between City of Meridian and Nampa is primarily due to the difference in the hourly rates stipulated in the respective agreements. The regular hours worked excluding overtime by the City of Meridian varied by classification as follows: battalion chief 70 percent, captain 76 percent, engineer 72 percent and firefighters 75 percent. The shift overtime also varied as follows: battalion chief 14 percent, captain 6 percent, engineer 8 percent and firefighters 8 percent. We also analyzed the labor hours by station, but did not identify any anomalies. The normal nonunion staff hours worked is approximately 81 percent of their total hours, while overtime is less than 1 percent of the total hours. The remaining hours are compensated personal absences. The peer cities reported an approximately 84 percent for total hours worked compared to total hours and with approximately 1.5 percent for overtime hours in relation to total hours. Per the agreement, under a 24-hour day work cycle, the coverage or hours to be worked is 192 hours. Our analysis indicated that employees work the full 192 hours, approximately 34 percent of the time. Therefore, for a given 24-hour day cycle, vacancies need to be addressed 66 percent of the time. A contributing factor for the percent of vacancies is the control environment and sick leave. This is addressed in Task 3.3. We were advised that overtime could be limited or managed for vacation as employees are required to provide a 30-day advance notice. However, an employee can be permitted to use incidental leave if the minimum number of firefighters using vacation or incidental leave is lower that three per shift. Other vacancy time such as bereavement, paid administrative leave, wellness time and workers’ compensation do not require such notice and are more susceptible to overtime. While wellness time is less than 1 percent, it would reduce the risk of overtime if it had requirements similar to vacation. We analyzed the shift overtime and reduced it by the non-vacation time to determine the minimum amount of overtime that may be used for vacation. Our analysis indicated that at least 23 percent of shift overtime is used for vacation even though, excluding incidental, it has the 30-day advance notice. Further analysis showed that the shift overtime was used for vacation as follows: battalion chief 79 percent, captains 4 percent, engineers 11 percent and firefighters 31 percent. See Attachment C. The 79 percent for battalion chief is due to the fact that there are no employees who can float or swing-up to battalion chief. Therefore, any battalion chief who takes vacation will be substituted with a battalion chief who incurs shift overtime. Implementing an “in-house swing-up” program would reduce shift overtime in this area. The records indicate that the 31 percent for firefighters was high due to a lack of floaters for the time period of this audit. We did a similar analysis with the peer cities and noted that Yakima did not need shift overtime for vacation while other cities used 13 percent to 60 percent of shift overtime for vacation. See Attachment D. It should be noted that data for peer cities can be impacted by their staffing levels , which is addressed in the next task. City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 5 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. Task 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5: Calculation of Overtime and Shift Overtime The union agreement states:  Union Agreement 19.1, “The designated work period for all twenty-four (24) hour shift employees covered under this Agreement shall be on a twenty-four (24) day cycle with coverage at 192 hours. Under the FLSA 182 actual hours worked will be paid at the regular hourly rate and ten (10) hours paid at the overtime rate if no excluded hours under the Act have been taken. Overtime shall also be paid for time worked off the Firefighter’s no rmally scheduled shift other than “shift trade.”  Union Agreement 21.1, “Overtime pay shall be paid as defined by Article 19 of this agreement. Scheduled overtime shall be when a firefighter is requested to return to work for any meetings, training, shifts or any other reason deemed necessary by the department that is scheduled or planned.” FLSA overtime for firefighters fall under the 207k exemption. This was essentially created because firefighters typically work far more regular h ours than that of common 40 hours per week personnel. Under this exemption, and in conjunction with our shift schedule, FLSA overtime is paid after 182 actual hours worked. Therefore, pursuant to FLSA, if an employee takes paid leave (vacation or sick), they do not receive FLSA overtime hours until they have 182 actual hours worked. This is sometimes commonly referred to as “guaranteed overtime.” An excerpt from the “The FLSA- A user’s manual, 5th edition” written by Will Atchison states: “Paid leave is not included in hours worked for purposes of calculat ing an employer’s obligation to pay overtime.” Regarding FLSA overtime, we are addressing (in our case with our 24-day cycle) 10 hours of guaranteed overtime so long as the firefighter works all of his/her assigned shifts within th e FLSA period (24 days). In this scenario, the firefighter works 192 total hours (with the overtime threshold of 182 hours), so he/she will receive 10 hours of time and a half just working his/her normally scheduled shifts. The peer cities vary with some requiring overtime for callback or for working outside their normal schedule. Therefore, the City of Meridian should consider paying for overtime consistent with FLSA or peer cities. One to be considered would be the city of Nampa, as their labor agreements states: “Overtime shall be paid at a rate of time and one-half of the 56 hour member’s hourly wage…..for actual hours worked. In accordance with the FLSA overtime shall be paid…….hours worked in excess of 182 hours in each 24 day FLSA work period.” This language would also be operationally beneficial, as it may assist in record-keeping on the time card. We compared the City of Meridian’s hourly rates to the peer cites, and the City of Meridian’s hourly rates are comparable to the peer cities. Generally, the hourly rates for the City of Meridian was higher than the city of Nampa and within the hourly rates for the peer cities. See Attachment E. However, some peer cities provide additional compensation for factors, such as longevity pay, which are not reflected on the attachment. The peer cities are able to more efficiently manage and prevent overtime due to additional staffing. This is noted in our staffing analysis with peer cities in Task 2.1 below. Overtime is also impacted by training and the control environment, which is addressed in the respective sections of this report. City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 6 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. Recommendations for Task 1: Wellness Time Wellness time should be requested under the same requirements as vacation leave requests. Vacation leave requests requires a 30-day advance request for it to be considered for vacation. The exception would be for incidental leave noted above. This allows the City of Meridian to plan for such time, thereby using floaters or swing-up positions to fill the vacancy rather than incurring shift overtime. In-House Swing-Up The City of Meridian is currently considering and, we recommend implementing, an “in-house swing-up program.” Such a program would allow an employee to swing-up a position on a temporary basis. This specifically would benefit the battalion chief, as the City of Meridian incurs shift overtime any time a battalion chief is on leave. Vacancy Our analysis indicated that at a minimum, 23 percent of shift overtime is being used for vacation. This is primarily due to the lack of floaters for firefighters and replacements for the battalion chiefs. We recommend that the City of Meridian provide adequate staffing of floaters for the firefighter classification. The report addresses the issue related to the battalion chiefs under Task 2 of this report. Overtime The City of Meridian is paying overtime in excess of the FLSA requirements. We recommend that the City of Meridian review and negotiate with the union overtime that is comparable to FLSA requirements of time worked, or based on the procedures used by the peer cities. City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 7 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. TASK 2: INDUSTRY STANDARD Objective: Determine if the fire chief is employing best practices and meeting industry standards , and/or adequate controls based on our experience with the development of the fire department’s employees. Procedures: To meet the objectives of this task , we conducted the following:  We analyzed the use of floaters in for the various classifications.  We compared staffing levels with peer cities.  We discussed and reviewed the swing-up program.  We discussed the training program with the City of Meridian.  We analyzed the training overtime by employee and by classification.  We compared the training time for the City of Meridian with peer cities. Testing Results: Task 2.1: Floaters Floaters are used in the industry to substitute for employees who are on leave and within the same labor classification. For the captain and engineer classifications, the City of Meridian maintains one floater for every five positions. For the firefighters, there is one floater for every six positions, except for Shift C that did not have any floaters. We compared this to other cities and generally there is a floater for every position , less one employee, compared to the City of Meridian. For example in Gresham there is one floater for four engineers, and one floater for four and a half firefighters while the City of Meridian has a one to five, and one to six, respectively. Bend and Yakima had a ratio of one floater and/or reserve position for every four and a half to five for their classifications. We compared the hours worked for floaters to determine if the hours were adequate to fill in for employees who were on vacati on. Due to the requirements for requesting vacation, adequate planning should allow for the position who is taking vacation to be filled in by a floater. Our review indicated that there was adequate floaters to fill in for vacation taken by captains and engineers. However, there was not adequate staffing of floaters to fill in for the vacations taken by firefighters. Our analysis indicated that floaters could only compensate for 88 percent of the vacation, thereby resulting in shift overtime for the remaining vacation and other personal absences. This is resulting the 31 percent of shift overtime used to compensate for firefighters as noted above. City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 8 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. Task 2.2: Swing-Up The swing-up program allows employees to work in a higher class, thereby providing the City of Meridian more flexibility in managing vacancies. For an employee to be qualified for the swing-up program, they must be permanently qualified for that position. In 2015, the City had one employee who was eligible to swing-up to captain, while in 2016 there were three eligible employees. There were three employees who were eligible to swing-up to engineer in 2015 and 2016. Hillsboro and Bend were the only peer cities to report swing-up employees. Hillsboro had one employee, each who could swing-up to engineer and captain. Bend has a higher participation in the swing-up program, as they had 10 employees who could swing-up to engineer and three who could swing-up to captain. While the City of Meridian’s swing-up program has improved, additional employees would further assist in managing vacancies. The program would also provide training for employees if and when they would permanently assume the higher position. The City of Meridian is reviewing an “in-house swing-up” program that may assist in this area. It should be noted that City of Meridian will have situations where employees will swing down to address vacancies. Task 2.3: Training The City of Meridian prepared a training plan document for fiscal years 2015 and 2016. The training plan document identifies responsibilities, required training, monthly training assignments and various types of training. The City of Meridian incurred 0.88 percent of total hours for training overtime. This compared to 1.36 percent to no training overtime to the peer cities. It should be noted that some peer cities do not account for training overtime separate from regular overtime. However, 11 percent of total hours was dedicated to total training hours, including overtime. Other peer cities that provided training hours ranged from 1 percent to 5 percent. When estimating the average hours of training for an employee per year, the City of Meridian averaged 335 hours, while Gresham, Yakima, Nampa and Bend averaged 40, 114, 120 and 157 hours, respectively. See Attachment F. Applying the average hourly rates to the training hours, the cost per employee for the City of Meridian and Nampa is $5,085 and $2,972, respectively. Our analysis also indicated that there were six employees who incurred approximately 30 percent of the training overtime. These employees were identified as field training officers who are under the labor agreement and provided training for the department. Approximately one-third of training overtime was incurred by employees where the overtime was at or in excess of 10 hours per day. This included 17 instances where training overtime was at or in excess of 17 hours in one day. We were advised that many of the hours were transferred from shift overtime to training overtime by the deputy chief of operations who was approving the time cards. Many of the instances of the training overtime was time incurred by an employee filling in for an employee who was receiving training. The practice for posting time to training overtime when that person is not receiving the training is inconsistent with peer cities, as this time is recorded in shift overtime. There was also instances where there was no description addressing the training overtime. This activity was accounted for under the previous process or operational system. The City of Meridian should review the current procedures to ensure that there are adequate internal controls regarding the reclassification of costs under the current system. City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 9 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. Recommendations for Task 2: Floaters We recommend that the City maintain an adequate level of floaters to reduce the risk of unnecessary overtime. In-House Swing-Up As mentioned above, the City of Meridian is currently considering and, we recommend implementing, an “in-house swing-up program.” Such a program would allow an employee to swing-up a position on a temporary basis. This specifically would benefit the battalion chief, as the City of Meridian incurs shift overtime any time a battalion chief is on leave. Training The City of Meridian is incurring more training time than the peer cites. The peer cities may not account for training consistent with the City of Meridian; however, this primarily impacts training overtime. While it may be beneficial to provide this additional training during regular hours, the training program sho uld be assessed to determine the necessity of the training overtime. Process Transfers were made in the previous accounting system , which may have not included adequate documentation. The City of Meridian should review the current procedures to ensure that there are adequate internal controls regarding the reclassification of costs under the current system. City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 10 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. TASK 3: CONTROL ENVIRONMENT TASKS Objective: Assess the City of Meridian fire department’s control environment related to timekeeping. Procedures: To meet the objectives of this task , we conducted the following:  We reviewed the employee’s roles and responsibilities.  We discussed the scheduling process and process for managing changes to staffing.  We compared roles and responsibilities to the union agreement.  We reviewed duties that are necessary and unnecessary.  We analyzed the sick leave taken by hours and by day.  We analyzed the training overtime by hours and by day.  We compared the vacancy for the City of Meridian with peer cities.  We conducted further reviews to compare sick leave with peer cities.  We discussed the environment with fire department management. Testing Results: Task 3.1: Procedures We reviewed the procedures for vacation and sick leave for consistency with the union agreement. While the union agreement does not specifically address procedures, the published procedures for vacation and sick leave are consistent with the requirements in the union agreement. However, the City of Meridian does not maintain procedures related to wellness and bereavement. Task 3.2: Roles and Responsibilities We reviewed the roles and responsibilities of the Chief to the requirements of the union agreement. The union agreement provides general responsibilities of the department, which were consistent with the roles and responsibilities of the chief. There were additional roles and responsibilities of the chief that were not included in the union agreement; however, they were consistent with the duties of that position. This includes, but is not limited to, inspecting fires and working on public affairs-related issues. We also examined the duties to assess those that are critical and/or necessary versus those that are not required. We determined that most of the duties were either critical or necessary. There were some duties that may not be necessary, but they are beneficial to the City of Meridian. This would include monitoring legislation and the impact on the City of Meridian, and working with citizen groups. Costs are not maintained to evaluate the costs associated with the primary duties and responsibilities. City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 11 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. Task 3.3: Control Environment We interviewed the City of Meridian regarding the labor scheduling and timekeeping procedures. The City of Meridian uses a software called Crew Sense that maintains the schedules for the City of Meridian firefighters. The schedule in theory goes out indefinitely, as it initially logs in the schedule then extrapolates it over the future years. Employees are required to submit their vacation schedule in November for the upcoming year. If approved, it is entered into the system for the upcoming year. Only three employees per shift can be absent on vacation or incidental leave at a time. The fire department also maintains a “white board” to assist in managing vacancies. When a person needs time off, it is managed through Crew Sense. The employee sends a request through Crew Sense for approval, and any changes are managed through Crew Sense. However, under the previous system , manual time cards were completed by the employee and reviewed by the deputy chief of operations. Changes were made to the category and may have been performed without the employee’s approval. Changes were also made with no description identifying the reasoning for the change. The City of Meridian should determine if there is adequate controls regarding the transferring of labor hours and/or costs. The most challenging areas to manage regarding the vacancies in order of importance are as follows:  Sick time  Injure time (worker’s compensation)  Bereavement  Wellness The reason is that these are unexpected and last minute type events that have to be managed using floaters. The City of Meridian has not been able to adequately staff some vacancies due to a lack of floaters and employees participating in the “swing-up” program. We were advised that the employees may not be incentivized to initiate interest in participating with the swing-up program. Therefore, the control environment is such that it negatively impacts the operating efficiency of the program. The City of Meridian also has floaters assigned to various positions. This may impact the control environment, as the floaters are not assigned to stations, thereby negatively impacting the commitment and ownership to the program. Our analysis of sick leave shows that the average sick hours per employee per year for the City of Meridian is 141 hours. The peer cities incurred the following:  Hillsboro—141  Gresham —134  Bend—119  Yakima—77  Nampa—59 City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 12 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. Based on the average hourly rates, the sick leave costs per employee, per year, for the City of Meridian and Nampa is $4,515 and $1,402, respectively. The percent of time associated with sick leave for the City of Meridian based on regular hours is 4.1 percent. The peer cities incurred the following:  Hillsboro—4.0 percent  Gresham —3.7 percent  Bend—3.0 percent  Yakima—2.5 percent  Nampa—1.9 percent The labor agreement requires the City of Meridian to allow such sick leave. Our study determined that there was a higher number of instances and hours taken for sick leave by captains as compared to the engineers and firefighters for the two-year period of time. On the average, an engineer and firefighter would take 80 hours of sick leave and had 6 instances per year. The majority of captains had 161 hours of sick leave and 11 instances of sick leave per year. Recommendation for Task 3: Procedures We recommend that procedures be promulgated similar to vacation and sick leave for wellness. Sick Leave We recommend that the excessive sick leave be reviewed to determine if changes can be made to the union agreement to mitigate the risk of potential excessive sick leave. This may include modifying the union agreement to include changing the compensation of unused sick leave upon leaving the City of Meridian and/or providing an incentive sick time. Swing-Up We recommend that the City of Meridian review the incentives related to the swing -up program to determine if it is beneficial to incentivize employees to participate in this program. City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 13 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. ATTACHMENT A: SUMMARY OF HOURS FOR 24-HOUR EMPLOYEES Represents the hours worked by 24-hour employees per the time designation 717.00 602.00 290,535.50 145.00 29,483.00 15,655.50 3,317.25 37,312.75 528.00 4,646.00 0.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00 200,000.00 250,000.00 300,000.00 350,000.00 Bereavement Holiday Time Hours Worked Paid Administrative Leave Overtime Sick Hours Needed Training Overtime Vacation Hours Needed Wellness Time Workers Compensation Hours De s i g n a t i o n City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 14 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. ATTACHMENT B: PEER TIME WORKED COMPARISON Reflects percent of time worked for the City of Meridian and peer cities, including overtime 84% 79% 87% 92% 85% 88% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% Meridian Nampa Hillsboro Yakima Gresham Bend Pe r c e n t Peer Cities City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 15 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. ATTACHMENT C: MERIDIAN VACANCY ANALYSIS Represents the percent of shift overtime that may be needed to compensate for vacation time by labor classification. We took the difference between shift overtime and uncontrollable time, which includes bereavement, sick leave, wellness and workers compensation (The amount of shift overtime in excess of uncontrollable time was applied to determine the percentages in this table.) 31% 11% 4% 79% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Firefighters Engineers Captains Battallion Chiefs Pe r c e n t Classifications City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 16 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. ATTACHMENT D: PEER VACANCY ANALYSIS Represents the percent of shift overtime that may be needed to compensate for vacation time by labor classification (We took the difference between shift overtime and uncontrollable time, which includes bereavement, sick leave, wellness and workers compensation. The amount of shift overtime in excess of uncontrollable time was applied to determine the percentages in this table.) 23% 13% 35% 0% 60% 57% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Meridian Nampa Hillsboro Yakima Gresham Bend Pe r c e n t Vacancy Analysis City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 17 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. ATTACHMENT E: HOURLY RATES Represents the hourly rates by classification for City of Meridian, Nampa and the average for Oregon peer cities (Note that hourly rates do not reflect additional compensation for factors such as longevity pay.) $18.48 $25.80 $28.73 $30.75 $16.41 $21.33 $24.54 $28.24 $20.31 $24.00 $30.60 $42.32 $0.00 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 Firefighter 1 Engineer Captain Battalion Chief Ra t e P e r H o u r Classification By City Meridian Nampa Oregon Avg. City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 18 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. ATTACHMENT F: AVERAGE TRAINING HOURS PER EMPLOYEE PER YEAR Represents the training hours per year per employee for the City of Meridian and peer cities 335 120 114 40 157 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Meridian Nampa Yakima Gresham Bend Ho u r s Peer Cities City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 19 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. ATTACHMENT G: SICK HOURS PER YEAR Represents the average sick hours per year per employee for the City of Meridian and peer cities 141 59 141 77 134 119 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Meridian Nampa Hillsboro Yakima Gresham Bend Pe r c e n t Peer Cities City of Meridian Fire Department Labor Analysis Report Issued: March 1, 2018 20 © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. ATTACHMENT H: SICK HOURS RANGE—BY CLASSIFICATION The table reflects a range of sick hours for the two-year period. The percent reflects the percentage of employees with the classification whose sick hours fall within the range. 11% 6% 17% 67% 14% 29% 36% 21% 16% 26%26% 32% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 0 - 100 101 - 200 201 - 300 Over 301 Pe r c e n t Percentage of Sick Leave Hours by Classification Captain Engineer Firefighter RSM US LLP 501 North 44th St Suite 300 Phoenix, AZ 85008 T +1 602 636 6000 F +1 602 636 6002 www.rsmus.com This document contains general information, may be based on authorities that are subject to change, and is not a substitute f or professional advice or services. This document does not constitute audit, tax, consulting, business, financial, investment, legal or other professional advice, and you should consult a qualified professional advisor before taking any action based on the information herein. RSM US LLP, its affiliates and related entities are not responsible for any loss resulting f rom or relating to reliance on this document by any person. RSM US LLP is a limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent audit, tax and consulting firms. The member firms of RSM International collaborate to provide services to global clients, but are separate and distinct legal entities that cannot obligate each other. Each member firm is responsible only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any other party. Visit rsmus.com/about us for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International. RSM® and the RSM logo are registered trademarks of RSM International Association. The power of being understood® is a registered trademark of RSM US LLP. © 2018 RSM US LLP. All Rights Reserved. City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 9A Project/File Number: Item Title: Resolution No. 18-2079 Resolution No. 18-2079: A Resolution Of The Mayor And The City Council Of The City Of Meridian Reappointing Stephan Lewis To Seat 5, Tracy Hopkins To Seat 6 And Bryan Leisle To Seat 7 Of The Meridian Transportation Commission; And Providing An Effective Date. Meetina Notes uy APPROIED CITY OF MERIDIAN RESOLUTION NO. I Z D I q BY THE CITY COUNCIL: BERNT, BORTON, CAVENER, MILAM, PALMER, LITTLE ROBERTS A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN REAPPOINTING STEPHAN LEWIS TO SEAT 5, TRACY HOPKINS TO SEAT 6 AND BRYAN LEISLE TO SEAT 7 OF THE MERIDIAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Meridian City Code Title 2, Chapter 7 establishes the Meridian Transportation Commission, its members and terms of their appointments; and WHEREAS, on April 7, 2015 by Resolution no. 15-1061, Mayor De Weerd designated Stephen Lewis to fill Seat 5 of the Meridian Transportation Commission, with a term to expire May 31, 2018; and: WHEREAS, on April 7, 2015 by Resolution no. 15-1061, Mayor De Weerd designated Tracy Hopkins to fill Seat 6 of the Meridian Transportation Commission, with a term to expire May 31, 2018; and; WHEREAS, on July 7, 2015 by Resolution no. 15-1075, Mayor De Weerd designated Bryan Leisle to fill Seat 7 of the Meridian Transportation Commission, with a term to expire May 31, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council find that it is in the best interest of the people of the City of Meridian to re -appoint Stephen Lewis to Seat 5, Tracy Hopkins to Seat 6 and Bryan Leisle to Seat 6 of the Meridian Transportation Commission. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN CITY, IDAHO: Section 1. That, effective May 31, 2018, Stephen Lewis shall be reappointed to Seat 5 of the Meridian Transportation Commission, which term shall run through May 31, 2021, pursuant to Meridian City Code Section 2-3-3 (C). Section 2. That, effective May 31, 2018, Tracy Hopkins shall be reappointed to Seat 6 of the Meridian Transportation Commission, which term shall run through May 31, 2021, pursuant to Meridian City Code Section 2-3-3 (C). Section 3. That, effective May 31, 2018, Bryan Leisle shall be reappointed to Seat 7 of the Meridian Transportation Commission, which term shall run through May 31, 2021, pursuant to Meridian City Code Section 2-3-3 (C). RESOLUTION RE -APPOINTING LEISLE, LEWIS AND HOPKINS TO TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION PAGE I OF 2 Section 4. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. nd ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this 22 day of May, 2018. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this 22"`qday of May, 2018. APPROVED: ATTEST: EDAUGU/ By: Mayor Tamf Weerd UQ 4CY C06/' City Clerk E IDIA�p s "® SEAL, RESOLUTION RE -APPOINTING LEISLE, LEWIS AND HOPKINS TO TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION PAGE 2 OF 2 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 9B Project/File Number: Item Title: Meridian Dairy and Stock Show Request for Cost Share for Annual Dairy Days Parade Meeting Notes ur APPROIEO ter' -v �wd f �/ ox Welcome to 89th Annual Meridian Dairy Days: June 20-23, 2018 Located at the Meridian Speedway and Storey Park Ln) I Brought to you by the Meridian Dairy Board and sponsored by: Check www.dairydays.org for updated information - MOUNTAIN AMERICA CREDIT UNION Wednesday, June 20 7:00 p.m. 69` Annual Meridian Dairy Days Princess Pageant Thursday, June 21 11:00 a.m. Dairy Cattle can start to check in 5:00 P.M. BROWN'S AMUSEMENTS CARNIVAL at the Meridian Speedway opens 4:00 p.m. Old McDonalds Farm at the Dairy Barn opens till 10:00 p.m. FREE, put on by the Crafty Critter 4-H Club 4:30 p.m. 68`h Annual PANCAKE FEED with all the trimmings, next to the Dairy Barn, with all the proceeds going to the Meridian Food Bank and the Meridian Police Employee Association Injured and Fallen Officers Fund. Adults $6, Seniors and Kids 6-12 $5 Friday, June 22 10:00 a.m. Old McDonalds Farm at the Dairy Barn opens till 10:00 p.m. FREE, put on by the Crafty Critter 4-11 Club 10:00 a.m. 4-11 & FFA work shop at the Dairy Barn 12:00 noon Vendors in Storey Park open 3:00 p.m. BROWN'S AMUSEMENTS CARNIVAL at the Meridian Speedway opens 3:00 p.m. Meridian Pool Bash at the Meridian Swimming Pool till 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Dairy Days Grass Volleyball at Storey Park Softball Fields 6:45 p.m. `REAL DAIRY' PARADE' Starts at the Speedway, Main Street, Fairview, 2% & 3rd streets. 8:00 — 10:00 pm Music by Weatherhead Music School, Meridian Downtown Business Association — Storey Park Dusk FREE Fireworks inside the Speedway 11:00 P.M. Food vendors and the Carnival close Saturday, June 23 8:00 a.m. Dairy Days 5K & 1 Mile Run sponsored by the Pulse Running & Fitness Shop. Starts in the Speedway — 8:00 a.m. Start 1 mile; 8:30 a.m. Start 5K 8:00 a.m. Old McDonalds Farm at the Dairy Barn opens, FREE, put on by the Crafty Critter 4-H Club 9:00 a.m. 4-11 and FFA Dairy Cattle and Dairy Goat Show at the Dairy Barn and Speedway Infield 9:00 a.m. Dairy Days Grass Volleyball at Storey Park Softball Fields — Intermediates & Elites 9:00 a.m. —Noon Meridian Youth Farmers Market at the Meridian City Hall Plaza 10:00 a.m. Vendors open in Storey Park : ) �y 12:00 noon BROWN'S AMUSEMENTS CARNIVAL at the Meridian Speedway opens Willsm 4:00 p.m. Old McDonalds Farm closes 6:30 p.m. Monster Trucks at the Meridian Speedway - $11 11:00 P.M. Dairy Days Closes Chobani . ''' Cl E IDR IAN,=-. ' � J uascswas S�ecc� IDAHO_ WT-Kn Simplot GUARD [DIE] SUPPLY 'UNNIN6 i rliNfS.SHOP 2015 Meridian Daily Days Parade FAday, June 22 6:45 pm 1929-2018 EIGHTYNINE YEARS OF DAIRY DAYS "Come and join in our 'Real Dairy" Parade!" Presented by the Meridian Dairy Board and sponsored by Mountain America Credit Union Participant Application Form�,�, ®��1Jy ti Ent Deadline June 12th 2018i% Since 1424 2 MOUNTAIN AMERICA CREDIT ANION An acceptance letter and further instructions will be mailed to you if your group is accepted as an official Dairy Days Parade Entry. If your Tor Profit Entry' is not accepted, your check will be returned to you. 1. This is not a Parade Entry Form, but an Application to be entered in the parade. If your application is accepted you will be contacted as soon as possible, but no later than June 16. 2. The Dairy Days Parade Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry that is not keeping with the standard and rules set forth by its Board of Directors. This includes entries not decorated, and/or entered for apparent advertising reasons only. 3. There will be a $75 Entry Fee for 'For Profit' (Commercial) and Political Entries. (Defined as those affiliated with or advertising a local or national business and individuals or groups promoting a political agenda.) 'For Profit' Entries must be decorated. Those without decorations or past due amounts will not be invited back the following year. 4. NO CANDY or treats of any kind are to be tossed from any parade entry, if any entry is doing this, they will be pulled out of the parade! This is for the spectator's safety, especially the kids. A person may carry candy or treats and walk the parade route handing (NOT throwing) these items to the spectators. 5. Car clubs will be limited to 10 vehicles. 6. Children under the age of 10 need to be able to ride on the entry, not walk, due to the length of the parade and safety of the kids. 7. Noise level is not to exceed 95 decibels. 8. Parade Theme is as always "REAL DAIRY". 9. LINE-UP: Meridian Speedway 10. JUDGING will be during the parade. Location Dynamite Feed Store, 11. The Dairy Board awards winners cash prizes for 4-H & FFA Floats, plaques for Commercial Floats and rosettes for the other categories. 12. The most important rule: Relax, Take it Easy and Have Fun!! 13. Please Note Staging Requirements on the application. For more information about the Dairy Days Parade contact: Terri Christofferson at 208-890-4550 or dairydays@centurplink.net or: Check our website at www.dairydays.org N N www.invarion.con SPECIALTY CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 348 NW 13th Place, Meridian, ID. Phone (208) 322-6800 Fax (208) 322-2636 Toll Free (888) 574-7732 NORTH www.specialtysupply.com /RiYFQY iOA/mlRil/N pRFY ,Mshiggton �Garllorl.�S 6 v ��Ffl �e11'F Pine These side streets listed will have Type III Barricades and Road Closed Ahead signs at Main Street: Broadway Bower Idaho Pine State Carlton Washington Close NB Access From Maverick O Franklin r5=� Cil -�7 Idaho Broadway .`Bower i f King R atertower , t� (t 'All traffic control will be placed to M.U.T.C.D. spacing standards Date: 4/24/18 Author: Hopkins Protect: Dairy Days gas adopted by the State of Idaho Comments: This plan is the copyright of Specialty Construction Supply Dairy Board Of Idaho and it's use is restricted to use by permission only 'Contractors will be responsible for placing delineation around objects left in the riaht of wav SRi01M"CONSIRMIIN UM www.invarion.corn SPECIALTY CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 348 NW 13th Place, Meridian, ID. Phone (208) 322-6800 Fax (208) 322-2636 Toll Free (888) 574-7732 NORTH www.specialtysupply.com I I� II II II ` I I II I II ill II II II II II II II II II II Date: 4/24/18 Author: Hopkins Project: Dairy Days Comments: Dairy Board Of Idaho — — — — — — — — — — — Franklin *All traffic control will be placed to M.U.T.C.D. spacing standards as adopted by the State of Idaho *This plan is the copyright of Specialty Construction Supply and it's use is restricted to use by permission only *Contractors will be responsible for placing delineation around objects left in the right of way *This is not a Engineer stamped plan Idaho Public Works License # PWC-C-12763-AAA-2-4 (02785, 01550, 18700, 01570, 07100) EIN # 20-8122260 DUNS # 19-710-7550 Contractor License # RCE-20560 Oregon Construction Registration #178588 Estimator: Jeremy Hopkins Page 1 Project: Meridian Dairy Days 2018 Bid Date: 4/19/2018 ITEM QUANTITY UNITS DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 125 mnhr Mobilization & Maintenance 30.00 $ 3,750.00 $ Estimate Only 60 ea Traffic Control Signs 2.75 $ 165.00 $ 28 ea Barricades 4.25 $ 119.00 $ 200 ea Tubular Markers (Candles) 1.75 $ 350.00 $ 3 ea Arrow Board 39.75 $ 119.25 $ 28 mnhr Flagging 20.00 $ 560.00 $ - 7 flaggers TOTAL 5,063.25 $ * Any changes or additional signs (added by ACHD or others) will be billed at the per each pricing. * No special signs (information signs or street nameplates) included. Additional fees would apply. * Quantities are estimates only - unit price prevails. * Bid bond not included in price - if required, add 2.5% to overall quote total. * Prices quoted include sales or use tax. * Prices are based on furnishing all of the material on this * Totals and average prices are shown for your convenience. quotation. Prices on individual items may be negotiated. Our invoice will reflect the unit prices for the actual quantities * Quantities are based on our take off and are not guaranteed. required and furnished. * Above prices quoted for acceptance within 30 days and * Does not include light towers. apply to this project only. QUOTATION SPECIALTY CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 348 Northwest 13th Place • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone (208) 322-6800 • Fax (208) 322-2636 • Toll Free (888) 574-7732 www.specialtysupply.com Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 192 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 9C Project/File Number: Item Title: Continued from May 15, 2018: Approval of Request for Proposals for Old City Hall A v tom - A -4 -Kw Meetinq Notes u✓ APPROIEO MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council, Meridian Idaho FR: Todd Lakey, MDC General Counsel RE: Proposed RFP Old City Hall DT: 5-10-18 Mayor and Council – I am providing you with a copy of the proposed RFP for the old city hall property with this memorandum. Our Joint Committee was instrumental in the preparation of this RFP and has recommended approval of this document. The MDC Board met and reviewed the RFP and the Committee’s recommendation and has also approved this RFP. When the Committee and the MDC Board approved the RFP, there were still some photos, maps and external links that needed to be included. The Committee and the MDC Board approved the RFP allowing for minor technical changes and inclusion of those additional items because the body of the RFP and the evaluation criteria were ready for approval and they did not want to further delay issuance of the RFP. Most of those additional minor items have been included in this version. There are still a couple of links and maps to be added but most have been included. I will go through the RFP with you and am happy to answer questions at the Councl meeting. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 194 of 400 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS MERIDIANDEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Meridian, Idaho 83642 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART PAGE Table of Contents .. .. ..1 Notice Calling for Proposals . .............2 Background .2 Basis for Selection .6 Instructions to Respondents . ..10 Proposals Due by July 2, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. MST. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 195 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 2 PART I NOTICE CALLING FOR PROPOSALS PURPOSE The Meridian Development Corporation (“MDC”) is soliciting proposals from developers (individual or firms) interested in presenting a viable design and development concept for a mixed-use development on the real estate occupied by the old Meridian City Hall located in downtown Meridian, Idaho (“Subject Property”). This effort is in partnership with the City of Meridian. The Subject Property is currently owned by the City of Meridian (“City”). The City and MDC may collectively be referred to as the “Parties”. It is well documented that Meridian is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. People want to live, work, recreate and raise families in Meridian. This RFP provides an opportunity to benefit from and become part of that historic growth. The subject property consists of a portion of one of the key blocks in the Meridian Downtown. MDC seeks proposals to create a signature downtown project that will promote further economic development and vitality in the downtown area for the benefit of the subject property and the other properties and businesses located in downtown Meridian. Please refer to the link to a video regarding the City of Meridian and its economic growth opportunities: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ipaYCScyWiNjdMc1J4bFQxWUU/view?usp=sharing_ eil&ts=59c2cb28 The Parties have formed a committee that will review the proposals and make recommendations to MDC and the City. Both Parties must approve the successful proposal. Once approved then the City will transfer the property to MDC to be developed in accordance with the successful proposal and applicable agreements with MDC. The Parties are looking for a creative proposal that will result in an iconic signature mixed use development that enhances the character and economic vitality of downtown Meridian. The Developer’s proposal should be detailed and incorporate and/or address all of the sections in the Basis for Selection and follow the Guiding Principles listed herein which the Parties anticipate will result in a project that will stimulate economic growth, development and re-development in the downtown area. The creativity and professional judgment of the Developer is not limited to this subject property. The Parties will consider proposals that include other uses and sites in the downtown Meridian portion of the Urban Renewal District, as long as those uses and/or sites further the intent, goals and objectives of the Parties as described in this RFP. BACKGROUND The subject property comprising of the Old City Hall Site consists of approximately 1.07 acres. The Old City Hall Subject Property and the surrounding area are generally depicted below. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 196 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 3 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 197 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 4 ** Insert closer view aerial** A map of the applicable Meridian Urban Renewal District boundaries is depicted below: May insert newer/better map – with emphasis and outline of Old Town ** INSERT MAP MDC DISTRICT BOUNDARIES The subject property is located in the Meridian Opportunity Zone. See Map below: Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 198 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 5 The following link connects to a brochure that provides additional information regarding the Meridian Opportunity Zone: **INSERT LINK** Both MDC and the City of Meridian have adopted plans and conducted studies on their own and as part of collaborative planning initiatives related to diversifying and strengthening the local economy and improving the downtown. These plans and studies include: the MDC Meridian Revitalization Plan (2002), the Destination Downtown Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Meridian which can be found on the MDC and City websites. The Parties are willing to consider some form of public private partnership regarding the development of subject property. MDC is not placing specific requirements on proposals in this regard but is allowing developers to make creative proposals based on their professional judgement and expertise. GUIDING PRINCIPLES The following are provided to interested developers as you create your own plans and concepts. These are guiding principles and should not constrict your creative thought, but know that those developers who adhere to these principles and provide a financially sound proposal will receive a higher level of attention during the review process: A. Proposals should describe the developer’s successful experience in the proposed type of development and demonstrate its financial, professional and technical ability to complete the proposed development. B. Proposals must evidence the developers’ familiarity with urban design principals. C. The Meridian Development Corporation’s vision plan for the downtown, “Destination Downtown” should be adhered to and implemented, to the extent possible, through the development program proposed by the developer. “Destination Downtown” can be found at the following website: http://www.meridiandevelopmentcorp.com/sites/default/files/imce/Vision%2BDocument_ 052510.pdf MDC’s Revitalization Plan can be found at: https://mdcfile.s3.amazonaws.com/RevitalizationPlan2002.pdf D. Adherence to City land development code, comprehensive plan and urban design standards. Any proposed variation from the Code must be described in the proposal. See the following links to the City Comprehensive Plan: http://meridiancity.org/planning/files/CompPlan-180220-Web.pdf http://meridiancity.org/planning/files/180220%20Existing%20Conditions%20Report %20Reduced.pdf https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ipaYCScyWiNjdMc1J4bFQxWUU/view?usp=sha ring_eil&ts=59c2cb28 E. The Urban Renewal District and the downtown-specific zoning districts provide for special uses and development standards, and for potential funding sources. F. Evidence of sufficient financial resources and a well-thought out financing strategy, including any specific public-private partnerships the Developer wishes to propose. G. Proposals for the use of buildings and land can be in the form of a fee simple purchase or other transfer or lease of the ownership interest in the land and buildings. H. Proposals should describe in general terms the anticipated schedule for the project from initial groundbreaking to full development and occupancy. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 199 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 6 I. MDC seeks a developer willing to accept the Subject Property “as-is” and will consider proposals for a public-private partnership regarding portions of public improvements necessary for the development. J. An urban housing study covering downtown was commissioned by the Meridian Development Corporation and completed in 2014. This study can be found on the following website: http://mdcfile.s3.amazonaws.com/MDC%20Housing%20Report_FINAL%2012%2002%2 014.pdf K. The façade and overall structure(s) should be articulated with the details and scale of openings along all street facing structures as part of the applicable concept designs and renderings. L. Ingress/egress and connectivity should be described. M. Parking needs and any impact on existing parking should be described in the proposal. Additional Information MDC highly recommends that proposed developers review the information provided in the following websites: http://www.meridiancity.org/community_development.aspx?id=10481 http://www.meridiandevelopmentcorp.com/ BASIS FOR SELECTION This Request for Proposals will be evaluated utilizing the criteria listed below while keeping in mind the general preferences and guidelines described in this RFP. The review committee and MDC and the City have assigned the total possible number of points to each of the criteria below to help identify the weight or importance of certain criteria in relation to others and assist in the application of the general goals and objectives of MDC and the City. The scoring and application of these criteria and the final selection of the successful proposal, if any, rests in the complete discretion of MDC and the City. History from the Respondents’ current and previous projects and customers of the Respondent may be used to evaluate some of the criteria. 1. Is the proposal likely to achieve a signature or iconic mixed-use development that enhances the architectural character and economic vitality of downtown Meridian? POINTS: 15 2. Is the proposal likely to achieve substantial economic benefit to the community – especially those portions of the city located within the urban renewal district? Economic benefits include but are not limited to, broadening and enhancing the economic base of the downtown, stimulating new growth and other private development and investment, tax revenue generated, increase property values, long term economic opportunities, employment and job creation and attraction of visitors and residents to the downtown to support downtown businesses. POINTS: 15 3. Does the developer and their team have the qualifications and experience necessary to successfully complete the project? A proposal should specify the team involved and who will actually develop the project. The listed team should include those involved with the various aspects of the project such as design, construction, project management, investors, funding and/or financing etc. Experience and qualifications may be demonstrated through references and through examples and information of Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 200 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 7 representative projects of similar scope and size that have been successfully implemented by the developer/Respondent. POINTS: 15 4. Does the developer have the financial ability and viable plan to complete the project in a timely manner? Such ability is determined in part by a review of recent financial statements and/or a statement of financial sufficiency from a known and established bank or similar financial institution that demonstrates the financial capacity to carry out the complete project. POINTS: 10 5. Does the Proposal substantially conform with the vision, goals and objectives of Destination Downtown, the MDC Revitalization Plan and the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Meridian? The developer must comply with city ordinances and other local ordinances and regulations requirements. The developer should describe any land use changes, conditional use permits, variances and other approvals that may be needed and sought by the Developer to implement their proposed project. POINTS: 10 6. Does the Proposal show commitment and detail regarding an appropriate plan for the property or properties and do they propose to implement their plan in the immediate future? The Proposal should not be for speculative purposes. POINTS: 10 7. What is the timeline for commencement and completion of the project? It is anticipated that the larger the project the more time would be needed. In any case, expeditious and timely completion of the project will be beneficial to the city and the urban renewal district. POINTS: 10 8. Does the Proposal provide for upgrading inadequate public improvements or facilities? POINTS: 5 9. Will the proposed project result in a net loss of parking? The proposal should address parking needed for the project and should not result in a net loss of parking in the downtown area. POINTS: 5 10. Does the proposal demonstrate creativity, innovation and sustainability in regard to the scope and design of the project? POINTS: 5 MDC, in cooperation with the City, reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, and to make an award on the basis of suitability to purpose or superior quality and the best interests of the Parties. PRESENTATIONS The Committee and the Parties may choose to invite those Respondents, which are determined to be best qualified, to make a presentation to the Committee and/or the Parties. The Parties may also explore the development proposal through further discussions with the selected developer(s). Upon request, any Developer selected at Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 201 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 8 this stage shall provide any reasonable additional information requested by MDC to allow a thorough investigation of the Developer’s ability to fully complete the proposed development and the business integrity, capability and reliability necessary to assure good faith successful performance. AWARD In the event the Parties identify a Proposal that they deem to be in the best interest of the Parties, MDC will enter into negotiations with the selected developer, for the purpose of developing a written development agreement (“DA”) for the subject property and any other applicable sites. The DA will be contingent upon the City transferring the subject property to MDC. The DA may also provide for a contingency commitment period to be negotiated to allow developer adequate time to perform any additional necessary due diligence and finalize financial commitments. Any contract negotiated between a developer and MDC staff shall be subject to the final approval of the Parties to enable transfer of the subject property. AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS A copy of the Request for Proposals, General Conditions and Instructions to Respondents, Special Conditions, Additional Terms and Conditions, Specifications, Plans and/or Drawings, Proposal Submittals, and any other related documents will remain on file in with MDC. It is understood that these documents will form the basis and become part of the DA upon award of the contract. All materials or services supplied by the Developer shall be in conformance with all the specifications contained herein and shall be in compliance with any applicable Local, State, and Federal Laws and regulations. All provisions of the City code are applicable to any Proposal submitted or contract awarded pursuant thereto. MDC REPRESENTATIVE Cameron Arial, Director City of Meridian | Community Development 33 E. Broadway Ave. Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 489-0570 Any and all explanations desired by a Respondent regarding the meaning or interpretation of this Request for Proposals or any part thereof must be requested in writing and directed to the MDC Representative and in accordance with Section 2 “EXPLANATIONS TO RESPONDENTS” of the Instructions below. Violation(s) may be caused for rejection of the proposal. It is the Respondent’s responsibility to ensure Respondent has received all addendums prior to submitting. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 202 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 9 Dated: MERIDIAN DEVLOPMENT CORPORATION Ashley Squyres, Administrator Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 203 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESPONDENTS/RESPONDENTS 1. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE A Pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for June 11, 2018 starting at 1:00 pm until approximately 2:30 pm unless the meeting finishes early . The meeting will be held in Conference Room A at Meridian City Hall. A site visit will follow a brief introduction/presentation. Participants will then go back to the meeting room for any follow-up questions prior to the end of the meeting. If a developer is from out of town/state and cannot make the meeting, please contact the MDC representative Cameron Arial to discuss. 2. EXPLANATIONS TO RESPONDENTS There are sixteen (16) total pages in this Request for Proposals. It is the Respondent’s responsibility to ensure that all pages are included. If any pages are missing, immediately request a copy of the missing page (s) by e-mailing your request to the MDC Representative Cameron Arial. Any question or explanation desired by a Respondent regarding the meaning or interpretation of the Request for Proposals, or any part thereof, must be requested in writing no later than five (5) days prior to the submission deadline for responses. Any interpretation made will be in the form of an addendum to the Request for Proposals, issued by MDC, and will be furnished to all prospective respondents of record. To be a respondent of record a Respondent must complete and submit an RFP Acknowledgment form to the MDC Representative. Oral explanations or instructions given before proposal opening will not be binding. 3. CONDITIONS AFFECTING THE WORK Before submitting a proposal, each Respondent must (1) examine the RFP documents thoroughly and satisfy themselves as to their sufficiency, and shall not at any time after submission of the Proposal, dispute such specifications and the directions explaining or interpreting them, (2) visit the site to familiarize themselves with the layout of the downtown and the subject property, (3) familiarize themselves with Federal, State and Local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that may, in any manner, affect cost, progress or performance of the work; and (4) study and carefully correlate respondent’s observations with the Request for Proposal’s. Failure to do so will not relieve Respondent from responsibility for estimating properly the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. MDC will assume no responsibility for any understanding or representations concerning conditions made by any of Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 204 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 11 its officers or agents prior to the execution of the contract, unless included in the Request for Proposals, or any addendum. 4. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS / PROPOSAL RESPONSE GUIDELINES Responses must be received by the Cameron Arial, the MDC Representative, no later than July 2, 2018 at 4:00 p.m., MST. Responses must be submitted electronically via email to carial@meridiancity.org . Late proposals will not be accepted. Proposals must be valid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from the due date and time. The Subject line of the email must bear the notation: Proposal: MDC OLD CITY HALL PROJECT 2018 PROPOSAL GUIDELINES / CONTENT The Proposal shall contain the following information and, in the format, as specified below: Each proposal submitted in response to this RFP must contain, at a minimum, the following information, in the order presented below: A. Cover letter describing your interest, your team and your concept, signed by a legal representative of your development team B. Table of Contents C. A narrative statement describing the overall development goals and objectives, project style, project team, aesthetic design and financing strategy. D. Concept: Provide a conceptual site plan, and a narrative detailing aspects of the Plan for the Proposal that demonstrates the developer’s understanding of the Parties’ goals for an iconic mixed-use development and how it fulfills the goals, objectives and requirements of the RFP. E. A parking plan to include on-site parking and if off-site parking is needed how it will be accomplished. Clearly state the estimated number of parking spaces involved. F. Development a. Clearly state the proposed square footage of each building and use breakdown b. Clearly state the type and square footage of each proposed aspect of the mixed-use project (i.e. retail, office, commercial, residential etc.) and their location within the structures and/or the site(s). G. Site plan and illustrations of the site development concept. H. Ingress/egress for vehicles and pedestrians to each major building and between buildings. I. A pro forma financial analysis that demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed project and your ability to successfully accomplish the proposed project. Include Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 205 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 12 a full Development Cost Summary, Financing Plan, Sources and Uses Table and a Development Timeline. The Sources and Uses must be very specific. A narrative should accompany the Sources and Uses table to allow the developer to fully articulate financial strategies, and assumptions for any public participation sought for the feasibility of their project. The narrative should also discuss if/when public participation will be sought/needed, when private equity will be brought into the development, and when bank financing will be brought into the development. J. Provide information on at least two comparable projects that the developer/developer team has completed. Provide pictures, development cost, timing, and public/private financial sources used to complete. Include the name, address, phone number and type of project for at least two references (at least one public sector reference should be included). Other references can also be provided. K. Identification of anticipated Partners/Team that will perform project duties, including without limitation, engineering, financial, utility analysis and design, parking analysis, construction and management. List a bio or resume for each individual as well as a company profile summary for each company used as part of the development team. 5. WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS Unless otherwise specified, proposals may be withdrawn by written request received from respondent prior to the date and time set for submission of proposals. 6. PUBLIC RECORDS The Parties are both public agencies. All documents in their possession are public records. Proposals are public records and, except as noted below, will be available for inspection and copying by any person. If any Respondent claims any material to be exempt from disclosure under the Idaho Public Records Law, the Respondent will expressly agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Parties from any claim or suit arising from the Parties’ refusal to disclose any such material. No such claim of exemption will be valid or effective without such express agreement. The Parties will take reasonable efforts to protect any information marked "confidential" by the Respondent, to the extent permitted by the Idaho Public Records Law. Confidential information must be submitted in a separate envelope/file with the proposal documents and marked "Confidential Information" and will be returned to the Respondent upon request after the award of the DA or rejection of proposal. It is understood, however, that the Parties will have no liability for disclosure of such information. Any proprietary or otherwise sensitive information contained in or with any Proposal is subject to potential disclosure. Prior to awarding a DA MDC and the City may, in their discretion, withhold records relating to the negotiation and award of a contract for the lease or Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 206 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 13 purchase of the Site, where the release of such records would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the Parties. 7. PROPOSED/ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE Issue the Request for Proposals May 17/18, 2018 Pre-Proposal Conference June 11, 2018 Receive Proposals July 2, 2018 Interviews/Presentations (if needed) Week of July 9, 2018 Selection Week of July 25, 2018 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 207 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 14 PART III PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS A - DECLARATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY In response to the Request for Proposals, the undersigned Respondent hereby proposes to furnish labor, material, travel, professional services, permits, supervision, equipment and equipment rental and all related expenses, and to perform all work necessary and required to complete the following project in strict accordance with the terms of this Request for Proposals and the DA as specified by the Respondent for: MDC OLD CITY HALL PROJECT 2018 Respondent certifies that he/she has examined and is fully familiar with all of the provisions of the RFP and any addendum thereto; that he/she is submitting a proposal in strict accordance and concurrence with the RFP and its Instructions to Respondents; and that he/she has carefully reviewed the accuracy of all attachments to this proposal. Respondent certifies that he/she has examined the proposal documents thoroughly, studied and carefully correlated respondent’s observations with the proposal documents and all other matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof. Respondent agrees that this proposal constitutes a firm offer to MDC which cannot be withdrawn by the Respondent for sixty (60) calendar days following the date of actual opening of proposals. If awarded the DA, Respondent agrees to execute and deliver to MDC within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of MDC’s Conditional Notice of Award, the DA, insurance certificates and bonds (if insurance and/or bonding is required). The undersigned declares: that he/she holds the position indicated below as a corporate officer or the owner or a partner in the business entity submitting this Proposal with authority to act on behalf of the entity; that the undersigned is informed of all relevant facts surrounding the preparation and submission of this Proposal, that the undersigned knows and represents and warrants to MDC that this Proposal is prepared and submitted without collusion with any other person, business entity, or corporation with any interest in this Proposal. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 208 of 400 MDC RFP OLD CITY HALL Page 15 Attached is the Respondent’s Statement which is to be completed by Respondent and made a part of their proposal: STATEMENT: Respondent accepts and agrees with all the provisions of the RFP and any addendum(s) and specifically acknowledges receipt of the following addendum, if any, to the Request for Proposals which addendum have been considered by Respondent in submitting this proposal (if none, state “NONE”): Addendum No. 1 Addendum No. 2 Submitted by, RESPONDENT’S BUSINESS NAME (type or print) By: (signature in ink) Date: Name: (Print) Title: Bus. Address: Phone: Email: Note: If respondent is a corporation, give State of incorporation; if a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint venturers. Respondent declares under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 209 of 400  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  ! Old City Ha llOld City Ha ll GenerationsPlaza CentennialParkCoxMonument City HallPlaza W CHERRY LN N M E R I D I A N R D E F A I R V I EW A V E E PINE AVE N M A I N S T N E 3 R D N E 2 N D E BOWER N M E RIDIAN N W 2 N D W MAPLE N W 3 R D E CARLTON E ADA N E 3 R D W CHERRY N W 2 N D E WASHINGTON E STATE N W 3 R D E IDAHO E BROADWAY N W 4 T H E GRUBER E BADLEY N E 5 T H W BROADWAY WCARLTON W IDAHO N W 1 S T N W 4 T H W CHERRY W WASHINGTON W MAPLE W ELM N E 2 A N D A H A L F N E 4 T H N E 4 T H W RAILROAD N E 2 N D N W 1 S T WCARLTON N E 5 T H W BOWER W CAM ELLIA E WASHINGTON N M I D T O W N N E 3 R D City Hall Post Office Boys &GirlsClub MeridianElementary Cole Valley Ar ea Map [0 1,000500Feet Print Date: 5/9/2018 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 210 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 9D Project/File Number: Item Title: Public Hearing on City Council Election Process Meetina Notes Keep eLla OtO4 a - `- CITY OF MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Date: May 22, 2018 Item # 9D Project Number: Project Name: City Council Election Process Please print your name For Against Neutral Do you wish to testify (Y/N) c' 1 Chris Johnson From:Bob Cooper <wincoop@yahoo.com> Sent:Friday, May 11, 2018 4:26 PM To:City Clerk Subject:City Council Options Having lived in a city that used District seats on the City Council, I do recommend option (3): third alternative provides that cities may instead establish districts, and candidates run to represent citizens residing in a specific geographic district. Robert Cooper NW Meridian, ID Sent from my iPhone Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 212 of 400 1 Chris Johnson From:Henry Bredehorst <2hankgb@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, May 14, 2018 5:00 PM To:City Clerk Subject:City general election options 14 May 2018 Re: City general elections. I strongly urge that option two be adopted for the City of Meridian. It seems a system where “seats are not designated, all candidates run for all open seats, and the candidates earning the most votes are elected to the open seats,” would promote election of candidates based more on their qualifications and less on a their party affiliation. Both options one and three seem to encourage election by party affiliation over candidate qualification. The City of Meridian deserves a City Council made up of people qualified to lead and serve it’s citizens, rather than people who may merely promote (and perhaps impose) their particular political ideologies. Henry Bredehorst 2281 S Blackspur Way Meridian, ID 83642 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 213 of 400 From:Neva Timmons To:City Clerk Subject:Election process Date:Friday, May 18, 2018 8:07:52 AM I believe Meridian is large enough that it be divided into sections and represented by someone living in that section. Council members would then be living in all sections of the city and would be more aware of what’s happening in their section. As it is now more than one member could be living in the northwest area and no body in the central city district so they would not have equal representation. Neva Timmons Sent from my iPhone Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 214 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 9E Project/File Number: Item Title: Request for Reconsideration for Lost Rapids (H-2018-0004) by Coalition Against Lost Rapids Meetinq Notes �q b4i D611�11&6e BEFORE THE MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF THE REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF LOST �l COALITION AGAINST LOST RAPIDS, APPELLANT. C/C 05-04-18 Case No. H-2018-0004 WRITTEN MEMORANDUM OF CITY COUNCIL ACTION TO DENY REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION AND AFFIRM ITS DECISION IN THE MATTER A Request for Reconsideration dated May 8, 2018 of the above -captioned matter by the appellant Coalition Against Lost Rapids was properly filed. The City Council scheduled the request to be considered at its regularly scheduled meeting on May 22, 2018 and provided Notice of such to the appellant. The City Council considered the written request and AFFIRMED its decision as set forth in the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order dated April 24, 2018. An affected person aggrieved by the final decision in this matter may seek judicial review as provided by chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code. By action of the City Council at its regular meeting held on the 22"d day of May, 2018 ROLL CALL ON MOTION TO AFFIRM its decision as set forth in the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order dated April 24, 2018: COUNCILMAN TREG BERNT COUNCILMAN JOE BORTON COUNCILMAN LUKE CAVENER COUNCILWOMAN GENESIS MILAM COUNCILMAN TY PALMER REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION Case No, H-2018-0004 VOTED YEA VOTED YEA VOTED YEA VOTED YEA VOTED YEA PAGE I OF 2 COUNCILMAN ANN LITTLE ROBERTS VOTED _YEA MAYOR TAMMY de WEERD (TIE BREAKER) VOTED N/A CERTIFICATION OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN I, C.JAY COLES, City Clerk of the City of Meridian, Ada County, State of Idaho, do hereby certify that this is a true and correct memorandum of the decision made on the public record by the City Council of the City of Meridian at its regularly scheduled meeting on the 22nd day of May, 2018. STATE OF IDAHO, ss. County of Ada, J 4 d �� AY CO , Ci erk =`' Cily of w �E IDIAN�-- IDAHO SEAL On this e�oVof day of , in the year 2018, before me, W , a Notary Public, appeared C.JAY COLES, known or identified to me to be th ity Clerk of the City of Meridian, Idaho that executed the said document, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of the City of Meridian. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. sense* '' �.•V •tZ,EIT.�. • , OTA4 • ,0 OF • 00 �••00n..s• Notary Publico ' Idaho Residing at: _" �._P j �,(ly__, Commission Expires:3 • a 3 ' `O a 71 - Copy served upon Applicant, the Appellant, the Community Development Department, and City Attorney. By: C . S y 60L City Clerk's Office REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION Case No. H-2018-0004 Dated: 5-1 X)_ z k19 PAGE 2 OF 2 Hearing Outline (Planning) The applicant is in agreement with the staff report - the response was received too late to be placed on the consent agenda. Item #9F: Hill’s Century Farm Sub. 10 (H-2018-0041) Application(s):  Final Plat Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 15.82 acres of land, is zoned R-8, and is located approximately ¼ mile south of E. Amity Rd. & ¼ mile east of S. Eagle Rd. History: This property was preliminary platted as The Turf Farm. Summary of Request: The final plat consists of 55 building lots & 8 common lots on 15.82 acres of land for the development of single- family detached homes. The proposed plat is in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plat as required. Outstanding Issue(s) for City Council: None Written Testimony: Kameron Nauahi, Brighton Corporation (response to staff report – in agreement w/conditions) Staff Recommendation: Approval w/conditions Notes: Item #9G: Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 (H-2018-0039) Application(s):  Final Plat Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 18.35 acres of land, is zoned R-8, and is located southwest of the S. Eagle Rd. & E. Taconic Dr. intersection. Application Summary: The final plat consists of 58 building lots & 6 common lots on 18.35 acres of land for the development of single-family detached homes. The proposed plat is in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plat as required. Staff Recommendation: Approval w/conditions Written Testimony: Becky McKay, Engineering Solutions (response to the staff report) – The applicant is not in agreement with site specific condition #11 which states, “Street lights are required along E. Taconic Drive. Revise street light notes to current City of Meridian standard street light notes. All type 1 poles shall be black.” The applicant states that due to the fact that curb & gutter cannot be built on Taconic until the roundabout configuration is finalized, it is not possible to put streetlights on the south at this time. Outstanding Issue(s) for City Council: Site specific condition #11 Notes: City Council Meeting May 22, 2018 Item #9F: Hill’s Century Farm Sub. #10 Final Plat/Landscape Plan Item #9G: Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 Final Plat/Landscape Plan Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 216 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 217 of 400 601 W. Bannock Street PO Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: 208-388-1200 Facsimile: 208-388-1300 www.givenspursley.com Gary G. Allen Christopher J. Beeson Jason J. Blakley Clint R. Bolinder Jeff W. Bower Preston N. Carter Jeremy C. Chou William C. Cole Michael C. Creamer Amber N. Dina Bradley J. Dixon Thomas E. Dvorak Jeffrey C. Fereday Martin C. Hendrickson Brian J. Holleran Kersti H. Kennedy Neal A. Koskella Debora K. Kristensen Michael P. Lawrence Franklin G. Lee David R. Lombardi Kimberly D. Maloney Kenneth R. McClure Kelly Greene McConnell Alex P. McLaughlin Melodie A. McQuade Christopher H. Meyer L. Edward Miller Patrick J. Miller Judson B. Montgomery Emily G. Mueller Deborah E. Nelson W. Hugh O’Riordan, LL.M. Randall A. Peterman Jack W. Relf Michael O. Roe Jamie Caplan Smith P. Mark Thompson Jeffrey A. Warr Robert B. White Donald E. Knickrehm (retired) Kenneth L. Pursley (1940-2015) James A. McClure (1924-2011) Raymond D. Givens (1917-2008) Deborah E. Nelson 208-388-1215 den@givenspursley.com May 15, 2018 Via email to City Clerk City of Meridian Mayor and City Council Members 33 East Broadway Avenue Suite 300 Meridian, ID 83642 RE: Lost Rapids (H-2018-0004) Applicant Response to Request for Reconsideration Dear Mayor and Council Members: Applicant provides this response to the Request for Reconsideration submitted May 8, 2018 by Andrea Carroll on behalf of a group of residents organized as the Coalition Against Lost Rapids (“Coalition”). I. Access Approval/Variance Findings The access points requested by Applicant and the legal arguments for the Council to approve the requested access points – by modification or variance – were part of the written record, were discussed at length at the Council hearing, and are expressly allowed in City Code. Access was not an issue at the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing because the modification and variance are Council-level only decisions. The City Code grants this Council the inherent authority to modify its access standards when you receive a recommendation from the Idaho Transportation Department in support of the access, and no specific application, notice, or process is required. The City Code was available for review by all interested parties. Applicant submitted detailed written testimony regarding access prior to the Council hearing in Applicant’s response to the staff report, including proposed findings for both a modification and a variance for the Council’s consideration. Applicant also provided testimony on the legal bases for approving the requested access by modification or variance at the Council Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 218 of 400 City of Meridian Mayor and City Council Members May 15, 2018 Page 2 hearing (at 4:56:05 and 6:41:47 of hearing video). Ms. Carroll and her clients each had two separate opportunities to address access at the hearing because the Council opened up the public testimony for a second time. And, Ms. Carroll did in fact provide testimony, responding to arguments about the variance and modification bases for the access decision (at 2:43:22 and 6:23:25). In the motion to approve the applications (at 6:45:40), Council Member Palmer referenced Applicant’s comments and response to the staff report, including comments made by Applicant for the findings: I move we approve H-2018-0004 including the comments and reply from the applicant and the agreements between staff and the applicant, and include that they, that a DA modification be required to approve, that council would approve, the elevations for the Costco and the variance for the connections to Chinden citing the ITD’s approval and the comments made by the applicant for the findings. Consistent with the motion approved by the Council, the written findings adopted by the Council reflect Applicant’s comments at the hearing and on the staff report, including comments on the findings for the requested access points. II. Ex Parte Claim Council Member Palmer’s review of the internet during the hearing to find examples of a Costco constructed adjacent to existing residences does not constitute an improper ex parte communication. He disclosed his search and the information he found during the hearing (at 3:47:40) when the public had an opportunity to rebut the information. Further, any knowledge the Council gained from Palmer’s disclosed internet search was not necessary to form the basis of the Council’s decision. In response to neighbor testimony, Applicant presented testimony and photographs of several examples of Costco store locations adjacent to residences (at 4:49:55). III. Sufficiency of Decision The adopted Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision & Order (“Findings”) reference and incorporate the staff report as Exhibit A. The staff report describes the criteria and standards applicable to each application. The report identifies facts and arguments presented by the Applicant, commenting agencies, and the public and references the Council hearing minutes and record for additional information. The staff report includes a detailed description of applicable comprehensive plan policies and, for each, describes how the specific policy is met by the applications. For each required finding per City Code for the applications presented, the staff report applies the facts and explains how the finding is met. This satisfies LLUPA’s requirement in Idaho Code § 67-6535 for a reasoned written statement granting the applications. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 219 of 400 City of Meridian Mayor and City Council Members May 15, 2018 Page 3 Applicant requests the Council deny the Coalition’s Request for Reconsideration. The Coalition members had a full and fair opportunity to participate in the Council hearing and, in fact, were provided with an additional opportunity to address the Council following the initial testimony. The Request for Reconsideration does not identify any errors that warrant a rehearing. To the extent the Council believes further explanation of its rationale for the decision is appropriate, then Applicant requests the Council modify its findings without rehearing the matter. Thank you for your consideration of this response. Sincerely, Deborah E. Nelson 14196248_4.docx [5362-4] Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 220 of 400 CITY OF MERIDIAN T;;' FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW IDIawl AN DECISION & ORDER "s A - In the Matter of the Request for Amendment to the Future Land Use Map Contained in the Comprehensive Plan to Change the Future Land Use Designation on 32.83 Acres of Land from the Medium Density Residential (16.33 acres) and the Mixed Use — Community (16.50 acres) Designations to Commercial; Annexation and Zoning of 78.33 Acres of Land with R-15 (39.01 acres), R-40 (6.50 acres), and C -G (32.83 acres) Zoning Districts; Preliminary Plat Consisting of One (1) Residential Building Lot, Thirteen (13) Commercial Building Lots, and One (1) Other Lot for Dedication of Right -of -Way on 36.2 Acres of Land in the Proposed R-40 and C -G Zoning Districts; and, Variance to UDC 11-311-413.2 which Prohibits New Approaches Directly Accessing a State Highway to Allow Two (2) New Accesses via US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd., by GFI — Meridian Investments, LLC and Brighton Investments. Case No(s). H-2018-0004 For the City Council Hearing Date of. April 3, 2018 (Findings on April 24, 2018) A. Findings of Fact 1. Hearing Facts (see attached Staff Report for the hearing date of April 3, 2018, incorporated by reference) 2. Process Facts (see attached Staff Report for the hearing date of April 3, 2018, incorporated by reference) 3. Application and Property Facts (see attached Staff Report for the hearing date of April 3, 2018, incorporated by reference) 4. Required Findings per the Unified Development Code (see attached Staff Report for the hearing date of April 3, 2018, incorporated by reference) B. Conclusions of Law 1. The City of Meridian shall exercise the powers conferred upon it by the "Local Land Use Planning Act of 1975," codified at Chapter 65, Title 67, Idaho Code (I.C. §67-6503). 2. The Meridian City Council takes judicial notice of its Unified Development Code codified at Title 11 Meridian City Code, and all current zoning maps thereof. The City of Meridian has, by ordinance, established the Impact Area and the Amended Comprehensive Plan of the City of Meridian, which was adopted April 19, 2011, Resolution No. 11-784 and Maps. 3. The conditions shall be reviewable by the City Council pursuant to Meridian City Code § 11-5A. 4. Due consideration has been given to the comment(s) received from the governmental subdivisions providing services in the City of Meridian planning jurisdiction. 5. It is found public facilities and services required by the proposed development will not impose expense upon the public if the attached conditions of approval are imposed. CITY OF MERIDIAN FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION & ORDER FILE NO(S). H-2018-0004 - I - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 221 of 400 6. That the City has granted an order of approval in accordance with this Decision, which shall be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and then a copy served by the Clerk upon the applicant, the Community Development Department, the Public Works Department and any affected party requesting notice. 7. That this approval is subject to the Conditions of Approval all in the attached Staff Report for the hearing date of April 3, 2018, incorporated by reference. The conditions are concluded to be reasonable and the applicant shall meet such requirements as a condition of approval of the application. C. Decision and Order Pursuant to the City Council's authority as provided in Meridian City Code § 11-5A and based upon the above and foregoing Findings of Fact which are herein adopted, it is hereby ordered that: 1. The applicant's request for a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, Annexation and Zoning, Preliminary Plat and Variance is hereby approved per the conditions of approval in the Staff Report for the hearing date of April 3, 2018, attached as Exhibit A. D. Notice of Applicable Time Limits Notice of Preliminary Plat Duration Please take notice that approval of a preliminary plat, combined preliminary and final plat, or short plat shall become null and void if the applicant fails to obtain the city engineer's signature on the final plat within two (2) years of the approval of the preliminary plat or the combined preliminary and final plat or short plat (UDC 11-613-7A). In the event that the development of the preliminary plat is made in successive phases in an orderly and reasonable manner, and conforms substantially to the approved preliminary plat, such segments, if submitted within successive intervals of two (2) years, may be considered for final approval without resubmission for preliminary plat approval (UDC 11-613-713). Upon written request and filed by the applicant prior to the termination of the period in accord with 11-613-7.A, the Director may authorize a single extension of time to obtain the City Engineer's signature on the final plat not to exceed two (2) years. Additional time extensions up to two (2) years as determined and approved by the City Council may be granted. With all extensions, the Director or City Council may require the preliminary plat, combined preliminary and final plat or short plat to comply with the current provisions of Meridian City Code Title 11. If the above timetable is not met and the applicant does not receive a time extension, the property shall be required to go through the platting procedure again (UDC 1I - 6B -7C). Notice of Development Agreement Duration The city and/or an applicant may request a development agreement or a modification to a development agreement consistent with Idaho Code section 67-651 IA. The development agreement may be initiated by the city or applicant as part of a request for annexation and/or rezone at any time prior to the adoption of findings for such request. A development agreement may be modified by the city or an affected party of the development CITY OF MERIDIAN FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION & ORDER FILE NO(S). H-2018-0004 " 2 " Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 222 of 400 agreement. Decision on the development agreement modification is made by the city council in accord with this chapter. When approved, said development agreement shall be signed by the property owner(s) and returned to the city within six (6) months of the city council granting the modification. A modification to the development agreement may be initiated prior to signature of the agreement by all parties and/or may be requested to extend the time allowed for the agreement to be signed and returned to the city if filed prior to the end of the six (6) month approval period. E. Notice of Final Action and Right to Regulatory Takings Analysis 1. The Applicant is hereby notified that pursuant to Idaho Code 67-8003, denial of a development application entitles the Owner to request a regulatory taking analysis. Such request must be in writing, and must be filed with the City Clerk not more than twenty-eight (28) days after the final decision concerning the matter at issue. A request for a regulatory takings analysis will toll the time period within which a Petition for Judicial Review may be filed. 2. Please take notice that this is a final action of the governing body of the City of Meridian. When applicable and pursuant to Idaho Code § 67-6521, any affected person being a person who has an interest in real property which may be adversely affected by the final action of the governing board may within twenty-eight (28) days after the date of this decision and order seek a judicial review as provided by Chapter 52, Title 67, Idaho Code. F. Attached: Staff Report for the hearing date of April 3, 2018 CITY OF MERIDIAN FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION & ORDER FILE NO(S). H-2018-0004 - 3 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 223 of 400 By action of the City Council at its regular meeting held on the day of 2018. ALA— COUNCIL PRESIDENT JOE BORTON COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT LUKE CAVENER COUNCIL MEMBER ANNE LITTLE ROBERTS COUNCIL MEMBER TY PALMER COUNCIL MEMBER TREG BERNT COUNCIL MEMBER GENESIS MILAM MAYOR TAMMY de WEERD TIE BREAKER) VOTED / e4 VOTED / (q VOTED VOTED Ya - VOTED \)G-4 VOTED — 1p z VOTED reSl 2n+ Copy served upon Applicant, Community Development Department, Public Works Department and City Attorney. By: Dated: ` o` City Clerk's Office CITY OF MERIDIAN FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION & ORDER FILE NO(S). H-2018-0004 Los+"RGL, cks 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 224 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 1 STAFF REPORT Hearing Date: April 3, 2018 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Sonya Allen, Associate City Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR (H-2018-0004) Note: Since the staff report was originally issued for this project, the Applicants and Staff met prior to the Commission meeting to discuss the changes recommended by Staff to the conceptual development plan included in Exhibit B). Staff felt substantial changes were needed in order for the development to be consistent with the proposed MU-R FLUM designation. Without these changes, the proposed development plan was more consistent with the Commercial FLUM designation than the requested MU-R designation. The Applicant’s position was that they’d prefer to develop the site consistent with the proposed concept plan without significant changes. Therefore, both Staff and the Applicants agreed that a Commercial FLUM designation would be more appropriate for the eastern portion of the site where the commercial and multi-family residential uses are proposed (i.e. the preliminary plat area); and the remainder of the site would remain under the current MDR FLUM designation. The applicant submitted a letter to the City requesting this change. The Commission hearing and recommendation was based on the Applicant’s revised request. Staff has revised Section I and Exhibits A, B and D to reflect this change in accord with the Commission’s recommendation; however, staff did not revise the body of the report. I. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT’S REQUEST The applicant, GFI – Meridian Investments II, LLC and Brighton Investments, has submitted a joint application for the following: Amendment to the Future Land Use Map contained in the Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation on a combined 78.33 32.83 acres of land from the Medium Density Residential (61.83 16.33 acres) and the Mixed Use – Community (16.50 acres) to Mixed Use Regional Commercial. Annexation and zoning of 78.33 acres of land with R-15 (39.01 acres), R-40 (6.50 acres), and C-G (32.83 acres) zoning districts; Preliminary Plat consisting of 1 residential building lot, 13 commercial building lots, and 1 other lot for dedication of right-of-way on 36.2 acres of land in the proposed R-40 and C-G zoning districts; and, Variance to UDC 11-3H-4B.2 which prohibits new approaches directly accessing a state highway to allow two (2) new accesses via US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. See Section IX of the staff report for more information. EXHIBIT A Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 349 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 225 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 2 II. SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed CPAM, AZ, and PP applications with the recommended changes to the conceptual development plan and conditions of approval noted in Exhibit B; and denial of the proposed VAR application in accord with the conditions of approval in Exhibit B and the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in Exhibit D. Note: The Variance request does not require action from the Commission; City Council is the decision making body. The Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission heard these items on March 1, 2018. At the public hearing, the Commission moved to recommend approval of the subject CPAM, AZ and requests. a. Summary of Commission Public Hearing: i. In favor: Mike Wardle, Brighton Corporation; Brian Whelan (site selector); Peter Kahn, Costco; Andy Daleiden, Principal Engineer, Kittelson & Associates; Don Petersik; Amy Cuhaclyan; Mike Dunlap; Roger Nielson; David Zaremba; Michael Morrette; David Turnbull; Trevor Gasser. ii. In opposition: Tom McNeil; Denise LaFever; Edward Simon; Robert Neufeld; David Reyes; Andrea Carroll (Attorney representing a group of residents in Bainbridge & Spurwing Subdivisions); Ken Marshall; Shelley Lupher; Jane Albert; Robert Friedlein; Sue Fillman; Bob Rock; Megan Rock; Kim Miles; Dirk Minatre; Jerry Stevenson; Terri Dawson; Sally Reynolds; Paige Winter; Kevin Dennison. iii. Commenting: None iv. Written testimony: Mike Wardle, Brighton Corporation; and many letters of testimony for and against) have been received – see project file for a complete record. v. Staff presenting application: Sonya Allen vi. Other staff commenting on application: None b. Key issue(s) of Public Testimony: i. In favor of a Costco in this location and opinion that they are a good neighbor and will provide great economic opportunities for the City and good paying jobs for area residents; ii. Negative impact of Costco on quality of life (i.e. noise created from delivery trucks, idling of engines at the fuel facility, hours of operation, increased density and intensity of land use) for area residents. iii. Concern related to traffic impacts from the proposed development and access restrictions from the state highway and already heavy traffic on SH-20/26; access constrained location with inadequate ingress/egress access points; unsafe pedestrian connections within the proposed development; lack of safe access for the Keith Bird Legacy Park. iv. Increased noise (i.e. roof top ventilation systems, power equipment used to maintain property, mechanical equipment, loading & unloading delivery trucks, back-up beepers, generators and refrigeration equipment) and air pollution from the site; excessive lighting generated from the site resulting in increased night sky light pollution; generation of hazardous material such as petroleum and contaminants from brake and tire wear which leads to runoff into groundwater; large impermeable surfaces of the parking lots; incompatible architecture of the industrial sized building and adjacent strip malls to the existing neighborhoods. v. Against proposed change to Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Medium Density Residential; vi. Positive impact to the local economy from having Costco locate here; will also generate business for other retailers/restaurants/services in the area; and will contribute to the balance and what is available for shopping and employment in Meridian. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 350 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 226 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 3 vii. The provision of much needed infrastructure in this area with the approval of this development without having to wait for funding for these improvements (i.e. road widening, intersection improvements, etc.). viii. Opinion that this site isn’t a good fit for a Costco; preference for it to be located at the SH-16/Chinden intersection to the west instead of this property. c. Key Issues of Discussion by Commission: i. The Applicant’s request to change their request for an amendment to the future land use map from all Mixed Use – Regional to the eastern 32.83 acres of the site as Commercial and the remaining area staying Medium Density Residential as is currently; ii. The traffic impact from the proposed development on adjacent streets and SH-20/26; iii. Impact on quality of life for area residents; iv. The location of the fuel facility and staff’s recommendation for it to be shifted from the corner; v. Feeling that the size of buildings allowed in the current MU-C designation (i.e. 30,000 square feet) is a big jump to the proposed Commercial designation which has no size restrictions, which will allow the proposed 168,652 square foot building. d. Commission Change(s) to Staff Recommendation: i. Approved Staff’s recommended changes to the conditions of approval in Exhibit B as noted in the memo to Mayor & Council from Staff dated March 1, 2018. ii. Removed condition #1b which required the fuel facility to be shifted off the corner to the south. e. Outstanding Issue(s) for City Council: i. None The Meridian City Council heard these items on April 3, 2018. At the public hearing, the Council approved the subject CPAM, AZ, PP and VAR requests. a. Summary of City Council Public Hearing: i. In favor: Mike Wardle, Brighton Corporation and Andy Daleiden, Kittleson & Associates (Applicant’s Representatives); See meeting minutes for a complete list of those testifying in favor. ii. In opposition: See meeting minutes for a complete list of those testifying in opposition. iii. Commenting: See meeting minutes for a complete list of those commenting on this application. iv. Written testimony: Many letters of testimony (for and against) have been received – see project file in the public record for a complete list. v. Staff presenting application: Sonya Allen vi. Other staff commenting on application: None b. Key issue(s) of Public Testimony: i. See meeting minutes for a complete record of public testimony. c. Key Issues of Discussion by Council: i. See meeting minutes for a complete record of the Council’s discussion. ii. Key Council Changes to Commission Recommendation i. The Council did not approve the conceptual building elevations for Costco and required that a modification to the development agreement be processed in the future to finalize approval of the conceptual design of the building. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 351 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 227 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 4 III. PROPOSED MOTION Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to approve File Number H-2018- 0004, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of April 3, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications). Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to deny File Number H-2018-0004, as presented during the hearing on April 3, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0004 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance .) IV. APPLICATION AND PROPERTY FACTS A. Site Address/Location: The site is located at the southwest corner of US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. and N. Ten Mile Rd., in the NE ¼ of Section 27, Township 4N., Range 1W. Parcel No.’s: S0427110011, S0427110023, S0427141803, S0427120611, S0427120916 B. Owner(s): GFI – Meridian Investments II, LLC 74 East 500 South, Ste. 200 Bountiful, UT 84010 Brighton Investments, LLC 12601 W. Explorer Dr., Ste. 200 Boise, ID 83713 C. Applicant: GFI – Meridian Investments II, LLC 74 East 500 South, Ste. 200 Bountiful, UT 84010 D. Representative: Kelly Kehrer, KM Engineering, LLP 9233 W. State St. Boise, Idaho 83714 E. Applicant’s Statement/Justification: Please see applicant’s narrative for this information. V. PROCESS FACTS A. The subject application is for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, Annexation and Zoning, Preliminary Plat and a Variance. A public hearing is required before the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council on all of these applications except for the Variance, which only requires Council approval, consistent with Meridian City Code Title 11, Chapter 5. B. Newspaper notifications published on: February 9, 2018 (Commission); March 16, 2018 (City Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 352 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 228 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 5 Council) C. Radius notices mailed to properties within 300 feet on: February 5, 2018 (Commission); March 12, 2018 (City Council) D. Applicant posted notice on site(s) on: February 14, 2018 (Commission); March 21, 2018 (City Council) E. Posted to Next Door: February 5, 2018 (Commission); March 9, 2018 (City Council) VI. LAND USE A. Existing Land Use(s) and Zoning: This site consists of undeveloped agricultural land, zoned RUT in Ada County. B. Character of Surrounding Area and Adjacent Land Use and Zoning: 1. North: US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. and single-family residential properties in Spurwing Orchard Subdivision and Westwing Estates, zoned R-4, R-8 and R-15 in the City and RUT in Ada County, respectively 2. East: Single-family residential properties in Irvine Subdivision and a rural residential parcel, zoned R-8 in the City and RUT in Ada County, respectively 3. South: Existing and future single-family residential properties in Bainbridge Subdivision and a church, zoned R-8 and L-O, respectively 4. West: Future single-family residential properties in Bainbridge Subdivision, zoned R-8 C. History of Previous Actions: In 2008, an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map was approved to change the land use designation on 14.57 acres of land at the northeast corner of the site from Medium Density Residential to Mixed Use - Community (Janicek – Ten Mile/Chinden, CPA-08-001). A conceptual development plan was submitted that showed how the property might develop in the future with a mix of retail [62,988 square feet (s.f.)], retail/office (11,412 s.f.), and multi-family residential (39 units) uses. However, because annexation and zoning was not requested, a development agreement was not required to tie future development to the conceptual development plan. D. Utilities: 1. Public Works: a. Location of sewer: The sanitary sewer main intended to provide service to the subject site currently exists in W. Lost Rapids Drive along the southern boundary. b. Location of water: Water mains intended to provide service to the subject site currently exist in N. Ten Mile Road and in W. Lost Rapids Drive. c. Issues or concerns: None E. Physical Features: 1. Canals/Ditches Irrigation: The Harrell Lateral runs along the eastern portion of the southern boundary of this site and is piped. 2. Hazards: Staff is not aware of any hazards that exist on this property. 3. Flood Plain: This site is not located in the Meridian Floodplain Overlay District. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 353 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 229 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 6 VII. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES AND GOALS CURRENT LAND USE DESIGNATION(S): Approximately 14.57 acres of the annexation area is designated on the Future Land Use Map as Mixed Use – Community (MU-C) and the remaining 52 acres is designated Medium Density Residential (MDR). MU-C: The purpose of the MU-C designation is to allocate areas where community-serving uses and dwellings are seamlessly integrated into the urban fabric. The intent is to integrate a variety of uses, including residential, and to avoid mainly single-use and strip commercial type buildings. Non- residential buildings in these areas have a tendency to be larger than in Mixed Use – Neighborhood areas, but not as large as in Mixed Use – Regional areas. Goods and services in these areas tend to be of the variety that people will mainly travel by car to, but also walk or bike to (up to 3 or 4 miles). Employment opportunities for those living in and around the neighborhood are encouraged. Developments are encouraged to be designed according to the conceptual MU-C plan depicted below Figure 3-3 in the Comprehensive Plan, pg. 27). Developments should have a mix of at least 3 land use types [i.e. commercial (includes retail, restaurants, etc.), office, residential, civic (includes public open space, parks, entertainment venues, etc.), and industrial]; residential uses should comprise a minimum of 20% of the development area at densities ranging from 6 to 15 units/acre; non-residential buildings should be proportional to and blend in with adjacent residential buildings; vertically integrated structures are encouraged; supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places including but not limited to parks, plazas, outdoor gathering areas, open space, libraries, and schools that comprise a minimum of 5% of the development area are required. MDR: The purpose of the MDR designation is to allow smaller lots for residential purposes within City limits. Uses may include single-family homes at gross densities of 3 to 8 dwelling units per acre d.u./acre). Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 354 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 230 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 7 PROPOSED LAND USE DESIGNATION: The applicant proposes an amendment to the FLUM to change the land use designation on a combined 78.33 acres of land from the MDR (61.83 acres) and MU-C 16.50 acres) to the Mixed Use – Regional (MU-R) designation. MU-R: The purpose of the MU-R designation is to provide for a mix of employment, retail, and residential dwellings and public uses near major arterial intersections. The intent is to integrate a variety of uses together, including residential, and to avoid predominantly single use developments such as a regional retail center with only restaurants and other commercial uses. Developments should be anchored by uses that have a regional draw with the appropriate supporting uses. For example, an employment center should have support retail uses; a retail center should have supporting residential uses as well as support retail uses; a retail center should have supporting residential uses as well as supportive neighborhood and community services. The standards for the MU-R designation provide an incentive for larger public and quasi-public uses where they provide a meaningful and appropriate mix to the developments. The developments are encouraged to be designed according to the conceptual MU-R plan depicted in Figure 3-5 of the Comprehensive Plan shown below. TRANSPORTATION: The subject property is located at the southwest corner of N. Ten Mile Road and US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. and is two miles east of US-16 and five miles north of Interstate 84 (I- 84). Ten Mile Road, between Chinden and I-84, is improved with two lanes between Chinden and W. Ustick Rd. and five lanes south of W. Ustick Rd. to I-84. A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) was prepared for this development and submitted to the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) and Ada County Highway District (ACHD) for review. ITD is requiring US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. to be widened to 4 lanes between Tree Farm Way and Linder Rd. with a concrete median island; widening is to include construction west of Tree Farm Way to taper the pavement back to a 3-lane section; and installation of conduit with fiber optics the entire length of the widening. A signal is required to be installed at the Black Cat Rd./Chinden intersection in accord with ACHD requirements and should be interconnected with the signals at Tree Farm Way and SH-16. An additional eastbound and westbound thru lane is required as part of the overall US 20- 26/Chinden widening at the Ten Mile/Chinden intersection with the eastbound lane configuration on Chinden to include two thru lanes – one left and one dedicated right turn lane. An additional Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 355 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 231 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 8 westbound left turn lane is required with lane configurations on Chinden including one combined thru/right turn lane, one thru lane and two left turn lanes. A STARS agreement is in process for these improvements. The applicant has requested a variance from the City for the proposed accesses via US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd as the UDC prohibits new accesses via the state highway. Staff is very concerned that these accesses will critically impact the mobility of the SH 20-26/Chinden transportation corridor long term if approved by City Council. No improvements or additional right-of-way (ROW) dedication are proposed or required by ACHD for the existing W. Lost Rapids Drive. A traffic signal at the Lost Rapids/Ten Mile intersection is proposed by the applicant. The applicant proposes to utilize the STAR agreement to widen Ten Mile Road to 5 lanes between Chinden Blvd. and Milano Drive to include bike lanes, planter strips and detached sidewalks, which will require the dedication of an additional 48 feet of ROW from the centerline of Ten Mile Rd. This will move up ACHD’s roadway widening project scheduled for 2022. Conceptual Development Plan: A concept plan (and narrative) was submitted that depicts/describes how this site is proposed to develop with a mix of commercial, retail and office uses and a fuel sales facility at the intersection of US 20-26/Chinden Blvd. and N. Ten Mile Road. A very large box store 168,652+/- square feet) is proposed for Costco Wholesale internal to the development to the south and west of the commercial, retail, office pads; multi-family residential is proposed to the south of the Costco site and west of the commercial pads along Ten Mile Rd.; and single-family attached and detached residential uses are proposed directly west of and abutting the commercial site. GOALS, OBJECTIVES, & ACTION ITEMS: Staff finds the following Comprehensive Plan policies to be applicable to this application and apply to the proposed use of this property (staff analysis in italics): Support a variety of residential categories (low-, medium-, medium-high and high-density single-family, multi-family, townhouses, duplexes, apartments, condominiums, etc.) for the purpose of providing the City with a range of affordable housing opportunities.” (3.07.01E) A variety of residential categories are proposed in this development consisting of single- family attached and detached homes, and townhome and garden style apartments. Staff is unaware how “affordable” the units will be. Coordinate with ACHD, ITD, COMPASS, and other agencies to determine future infrastructure plans, transportation corridors, highway alignments, etc. and allow only compatible adjacent land uses, appropriate site designs and traffic patterns.” (3.06.02H) ACHD, ITD, and COMPASS have all been provided an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed application. ITD and ACHD have both held several additional meetings to review and discuss the proposed application. Agency staffs continue to discuss what appropriate” and “compatible” site design and traffic patterns entail. Staff recommends the Commission and Council consider any additional comments or conditions that are provided by ACHD, ITD or COMPASS. Provide housing options close to employment and shopping centers.” (3.07.02D) The proposed project would provide additional shopping opportunities for existing and future residents. However, staff is concerned that the concept plan does not provide any pedestrian connections between residential and commercial uses; therefore, staff Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 356 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 232 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 9 recommends pedestrian connections are provided. The proposed location is not within a current designated employment area. Protect existing residential properties from incompatible land use development on adjacent parcels.” (3.06.01F) There are no existing residential properties that abut this site; the closest residential properties are separated from the site by collector and arterial roadways and associated street buffers. The applicant’s narrative states that no deliveries will take place between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am; commercial truck deliveries will be restricted away from residential uses; and site lighting will be reduced within one hour of closing and lighting will be designed so that it is 0.0 foot candles at property lines. Note: Many letters of testimony have been received by the City from adjacent property owners in response to the proposed development. Plan for and encourage services like health care, daycare, grocery stores and recreational areas to be built within walking distance of residential dwellings.” (2.01.01C) The proposed Costco Wholesale store will provide grocery as well as other household products in close proximity to residential dwellings; however, the concept plan does not take into account any pedestrian or vehicular interconnectivity between the residential and commercial portions of the development. The plan should be revised to provide for interconnectivity between the uses. Work with transportation agencies and private property owners to preserve transportation corridors, future transit routes and infrastructure, road and highway extensions, and to facilitate access management planning.” (3.01.01J) City Staff has been coordinating with both the applicant and the transportation agencies ACHD and ITD) on this project. The proposed project will preserve right-of-way for future US Highway 20/26 widening projects. The applicant is in the process of entering into a STAR agreement with ITD to make some off-site improvements to US 20/26. These improvements would widen the highway to 4-travel lanes and improve impacted intersections in conjunction with ITD’s project to widen the corridor from Eagle Road. The Commission and Council should consider ACHD’s and ITD’s comments when determining appropriate access and circulation for this site. The City has policies limiting access points to arterial roadways and State highways. The submitted site plan shows two direct access points to a State Highway, including one full access, and one access point to Ten Mile Road, an arterial street. Every additional access is a point of conflict that can impact roadway functionality. Costco stores can be busy and congestion at facilities in both Boise and Nampa spill over onto adjacent roadways (none of which are State facilities). Traffic waiting to exit the site at the signal on Cole Road at the Boise facility backs up to the point of blocking vehicles from exiting parking stalls. This slows vehicles entering the site. Staff recommends that site access be designed to prioritize and encourage access from Ten Mile and Lost Rapids, rather than a State facility. Support land uses that do not harm natural systems and resources.” (3.06.01H) The existing land is farmed and there are no natural systems which remain to be protected. Except in North Meridian and the Ten Mile Specific Area, where a specific collector system is planned, realize continuous collectors at regular intervals around the north-south and east- west half-mile lines within the undeveloped sections of Meridian's Area of City Impact at the time of new development. Such collectors should be the primary designated bike lane routes in lieu of arterial streets, whenever possible.” (3.03.03E) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 357 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 233 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 10 Lost Rapids is an existing collector roadway that connects into Tree Farm Way to the north, across US 20-26/Chinden Blvd, and extends to the east across Ten Mile Rd into Lochsa Falls Subdivision. Require pedestrian access connectors in all new development to link subdivisions together to promote neighborhood connectivity as part of a community pathway system.” 3.03.03B) There are no pedestrian walkways depicted on the concept plan for interconnectivity between the commercial site and the residential portions of the site; the plan should be revised to include pedestrian access connectors. Reduce the number of existing access points onto arterial streets by using methods such as cross-access agreements, access management, and frontage/backage roads.” (3.03.02N) There is only one existing farm access road which bisects the existing farm fields, half-way between Ten Mile Road and Lost Rapids Drive. There are no existing public access points on either the State facility or Ten Mile Road. The entire property has access from an improved collector roadway to the west and south of the site which may act and function as a backage road. Identify transitional areas to buffer commercial and residential uses, to allow uses such as offices and other low intensity uses.” (3.05.03A) The proposed concept plan does not depict any transitional areas other than landscaping to buffer the residential and commercial uses. The Costco building (and loading area), the most intense commercial use on the site, directly abuts the single-family residential portion of the site. The lower intensity commercial uses (i.e. office and retail pads) are proposed on the periphery of the development adjacent to US 20-26/Chinden Blvd. and N. Ten Mile Rd. instead of as a buffer between the residential and higher intense commercial use (see Exhibit A.3). Staff recommends the concept plan is revised to provide transitional areas as noted, specifically between the Costco building and single-family residential area. The high-density residential area as well as the street buffer and collector street (W. Lost Rapids Dr.) does buffer impacts from the Costco site on the adjacent future single-family residential properties to the south of Lost Rapids. Coordinate with public works, police, and fire departments on proposed annexation and development requests, and the impacts on services.” (3.04.01H) Public Works, Police, and Fire were all invited to pre-application and project review meetings for this project. Their comments and conditions, if provided, are included in Exhibit B of this report. Plan for a variety of commercial and retail opportunities within the Area of City Impact.” (3.05.01J) This area is planned for some commercial uses and the proposed site plan would expand resident and stakeholder access to closer commercial and retail opportunities. Minimize noise, odor, air pollution, and visual pollution in industrial and commercial development adjacent to residential areas.” (3.06.01B) The proposed Master Plan included in Exhibit A.3 depicts dense landscaping to buffer the abutting residential uses from the commercial uses. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 358 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 234 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 11 Permit new development only where urban services can be reasonably provided at the time of final approval and development is contiguous to the City.” (3.01.01F) This property is contiguous to land that has already been annexed into the City. Urban services can be provided to this property upon development. Evaluate comprehensive impact of growth in all land use decisions (e.g., traffic impacts, school enrollment, parks, etc).” (3.01.01B) ACHD was provided with a traffic impact study and has included analysis in their report. The application was forwarded on to partner agencies and other City Departments for analysis of impacts to services; some of their comments are included in Exhibit B. Adopt land use designations that will allow for housing opportunities for all income levels. 3.07.01D) The adopted future land use designations allow for a variety of housing types that may be attractive to all income levels. The applicant is proposing to annex and zone portions of the site as R-15 (Medium-high Density Residential) and R-40 (High Density Residential).The proposed residential is within the specified area and range described in the Comprehensive Plan, but the overall concept plan lacks many of the mixed use elements necessary for it to be integrated successfully as a mixed use project. See the General Mixed Use text analysis below. Consider the adopted COMPASS regional long-range transportation plan in all land-use decisions.” (3.03.02G) The Communities in Motion (CIM) 2040 Plan identifies US 20/26 as a priority corridor with a typology of expressway. It is currently listed as an “unfunded” priority, though some early improvements are pending. The following is a summary from the CIM US 20/26 Priority Corridor Summary. As a major mobility highway, US 20/26 is experiencing congestion along much of its length but especially between Linder Road and State Highway 55 (Eagle Road), a stretch with only two travel lanes. US 20/26 has been a regional priority for a number of years but it remains unfunded, causing traffic to divert to other routes such as McMillan Road. In addition to high traffic levels on this road, the intersection with State Highway 55 (Eagle Road) is ranked #2 on ITD’s list of high-accident locations. By 2040, daily traffic between Middleton Road and State Highway 55 is expected to increase substantially. o From Middleton Road to Star Road, traffic is projected to more than double, from 12,000 in 2013 to 30,000 in 2040. o From Star Road to Linder Road, traffic is projected to double, from 14,000 in 2013 to 28,000 in 2040. This would be similar to current traffic on US 20/26 (Chinden Boulevard) in Garden City. o From Linder Road to State Highway 55 (Eagle Road), traffic is projected to increase 80%, from 21,000 in 2013 to 38,000 in 2040. This would be similar to current traffic on Eagle Road north of US 20/26. o Rush hour driving time between Middleton Road and Glenwood Street is expected to more than double, from 25 minutes in 2013 to 60 minutes in 2040.” Consider ACHD’s Master Street Map (MSM) in all land use decisions.” (3.03.04K) With the exception of Chinden Blvd (which is an ITD facility), the arterial and collector roadways shown on ACHD’s street map are already improved or scheduled for widening. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 359 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 235 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 12 Protect citizen investments in existing public facilities (water, sewer, streets, fire, police, etc.) by encouraging controlled growth through development application reviews and development agreements.” (3.04.01G) The proposed project is surrounded by urban development and would be well served by the City. To ensure public infrastructure is adequate to serve the development and control the timing for said improvements, staff recommends that a development agreement be required with annexation of the project. Evaluate development proposals based on physical, social, economic, environmental, and aesthetic criteria.” (3.01.01G) The proposed site plan indicates large landscape buffers and generally appealing architectural designs. Off-site impacts such as trucks and lighting are described or shown as being reduced, and the high density residential is on a major transportation corridor. However, it is unclear how the proposed site development furthers inclusive mixed use design elements, or how the proposed FLUM designation and site plan is better for the neighbors and City than a development with more neighborhood and community accessible services. Restrict private curb cuts and access points on collectors and arterial streets” (3.06.02D) The proposed concept plan and application requests one direct access via N. Ten Mile Road, an arterial street, located approximately half-way between W. Lost Rapids Dr., a collector street, and Chinden Blvd, a State highway and a mobility corridor. Another access is proposed via W. Lost Rapids Dr. along the southern boundary of the site. Local street access is not available for this site. Locate small-scale neighborhood commercial areas within planned residential developments as part of the development plan.” (3.05.01E) Future and existing residential areas are located on the backside of Costco, with the small- scale neighborhood serving type pad sites generally located furthest from existing and proposed neighborhoods. This layout is inconsistent with the intent of Mixed Use designation, Figure 3-5, and the purpose of backage and collector type roadways. Locate high-density development, where possible, near open space corridors or other permanent major open space and park facilities, Old Town, and near major access thoroughfares.” (3.07.02L) The proposed high-density residential is near two parks (Keith Bird Legacy and Heroes’ Park) and a major access thoroughfare (US 20-26). Provide for a wide diversity of housing types (single-family and multi-family arrangements) and choices between ownership and rental dwelling units for all income groups in a variety of locations suitable for residential development.” (3.07.03B) The proposed site plan would add to Meridian’s diversity of housing with medium and high density residential uses in close proximity to a major transportation corridor. Staff is unaware if the units will be owner occupied or rentals. Integrate land use and transportation planning to ensure that they mutually support the communities' goals and desires.” (7.01.01F) City and transportation agencies have met multiple times to discuss the subject project. With some changes to the proposal, staff believes the project could support the communities’ goals and desires. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 360 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 236 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 13 Coordinate with transportation agencies to ensure provision of services and transit development.” (6.02.02H) The applicant should coordinate with Valley Regional Transit to determine if an ADA bus stop is needed at this location. In reviewing development applications, the following items will be considered in all Mixed Use areas: (Staff’s analysis in italics) Residential densities should be a minimum of six dwellings/acre. A gross density of 5 to 8 units per acre is anticipated to develop in the R-15 area with 18 to 24 units per acre in the R-40 area. Where feasible, higher density and/or multi-family residential development will be encouraged, especially for projects with the potential to serve as employment destination centers and when the project is adjacent to US 20/26, SH-55, SH-16 or SH-69. A mix of mostly single-story attached and detached units are proposed to the west of the commercial area between the collector street (i.e. N. Tree Farm Way/W. Lost Rapids Dr.) and US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd.; and 2-story townhome style and 3-story garden style apartments are proposed to the south of the commercial area adjacent to the collector street. While this project is adjacent to US 20-26, it is not an “employment center”; Costco is the only store with a regional draw to the development. An employment center in this general area is contemplated for the property located near the northwest corner of W. McMillan and N. Ten Mile Roads; a half-mile south of the proposed development. A conceptual site plan for the entire mixed-use area should be included in the application. A concept plan was submitted for the entire site with this application; however, the plan does not demonstrate consistency with development goals and objectives of the MU-R designation as submitted. Staff has included recommendations for revisions to the plan that would be consistent with the MU-R designation in Exhibit B as discussed below in Section IX. In developments where multiple commercial and/or office buildings are proposed (not residential), the buildings should be arranged to create some form of common, usable area, such as a plaza or green space. The concept plan for the commercial area does not include any form of common area. Staff recommends the plan is revised to incorporate common usable area within the commercial portion of the development as noted. The site plan should depict a transitional use and/or landscaped buffering between commercial and existing low- or medium-density residential development. There is no existing residential development directly adjacent to the commercial portion of the site. However, single-family and multi-family residential uses are proposed directly adjacent to the commercial portion of the development to the west and south. A dense landscape buffer with berms is depicted on the Master Plan between the uses and is required see Exhibit A.3). A mixed-use project should include at least three types of land uses [i.e. commercial includes retail, restaurants, etc.), office, residential, civic (includes public open space, parks, entertainment venues, etc.), and industrial]. Exceptions may be granted for smaller sites on a case-by-case basis. The proposed concept plan depicts a Costco, future commercial subdivision and two types of residential uses. The application narrative states office uses are part of the development plan Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 361 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 237 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 14 but does not specify which lots/pads will contain those uses. A mix of at least three types of land uses is required to be provided. Community-serving facilities such as hospitals, churches, schools, parks, daycares, civic buildings, or public safety facilities are expected in larger mixed-use developments. None of these types of uses are proposed within this development; however, several of these uses exist in close proximity to this site, as follows: a 7.5 acre City Park (Keith Bird) exists directly across the street (W. Lost Rapids Dr.) to the south; another City Park (Hero’s) exists to the southeast kitty corner to this site across Ten Mile Rd.; schools exists a ½ mile to the east at the southwest corner of Chinden Blvd. and N. Long Lake Way and on Everest Ln., east of Long Lake Way; a fire station exists approximately 2 miles to the south on Ten Mile Rd.; a church exists directly to the south at the southwest corner of Lost Rapids Dr. & Ten Mile Rd.; and an assisted living facility exists 1.5 mile to the east on Chinden Blvd. While these uses/facilities are near the site, they are not integrated into the proposed development as desired. All required open space and amenities are centralized within their respective developments (i.e. the single-family and multi-family portions) without any shared facilities nearer to or within the commercial area. Supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places including but not limited to parks, plazas, outdoor gathering areas, open space, libraries, and schools are expected; outdoor seating areas at restaurants do not count. The concept plan does not depict any public and/or quasi-public spaces/places within this development. Staff recommends the plan is revised accordingly to include public and/or quasi-public spaces/places within the development. All mixed-use projects should be directly accessible to neighborhoods within the section by both vehicles and pedestrians. The overall site is separated from adjacent developments by public streets (i.e. US 20- 26/Chinden, N. Ten Mile Rd., and W. Lost Rapids Dr.) that will provide access to the development. There is no interconnectivity, vehicular or pedestrian, proposed between the single-family residential, multi-family residential and the commercial portions of the site. Staff recommends the plan is revised to include some form of interconnectivity between the residential and commercial portions of the site. Street sections consistent with the Ada County Highway District Master Street Map are required within the Unified Development Code. There is an existing collector street (W. Lost Rapids Dr.) that runs along the southern boundary of the site consistent with the Master Street Map; no other streets are depicted on the Map for this site. In reviewing development applications, the following items will be considered in MU-R areas: Development should generally comply with the general guidelines for development in all Mixed-Use areas. See analysis above. Residential uses should comprise a minimum of 10% of the development area at densities ranging from 6 to 40 units/acre. The concept plan depicts 58% (45.5 acres) of the total project area with residential uses. Densities in the single-family portion of the development are anticipated to range from 5- to 8-units/acre with densities in the multi-family portion ranging from 18- to 24-units/acre. Retail commercial uses should comprise a maximum of 50% of the development area. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 362 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 238 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 15 Retail, commercial and office uses are proposed to comprise 42% (or 32.83 acres) of the development area per the concept plan included in Exhibit A.3 and the applicant’s narrative; therefore, the retail portion alone will be under 50%. There is neither a minimum nor maximum imposed on non-retail commercial uses such as office, clean industry, or entertainment users. There are no clean industry or entertainment users proposed at this time; this provision is noted for the office uses. Where the development proposes public and quasi-public uses to support the development, the developer may be eligible for additional area for retail development (beyond the allowed 50%) as provided for on Pg. 31 of the Comprehensive Plan. The concept plan does not include any public and/or quasi-public uses to support the development nor is it discussed in the applicant’s narrative. Staff recommends the plan is revised to include public/quasi-public uses as desired in mixed use and MU-R designated areas. VIII. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC) A. Purpose Statement of Zoning District(s): 1. The purpose of the residential districts is to provide for a range of housing opportunities consistent with the Meridian comprehensive plan. Residential districts are distinguished by the dimensional standards of the corresponding zone and housing types that can be accommodated (UDC 11-2A-1). 2. The purpose of the commercial districts is to provide for the retail and service needs of the community in accordance with the Meridian comprehensive plan. Six (6) districts are designated which differ in the size and scale of commercial structures accommodated in the district, the scale and mix of allowed commercial uses, and the location of the district in proximity to streets and highways (UDC 11-2B-1). Allowed uses in the C-G district are of the largest scale and broadest mix of retail, office, service and light industrial uses and are usually located in close proximity and/or with access to interstate or arterial intersections. B. Schedule of Use: 1. UDC Table 11-2A-7 lists the principal permitted (P), accessory (A), conditional (C), and prohibited (-) uses in the R-15 zoning district. Any use not explicitly listed is prohibited. 2. UDC Table 11-2A-8 lists the principal permitted (P), accessory (A), conditional (C), and prohibited (-) uses in the R-40 zoning district. Any use not explicitly listed is prohibited. 3. UDC Table 11-2B-2 lists the principal permitted (P), accessory (A), conditional (C), and prohibited (-) uses in the C-G zoning district. Any use not explicitly listed is prohibited. C. Dimensional Standards: Development of the site should be consistent with the dimensional standards listed in UDC Table 11-2A-7 for the R-15 zoning district; UDC Table 11-2A-8 for the R-40 zoning district; and 11-2B-3 for the C-G zoning district. D. Landscaping: Landscaping is required within street buffers in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. E. Off-Street Parking: NA (not required or reviewed with the subject application) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 363 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 239 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 16 IX. ANALYSIS Analysis of Facts Leading to Staff Recommendation: NOTE: A LOT of public testimony has been received in response to this application; please see the public record. A. Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment (CPAM): (Applies to the overall site) An amendment to the Future Land Use Map contained in the Comprehensive Plan is proposed to change the land use designation on a combined 78.33 acres of land from the Medium Density Residential (MDR) (61.83 acres) and the Mixed Use – Community (MU-C) (16.50 acres) to Mixed Use – Regional (MU-R) is requested (see Section VII above and Exhibit A.2). While the property is proposed to be designated entirely MU-R, the concept plan shows two, if not three, distinct separate projects as follows: medium density residential in accord with the current FLUM on the western portion of the site; commercial on the northern portion of the site; and high density residential on the southern portion of the site. There is no pedestrian connectivity between any of these projects and only a driveway access is proposed along the east side of the multi-family project to/from the commercial property via the collector street (W. Lost Rapids Dr.). No integration is shown between the commercial and residential uses, which essentially creates a predominantly single-use development with Costco as the primary anchor with smaller commercial/office uses and separate residential areas, which is not the intent of the MU-R designation. The MU-R diagram in Section VII above depicts a big box retail store transitioning to high density residential or office uses, a local/collector street and then single-family residential uses. This provides a buffer spatially as well as use-wise between the higher intense commercial uses and medium density (single-family) residential uses. The proposed concept plan depicts the most intense commercial use (i.e. the 168,652 square foot Costco building) directly abutting single- family homes with only landscaping as a buffer, which is not a transition in uses and is not consistent with the MU-R designation. The fuel sales facility associated with Costco is proposed at the Chinden/Ten Mile intersection, an entryway corridor into the City, at the northeast corner of the development. Due to the lack of access in the corner of the development, Staff is concerned this will create traffic conflicts and congestion and possibly blockage of drive aisles in and out of the facility at this location. Additionally, staff would like to see a beautification effort in the form of a landscaped design/entryway feature at the corner of the site due to it being an entryway corridor into the City. Traffic circulation within the site as well as entering/exiting the site via Lost Rapids is also likely to be a problem. The driveway access via Lost Rapids leading to/from the commercial portion of the development is only 330’+/- from the centerline of the Ten Mile/Lost Rapids intersection, which will likely create conflicts with vehicles trying to merge into traffic on Lost Rapids with vehicles waiting to get onto Ten Mile at the future signal. The application does not clearly indicate why the City would be better served by an MU-R instead of an MU-C development in this area, other than that the size of the Costco building isn’t allowed in the MU-C designation; or why this project can’t be located within an area already designated MU-R such as closer to the SH-16/US 20-26 intersection. Although the application demonstrates that north Meridian (and all of northern Ada and Canyon counties) is “underserved” and distant from existing Costco sites in Nampa and Boise, it doesn’t explain how the community would be better served by a regional project than a community sized project as currently envisioned for this area. By proposing a Costco with unique traffic and circulation patterns on a smaller commercial portion of a mixed use designated site, connectivity and integration requirements are difficult. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 364 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 240 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 17 To address the above-noted concerns, Staff recommends significant changes are made to the concept plan in order for the development to be consistent with the requested MU-R designation, as follows: Rearrange the site layout so that there is a transition in intensity of uses [e.g. single- family attached/detached residential to multi-family residential to commercial/retail/office to the most intense commercial (i.e. Costco)]. Most intense commercial uses should be located adjacent to the state highway (US 20-26/Chinden) and arterial street (Ten Mile), rather than abutting residential areas, especially low-density residential areas. Shift the fuel sales facility off the corner to the south near the driveway via Ten Mile Rd.; or, to the west near one of the driveways via US 20-26/Chinden Blvd. (if the driveway(s) are approved by Council and ITD). Include a landscaped design/entryway feature at the northeast corner of the site adjacent to the US 20-26/Ten Mile intersection for beautification purposes at the City’s entryway corridor. Shift the driveway access to/from the site via Lost Rapids further to the west away from the Ten Mile/Lost Rapids intersection to alleviate traffic congestion at the intersection. Integrate the commercial with the residential portions of the development through the provision of pathways and/or vehicular connections and changes to the site layout that may include re-positioning of buildings so that the rears of buildings aren’t facing abutting uses. In the commercial/office portion of the development, the buildings should be arranged to create some form of common, usable area, such as a plaza or green space. Include supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places as desired in MU-R designated areas (see Comprehensive Plan, page 28). Site access should be designed to prioritize and encourage access from Ten Mile and Lost Rapids, rather than a State facility (i.e. US 20-26). A pedestrian circulation plan should be submitted demonstrating pedestrian interconnectivity within the overall site. Without these changes, staff is of the opinion the proposed development is more consistent with the Commercial (which includes multi-family residential) and existing Medium Density Residential designations than the proposed Mixed Use - Regional designation and should be designated accordingly (see Commercial in the Comprehensive Plan, pages 21-22 for more information). B. Annexation & Zoning (AZ): (Applies to the overall site) Annexation and zoning of 78.33 acres of land with R-15 (39.01 acres), R-40 (6.50 acres), and C- G (32.83 acres) zoning districts is requested consistent with the proposed MU-R FLUM designation. The legal description submitted with the application, included in Exhibit C, shows the boundaries of the property proposed to be annexed and zoned. The property is contiguous to land that has been annexed into the City and is within the Area of City Impact boundary. Conceptual Development Plan: The applicant has submitted a conceptual development plan, included in Exhibit A.3, which depicts a 168,652 square foot big box (Costco Wholesale) interior to the development; a fuel sales facility at the northeast corner of the site at the intersection of N. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 365 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 241 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 18 Ten Mile Rd. and US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd.); (10) future commercial, retail, restaurant, professional and office pads located at the northeast corner of the site adjacent to US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. and N. Ten Mile Rd.; (6) townhouse-style multi-family structures containing 49+/- units, (3) garden-style multi-family structures containing 60+/- units, and a clubhouse and swimming pool at the southeast boundary of the site adjacent to W. Lost Rapids Dr., south of the Costco site; and single-family attached and detached age-qualified units on the western portion of the site. Conceptual Building Elevations: Conceptual building elevations (photos and renderings) were submitted that depict the general style of development proposed for the single-family attached and detached, multi-family and commercial structures as shown in Exhibit A.7. Except for the Costco Wholesale building, the end-users in the commercial portion of the development are not known at this time; therefore, detailed building elevations will be submitted in the future as each building develops and be reviewed through the design review process. As noted above in Section VII, non-residential buildings should be proportional to and blend in with adjacent residential buildings; future building elevations submitted for design review should demonstrate compliance with this requirement. All structures, except single-family residential detached homes, are required to comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and in the Architectural Standards Manual. To ensure compliance, a design Review application is required to be submitted to the Planning Division and approved prior to application for building permits. None of the proposed concept elevations are approved with this application. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance application is also required to be submitted and approved for all new uses on the site, except for single-family residential detached homes, to ensure the use and site design is consistent with UDC standards. The City may require a development agreement (DA) in conjunction with an annexation pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A. To ensure the site develops as proposed and recommended by staff with this application and in accord with the Comprehensive Plan, staff recommends a DA is required with the annexation containing the provisions included in Exhibit B. Because there are to be two different property owners/developers for this site, staff recommends two separate DA’s are required that contain provisions for each portion of the development area. C. Preliminary Plat (PP): (Only applies to the C-G and R-40 zoned portion of the site – the single- family residential portion of the site is not proposed to be platted at this time.) NOTE: if the concept plan is revised per staff’s recommendation above, this will require modifications to the plat to coincide with the concept plan. The applicant proposes a preliminary plat consisting of (1) residential building lot, (13) commercial building lots, and (1) other lot for dedication of right-of-way on 36.2 acres of land in the proposed R-40 and C-G zoning districts. Although ultimate build-out of this project will be market-driven, the applicant intends to plat the subdivision in one phase. Commercial, retail and office uses are proposed to develop within the C-G zoned portion of the site adjacent to US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. and N. Ten Mile Road; housing within the R-40 zoned portion of the site adjacent to W. Lost Rapids Dr. is proposed to consist of townhome and garden style multi-family units with expected densities between 20 and 24 units per acre. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 366 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 242 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 19 The applicant requests that they be allowed two (2) building permits for the construction of the Costco store and fuel sales facility prior to recordation of the subdivision plat. Staff is amenable to this request. Existing Structures: There are no existing structures on this site. Dimensional Standards: The proposed plat and subsequent development is required to comply with the dimensional standards listed in UDC Tables 11-2B-3 for the C-G zoning district and 11- 2A-8 for the R-40 zoning district. Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and finds that all of the proposed lots comply with the minimum standards. The maximum building height is 65 feet in the C-G district; and 60 feet in the R-40 district. Access: Access to streets is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-3 and 11- 3H-4. Access is proposed as discussed in Section VII above per the concept plan in Exhibit A.3. The UDC requires access to be taken from a local street when available; however, there is no local street access available to this site. One (1) access is proposed via N. Ten Mile Rd., an arterial street between Lost Rapids and Chinden Blvd.; two (2) accesses are proposed via US 20- 26/W. Chinden Blvd., a state highway; and two (2) accesses are proposed via Lost Rapids Dr., a collector street. New approaches directly accessing a state highway are prohibited; the applicant requests a variance to this standard (see analysis below in Section D). The applicant’s narrative states that primary service access for Costco delivery trucks and other local vendors will be from the driveway access via Ten Mile Road. A driveway via Lost Rapids Dr. is also available when access via the traffic signal at Ten Mile/Lost Rapids is needed. A self- imposed restriction is proposed by the applicant for a “no thru truck traffic” sign to be installed between the Tree Farm Way intersection and the Lost Rapids Dr. service driveway access. A cross-access/ingress-egress easement and driveways are required to be provided between all of the proposed lots in the subdivision and should be depicted on the plat. Improvements to US 20-26/Chinden Blvd. and Ten Mile Road are planned as follows: Phase 1: Chinden is to be widened to 4 lanes with signal/intersection upgrades from Tree Farm to Linder (1.5 miles); Ten Mile widened to 4 lanes from Chinden to Walmart (0.80 of a mile); and signals at Black Cat Rd. and Lost Rapids Dr. prior to Costco opening. Phase 2: Chinden widened to 4 lanes from Tree Farm to SH 16 (1.44 miles) within 2 years of Costco opening. In addition, Costco and the other commercial uses and residential units will pay impact fees in excess of $2 million to ACHD for local street system improvements. The street sections on Sheet C2.0 of the plat included in Exhibit A.4 depict Chinden widened to 4 travel lanes with 2 turn lanes within 140 feet of right-of-way; and N. Ten Mile Road widened to 5 lanes. Traffic Impact Study (TIS): A TIS was prepared for this development and submitted to ITD and ACHD for review with this application. Staff has not yet received comments from ACHD on this application. A letter was received from ITD in response to the TIS, included in Exhibit B.9. The letter states that the westernmost access via US 20-26 (1,160’ west of the US 20-26/Ten Mile intersection) will be allowed as a temporary right-in/right-out/left-in until such time as the highway is widened to 3 lanes in the eastbound direction, then, if not before, it will be limited to right-in/right-out; a 550’ long deceleration lane will be required. The driveway nearest the intersection (545’ east of the previous access and 615’ west of the intersection) will be allowed as a right-in/right-out; a 550’ long deceleration lane (including taper) is required, however, due to Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 367 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 243 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 20 the distance restriction between accesses, ITD may allow for a 10% decrease of the standard requirement. Landscaping: Landscaping is required to be provided with development in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B. Street buffers are required to be provided along all streets as set forth in UDC Table 11-2B-3 and landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. A 35-foot wide street buffer is required along both US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. and N. Ten Mile Rd., both entryway corridors; and a 20- foot wide street buffer is required along W. Lost Rapids Dr., a collector street. Staff recommends the entire street buffer and pathway/sidewalk along N. Ten Mile Road and SH 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. for the subdivision is constructed with the first phase of development. All commercial street buffers are required to be on a common lot or on a permanent dedicated buffer, maintained by the property owner or business owners’ association. All residential street buffers are required to be on a common lot maintained by a homeowner’s association. A 25-foot wide buffer to residential uses is required to be provided with development on the C-G zoned portion of the site in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-9C. The concept plan depicts a buffer with dense landscaping between the commercial and residential portions of the site. The buffers should facilitate pedestrian access from the residential to the commercial development in accord with UDC 11-3B-9C.3. Parking lot landscaping will be required internally within the site in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-8C with development. Note: Landscaping associated with internal parking areas and residential common areas will be reviewed with future subdivision, Conditional Use Permit and/or Certificate of Zoning Compliance applications; these areas should be shown on the plan in a lighter line type. Open Space & Site Amenities: Qualified open space and site amenities are required to be provided in the multi-family (R-40 zoned) portion of the development (Lot 1, Block 1) in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3 and 11-4-3-27C & D. A conditional use permit is required to be submitted for approval of the multi-family development in the R-40 district; compliance with these standards will be evaluated at that time. Sidewalks: Sidewalks are required to be provided with development in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. Detached sidewalks are required along N. Ten Mile Rd. & US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd., both arterial streets; and along W. Lost Rapids Dr., a collector Street. Pathways: The UDC (11-3H-4C.4) requires a 10-foot wide multi-use pathway to be constructed in a public use easement within the street buffer along the frontage of this site on US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. The applicant should coordinate with Kim Warren, Park’s Department Pathways Project Manager 208-888-3579), regarding specifications for the pathway and the public use easement; the easement should be submitted to the Planning Division prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. The pathway along US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. satisfies the requirement for a detached sidewalk. Waterways: There are no major waterways that cross this site. All ditches that cross this site should be piped as set forth in UDC 11-3A-6. Fencing: All fencing is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. Utilities: Street lights are required to be installed along public streets adjacent to the development in accord with the City’s adopted standards, specifications and ordinances. All development is required to connect to the City water and sewer system unless otherwise approved Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 368 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 244 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 21 by the City Engineer in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. Adequate fire protection shall be required in accord with the appropriate fire district standards. Pressurized Irrigation: An underground pressurized irrigation system is required to be provided for the development in accord with UDC 11-3A-15 as proposed and will be served by Settler’s Irrigation district. Storm Drainage: An adequate storm drainage system is required in all developments in accord with the City’s adopted standards, specifications, and ordinances, per UDC 11-3A-18. D. Variance (VAR): (Only applies to the C-G zoned portion of the site adjacent to US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd.) The applicant requests a variance to UDC 11-3H-4B.2, which prohibits new approaches directly accessing a state highway (i.e. SH 20/26). The applicant requests approval of (2) accesses via US 20-26 as shown on the preliminary plat included in Exhibit A.4. A letter received from ITD dated October 18, 2017, included in Exhibit B, states that they will allow the two (2) proposed accesses via SH 20-26 with the improvements and spacing outlined in the letter. The UDC (11-5B-4) allows requests for a variance for the placement and/or number of access points to state highways. In order to grant a variance, the Council is required to make 3 findings: 1) the variance can’t grant a right or special privilege that isn’t otherwise allowed in the district; 2) the variance relieves an undue hardship because of characteristics of the site; and 3) the variance can’t be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare (see Exhibit D). Because staff can’t make all of the required findings listed in Exhibit D, staff is recommending denial of the proposed variance application. In summary, Staff recommends approval of the proposed CPAM and AZ applications with the requirement of a development agreement(s) that includes the provisions listed in Exhibit B with revisions to the concept plan consistent with the MU-R designation; approval of the PP application with the conditions contained in Exhibit B; and denial of the VAR application in accord with the Findings in Exhibit D. X. EXHIBITS A. Drawings/Other 1. Vicinity/Zoning Map 2. Existing & Proposed Future Land Use Map (REVISED) 3. Overall Conceptual Development Plan (dated: 1/12/2018) & Master Plan 4. Preliminary Plat (dated: 1/12/2018) 5. Landscape Plan (dated: 1/12/2018) 6. Conceptual Site Plan for Multi-Family Residential & 7. Conceptual Building Elevations (Photos & Renderings) 8. Costco Site Lighting Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 369 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 245 of 400 Lost Rapids – CPAM, AZ, PP, VAR H-2018-0004 PAGE 22 B. Agency and Department Comments and Conditions C. Legal Description & Exhibit Map for Annexation & Zoning Boundary D. Required Findings from Unified Development Code Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 370 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 246 of 400 2 - A. Drawings/Other Exhibit A.1: Vicinity/Zoning Map Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 371 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 247 of 400 3 - Exhibit A.2: Existing & Proposed Future Land Use Map (REVISED) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 372 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 248 of 400 4 - Exhibit A.3: Overall Conceptual Development Plan (dated: 1/12/2018) & Master Plan & Pedestrian Circulation Plan Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 373 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 249 of 400 5 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 374 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 250 of 400 6 - Exhibit A.4: Preliminary Plat (dated: 1/12/18) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 375 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 251 of 400 7 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 376 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 252 of 400 8 - Exhibit A.5: Landscape Plan (dated: 1/12/018) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 377 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 253 of 400 9 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 378 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 254 of 400 10 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 379 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 255 of 400 11 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 380 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 256 of 400 12 - Exhibit A.6: Conceptual Site Plan for Multi-Family Development (dated: 9/5/2017) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 381 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 257 of 400 13 - Exhibit A.7: Conceptual Building Elevations (Photos & Renderings) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 382 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 258 of 400 14 - Single-Family Attached/Detached Units: Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 383 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 259 of 400 15 - Commercial: Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 384 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 260 of 400 16 - NOT APPROVED Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 385 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 261 of 400 17 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 386 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 262 of 400 18 - Exhibit A.8: Costco Site Lighting Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 387 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 263 of 400 19 - B. EXHIBIT B - AGENCY AND DEPARTMENT COMMENTS AND CONDITIONS 1. PLANNING DEPARTMENT Staff recommends the conceptual development plans in Exhibit A.3 & A.6 are revised prior to Commission action the City Council hearing on this application to address inconsistencies with development in the MU-R designation as discussed in Sections VII and IX above, as follows: a. Rearrange the site layout so that there is a transition in intensity of uses [e.g. single-family attached/detached residential to multi-family residential to commercial/retail/office to the most intense commercial (i.e. Costco)]. Most intense commercial uses should be located adjacent to the state highway (US 20-26/Chinden) and arterial street (Ten Mile), rather than abutting residential areas, especially low-density residential areas. b. Shift the fuel sales facility off the corner to the south near the driveway via Ten Mile Rd.; or, to the west near one of the driveways via US 20-26/Chinden Blvd. (if the driveway(s) are approved by Council and ITD). c. Include a landscaped design/entryway feature at the northeast corner of the site adjacent to the US 20- 26/Ten Mile intersection for beautification purposes at the City’s entryway corridor. d. Shift the driveway access to/from the site via Lost Rapids further to the west away from the Ten Mile/Lost Rapids intersection to alleviate traffic congestion at the intersection. e. Integrate the commercial with the residential portions of the development through the provision of pathways and/or vehicular connections and changes to the site layout that may include re-positioning of buildings so that the rears of buildings aren’t facing abutting uses. f. In the commercial/office portion of the development, the buildings should be arranged to create some form of common, usable area, such as a plaza or green space. g. Include supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places as desired in MU-R designated areas (see Comprehensive Plan, page 28). h. Site access should be designed to prioritize and encourage access from Ten Mile and Lost Rapids, rather than a State facility (i.e. US 20-26). i. A pedestrian circulation plan should be submitted demonstrating pedestrian interconnectivity within the overall site. Submitted (Included in Exhibit A.3) 1.1 A Development Agreement (DA) is required as a provision of annexation of this property. Prior to the annexation ordinance approval, a DA shall be entered into between the City of Meridian, the property owner(s) at the time of annexation ordinance adoption, and the developer(s). Currently, a fee of $303.00 shall be paid by the applicant to the Planning Division prior to commencement of the DA(s). The DA(s) shall be signed by the property owner(s) and returned to the Planning Division within six (6) months of the City Council granting annexation. a. The DA for the property owned by Brighton Corporation (the R-15 zoned property) shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: 1. Future development of this site shall substantially comply with the conceptual development plan and building elevations included in Exhibit A and the conditions included in Exhibit B of the staff report. 2. Future development shall comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual, as applicable. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 388 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 264 of 400 20 - 3. Noise abatement in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3H-4D shall be provided for residential uses adjoining US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. 4. Qualified open space and site amenities shall be provided within the development in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3 for residential developments. 5. Prior to issuance of any building permits on the subject property, the property shall be subdivided. 6. Prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy within this development, the road widening improvements required by the Idaho Transportation Department associated with this development shall be completed. b. The DA for the property owned by GFI – Meridian Investments II, LLC (the C-G and R-40 zoned property for the future Costco site) shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: 1. Future development of this site shall substantially comply with the conceptual development plan, preliminary plat, and landscape plan and conceptual building elevations included in Exhibit A and the conditions contained herein. 2. Future development shall comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual. 3. A mix of uses at least three types of land uses [i.e. commercial (includes retail, restaurants, etc.), office, residential, civic (includes public open space, parks, entertainment venues, etc.), and industrial] shall be provided within this development as proposed. Note: The medium density residential uses on the western portion of the development area included in a separate development agreement will count as one of the land use types (i.e. residential). 4. Up to two (2) building permits for the Costco Wholesale and associated fuel sales facility structures are allowed to be issued on the subject property prior to recordation of the subdivision plat. 5. Prior to issuance of any building permits on this site, a property boundary adjustment application shall be approved and a Record of Survey recorded for the reconfiguration of existing parcels to coincide with the boundary of the preliminary plat. 6. Provide a detached 10-foot wide multi-use pathway within the street buffer along US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. as set forth in UDC 11-3H-4C.4. A 14-foot wide public pedestrian easement is required to be submitted to the Planning Division prior to submittal of the final plat for City Engineer signature and will be subsequently approved by City Council and recorded. The applicant shall coordinate with Kim Warren, Park’s Department Pathways Project Manager (208- 888-3579), regarding specifications for the pathway and easement. 7. The street buffer landscaping and 10-foot wide multi-use pathway/sidewalk along the entire frontage of US 20-26/Chinden Blvd. and street buffer landscaping and 5-foot wide sidewalk along the entire frontage of N. Ten Mile Road shall be constructed with the first phase of development. 8. Business hours of operation in the C-G zoning district are limited from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm when the property abuts a residential use or district; extended hours of operation may be requested through a conditional use permit as set forth in UDC 11-2B-3A.4. 9. Qualified open space and site amenities shall be provided within the multi-family portion of the development in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3 for residential developments and 11-4-3-27 for multi-family developments. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 389 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 265 of 400 21 - 10. A conditional use permit is required for a multi-family development in the R-40 zoning district as set forth in UDC Table 11-2A-2; compliance with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4- 3-27, Multi-Family Development, is required. 11. A buffer planted with dense landscaping consistent with the Master Plan in Exhibit A.3 is required on the commercial portion of the development to the residential uses as set forth in UDC Table 11-2B-3 in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-9C. 12. A maximum gross density of 24 residential units per acre is allowed to develop within the multi- family residential portion this site. 13. As committed to by the Applicant/Developer in response to neighborhood concerns, the following restrictions shall apply: a. The primary service access for Costco delivery trucks and other local vendors shall be from the driveway access via N. Ten Mile Road, approximately 660 feet north of W. Lost Rapids Drive. The driveway access via W. Lost Rapids Drive driveway, approximately 350 feet west of N. Ten Mile Road, may be used when access to the Lost Rapids/Ten Mile traffic signal is needed. Businesses within the development shall notify their delivery providers of this access preference. b. A “no thru truck traffic” sign shall be installed between the N. Tree Farm Way intersection and the W. Lost Rapids Dr. service driveway access. c. No deliveries shall take place for Costco between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am. d. Parking lot lighting shall be designed for 0.0 foot-candles at the property line in accord with UDC 11-3A-11C. e. Lighting on the site shall be reduced to the level necessary only for public safety and security purposes within one (1) hour of closing; there shall be a 50% reduction in lighting levels after store closes consistent with that shown in Exhibit A.8. 14. The Applicant/Developer shall coordinate with Valley Ride Transportation (VRT) to determine if an ADA bus stop is needed on this site; written documentation from VRT should be submitted. 15. Prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy within this development, the following improvements shall be completed: SH 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. shall be widened to 4 lanes with signal/intersection upgrades from Tree Farm to Linder (1.5 miles); N. Ten Mile Rd. shall be widened to 4 lanes from Chinden to Walmart (0.80 of a mile); and signals shall be installed at N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Lost Rapids Dr. 16. If within two (2) years of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the Costco Wholesale building, assuming the Idaho Transportation Department has obtained is able to secure the necessary required right-of-way, SH 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. shall be widened to four (4) lanes from N. Tree Farm Way to SH-16 (1.44 miles). 17. This agreement shall be amended in the future to include conceptual building elevations for the Costco store as discussed at the hearing on April 3, 2108. The conceptual elevations included in Exhibit A.7 of the staff report are not approved. c. The DA for the property owned by GFI – Meridian Investments II, LLC (the C-G and R-40 zoned property, excluding the Costco site) shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: 1. Future development of this site shall substantially comply with the conceptual development plan, preliminary plat, landscape plan and conceptual building elevations included in Exhibit A and the conditions contained herein. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 390 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 266 of 400 22 - 2. Future development shall comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual. 3. Prior to issuance of any building permits on this site, a property boundary adjustment application shall be approved and a Record of Survey recorded for the reconfiguration of existing parcels to coincide with the boundary of the preliminary plat. 4. With the first phase of development, provide a detached 10-foot wide multi-use pathway within the street buffer along US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. as set forth in UDC 11-3H-4C.4. A 14-foot wide public pedestrian easement is required to be submitted to the Planning Division prior to submittal of the final plat for City Engineer signature and will be subsequently approved by City Council and recorded. The applicant shall coordinate with Kim Warren, Park’s Department Pathways Project Manager (208-888-3579), regarding specifications for the pathway and easement. 5. The street buffer landscaping and 10-foot wide multi-use pathway/sidewalk along the entire frontage of US 20-26/Chinden Blvd. and street buffer landscaping and 5-foot wide sidewalk along N. Ten Mile Road shall be constructed with the first phase of development. 6. Business hours of operation in the C-G zoning district are limited from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm when the property abuts a residential use or district; extended hours of operation may be requested through a conditional use permit as set forth in UDC 11-2B-3A.4. 7. Qualified open space and site amenities shall be provided within the multi-family portion of the development in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3 for residential developments and 11-4-3-27 for multi-family developments. 8. A conditional use permit is required for a multi-family development in the R-40 zoning district as set forth in UDC Table 11-2A-2; compliance with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4- 3-27, Multi-Family Development, is required. 9. A buffer planted with dense landscaping consistent with the Master Plan in Exhibit A.3 is required on the commercial portion of the development to the residential uses as set forth in UDC Table 11-2B-3 in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-9C. 10. A maximum gross density of 24 residential units per acre is allowed to develop within the multi- family residential portion this site. 11. The Applicant/Developer shall coordinate with Valley Ride Transportation (VRT) to determine if an ADA bus stop is needed on this site; written documentation from VRT should be submitted. 12. Prior to issuance of the first commercial Certificate of Occupancy within this development, the following improvements shall be completed: SH 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. shall be widened to 4 lanes with signal/intersection upgrades from Tree Farm to Linder Rd. (1.5 miles); N. Ten Mile Rd. shall be widened to 4 lanes from Chinden to Walmart (0.80 of a mile); and signals shall be installed at N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Lost Rapids Dr. 1.2 Site Specific Conditions – Preliminary Plat 1.2.1 The preliminary plat included in Exhibit A.4, dated 1/12/2018, shall be revised as follows: a. Depict a cross-access/ingress-egress easement between all lots within the subdivision. b. Note #5: “Lot 14 15 is a non-buildable lot . . .” c. Under Preliminary Plat Data, Zoning, Proposed Zoning, C-G (Lots 2-1415) d. Depict the street buffers within the residential (R-40 zoned) portion of the development within a common lot maintained by the homeowner’s association; and the commercial (C-G zoned) portion of Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 391 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 267 of 400 23 - the development within a common lot or on a permanent dedicated buffer maintained by the property owner or business owners’ association in accord with UDC 11 -3B-7C.2. 1.2.2 The landscape plan included in Exhibit A.5, dated 1/12/2018, shall be revised as follows: a. All internal landscaping and the site plan should be shown in a lighter line type; only street buffer improvements should be shown. 1.2.3 The entire street buffer and pathway/sidewalk along N. Ten Mile Road and US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. shall be constructed with the first phase of development. 1.2.4 The applicant shall coordinate with Valley Regional Transit to determine if an ADA bus stop is needed at this location. 1.2.5 All fencing shall comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. 1.3 General Conditions of Approval – Preliminary Plat 1.3.1 Comply with all bulk, use, and development standards of the applicable district listed in UDC Chapter 2 District regulations. 1.3.2 Comply with the provisions for irrigation ditches, laterals, canals and/or drainage courses, as set forth in UDC 11-3A-6. 1.3.3 Install lighting consistent with the provisions as set forth in UDC 11-3A-11. 1.3.4 Provide a pressurized irrigation system consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-15, UDC 11-3B-6 and MCC 9-1-28. 1.3.5 Comply with the sidewalk standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-17. 1.3.6 Install all utilities consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-21 and 11-3B-5J. 1.3.7 Construct all off-street parking areas consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-5I, 11-3B- 8C, and Chapter 3 Article C. 1.3.8 Construct the required landscape buffers consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C streets). 1.3.9 Construct storm water integration facilities that meet the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-11C. 1.3.10 Protect any existing trees on the subject property that are greater than four-inch caliper and/or mitigate for the loss of such trees as set forth in UDC 11-3B-10. 1.3.11 Provide bicycle parking spaces as set forth in UDC 11-3C-6G consistent with the design standards as set forth in UDC 11-3C-5C. 1.3.12 Comply with the outdoor service and equipment area standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-12. 1.3.13 Construct all required landscape areas used for storm water integration consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-11C. 1.3.14 Comply with the structure and site design standards, as set forth in UDC 11-3A-19 and the design standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual. 1.3.15 Comply with all provisions of UDC 11-3A-3 with regard to maintaining the clear vision triangle. 1.3.16 Low pressure sodium lighting shall be prohibited as an exterior lighting source on the site. 1.3.17 All fencing constructed on the site shall comply with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7. 1.4 Ongoing Conditions of Approval – Preliminary Plat Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 392 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 268 of 400 24 - 1.4.1 The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to prune all trees to a minimum height of six feet above the ground or sidewalk surface to afford greater visibility of the area. 1.5 Process Conditions of Approval – Preliminary Plat 1.5.1 No signs are approved with this application. Prior to installing any signs on the property, the applicant shall submit a sign permit application consistent with the standards in UDC Chapter 3 Article D and receive approval for such signs. 1.5.2 The applicant shall submit and obtain approval of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application from the Planning Division, prior to submittal of any building permit applications for the single-family attached, multi-family and commercial structures. 2. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2.1 Site Specific Conditions of Approval 2.1.1 The 12-inch diameter water main in N. Ten Mile Road will need to be extended north to the point where it changes direction and enters the site. From that transition point into the site, the mainline size shall drop down to an 8-inch diameter. This project will be served from water pressure zone 2. The existing water mainline stub into the property west of the PRV located in W. Lost Rapids shall either be abandoned per meridian Public Works standards, or preserved as an emergency interconnect between pressure zone 1 and 2. 2.1.2 The conceptual engineering submitted with this application do not show any of the proposed routing of sanitary sewer or water through the multi-family portion of the development. Applicant shall be required to complete a looped system through the area to connect to the mainline along the back of Costco. 2.1.3 A street light plan will need to be included in the final plat and/or building permit application. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272 2.2 General Conditions of Approval 2.2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2.2 Per Meridian City Code (MCC), the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water (MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 393 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 269 of 400 25 - primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at (208)898- 5500 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B. Whitney at 208)334-2190. 2.2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections (208)375- 5211. 2.2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated, road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded, prior to applying for building permits. 2.2.10 A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% will be required for all uncompleted fencing, landscaping, amenities, etc., prior to signature on the final plat. 2.2.11 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 2.2.12 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.2.13 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.2.14 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.2.15 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.2.16 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. 2.2.17 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.2.18 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 2.2.19 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 394 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 270 of 400 26 - any structures within the project. 2.2.20 At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.2.21 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272. 2.2.22 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125% of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 2.2.23 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-221. 3. POLICE DEPARTMENT 3.1 Pedestrian connectivity should be provided between the residential developments and the commercial development. 3.2 Security and safety lighting should be provided within the multi-family portion of the development on all the micro pathways between the buildings and to the parking lots and open space/play areas. 3.3 The loading dock area for the Costco shall be screened for both sight and sound; or, enclosed. 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT 4.1 Final Approval of the fire hydrant locations shall be by the Meridian Fire Department in accordance with International Fire Code Section (IFC) 508.5.4 as follows: a. Fire hydrants shall have a Storz LDH connection in place of the the 4 ½” outlet. The Storz connection may be integrated into the hydrant or an approved adapter may be used on the 4 1/2" outlet. b. Fire hydrants shall have the Storz outlet face the main street or parking lot drive aisle. c. Fire hydrants shall be placed on corners when spacing permits. d. Fire hydrants shall not have any vertical obstructions to outlets within 10’. e. Fire hydrants shall be placed 18” above finished grade to the center of the Storz outlet. f. Fire hydrants shall be provided to meet the requirements of the Meridian Water Dept. Standards. g. Show all proposed or existing hydrants for all new construction or additions to existing buildings within 1,000 feet of the project. 4.2 In accordance with International Fire Code Section 503.2.5 and Appendix D, any roadway greater than 150 feet in length that is not provided with an outlet shall be required to have an approved turn around. Phasing of the project may require a temporary approved turn around on streets greater than 150' in length with no outlet. 4.3 All entrances, internal roads, drive aisles, and alleys shall have a turning radius of 28’ inside and 48’ outside, per International Fire Code Section 503.2.4. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 395 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 271 of 400 27 - 4.4 Provide signage (“No Parking Fire Lane”) for all fire lanes in accordance with International Fire Code Sections 503.4 & D103.6. 4.5 Ensure that all yet undeveloped parcels are maintained free of combustible vegetation as set forth in International Fire Code Section 304.1.2. 4.6 Operational fire hydrants, temporary or permanent street signs, and access roads with an all-weather surface are required to be installed before combustible construction material is brought onto the site, as set forth in International Fire Code Section (IFC) 501.4 and Meridian amendment to IFC 10-4-2J. 4.7 To increase emergency access to the site a minimum of two points of access will be required for any portion of the project which serves more than 30 homes, as set forth in International Fire Code Section D107.1. The two entrances should be separated by no less than ½ the diagonal measurement of the full development as set forth in International Fire Code Section D104.3. The applicant shall provide a stub street to the property to the (west/east/north/south). 4.8 Commercial and office occupancies will require a fire-flow consistent with International Fire Code Appendix B to service the proposed project. Fire hydrants shall be placed per Appendix C. 4.9 Maintain a separation of 5’ from the building to the dumpster enclosure as set forth in International Fire Code Section 304.3.3. 4.10 Provide a Fire Department Key box entry system for the complex prior to occupancy as set forth in International Fire Code Section 506. 4.11 The first digit of the Apartment/Office Suite shall correspond to the floor level as set forth in International Fire Code Section 505.1 and Meridian Amendment 10-4-1. 4.12 The applicant shall work with Public Works and Planning Department staff to provide an address identification plan and a sign which meets the requirements of the City of Meridian sign ordinance and is placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property, as set forth in International Fire Code Section 505.1 and Meridian Amendment 104-4-1. 4.13 All portions of the buildings located on this project must be within 150’ of a paved surface as measured around the perimeter of the building as set forth in International Fire Code Section 503.1.1. 4.14 All R-2 occupancies with 3 or more units shall be required to be fire sprinkled as set forth in International Fire Code Section 903.2.8. 4.15 There shall be a fire hydrant within 100’ of all fire department connections as set forth in local amendment to the International Fire Code 10-4-1. 4.16 The Fire Department will require Fire Department locking Connection caps on all FDC inlets. IFC 102.9. 4.17 Buildings over 30’ in height are required to have access roads in accordance with the International Fire Code Appendix D Section D105. 4.18 Emergency response routes and fire lanes shall not be allowed to have traffic calming devices installed without prior approval of the Fire Code Official. National Fire Protection IFC 503.4.1. 4.19 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL - Buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet (9144mm) or three stories in height shall have at least two means of fire apparatus access for each structure. The access roads shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line as set forth in International Fire Code Appendix D104.1. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 396 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 272 of 400 28 - 4.20 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL - Buildings or facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet (5760 m2) shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads separated by one half of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses as set forth in International Fire Code Appendix D104.2. Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square feet (11520 m2) that have a single approved fire apparatus access road and all buildings are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems. (Remoteness Required) 4.21 As set forth in International Fire Code Section 504.1, multi-family and commercial projects shall be required to provide an additional sixty inch (60”) wide access point to the building from the fire lane to allow for the movement of manual fire suppression equipment and gurney operations. The unobstructed breaks in the parking stalls shall be provided so that building access is provided in such a manner that the most remote part of a building can be reached with a length of 150' fire hose as measured around the perimeter of the building from the fire lane. Code compliant handicap parking stalls may be included to assist meeting this requirement. Contact the Meridian Fire Department for details. 5. REPUBLIC SERVICES 5.1 Please coordinate trash enclosure design and locations with Bob Olson, Republic Services (208-345-1265 office, or 208-371-1745 cell; or, email: ROlson@republicservices.com ) prior to submittal of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance application. Also, provide provisions for recycling. 6. PARKS DEPARTMENT 6.1 The Park’s Department has no comments on this application at this time. 7. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING DIVISION COMMENTS Comprehensive Plan Analysis The following analysis for the Lost Rapids application is based on adherence of the proposed site concept plan and narrative with the City of Meridian Comprehensive Plan. Included are general comments and analysis based on the text and policy statements of the Comprehensive Plan. General Comments: The subject property is located on the southwest corner of Ten Mile Road and Chinden Blvd (US-20/26), is 2-miles east of US-16, and 5-miles north of Interstate 84. Ten Mile Road, between Chinden and I-84, is improved with 2-lanes between Chinden and Ustick and 5-lanes south of Ustick to I-84. The future land use designations for the subject site are Medium Density Residential and Mixed Use Community. These two land uses allow for and encourage a transition of residential densities with supportive commercial opportunities. The application proposes changing the Medium Density Residential and Mixed Use Community future land use designation to the Mixed Use Regional designation for all 70 acres. While the property is proposed to be mixed use regional, the conceptual site plan shows two distinct, separate projects. One is medium density residential (west side), as the Future Land Use Map currently shows and allows, and the other is commercial with some high density residential (north and south respectively). There are no connections made between these two projects, either pedestrian or automotive, and no integration or “mix” of uses are shown or described. Staff recommends better integration of the various land use types (single-family, commercial and multi-family) proposed. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 397 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 273 of 400 29 - Analysis Specific to Text: The Comprehensive Plan provides the following description for the Mixed Use Community designation, the current designation for a portion of this property. The purpose of this designation is to allocate areas where community-serving uses and dwellings are seamlessly integrated into the urban fabric. The intent is to integrate a variety of uses, including residential, and to avoid mainly single-use and strip commercial type buildings. Non-residential buildings in these areas have a tendency to be larger than in Mixed Use—Neighborhood areas, but not as large as in Mixed Use – Regional areas. Goods and services in these areas tend to be of the variety that people will mainly travel by car to, but also walk or bike to (up to three or four miles). Employment opportunities for those living in and around the neighborhood are encouraged. Medium Density Residential which allows for residential densities ranging between 3 and 8 units per acre works well adjacent to Mixed Use Community, which has a target residential density of 6 to 15 units per acre. These two land use types can be seamlessly integrated and allow for full compliance with the specific policies of Mixed Use General and Mixed Use Community policies. The Comprehensive Plan provides the following description for the Mixed Use Regional future land use, the designation proposed by the Applicant. The purpose of this designation is to provide a mix of employment, retail, and residential dwellings and public uses near major arterial intersections. The intent is to integrate a variety of uses together, including residential, and to avoid predominantly single use developments such as a regional retail center with only restaurants and other commercial uses. Developments should be anchored by uses that have a regional draw with the appropriate supporting uses. For example, an employment center should have support retail uses; a retail center should have supporting residential uses as well as supportive neighborhood and community services. The standards for the MU-R designation provide an incentive for larger public and quasi-public uses where they provide a meaningful and appropriate mix to the development. The developments are encouraged to be designed according to the conceptual MU-R plan depicted in Figure 3-5. The application does not clearly indicate why the City would be better served by Mixed Use Regional or more specifically by a Costco at the subject location, rather than within an already adopted Mixed Use Regional location located closer to the Highway 16 and US-20/26 intersection. The application does show north Meridian (and all of northern Ada and Canyon counties) as being “underserved” and distant from existing Costco sites in Nampa and Boise, but neither this or prior studies explain why the community is better served by a regional project than a community sized project currently envisioned. By proposing a Costco with unique traffic and circulation patterns on a smaller commercial portion of the site, connectivity and integration requirements are difficult. This isn’t to suggest that Costco is bad, quite the contrary, only that size and configuration of very distinct and separate developments presents some formidable challenges for a site with Costco, and within a mixed use designation. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 398 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 274 of 400 30 - Figure 3-5 from the Comprehensive Plan With regard to proposed residential components, the bulk of the single-family product (west side) is described as between 5 and 8 dwelling units per acre and is consistent with the adopted Medium Density Residential (MDR) land use. The requested R-15 zoning designation is atypical for MDR, but the applicant describes it as an age-restricted product type with specific lot dimensional needs. This portion of the proposed application may be consistent with the adopted future land use. It may also be consistent with the Mixed Use Regional designation, provided significant improvements are made to the interrelated connectivity improvements of the larger site. The application does not however indicate why high density residential (in excess of what would be allowed under MU-C) is proposed to the south. There is currently no major employment in the area and Costco is the only regional use proposed with the application. All other minor pad sites would likely be allowed within the MU-C designation (though a different configuration would be preferred) and do not constitute an employment area as described by the Comprehensive Plan. It could simply be that the application is proposing higher density residential because of density targets within the proposed Mixed Use Regional designation, but the minimum density range is only six dwelling units per acre. The proposed application does not show or describe any integrated public or quasi-public open space, community serving facilities such as churches, schools, or parks, the retail and services are separated and only indirectly accessible to proposed residential, and the commercial areas do not show or describe any type of plaza or gathering areas. The open space in the proposed residential areas (R-15 and R-40) contributes to the required open space for those designations, but is not centralized or designed to integrate the various uses. The proposed uses are all shown in distinct areas, separated by drive aisles, streets, and tall impassable berms and fencing. Only indirect public sidewalks facilitate access between different uses at the perimeter. There are no pedestrian focused areas or pathway connections to comingle neighborhood serving type uses and the community. As previously stated, a Mixed Use development by the City’s standards is not simply several types of uses. All of the missing elements discussed within the context of the mixed use text are intended to interrelate and activate different uses. Without many of these tenants, the basic principles of the City’s mixed use standards are not met. What is proposed is really no different than what may occur within a Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 399 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 275 of 400 31 - traditional Medium Density Residential project adjacent to a Commercial project. While some of the desired element opportunities, such as a church and public park are near the site, neither are integrated into the fabric of any portion of the proposed mixed use area, nor are smaller or similar opportunities described or shown to interrelate the proposed uses. All of these missing elements would help to justify having higher density residential because they would better integrate the varying uses. Without these it’s unclear why high density is appropriate, at least with regards to the text of the Comprehensive Plan and more specifically to the mixed use standards. The application narrative also states and implies that commercial development along a State Highway should be regional in scale and that direct access is the best approach. While this may be what is in the best interest of a potential user(s), and is easily understood, this is not suggested or supported by Comprehensive Plan text or policies, or by City code. In fact, this is not necessarily typical of development in other areas. A Costco in Tigard, OR for example is adjacent to the intersection of a State freeway and highway, but does not take access from either. Instead it faces an internal collector roadway connecting to the adjacent highway. Costco’s “back” is to the state facilities and it faces the collector roadway. Similarly the Winco across the street from the Tigard Costco facility also faces the collector roadway. Several Costco stores near the Portland International Airport, Aloha, Clackamas, Hillsboro, and Willsonville similarly either do not take direct access from mobility highways, instead fronting frontage/backage roads or “local” arterials, or are not located on any similar state mobility corridor. Costco facilities in Nampa and Boise are both located near to, but off of, State facilities, instead taking access from roadways with drastically fewer vehicles than existing and planned traffic on US-20/26. That these other facilities do not take direct access is important because local congestion, into and out of the site, does not directly impact the State facilities. A primary entryway drive aisle backed up and onto a State facility could hinder regional traffic. Given the peak hour congestion at other Costco sites, a scenario such as this does not seem far-fetched. In fact, the adjacent roadways to both of these existing Costco sites bear these types of problems. The Applicant’s narrative also suggests that it is in the communities’ best interest that access to Chinden be provided, to alleviate and prevent auto traffic impacts on the existing neighborhood. The application states that, this project will generate a substantial amount of patron and delivery truck traffic that would be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhoods should it be forced out onto the local and collector streets alone. Critical to this project's success, and to that of Costco specifically, is the ability to provide egress/ingress to/from Chinden Boulevard through two dedicated access points. The application also states however that deliveries will be limited, with no traffic between 10:00 PM and 5:00 AM. It also appears that access to Lost Rapids near to Ten Mile could be designed in a way to accommodate heavy truck traffic, minimizing impacts to existing residential regardless of hours. Lost Rapids is a collector roadway and intended to serve more than just local residential traffic, and Staff believes any necessary capacity improvements could be made to Lost Rapids to bear additional traffic burdens without creating new points of conflict and congestion on the State system. The State facility is arguably more important than local roadway impacts, not just for the locals using it to commute, but for all regional users. Again, Costco has a proven record both locally and within other metropolitan areas of operating both off of and without any direct access to mobility highways. Clearer justification or rationale beyond that they want it should be provided to justify it as being in the City’s best interest. It is generally understood that it would benefit their operations and business, but regardless of any widening that may be done to US-20/26, any additional access will create points of conflict and reduce level of service. While stating that ITD approved a traffic study is an accomplishment and an important step for the proposed application, this does not mean that it’s in Meridian best interest. The applicant is also proposing to enter into a STARS agreement with ITD but it is Meridian staff’s understanding that the agreement has not yet been finalized. Essentially, the applicant is proposing to improve US 20/26 to four lanes between Linder Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 400 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 276 of 400 32 - and Lost Rapids before Costco opens and then improve the highway to four lanes further west, to SH-16 within two years. Staff is not stating or implying that a future land use amendment may be inappropriate or outside of the City’s best interest, only that the site layout as depicted and described is not typical of all Costco stores; that no justification of need for direct or primary access to mobility highway is described relative to City policies; and that the mixed use concept shown does not generally align with text of the Comprehensive Plan. General Mixed Use Text Analysist Per the Comprehensive Plan, while reviewing development applications, the following items will be considered in all Mixed Use areas: o Residential densities should be a minimum of six dwellings/acre. Proposed residential densities described by the application and within or near to the proposed mixed use designation are between 20 and 24 units per acre. The medium density residential portion of the site is described as being between 5 and 8 dwelling units per acre. o Where feasible, higher density and/or multi-family residential development will be encouraged, especially for projects with the potential to serve as employment destination centers and when the project is adjacent to US 20/26, SH-55, SH-16 or SH-69. The subject application is located adjacent to US 20/26. However, this area is not an employment destination today such as Silverstone, El Dorado, the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan, the Pine corridor near Eagle Rd, or the St Luke’s & Portico area, but there is potential for there to be employment centers in the future. o A conceptual site plan for the entire mixed use area should be included in the application. A conceptual site plan has been provided with the Lost Rapids application for the entire area. o In developments where multiple commercial and/or office buildings are proposed (not residential), the buildings should be arranged to create some form of common, usable area, such as a plaza or green space. The smaller pads sites with the proposed application are not detailed and do not describe common areas. Future buildings should be arranged to create some form of common, usable area(s). o The site plan should depict a transitional use and/or landscaped buffering between commercial and existing low- or medium-density residential development. The proposed application is not immediately adjacent to any existing low or medium density homes. Adjacent proposed single-family homes are described as being separated by tall berms and dense vegetation. o A mixed use project should include at least three types of land uses. Exceptions may be granted for smaller sites on a case-by-case basis. The proposed site plan only explicitly describes commercial and residential uses, but two different types of residential are proposed (single-family and multi-family). No dedicated offices or services type uses are shown (though they may occur on the pad sites). o Community-serving facilities such as hospitals, churches, schools, parks, daycares, civic buildings, or public safety facilities are expected in larger mixed use developments. There are no community-serving facilities as defined above integrated into the mixed use development. A church and park are nearby. All required open space amenities are centralized within their respective developments without any shared facilities nearer to or within the commercial areas. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 401 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 277 of 400 33 - o Supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places including but not limited to parks, plazas, outdoor gathering areas, open space, libraries, and schools are expected; outdoor seating areas at restaurants do not count. There are no public or quasi-public spaces shown or described as part of the proposed application. o All mixed use projects should be directly accessible to neighborhoods within the section by both vehicles and pedestrians. There are only in-direct connections to existing and proposed neighborhoods. The proposed future neighborhood to the west has no direct access, pedestrian or automotive, to the commercial uses. However, Lost Rapids Drive is a collector that allows Bainbridge access without having to get on the arterial roadway network. o Street sections consistent with the Ada County Highway District Master Street Map are required within the Unified Development Code. There is an existing collector roadway, Lost Rapids, adjacent to the proposed site and complies with ACHD’s Master Street Map. Mixed Use Regional Text Analysis In reviewing development applications, the following items will be considered in MU-R areas: o Development should generally comply with the general guidelines for development in all Mixed Use areas. See General Mixed Use Text Analysis. o Residential uses should comprise a minimum of 10% of the development area at densities ranging from six to 40 units/acre. Within the proposed application, residential densities are described by the application as being between 5 to 8 and 20 to 24 units per acres and comprise 87 of the mixed use regional area. 58% of the site is proposed as residential. o Retail commercial uses should comprise a maximum of 50% of the development area. Within the proposed mixed use area, retail uses are approximately 42% of the area. Some of the smaller pad sites may be office or service uses. o There is neither a minimum nor maximum imposed on non-retail commercial uses such as office, clean industry, or entertainment uses. No non-retail commercial uses are shown, except that some office may occupy pad sites. o Where the development proposes public and quasi-public uses to support the development, the developer may be eligible for additional area for retail development (beyond the allowed 50%), based on the ratios below: The development does not show or describe any public or quasi-public uses integrated within the mixed use area. The developer is showing approximately 42% of the site as being retail, which is less than the maximum 50% area. o For land that is designated for a public use, such as a library or school, the developer is eligible for a 2:1 bonus. That is to say, if there is a five-acre library site, the project would be eligible for ten additional acres of retail development. No public uses are shown or proposed. o For active open space or passive recreation areas, such as a park, tot-lot or playfield, the developer is eligible for a 2:1 bonus. That is to say, if the park is 10 acres in area, the site would be eligible for 20 additional acres of retail development. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 402 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 278 of 400 34 - No public or quasi-public open space or passive recreation areas are shown or described. The only qualified open space shown private as part of the individual residential components. Analysis Specific to the Policy Statements: o 3.01.01B, “Evaluate comprehensive impact of growth in all land use decisions (e.g., traffic impacts, school enrollment, parks, etc).” ACHD was provided with a traffic impact study, but as of the writing of this report, the analysis was not complete. The application was forwarded on to partner agencies and other City Departments for analysis of impacts to services. o 3.01.01F, “Permit new development only where urban services can be reasonably provided at the time of final approval and development is contiguous to the City.” The proposed project is located in an area where development has and is already occurring, and City services are all readily available in the vicinity. o 3.01.01G, “Evaluate development proposals based on physical, social, economic, environmental, and aesthetic criteria.” The proposed site plan indicates large landscape buffers and generally appealing architectural designs. Offsite impacts such as trucks and lighting are described or shown as being reduced, and the high density residential is on a major transportation corridor. It is unclear however how the proposed site development furthers inclusive mixed use design elements, or how the proposed future land use designation and site plan is better for the neighbors and City than a development with more neighborhood and community accessible services. o 3.01.01J, “Work with transportation agencies and private property owners to preserve transportation corridors, future transit routes and infrastructure, road and highway extensions, and to facilitate access management planning.” City Staff has been coordinating with both the applicant and the transportation agencies (ACHD and ITD) on this project. The proposed project will preserve right-of-way for future US Highway 20/26 widening projects. In fact, the applicant is proposing to enter into a STAR agreement with ITD to make some off-site improvements to US 20/26. These improvements would widen the highway to 4-travel lanes and improve impacted intersections in conjunction with ITD’s project to widen the corridor from Eagle Road. The Commission and Council should consider ACHD’s and ITD’s comments when determining appropriate access and circulation for this site. The City has policies limiting access points to arterial roadways and State highways. The submitted site plan shows two direct access points to a State Highway, including one full access, and one access point to Ten Mile Road, an arterial street. Every additional access is a point of conflict that can impact roadway functionality. Costcos can be busy and congestion at facilities in both Boise and Nampa spill over onto adjacent roadways (none of which are State facilities). Traffic waiting to exit out onto the signal at Cole at the Boise facility, backs up to the point of blocking vehicles from exiting parking stalls. This slows vehicles entering into the site. Staff recommends that site access be designed to prioritize and encourage access from Ten Mile and Lost Rapids, rather than a State facility. o 3.03.02G, “Consider the adopted COMPASS regional long-range transportation plan in all land- use decisions.” The Communities in Motion (CIM) 2040 Plan identifies US 20/26 as a priority corridor with a typology of expressway. It is currently listed as an “unfunded” priority, though some early improvements are pending. The following is a summary from the CIM US 20/26 Priority Corridor Summary. As a major mobility highway, US 20/26 is experiencing congestion along much of its length but especially between Linder Road and State Highway 55 (Eagle Road), a stretch with only two travel lanes. US 20/26 has been a regional priority for a number of years but it remains Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 403 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 279 of 400 35 - unfunded, causing traffic to divert to other routes such as McMillan Road. In addition to high traffic levels on this road, the intersection with State Highway 55 (Eagle Road) is ranked #2 on ITD’s list of high-accident locations. By 2040, daily traffic between Middleton Road and State Highway 55 is expected to increase substantially. o From Middleton Road to Star Road, traffic is projected to more than double, from 12,000 in 2013 to 30,000 in 2040. o From Star Road to Linder Road, traffic is projected to double, from 14,000 in 2013 to 28,000 in 2040. This would be similar to current traffic on US 20/26 (Chinden Boulevard) in Garden City. o From Linder Road to State Highway 55 (Eagle Road), traffic is projected to increase 80%, from 21,000 in 2013 to 38,000 in 2040. This would be similar to current traffic on Eagle Road north of US 20/26. o Rush hour driving time between Middleton Road and Glenwood Street is expected to more than double, from 25 minutes in 2013 to 60 minutes in 2040.” o 3.03.02N, “Reduce the number of existing access points onto arterial streets by using methods such as cross-access agreements, access management, and frontage / backage roads.” There is only one existing farm access road which bisects the existing farm fields, half-way between Ten Mile Road and Lost Rapids Drive. There are no existing public access points on either the State facility or Ten Mile Road. The entire property has access from an improved collector roadway to the west and south of the site which may act and function as a backage road. o 3.03.03E, “Except in North Meridian and the Ten Mile Specific Area, where a specific collector system is planned, realize continuous collectors at regular intervals around the north-south and east-west half-mile lines within the undeveloped sections of Meridian's Area of City Impact at the time of new development. Such collectors should be the primary designated bike lane routes in lieu of arterial streets, whenever possible.” Lost Rapids is an existing collector roadway that connects into Tree Farm Way to the north, across Chinden Blvd, and extends to the east across Ten Mile Rd into Lochsa Falls. o 3.03.04K, “Consider ACHD's MSM (Master Street Map) in all land use decisions” With the exception of Chinden Blvd (which is an ITD facility), the arterial and collector roadways shown on ACHD’s street map are already improved or scheduled for widening. o 3.04.01G, “Protect citizen investments in existing public facilities (water, sewer, streets, fire, police, etc.) by encouraging controlled growth through development application reviews and development agreements.” The proposed project is surrounded by urban development and would be well served by the City. o 3.04.01H, “Coordinate with public works, police, and fire departments on proposed annexation and development requests, and the impacts on services.” Public Works, Police, and Fire were all invited to pre-application and project review meetings. Further, they are invited as part of a comments meeting. Their comments and conditions, if provided, are included as part of the staff report. o 3.05.01E, “Locate small-scale neighborhood commercial areas within planned residential developments as part of the development plan.” Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 404 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 280 of 400 36 - Future and existing residential areas are located on the backside of Costco, with the small-scale neighborhood serving type pad sites generally located furthest from existing and proposed neighborhoods. This layout is inconsistent with the intent of Mixed Use designation, Figure 3-5, and the purpose of backage and collector type roadways. o 3.05.01J, “Plan for a variety of commercial and retail opportunities within the Area of City Impact.” This area is planned for some commercial uses and the proposed site plan would expand resident and stakeholder access to closer commercial and retail opportunities. o 3.05.03A, “Identify transitional areas to buffer commercial and residential uses, to allow uses such as offices and other low intensity uses.” Potential low intensity users are located away from existing and proposed residential areas and do not provide a buffer. The high density residential does buffer Costco impacts from existing residential, which is similarly buffered from the existing low density residential by a collector roadway with wide landscape buffers. o 3.06.01F, “Protect existing residential properties from incompatible land use development on adjacent parcels.” The nearest existing residential developments are separated by collector and arterial roadways. Additional landscaping will separate proposed residential uses from commercial uses (Costco). The application narrative indicates that no deliveries will take place between 10:00 PM and 5:00 am, that commercial truck deliveries will be restricted away from residential, and that all lighting will be shielded and 0.0 foot candles at property lines. o 3.06.01H, “Support land uses that do not harm natural systems and resources.” The existing land is farmed and there are no natural systems which remain to be protected. o 3.06.02D, “Restrict private curb cuts and access points on collectors and arterial streets” The proposed site plan and application requests direct access to Ten Mile Road located roughly half-way between Lost Rapid, a collector roadway s and Chinden Blvd, a State highway and a mobility corridor. o 3.06.02H, “Coordinate with ACHD, ITD, COMPASS, and other agencies to determine future infrastructure plans, transportation corridors, highway alignments, etc. and allow only compatible adjacent land uses, appropriate site designs and traffic patterns.” ACHD, ITD, and COMPASS have all been provided an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed application. ITD and ACHD have both held several additional meetings to review and discuss the proposed application. Agency staffs continue to discuss what “appropriate” and compatible” site design and traffic patterns entail. Staff recommends the Commission and Council consider any additional comments or conditions that are provided by ACHD, ITD or COMPASS. o 3.07.01D, “Adopt land use designations that will allow for housing opportunities for all income levels.”” The adopted future land use designations allow for a variety of housing types that may be attractive to all income levels. The applicant is proposing to annex and zone portions of the site as R-15 (Medium-high Density Residential) and R-40 (High Density Residential).The proposed residential is within the specified area and range described in the Comprehensive Plan, but the overall concept plan lacks many of the mixed use elements necessary for it to be integrated successfully as a mixed use project. See the General Mixed Use text analysis. o 3.07.02D, “Provide housing options close to employment and shopping centers” The proposed project would provide additional shopping opportunities for existing and proposed residents. However, Staff is concerned that the site plan does not provide adequate pedestrian Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 405 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 281 of 400 37 - connections between residential and retail uses. This proposed location is not within a current employment area. o 3.07.02L, “Locate high-density development, where possible, near open space corridors or other permanent major open space and park facilities, Old Town, and near major access thoroughfares.” The proposed high-density residential is near two parks (Keith Bird Legacy and Heroes’ Park) and a major access thoroughfare (US-20/26). o 3.07.03B, “Provide for a wide diversity of housing types (single-family and multi-family arrangements) and choices between ownership and rental dwelling units for all income groups in a variety of locations suitable for residential development.” The proposed site plan would add to Meridian’s diversity of housing, and provides for high density residential in close proximity to a major transportation corridor. The density of residential was not however justified well, particularly in light of the applications compliance with the mixed use standard and that it would exceed densities allowances within the adopted MU-C land use. o 7.01.01F, “Integrate land use and transportation planning to ensure that they mutually support the communities' goals and desires.” City and transportation agencies have met multiple times to discuss the subject project. With some changes to the proposal, staff believes the project could support the communities’ goals and desires. Summary Comments and Recommendation: In summary, the proposed application and concept plan is not generally consistent with either of the proposed future land use designations. The major and only envisioned anchor, Costco, is entirely auto centric and there is limited opportunities given the store size and remaining commercial area to meet the intent of any mixed use designation. The proposed configuration, centralized on the site and facing Chinden, is not ideal for the existing and proposed community. Rather than using the collector as a backage road and integrating less intense retail and office type uses adjacent the existing neighborhood, the collector is used as secondary access. Given the size of the commercial area left after Costco, and unless commercial portions of the site are rotated 180-degrees to be inclusive with the existing neighborhoods, it is unlikely that any number of small adjustments will allow the proposed development to comply with the mixed use designation. Further, the centralized location and orientation of Costco makes interconnectivity between residential and commercial and neighborhood serving portions of the site difficult. As the sole anchor and largest portion of the commercial area, a simple Commercial future land use designation may be a more appropriate designation for this corner. Other changes should still be considered to better integrate and protect any proposed residential from traffic conflicts, such as cut - through driving, and to protect the State facility from internal drive aisle congestion. Lessons learned from Eagle Road should also be considered with regard to access of State facilities, and the impacts and driving behaviors that occur as a result. Access to Chinden may be appropriate, but the emphasis should be elsewhere and less directly into parking areas. Consider opportunities for better connecting the proposed residential areas to both Costco (with a great food center), and the satellite pads, which may have more neighborhood serving uses. More efforts should be explored to improve pathway connections and dedicated pedestrian environments so that existing and proposed residential may access the site without having to drive. To comply with mixed use requirements, more substantial site layout revisions would be necessary. Lessons learned from Eagle Road should also be considered with regard to access to a State facilities, and the impacts and driving behaviors that occur as a result. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 406 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 282 of 400 38 - 8. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT (ACHD) There are no site specific conditions of approval associated with the Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Annexation & Zoning applications. 8.1 Site Specific Conditions of Approval (Preliminary Plat) 8.1.1 Comply with requirements of ITD and City of Meridian for the Chinden Boulevard/US 20-26 frontage. 8.1.2 Enter into a Cooperative Development Agreement (CDA) with ACHD for the widening of Ten Mile Road to 5 lanes between Chinden Boulevard and Milano Drive, prior to ACHD’s signature on the first final plat. 8.1.3 The Cooperative Development Agreement should include the roadway construction, contract requirements, as well as allocation of costs. ACHD will only provide reimbursement for the costs of permanent roadway improvements consistent with the IFYWP and CIP. Interim improvements are not eligible for reimbursement and all costs would be the responsibility of the applicant. 8.1.4 In order to ensure the roadway will be improved when warranted, the following items must be in place prior plans acceptance for the final plat necessitating the improvements. Cooperative Development Agreement; Financial surety provided by the applicant meeting the terms of the Cooperative Development Agreement; Dedication of all of the right-of-way necessary to complete the road widening project. 8.1.5 If the STAR Agreement does not occur prior to ACHD's signature on the first final plat enter into a Cooperative Development Agreement with the District to improve the Chinden Boulevard/Black Cat Road intersection, as listed in the ACHD's CIP. The Cooperative Development Agreement shall include the intersection construction, as well as allocation of costs. ACHD will only provide impact fee credit for impact fee eligible costs of permanent intersection improvements consistent with CIP. 8.1.6 In order to ensure the Chinden Boulevard/Black Cat Road intersection will be improved when warranted, the following items must be in place prior plans acceptance for the final plat necessitating the improvements. Cooperative Development Agreement; Financial surety provided by the applicant meeting the terms of the Cooperative Development Agreement; Dedication of all of the right-of-way necessary to complete the intersection project. 8.1.7 If the widening of Ten Mile Road to 5 lanes between Chinden Boulevard and McMillan Road is removed from the STAR agreement or if the construction of the proposed improvements is not feasible due to of timing of ACHD roadway construction projects in the area, then the following improvements shall be constructed. Dedicate right-of-way to total 48-feet from the centerline of Ten Mile Road. Construct a 5-foot wide detached concrete sidewalk located a minimum of 41 -feet from the centerline of Ten Mile Road abutting the site. Provide a permanent right-of-way easement for detached sidewalks located outside of the dedicated right-of-way. Construct a center left turn lane and dedicated right turn lane on Ten Mile Road for the temporary full access driveway located 660-feet north of Lost Rapids Drive. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 407 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 283 of 400 39 - Install a signal at the Ten Mile Road/Lost Rapids Drive intersection. The applicant should be required to enter into a signal agreement with ACHD for the design, construction, and installation of the signal. The signal agreement should note that the intersection should be designed to provide a 3 X 4 intersection with three 12-foot wide travel lanes; one receiving lane, one dedicated left turn lane, and one thru/right lane on the north, south, and east approach, and with four 12 -foot wide travel lanes on the west approach; one receiving lane, one dedicated left turn lane, one thru lane, and one dedicated right lane. The applicant is responsible for all costs associated with the hardware, design, and installation of the signal. 8.1.8 Replace any broken or deteriorated portions of curb, gutter, and sidewalk on Lost Rapids Drive abutting the site. 8.1.9 Remove the existing center landscape island on Lost Rapids Drive at the Ten Mile Road intersection. 8.1.10 When the multifamily portion of the site develops, install "NO PARKING" signs on Lost Rapids Drive abutting the site. 8.1.11 Close the existing driveway onto Ten Mile Road from the site located 480-feet south of Chinden Boulevard. 8.1.12 Construct a 36 to 40-foot wide temporary full access driveway onto Ten Mile Road located 660-feet north of Lost Rapids Drive, as proposed. Construct the driveway as a curb return type driveway with a 30-foot radii and pave the driveway its entire width at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Ten Mile Road. This driveway may be restricted in the future as traffic conditions warrant as determined by ACHD. 8.1.13 Construct one driveway onto Lost Rapids Drive located 350-feet west of Ten Mile Road, aligned centerline to centerline with an existing driveway on the south side Lost Rapids Drive. Construct the driveway as a curb return type driveway with a 30-foot radii and pave the driveway its entire width at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Lost Rapids Drive. 8.1.14 Construct one driveway onto Lost Rapids Drive located 700-feet west of Ten Mile Road, align centerline to centerline with a public street on the south side Lost Rapids Drive. Construct the driveway as a curb return type driveway with a 30-foot radii and pave the driveway its entire width at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Lost Rapids Drive. 8.1.15 Other than access approved as part of this application, direct lot access to Ten Mile Road and Lost Rapids Drive is prohibited and shall be noted on the final plat. 8.1.16 Payment of impact fees is due prior to issuance of a building permit. 8.1.17 Comply with all Standard Conditions of Approval. 8.2 Standard Conditions of Approval (Preliminary Plat) 8.2.1 All proposed irrigation facilities shall be located outside of the ACHD right-of-way (including all easements). Any existing irrigation facilities shall be relocated outside of the ACHD right-of-way including all easements). 8.2.2 Private Utilities including sewer or water systems are prohibited from being located within the ACHD right-of-way. 8.2.3 In accordance with District policy, 7203.3, the applicant may be required to update any existing non- compliant pedestrian improvements abutting the site to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act ADA) requirements. The applicant’s engineer should provide documentation of ADA compliance to District Development Review staff for review. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 408 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 284 of 400 40 - 8.2.4 Replace any existing damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk and any that may be damaged during the construction of the proposed development. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file number) for details. 8.2.5 A license agreement and compliance with the District’s Tree Planter policy is required for all landscaping proposed within ACHD right-of-way or easement areas. 8.2.6 All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be borne by the developer. 8.2.7 It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of-way. The applicant at no cost to ACHD shall repair existing utilities damaged by the applicant. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-811-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of-way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 8.2.8 Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact the District’s Utility Coordinator at 387-6258 (with file numbers) for details. 8.2.9 All design and construction shall be in accordance with the ACHD Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Standards unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 8.2.10 Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ACHD prior to District approval for occupancy. 8.2.11 No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant’s authorized representative and an authorized representative of ACHD. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from ACHD. 8.2.12 If the site plan or use should change in the future, ACHD Planning Review will review the site plan and may require additional improvements to the transportation system at that time. Any change in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with ACHD Policy and Standard Conditions of Approval in place at that time unless a waiver/variance of the requirements or other legal relief is granted by the ACHD Commission. 9. IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT (ITD) See next page) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 409 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 285 of 400 41 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 410 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 286 of 400 42 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 411 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 287 of 400 43 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 412 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 288 of 400 44 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 413 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 289 of 400 45 - Exhibit C: Legal Description & Exhibit Map for Annexation & Zoning Boundary Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 414 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 290 of 400 46 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 415 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 291 of 400 47 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 416 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 292 of 400 48 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 417 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 293 of 400 49 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 418 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 294 of 400 50 - D. Required Findings from Unified Development Code 1. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT: Upon recommendation from the Commission, the Council shall make a full investigation and shall, at the public hearing, review the application. In order to grant an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, the Council shall make the following findings: a. The proposed amendment is consistent with the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The City Council finds that the proposed map amendment from Mixed Use – Community and Medium Density Residential to Commercial (16.5 acres) as depicted in Exhibit A.2 is consistent with elements of the Comprehensive as discussed during the hearings on March 1 and April 3, 2018. b. The proposed amendment provides an improved guide to future growth and development of the city. The City Council finds that the proposal to modify the Future Land Use Map to allow for commercial uses will be compatible with future adjacent residential uses if revisions are made to the concept plan as recommended in Section IX and Exhibit B. c. The proposed amendment is internally consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan (see Sections VII and IX for detailed analysis). d. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Unified Development Code. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the Unified Development Code. e. The amendment will be compatible with existing and planned surrounding land uses. The City Council finds the proposed amendment will be compatible with adjacent existing and planned future residential if the site is developed in accord with the concept plan in Exhibit A.3 and the conditions of approval contained herein. f. The proposed amendment will not burden existing and planned service capabilities. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment will not burden existing and planned service capabilities in this portion of the city. Sewer and water services are available to be extended to this site. g. The proposed map amendment (as applicable) provides a logical juxtaposition of uses that allows sufficient area to mitigate any anticipated impact associated with the development of the area. The City Council finds the proposed map amendment will provide a logical juxtaposition of uses. h. The proposed amendment is in the best interest of the City of Meridian. For the reasons stated in Sections VII and IX and the subject findings above, the City Council finds that the proposed amendment is in the best interest of the City. 2. ANNEXATION & ZONING: Upon recommendation from the Commission, the Council shall make a full investigation and shall, at the public hearing, review the application. In order to grant an annexation, the Council shall make the following findings: Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 419 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 295 of 400 51 - a. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; The City Council finds that the proposed map amendment to the R-15, R-40 and C-G zoning districts is consistent with the existing MDR and proposed Commercial FLUM designations for this site and should be compatible with existing and future uses in the area. Therefore, City Council finds the amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan (see section VII above for more information). b. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; The City Council finds that the proposed map amendment to the R-15, R-40 and C-G zoning districts is consistent with the purpose statements of the commercial and residential districts as detailed in Section VIII above. c. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; The City Council finds that the proposed zoning amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare if the site is developed in accord with the conditions of approval in Exhibit B. City utilities will be extended at the expense of the applicant. d. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the City including, but not limited to, school districts; and, The City Council finds that the proposed zoning amendment will not result in any adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing services to this site. e. The annexation is in the best of interest of the City (UDC 11-5B-3.E). The City Council finds the proposed annexation of this property is in the best interest of the City if the applicant develops the site in accord with the conditions listed in Exhibit B. 3. PRELIMINARY PLAT: In consideration of a preliminary plat, combined preliminary and final plat, or short plat, the decision- making body shall make the following findings: a. The plat is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; The City Council finds that the proposed plat is in substantial compliance with the Medium Density Residential and amended Commercial designations in the FLUM contained in the Comprehensive Plan. Please see Comprehensive Plan Policies and Goals, Section VII, of the Staff Report for more information. b. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; The City Council finds that public services are available and will be provided to the subject property upon development. (See Exhibit B of the Staff Report for more details from public service providers.) c. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the City’s capital improvement program; Because City water and sewer and any other utilities will be provided by the developer at their own cost, the City Council finds that the subdivision will not require the expenditure of capital improvement funds. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 420 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 296 of 400 52 - d. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Based on comments provided in Exhibit B from the public service providers (i.e., Police, Fire, ACHD, etc.), the City Council finds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development. (See Exhibit B for more detail.) e. The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare; and The City Council finds the proposed development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. ACHD and ITD consider road safety issues in their analyses. f. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. The City Council is not aware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features on this site that need to be preserved. 4. MODIFICATION OF UDC STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS STANDARDS: Under UDC § 11-3H-3, the Council may consider and apply modifications to state highway access standards upon a specific recommendation of the Idaho transportation department. Based on UDC § 11-3H-3, the Council finds that modification of the City’s state highway access standards is warranted. On October 18, 2017, the Idaho Transportation Department submitted agency comments on the proposed development, which recommended permitting direct access onto SH 20/26 as submitted by the applicant’s plans. Based on this specific recommendation, the Council elects to modify such standards because direct access onto SH 20/26 reduces development impacts and improves traffic flow on surrounding streets, including W. Lost Rapids Rd. and Ten Mile Rd., which will positively impact neighboring residences. In addition to meeting the requirements for modified access standards, the proposed access also meets the City’s variance standards as noted below. 5. VARIANCE: The City Council shall apply the standards listed in Idaho Code 67-6516 and all the findings listed in Section 11-5B-4.E of the UDC to review the variance request. In order to grant a variance, the Council shall make the following findings: a. The variance shall not grant a right or special privilege that is not otherwise allowed in the district; The Council finds the variance does not grant a right or special privilege. The Idaho Transportation Department, the agency with authority over SH 20/26, has recommended the access permitted by the variance for the benefit of the state highway system. Other properties in the vicinity, that run adjacent to SH 20/26 and SH 55, have historically been granted direct access onto SH 20/26 and all necessary right of way for mitigation has been or will be acquired. b. The variance relieves an undue hardship because of characteristics of the site; and The Council finds the variance will relieve an undue hardship caused by the characteristics of the site because the site requires additional access. The shape of the lot, rectangular with significant frontage on SH 20/26, necessitates midpoint access onto SH 20/26 for traffic flow and safety. The surrounding roads and existing access points are insufficient to serve the site; direct access onto SH 20/26 is necessary to disperse traffic throughout the area. Strict adherence to the City’s state highway access standards would result in undue hardship to the applicant by preventing the applicant from using the property for its proposed use. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 421 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 297 of 400 53 - c. The variance shall not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. The Council finds the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare because the Idaho Transportation Department, the agency with jurisdiction to plan, design, and grant ac cess permits onto the state highway system, has specifically recommended the direct access onto SH 20/26. The direct access will improve traffic flow and reduce congestion resulting in increased safety. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda April 24, 2018 – Page 422 of 717Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 298 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 9F Project/File Number: Item Title: Hill's Century Farms No. 10 Final Plat for Hill's Century Farms No. 10 by Brighton Investments, LCC, located approximately 1/2 mile South of E. Amity Rd. and 1/4 mile East of S. Eagle Rd. Meetina Notes 9 OPMED Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 1 STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2018 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Sonya Allen, Associate City Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 I. APPLICATION SUMMARY The applicant, Brighton Investments, LLC, has applied for a final plat (FP) consisting of 55 building lots and 8 common area lots on 15.82 acres of land in an R-8 zoning district. This is the first phase of development of the Turf Farm preliminary plat; however, the applicant is including this plat in the phasing of the adjacent Hill’s Century Farm development. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 final plat based on the analysis provided below in Section V. III. PROPOSED MOTION Approval I move to approve File Number H-2018-0041, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 22, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial I move to deny File Number H-2018-0041, as presented during the hearing on May 22, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0041 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) IV. APPLICATION AND PROPERTY FACTS A. Site Address/Location: The site is located approximately ¼ mile south of E. Amity Rd. and ¼ mile east of S. Eagle Rd., in the southwest ¼ of Section 33, Township T.3., Range 1E. B. Applicant: Brighton Investments, LLC 12601 W. Explorer Drive, Ste. 200 Boise, ID 83713 C. Owner: Same as applicant Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 301 of 400 Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 2 D. Representative: Kameron Nauahi, Brighton Corporation 12601 W. Explorer Drive, Ste. 200 Boise, ID 83713 V. STAFF ANALYSIS The proposed final plat depicts 55 single-family residential building lots and 8 common lots on 15.82 acres of land in an R-8 zoning district. The minimum property size in this phase is 5,940 square feet s.f.) with an average size of 7,324 s.f. A total of 1.72 acres (or 10.87%) of qualified open space is provided with this phase. Qualified open space consists of landscaped parkways along internal local streets and common areas with pathways. All of the lots proposed in this phase are for single-family detached homes and must comply with the dimensional standards of the R-8 zoning district listed in UDC Table 11-2A-6. Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found it in compliance with the aforementioned dimensional standards except for a slight modification to one lot as noted below in site specific condition #2. Staff has reviewed the proposed final plat for substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat in accord with the requirements listed in UDC 11-6B-3C.2. The number of buildable lots in this phase is the same and the amount of common area has increased slightly from that shown on the preliminary plat. Therefore, the final plat is deemed to be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat as required. VI. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall construct all proposed fencing and/or any fencing required by the UDC, consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7 and 11-3A-6B. 2. The final plat prepared by KM Engineering, stamped on 4/4/2018 by Aaron L. Ballard shall be revised as follows: a. Note #13: Include recorded instrument number. b. Note #19: Include recorded instrument number. c. There are two (2) “C28” curves listed in the curve table – delete the first one with a chord measurement of 6.83’. d. Widen the frontage of Lot 30, Block 6 slightly to comply with the minimum street frontage requirement of 40’ measured as a chord measurement. e. Depict lot numbers on Lots 46 and 52, Block 5 (they’re missing) f. Graphically depict a 5-foot wide side yard PUDI easement on Lot 10, Block 27 and Lot 53, Block 5 unless a 10-foot wide easement is desired as noted in plat note #7. 3. The landscape plan prepared by KM Engineering, dated 4/6/2018, is approved as submitted. 4. Future development shall be generally consistent with the conceptual building elevations included in the development agreement. 5. The water main in E. Levin Drive should be 8-inch diameter. The next phase will need connection to Lake Hazel downstream of the PRV per preliminary plat comments. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 302 of 400 Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 3 VII. ONGOING CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant and/or assigns shall have the continuing obligation to provide irrigation that meets the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-6 and to install and maintain all landscaping as set forth in UDC 11-3B-5, UDC 11-3B-13 and UDC 11-3B-14. 2. All common open space and site amenities shall be maintained by an owner's association as set forth in UDC 11-3G-3F1. 3. The project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and previous conditions of approval associated with this site (H-2017-0149, Development Agreement #2018-034522). 4. The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to prune all trees to a minimum height of six feet above the ground or sidewalk surface to afford greater visibility of the area. 5. The applicant shall have an ongoing obligation to maintain all pathways. 6. The applicant has a continuing obligation to comply with the outdoor lighting provisions as set forth in UDC 11-3A-11. 7. The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to maintain all landscaping and constructed features within the clear vision triangle consistent with the standards in UDC 11- 3A-3. 8. Future homes constructed within this development shall be generally consistent with the conceptual building elevations included in the development agreement. VIII. PROCESS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. No signs are approved with this application. Prior to installing any signs on the property, the applicant shall submit a sign permit application consistent with the standards in UDC Chapter 3 Article D and receive approval for such signs. 2. The applicant shall complete all improvements related to public life, safety, and health as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. A surety agreement may be accepted for other improvements in accord with UDC 11-5C-3C. 3. The applicant shall obtain approval for all successive phases of the preliminary plat within two years of the signature of the City Engineer on the previous final plat as set forth in UDC 11-6B- 7B or obtain approval of a time extension as set forth in UDC 11-6B-7. 4. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Division staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14A. 5. The applicant shall pay any applicable impact fees prior to the issuance of a building permit. IX. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Sanitary sewer service to this development is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall install mains to and through this subdivision; applicant shall coordinate main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2. Water service to this site is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall be responsible to install water mains to and through this development, Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 303 of 400 Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 4 coordinate main size and routing with Public Works. 3. All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 4. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Department staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14A. 5. A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% will be required for all incomplete fencing, landscaping, amenities, pressurized irrigation, prior to signature on the final plat. 6. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post with the City a performance surety in the amount of 125% of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The applicant shall be required to enter into a Development Surety Agreement with the City of Meridian. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 7. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, and water infrastructure for a duration of two years. This surety amount will be verified by a line item final cost invoicing provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on th e Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 8. In the event that an applicant and/or owner cannot complete non-life, non-safety and non-health improvements, prior to City Engineer signature on the final plat and/or prior to occupancy, a surety agreement may be approved as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3C. 9. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 10. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 11. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 12. Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 13. All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-1-4B. 14. Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 15. The engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 16. The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 304 of 400 Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 5 accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 17. At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 18. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting (http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272). All street lights shall be installed at developer’s expense. Final design shall be submitted as part of the development plan set for approval, which must include the location of any existing street lights. The contractor’s work and materials shall conform to the ISPWC and the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications to the ISPWC. Contact the City of Meridian Transportation and Utility Coordinator at 898-5500 for information on the locations of existing street lighting. 19. The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20 -feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to signature of the final plat by the City Engineer. 20. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with and NPDES permitting that may be required by the Environmental Protection Agency. 21. Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Water Department at 208)888-5242 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources. 22. Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact the Central District Health Department for abandonment procedures and inspections. 23. The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year -round source of water (MCC 9-1-28.C.1). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single -point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to development plan approval. 24. All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. X. EXHIIBITS A. Vicinity Map B. Approved Preliminary Plat (dated: 1/29/18) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 305 of 400 Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 6 C. Proposed Final Plat (dated: 4/4/18) D. Proposed Landscape Plan (dated: 4/6/18) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 306 of 400 Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 7 Exhibit A – Vicinity/Zoning Map Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 307 of 400 Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 8 Exhibit B – Approved Preliminary Plat (dated: 1/29/18) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 308 of 400 Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 9 Exhibit C – Proposed Final Plat (dated: 4/4/18) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 309 of 400 PUBLIC HEARING TRANSMITTAL TO AGENCIES FOR COMMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS WITH THE CITY OF MERIDIAN To ensure that your comments and recommendations will be considered by the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission please submit your comments and recommendations to Meridian City Hall To: Attention C.Jay Coles, City Clerk By: May 18, 2018 Cit y Clerk ’s Office 33 E. Broadwa y Avenue, Meridian, ID 83642 Phone 208-888-4433 Fax 208-888-4218  cityclerk@meridiancity.org www.m eridiancity.org Transmittal Date: 4-19-2018 File No: H-2018-0041 FP Hearing Date: May 22, 2018 REQUEST: A Final Plat Consisting of 55 Building Lots and 8 Common Lots on 15. 82 Acres of Land in the R-8 Zoning District for Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 By: Brighton Investments, LLC Location of Property or Project: Approximately ½ Mile S of E Amity Rd and ¼ Mile E of S Eagle Rd Planning and Zoning Commission Meridian School District Tammy de Weerd, Mayor Meridian Post Office City Council Ada County Highway District Sanitary Services Ada County Development Services Building Department Central District Health Fire Department COMPASS Police Department Nampa Meridian Irrigation District City Attorney Settlers Irrigation District City Public Works Idaho Power Company City Planner Century Link Parks Department Intermountain Gas Co. Economic Development Idaho Transportation Department New York Irrigation District Ada County Associate Land Records Boise Project Board of Cont rol – Tim Paige Downtown Projects Community Development Meridian Development Corporation Historical Preservation Commission South of RR/SW Meridian NW Pipeline Boise-Kuna Irrigation District Hearing Date: May 22, 2018 File No.: H-2018-0041 Project Name: Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 Request: Request for final plat consisting of 55 building lots and 8 common lots on 15.82 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district, by Brighton Investments, LLC. Location: The site is located approximately ¼ mile south of E. Amity Rd. and ¼ mile east of S. Eagle Rd., in the SW ¼ of Section 33, Township 3N., Range 1E. Planning DivisionE DAO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION BY:- STAFF Y:- STAFF USE ONL��C i Project name: i �� s �'^ ►,t /6)0o 16 File number(s): " Assigned Planner: Related files: Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) ❑ Accessory Use ❑ Planned Unit Development ❑ Administrative Design Review ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Alternative Compliance ❑ Private Street ❑ Annexation and Zoning ❑ Property Boundary Adjustment ❑ Certificate of Zoning Compliance ❑ Rezone ❑ City Council Review ❑ Short Plat ❑ Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment ❑ Time Extension: ❑ Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Director/ Commission/Council (circle one) ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ UDC Text Amendment ❑ Conditional Use Modification ❑ Vacation: Director/Commission (circle one) Director/ Council (circle one) ❑ Development Agreement Modification ❑ Variance ® Final Plat ❑ Other ❑ Final Plat Modification Applicant Information Applicant name: Brighton Investments LLC Applicant address: 12601 W. Explorer Dr. #200 City: Boise Email: State: ID Applicant's interest in property: ®Own ❑ Rent ❑ Optioned ❑ Other Phone: 208-378-4000 Zip: 83713 Owner name: Same as Applicant Phone: Owner address: City: Email: State: Zip: Agent/Contact name (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representative): Kameron Nauahi Firm name: Brighton Corporation Phone: 208-287-0504 Agent address: 12601 W. Explorer Dr. #200 Email: knauahi@brightoncorp.com City: Boise Primary contact is: ❑ Applicant ❑ Owner C Agent/Contact Subject Property Information State: ID Zip: 83713 Location/street address: 1/4 mile south of Amity Rd, 1/4 east of Eat Township, range, section: 33 3N 1 E Assessor's parcel number(s): S1133336210 Total acreage: 15.82 Zoning district: R-8 Community Development ■ Planning Division ■ 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Ste. 102 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: 208-884-5533 Fax: 208-888-6854 Nvtvw.meridianci , .org/12lanning -1- (Rev. 06/1212014) Project/subdivision name: Hill's Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 General description of proposed project/request: 55 single family dettached units, 8 common lots Proposed zoning district(s): No change to existing zoning Acres of each zone proposed: Type of use proposed (check all that apply): [R]Residential ID Office El Commercial 8 Employment 0Industrial 13 Other Who will own & maintain the pressurized irrigation system in this development? Century Farm HOA Which irrigation district does this property lie within? Nampa Meridian Irrigation District Primary irrigation source: Surface Secondary: Well Square footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated (if primary or secondary point of connection is City water): Residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of residential units. 55 Number of building lots: 55 Number of common lots: 8 Number of other lots: 0 Proposed number of dwelling units (for multi -family developments only): 1 bedroom: 2-3 bedrooms: Minimum square footage of structure (excl. garage): Minimum property size (s.f): 5940 Gross density (Per UDC ll -IA -1): 3.48 Acreage of qualified open space: 1.72 4 or more bedrooms: Maximum building height: Code Average property size (s.f.): 7324 - Net density (Per UDC 11-1A-1): 5.95 Percentage of qualified open space: 10.87% Type and calculations of qualified open space provided in acres (Per UDC 11 -3G -3B): Common lots, parkway strip minus common drives, green space areas Amenities provided with this development (if applicable): Type of dwelling(s) proposed: U Single-family Detached Q] Single-family Attached CUTownhouse Duplex [3 Multi -family 15 Vertically Integrated El Other Non-residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of building lots: Gross floor area proposed: Hours of operation (days and hours): Total number of parking spaces provided: Authorization Print applicant name: Kameron Nauahi Applicant signature: Common lots: Other lots: Existing (if applicable): Building height: Number of compact spaces provided: Date: 4/11/18 Community Development ■ Planning Division ■ 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Ste. 102 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: 208-884-5533 Fax: 208-888-6854 www.meridianci .org/planning -2- (Rev. 0611212014) BRIGHTON CORPORATION April 11, 2018 Caleb Hood, Planning Manager Community Development Services Meridian City Hall Re: Hill's Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 Dear Caleb, Enclosed is the final plat application for Hill's Century Farm Subdivision No. 10, the fifty-five (55) single-family lot, eight (8) common lot, first phase of the Turf Farm Subdivision preliminary plat as approved February 20, 2018 by the Meridian City Council (File H-2017-0149). Amenities included in this phase are micro path connecting to previously installed micro path in Hill's Century Farm No. 5, along with a 10' multi use pathway along the Ten Mile Creek. Statement of Conformance This final plat is in full conformance with: (1) The uses and layout approved by the preliminary plat; (2) the use requirements and provisions of the UDC; and (3) acceptable engineering and surveying practices, and local standards. Applications / Development Agreement applicable to this application Annexation / Zoning, Preliminary Plat H-2017-0149 Please let me know if you have questions, or require additional information. For Brighton Investments, LLC Kameron Nauahi Assistant Project Manager Brighton Corporation 12601 W. Explorer Drive, Suite 200, Boise, Idaho 83713 www.brikhtoncorp.coni Tel. (208) 378-4000 Fax (208) 377-8962 nNT ENGINEERING April 4, 2018 Project No. 18-018 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOISE, ID 83714 1 208.639.6939 1 FAX 208.639.6930 Legal Description for Hill's Century Farm Subdivision Phase 10 A parcel of land situated in a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada county, Idaho, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a found aluminum cap monument marking the Southwest corner of said Section 33, which bears S00°13'37"W a distance of 2,676.15 feet from a found aluminum cap monument marking the West 1/4 corner of said Section 33, thence following the westerly line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 33, N00°13'37"E a distance of 1,338.07 feet to a found 5/8 -inch rebar marking the South 1/16 corner of Section 32 and said Section 33; Thence leaving said westerly line, S89°51'59"E a distance of 48.00 feet to a found 5/8 -inch rebar on the easterly right-of-way line of South Eagle Road and marking the southwest corner of Hill's Century Farm Subdivision Phase 5 (Book 111 of Plats at Pages 16183-16186, records of Ada county, Idaho) and being the POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence leaving said easterly right-of-way line and following the southerly boundary line of said Hill's Century Farm Subdivision Phase 5, S89°51'59"E a distance of 944.31 feet to a point on the centerline of Ten Mile Drain, said point being witnessed by a found 5/8 -inch rebar which bears N89°51'59"W a distance of 50.24 feet from said point; Thence leaving said boundary and following said centerline the following two (2) courses: 1. S08°45'19"E a distance of 431.55 feet to a point; 2. S44°59'23"E a distance of 72.64 feet to a point; Thence leaving said centerline, S45°00'37"W a distance of 163.49 feet to a set 5/8 -inch rebar; Thence S41°07'32"W a distance of 60.11 feet to a set 5/8 -inch rebar; Thence 223.80 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 320.00 feet, a delta angle of 40°04'19", a chord bearing of S69°54'15"W and a chord distance of 219.27 feet to a set 5/8 - inch rebar; Thence S89°56'25"W a distance of 558.11 feet to a set 5/8 -inch rebar; Thence N00°13'37"E a distance of 29.62 feet to a set 5/8 -inch rebar; Thence N89°51'59"W a distance of 145.00 feet to a set 5/8 -inch rebar on said easterly right-of-way line of South Eagle Road; Thence following said easterly right-of-way line, N00°13'37"E a distance of 686.93 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 15.823 acres, more or less, and is subject to all existing easements and/or rights of way of record or implied. OPAL �� ,12459OF 0 UON L . BALy4. q y .2018 ENGINEERS I SURVEYORS I PLANNERS Title: HCF Phase 10 Scale: 1 inch = 200 feet I File: Date: 04-04-2018 Tract 1: 15.823 Acres: 689250 Sq Feet: Closure = s61.2610e 0.00 Feet: Precision >1/999999: Perimeter = 3316 Feet 001=s89.5159e 944.31 005=s41.0732w 60.11 009=n89.5159w 145.00 06 R 320002=s08.4519e 431.55 On s69.5415w�C d=219.27 0.0419 010=n00.1337e 686.93 003=s44.5923e 72.64 007=s89.5625w 558.11 004=s45.0037w 163.49 008=n00.1337e 29.62 ADA COUNTY RECORDER Christopher D. Rich 2017-045224 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=2 LISA BATT 05/19/2017 03:52 PM When recorded, please return to: TITLEONE BOISE $13.00 Brighton Investments LLC 12601 W Explorer Drive, Suite 200 Boise, ID 83713 ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED STnMPFn FIRST PAGE NOW GENERAL WARRANTY DEED INCORPORATED AS PART OF (Century Farm -Turf Farm) fHF- ORIGINAL DOCUMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, SCS INVESTMENTS LLC, an Idaho limited liability company ("Grantor") does hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto BRIGHTON INVESTMENTS LLC, an Idaho limited liability company ("Grantee"), whose address is 12601 W. Explorer Drive, Suite 200, Boise, Idaho, 83713, all of Grantor's right, title and interest in and to that certain real property located in Ada County, Idaho, legally described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein ("Premises"). TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Premises, with its appurtenances unto Grantee, and Grantee's successors and assigns forever, together with all water and water rights, ditch or irrigation company shares, streets, alleys and rights of way adjacent thereto, all mineral rights appurtenant thereto, and all and singular tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof, and all estate, right, title and interest in and to the Premises, as well in law as in equity. Grantor, for itself, its heirs and assigns, does hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee, that the Grantor is the owner in fee simple of said Premises; that the Premises are free from all encumbrances; that Grantee, its heirs and assigns shall be entitled to the quiet and peaceable possession of said Premises; and that Grantor will warrant and defend the same forever from all claims arising by, through or under Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused its name to be hereunto subscribed this "I day of May, 2017. GRANTOR: STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Ada ) SCS INVESTMENTS, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company By: Ste6en C. Smith, Manager On this day of May, 2017, before me the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Steven C. Smith, known or identified to me to be the Manager of SCS INVESTMENTS, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, the company that executed the instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said company, and acknowledged to me that the company executed the same. r e r a. A MA:NDA 7 T ARY PUBLIC ATE OF IDAHO Not* Public for Ida I/ f My Commission expires GENERAL WARRANTY DEED -1 When recorded, please return to: Brighton Investments LLC 12601 W Explorer Drive, Suite 200 Boise, ID 83713 GENERAL WARRANTY DEED (Century Farm - Turf Farm) FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, SCS INVESTMENTS LLC, an Idaho limited liability company ("Grantor") does hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto BRIGHTON INVESTMENTS LLC, an Idaho limited liability company ("Grantee"), whose address is 12601 W. Explorer Drive, Suite 200, Boise, Idaho, 83713, all of Grantor's right, title and interest in and to that certain real property located in Ada County, Idaho, legally described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein ("Premises"). TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Premises, with its appurtenances unto Grantee, and Grantee's successors and assigns forever, together with all water and water rights, ditch or irrigation company shares, streets, alleys and rights of way adjacent thereto, all mineral rights appurtenant thereto, and all and singular tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof, and all estate, right, title and interest in and to the Premises, as well in law as in equity. Grantor, for itself, its heirs and assigns, does hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee, that the Grantor is the owner in fee simple of said Premises; that the Premises are free from all encumbrances; that Grantee, its heirs and assigns shall be entitled to the quiet and peaceable possession of said Premises; and that Grantor will warrant and defend the same forever from all claims arising by, through or under Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused its name to be hereunto subscribed this I day of May, 2017. GRANTOR: STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Ada ) SCS INVESTMENTS, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company By: Ste ail -b-. Smith, Manager On this day of May, 2017, before me the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Steven C. Smith, known or identified to me to be the Manager of SCS INVESTMENTS, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, the company that executed the instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said company, and acknowledged to me that the company executed the same. k, P AMANDA McCURRY NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO Nota ublic for Ida My Commission expires GENERAL WARRANTY DEED -1 Exhibit A PREMISES DESCRIPTION A Parcel of land situated in a portion of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, as shown on Record of Survey No. 4531, recorded February 2, 1999, as Instrument No. 99010162, for L. Darwin McKay as Parcel A and described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 33; thence North 00000'00" East 1338.06 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar marking the South 1/16 corner common to Sections 32 and 33; thence along the Northerly line of said South half of the Southwest quarter; thence North 89054118" East 992.43 feet to a point marking the centerline of the Ten Mile Creek; thence along said centerline the following courses: South 08058'00" East 431.55 feet (formerly South 58058'00" East) to a point; thence South 45013'00" East 744.00 feet to a point; thence South 12008'30" East 389.70 feet to a half inch rebar; thence leaving said centerline and along the Southerly line of the said Southwest quarter South 89042'48" West 1669.75 feet to the Point of Beginning. Excepting therefrom the following described land as shown as Parcel B on said Record of Survey: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 33; thence along the Westerly line of the said Southwest quarter North 00000'00" East 326.06 feet to a half inch rebar; thence South 48049'33" East 170.96 feet to a half inch rebar; thence North 89°42'48" East 139.97 feet to a half inch rebar; thence North 00000'00" East 128.01 feet to a half inch rebar; thence North 89042'48" East 449.84 feet to a half inch rebar; thence South 00000'00" East 340.87 feet to a half inch rebar; thence along the Southerly line of the said Southwest quarter South 89042'48" West 718.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. Except that portion lying within West Lake Hazel Road and South Eagle Road. GENERAL WARRANTY DEED - 2 AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF ADA ) $IAkz Z. /- i er oh behal� o{' I, 6r;R00n IV)y'esjr> Ty145 LLC 12601 W. Explorer Dr, Ste 200 (name) (address) Boise _ Idaho (city) (state) being first duly sworn upon, oath, depose and say: 1. That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to: Kameror NAualni 12601 W. Explorer Dr, Ste 200 , (name) (address) to submit the accompanying application(s) pertaining to that property. 2. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and its employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject of the application. 3. I hereby grant permission to City of Meridian staff to enter the subject property for the purpose of site inspections related to processing said application(s). 4h Dated this _day of �p r� , 20 IF (Signature) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above writt n. r V, " wl�A - - - - - - - - - - - - - (&V (Notary lic for Idaho) OHdal d0 31b1S onend AddION Residing at: AwAnooW VONVINV My Commission Expires:��� 33 E Broadway Suite 210 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6678 9 Website: www.meridiancity.org km 0 1000 2000 4000 i:4illmPVi�= I ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS. PLANNERS Plan Scale 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE FAX (2(8)8639-69309 HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION NO, 10 MERIDIAN, IDAHO DATE: 4/5/18 PROJECT: 18-018 SHEET: FIGURE 1- VICINITY MAP 1 OF 1 E IDIAN;-- IDAHO Community Development Department Parcel Verification Date: 4-10-18 Meridian City Hall, Suite 102 33 E. Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho 83642 208.887.2211 The parcel information below has been researched and verified as correct by the City of Meridian Community Development Department. Project Name: Hill's Century Farm Subdivision No 10 T/R/S: 3N 1E 33 Parcel Numbers: 51133336210 (35.354 Acres) Property Owner: Brighton Investments LLC 12601 W Explorer Dr Boise, ID 83713 Address Verification Rev: 04/23/12 NOUDMISNOD 803 ION - A)JVN1VY1138d milli111111111111 �W 2 0 e 0 1 cn < :) T, w-71 V) F' V M. !jo, �s < w I HIM Mj g z r� 5 55++ � g § C� � � o � u i5 � ° 8. 8 Pool 0 > < s- UJ J1 i > Lu 'o" n 0 C., 12) LJ 0 cr I z uj 0 (D o z Do Z< Q C,) 0 ab u-, oD 0 oz 0 co L0 0- LLJ Z 0 00G z u < LL ce) U 0 Z 0 Q < G < M—ul R t� (D MVSD� S . � aGdap p G (D Eo 0 Q MOWM41 Q Q NUIIJI ldi.]NUJ UU:J IUN - AtIVNIVY] IJUd 8 3 a 0 0.4 (D _,y CI'S Hill >Z OxO E< =)Z VIoz D lz Ix ER ex Rig zz Ea, all ------------- : — --------- ---- ------- - ----------------- ------------- - - ------------------ --- 28 NOinnIIISNOD HW ION' AUVNIVYI 1JUd M 4 aq t RA, W DO b ;Rk% R- MOshx E 'It"ll , 'I, L P- z g'a it uF ig �o era a mo< 0 fi 62 4N HN Z;e yh at ilOq mOul 1 "I 916 t! 4 a R 'I EK: ml o 4 4 o c 8R 8 'O .i nvwmwAr S lY ® t El O if v o----------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------- --------- ---------- NM wig 4 Hqg',gl n Pa ge 51 n�ptgffin� R. 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'S; 'O •t I ( j � �Q j cc ZR Js/A'i'r O xe��•� � �O .�!`,• •ta O { � i O I� g � I ® ti fl r' L._n MON — Qn O z �• © � ' O � E h O o z D.t� a O O £ o c C j O $aeffi 1 0 YN Z d ADA COUNTY STREET NAME REVIEW Preliminary Plat eX Review Date: April 5, 2018 Final Plat Project Name: Hills Ccentury Farm Sub No 10 T/R/S 3n 1e 33 Parcel Number(s): 51133336210 Project/Plat Applicant: KM Engineering, LLP Phone No: 208.639.6939 City/County Agency: ADA COUNTY MAOI THE FOLLOWING EXISTING STREET NAMES SHALL APPEAR ON PLAT S EAGLE RD E LAKE HAZEL RD -a > o 0 3 N U O Proposed Street Names: c°� a o Co Comments 1 E GRISBORNE ST B Aligns with GISBORNE 2 E LEVIN DR X 3 S PALATINO WAY X 4 S TINDARIS WAY X E Post type should be "Ave" 5 S TINDARIS PL XI. 6 S WAYWARD WAY B Aligns with Wayland 7 PLEASE MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES OR CORRECTIONS Please replace S TINDARIS WAY with S TINDARIS AVE Please replace E GRISBORNE ST with E GISBORNE ST Please replace S WAYWARD WAY with S WAYLAND AVE NOTE: If there are corrections and changes recommended, please make these changes on the subdivision plat and resubmit to the Ada County Assessor. A final review with no changes required and the matching plat must be presented to the Ada County Surveyor at time of recording. Codes/criteria regarding denial A Sounds like an existing street B Alignment with existing street C Duplicate street name within Ada County D Street name exceeds 13 letters E Other Page 1 of 1 STREET NAME REVIEW APPLICATION Please attach a legible copy of plat or site plan with the application and submit directly to: /F l Ada County Assessor -190 E. Front Street, Boise, ID 83702, Email: Streetnamemail@adaweb.net Applications will be reviewed in the order in which they are received Application Date 4/4/2018 —� Review Needed By I asap Project/Subdivision Name Hill's Century Farm Sub. Phase 10 Preliminary Plat RV Final Plat Type Of Dwellings)/Structure(s) Proposed single Family ❑✓ Multi Family � other F I'm Applying To: ❑✓ Name New Public or Private Street(s) M Change Existing Street Name State ID Existing Street Name Number Of New Public Streets Proposed 14 Number Of Private/Changed Streets Proposed (Please Attach Plat/Plan) (Please Attach Plat/Plan) Private/Changed Street Names Choices 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice Applicant Information Company/Firm Name: KM Engineering, LLP Applicant Type: Architect Developer Engineer P & Z Dept. Contractor Owner EJ F] Fv] El FJ F1 Agent/Contact Name: Christen Haisty Phone: 1 208.639.6939 Email: chaisty@kmenglip.com Subject Property Information Township Range Section Location/Street Address W Woodville Street 3N 1E 33 Parcel Number(s) IS1133315430 Owner Information Same As Applicant? No ✓❑ Yes El Owner Name/Company I Brighton Development Phone Address 112601 W Explorer Dr. Ste. 200 City Boise -� State ID Zip 83713 Street name reviews will be completed within 2 to 3 weeks of receipt of application. Completed reviews will be uploaded to the following Ada County Assessor link: https•//adacounty id gov/Assessor/Land-Records/Street-Naming-and-Addressing Ada County Assessor -190 E. Front St., Suite 107, Boise, ID 83702 - Phone: 208-287-7270 C $a `y w to - Sc,� Z co Y r cr 11.8 -- �-• aV F W It m q O n O O r ,G' ,DC V ,W'LII i10,60L1J4 v D e �o m a O m s i O g O. 0!1 3.10,60JA`I I ,9Z-[ll 3,t0,64IX.'t D a a � O v�1 ED ^ " ^� „ ,+Y'GI W to,eD.cns faWi q _ - .!• 1 x,BS,LOGG6 ,LS'61l N,A9,CO�S ,,, -_ - _--_ a+—.tnil 3.10.8DAGNky n ��a n o a O v 1 x,es,(osos ,(rwl x,as.(ows 6rJ 1 a N t0.90A0V I .d 5I1ePu1...S 9 � .ICACI 3,FS LOD04 �— D ,B6'40Z 9,IO,FDAJ!•{F'(r10 FOAUV n >a Ae se ul 'Sz (" u fY psru n � t W N_ui•� _ N .x n P I Y \ taJ G45 O u' _ .EE 3.IO.AOLHN v. S Fo �\ na PoI �� a O O n ,o 'DZI i.10.F0A0i Ell M, 10.8JM _ X V g lE y - ,00'011 M,BS,EOGOS„ O ."009 ,OJ'Otl 3,10.80D0,4' m ' ' 3. 080A4 0A.O O v. ,Y996 H�89.LOfA9 �, m Q O cl.m a-•-.W"Ol "„� J ro ,00021 3.10.60A0`I � M,85.GOOJ9 Oa �o (t ,O[ ,or „.1(611 3,Gf,CIfiU!t� ' .K'66 z ,ZZ'BL AtJ (YJ .9D'66 • N � ' ,Z9 or, Al" 6eM Ou-leled'S ^` erJ .Le'lz C ,F9'YS Ra� ,00'09 .W'JO .0009 .0009 2 "L 0' ''e ��� �L oz •, I 3Hn 'm^�'� OSCt 09'09 GauR H m � � m s �o =y _��. nm COGS ,00'03 ,00'05 .CD'04 ,0009 0009_ ,0009 0009- DJO Nc i � .00045 3.CC,rIAON .. ¢>a d ,£6'999 3"1f,f l.00N ao fr. Iw t!- Street Name Evaluation Response Sheet Subdivision/Jurisdiction: Hill's Century Farm Sub No 10/Meridian Representatives: Comments 1 Ada County Assessor Approved with Comments Gisborne is spelled wrong 2 Ada County Sherrif Approved with Comments Wayland aligns with Wayward 3 ACHD No Response/Defer 4 Ada County Development Services Approved As Reviewed 5 Meridian Fire No Response/Defer 6 City of Meridian Approved As Reviewed 7 City of Meridian Approved As Reviewed 8 —� 9 ENGINEERING April 10, 2018 Project No.: 18-018 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOISE, ID 83714 1 208.639.6939 1 FAX 208.639.6930 City of Meridian 33 E. Broadway Ave., Suite 210 Meridian, Idaho 83642 RE: Hill's Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 Meridian, ID To Whom It May Concern: Please accept this letter as certification that the centerline elevations of the proposed streets within Hill's Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 are designed a minimum of three (3) feet above the seasonal high ground water elevation stated in the "Final 2017 Monitor Report for Century Farm Subdivision" dated October 12, 2017, prepared by Natural Resource Solutions, LLC. Please feel free to contact me at 208.639.6939 if you should have questions or require any additional information. Sincerely, KM Engineering, LLP Lachlin Kinsella, P.E. Project Engineer ENGINEERS I SURVEYORS I PLANNERS www.kmengllp.com m �$ 5 a to M. z 506'45'19•E 2 z to _ B •r " 1. p aa'1 n a w. - '. 45.19.E 400.32" - 60.00' '� 9 _- z n m_ �.._Sp8' 6p'00 60 i ` �(f' ^ °O!` (C' � 85.19' a cc W.OS' �� � ^ ` O � O F O � -� •2 ^ ry b� �bl 9^ 4 eo.00' " �1 •q. / 5• 1 so.00' b`P •qp bye O U Q 0, R 50eN'23T.231.8� R J -4-- \ F3 W O u S.WaYWardNN s4�s. ssa3' A, ^� Ili?5 N I m b / 64.76' n '`7 `f N2,E5r41 S Q. .Z - - ,6L•LIt 0.10.90-00510.10.90-005Z, 10.90-005 M Z Z - .YO'Gll 3,t9,80DON O ��_$ m m8 O I 8 Ls Q� N N W Q .Of ,OC fit{ klo,90D05 " n .00'49 .ao'Ys �.O u u 8 O $ 3.10,BODON 1-10—( .grill 3.10.90" + ,00'021 3.t0.BO110N O!— � <S'61l 0.9SLOD05 ^p � W411 0.1U,90D Noo QJ tz�Q'v n E O w .00-w N.W,40DOS I� n ,L9'61t x.91.40408 6" +2 I �o m LL ,Z9'LII 3,IO,BO40N 1.1.. c o � o s L _ _"_ _ ,wroll 6 "' m .cs•elt ates.Lo.00s 3'i R 'Id SIMPULL'S R a O _Y c 6 ro00N v 44 W I$ .ICRC{ 3.8S.LO40N — .28'foz 3.1o.90tgN (w ,tB'L/t 3.W.Wmn WAeM spepuli,•s �+ _� °j4" .os'ftt :N ,SB'6[t 3,L£.ft DON r 9 ME .ts'foi uwb )J 043 8 I .BO'Llt 3.IB,BODON EE x .etre!{ alo;so.6os x b n Q � � n x O� h o ,00'ozl 3,lo,eo.oal a � I m " ,00'Ott N.9S.40D0S Q e ry Ig'O u Sp' n .00'09 ,00'09 .00'02! 3,t0,9040N l7 30 1 „ 0.10,aoms 0.10,90401 e $ ,SCBM 3.t0.90DON J b nl —.00W G m r°I .00'021 3, 10,B040N " O •�h _ fJ O � m O „ I ,YS'Blt 0.10,BOD09 " .1.4 Il A. .4 °+/ ..� orv,4Crett 3.Lf,Ct40Nd$ ` n / ,fCBf ,2L'BZ BYJ L4J .80'f8 ,y Q q2 -p .6z•ztt �- R _94 ,L9'oCt .999Yl 8J �— ,01'622 3.LC.f I.IX1N n E AeMculleledJ", O o \ � n Q F�1: �y �no .01'06 ,01'06 .00'09 ,00'09 .0009 " W. 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RM in, Lo D; ---------- • YR —A D 04 N 0 CENTRAL CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT •� DISTRICT Return to: HEALTH Environmental Health Division ❑ ACZ DEPARTMENT ❑ Boise �I ❑ Eagle Rezone # P — Zo 17 — C`��-1� ❑Garden City Conditional Use # ❑ Kuna Preliminary / Final / Short Plat LMeridian �_.. V�A _ f �-i ` OJ VYX Floto ❑ Star ❑ 1. We have No Objections to this Proposal. ❑ 2. We recommend Denial of this Proposal. ❑ 3. Specific knowledge as to the exact type of use must be provided before we can comment on this Proposal. ❑ 4. We will require more data concerning soil conditions on this Proposal before we can comment. ❑ 5. Before we can comment concerning individual sewage disposal, we will require more data concerning the depth of: ❑ high seasonal ground water ❑ waste flow characteristics ❑ bedrock from original grade ❑ other ❑ 6. This office may require a study to assess the impact of nutrients and pathogens to receiving ground waters and surface waters. ❑ 7. This project shall be reviewed by the Idaho Department of Water Resources concerning well construction and water availability. After written approval from appropriate entities are submitted, we can approve this proposal for: PezAntral sewage ❑ community sewage system ❑ community water well tl interim sewage -central water ❑ individual sewage individual water The following plan(s) must be submitted to and approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality: `central sewage ❑ community sewage system ❑ community water ❑ sewage dry lines tll"central water ❑ 10. This Department would recommend deferral until high seasonal ground water can be determined if other considerations indicate approval. ❑ 11. If restroom facilities are to be installed, then a sewage system MUST be installed to meet Idaho State Sewage Regulations. ❑ 12. We will require plans be submitted for a plan review for any: ❑ food establishment ❑ swimming pools or spas ❑ beverage establishment ❑ grocery store �M 13. Infiltration beds for storm water disposal are considered shallow injection wells submitted to CDHD. ❑ 14. ❑ child care center An application and fee must be Reviewed By: Date:/ Review Sheet 15726-001EH1111 FOUND ALUMINUM CAP W 1/4 CORNER SECTION 33 PER CP&F No. 2014-080003 32 33 / 13 N89'51'5911W 1 48.00' (TIE) 1 �6o I POINT OF BEGINNING � �� N Q O O 3 11.11' 232 i� n^00—a---__ oI c 0 0 U I I 10 rn 00 co � to r N w w to 1;W M Li 1b 0 Iz z N89'51'59"W 145.00' N00' 13'37"E 29.62' I POINT OF COMMENCEMENT FOUND ALUMINUM CAP SW CORNER SECTION 33 32 33 PER CP&F No. 2015-013745 _ _ T.3N. R.1 E. 5 4 E. Lake Hazel Road T.2N. R.1 E. PLAT OF HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION PHASE 10 A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4, SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST, BOISE MERIDIAN, CITY OF MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. 2018 / II II I Hill's Century Farm \ 31 I Subdivision Phase 5 I I I 1 \ 22 1 23 ( 24 1 25 1261 1261 27 1 28 1 29 1 30 I _ FOUND 5/8" REBAR MARKED "ALB 12459" I 50.24' WITNESS C -S 1/ SECTION N33 589156"25-w 558.11 Unplatted LEGEND ® — 60.60' 40 54.00' -1. 54.00' 54.00' - 54.00' 54.00' - 11 54.00' ............ - 41, 54.00' 54.00' — - C24 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3.51' SET 5/8" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP "ALB MARKED 12459" FOUND 1/2" REBAR MARKED "ALB 12459" o UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 6.39' a n � -C) n r CALCULATED POINT 1O 00 cN0 It 10 d N � S 00 O 00 o BLOCK 29 00 T - - ADJACENT LOT LINE ------�'-- EASEMENT LINE '� ACHD EASEMENT (SEE NOTE 18) 1 O 2 00 O 00 p O 00 00 O 0000 O O O 00 10 O 0 BLOCK29 O O O O O 0 O p 00 O O O O O O O O O z z U) 10.00 z z z z in z C53 60.79' 54.00' 54.00' 54.00' 54.00' 54.00' 54.00' 54.00' 49.32' C52 589156"25-w 558.11 Unplatted LEGEND ® FOUND ALUMINUM CAP FOUND WITNESS CORNER, 5/8" REBAR GWC MARKED "ALB 12459" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE O FOUND 5/8" REBAR MARKED "ALB 12459" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE © SET 5/8" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP "ALB MARKED 12459" FOUND 1/2" REBAR MARKED "ALB 12459" o UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE SET 1/2- REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP MARKED "ALB 12459" CALCULATED POINT 14 LOT NUMBER SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY LINE LOT LINE - - - SECTION LINE - ROAD CENTERLINE - - ADJACENT LOT LINE ------�'-- EASEMENT LINE FZZZ1,_/L j ACHD EASEMENT (SEE NOTE 18) SHEET INDEX SHEET 1 - SUBDIVISION PLAT N G SHEET 2 - NOTES, DETAILS AND CURVE AND LINE TABLES L SHEET 3 - CERTIFICATE OF OWNERS cD SHEET 4 - CERTIFICATES AND APPROVALS CD 4 t] - w Ln REFERENCES Vi R1. RECORD OF SURVEY No. 10215, RECORDS OF ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. R2. PLAT OF HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION PHASE 5, BOOK 111 OF PLATS AT PAGES 16183-16186, RECORDS OF ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. CENTERLINE OF TEN MILE DRAIN 50' TEN MALE DRA►N EASEMENT (SEE too 16) 50.00' WITNESS CORNER S41 "07'32"W 60.11' 4- -ibiq DEVELOPER BRIGHTON CORPORATION BOISE, ID Scale: 1 "=60' ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS. PLANNERS 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX(208)639-6930 CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS LENGTH DELTA CHORD BRG CHORD Cl 320.00' 223.80' 40'04'19" S69'54'15"W 219.27' C2 261.00' 234.16' 51'24'16" S64'04'15"E 226.39' C3 180.00' 149.01' 47'25'52" S27'54'57"W 144.79' C4 180.00' 120.96' 38'30'09" 570'52'57"W 118.70' C5 80.00' 113.27' 81'07'35" N49' 18'11 "W 104.05' C6 105.00' 76.08' 41'30'46" N12'01'00"E 74.42' C7 105.00' 105.12' 57'21'39" N61'27'12"E 100.78' C8 770.00' 53.40' 3'58'24" S2'12'49"W 53.39' C9 301.50' 258.15' 49'03'28" S65'1 4'39"E 250.34' C10 16.50' 21.07' 73'10'54" S77'18'22"E 19.67' C11 210.00' 40.00' 10'54'49" N71'33'36"E 39.94' C12 210.00'd4.8 3.88' 13'01'02" N83'31'31 "E 47.61' C13 6.50' 18.85' 89'54'24" N45'1 0'50"E 9.18' C14 6.50' 183.86' 90'05'36" S44'49'11"E 9.20' C15 110.00'12'55'50" 213.11' 81'24'02" S83'24'04"E 24.77' C16 110.00'28'20'46" 70.80' 81'07'35" S62'45'46"E 53.87' C17 110.00'27'57'38" 129.43' 98'52'25" S34'36'34"E 53.15' C18 110.00' 22.83' 11'53'21" S14'41'04"E 22.78' C19 135.00' 26.73' 11'20'46" S3'04'00"E 26.69' C20 135.00' 38.48' 16'19'59" S10'46'23"W 38.35' HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION PHASE 5 CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS LENGTH DELTA CHORD BRG CHORD C21 6.50' 8.08' 71' 13' 12" S 16'40'1 4"E 7.57' C22 6.50' 8.94' 78'48'56" N88'18'42"E 8.25' C23 135.00' 50.51' 21'26'16" S62'31'24'W 50.22' C24 135.00' 39.80' 16'53'29" S81'41'17"W 39.66' C25 6.50' 10.20' 89'54'24" N45'1 0'49"E 9.18' C26 800.00' 50.01' 334'53" S2'01'04"W 50.00' C27 800.00' 5.47' 0'23'30" S4'00'1 6"W 5.47' C28 135.00' 6.83' 2'54'02" S50'21'15"W 6.83' C28 210.00' 38.75' 10'34'23" N9'29'12"E 38.70' C29 210.00' 45.10' 12' 18'22" N20'55'35"E 45.02' C30 210.00' 36.17' 9'52'10" N32'00'51 "E 36.13' C31 16.50' 3.88' 13'28'51 " N30' 12'30"E 3.87' C32 16.50' 18.85' 65'27'58" N9' 15'54"W 17.84' C33 220.50' 183.86' 47'46'30" N65'53'08"W 178.58' C34 150.00' 213.11' 81'24'02" N49'26'00"E 195.63' C35 50.00' 70.80' 81'07'35" S49' 18'11 "E 65.03' C36 75.00' 129.43' 98'52'25" S40'41'49"W 113.95' C37 6.50' 10.21' 90'00'00" N44'51'59"W 9.19' C38 10.00' 9.00' 51'33'18" N25'54'41 "E 8.70' C39 54.33' 57.95' 61'06'43" N21'07'58"E 55.24' CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS LENGTH DELTA CHORD BRG CHORD C40 54.33' 73.91' 77'56'40" N48'23'43"W 68.35' C41 54.33' 42.80' 45'07'58" S70'03'58"W 41.70' C42 54.33' 39.89' 42'03'51 " S26'28'04"W 39.00' C43 54.33' 53.92' 56'51'25" S22'59'34"E 51.73' C44 10.00' 9.00' 51'33'18" N25'38'38"W 8.70' C45 6.50' 10.21' 90'00'00" N45'08'01 "E 9.19' C46 6.50' 10.22' 90'05'36" N44'49'11"W 9.20' C47 740.00' 19.43' 1'30'15" NO'58'45"E 19.43' C48 740.00' 31.89' 2'28'08" N2'57'56"E 31.88' C49 150.00' 11.87' 4'31'59" N6'28'00"E 11.86' C50 320.00' 12.23' 2'11'26" N50'57'48"E 12.23' C51 320.00' 113.75' 20'22'03" N62'14'32"E 113.16' C52 320.00' 93.13' 16'40'31 " N80'45'49"E 92.80' C53 320.00' 4.69' 0'50'20" N89'31'15"E 4.69' LINE TABLE LINE DISTANCE BEARING L1 63.30 N60'54'43"W L2 52.61 S63'08'07"W L3 29.11 S89'46'23"E L4 26.19 S38'22'07"E L5 26.59 S42'22'10"E L6 24.42 S47'43'00"W L7 20.00 S19'27'52"E NOTES 1. MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK LINES SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPLICABLE ZONING REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. 2. ANY RESUBDIVISION OF THIS PLAT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE ZONING REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF RESUBDIVISION. 3. IRRIGATION WATER HAS BEEN PROVIDED FROM NAMPA MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT IN COMPLIANCE WITH IDAHO CODE SECTION 31-3805(1)(b). LOTS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION WILL BE ENTITLED TO IRRIGATION WATER RIGHTS AND WILL BE OBLIGATED FOR ASSESSMENTS FROM NAMPA MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT. AGREEMENTS PER INSTRUMENT No. 2015-087262. 4. THIS DEVELOPMENT RECOGNIZES SECTION 22-4503 OF THE IDAHO CODE, RIGHT TO FARM ACT, WHICH STATES: "NO AGRICULTURAL OPERATION, AGRICULTURAL FACILITY OR EXPANSION THEREOF SHALL BE OR BECOME A NUISANCE, PRIVATE OR PUBLIC, BY ANY CHANGED CONDITIONS IN OR ABOUT THE SURROUNDING NONAGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES AFTER IT HAS BEEN IN OPERATION FOR MORE THAN ONE (1) YEAR, WHEN THE OPERATION, FACILITY OR EXPANSION WAS NOT A NUISANCE AT THE TIME IT BEGAN OR WAS CONSTRUCTED. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION SHALL NOT APPLY WHEN A NUISANCE RESULTS FROM THE IMPROPER OR NEGLIGENT OPERATION OF AN AGRICULTURAL OPERATION, AGRICULTURAL FACILITY OR EXPANSION THEREOF". 5. LOTS 40 AND 45, BLOCK 5, LOTS 27 AND 31, BLOCK 6, LOT 1, BLOCK 27, LOT 13, BLOCK 28 AND LOTS 1 AND 13, BLOCK 29 ARE COMMON LOTS AND SHALL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CENTURY FARM OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., OR ASSIGNS. THESE COMMON LOTS ARE SUBJECT TO BLANKET EASEMENTS FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION PRESSURIZED IRRIGATION. 6. ALL LOT LINES COMMON TO THE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY CONTAIN A 10.00 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES, CITY OF MERIDIAN STREET LIGHTS, HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION PRESSURIZED IRRIGATION AND LOT DRAINAGE. 7. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIMENSIONED, ALL LOT LINES COMMON TO THE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY AND ALL REAR LOT LINES CONTAIN A 10.00 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES, HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION PRESSURIZED IRRIGATION AND LOT DRAINAGE. 8. ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES CONTAIN A 5.00 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT, EACH SIDE, FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES, HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION PRESSURIZED IRRIGATION AND LOT DRAINAGE. 9. LOTS SHALL NOT BE REDUCED IN SIZE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE HEALTH AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF MERIDIAN. 10. NO ADDITIONAL DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLIES SHALL BE INSTALLED BEYOND THE WATER SYSTEM APPROVED IN THE SANITARY RESTRICTION RELEASE. 11. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH LETTER ON FILE REGARDING ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. 12. DIRECT LOT OR PARCEL ACCESS TO S. EAGLE ROAD IS PROHIBITED. 13. THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO AN ACHD LANDSCAPE LICENSE AGREEMENT PER INSTRUMENT No. 201 -------- OF ADA COUNTY RECORDS. 14. THIS SUBDIVISION IS SUBJECT TO THE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE ON FILE AT THE ADA COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE PER INSTRUMENT No. 2015-087059 AND ANY FUTURE AMENDMENTS. 15. THE BOTTOM OF STRUCTURAL FOOTINGS SHALL BE SET A MINIMUM OF 12 -INCHES ABOVE THE HIGHEST ESTABLISHED NORMAL GROUND WATER ELEVATION. 16, THIS SUBDIVISION IS SUBJECT TO A NAMPA & MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT LICENSE AGREEMENT PER INSTRUMENT No. 2015-087262 OF ADA COUNTY RECORDS. 17, MAINTENANCE OF ANY IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE PIPES OR DITCHES CROSSING A LOT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOT OWNER UNLESS SUCH RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED BY AN IRRIGATION/DRAINAGE ENTITY. 18. ALL OF LOT 13, BLOCK 28 IS SERVIENT TO AND CONTAINS THE ACHD STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM. THESE LOTS ARE ENCUMBERED BY THAT CERTAIN MASTER PERPETUAL STORM WATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 10, 2015 AS INSTRUMENT No. 2015-103256, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ADA COUNTY, AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE AS IF SET FORTH IN FULL (THE "MASTER EASEMENT"). THE MASTER EASEMENT IS FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 19. AS SHOWN HEREON, LOT 45, BLOCK 5 IS SUBJECT TO A 14.00 FOOT WIDE CITY OF MERIDIAN PATHWAY EASEMENT PER INSTRUMENT No. 201= -------- OF ADA COUNTY RECORDS. �NpL LAND I 12459 Lp Vs� AF Of ��P �0N L. B P�-�'P y •y -201$ DEVELOPER BRIGHTON CORPORATION BOISE, ID ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS, PLANNERS 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 PLAT OF HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION PHASE 10 CERTIFICATE OF OWNERS KNOW ALL MEN/WOMEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE OWNER OF THE REAL PROPERTY HEREAFTER DESCRIBED. A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST, BOISE MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A FOUND ALUMINUM CAP MONUMENT MARKING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 33, WHICH BEARS S00'13'37"W A DISTANCE OF 2,676.15 FEET FROM A FOUND ALUMINUM CAP MONUMENT MARKING THE WEST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 33, THENCE FOLLOWING THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 33, N00'13'37"E A DISTANCE OF 1,338.07 FEET TO A FOUND 5/8 -INCH REBAR MARKING THE SOUTH 1/16 CORNER OF SECTION 32 AND SAID SECTION 33; THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE, S89'51'59"E A DISTANCE OF 48.00 FEET TO A FOUND 5/8 -INCH REBAR ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SOUTH EAGLE ROAD AND MARKING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION PHASE 5 (BOOK 111 OF PLATS AT PAGES 16183-16186, RECORDS OF ADA COUNTY, IDAHO) AND BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND FOLLOWING THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION PHASE 5, S89'51'59"E A DISTANCE OF 944.31 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF TEN MILE DRAIN, SAID POINT BEING WITNESSED BY A FOUND 5/8 -INCH REBAR WHICH BEARS N89'51'59"W A DISTANCE OF 50.24 FEET FROM SAID POINT; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY AND FOLLOWING SAID CENTERLINE THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES: 1. S08'45'19"E A DISTANCE OF 431.55 FEET TO A POINT BEING REFERENCED BY TWO (2) SET 5/8 -INCH REBAR WHICH BEAR N60'54'43"W A DISTANCE OF 63.30 FEET (NE CORNER LOT 51, BLOCK 5) AND S63'08'07"W A DISTANCE OF 52.61 FEET (SE CORNER LOT 51, BLOCK 5) FROM SAID POINT; 1. S44'59'23"E A DISTANCE OF 72.64 FEET TO A POINT BEING WITNESSED BY A SET 5/8 -INCH REBAR WHICH BEARS S45'00'37"W A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET FROM SAID POINT; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTERLINE, S45'00'37"W A DISTANCE OF 163.49 FEET TO A SET 5/8 -INCH REBAR; THENCE S41'07'32"W A DISTANCE OF 60.11 FEET TO A SET 5/8 -INCH REBAR; THENCE 223.80 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT, SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 320.00 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 40'04'19", A CHORD BEARING OF S69'54'15"W AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 219.27 FEET TO A SET 5/8 -INCH REBAR; THENCE S89'56'25"W A DISTANCE OF 558.11 FEET TO A SET 5/8 -INCH REBAR; THENCE NOO'13'37"E A DISTANCE OF 29.62 FEET TO A SET 5/8 -INCH REBAR; THENCE N89'51'59"W A DISTANCE OF 145.00 FEET TO A SET 5/8 -INCH REBAR ON SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SOUTH EAGLE ROAD; THENCE FOLLOWING SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, N00'13'37"E A DISTANCE OF 686.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 15.823 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL EXISTING EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD OR IMPLIED. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED TO HEREBY INCLUDE SAID LAND IN THIS PLAT. THE EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT ARE NOT DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC BUT THE RIGHTS TO USE SAID EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY PERPETUALLY RESERVED FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SUCH OTHER USES AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. NO STRUCTURES OTHER THAN FOR SUCH UTILITY AND OTHER DESIGNATED PUBLIC USES ARE TO BE ERECTED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF SAID EASEMENTS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THIS PLAT. THE UNDERSIGNED, BY THESE PRESENTS, DEDICATES TO THE PUBLIC ALL PUBLIC STREETS AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. ALL LOTS WITHIN THIS PLAT WILL RECEIVE WATER SERVICE FROM THE CITY OF MERIDIAN AND SAID CITY HAS AGREED IN WRITING TO SERVE ALL OF THESE LOTS. JONATHAN D. WARDLE, PRESIDENT BRIGHTON DEVELOPMENT, INC. ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF IDAHO ADA COUNTY SS THIS RECORD WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME ON PRESIDENT OF BRIGHTON DEVELOPMENT, INC. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 2018, BY JONATHAN D. WARDLE, AS CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, AARON L. BALLARD, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR LICENSED BY THE STATE OF IDAHO, AND THAT THIS PLAT OF HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION PHASE 10 AS DESCRIBED IN THE "CERTIFICATE OF OWNERS" AND AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED PLAT, WAS DRAWN FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE ON THE GROUND UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND ACCURATELY REPRESENTS THE POINTS PLATTED THEREON, AND IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE STATE OF IDAHO CODE RELATING TO PLATS AND SURVEYS. AARON L. BALLARD, P.L.S. 12459 \�NpL LAND 12 59 99 �,9rF OF L . 6 A{ • -iCJI f DEVELOPER BRIGHTON CORPORATION BOISE, ID ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS. PLANNERS 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX(208)639-6930 APPROVAL OF ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT THE FOREGOING PLAT WAS ACCEPTED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS ON THE DAY OF , 20 PRESIDENT ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT APPROVAL OF MERIDIAN CITY ENGINEER THE PLAT IS ACCEPTED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF A.D. 20._, BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. CITY ENGINEER APPROVAL OF MERIDIAN CITY I, CITY CLERK IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON THE DAY OF , A.D. 20_, THIS PLAT WAS DULY ACCEPTED AND APPROVED. MERIDIAN CITY CLERK CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR I, THE UNDERSIGNED, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FOR ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE CHECKED THIS PLAT AND FIND THAT IT COMPLIES WITH THE STATE OF IDAHO CODE RELATING TO PLATS AND SURVEYS. ADA COUNTY SURVEYOR DATE PLAT OF HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION PHASE 10 Mr-Itt luta-11H91L119 SANITARY RESTRICTIONS AS REQUIRED BY IDAHO CODE, TITLE 50, CHAPTER 13 HAVE BEEN SATISFIED ACCORDING TO THE LETTER TO BE READ ON FILE WITH THE COUNTY RECORDER OR HIS AGENT LISTING THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. SANITARY RESTRICTIONS MAY BE REIMPOSED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 50-1326, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF DISAPPROVAL. HEALTH OFFICER DATE CERTIFICATE OF ADA COUNTY TREASURER I, THE UNDERSIGNED, COUNTY TREASURER IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA, STATE OF IDAHO, PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF I.C. 50-1308, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ANY AND ALL CURRENT AND OR DELINQUENT COUNTY PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE PROPERTY INCLUDED IN THIS SUBDIVISION HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. THIS CERTIFICATION IS VALID FOR THE NEXT THIRTY (30) DAYS ONLY. COUNTY TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY RECORDER DATE: STATE OF IDAHO SS ADA COUNTY I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT OF HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION PHASE 10 WAS FILED AT THE REQUEST OF AT MINUTES PAST O'CLOCK M., THIS DAY OF A.D., IN MY OFFICE AND WAS DULY RECORDED AS BOOK OF PLATS AT PAGES THRU DEPUTY FEE: EX -OFFICIO RECORDER \D�Xp,L LANG 12459 9q 9TF OF L. B P��P y.q•Zo($ DEVELOPER BRIGHTON CORPORATION BOISE, IDAHO ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS. PLANNERS 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX(208)639-6930 May 3, 2018 C. Jay Coles City of Meridian 33 E. Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho 83642 VIA EMAIL RE: H-2018-0041 HILL’S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION NO 10 The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has reviewed the referenced final plat application by Brighton Investments, LLC for Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No 1, also known as Turf Farm Subdivision No 1, consisting of 55 building lots and 8 common lots on a site located in the northeast corner of South Eagle Road and East Lake Hazel Road, east of SH-69 (Meridian Road) milepost 6.29. ITD has the following comments: 1. This project does not abut the State highway system. 2. ITD has concerns about traffic impacts to the State Highway system from this proposed development. This development will gain access to the State Highway system at the I-84/SH- 55 (North Eagle Road) interchange. The City is reminded that the I-84 and SH-55 (Eagle Road) corridors are already congested. This project will increase the number of vehicle trips in these corridors. While this individual development is not large, the accumulation of developments accessing the State Highway system at the I-84/SH-55 (North Eagle Road) interchange is creating additional congestion. As the City continues to add additional trips to these corridors through development, the congestion will worsen until the roadway system is ultimately overloaded and fails. ITD has no current funding assigned to mitigate traffic congestion in the I-84 and SH-55 (Eagle Road) corridors in this area. Additionally, the SH-69 corridor is also already congested. This project will increase the number of vehicle trips in the SH-69 corridor as well. As the City continues to add additional trips to the SH-69 corridor through development, the congestion will worsen until the roadway system is ultimately overloaded and fails. ITD has no current funding assigned to mitigate traffic congestion in the SH-69 corridor in this area. 3. Idaho Code 40-1910 does not allow advertising within the right-of-way of any State highway system. 4. IDAPA 39.03.60 rules govern advertising along the State highway system. The applicant may contact Justin Pond, Program Manager for ITD’s Headquarters Right-of-Way Section at (208) 334-8832 for more information. 5. ITD does not object to the construction of 55 building lots and 8 common lots as presented in the application. If you have any questions, you may contact Tom Haynes at (208) 334-8944 or me at (208) 332-7190. Sincerely, Ken Couch Development Services Coordinator Ken.Couch@itd.idaho.gov BLOCK 29 BLOCK 28 BLOCK 28 BLOCK 27 BLOCK 5 BLOCK 5BLOCK 6 10 9 8 7 4 3 6 5 1 2 2930 31 4228274140 48 47 454344 6 7 1 2 3 5 8 50 49 51 4 7 8 9 11 13 10 53 12 4 5 6132 14 15 17 13 12 11 10 21 18 20 1619 9 46 52 GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES ACHD LANDSCAPE NOTES KEY NOTES (TYPICAL) TREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME SIZE MATURE HXW CLASS QTY AC ACER PLATANOIDES `CRIMSON KING`2" CAL. B&B 35`X30`CLASS II 16 CRIMSON KING MAPLE AP3 ACER TRUNCATUM X PLATANOIDES 'KEITHSFORM`2" CAL. B&B 35`X25`CLASS II 43 NORWEGIAN SUNSET MAPLE CE CARPINUS BETULUS 2" CAL. B&B 50`X40`CLASS II 13 EUROPEAN HORNBEAM CC2 CERCIS CANADENSIS 2" CAL. B&B 30`X25`CLASS I 8 EASTERN REDBUD FA FRAXINUS AMERICANA `AUTUMN PURPLE`2" CAL. B&B 50`X40`CLASS II 15 AUTUMN PURPLE ASH GI GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS `IMPERIAL`2" CAL. B&B 40`X35`CLASS II 27 IMPERIAL HONEYLOCUST LS LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA `SLENDER SILHOUETTE`2" CAL. B&B 25`X15`CLASS II 15 COLUMNAR SWEET GUM MP MALUS X `PRAIRIFIRE`2" CAL. B&B 15`X15`CLASS I 2 PRAIRIFIRE CRAB APPLE PB PICEA OMORIKA `BRUNS`6`-8` B&B 30`X10`CONIFER 27 BRUNS SPRUCE PB2 PINUS ARISTATA 2" CAL. B&B 15`X15`CONIFER 6 BRISTLECONE PINE SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL NAME SIZE MATURE HXW QTY CA CORNUS ALBA `IVORY HALO` TM 2 GAL.5`X6`24 TATARIAN DOGWOOD JB3 JUNIPERUS HORIZONTALIS `BLUE CHIP`2 GAL.1`X6`92 BLUE CHIP JUNIPER PN PHYSOCARPUS OPULIFOLIUS `SUMMER WINE`2 GAL.5`X5`48 SUMMER WINE NINEBARK PM PINUS MUGO `MOPS`5 GAL.3`X3`64 MUGO PINE RF ROSA X `NOARE`2 GAL.3`X3`124 FLOWER CARPET RED GROUNDCOVER ROSE SN SPIRAEA NIPPONICA `SNOWMOUND`2 GAL.4`X4`70 SNOWMOUND SPIREA GRASSES CODE BOTANICAL NAME SIZE MATURE HXW QTY HB HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS `BLUE OATS`1 GAL.3`X3`167 BLUE OAT GRASS PH2 PANICUM VIRGATUM `HEAVY METAL`1 GAL.4`X2`183 BLUE SWITCH GRASS PERENNIALS CODE BOTANICAL NAME SIZE MATURE HXW QTY HO HEMEROCALLIS X `STELLA DE ORO`1 GAL.1`X2`121 STELLA DE ORO DAYLILY NJ NEPETA X FAASSENII `JUNIOR WALKER`1 GAL.1.5` X 4`142 JUNIOR WALKER CATMINT RG RUDBECKIA FULGIDA `GOLDSTRUM`1 GAL.2`X2`107 CONEFLOWER ZG ZAUSCHNERIA GARRETTII `ORANGE CARPET`1 GAL..5`X2`96 HUMMINGBIRD TRUMPET GROUND COVERS CODE BOTANICAL NAME CONT QTY TR TURF SOD RHIZOMATOUS SOD 129,941 SF RHIZOMATOUS TALL FESCUE PLANT SCHEDULE GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES PROJECT: DATE: NO . IT E M DA T E 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 RE V I S I O N S SHEET NO. ENGINEERS . SURVEYORS . PLANNERS CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGN BY: DRAWING STATUS: HI L L ' S C E N T U R Y F A R M S U B D I V I S I O N N O . 1 0 ME R I D I A N , I D A H O LA N D S C A P E P L A N     FOR AGENCY REVIEW L1.0 18-018 4/6/18 AY RH RH PR E L I M I N A R Y - N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P: \ 1 8 - 0 1 8 \ C A D \ C O N S T R U C T I O N P L A N S \ 1 8 - 0 1 8 L A N D S C A P E F I N A L P L A T V E R S I O N . D W G , AL Y S S A Y E N S E N , 4/ 6 / 2 0 1 8 , DW G T O P D F . P C 3 , -- - -                                           N S T A T E OF IDA H O L I C E N S E D LANDSCA P E A R C H I T E C T A L Y S S A YEN S E N LA-16577 E. GISBORNE ST. S. W A Y W A R D W A Y S. T I N D A R I S P L . S. T I N D A R I S A V E . S. P A L A T I N O W A Y S . W A Y W A R D W A Y E. LEVIN DR. E. LEVIN DR. S. E A G L E R D . TOTAL TREE REQUIREMENTS MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS PATHWAY CALCULATIONS (1 TREE/ 100 LF) STREET TREE CALCULATIONS (1 TREE/ 35LF) T E N M I L E C R E E K OPEN SPACE CALCULATION (1TREE/8000 SF) HILL CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION NO. 5 FUTURE PHASES TOTAL TREES CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING AND GUYING DETAIL NTS PLAN TREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME AC ACER PLATANOIDES `CRIMSON KING` CRIMSON KING MAPLE AP3 ACER TRUNCATUM X PLATANOIDES 'KEITHSFORM` NORWEGIAN SUNSET MAPLE CE CARPINUS BETULUS EUROPEAN HORNBEAM CC2 CERCIS CANADENSIS EASTERN REDBUD FA FRAXINUS AMERICANA `AUTUMN PURPLE` AUTUMN PURPLE ASH GI GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS `IMPERIAL` IMPERIAL HONEYLOCUST LS LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA `SLENDER SILHOUETTE` COLUMNAR SWEET GUM MP MALUS X `PRAIRIFIRE` PRAIRIFIRE CRAB APPLE PB PICEA OMORIKA `BRUNS` BRUNS SPRUCE PB2 PINUS ARISTATA BRISTLECONE PINE SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL NAME CA CORNUS ALBA `IVORY HALO` TM TATARIAN DOGWOOD JB3 JUNIPERUS HORIZONTALIS `BLUE CHIP` BLUE CHIP JUNIPER PN PHYSOCARPUS OPULIFOLIUS `SUMMER WINE` SUMMER WINE NINEBARK PM PINUS MUGO `MOPS` MUGO PINE RF ROSA X `NOARE` FLOWER CARPET RED GROUNDCOVER ROSE SN SPIRAEA NIPPONICA `SNOWMOUND` SNOWMOUND SPIREA GRASSES CODE BOTANICAL NAME HB HELICTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS `BLUE OATS` BLUE OAT GRASS PH2 PANICUM VIRGATUM `HEAVY METAL` BLUE SWITCH GRASS PERENNIALS CODE BOTANICAL NAME HO HEMEROCALLIS X `STELLA DE ORO` STELLA DE ORO DAYLILY NJ NEPETA X FAASSENII `JUNIOR WALKER` JUNIOR WALKER CATMINT RG RUDBECKIA FULGIDA `GOLDSTRUM` CONEFLOWER ZG ZAUSCHNERIA GARRETTII `ORANGE CARPET` HUMMINGBIRD TRUMPET GROUND COVERS CODE BOTANICAL NAME TR TURF SOD RHIZOMATOUS RHIZOMATOUS TALL FESCUE PLANT SCHEDULE SHOVEL CUT NTS DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL NTS PROJECT: DATE: NO . IT E M DA T E 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 RE V I S I O N S SHEET NO. ENGINEERS . SURVEYORS . PLANNERS CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGN BY: DRAWING STATUS: HI L L ' S C E N T U R Y F A R M S U B D I V I S I O N N O . 1 0 ME R I D I A N , I D A H O LA N D S C A P E D E T A I L S LA N D S C A P E D E T A I L S A N D E N L A R G E M E N T S   FOR AGENCY REVIEW L2.0 18-018 4/6/18 AY RH RH PR E L I M I N A R Y - N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P: \ 1 8 - 0 1 8 \ C A D \ C O N S T R U C T I O N P L A N S \ 1 8 - 0 1 8 L A N D S C A P E F I N A L P L A T V E R S I O N . D W G , AL Y S S A Y E N S E N , 4/ 6 / 2 0 1 8 , DW G T O P D F . P C 3 , -- - -                                           N S T A T E OF IDA H O L I C E N S E D LANDSCA P E A R C H I T E C T A L Y S S A YEN S E N LA-16577 S. EAGLE RD. EAGLE ROAD PLANTING DETAIL 1" = 20' S. TINDARIS PL. PLANTER ISLAND DETAIL 1" = 20' E. LEVIN DRIVE PLANTING DETAIL 1" = 20' N N E. L E V I N D R . NOT A PART 1 19 18 23 22 21 20 7 5 64 23 2 1 3 4 5 2 3 4 51 8 9 10 11 12 7 3 2 25 26 17 24 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 5 9 8 19 15 12 20 10 11 13 18 1617 21 14 3 6 13 1011 12 12 234567891011 5 15 14 2 7 8 1 4 3 11456789210 12 22 14 15 16 1718193023312425262720282129 13 14 32 31 16 24 17 25 18 26 19 20 21 22 23 13 28 27 29 30 23 14 17182619272021222425 16 15 1 9 2 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 1 1113 9 45 375244 365143 355042 344941484047394638 33 6 BLOCK 6 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 7 16 15 1 BLOCK 3 E.TACONIC DR. NO.ITEM DATE REVISIONS PROJECT: DATE: 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 SHEET NO. TURF FARM SUBDIVISION COVER SHEETMERIDIAN, IDAHO PP1.0 15-147 10/12/17 1 REVISED PLAT LAYOUT 1/11/2018 2 REVISED ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 1/29/2018 TURF FARM SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4, SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST, BOISE MERIDIAN, CITY OF MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO OCTOBER 2017 N DEVELOPER/OWNER SURVEY CONTROL NOTES LEGEND VICINITY MAP : 1"=1,000' R1 ENGINEER/SURVEYOR SITE DATA PRELIMINARY PLAT DATA W. LAKE HAZEL ROAD R-8 RUT R-8R-8RUT RUT RUT 10 TURF FARM SUBDIVISION PRE-PLAT BOUNDARY S . W A Y L A N D W A Y E. MARDIA ST. W. GISBORNE ST. W. COLLINGWOOD DR. W. BERGHAN ST.W. BERGHAN CT. W. LEVIN ST. RUT RUT HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION NO. 5 T E N M ILE C R E E K S. W A YLA N D W A Y INDEX OF DRAWINGS SHEET NO.SHEET TITLE NORTH PHASE SOUTH PHASE 1/29/18 CL TEN MILE CREEK NOT A PART UNPLATTED 6100 S. EAGLE RD. APN: S1133336210 NO.ITEM DATE REVISIONS PROJECT: DATE: 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 SHEET NO. TURF FARM SUBDIVISION EXISTING CONDITIONSMERIDIAN, IDAHO PP1.1 15-147 10/12/17 1 REVISED PLAT LAYOUT 1/11/2018 2 REVISED ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 1/29/2018 N LEGEND SURVEY NOTES HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION No. 5 1/29/18 1 22 21 20 9 7 5 64 23 BLOCK 5 3 2 8 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 7 12 1 3 4 5 25 26 17 24 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 4 8 19 15 12 20 10 11 13 18 1617 21 14 3 11456789210 12 13 19 18 13 14 6 BLOCK 6 NO.ITEM DATE REVISIONS PROJECT: DATE: 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 SHEET NO. TURF FARM SUBDIVISION LAYOUT PLAN - NORTH PHASEMERIDIAN, IDAHO PP2.0 15-147 10/12/17 1 REVISED PLAT LAYOUT 1/11/2018 2 REVISED ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 1/29/2018 HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION No. 5 GENERAL NOTES N LEGEND S . W A Y L A N D W A Y W. GISBORNE ST. W. LEVIN ST. MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET PP2.1 1/29/18 22 14 15 16 17 18 193023312425262720282129 13 3 4 5 6 7 11 8 234567891011 26 27 29 30 31 14 17 182619272021222425 16 15 12 1 1 9 2 10 45 375244 365143 355042 344941484047394638 33 12 13 3228 23 16 24 17 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 BLOCK 6 12 5 15 14 2 7 8 1 4 3 6 13 10 9 11 BLOCK 7BLOCK 3 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 2 17 15 NO.ITEM DATE REVISIONS PROJECT: DATE: 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 SHEET NO. TURF FARM SUBDIVISION LAYOUT PLAN - SOUTH PHASEMERIDIAN, IDAHO PP2.1 15-147 10/12/17 1 REVISED PLAT LAYOUT 1/11/2018 2 REVISED ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 1/29/2018 N TE N M ILE C R EE K LEGEND W. LAKE HAZEL ROAD W. COLLINGWOOD DR. W. BERGHAN ST.W. BERGHAN CT. S. W A YL A N D W A Y W. GISBORNE ST. MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET PP2.0 GENERAL NOTES 1/29/18 1 22 21 20 9 7 5 64 23 BLOCK 5 3 2 8 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 7 12 1 3 4 5 25 26 17 24 1 3 11456789210 14 12 13 6 19 18 19 15 12 20 10 11 13 18 1617 21 14 8 BLOCK 6 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 2BLOCK 1 NO.ITEM DATE REVISIONS PROJECT: DATE: 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 SHEET NO. TURF FARM SUBDIVISION CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING PLANMERIDIAN, IDAHO PP3.0 15-147 10/12/17 1 REVISED PLAT LAYOUT 1/11/2018 2 REVISED ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 1/29/2018 T E N M I L E C R E E K HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION No. 5 GENERAL NOTES N S . W A Y L A N D W A Y W. GISBORNE ST. W. LEVIN ST. W.WOODSMANWAY MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET PP3.1 SEWER ALIGNMENT "A" (SEE SHEET PP3.2) SEWER ALIGNMENT "C" (SEE SHEET PP3.2) SEWER ALIGNMENT "G" (SEE SHEET PP3.3) SEWER ALIGNMENT "C" (SEE SHEET PP3.2) SEWER ALIGNMENT "F" (SEE SHEET PP3.3) PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS EXISTING FEATURES LEGEND SEWER ALIGNMENT "B" (SEE SHEET PP3.2)SEWER ALIGNMENT "B" (SEE SHEET PP3.2) 1/29/18 23 45 375244 365143 355042 344941484047394638 33 22 14 15 16 17 18 193023312425262720282129 3228 27 29 30 31 3 6 13 10 9 11 14 17 182619272021222425 16 15 12 1 1 9 2 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 23456789101113 16 24 17 25 18 26 19 20 21 22 23 5 15 14 2 7 1 4 15 16 11 12 13 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 6 13 8 NO.ITEM DATE REVISIONS PROJECT: DATE: 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 SHEET NO. TURF FARM SUBDIVISION CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING PLANMERIDIAN, IDAHO PP3.1 15-147 10/12/17 1 REVISED PLAT LAYOUT 1/11/2018 2 REVISED ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 1/29/2018 N TE N M ILE C R EE K W. LAKE HAZEL ROAD W. COLLINGWOOD DR. W. BERGHAN ST.W. BERGHAN CT. MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET PP3.0 SEWER ALIGNMENT "F" (SEE SHEET PP3.3) SEWER ALIGNMENT "C" (SEE SHEET PP3.2) SEWER ALIGNMENT "C" (SEE SHEET PP3.2) SEWER ALIGNMENT "C" (SEE SHEET PP3.2) SEWER ALIGNMENT "E" (SEE SHEET PP3.3) SEWER ALIGNMENT "D" (SEE SHEET PP3.3) SEWER ALIGNMENT "D" (SEE SHEET PP3.3) SEWER ALIGNMENT "F" (SEE SHEET PP3.3) NOTES TYPICAL LOCAL ROAD DIVIDED APPROACH (W. WOODSMAN WAY) S. EAGLE RD. SECTION S. W A YLA N D W A Y W. LAKE HAZEL RD. SECTION 20' WIDE SECONDARY EMERGENCY ACCESS 1/29/18 NO.ITEM DATE REVISIONS PROJECT: DATE: 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 SHEET NO. TURF FARM SUBDIVISION CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING PROFILEMERIDIAN, IDAHO PP3.2 15-147 10/12/17 1 REVISED PLAT LAYOUT 1/11/2018 2 REVISED ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 1/29/2018 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ: 1" = 50' VERT: 1" = 5' PIPE DIMENSION IS MEASURED FROM CENTER MANHOLE TO MANHOLE SEWER ALIGNMENT "A" PROFILE SCALE HORIZ: 1" = 50' VERT: 1" = 5' PIPE DIMENSION IS MEASURED FROM CENTER MANHOLE TO MANHOLE SEWER ALIGNMENT "C" PROFILE SCALE HORIZ: 1" = 50' VERT: 1" = 5' PIPE DIMENSION IS MEASURED FROM CENTER MANHOLE TO MANHOLE SEWER ALIGNMENT "B" PROFILE SCALE HORIZ: 1" = 50' VERT: 1" = 5' PIPE DIMENSION IS MEASURED FROM CENTER MANHOLE TO MANHOLE SEWER ALIGNMENT "C" 1/29/18 NO.ITEM DATE REVISIONS PROJECT: DATE: 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 SHEET NO. TURF FARM SUBDIVISION CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING PROFILEMERIDIAN, IDAHO PP3.3 15-147 10/12/17 1 REVISED PLAT LAYOUT 1/11/2018 2 REVISED ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 1/29/2018 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ: 1" = 50' VERT: 1" = 5' PIPE DIMENSION IS MEASURED FROM CENTER MANHOLE TO MANHOLE SEWER ALIGNMENT "D" PROFILE SCALE HORIZ: 1" = 50' VERT: 1" = 5' PIPE DIMENSION IS MEASURED FROM CENTER MANHOLE TO MANHOLE SEWER ALIGNMENT "F" PROFILE SCALE HORIZ: 1" = 50' VERT: 1" = 5' PIPE DIMENSION IS MEASURED FROM CENTER MANHOLE TO MANHOLE SEWER ALIGNMENT "E" PROFILE SCALE HORIZ: 1" = 50' VERT: 1" = 5' PIPE DIMENSION IS MEASURED FROM CENTER MANHOLE TO MANHOLE SEWER ALIGNMENT "G" 1/29/18 1 22 21 9 7 5 64 23 3 4 5 8 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 7 12 1 25 26 17 24 3 2 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 5 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 4 19 18 20 13 3 11456789210 12 14 15 16 14 16 17 13 19 15 12 20 10 11 13 8 18 1617 21 14 13 15 14 1 6 PLANT SCHEDULE GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES - DESIGN REVIEW/ AGENCY SUBMITTAL ACHD LANDSCAPE NOTES GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES - DESIGN REVIEW/ AGENCY SUBMITTAL KEY NOTES (TYPICAL) T E N M I L E C R E E K HILL'S CENTURY FARM SUBDIVISION No. 5 N S. P A L A T I N O W A Y S . W A Y L A N D W A Y S. T I N D A R I S A V E . W. GISBORNE ST. W. LEVIN ST. S. T I N D A R I S P L . S. E A G L E R O A D NO.ITEM DATE REVISIONS PROJECT: DATE: 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 SHEET NO. TURF FARM SUBDIVISION LANDSCAPE PLAN MERIDIAN, IDAHO   PPL1.0 15-147 10/12/17 PR E L I M I N A R Y - N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P: \ 1 5 - 1 4 7 \ C A D \ P L A T \ P R E L I M I N A R Y \ 1 5 - 1 4 7 P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T L A N D S C A P E . D W G , AL Y S S A Y E N S E N , 2/ 1 / 2 0 1 8 , DW G T O P D F . P C 3 , -- - - 1 REVISED PLAT LAYOUT 1/11/2018 2 REVISED ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 1/29/2018                     TOTAL TREE REQUIREMENTS MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS PATHWAY CALCULATIONS (1 TREE/ 100 LF) W. WOODSMAN WAY S T A T E O F IDA H O L I C E N S E D LANDSCA P E A R C H I T E C T A L Y S S A YEN S E N LA-16577 STREET TREE CALCULATIONS (1 TREE/ 35LF) SOUTH PHASE MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET PPL2.0 22 21 7 5 64 12 3 2 BLOCK 4 19 18 23 20 222324252627 202130312829 13 3 11456789210 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 9 2 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 17 182619272021222425 16 15 45 375244 365143 355042 344941484047394638 33 3228 27 29 31 24 25 26 21 22 23 30 14 16 17 18 19 20 13 19 1520 18 1617 12 1 23456789101113 3 6 13 10 9 11 12 5 15 14 2 7 8 1 4 11 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 6 BLOCK 3 15 1 KEY NOTES (TYPICAL) PLAN CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING AND GUYING DETAIL NTS DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL NTS NO.ITEM DATE REVISIONS PROJECT: DATE: 9233 WEST STATE STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83714 PHONE (208) 639-6939 FAX (208) 639-6930 SHEET NO. TURF FARM SUBDIVISION LANDSCAPE PLAN MERIDIAN, IDAHO   PPL2.0 15-147 10/12/17 PR E L I M I N A R Y - N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P: \ 1 5 - 1 4 7 \ C A D \ P L A T \ P R E L I M I N A R Y \ 1 5 - 1 4 7 P R E L I M I N A R Y P L A T L A N D S C A P E . D W G , AL Y S S A Y E N S E N , 2/ 1 / 2 0 1 8 , DW G T O P D F . P C 3 , -- - - 1 REVISED PLAT LAYOUT 1/11/2018 2 REVISED ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE PLANS 1/29/2018                     N T E N M I L E C R E E K E. LAKE HAZEL ROAD W. COLLINGWOOD DR. W. BERGHAN ST.W. BERGHAN CT. S. W A Y L A N D W A Y S. E L M W O O D A V E . S. E A G L E R O A D S T A T E O F IDA H O L I C E N S E D LANDSCA P E A R C H I T E C T A L Y S S A YEN S E N LA-16577 PRELIMINARY PLAT DATA S. P A L A T I N O W A Y NORTH PHASE MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET PPL1.0 1 Chris Johnson From:Sonya Allen Sent:Thursday, May 17, 2018 12:39 PM To:C.Jay Coles; Charlene Way; Chris Johnson Cc:Bruce Freckleton; Kameron Nauahi (knauahi@brightoncorp.com); Mike Wardle - Brighton Corp. (mwardle@brightoncorp.com); Jon Wardle (JWardle@brightoncorp.com) Subject:Hill's Century Farm Sub. 10 - FP H-2018-0041 Staff Recommendation to Council Attachments:Hill's Century Farm Sub 10 - FP H-2018-0041 Staff Recommendation to Council.pdf Importance:High Attached is the staff report for the proposed final plat for Hill’s Century Farm Sub. 10. This item is scheduled to be on the City Council agenda on May 22nd. The hearing will be held at City Hall, 33 E. Broadway Avenue, beginning at 6:00 pm. Please call or e-mail with any questions. Jon - Please submit a written response to the staff report to the City Clerk’s office (cjcoles@meridiancity.org , cway@meridiancity.org , cjohnson@meridiancity.org and myself (e-mail or fax) by 3:00 pm the Thursday prior to the meeting. If you are in agreement with the conditions of approval contained in the staff report and you submit a written response accordingly, your item will be placed on the consent agenda; consent agenda items are passed in one motion by the Council at the beginning of the meeting. Note: If you are in agreement with the staff report, it is still recommended you attend the meeting in the event the item is pulled off of the consent agenda for discussion. If you do not respond to the staff report by Thursday at 3:00 pm, or if you have concerns with the conditions of approval, your project will be placed on the regular agenda. Thanks, Sonya Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 1 STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2018 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Sonya Allen, Associate City Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 I. APPLICATION SUMMARY The applicant, Brighton Investments, LLC, has applied for a final plat (FP) consisting of 55 building lots and 8 common area lots on 15.82 acres of land in an R-8 zoning district. This is the first phase of development of the Turf Farm preliminary plat; however, the applicant is including this plat in the phasing of the adjacent Hill’s Century Farm development. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 final plat based on the analysis provided below in Section V. III. PROPOSED MOTION Approval I move to approve File Number H-2018-0041, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 22, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial I move to deny File Number H-2018-0041, as presented during the hearing on May 22, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0041 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) IV. APPLICATION AND PROPERTY FACTS A. Site Address/Location: The site is located approximately ¼ mile south of E. Amity Rd. and ¼ mile east of S. Eagle Rd., in the southwest ¼ of Section 33, Township T.3., Range 1E. B. Applicant: Brighton Investments, LLC 12601 W. Explorer Drive, Ste. 200 Boise, ID 83713 C. Owner: Same as applicant Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 2 D. Representative: Kameron Nauahi, Brighton Corporation 12601 W. Explorer Drive, Ste. 200 Boise, ID 83713 V. STAFF ANALYSIS The proposed final plat depicts 55 single-family residential building lots and 8 common lots on 15.82 acres of land in an R-8 zoning district. The minimum property size in this phase is 5,940 square feet (s.f.) with an average size of 7,324 s.f. A total of 1.72 acres (or 10.87%) of qualified open space is provided with this phase. Qualified open space consists of landscaped parkways along internal local streets and common areas with pathways. All of the lots proposed in this phase are for single-family detached homes and must comply with the dimensional standards of the R-8 zoning district listed in UDC Table 11-2A-6. Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found it in compliance with the aforementioned dimensional standards except for a slight modification to one lot as noted below in site specific condition #2. Staff has reviewed the proposed final plat for substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat in accord with the requirements listed in UDC 11-6B-3C.2. The number of buildable lots in this phase is the same and the amount of common area has increased slightly from that shown on the preliminary plat. Therefore, the final plat is deemed to be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat as required. VI. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall construct all proposed fencing and/or any fencing required by the UDC, consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7 and 11-3A-6B. 2. The final plat prepared by KM Engineering, stamped on 4/4/2018 by Aaron L. Ballard shall be revised as follows: a. Note #13: Include recorded instrument number. b. Note #19: Include recorded instrument number. c. There are two (2) “C28” curves listed in the curve table – delete the first one with a chord measurement of 6.83’. d. Widen the frontage of Lot 30, Block 6 slightly to comply with the minimum street frontage requirement of 40’ measured as a chord measurement. e. Depict lot numbers on Lots 46 and 52, Block 5 (they’re missing) f. Graphically depict a 5-foot wide side yard PUDI easement on Lot 10, Block 27 and Lot 53, Block 5 unless a 10-foot wide easement is desired as noted in plat note #7. 3. The landscape plan prepared by KM Engineering, dated 4/6/2018, is approved as submitted. 4. Future development shall be generally consistent with the conceptual building elevations included in the development agreement. 5. The water main in E. Levin Drive should be 8-inch diameter. The next phase will need connection to Lake Hazel downstream of the PRV per preliminary plat comments. Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 3 VII. ONGOING CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant and/or assigns shall have the continuing obligation to provide irrigation that meets the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-6 and to install and maintain all landscaping as set forth in UDC 11-3B-5, UDC 11-3B-13 and UDC 11-3B-14. 2. All common open space and site amenities shall be maintained by an owner's association as set forth in UDC 11-3G-3F1. 3. The project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and previous conditions of approval associated with this site (H-2017-0149, Development Agreement #2018-034522). 4. The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to prune all trees to a minimum height of six feet above the ground or sidewalk surface to afford greater visibility of the area. 5. The applicant shall have an ongoing obligation to maintain all pathways. 6. The applicant has a continuing obligation to comply with the outdoor lighting provisions as set forth in UDC 11-3A-11. 7. The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to maintain all landscaping and constructed features within the clear vision triangle consistent with the standards in UDC 11- 3A-3. 8. Future homes constructed within this development shall be generally consistent with the conceptual building elevations included in the development agreement. VIII. PROCESS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. No signs are approved with this application. Prior to installing any signs on the property, the applicant shall submit a sign permit application consistent with the standards in UDC Chapter 3 Article D and receive approval for such signs. 2. The applicant shall complete all improvements related to public life, safety, and health as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. A surety agreement may be accepted for other improvements in accord with UDC 11-5C-3C. 3. The applicant shall obtain approval for all successive phases of the preliminary plat within two years of the signature of the City Engineer on the previous final plat as set forth in UDC 11-6B- 7B or obtain approval of a time extension as set forth in UDC 11-6B-7. 4. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Division staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14A. 5. The applicant shall pay any applicable impact fees prior to the issuance of a building permit. IX. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Sanitary sewer service to this development is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall install mains to and through this subdivision; applicant shall coordinate main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2. Water service to this site is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall be responsible to install water mains to and through this development, Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 4 coordinate main size and routing with Public Works. 3. All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be c ompleted prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 4. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Department staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14A. 5. A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% will be required for all incomplete fencing, landscaping, amenities, pressurized irrigation, prior to signature on the final plat. 6. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post with the City a performance surety in the amount of 125% of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The applicant shall be required to enter into a Development Surety Agreement with the City of Meridian. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 7. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, and water infrastructure for a duration of two years. This surety amount will be verified by a line item final cost invoicing provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on th e Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 8. In the event that an applicant and/or owner cannot complete non-life, non-safety and non-health improvements, prior to City Engineer signature on the final plat and/or prior to occupancy, a surety agreement may be approved as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3C. 9. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 10. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 11. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 12. Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 13. All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-1-4B. 14. Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 15. The engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 16. The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 5 accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 17. At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 18. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting (http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272). All street lights shall be installed at developer’s expense. Final design shall be submitted as part of the development plan set for approval, which must include the location of any existing street lights. The contractor’s work and materials shall conform to the ISPWC and the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications to the ISPWC. Contact the City of Meridian Transportation and Utility Coordinator at 898-5500 for information on the locations of existing street lighting. 19. The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20 -feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and dist ances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to signature of the final plat by the City Engineer. 20. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with and NPDES permitting that may be required by the Environmental Protection Agency. 21. Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Water Department at (208)888-5242 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources. 22. Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact the Central District Health Department for abandonment procedures and inspections. 23. The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year -round source of water (MCC 9-1-28.C.1). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or wel l source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single -point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to development plan approval. 24. All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. X. EXHIIBITS A. Vicinity Map B. Approved Preliminary Plat (dated: 1/29/18) Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 6 C. Proposed Final Plat (dated: 4/4/18) D. Proposed Landscape Plan (dated: 4/6/18) Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 7 Exhibit A – Vicinity/Zoning Map Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 8 Exhibit B – Approved Preliminary Plat (dated: 1/29/18) Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 9 Exhibit C – Proposed Final Plat (dated: 4/4/18) Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 10 Exhibit D –Proposed Landscape Plan (dated: 4/6/18) Hill’s Century Farm Subdivision No. 10 – FP H-2018-0041 PAGE 10 Exhibit D –Proposed Landscape Plan (dated: 4/6/18) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 310 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 9G Project/File Number: H-2018-0039 Item Title: Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 Final Plat for Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 (H-2018- 0039) by Lionwood Properties, LLC, Located Southwest of S. Eagle Rd. at E. Taconic Dr. Meetina Notes Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 1 STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2018 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Sonya Allen, Associate City Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP (H-2018-0039) I. APPLICATION SUMMARY The applicant, Lionwood Properties, LLC, has applied for a final plat (FP) consisting of 58 building lots and 6 common lots on 18.35 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district for Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1. This is the 2nd phase of development of the Sky Mesa Subdivision preliminary plat. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 final plat subject to the conditions noted in Sections VI and VII below. These conditions shall be considered in full, unless expressly modified or deleted by motion of the City Council. III. PROPOSED MOTION Approval I move to approve File Number H-2018-0039 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 22, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial I move to deny File Number H-2018-0039, as presented during the hearing on May 22, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0039 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) IV. APPLICATION AND PROPERTY FACTS A. Site Address/Location: The site is located southwest of the S. Eagle Road and E. Taconic Drive intersection, in the NE ¼ of Section 32, Township 3 North, Range 1 East. (Parcel No.: R0988260495 & R0988260491) B. Applicant: Lynwood Properties, LLC 11606 Cartwright Rd. Boise, Idaho 83714 C. Owners: Lionwood Properties, LLC Woodside Harris, LLC 11606 Cartwright Rd. 1132 E. Laguna Shore Lane Boise, ID 83714 Eagle, ID 83616 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 312 of 400 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 2 D. Representative: Becky McKay, Engineering Solutions, LLP 1029 N. Rosario Street, Ste. 100 Meridian, Idaho 83642 V. STAFF ANALYSIS The proposed final plat depicts 58 building lots for single-family residential detached homes and 6 common lots on 18.35 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. The minimum property size in this phase is 7,779 square feet (s.f.) with an average size of 8,719 s.f. Staff has reviewed the proposed final plat for substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat (H-2017-0068) as required by UDC 11-6B-3D.2. The number of building lots is the same and the amount of common open space has increased. Therefore, Staff deems the final plat(s) to be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat as required. VI. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. Applicant shall meet all terms of the approved annexation, rezone, Development Agreement #2017-119308, and preliminary plat (H-2017-0068) applications approved for this site. 2. The applicant shall obtain the City Engineer’s signature on the final plat within two years of the City Engineer’s signature on the previous phase final plat in accord with UDC 11-6B-7. 3. Prior to submittal for the City Engineer’s signature, have the Certificate of Owners and the accompanying acknowledgement signed and notarized. 4. The final plat prepared by Clinton W. Hansen, Land Solutions, shall be revised as follows: a. Note #5: “. . . regulations of the City of Meridian in effect at the time of building permit submittal, unless a greater easement exists in which case the easement width shall govern the setback.” b. Note #12: Include the recorded instrument number. 5. The landscape plan prepared by Breckon Land Design, dated 4/3/18, is approved as submitted. 6. Building setbacks shall be in accord with UDC Table 11-2A-6 for the R-8 district, except for the street setback to living area, which shall be 15 feet due to the location of the PUDI easement described in Note #1. 7. Design of homes constructed within the subdivision shall be generally consistent with the conceptual building elevation photos included in the development agreement. 8. All fencing installed on the site must be consistent with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. If permanent fencing does not exist at the subdivision boundary, temporary construction fencing to contain debris shall be installed around this phase prior to release of building permits. 9. Staff’s failure to cite specific ordinance provisions or conditions from the preliminary plat does not relieve the Applicant of responsibility for compliance. 10. Prior to the issuance of any new building permit, the property shall be subdivided in accordance with the UDC. 11. Street lights are required along E. Taconic Drive. Revise street light notes to current City of Meridian standard street light notes. All type 1 poles shall be black. VII. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 313 of 400 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 3 1. Sanitary sewer service to this development is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall install mains to and through this subdivision; applicant shall coordinate main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2. Water service to this site is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall be responsible to install water mains to and through this development, coordinate main size and routing with Public Works. 3. All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 4. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Department staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14A. 5. A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% will be required for all incomplete fencing, landscaping, amenities, pressurized irrigation, prior to signature on the final plat. 6. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post with the City a performance surety in the amount of 125% of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The applicant shall be required to enter into a Development Surety Agreement with the City of Meridian. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 7. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, and water infrastructure for a duration of two years. This surety amount will be verified by a line item final cost invoicing provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 8. In the event that an applicant and/or owner cannot complete non-life, non-safety and non-health improvements, prior to City Engineer signature on the final plat and/or prior to occupancy, a surety agreement may be approved as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3C. 9. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 10. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 11. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 12. Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 13. All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-1-4B. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 314 of 400 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 4 14. Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material . 15. The engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 16. The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 17. At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 18. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting (http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272). All street lights shall be installed at developer’s expense. Final design shall be submitted as part of the development plan set for approval, which must include the location of any existing street lights. The contractor’s work and materials shall conform to the ISPWC and the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications to the ISPWC. Contact the City of Meridian Transportation and Utility Coordinator at 898-5500 for information on the locations of existing street lighting. 19. The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to signature of the final plat by the City Engineer. 20. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with and NPDES permitting that may be required by the Environmental Protection Agency. 21. Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Water Department at (208)888-5242 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources. 22. Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact the Central District Health Department for abandonment procedures and inspections. 23. The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water (MCC 9-1-28.C.1). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single -point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to development plan approval. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 315 of 400 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 5 24. All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. V. EXHIIBITS A. Vicinity Map B. Preliminary Plat (dated: 8/17/17) C. Proposed Final Plat D. Proposed Landscape Plan (dated: 4/3/18) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 316 of 400 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 6 Exhibit A – Vicinity Map Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 317 of 400 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 7 Exhibit B – Preliminary Plat (dated: 8/17/17) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 318 of 400 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 8 Exhibit C – Proposed Final Plat Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 319 of 400 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 9 Exhibit D – Proposed Landscape Plan (dated: 4/3/18) Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 320 of 400 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 10 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 321 of 400 PUBLIC HEARING TRANSMITTAL TO AGENCIES FOR COMMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS WITH THE CITY OF MERIDIAN To ensure that your comments and recommendations will be considered by the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission please submit your comments and recommendations to Meridian City Hall To: Attention C.Jay Coles, City Clerk By: May 18, 2018 Cit y Clerk ’s Office 33 E. Broadwa y Avenue, Meridian, ID 83642 Phone 208-888-4433 Fax 208-888-4218  cityclerk@meridiancity.org www.m eridiancity.org Transmittal Date: 4-17-2018 File No: H-2018-0039 FP Hearing Date: May 22, 2018 REQUEST: A Final Plat Consisting of 58 Single-Family Residential Building Lots and 6 Common Lots On 18.35 Acres of Land in the R-8 Zoning District for Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 By: Lionwood Properties, LLC Location of Property or Project: SW of the S. Eagle Rd / E. Taconic Drive Planning and Zoning Commission Meridian School District Tammy de Weerd, Mayor Meridian Post Office City Council Ada County Highway District Sanitary Services Ada County Development Services Building Department Central District Health Fire Department COMPASS Police Department Nampa Meridian Irrigation District City Attorney Settlers Irrigation District City Public Works Idaho Power Company City Planner Century Link Parks Department Intermountain Gas Co. Economic Development Idaho Transportation Department New York Irrigation District Ada County Associate Land Records Boise Project Board of Cont rol – Tim Paige Downtown Projects Community Development Meridian Development Corporation Historical Preservation Commission South of RR/SW Meridian NW Pipeline Boise-Kuna Irrigation District Hearing Date: May 22, 2018 File No.: H-2018-0039 Project Name: Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 Request: Request for final plat consisting of 58 single-family residential building lots and 6 common lots on 18.35 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district, by Lionwood Properties, LLC. Location: The site is located southwest of the S. Eagle Rd./E. Taconic Dr. intersection, in the SE ¼ of Section 32, Township 3N., Range 1E. C�,((E IMAM-- ECEIVED AM06 2Gf �Y• Planning Division DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION STAFF USE ONLY: Projectname: k McSti- Ctsrn-16Yns 606• 1 File number(s): Assigned Planner: Related files: Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) ❑ Accessory Use (check only 1) ❑ Final Plat Modification ❑ Daycare ❑ Landscape Plan Modification ❑ Home Occupation ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Home Occupation/Instruction for 7 or more ❑ Private Street ❑ Administrative Design Review ❑ Property Boundary Adjustment ❑ Alternative Compliance ❑ Rezone ❑ Annexation and Zoning ❑ Short Plat ❑ Certificate of Zoning Compliance ❑ Time Extension (check only 1) ❑ City Council Review ❑ Director ❑ Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment ❑ Commission ❑ Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment ❑ UDC Text Amendment ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Vacation (check only 1) ❑ Conditional Use Modification (check only 1) ❑ Director ❑ Director ❑ Commission ❑ Commission ❑ Variance ❑ Development Agreement Modification ❑ Other 8 Final Plat Applicant Information Applicant name: Lionwood Properties, LLC Phone: 208-514-9303 Applicant address: 11606 Cartwright Road Email: City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83714 Applicant's interest in property: 8 Own ❑ Rent ❑ Optioned ❑ Other Owner name: Lionwood Properties, LLCMoodside Harris, LLC Owner address: 11606 Cartwright Road/1132 E. Laguna Shore Lane Email: City: Boise/Eagle State: I D Phone: Zip: 83714/83616 Agent/Contact name (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representative): Becky McKay Firm name: Engineering Solutions, LLP Phone: 208-938-0980 Agent address: 1029 N. Rosario Street, Suite 100 City: Meridian Primary contact is: ❑ Applicant ❑ Owner R Agent/Contact Email: es-beckym@gwestoffice.net State: ID Zip: 83642 Subject Property Information Location/street address: SW of S. Eagle Road and E. Taconic Township, range, section: T3N., RAE., section 32 Assessor's parcel number(s): R0988260495 and R0988260491 Total acreage: 18.35 Zoning district: R-8 Community Development ■ Planning Division ■ 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Ste. 102 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: 208-884-5533 Fax: 208-888-6854 www.meridiancity.org/planning -1 Rev: (2/2/20182/7/2018) Project/subdivision name: Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 General description of proposed project/request: Request for final plat with 58 single-family residential lots and 6 common lots on 18.35 acres for Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 Proposed zoning district(s): R-8 (existing) Acres of each zone proposed: 18.35 Type of use proposed (check all that apply): R Residential ❑ Office ❑ Commercial ❑ Employment ❑ Industrial ❑ Other Who will own & maintain the pressurized irrigation system in this development? HOA Which irrigation district does this property lie within? Nampa -Meridian Irrigation District; water delivered by Boise Project Board of Control Primary irrigation source: Beasley Lateral Secondary: Existing irrigation well Square footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated (if primary or secondary point of connection is Citywater): N/A Residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of residential units: 58 Number of building lots: 58 Number of common lots: 6 Number of other lots: 0 Proposed number of dwelling units (for multi -family developments only): 1 bedroom: 2-3 bedrooms: Minimum square footage of structure (excl. garage): Minimum property size (s.f); 7,779 Gross density (Per UDC 11-1A-1): 3.16 Acreage of qualified open space: 1.57 4 or more bedrooms: Maximum building height: 35' Average property size (s.f.): 8,719 _ Net density (Per UDC 11-1A-1): 4.36 Percentage of qualified open space: 8.56 Type and calculations of qualified open space provided in acres (Per UDC 11 -3G -3B): Collector buffers, micro - path and landscaped common lots with sub -surface storm drainage facilities. Amenities provided with this development (if applicable): Amenities will be constructed with the third phase. Type of dwelling(s) proposed: 8 Single-family Detached ❑ Single-family Attached ❑ Townhouse ❑ Duplex ❑ Multi -family ❑ Vertically Integrated ❑ Other Non-residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of building lots: Common lots: Other lots: Gross floor area proposed: Hours of operation (days and hours): Existing (if applicable): Building height: Total number of parking spaces provided: Number of compact spaces provided: Authorization Print applicant name: BeV McKay, Enginering S9olutions T P Applicant signature: Date: 4/6/18 Community Development ■ Planning Division ■ 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Ste. 102 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: 208-884-5533 Fax: 208-888-6854 www.nieridianciiy.orp/pianning -2- Rev: (2/7/20/8) SKY MESA COMMONS SUBDIVISION NO. 1 Narrative Lionwood Properties, LLC, requests approval of the final plat for Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1, consisting of 58 single-family residential lots and 6 common lots on 18.35 acres in an R-8 zone. The Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 is located south of E. Taconic Drive approximately one-quarter mile west of S. Eagle Road. The gross density of the final plat is 3.16 dwelling units per acre, with a net density of 4.36 dwelling units per acre. The minimum lot size is 7,779 square feet, with an average lot size of 8,719 square feet. Landscaping provided in this phase is 1.68 acres or 9.16 percent. The qualified open space is 1.57 acres or 8.56 percent. The property was approved as part of Blackrock Subdivision in Ada County in 2006 under the Ada County "Non -Farm" Ordinance. The parcel was annexed and zoned to an R-8 designation with preliminary plat approval on September 5, 2017. The owner and developer entered into a Development Agreement, recorded as Instrument No. 2017-119308 in Ada County, Idaho. The final plat conforms with all requirements and provisions of the UDC and was prepared in conformance with acceptable engineering, architectural and surveying practices and local standards. Central sewer and water will be installed within Sky Mesa Subdivision No. 1 and extended into Sky Mesa Commons No. 1. Pressure irrigation will be provided by the existing pump station located on the north side of E. Taconic Drive, adjacent to Ten Mile Creek. The point of delivery is from the Beasley Lateral under the jurisdiction of the Boise Project Board of Control. The water rights for the subject property are with Nampa -Meridian Irrigation District; however, the water is delivered by Boise-Kuna Irrigation District/Boise Project Board of Control. An existing irrigation well provides the secondary source of water to the pump station. The applicant is working with Ada County Highway District to enter into a Cooperative Development Agreement for the future improvements at the intersection of E. Taconic Drive and Eagle Road as required by the conditions of approval. The engineer has designed a traffic calming and pedestrian friendly improvement at the intersection of S. Montague Way and E. Taconic Drive as required by ACRD. No gravity irrigation facilities will be relocated or piped within this phase of the development. Sky Mesa Narrative 1 of 1 April 5, 2018 DESCRIPTION FOR SKY MESA COMMONS SUBDIVISION NO. 1 A portion of Lot 10, Block 3 of Blackrock Subdivision No. 1, as filed for record in Book 96 of Plats at Pages 12003 through 12008, records of Ada County, Idaho, located in the SE 1/4 of Section 32, T,3N., R.1 E., B. M., Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the E '/a corner of said Section 32, from which the SE corner of said Section bears South 00°13'38" West, 2676.24 feet; thence along the east boundary of the SE % of said Section 32 South 00°13'38" West, 472.23 feet; thence leaving said boundary North 89°49'48" West, 48.00 feet to an angle point on the easterly boundary of said Lot 10; thence along the boundary of said Lot 10 North 89°49'48" West (formerly North 89°49'38" West), 480.00 feet to an angle point on the easterly boundary of said Lot 10, the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing along the boundary of said Lot 10 South 00013'35" West (formerly South 00°13'44" West), 595,97 feet; Thence leaving said boundary North 89°46'25" West, 190.00 feet; Thence North 00°13'35" East, 40.00 feet; Thence North 89°46'25" West, 553.67 feet; Thence South 00°13'35" West, 30.00 feet; Thence North 89046'25" West, 190.00 feet; Thence North 00013'35" East, 75.00 feet; Thence North 05000'02" West, 75.00 feet; Thence North 09°10'09" West, 75.00 feet; Thence North 13°29'57" West, 75.21 feet; Thence North 3912'43" West, 106.15 feet; Thence North 4836'01" East, 34.36 feet; Thence North 46024'45" East, 159.68 feet; Thence South 88"35'15" East, 28.28 feet to a point on a curve; Thence 297.67 feet along the arc of a non -tangent curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 370.00 feet, a delta angle of 46005'42", and a long chord bearing North 23°22'40" East, 289.71 feet to a point of tangency; 170117-des.docx Thence North 00019'49" East, 69.96 feet to a point of curvature; Thence 23.15 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 61.50 feet, a delta angle of 21033'55", and a long chord bearing North 10027'08" West, 23.01 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence 33.31 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 88.50 feet, a delta angle of 21'33'55", and a long chord bearing North 10027'08" West, 33.11 feet to a point of tangency, Thence North 0019'49" East, 60.00 feet; Thence North 44°40'11" West, 32.53 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of said Lot 10 and on the southerly right-of-way of East Taconic Drive; Thence along said northerly Lot boundary and southerly right-of-way: Thence South 89°40'11" East (formerly South 89040'05" East), 264.86 feet to a point of curvature; Thence 257.30 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 725.00 feet, a delta angle of 20°20'03", and a long chord bearing South 79030'10" East (formerly South 79030'03" East), 255.95 feet to a point of reverse curvature, Thence 160.02 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 775.00 feet, a delta angle of 11°49'48", and a long chord bearing South 75°15'02" East, 159.73 feet; Thence leaving said Lot boundary and southerly right-of-way South 08°50'04" West, 30.00 feet; Thence South 18°52'34" East, 68.13 feet; Thence South 23°59'55" East, 241.08 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel containing 18.35 acres, more or less. Ni- LA/VO 0 ESTE ,p 11118 a N� I (ts Its �� z ��qrF o rON W. HP 170117-des.docx ADA COUNTY RECORDER Christopher D. Rich 2018-004497 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=5 CME FOWLER 01/1612018 03:56 PM FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY $15.00 RECORDING REQUESTED BYAND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO;. Lionwood Properties, LLC 11606 Cartwright Road Boise, Idaho 83714 ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED - DO NOT ' REMOVE THE COUNTY STAMFED FIRST PAGE AS IT IS NOW INc6RPORATED AS PART OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. (Space Above For Recorder'4 Use) WARRANTY DEED 'Por good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, WOODSIDE HARRIS, LLC, an Idaho -limited liability:oampany ;(`,Grantor"), conveys, grants and warrants -to UONWOOD PROPERTIES, L1 7_` A�flldaHa"'limited liability company ( Gratitee ), whose address is- 11606 Cartwright Raac,�l oR , Idaho 83714, and its successors and assigns forever, the real property described and depicted on the attached -Exhibit A. SUBJECT TO taxes and assessments for the year 2018 and all subsequent years, together with any and. ail existing easements, rights -of --way, reservation's, restrictions and encumbrances of record, to any existing tenancies, to all zoning laws and ordinances, and to any state of facts an accurate survey or inspection oftlie:;premises; would;:$how (collectively' the "Permitted Encumbrances"). This conveyance shall include any and .all estate, right, title, interest, appurtenances, tenements, hereditaments, reversions, reikiinders, easetnp� Tt a,rents;':issues, profits, rights-of-way, Grantor's right, title and interest in all water rights ai d;eniiti'emeiiEs.to receive water under ditch or canal company shares, in anywise appertaining to theApfoperty+erein described as well in law as in equity. • The Grantor covenants to the Grantee that Grantor is the owner in fee simple of said premises,, that the premises are free from all liens, claims and encumbrances, excepting Permitted Encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims. WARRANTY DEED - 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this instrument on this(* th day of January, 2018. 1--7 WOO Sl E HARRIS, C By: a ames l3, Hunter, Manager STATE OF IDAHO ) ss. County of Ada ) On this -I-U _ day of January, 2018, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared James H. Hunter, known or identified to me to be a manager of Woodside Harris, LLC, the Idaho limited liability company that executed the foregoing instrument and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that said limited liability company executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year fist above written. +0" GILLZ -"**o. 00 Ar' O,S CRY A'ft V r i�••• t� 4' r �''•.,SrA TE G����• WARRANTY D Eu) - 2 %NotaryPubltate of Idah Residing at: t� AD Commission Expire :� 5.2'ul Exhibit A Legal Description and Depiction of Property DESCRIPTION FOR 58 LOT PARCEL. OROPOSEO SKY MESA EAST SUBDIVISION A portion of Lot 10 of Block 3 of Blackrock Subdivision, as filed for record In Book 96 of Plats at Pages 12003 through 12000, records at Ada County, Idaho, located in the SE 114 of Section 32. T.3N., h.1 E., C .M., Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, more particularly desen-bed as follows: Commencing at the E Ya corner of *aid Section 32, from which the NE comer of said Section bears North 00°13'21' f=ast, 7677.54 feet; thence along the east boundary of the SE Y, of said Section 32 South 00'18'38' West, 105.20 feet; thence teaving said boundary North 69°46'22° West, 49.00 feet to a point on the westerly right-of-way of South Eagle Road; thence along said westerly right-of- way South 001113138 West, 286.99 feet (formerly South 00°13'44" West, 286.96 feet); thence leaving said right-of-way North $x'49'46' West (fotmerty North 89°49138"We4t), 460.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thonoo South 00"13'36' W©et (formerly South 90'13'44" West), 560,88 feet; Thence North $9'46'25' West, 130.00 feet; Thence North $5°01104' West, 60.21 feet; Thence Horth 0' 8'60' Wast, 617.39 feet; Thence South 72°22'26' West 60.81 feet Thence South 6104417"Weal, 125.04 feet, Thenoe North 11`25'19" West, 340.98 feet to a point on a curve,. Thence 350.10 feet along the arc of a non -tangent curve to the lett, said curve, having a radius of 1030,00 feet, a della angle of 10°2830% and a long chard bearing North 39°25'03" East, 345.42 feet to a point of compound curvature; Thence 169.04 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, said rxrrve having a radius of 330.00 feet, a defta angle of 20°20'59', and a lung Chord bearing North 15'0018" East, 167.20 feet to a point of tangency; Thence North 00° 18'49' East, 69.46 feet to a point of curvature; Thence 23.15 feet along the arc of a curve to the tight, said curve having a radius of 61.50 feet, a delta angle of 21033'55!', and a long chord bearing North 11400'4V East, 23.01 feet to a point of Morse curvature; WARRANTY DFFD - 3 Thence 33,31 feet along the arc of a curve the left, said curve having 2 radius of 88,50 feet, a delta Angle of 21"3356, and along chord beating North 11 °0545' East, 33.11 feet to a paint of tangency; Thence North 00*19'49" East, 80.08 feet; Thenw North 45"19'49' East, 32.53 feet to a point on the southerly fight -of -way of E. T80onle Grave and said Lal 10 boundary; Thence along said right -fit -way and lot 10 boundary; Thence South 89'40'11° East, 137,88 feet to a point of curvatura; Thence 251.30 feet along the aro of a cutve to the right, said curve having a radius of 725.00 •feet, a delta angle of 20°20'03', -and a long chord boating South 79°38'10` East (formerly South 79030'03" East), 255.95 feet to a point. of reverse curvature; Thence 160.02 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 775.00 feet, a delta ahgte of 11`4948". and a long chord Searing South 75°15'02" East, 159.73 fast; Thance leaving Bald right-of-way and Lot 10 boundary South W50104" Wes#, 30.00 foot; Thence South 18'52`340 East, 6813 feet; Thence South 23'669'55° East, 241.48 feet to the POINT O BEGINNING. Said parcel containing 16.77 acres, more or less. See Record of Survey No, M. and the plat of Slackrock Subdivision, fled In Bock 76 of Plats at Pages 12003 through 12005, records of Alda County, Idaho, for additional data of record pertaining to this property: WARRANTY DEED - 4 Cot 'Lf 'YS b&io 1 ?F diol Zr NDIL' s A ZA 7 31LL N duvool smoliRNOISinioertS iSV3 VS3N OS a3sodOUd INlN3MfOg. I 130H fd 83JSNbdi t jo I N vl •'d /JJr/ /JJJJJ /J/ �$iE yR. •Fl JJJ � � •J: ///J JJr/ JJ/ •r /r/JJ/ J///J//= ' i 1 r J/ J l •/ J r J J r/ J �6 iY i3 S Ct g AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF ADA I, James W. Smith, Manager of Lionwood Properties, LLC, 11606 Cartwright Road, Boise, Idaho 83714, being first duly sworn, upon oath, depose and say: That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to: Engineering Solutions, LLP 1029 N. Rosario Street, Suite 100 Meridian, ID 83642 to submit the accompanying application(s) pertaining to that property. 2. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and its employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject of the application. I hereby grant permission to City of Meridian staff to enter the subject property for the purpose of site inspections related to processing said application(s). Dated this 1 5l day of /� G �(C, �� , 2018. -- �J • `� J es W. Smith, Manager SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above written. tory Public for Ido) •�0T AR y ••� Residing at: �i a •?. L Py�G •� MY Commission Expires: U� T• p�' o� J'•••'••••••• ••• •• ''" q 7'E 0? 1,••`' 251 FILED EFFECy V, CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION x LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY r rgTE� 04`9 (Instructions on back of application) f 5T,6,-VE- 1. l,6,- t=1. Th8- name of the limited liability company is: LIONWOOD PROPERTIES, LLC 2. The complete street and mailing addresses of the initial designated/principal office: 11606 CARTWRIGHT ROAD, BOISE, ID 83714 (Street Address) (Mailing Address, If different than street address) 3. The name and complete street address of the registered agent: JAMES W. SMITH 11606 CARTWRIGHT ROAD, BOISE, ID 83714 (Name) (Street Address) 4. The name and address of at least one member or manager of the limited liability company: Mme Address JAMES W. SMITH 11606 CARTWRIGHT ROAD, BOISE, ID 83714 6. Mailing address for future correspondence (annual report notices): (� 160�a CAQTUAQ4 ot� Koco i t5� , OActs 7 6. Future effective date of filing (optional): Signature of a manager, member or authorized person. Signature Typed Na e: m W. Smith, Manager Secretary of State use only IDAW SECRETARY IF STATE Signature Typed Name: I 1 @•190188 CT; 106.80 OM LLC 1 E wqwW m IN a SKY MESA COMMONS SUBD. NO. 1 VICINITY MAP - 1 it =300, LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 32, T.3N., R.1 E., B.M. MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO C�wl IDIAN--- Community Development Department Parcel Verification Date: 4/6/18 Meridian City Hall, Suite 102 33 E. Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho 83642 208.887.2211 The parcel information below has been researched and verified as correct by the City of Meridian Community Development Department. Project Name: Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No 01 T/R/S: 3N 1E 32 Parcel Numbers: R0988260491 R0988260495 (33.14 Acres) - Woodside Harris LLC (16.77 Acres) - Lionwood Properties LLC Address Verification Rev: 04/23/12 onxo 'u�sw wo l�raa3^ � (� i ea (� 1 �� ^E 31'tl 'iK'1 T[ IAIt3b h9 Ql1YJ01 4155 LLS (F.E7 .v� (( }j7 IpOI 3105 YObsSOtl 'N^fiZ01 f.CS.UY61lS M]W' KYfia 3J [ GSH 1 S/J0� f0 IAl1iMJd tl G66NB06 91i1�1 «SSM'' rnN 2MC6 0 a b a W 919t8 n.v3 wau jus ^F �:we» m 1Vld AHVNIWIl3FJd � o LfLr Z 6 C6Z 316 '3h'td Atl43'.Hib6 5 6vOl Ay>t�ry CD3© m SNOIJMOJ f a NOISIAIQ$IIS OH003H d0 SHINMO H3dO13h30 lOV1N0O " ` VNIMN19N. �5�AI Ails x 9 /HINNVld "susv $$gggg 99 gg 33 Zr 3YYbC.�544FAF�� k 8888$$$$88 88 WEN55aAc-- p'"$SC 2 o. �� iso o��000 NUw��ua ��m4 =��� N ._moo '-'�Ww��a1n'E,in,E,E,�_'E._^E_�,og'a :<�GsYo�E, in E,E, FsGCinoE,o E,A $ �N m�a9C]�m tf t5g 6&tS LS Lf ii ilaiS tSg Cam GH>Sh ir�i5 t5 LS t5 tf it tS iSGaLSatS6 t,N rn � 1� (ill �� �i� :i .���.ao?.I�q.�#•© mm Irw-Ms (B 1 (.Ek) 'u, OFYCI 'u'10J ttH 'IMff�IIry E '3l'tl `NC'l TC N0i133S la 031b301 a r Y6 f[. (epi) •�f rE>4LE (FJ,) ( W 'mm" Y69f8pttD 001 31 fIS 1115 ObV50tl y'11 6601 .C&K N]Od MJYB J0 C 6VY I SAJO19 10 f1011}#ld Yui o o n C89NH Oho Ydwmi 99191 06L'31S'lJYid n 91910 [tSE�1 �-°+f a '3�En AYM3000B S UJn�s 420t H0e. OY3 `zus a:EYsa6 w ezJl AVN>W ANtl3B en SN011I1 /0S 1Vld Ak1VNIWl3Fid � _ o -ry oaA n �rv� 3 5 lMNOO JNIURN/JN� NOISIAIagns VSHN Ams § 6 OH003a 30 SF 3NM0 H3dO13/\34 83NNdld , �pp2b Ed �kAkn ag "a3bpe As'r y3 u b3 Ok 9 R L 'ONI 'OBnS A21n1N30 S'1'IIH� /� MMm '°Ym E 'ON 8n5 LV W� A23n N30 S1111-1 �2iVj . s avwmw6f vv va' ' m-uwvwv.mmrammamwmaavwmwvmmwmw va-m vad— k s � O m m Z�€gip O �d m omm" r_ ref .69'559 M ,SH.cl m S sc V t• ,9 n � s �m� "� i g R Imo' "�" a � _8 O & a 9x A� \ i.. • '� �^ �" r: w'Tf �° m �_ ♦: "`�i\ I �' E � f% 4 v`r rm � « ery s e.m a § 2 S 019 S f � a m �� I ' / ��� ami a •osf 2 hr.� 5 � ° ti ttl m Ill H-„ u aP ad,�f � � y € m as 0 ,� ma m •.u® I F'[I a O �£ 4 � 5 d a i� I �Y � � n i ' '�' a �! II O w> y, / 3 u a ,tt n o,. Fi a a4f a e• wf n eu $ Z N p o m_ /, � ^m. d � jib 6 a r. � l�. A ^t:•I 'a" p � � ♦� a` "@ ; Fn t.q I•� RI .m � ;�mfO � y • .� x q c♦ a�gm�`w�� �° IIF�9im XX 0 o l<J 3 N It ,6Z"H6ZI .61,OZA0 ZO m m • 1111 �p \ � p �- �' AI � 3 Ll llAO H - ,1Z56L a I O- I I I ! n " rc z m mm h ADA COUNTY STREET NAME REVIEW Review Date: May S, 2017 Project Name: Sky Mesa Sub Parcel Number(s): R0988262000 R0988260164 80988260490 Preliminary Plat 8X Final Plat T/R/S 3N 1E 32 Project/Plat Applicant: Engineering Solutions LLP Phone No: (208) 938-0980 City/County Agency: MERIDIAN THE FOLLOWING EXISTING STREET NAMES SHALL APPEAR ON PLAT E CYANITE DR E HYPER DR 41 v a, n> 0 v a U Q S EAGLE RD E LODGE TRAIL DR S PIONEER TRAIL AVE v v Uo .E Ln m Comments E MORES TRAIL DR E TACONIC DR Aligns with Cubola Aligns with Montague Aligns with Stromboli Aligns with Woodville Aligns with Woodville Aligns with Mores Trail Aligns with Genoard Aligns with Genoard Aligns with Murchison Aligns with Zaivcla Aligns with Rosalia Aligns with Rosalia Aligns with Rosalia Aligns with Mardia PLEASE MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES OR CORRECTIONS Please replace S BENTWATERS WAY with S CUBOLA WAY Please replace S CALAIS WAY with S MONTAGUE WAY Please replace S CHARTLEY PLwith S STROMBOLI PL Please replace E GRANTHAM DR with E WOODVILLE DR Please replace E LAWTON ST with E WOODVILLE ST Please replace E MORES TRAIL CT with S GENOARD PL Please replace E MORES TRAIL DR with S GENOARD WAY Page 1 of 2 S PALATINO AVE 1 Proposed Street Names: S BENTWATERS WAY 2 S CALAIS PL 3 S CALAIS WAY 4 S CHARTLEY PL 5 E GRANTHAM DR 6 E LACHLAN ST 7 E LAWTON ST 8 E LODGETRAIL DR 9 E MENARD ST 10 E MORES TRAIL CT 11 E MORES TRAIL DR 12 E PALMYRA ST 13 S PIONEER TRAIL WAY 14 S RADIANT AVE 15 S RAPHINE WAY 16 E RENWICK CT 17 E SHADY GLEN CT 18 E SHADY GLEN DR 19 E STONEHAVEN ST 41 v a, n> 0 v a U Q S EAGLE RD E LODGE TRAIL DR S PIONEER TRAIL AVE v v Uo .E Ln m Comments E MORES TRAIL DR E TACONIC DR Aligns with Cubola Aligns with Montague Aligns with Stromboli Aligns with Woodville Aligns with Woodville Aligns with Mores Trail Aligns with Genoard Aligns with Genoard Aligns with Murchison Aligns with Zaivcla Aligns with Rosalia Aligns with Rosalia Aligns with Rosalia Aligns with Mardia PLEASE MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES OR CORRECTIONS Please replace S BENTWATERS WAY with S CUBOLA WAY Please replace S CALAIS WAY with S MONTAGUE WAY Please replace S CHARTLEY PLwith S STROMBOLI PL Please replace E GRANTHAM DR with E WOODVILLE DR Please replace E LAWTON ST with E WOODVILLE ST Please replace E MORES TRAIL CT with S GENOARD PL Please replace E MORES TRAIL DR with S GENOARD WAY Page 1 of 2 Please replace E PALMYRA ST with E MURCHISON ST Please replace S RADIANT AVE with S ZAIVCLA AVE Please replace S RAPHINE WAY with S ROSALIA WAY Please replace E SHADY GLEN CT with S ROSALIA PL Please replace E SHADY GLEN DR with S ROSALIA WAY Please replace E SHADY GLEN DR running EAST/WEST with E ROCKHAMPTON DR Please replace E STONEHAVEN ST with E MARDIA ST NOTE: If there are corrections and changes recommended, please make these changes on the subdivision plat and resubmit to the Ada County Assessor. A final review with no changes required and the matching plat must be presented to the Ada County Surveyor at time of recording. Codes/criteria regarding denial A Sounds like an existing street B Alignment with existing street C Duplicate street name within Ada County D Street name exceeds 13 letters E Other The overall final street names are subject to change at Final Plat phase levels due to design changes, time constraints and or previous recorded plat street alignments. Page 2 of 2 STREET NAME REVIEW APPLICATION ... Please attach a legible copy of plat or site plan with the application and submit directly to: Ada County Assessor -190 E. Front Street, Boise, ID 83702, Email: Streetnamemail@adaweb.net Applications will be reviewed in the order in which they are received Application Date 5/2/2017 Review Needed By Project/Subdivision Name JSky Mesa Subdivision Type Of Dwelling(s)/Structure(s) Proposed Single Family 0 Multi -Family Preliminary Plat e✓ Final Plat I'm Applying To: Name New Public or Private Street(s) ❑ Change Existing Street Name Existing Street Name Number Of New Public Streets Proposed 116 1 Number Of Private/Changed Streets Proposed (Please Attach Plat/Plan) (Please Attach Plat/Plan) Private/Changed Street Names Choices 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice 4th Choice Applicant Information Company/Firm Name: I Sky Mesa Development LLC Applicant Type: Architect Developer Engineer P & Z Dept. Contractor Owner El M El 11 11 11 Agent/Contact Name: Brad Bishop / Engineering Solutions LLP Phone: (208) 938-0980 1 Email: I es-brad@gwestoffice.net Other Subject Property Information Township Range Section Location/Street Address E. Taconic Dr. (no number assigned), 5899 S. Eagle Rd. 32 37N 1 E Parcel Number(s) I R0988262000 R0988260164 R0988260490 Owner Information Same As Applicant? No 0 Yes El Owner Name/Company I Blackrock LLC Phone Address 116166N.20th City I Nampa State ID Zip 83687 Street name reviews will be completed within 2 to 3 weeks of receipt of application. Completed reviews will be uploaded to the following Ada County Assessor link: https://adacounty.id.gov/Assessor/Land-Records/Street-Naming-and-Addressing Ada County Assessor -190 E. Front St., Suite 107, Boise, ID 83702 - Phone: 208-287-7273 lta aM"d'a d• ,/ 1\v 0lumds anpao aaaa�'s&S S7 6y }y 1 •o •aens 3 wnlw0 f g hur Y} r oN • s mne ul o I� roa 3TJY3 s .� 33T3 s =9 = C = I 31'3 R R •3 21 3 f0 C _^ p - CZ 0 ) Gl G p � _ .n rn p = "^ II Q V ti F s g= F F b s1 � F F na annum : $ ®r—, b. N .09 p _ F ^ � � S prxO.0 ta`1 ttl y L , s - I eo ice' '4 K Y In - y Z n 4p ----� Ir -----a I� I I d F " c 1 r -_ilk I . .Izsa 3 y.1110 9 ----J I I I I I I I I FF •� L ----- J ----"7 1r-----7 I � L___J i Ir ----- 1 1 1 1 ---- 1 -----1 i ----- ' ♦ L95 0 X 8' From: Don Watts To: Jessica Clark; Street NameMail; Christina Fuller; Joshua Saak; Kenny Bowers ; Ross Oven; Terri Ricks; Ada County Sheriff (Maps-addressing(a)ada911.net); Chris Campbell; Christina Fuller: Greg Timinskv; Ross Oven; Scott Buck; Terry Gammel Subject: RE: Sky Mesa Sub Street Name Review Date: Monday, May 15, 2017 5:48:18 PM Attachments: imaae001.Dno I would agree with Jessica proposal that Shady Glen aligns with Rosalia (Raphine). Other than that, approved. Don Watts Land Records Supervisor Ada County Assessor's Office Land Records Department 190 E. Front St., Boise, ID 83702 (208) 287-7267 dwatts[amdaweb.net From: Jessica Clark Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2017 3:15 PM To: Street NameMail; Christina Fuller; Don Watts; Joshua Saak; Kenny Bowers ; Ross Oyen; Terri Ricks; Ada County Sheriff (Maps-addressing@ada911.net); Chris Campbell; Christina Fuller; Don Watts; Greg Timinsky; Ross Oyen; Scott Buck; Terry Gammel Subject: RE: Sky Mesa Sub Street Name Review Are the segments named Raphine Way and Shady Glen in alignment? Should we ask them to change both to Rosalia or both to Burgo? S Radiant Ave should be changed to S Zaivcla Ave (not Zavida) Instruction needs to be added for the segment of Shady Glen that runs E/W to be changed to Rockhampton. (only marked on map) All other suggestions approved. Thank You Jessica Crark Ada County Assessor Land Records Analyst 208-287-7271 20,9-287-7219 fax iclark@adaweb.net From: Amanda Morse On Behalf Of Street NameMail Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 4:05 PM To: Christina Fuller; Don Watts; Joshua Saak; Kenny Bowers ; Ross Oyen; Terri Ricks; Ada County Sheriff (Maps -addressing() ada911.net); Chris Campbell; Christina Fuller; Don Watts; Greg Timinsky; Jessica Clark; Ross Oyen; Scott Buck; Terry Gammel Subject: Sky Mesa Sub Street Name Review This is in both meridian and Ada County for now. Greetings, The Ada County Assessor is reviewing the subject project for street naming purposes. Please reply all with an email of your approval, denial or any comments within 10 business days of the transmittal date. If no response is received, it will be considered there is no objection to the recommendations made in the street name review. Thank you, Amanda Morse GIS Technician Ada County Assessor's Office 190 E Front St, Ste 107 Boise, ID 83702 (208)287-7273 agmorse(@adaweb.net From: Amanda Morse To: Jessica Clark; Street NameMail; Christina Fuller; Don Watts: Joshua Saak; Kenny Bowers ; Ross Oven; Terri Ricks; Ada County Sheriff (Maps-addressina(olada911.net); Chris Campbell; Christina Fuller; Don Watts; Greg Timins ; Ross Oven; Scott Buck; Terry Gammel Subject: RE: Sky Mesa Sub Street Name Review Date: Tuesday, May 09, 2017 4:37:53 PM I have updated Zavida to S Zaivcla Ave. I must have been going a bit cross eye at the end there O 1 also added the comment about Shady Glen. Thank you, Amanda Morse GIS Technician Ada County Assessor's Office (208)287-7273 aemorse(@adaweb.net From: Terri Ricks To: Amanda Morse; Street NameMail; Christina Fuller; Don Watts; Joshua Saak; Kenny Bowers; Ross Oven; Ada County Sheriff (Mans -addressing unada911.net); Chris Camobell; Christina Fuller; Don Watts; Greg Timinskv; Jessica Clark; Ross Oven; Scott Buck: Terry Gammel Subject: RE: Sky Mesa Sub Street Name Review Date: Monday, May 15, 2017 7:35:34 AM Attachments: imaae001.ona Approved. From: Amanda Morse [mailto:agmorse@adaweb.net] Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 2:42 PM To: Street NameMail; Christina Fuller; Don Watts; Joshua Saak; Kenny Bowers; Ross Oyen; Terri Ricks; Ada County Sheriff (Maps-addressing@ada911.net); Chris Campbell; Christina Fuller; Don Watts; Greg Timinsky; Jessica Clark; Ross Oyen; Scott Buck; Terry Gammel Subject: RE: Sky Mesa Sub Street Name Review Sky Mesa is past the halfway point. If you haven't had a chance to review and reply please do so. I have attached the edits Jessica mentioned. Have a great weekend Amanda Morse GIS Technician Ada County Assessor's Office Land Records Department rgo E. Front St., Boise, ID 83702 (208) 287-7273 agmorse@adaweb.net From: Kenny Bowers To: Amanda Morse; Street NameMail; Christina Fuller; Don Watts; Joshua Saak; Ross Oven; Terri Ricks; Ada County Sheriff (Maps-addressing(a)ada911.net) Chris Campbell; Christina Fuller; Don Watts; Greg Timinskv; Jessica Clark; Ross Oven; Scott Buck; Terry Gammel Subject: RE: Sky Mesa Sub Street Name Review Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 7:45:46 AM Attachments: imaae001.ong Ok with comments. E!GINEERING bLUTIONSLLP ing and engineering communities for the future April 4, 2018 Mr. Warren Stewart, P.E. Engineering Manager City of Meridian Public Works 33 East Broadway Meridian, ID 83642 Re: Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 Dear Mr. Stewart: 1029 N. Rosario Street, Suite 100 Meridian, ID 83642 Phone: (208) 938-0980 Fax: (208)938-0941 E-mail: es-kathys@gwestoffice.net Please note that this is certification that the street centerline is a minimum of 36 inches above highest known groundwater elevation. Please call me if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Engineer_utions, LLP �NCEN 4V, 5 OF Kathleen M. Stroschein, P.E. Project Engineer I'm S:ss CADocuments\2018\180114 Sky Mesa Commons Sub. No. 1\Stewart.doc 8 0 0 ^ a NMI � � �� �€$8�� li �� � �z:=8�1z1=11HUBBUB a������6��=�: F 9gb �' Rau =: s ��` ���� � a �§� ��4�2 ��-�� a m��a'1'8:manr�o- :.ma�a�� $P5 a M 7 111'1 � 8l cy��B UB HIM ^ 8 roe INS1 ^ X50 �_�1 � e$8888sgs8�oeg�0arye$8888 $8$$ mom sis sQ���HE33a83333a as333a333�5 W a in; � � ��� ��o�o� �F��� Zvi .��GQ sig ISH T ell 8€ mo u a 8 11 NMI IN, Rl�g MINE aON =ry= E o ` g`g lea® ffi �-��a r i � Fanssra s xxA $ a ^_ PR U sh �nt8a � a€BI W a=��"^ gc.,-$o�_RmasmPaae�RrRaBa.$r� � OR y e�--ls= €��§� §na�sa"�sraese�pma:raaamrs� s°P Oybsy6 a�€11��1�aa WOaaacaa`s"s "ssEssa"o"a?c�"a � 6 03 $ k 8p"a���_011 �cs % Tti do o8d c°iM M o Q d3a io sissy M n S ro 3 .S ala I I sl I-"o'o �^' mg 1A��\� "�roi•,�,z�iaj!�-�sv�i i.P���j�.�? €� H2 R mo ,OS Nei 5135N�i�„t. _9a �'�``�9 ��R�mN a''m�44•-m � I 5}\5-`µ�;tg'f.�t��^¢ �'•\'.�� _� I`-..� SLS" Tti I.. _.._..11.. 71 � ��ey^ *,� � � r�✓e �i� ss '" tto AtlM V108f1� 'S z) / , � �/ ;��� 515\• pe � h� t-, r.. _�! 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We have No Objections to this Proposal. ❑ 2. We recommend Denial of this Proposal. ❑ 3. Specific knowledge as to the exact type of use must be provided before we can comment on this Proposal. ❑ 4. We will require more data concerning soil conditions on this Proposal before we can comment. ❑ 5. Before we can comment concerning individual sewage disposal, we will require more data concerning the depth of: ❑ high seasonal ground water ❑ waste flow characteristics ❑ bedrock from original grade ❑ other ❑ 6. This office may require a study to assess the impact of nutrients and pathogens to receiving ground waters and surface waters. ❑ 7. This project shall be reviewed by the Idaho Department of Water Resources concerning well construction and water availability. $. After written approval from appropriate entities are submitted, we can approve this proposal for: Wentral sewage ❑ community sewage system ❑ community water well j interim sewage"central water LJ individual sewage individual water F=9. The following plan(s) must be submitted to and approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality: central sewage ❑ community sewage system ❑ community water ❑ sewage dry lines central water ❑ 10. This Department would recommend deferral until high seasonal ground water can be determined if other considerations indicate approval. ❑ 11. If restroom facilities are to be installed, then a sewage system MUST be installed to meet Idaho State Sewage Regulations. ❑ 12. We will require plans be submitted for a plan review for any: ❑ food establishment ❑ swimming pools or spas ❑ child care center ❑ beverage establishment ❑ grocery store �13. Infiltration beds for storm water disposal are considered shallow injection wells. An application and fee must be submitted to CDHD. ❑ 14. Reviewed By: � 4 1 -,- � Ry�L' �- � Date:i�uik 9-/ Review Sheet 15726-OOIEH1111 1 1' LAN[ 81' ROW 34.5' 34.5' r1cul nI n4' 47} t AAM C PAOC n4T .,F coni' I I I i 0.5' AIVQING 1' LANDING _� i' 5' SIDEWALK 8' 1' LANDING 1' LANDING EXISTING BERM, RETAIN & PROTECT EXIST. LANDSCAPING EXCEPT WHERE NOTED ON PLANS 0,5' .7 1.5% ® 2.5" ASPHALTIC PAVEMENTDO 4' OF 3/4' MINUS CRUSHED GRAVEL 6' VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER - SEE ACHD 0 13' PIT RUN GRAVEL © SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -701 O COMPACTED STABLE SUBGRADE © 5" CONCRETE SIDEWALK - SEE ACHD © 6' VERTICAL (ISLAND) CURB SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -709 O CENTERLINE STREET DESIGN STREET SECTION - 81' RIGHT-OF-WAY 6' VERTICAL CURB / ISLAND — DETACHED SIDEWALK S. MONTAGUE WAY (ENTRANCE) NOTE: COLLECTOR STREETS SHALL BE A SP -3 0.5 INCH G� MIX, PG 64-28. 25' ROW 18' 12't L 12't 2' CID Z z MiJ M j I � � U cn � T -3% W t — -------------------- 1"R 6" i I /-1/2"R co L p000 d C3 6' VERTICAL (ISLAND) CURB PER I.S.P. W.G. SD -701A 5' SIDEWALK 1' 5" CONCRETE - LANDING 1.5% MAX. SLOPE `--4" OF 3/4" MINUS CRUSHED GRAVEL 5` WIDE SIDEWALKS PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO I.S.P.W.C. SD -709 SIDEWALK NOTE: SIDEWALK SHALL HAVE A CROSS SLOPE OF 1.5% TO TOP BACK CURB. 1' LANDING EXISTING BERM. PROTECT EXIST. U EXCEPT WHERE NOTED 7.1 5'SW 1 LANDING 60' ROW 16.5' 16.5' 2' I _ 14.5' t _ 14.5' 30' 2' 5'SW 1'�E OA 2.5' ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT QD 4' OF 3/4' MINUS CRUSHED GRAVEL © 3' ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER — SEE ACHD QE 13' PIT RUN GRAVEL SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -702 O COMPACTED STABLE SUBGRADE © 5" CONCRETE SIDEWALK — SEE ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -709 STREET SECTION - 69 RIGHT-OF-WAY 3' ROLLED CURB — DETACHED SIDEWALK (TYPICAL STREET SECTION) NOTE: LOCAL RESIDENTIAL STREETS SHALL BE A SP -3 0.5 INCH G� MIX, PG 58-28. ME TRANSITION SECTION - VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER TO ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER irl ® 3" ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT OD 6' OF 3/4' MINUS CRUSHED GRAVEL I� © 6" VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER QE 10' OF 3/4' MINUS CRUSHED GRAVEL © 5" CONCRETE SIDEWALK QF 13' PIT RUN GRAVEL © COMPACTED STABLE SUBGRADE E. TACONIC DRIVE RAISED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 6' VERTICAL CURB — DETACHED SIDEWALK NOTE: COLLECTOR STREETS SHALL BE A SP -3 0.5 INCH G") MIX, PG 64-28. Q 3 � \�fJ/Cl Z 00000000 L n�� E °' M1 F D E Z 'LuLu � N p 0 p a 0 3 2 W _ (MZ U ® 3" ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT ap00o O 6' OF 3/4' MINUS CRUSHED GRAVEL aB 6" VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER Q 13" PIT RUN GRAVEL © 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK OF COMPACTED STABLE SUBGRADE PER ACHD STRIPING DETAIL E. TACONIC DRIVE (WIDENING) 6' VERTICAL CURB — DETACHED SIDEWALK CENTERLINE TRAVEL LANE NOTE: COLLECTOR STREETS SHALL BE A SP -3 0.5 INCH 6") MIX, PG 64-28. 1"R 6" i I /-1/2"R co L p000 d C3 6' VERTICAL (ISLAND) CURB PER I.S.P. W.G. SD -701A 5' SIDEWALK 1' 5" CONCRETE - LANDING 1.5% MAX. SLOPE `--4" OF 3/4" MINUS CRUSHED GRAVEL 5` WIDE SIDEWALKS PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO I.S.P.W.C. SD -709 SIDEWALK NOTE: SIDEWALK SHALL HAVE A CROSS SLOPE OF 1.5% TO TOP BACK CURB. 1' LANDING EXISTING BERM. PROTECT EXIST. U EXCEPT WHERE NOTED 7.1 5'SW 1 LANDING 60' ROW 16.5' 16.5' 2' I _ 14.5' t _ 14.5' 30' 2' 5'SW 1'�E OA 2.5' ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT QD 4' OF 3/4' MINUS CRUSHED GRAVEL © 3' ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER — SEE ACHD QE 13' PIT RUN GRAVEL SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -702 O COMPACTED STABLE SUBGRADE © 5" CONCRETE SIDEWALK — SEE ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -709 STREET SECTION - 69 RIGHT-OF-WAY 3' ROLLED CURB — DETACHED SIDEWALK (TYPICAL STREET SECTION) NOTE: LOCAL RESIDENTIAL STREETS SHALL BE A SP -3 0.5 INCH G� MIX, PG 58-28. ME TRANSITION SECTION - VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER TO ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER irl ® 3" ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT OD 6' OF 3/4' MINUS CRUSHED GRAVEL I� © 6" VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER QE 10' OF 3/4' MINUS CRUSHED GRAVEL © 5" CONCRETE SIDEWALK QF 13' PIT RUN GRAVEL © COMPACTED STABLE SUBGRADE E. TACONIC DRIVE RAISED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 6' VERTICAL CURB — DETACHED SIDEWALK NOTE: COLLECTOR STREETS SHALL BE A SP -3 0.5 INCH G") MIX, PG 64-28. RAISED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING PLAN VIEW 00000000 �U)co�—'-a r -w -0 Z 00000000 L n�� E °' 00000000 00 N O 0 000000001 CD �o 4 J l.J Z m N p 0 p a 0 3 2 W _ ii. V a E N p zao>� ap00o O 0 • N V Z N V cz Z laJ � C7 a - J Z�� ED 00 W �F� PER ACHD STRIPING DETAIL U LQ Q� 118, TS -1112 (TYP.) — CENTERLINE TRAVEL LANE l WA 8' TMP. V v c c w o OwlNLU Lu s v p 1 Q� 3 0 0 0 N LANE MARKING — — — — — — — — — LANE MARKING A H T L rn �a L c m c 0 rU)W_ CENTERLINE TRAVEL LANE — 0i o', ; t o NO SCALE O IT0 SCALE O 0 0O \cu DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PRoJ. No, 180114 Z O o CL 0 o Q 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8' 5' 5' 8' 10' RAISED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING PLAN VIEW MISTING BERM, RETAIN & fECT EXIST. LANDSCAPING 3 WHERE NOTED ON PLANS 8' 5' 5' 8' -4.17%f -2.0% -2.0% -4.177.t T SECTION A -A RAISED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 12' WHITE, PER ACH' TS -1113 (TYP.) 12b •'r; RAISED CROSSING APPROACH PAVEMENT MARKING DETAIL vil l , 0 G ,N M. STg�ca CL �U)co�—'-a r -w -0 Z L n�� E °' 0 o w 3 00 N O 0 a., > N C CD �o 4 J l.J Z m N p 0 p a 0 3 2 W _ ii. V a E N p zao>� ap00o O 0 • N V Z N V cz Z laJ � C7 00rn J Z�� ED 00 W �F� c ->> 2 U LQ Q� C o W l WA �Wcl a V v c c w o OwlNLU Lu s v p 1 Q� 3 0 0 0 U w V) p 1'' LANDINGQJ Q o L rn �a L c m c 0 rU)W_ 00 0 0i o', ; t o NO SCALE O IT0 SCALE O 0 0O \cu DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PRoJ. No, 180114 Z O o CL 0 o Q IL c m e 3 6 rn m OU Q DT_ 1 o ate-. aW m a N N p `CJ /SHEETS/180114—DT 1.DWG fn V pp p O C0 Z y O L A N U (0 O 3� N� O •N � v' c I O V O E y I— 1 V p p CV C O p .✓ N U p V W� o�„�, >� D 0 O —s 3 •^ O ` h o CL Z o o p� o .� d d O N ��� � OU 120 o C N � V/ O O Y 0 C V d N _— T V 3 p > n c v i 0. i v C7 T = = 0 V = CO + CNzi \ � •U � U d 3 C d V W O C C O O E C T � N U� d O O N d U N (�("'' C U 5 Fi d d Q p SS�pNAL �N� 5T l MISTING BERM, RETAIN & fECT EXIST. LANDSCAPING 3 WHERE NOTED ON PLANS 8' 5' 5' 8' -4.17%f -2.0% -2.0% -4.177.t T SECTION A -A RAISED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 12' WHITE, PER ACH' TS -1113 (TYP.) 12b •'r; RAISED CROSSING APPROACH PAVEMENT MARKING DETAIL vil l , 0 G ,N M. STg�ca cz CL 0 � Z ZwN�Z -two 0 o w 3 00 N Q D CD �o 4 J l.J Z m I=�� 0 3 2 W _ Z Z vj Z Z a o Z m zao>� ap00o O 0 V Z N V cz Z laJ � C7 00rn J Z�� ED 00 S) 61 ZZZ�w LQ QWw�� C m 3 W o z m �Wcl a cz CL 0 � Z o -two 00 N Q D CD �o O I=�� L L _ w WZ = Z m J ap00o O _ o <z 00 cz O 00rn ED 00 COD z:E � LQ C 0-- ii Z O • O Z m J w QZ0 — OwlNLU Lu O p Q F- U) U w V) t-� (0 z 00 0 0i NO SCALE O IT0 SCALE O 0 0O DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PRoJ. No, 180114 Z O o CL 0 o SHEET 20 OF 21 IL DT_ 1 LL z a /SHEETS/180114—DT 1.DWG PRESSURE IRRIGATION LEGEND — — 4 PIRR— — EXISTING PRESSURE W m IRRIGATION LINE 200 LF CONSTRUCT PRESSURE IRRIGATION LINE & SERVICES ► CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK ® VALVE ====C4==== O SLEEVE 40 LF O•— BLOW -OFF 0 AIR RELEASE VALVE PRESSURE IRRIGATION KEYNOTE LIST ITEM DESCRIPTION ARV Air Release Valve C4 Pressure Irr. Sleeve, 4" PVC, AWWA C-900 C8 Pressure Irr. Sleeve, 8" PVC, AWWA C-900 C16 Pressure Irr. Sleeve, 16" PVC, AWWA C-905 D Pressure Irrigation Mainline Drain E9 Elbow, 4', 11 1/4' E10 Elbow, 4", 22 1/2' El Elbow, 4", 45' E13 Elbow, 6", 11 1/4! E14 Elbow, 6", 22 1/7 E16 Elbow, 6", 90' E17 Elbow, 8", 11 1/4 G4 Plug Or Cap, 4" G6 Plug Or Cap, 6" G8 Plug Or Cap, 8" P4 Pressure Irr. Main, 4", PVC, CL -200 P6 Pressure Irr. Main, 6", PVC, CL -200 P8 Pressure Irr. Main, 8", PVC, CL -200 R8 Reducer, 8"x 6" S1 Irrigation Service, 3/4" S2 Irrigation Service, 1" T5 Tee, 4"x 4"x 4" T7 Tee, 6"x 6"x 4" T8 Tee, 6"x 6"x 6" T9 Tee, 8"x 8"x 4" T10 Tee, 8"x 8"x 6" T11 Tee, 8% 8"x 8" TB P.C.C. Thrust Block (As Required Even If Not Shown). V1 Valve, 3/4" Gate V4 Valve, 4" Gate V6 Valve, 6" Gate V8 Valve, 8" Gate N1 Deflect Pipe Per Manufacturers Specifications And Recommendations. N2 Contractor Shall Close All Necessary Valves Prior To Making The Interconnection As Shown. i Lr_7 - — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — • r _.. . -----------------------iaZunc_ - _ U LL c aoo oN> > n2o E /w_Q _ - - --------------- 'o , N o - . 12Va Jl --- -- ---- _- — —=_ _- __ --HE E. TACONIC DR.__- — _-- _--_ -- _-___ _ , - _ a i` -EP - EPS----_--- --- �� , �, CD -___=----- - -- 38 LF 84 LF - - _L_ ___ - ___ _-------- ---- -___ `�� \�� �,� _ _ �w o - E _ -- -- \ — —..—.. - - Q S2 V8 T9 V8 V8 TB $ •_ - _ `, _ _ _ - a ._ 3 s o _ _ _ P8 10 LF V1 C4 P8 S2 149 LF B� X204 53 L1 77 - 8'�'IR • , \ �` -_ _ - _. _� ----------- - _ ._--- , - Q S1 � \ __— _—_ 104 LF S1 Si N1 PK&WASHER _CF _ R_ �c� :::...::. �� _ � �� �� � -__ -___ �_ o N 8 LF E[EV-2686.99 S1 _ 3 40 20 0 40 80 120 T11 I I C16 S1 e — - __ _________�__ --— — - ��` - - � 5= o LL 5 84 LF , N1 _ a , �s= a a.:: .-.......-`- o N SCALE IN FEET , , :::::::. _.. _ - - _ - - W �.. V4 � �' �• 91 TB G4 1• '' ��� �� 10 LF K T5 63 LF V4 V4 3 LF C8 TB h cP` U �'`� ' 3 •LF S2 130 Lf V4 4"PIRR V0 BLK.1 — `_ s LF ___ O o ao , St - ------------- ------ > _ TB TB • • M S1 h V8 Vg P4 2 3 ::::. T10� _-__ ..-..-..-.._..-..-.._� Cn 5 1 — — — Ps _ z i — -- ---- ' ` —.— 3 8 p S2 10 LF - - - 6 S1 - - •= P8 20 LF a 1 - 10 LF P8 P8 - QU N O _ _ _ • _ _ 3 � o y C -moo • V4 7 26 - G8 3 o z _ E17 E17 N �_��_ 'J T10 V8 V6 O o E - � I TB E13 Z > g g, •... . 5 O Vi _ a ,t - P6 He o 3 E13 „ W TB S1 H �-8W U oo 8 : ,.::.. W ^ _ E. WOODVILLE DR.r' • E O L C rte+ a d 63 LF P6 C8 F 10"S - oO 917 . a> '5 75 a co El 1 ----- 10-, 8w S1 $10N -L Ear ;. <„ E11 7 .., - ' S1 5 ��S��ZSTEh,�'�l,L� V4 S2 r.... 4• is TB }:- P430 29 28 27 10 l��N M STS°�G 26TB 3 25 +® 10 LF T5 moa=� TB E11 E10 V4 V4 BLK.2 S1 z P4 zw�2 88- LF 20 LF T5 TB E9 / I I------------ P4 JwmZ P4 C8 N S1 Si S1 S1 CS w S1 E11 S1 S2 „' V4 VU Ljw - 11 P65 z �c- 0 00 TB TB G4 V4 T5 = 9� 4'PIRR4"PIRR ~ - - - - - - - - v 6� N1 10 LF TB " ? N 184 LF c� / �, 112 LF 4"PIRR E14 z TB E9 LF 65 LF _ 65 LF N o z Z Z w N .�. S2 S1 N1 S1 �' V4 n 11 LF 5 -H zmm3 �wzz V4 P4 S1 N1 S1 Si 9 E10 �'. �; o TB E16 G6 TB N z o T5 19 s' `V BLK.2 N1 10 LF 15 Pd / a �r P4 20 21 22 23 24 12 a vs TB 4 \\8� .�. j:.. �� V6 y M E9 °c P4 S1 '` N o C8 � O F -:00o 63 LF W wx V4 �P '��' TBloft �J� V4 �9lF E10 S1 I o 0 CD co S2 P ': o ,: .. 00 U) n o 0 ,� . _ 13 wco 5 S2g W i E. RENWICK CT. 8 W - Nit z o o C14 0 ' BLK.2 1 ` S1 s : t . • .�..: r : " S J 15' �s yFF�, E9 E10 O 14 4't %, V004Z S1 co O a 51 � ro 18 17 16 - gl - z 15 14 13 12 0 w O 2 m TB P4 Ell `n 15 �� V O - _ V4 E9 13 LF `* St S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 63 LF (v in p4 P4 �n C8 T-) P4 ( z W 1/ z ;r, W nr- ePIRR 4"PIRR " - -• - - - -_ -_ _ O ► A F • C8 S1 T ® 90 LF 463 LF 4 PIRR -- 0 82 LF 105 4 PIRR T7 TB Cl) ry V4 °O U w_ E11 I S1 St Rs, V4 I V4 = W63 LF I T5S1 S1 S1 S1 St �1 �� I— W m 0- EE SHEET PIRR-2 CS Z NOTES: p 00 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR "=40' ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES CAUSED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND p LL ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL DIG LINE AT 1-800-342-1585 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. - LL SCALE 1 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, EVEN IF NOT SHOWN. o 0 co DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PRoJ. No. 180114 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT EVERY LOT HAS A PRESSURE IRRIGATION SERVICE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A SERVICE TO Z j O EVERY LOT AS NEEDED. O W o 11 v- SHEET 17 OF 21 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT AND RETAIN EXISTING FENCE LINES WITHIN SUBDIVISION. ED Q 5. SEE SHEET PIRR-3 FOR DETAILS AND NOTES. 0 ~~ PIRR-1 O O Q IL Z 0 SHEETS/ 180114-PIR.DWG U 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET CS EE SHEET PIRR-1 PRESSURE IRRIGATION KEYNOTE LIST > > w �- oow ITEM DESCRIPTION St w Z w m CO 0 3 = � Z N Z Z N ¢ Z O <7 ARV Air Release Valve O S! 5 - U Z W p OU C4 " Pressure Irr. Sleeve, 4 PVC, AWWA C-900 U_ ' 69 LF Z 0- C8 Pressure Irr. Sleeve, 8" PVC, AWWA C-900 co I N C16 Pressure Irr. Sleeve, 16" PVC, AWWA C-905 D Pressure Irrigation Mainline Drain TB V4 T5-1� E9 Elbow, 4', 11 1/4' S LF _47IIS 123 LF _T T E10 Elbow, 4", 22 1/2' 8� E11 Elbow, 4", 45' TB G4 �j� E10 TB E13 Elbow, 6, 11 1/4! a E14 Elbow, 6", 22 1/7 ' E16 Elbow, 6', 9(Y i E17 Elbow, 8", 11 1/4! I G4 Plug Or Cap, 4" �\ \ G6 Plug Or Cap, 6 ` G8 Plug Or Cap, 8' S\'''---7. P4 Pressure Irr. Main, 4", PVC, CL -200 - P6 Pressure Irr. Main, 6', PVC, CL -200 P8 Pressure Irr. Main, 8', PVC, CL -200 R8 Reducer, 8"x 6' S1 Irrigation Service, 3/4' S2 Irrigation Service, 1' T5 Tee, 4'x 4"x 4" T7 Tee, 6"x 6"x 4' T8 Tee, 6"x 6"x 6' T9 Tee, 8"x 8'x 4' T10 Tee, 8"x 8'x 6" PRESSURE IRRIGATION LEGEND T11 Tee, 8'x 8'x 8" — 4 PIRR— EXISTING PRESSURE TB P.C.C. Thrust Block (As Required Even if Not Shown). IRRIGATION LINE V1 Valve, 3/4" Gate 200 LF ' CONSTRUCT PRESSURE V4 Valve, 4" Gate IRRIGATION UNE & SERVICES ► CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK V6 Valve, 6" Gate ® VALVE V8 Valve, 8" Gate --- --- 0 SLEEVE N1 Deflect Pipe Per Manufacturers Specifications And Recommendations. 40 LF N2 Contractor Shall Close All Necessary Valves Prior To Making The Interconnection As Shown. 0— BLOW–OFF o--- AIR RELEASE VALVE NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES CAUSED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL DIG LINE AT 1-800-342-1585 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, EVEN IF NOT SHOWN. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT EVERY LOT HAS A PRESSURE IRRIGATION SERVICE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A SERVICE TO EVERY LOT AS NEEDED. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT AND RETAIN EXISTING FENCE LINES WITHIN SUBDIVISION. 5. SEE SHEET PIRR-3 FOR DETAILS AND NOTES. E11111159 -ft -0 -ft. -.1 ffie-n 40 O U U) °r° O 0 o � O � LL O Q W co J z O c0 0 I]f O a o m Q LLi LL z Q N m (O T "✓ -O L aE 00 1202 J_ O Q O U Q D_ '1 uj 6 E TT C L T t 'E O Ul N ++ 0V C }� N > c -2'5 N> Q N O . CL Q O d V r1 a a O.- =' co)N T Q U e'0' O O U O C C rn 0-'- Q "a O ai 2CL L rn m Q rn Q� �N -o cow 3Q avNi Cl) a�—�s E C' 0 EN N aA in .v; O>0 0 �pm e (D 0 LL m e 3 v C m Of`o Qw aE 2 O O a v s v LL. v c y m W Dw �- ' � y liO O d O O L N c O3 `o za U 125 N a 25 0 .0 Q •U 0-0 E o o v c m $ V C O O T O � U _ •> C .0 c O 3".O+ OUN c c v z �t o >. Z E OC A E U 3 L wN � ' V y N N V O \y.". a.... E ti v e c t 3 aV1i aai � a, o a> �,.n �.1> 744 tA C) l 0 G M. ST g�S N N 0 0 (D E 0 Z CL Z y CC O LRW O Wy W Z 0 z LU 0 Z a� Up - H P) f/1 � N 0 A~ U w LLJ 00 � N � 00 �00o w x �o� <o 06 O Qo z00 d ooCY) 00 Z � o rn Q) N o o Cl - SCALE SCALE 1 "=40' z g z O Q DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. NO. 1801 14 SHEET 18 OF 21 PIRR-2 SHEETS/180114-PIR.DWG > > w �- oow om�?o w Z w m 0 3 = � Z N Z Z N ¢ Z O <7 ti d O > W O S! - U Z W p OU w z O � O z a CL Z y CC O LRW O Wy W Z 0 z LU 0 Z a� Up - H P) f/1 � N 0 A~ U w LLJ 00 � N � 00 �00o w x �o� <o 06 O Qo z00 d ooCY) 00 Z � o rn Q) N o o Cl - SCALE SCALE 1 "=40' z g z O Q DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. NO. 1801 14 SHEET 18 OF 21 PIRR-2 SHEETS/180114-PIR.DWG O 3' SDR 21" PVC RISER EXTEND ti O 3" x 4' x 6' CINDER BLOCK (OR 10 4' or 6' x 1" SADDLE MINIMUM 3' PVC PLUG 4' or 6' MAIN LINE MINIMUM O 1" BRASS PIPE O 1' 200 PSI POLY 18' ABOVE GR01 O 1" BRASS CURB STOP Q ROCK CHIPS 3" 3' FEMALE ADD. 10 LOCATER WIRE 11 3' PVC PLUG 12 MARKER, STEEL 1" POST "MODIFIED" TYPE A RISER SHORT SIDE SERVICE NOT TO SCALE O 3' SDR 21" PVC RISER EXTEND O 3" x 4' x 6" CINDER BLOCK (( O 4' or 6" x 1" SADDLE MINIMUM O 4" or 6' MAIN LINE MINIMUM O 1' POLY PIPE 200 PSI O 1' 200 PSI POLY 18" ABOVE G O 1" BRASS COMP. COUPLINGS O 1' BRASS CURB STOP a ROCK CHIPS 10 3' FEMALE ADD. 11 LOCATER WIRE 12 Y PVC PLUG 13 MARKER, STEEL 1" POST "MODIFIED" TYPE A RISER LONG SIDE SERVICE NOT TO SCALE W z ' J ---� LOT W Q 0- 5' BACK LOT 3' SIDE LOT PRESSURE IRRIGATION PIPELINE - SEE PLAN FOR SIZE OF PIPE TYPICAL PIPE LOCATION NOT TO SCALE DOMESTIC WATER METER BOX COVER OBLITERATE WORDS "WATER METER" FORD NO. X43 CAST IRON WITH 12 1/2" LOCKING UDS 1 1/2" BRASS PIPE PVC RISER (TYP•) 1 1/2" CURB STOP BALL VALVE SUCH AS FORD B11-666SW -1 1/2" PVC PIPE \\\��\ 0clj \00°v o�000000 MIN. 12" DRAIN ROCK MIN. 1 CU YD. AT BOTTOM OF VALVE DRAIN ROCK FOR SUPPORT DRAIN VALVE NOT TO SCALE PRESSURIZED IRRIGATION NOTES 1. Install all crossings of the Public Rights -of -Way, private roadways and travelways with pressure irrigation at a maximum depth of two -and one-half (2-1/2) feet and in an AWWA C-900 pipe sleeve with locator wire. The Public Works Department, ACHD and Engineering Solutions, shall inspect all crossings prior to backfilling. 2. The horizontal separation of potable water mains and non -potable water mains (sanitary sewer, storm drain, and irrigation) shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet. Where it is necessary for a potable water main and non -potable water main to cross with less than eighteen (18) inches of vertical separation, the crossing shall be constructed in accordance with Section 542.07 of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IDAPA 58.01.08) and Section 430.02 of the Wastewater Rules (IDAPA 58.01.16). 3. The horizontal separation of non -potable services and potable water services or potable water mains shall be a minimum of six (6) feet. Where it is necessary for a potable water main and non -potable water main to cross with less than eighteen (18) inches of vertical separation, the crossing shall be constructed in accordance with Section 542.07 of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IDAPA 58.01.08) and Section 430.02 of the Wastewater Rules (IDAPA 58.01.16). 4. Install finder tape with all irrigation mains. Tape shall be two (2) inches wide, metallic red in color, with the words DANGER -UNSAFE WATER or NON -POTABLE WATER clearly marked along its length. Place the tape between six (6) inches below the surface and eighteen (18) inches above the top of the pipe. 5. Label all irrigation risers and faucets with durable tags carrying the warning DANGER -UNSAFE WATER or NON -POTABLE WATER. 6. Label all valve boxes and vaults with durable tags carrying the warning DANGER -UNSAFE WATER or NON -POTABLE WATER. The valves and boxes are to be located a minimum of ten (10) feet outside of the Public Right -of -Way, private roadways and travelways. 7. Install a reduced pressure backflow preventer in any connection between the potable water system and the pressure irrigation system. The device must be approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the City of Meridian Water Department. 8. The Public Works Department and Engineering Solutions, shall inspect all pressurized irrigation unless a properly executed agreement for inspection and maintenance is in effect with the applicable Irrigation District. Forty-eight (48) hours advance notice is required. 9. Pressure irrigation mains must be along rear lot lines. Where pressure irrigation mains traverse a side lot line in order to cross a street, the domestic water service and pressure irrigation mains must be on opposite sides of a lot. 10. Pressure test the irrigation system to one hundred -fifty (150) pounds per square inch (psi) with allowable loss in accordance with the Supplemental Specifications and Drawings to ISPWC. 11. All construction materials and installation shall comply with the Nampa Meridian Irrigation District Standard Specifications for Pressurized Irrigation System - latest edition, except as modified here on. 12. All pipe shall be PVC - Class 200 - SDR21 or better. Pipes three inches and smaller shall be solvent weld. Pipe four inches and larger shall have mechanical joints. 13. Minimum depth cover over all pipe shall be 30". 14. Minimum compaction shall be: a. 95% in Rights-of-way. b. 85% everywhere else. 15. Concrete thrust blocks shall be required at all tees and bends as shown on this plan. Angle fittings required at all change of direction of pipes over 11 1/47 where shown on this plan. 16. All services shall be placed at the midpoint of rear lot or side lot line unless otherwise shown on this plan. They shall extend past property line into lot as shown on detail. 17. Contractor shall verify the location of all other utilities before installing the irrigation pipe. 18. Contractor to verify location of all landscape lot services with owner prior to installation. 19. Where pipe must be deflected to keep alignment shown on this plan, the contractor shall not exceed pipe manufacturers recommendations. 20. All valves must be at most 10' from the street Right-of-way, unless otherwise shown. 21. All valves at street crossings shall be on both sides of streets. 22. Contractor shall install plugs at end of fittings that serve areas not included in construction of this phase. 23. Contractor shall be responsible for verifying all pipe lengths shown on this plan before pipe installation. 24. Contractor shall be responsible for repairing and replacing disturbed fence and landscaping in order to install new services. Each Homeowner shall be notified at least 24 hours before any property disturbance. 25. Retain and protect all existing utilities and irrigation facilities. 26. Contractor shall install a drain at all low points in the pipe and a pressure relief valve at all high points in the pipe (even if not shown). 27. Wherever the pressure irrigation line crosses the gravity irrigation and there is a conflict, the pressure irrigation line shall go below the gravity irrigation line and a drain shall be installed at the low point of each location, unless the pressure irrigation line can go over the gravity irrigation and still have a minimum cover of 30". 28. Contractor shall install pressure irrigation line to depths that match the final grading plan with 30" of minimum cover. 29. Contractor shall install a service to every lot including common lots, even if not shown. O 0 00 O U rY O 0 IL O 0 W 00 J i Z O c�fl 0 rY o a O Q W 00Q IL Z 0 N to N T-- -0 _(D-_4) L Q c a E 00 mc a> O N m o 0 0'� 1 1 = 2 .�,., > a L G> IL a a Q� U �C E: a (D 1� Eu o N a) J'^a ai%)'v of UV ooQ. UN N C /�� d .V w U N 'Fn\^�t Q -0 O U) =oma 3o am to U � •�'- �' s C •- CL O N U O N • T to .N O 3 U C a C o rn M OE� O- W O'Z. 75 C O O d w N � N L Q •O L 0� Z C U N d U 00 O_0=0�� fn OU3 V N •C V a LL F- W D -WD No�� N � OF- . o _o 0:0 U) _ =c U .2 . ` N h p (� Z O J o a '� •U LSOC' U C y (n N ` OC) Q. - O 'Cp' U p CO m = a 0 Q m O 'C _ _` g = E o6 3 w � •U y •a3i o m n. W _ U N i N O V 0 •w o ��oa-Q = a i w'Z3 75 m > �Cno���� ai VT�,��dj��'� E 0 Z ca J Z y CC Ll O W � ca O LQfty W Z 0 • Z LLi 0Z� 0 W (~ 0 A~ U w o :�: o a, 0 w 00 N i n(f)(00 �00o LL, w x o U)Qo 0 co o Q z00 U)Qn C) co w z�v rn N o O Q_ SCALE 1 "=40' DWG.DATE 04/05/18 PROJ. NO. 1801 14 SHEET 19 OF 21 t � t SHEETS/1 801 14-PIR.DWG r > w a C) c' p N O Mw <5 a w 0 M SE-nw Z - - Ocrio�O w N z O z m w 3 w &E EE o=a ca J Z y CC Ll O W � ca O LQfty W Z 0 • Z LLi 0Z� 0 W (~ 0 A~ U w o :�: o a, 0 w 00 N i n(f)(00 �00o LL, w x o U)Qo 0 co o Q z00 U)Qn C) co w z�v rn N o O Q_ SCALE 1 "=40' DWG.DATE 04/05/18 PROJ. NO. 1801 14 SHEET 19 OF 21 t � t SHEETS/1 801 14-PIR.DWG 269 269 W• • 267 267 WO 266 N. 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET HORIZONTAL SCALE 4 2 0 4 8 12 SCALE IN FEET VERTICAL SCALE N2 '2st,<, UU 6,5 2U 62 --du 62--4U 62 UU 61 --bU J n SC = 29+03 SC = 29 4U 6U SEWER & WATER KEYNOTE LIST WS 28--40 28--00 27 60 21--20 E8 ¢ NwTB LF SL = 54' SI = 2680.8 SL = 54' S! = 268 �I DESCRIPTION E8 TB � C> z C' C) W N3 S3 � A8 Adaptor, 8', Fig. x MJ ' . TB SC = 27+57 SL = 37 z9 f 1;8 LF N2 WS N3 S2 N� B1 Blow—Off, 2", per Std. (W12) W6 = TB A SI = 2678.0 W6 B2 Blow—Off, 2', per Std. (W13), Including 8' Valve H 0O0t000 `I af N ,n : - < _ - : t . cV �g V8 V8 � -r- V JJ c6- � Cda 10.5' " �I ( C8 Cross, 8", All Fig. V6 A8 � I 00 � T7 C8 A8 BLK.2 �C TB V8 V8 A8 T268"W W 8.5: 252 LF 00C N�+rM w_ E3 p 8 11 1 4' MJ x Fig. Elbow, / , g SSMH #SMC1 — LO N2 N2 — — E8 Elbow, 8", 11 1/4% MJ TB SC = 32+85 STA=28+06.22 � s0 s0. J , , 2s+� 10"S U to E13 8" 22 1 2 MJ x Fig. Elbow, / g E8 SL = 51 SI — 2683.2 to OII O 19' at w E18 Elbow, 8', 22 1/2', MJ •.. N3 — — — — — — — • , : • N2 '• ` " H Fire Hydrant Assembly Complete per td. W7 W9 ( ) & ( ) TB:.' E8 �---------- .. oo :: N3 R13 Reducer, 8"x 6, All Fig. S2 .`n E TB NE S2 °D u S1 Single Metered Service Connection, 1" with 3/4" Meter and o° SC = 28+98 SC = 29+61 3/4" Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (W2) and (W5). _ SL = 37 SL = 37 Double Metered Service Connection, 1", with 3/4" Meters and 26 SC = 33+15 2 SL 53 SSMH #SMC20 125 =; STA -28+85.31 Sl = 2680.7 SI = 2681.0 S2 3/4" Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (W3) and (W5). r N3 SI = 2683.4Single ^ 30 S3 " Metered Service Connection, 2 , with 2 Meter and .� o J 29 — 2' Meter Setter, per Std. (W4). E8 TB ��N��. —N 4 q' N vOfNtj II ti T3 Tee, 8'x 8'x 8", MJ x MJ x Fig. Q N2 N2 s II N BLK.2 T7 Tee, 8'x 8"x 6", MJ x MJ x Fig. — — J 4" T26 Tee 8'x 8'x 8' All Fl. g T __— --_- \ oO�QN N d-�fn� j O P.C.C. Thrust Block (As required even if not shown) ��� / W s II N �= E8 TB See Water Note 1 on Title Sheet and ISPWC SD -403 s� o 4 I V6 Valve, 6' Gate, Fig. x MJ _-- — —-------- -- w�� SSMH #SMC3 $Tq \ \ 4"PIRR V8 Valve, 8' Gate, Fig. x MJ N I I \ STA=30+28.42 ti1,gTL, 0Q0 / N2 \ \ \ \ \ \ W6 Water Main, 6' PVC, C-900 .' I G GROUND \ TB H / o \ \ \ \ _o W8 Water Main, 8' PVC, C-900 26 ' I I S( aid \\ \ T3 t.: ^� ES 2g :: \ \ y ,� 9 TB •" After Agency Has Closed Existing Valve A , The Contractor Shall SI 3' \ y N1 Remove The Existing Blow—off And Thrust Block To Complete •'' \ TB ��2s' �• \ The Interconnection As Shown. 00 I �h� H See Water Note No. 2 and Sewer Note No. 2 on the Title Sheet. ' TB : + :. -• .. _ ._ N2 (Adjust Water Line, As Needed, to Maintain Minimum Separation) N3 See Water Note No. 3 and Sewer Note No. 3 on the Title Sheet. (SEE SHEET S-5 N4 Extend Water Service Pigtail 5' Past 4' Pirr Main Inside Lot. 14 ClN UU 6,5 bU .5S 2U 62 --du 62--4U 62 UU 61 --bU 61--2u SU --du ,5U 4U 6U UU 29 --bo 29--20 28--80 28--40 28--00 27 60 21--20 26--80 26--40 26--00 25-4 � C> z C' C) W N Z J h O �Wpz� a 0O0t000 af � -r- c6- � Cda � 00 11 if 00C N�+rM P110 Nt — LO aN01) N N�II to U 000N^ yB to dto o To r�M to OII O at &EF N �II W N a +d °o tON iN+a c ao N NE ail °D u cw " jc00+ATS U: N 00 — NN T — N ----- ��N��. —N N vOfNtj II ti j _v 11 s II N o_ II __— --_- --- oO�QN N d-�fn� j ��� / W s II N _-- — —-------- -- w�� EXISTI G GROUND ti AT ER LINE 4 N2 ; JI vy NN r g I 3 M J ��UiIf v J tr c a 179.83 LF 8' PVC @ 0.50% 159.87 LF 711 8" PVC ® 0.507. QUI LF 8' PV ®0.50% 75.09 LF N Z 8' PVC @ 0.51 % 194.50 LF I to 33``' ``' Z�-Z 10' PVC( 0.35% I 1- r- to M O N N Uj n U -j In to n rn v Z N N N N � n o ��.LJ C) Z> If Z II II If Z? o t^o N N II nLn N M rri r7 00 r�i v Z L Z CO >> > II H- I>>I I to coCO "qO Go CD NN C14 '0 coCO ZZ N a0 a 00 a — Z II FII z S. MONT GUE WAY coo— >o z o . 4 4+00 33+60 33+20 32+80 32+40 32+00 31+60 31+20 30+80 30+40 30+00 29+60 29+20 28+80 28+40 28+00 27+60 27+20 26+80 26+40 26+00 25+E 696 ?692 Moe woo ?676 672 0 64 NOTES: 1. The locations of existing underground utilities are shown in an approximate way only. The contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities before commencing work. The contractor assumes all responsibility for any and all damages caused by his failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all underground utilities. Dig Line telephone number is 1-800-342-1585. 2. Contractor shall verify each lot has an existing sewer service and is marked per STD SW3. Install service and/or marker as needed. 0 0 z 00 0 _r O 0 O LL L1..1 00 J z 0 c- 0 W O 0 a- o W 0 O Q LL Z o p O 2�o�o LL Q > a C, Of N U _C O :moi p� Q O N O N boa Qac UU �a000 Q o C C yO- L... � a c�a 30 aNi N U •— �WoE. ^ a � LL in N o' •o rn O C N p c O M Q' U O +"O. aW fn N 2 i3.. 0Y �o�allo 00 o-oL _ LL '... O O L E N DU��U_� O +U 4 O W�/ t / LL o v Q o o ) UU ti O O �J ZQ O O ti O U a_0 E f V C y � QU C U a O O Q 0 +'CzOUC oCN N- C Q O E O 3 U V Z. 1 wp L C O O a =o0 . �o 75 N C N D ` E O IpNAL E\"� GCsIST'v$%fV'. N 0) O N E c, Z .. LLJ 00 F' N � d- 00 00o � W W X � o� po o_ooo Qzt,o (n—r7 oo0.) Q' ip W Z O N o O MIR zQ LLJ LU z C> Q M Vi 0 Q W LILJ C/) SCALE 1 "=40' 1"=4' HORIZ VERT DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. No, 180114 SHEET 11 OF 21 S-1 SHEETS/ 180114—SS.DWG a zw�== oow�� Z�Zo� omg?o 4 Z V Z Z o z��}w s�W V; 0 ���z � C> z C' C) W N Z J h O �Wpz� a LLJ 00 F' N � d- 00 00o � W W X � o� po o_ooo Qzt,o (n—r7 oo0.) Q' ip W Z O N o O MIR zQ LLJ LU z C> Q M Vi 0 Q W LILJ C/) SCALE 1 "=40' 1"=4' HORIZ VERT DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. No, 180114 SHEET 11 OF 21 S-1 SHEETS/ 180114—SS.DWG +57 78.0, A8 XT #SMC1 06.22 :MH #SMC2 =28+85.31 113 w 0 w w V f 0 27C 269 269 I1OZ� .: 26% 26% 266 SSMH #SMC9 STA=35+30.87 SC = 32+85 SL = 51' Sl = 2683.2 0 '_/ 0- bU 26 UU 26--4U 26 60 29--20 29 60 M__00 30 40 60--80 61--20 31--60 32 00 32-40 32--80 33--20 33--60 34--00 34 40 34--80 35--20 35--60 36--00 36- 6- 00 CN 00 d 2 CO K, _ COCri 00 �, 00 N CIO a _ tD N co C�p�N ICON U ONM+ C� ON'0+ lu O to N 6NM+ U -2 N o 'II - N o �ro 11 u 0000 C.0 C14 Co�� Co c II +� M c II + Jr7 v ``'¢`�' �N� 6Nv'+ s M EXISTING GROUND Mw'�' a�?`"''v �```¢N N 00 M ° i to 00 r- c if C�l+ a J M �I T SEWER LINE a ¢ cn Q N cn cn N cn d to tin — _ — — (n 0 0o a 00 - f- d-o-cn'' cn oo - H- to d-�cn" _ ---------- ---- — — — — — — — 00.7 tn ---- - --- ----- tin awgQ N 14, 01:- __ --- ----- -FT V) d � N - — ----- ---- ---- -- -- FINISHED GROUND AT SEWER LINE N2 4LLJ N N2 � 0 N �N 'W'^^ VI co 3 31.33 10" PVC 0 0.35% LF 1710-05 LF 42.55 LF186.97 10" PVC ® 0.35% d A^" ru rf% rA n 'Zr,*/ 0" PVC 0 0.35 10' PVC @ 0.357. vv v3 N N N 2 CO ori N ori r� N N z �LU Ui n CO t^D N N N Z Z Z N Lo CO N to N II n tl Z C) O � > C0 toN O� O OQ N N S Z TZ O O = Z- C=' °°� E. WOODVILLE DR. 4 7+60 28+00 28+40 28+80 29+20 29+60 30+00 30+40 30+80 31+20 31+60 32+00 32+40 32+80 33+20 33+60 34+00 34+40 34+80 35+20 35+60 36+00 361 � C L Qc-2 o2 O O a v> a> W C N p O Lw V NpE 40 20 0 40 80 120 U > > 0 .i r IA ) 'C' -> > d N pLn U N +C W O F - SCALE IN FEET t) a Q�� N .V O U N� � J L (D Sf 0 } HORIZONTAL SCALE N a 3. �C L��/N..L� N U N 4 2 0 4 8 12 U �p z it n'p E i ` E U /� ^ p N ] N N LLL I L N N w 3 C c rn c „ O � ¢ SCALE IN FEET m Of S o _ w VERTICAL SCALE -C c "- —. Infer z C rtT, U O N U O O V)LL n 3 y-. O v O L in U a o _ N DU W LL o v o o _ c rny a> o y c c p U) o o E2 Z SEWER & WATER KEYNOTE LIST CL O J,_:�� iTEM DESCRIPTION A8 Adaptor, 8, Fig. x MJ ` 3 0 3,,Ui oUN B1 Blow—Off, 2", per Std. (W12) E B2 Blow—Off, 2% per Std. (W13), Including 8" Valve a o U .3 C8 Cross, 8, All Fig. Q ° " " �'� ami 3 � � � m v E3 Elbow, $ , 11 1/4, MJ x Fig. o U ; o E8 Elbow, 8", 11 1/4% MJ w s r o o� U E13 Elbow, 8", 22 1/2', MJ x ng. o E18 Elbow, 8", 22 1/7, MJ �� 5 �oa�� s a c ami "api E o Z H Fre Hydrant Assembly Complete per Std. (W7) & (W9) R13 Reducer, 8"x 6, All Flg. �S1pNAL S1 Single Metered Service Connection, 1", with 3/4" Meter and ��, ZSTE� 3/4" Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (W2) and (W5). r S2 Double Metered Service Connection, 1", with 3/4" Meters and 6 3/4" Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (W3) and (W5). �?, 0 0 S3 Single Metered Service Connection, 2', with 2" Meter and ��F 9 SGS 2" Meter Setter, per Std. (W4). �'1►r S'T T3 Tee, 8'x 8"x 8", MJ x MJ x Ag. a T7 Tee, 8'x 8x6",MJxMJxAg. T26 Tee, 8"x 8"x 8", All Fig. 3 O P.C.C. Thrust Block (As required even if not shown) W m See Water Note 1 on Title Sheet and ISPWC SD -403 J w zZ z C) z o Z V6 Valve, 6' Gate, Fig. x MJ z J O V O O t - V8 Valve, 8' Gate, Fig. x MJ Z N U W6 Water Main, 6" PVC, C-900 N z CD_ ZZzaw W8 Water Main, 8' PVC, C-900 N o W m w �Z��o After Agency Has Closed Existing Valve 'A', The Contractor Shall = W N1 Remove The Existing Blow—off And Thrust Block To Complete The Interconnection As Shown. O See Water Note No. 2 and Sewer Note No. 2 on the Title Sheet. J Q N2 (Adjust Water Line, As Needed, to Maintain Minimum Separation) y oI W o0 N3 See Water Note No. 3 and Sewer Note No. 3 on the Title Sheet. �� - M-2700co N4 Extend Water Service Pigtail 5' Past 4" Pirr Main Inside Lot. 00 Lw x W Iron � 2co Z -o 2696 ftsmi V (n Q 00 z CO w z�o LQ0 L 2692 NOTES: 1. The locations of existing underground utilities are shown in an approximate way only. The contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities before commencing work. The contractor IL1 assumes all responsibility for any and all damages caused by his failure to exactly locate and J 2688 preserve any and all underground utilities. Dig Line telephone number is 1-800-342-1585. Go H 2. Contractor shall verify each lot has an existing sewer service and is marked per STD SW3. Install 1� 0rr Q service and/or marker as needed. o �o zM M 2684 w z z-+ n U) C) _ �- ONO A Iz of LU 2680 � � N � �,w < W [V�1 � � J O � A w D 2676 IJJ W 3: z W M 0 u) 2672 0 SCALE 1 "=40' 1 "=4' d' LL HORIZ VERT 0 W DWG.DATE 04/06/18 2668 Z> PROD. N0. 180114 0 O SHEET 12 OF 21 M Q w 00<S-2 2664 O z o SHEETS/1 80114 —S S. DWG (SEE SHEET S-2 f Q wQ Q:� __J � I � m _ h M L O n oNc I LL N J > tl C N � O 'D CJ � d N d d d CL' L av m a Y.L O m C O I yam-+ O T d Q }n+1 W O Q I C c 0 i p am rn V ?7 - al a> z C: CwOE :D cc ^` O O i1 E ami _ E U //�� yE> n LL O c b a SEWER & WATER KEYNOTE LIST o r o c T M d' O O .., a Lt, m ITEM DESCRIPTION v'm 2v >o, A8 Adaptor, 8", Fig. x MJ 40 20 0 40 80 120 A/ z U +O+ a O m O B1 Blow -Off, 2", per Std. (W12) 00 .y F B2 Blow -Off, 2", per Std. (W13), Including 8 Valve o •" SCALE IN FEET LL- a o a N DU_Uo2 C8 Cross, 8', All Fig.HORIZONTAL SCALE W �y- o N m > � � N 2 O O Q O O O E3 Elbow, 8", 11 1/4', MJ x Fig. •3 � .� � o .- °' E8 Elbow, 8", 11 1/4% MJ 4 2 0 4 8 12v o o g o: E13 Elbow, 8% 22 1/7, MJ x Fig. 0 o / �z aaao�� a. �- � c o U o Q U E a E18 Elbow, 8", 22 1/2', MJ SCALE IN FEET � H Fire Hydrant Assembly Complete per Std. (W7) & (W9) VERTICAL SCALE 3 n o ¢ a a> 33 o 0 3 N O U to R13 Reducer, 8'x 6', All Fig. �Te%t` N Single Metered Service Connection, 1", with 3/4' Meter and Z C L o S1 3/4" Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (W2) and (W5). Q a U Double Metered Service Connection, 1% with 3/4" Meters and S2 3/4" Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (W3) and (W5). o S3 Single Metered Service Connection, 2', with 2' Meter and t a o O O D V 2" Meter Setter, per Std. (W4). T3 Tee, 8'x 8"x 8', MJ x MJ x Fig. T7 Tee, 8'x 8"x 6', MJ x MJ x Fig. N U \ ��o���w z T26 Tee, 8"x 8"x 8", All Fig. NOTES: 1. The locations of existing underground utilities are shown in an approximate way only. The contractor S10Nn G' �� P.C.C. Thrust Block (As required even if not shown) �,5 iSTE l O See Water Note 1 on Title Sheet and ISPWC SD -403 shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities before commencing work. The contractor off, ��,� assumes all responsibility for any and all damages caused by his failure to exactly locate and V6 Valve, 6" Gate, Fig. x MJ preserve any and all underground utilities. Dig Line telephone number is 1-800-342-1585. V8 Valve, 8' Gate, Fig. x MJ 2. Contractor shall verify each lot has an existing sewer service and is marked per STD SW3. Install W6 Water Main, 6" PVC, C-900 service and/or marker as needed. �F / l W8 Water Main, 8' PVC, C-900 After Agency Has Closed Existing Valve "A", The Contractor Shall S Remove The Existing Blow -off And Thrust Block To Complete r W W � F - The Interconnection As Shown. w >Z -o See Water Note No. 2 and Sewer Note No. 2 on the Title Sheet. o w o N2 (Adjust Water Line, As Needed, to Maintain Minimum Separation) m w Z N3 See Water Note No. 3 and Sewer Note No. 3 on the Title Sheet. z z Z z Q o N4 Extend Water Service Pigtail 5' Post 4" Pirr Main Inside Lot. z o Cn O Z O O Z O C7 CJ Z CD n W W > � W Z m m 3 I ------------- ----- #POWEf7F ------------- -------------- -FUT-6"PIR----------------P--- - E. - 12 PUC—�P!/C— E. X — —8P1 .G. E. — �8gff _X_ E G. -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- 27C 26c, 26� PON 26i 26i K womi 111111114 bU S5 2U S5 6U 66 UU 66--4U 66--80 37 20 37--60 38--00 38--40 38--80 39--20 39 60 40--00 40--40 40--80 41 �C> O—co 1_684 0:2z m C DO O ozwg� ON I '_680 C O - m vs VL N I U (n ?676 0 N 0 U SZto w �. U) z Q d00 _ 0000 W '_672 z 0 O � N M to + w vD 00 et t0 LQ co01 CO ON -4 COto CO + 0 Z U II + �w�� 11 SCALE 1 "=40' 1 "=4' HORIZ VERT 1_668 0 0 ^� SON DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROD. NO. 180114 Z > U 11 }N 64 0 1— C'J � z o En 30 SHEETS/ 180114-SS.DWG clit►� C6 N co -F+'� EXISM GROUND `N `- N=E +'r AT SEWER LINE _ ---- ----- =E ce` ¢N `2 i0' ¢N —-------- J� — — — — — FINISHED GROUND AT SEWER UNL N2 J N N2 4 J N � tr � ' 31.33 194.17 LF, /_1 0" PVC 0 0.357. 303.CO LF 10" PVC 0 0.35% 10" PVC.0 0.35% M Q 00 V) Z (/) �.�. N v O N O N N co co co � n � N to N II 11 Z s N N O ZLl 11 ZZ �_ C) — — 00 r - o E II 000 0 S CUB LA WAY 4 ; F80 35+20 35+60 36+00 36+40 36+80 37+20 37+60 38+00 38+40 38+80 39+20 39+60 40+00 40+40 40+80 41 +z womi 111111114 .J O O 000 y 0 LNco CA 0 WLdx ? 696 .� �C> O—co womi 111111114 O ZalO � Cz O Q � No � Of'i CA z � oS' i, ?692 �— 0 N o 0 '_688 W Z O 1_684 0:2z m 06 ozwg� '_680 ~ m vs VL N I U (n ?676 0 Zi W O A 0 U w �. U) z Q W '_672 z 0 w vD 00 b 0 0 LL SCALE 1 "=40' 1 "=4' HORIZ VERT 1_668 0 0 0 00 DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROD. NO. 180114 Z > SHEET 13 OF 21 O 13- o 64 0 1— S-3 � z o SHEETS/ 180114-SS.DWG J (SEE SHEET S-1 E8 TB c \ 4"PIRR N2 V8 TB T3 \ E8 '-A W8 W8 .�x N2 Gr W8 TB F TB W6 TB A .9 LF V6 H V8 V8 T7 C8 A8 A8 BLK.2 ''W8 E8 TB SC = 32+85 lc• SL = 51' N3 SI = 2683.2 TB E8 S2 • .+ F__T____I 9. 19 TB TB H 20 V6 T7 SC = 39+27 ' SL = 47' SI = 2682.6 S1 13 ® 13 • � 109 LF SSMH #SMC10B_ STA=40+16.20_ 2 269 269 oo 267 267 266 L SC = 40+16.20 SL=42' SI = 2682.2 18 4"PIRR 4"PIRR BLK.2 21 22 23 SC = 38+69 SC = 38+01 SC = 37+40 SL=47' SIL =47' SL=47' SI = 2682.9 SI = 2683.1 SI = 2683.4 S2 S2 N3 N3 N3 337 LF E. RENWICK CT. } 8a N o 38+00 -)f 00 S2 SC = 37+01 SL=44' SI = 2683.5 13 (SEE SHEET S-2 N2 N2 11 SC = 34+29 19 o SL = 54' cn N3 SI = 2683.0 � S2 TB ' , -'- SC = 34+92 12 24 TB N3 SL = 54' S! = 2683.3 SC = 36+56 H SL = 47' E8 TB SI = 2683.7 V6 A- TB TB T7 - N3 Eg W6 15' SSMH #SMC9 _ -,- STA=35+30.87 9 LF. .- ` N2 '26 A8 V8 V8 TB 51 LF 8„W 23 LF J SC = 35+59 1 T W8 SL = 52' 8T M N3 SI = 2683.6 36+00 90 E8 TB o S2 o N3 M SSMH ISMC10 N3 SC = 36+15 S1 STA=35+66.20 SL = 54' SC = 36+32 Dor SI = 2683.8 SL = 44' W8 SI = 2683.8 12 0 `• U V; N3 SC = 36+79 SL = 54' SI = 2684.1 some SEE SHEET S-3 -U 4U 4U UU 39 :. ZU ,56 bU Jd 4U J8 Uu 3/ N3 N3 S2 36--40 SSMH #SMC10A 35 60 35 S2 STA=37+91.20 SC = 39+59 SL = 44' SC = 38+95 SC = 38+30 SC = 37+65 SL = 44' SL = 44' SL = 44' SI = 2682.5 SI = 2682.8 SI = 2683.0 SI = 2683.3 17 16 15 14 S2 SC = 37+01 SL=44' SI = 2683.5 13 (SEE SHEET S-2 N2 N2 11 SC = 34+29 19 o SL = 54' cn N3 SI = 2683.0 � S2 TB ' , -'- SC = 34+92 12 24 TB N3 SL = 54' S! = 2683.3 SC = 36+56 H SL = 47' E8 TB SI = 2683.7 V6 A- TB TB T7 - N3 Eg W6 15' SSMH #SMC9 _ -,- STA=35+30.87 9 LF. .- ` N2 '26 A8 V8 V8 TB 51 LF 8„W 23 LF J SC = 35+59 1 T W8 SL = 52' 8T M N3 SI = 2683.6 36+00 90 E8 TB o S2 o N3 M SSMH ISMC10 N3 SC = 36+15 S1 STA=35+66.20 SL = 54' SC = 36+32 Dor SI = 2683.8 SL = 44' W8 SI = 2683.8 12 0 `• U V; N3 SC = 36+79 SL = 54' SI = 2684.1 some SEE SHEET S-3 -U 4U 4U UU 39 bU 39 ZU ,56 bU Jd 4U J8 Uu 3/ 60 31--20 36--80 36--40 36--00 35 60 35 0 0 oc J • J Z m J 0 Ldz z n b- U ON U') - 0[- 3f: LLJ O Iw- W N z ~ A O M N w (7) z Q 00C�l 00p CrU)� W � w w z 00 M co OO C> eq 00_y cn U O N M ONS+ U O (�!/ = II O +O 1-1 o 0SCALE U ONO+ p 1 "=40' HORIZ 1 "=4' VERT OILL W = 11 + FINISHED G GROUND PROJ. No. 180114 Z O M SHEET 14 OF 21 � ? if o w IIN AT SEWER NE tii Cnn��c¢�nC v, 11 cn V) 00- zo cn ao rQ- SHEETS/ 180114-SS.DWG cn V) d-(ifV) --- -_'-_ --- EXISTING GROUND AT SEWER UNE 4 ' 221.00 LF I " PVC 0 0.757 22100 LF Cn -8" PVC 0 0.75% Mco O 000 N00 CO i--� LU 3 Q N ->� Z o CO00 Cp CD N Z en Z N N II II r- � c) C Co �coto Cp N N N 00= 00 Co E. REINWICECA CT. o 10. 0 .0+40 40+00 39+60 39+20 38+80 38+40 38+00 37+60 37+20 36+80 36+40 36+00 35+60 35+, S2 696 ?692 SIM >_676 ?672 14 15 N. 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET HORIZONTAL SCALE 4 2 0 4 8 12 SCALE IN FEET VERTICAL SCALE SEWER & WATER KEYNOTE LIST {TEM DESCRIPTION A8 Adaptor, 8 Fig. x MJ B1 Blow -Off, 2", per Std. (W12) B2 Blow -Off, 2", per Std. (W13), Including 8" Valve C8 Cross, 8", All Flg. E3 Elbow, 8", 11 1/4', MJ x Flg. E8 Elbow, 8", 11 1/4% MJ E13 Elbow, 8, 22 1/2', MJ x Fig. E18 Elbow, 8", 22 1 IT, MJ H Fire Hydrant Assembly Complete per Std. (W7) & (W9) R13 Reducer, 8"x 6", All Fig. S1 Single Metered Service Connection, 1', with 3/4' Meter and 3/4' Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (W2) and (W5). S2 Double Metered Service Connection, 1", with 3/4" Meters and 3/4" Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (W3) and (W5). S3 Single Metered Service Connection, 2", with 2" Meter and 2" Meter Setter, per Std. (W4). T3 Tee, 8"x 8"x 8% MJ x MJ x Flg. T7 Tee, 8"x 8"x 6% MJ x MJ x Flg. T26 Tee, 8"x 8"x 8% All ng. P.C.C. Thrust Block (As required even if not shown) See Water Note 1 on Title Sheet and ISPWC SD -403 V6 Valve, 6' Gate, Ag. x MJ V8 Valve, 8" Gate, Flg. x MJ W6 Water Main, 6" PVC, C-900 W8 Water Main, 8" PVC, C-900 After Agency Has Closed Existing Valve "A", The Contractor Shall N1 Remove The Existing Blow -off And Thrust Block To Complete The Interconnection As Shown. N2 See Water Note No. 2 and Sewer Note No. 2 on the Title Sheet. (Adjust Water Line, As Needed, to Maintain Minimum Separation) N3 See Water Note No. 3 and Sewer Note No. 3 on the Title Sheet. N4 Extend Water Service Pigtail 5' Past 4" Pirr Main Inside Lot. NOTES: 1. The locations of existing underground utilities are shown in on approximate way only. The contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities before commencing work. The contractor assumes all responsibility for any and all damages caused by his failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all underground utilities. Dig Line telephone number is 1-800-342-1585. 2. Contractor shall verify each lot has an existing sewer service and is marked per STD SW3. Install service and/or marker as needed. 4) U) -0 L �_acv O O c a `o > > LL +;� O.L.+ > O_ O N V a aE _ vi v Cl) > c .� a>> ° Q O N N O p a � L) L N T Cl - O �✓ O+ N U a Oi +-' to �' Q to U �W�_ �_ Z C• C O E ..'_.. y ` O a a�t> ^ m O v cn c v rn Q M ; `oL aw m 2 O O 3 O h m Z v L O 00 N N y C ILC `o 3 0 F- � � DU� Uo� W Z) a m > a> >X -' �o_aaoo 0� o 3 6 c N O o p ! 1 Z D_ 4 a O •� •U CL0 Doo�� o � �a QU°J c o C V d 3 p a O¢ p 1-�o . T Heo=•�>=�3� AE5 C � U � C w I_ o'o a � z 5S1pNAL ��rG � cAA '��o a m 0 ¢ S J 0 0 3 0 Qf J W CD Z Z D ~ J W Z U Z Z N Q Z O 0 >- w Z M O O Z N 0 2 �•- J � U Z cn oNZo� z �Z w oZmm3 O z a o o rn 0 co Ld 00 H N I oc o ��C) 00 CN o W X W �O`` Uoo C) O O moor V azo Cz o C) W00 O z � rn c o 0 a W J_ 0 0 oc CL Z m 0 Ldz z O_ b- U z ~ 0[- 3f: LLJ Iw- W 0 z ~ A O F_ U w (7) z Q CrU)� W � w w z 00 0 cn rr 1-1 o 0SCALE 1 "=40' HORIZ 1 "=4' VERT OILL W co DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. No. 180114 Z O SHEET 14 OF 21 0 o M 00< Q tii S-4 0 L zo SHEETS/ 180114-SS.DWG IA=J I taL.LU 3.12 SEE SHEET S-1 SC = 33+15 SL = 53' SI = 2683.4 4' St Sl SI co I 8"W E. MURCHISON ' W m 3LLd :.. SC = SL = SI = 4"PI in I 269 269 267 267 266 266 N. 270 267 267 266 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET HORIZONTAL SCALE 4 2 0 4 8 12 SCALE IN FEET VERTICAL SCALE -5--2U Cl 62 du 62--4U .52 UU J1 6U S 1 4 UU 64--40 .54 FINISHED GROUND ZU 65 6U S6 UU SU 4U S6 6U 6/--20 S / AT SEWEf UNE -' O H J W J li 0 • J cV 00 � 0�C6>- p w O � + p r7 Q c a 2:r rn O Q z WpZp�m3 .: 0(] c ^ LL' 1 � C co 06 to O N U to N t0 N N CD 0 Ui 0 (D O Z5 I>>I NN N -A-- t N C II i - w CL N a U 9 1.a7 J W p U } W p o rn d Q A L N I �F-� CnF-LYNN Naomi (n d M(nCn U) ma EXISTING GROUND OR --- 00 00 O MO Nco -q:U- AT SEWER UNE OtlNg4I_ ZS Z pr� 1 •- Md J C3C 0 0 UN� m�00o_aW �W�iM I! Cn f\(n O O SCALE 1 "=40' 1 "=4' VERT OHORIZ 3 N a� U O p i- ML +N p to II NO. 180114 z U II N (0 SHEET 15 OF 21 0 O_ o a� c" + 00 D(ISTING GROUND w L11 61 N8 O o �N �s� — z � 0 II + o�N �I W� o2°'N AT SEWER UNE a ¢�,, 54.19 LF 00 cn �Mcn� ---- _ —``— C N " PVC ® 0.41 % PJM 11 a C C d -N •� rn co N st�NCz � ___ �� ZCL `-'-- too t (/) ^W W �� 1 ��c~n----- N ---- — _7F U _ Z ^ h � � a ��� N y-¢ a c _ - 1 U c 00 II Z II II II Z - Z >Z Z a N v p x L o cc --.c-� O c - E 00 " '0 co _ N U N 3 co AT SEWER UNE S. PIONE R TRAIL AY 4 W :5 ' 13+20 32+80 32+40 32+00 31+60 31 +Z o 696 ?692 • ?676 ?672 ?664 0 SEWER & WATER KEYNOTE LIST ITEM DESCRIPTION A8 Adaptor, 8", Fig. x MJ B1 Blow—Off, 2", per Std. (W12) B2 Blow—Off, 2 per Std. (W13), Including 8" Valve C8 Cross, 8% All Fig. E3 Elbow, 8", 11 1/4% MJ x Fig. E8 Elbow, 8", 11 1/4`, MJ E13 Elbow, 8", 22 1/2`, MJ x Fig. E18 Elbow, 80, 22 1/27, MJ H Fire Hydrant Assembly Complete per Std. (W7) & (W9) R13 Reducer, 8"x 6", All Fig. S1 Single Metered Service Connection, 1 ", with 3/4" Meter and 3/4" Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (W2) and (W5). S2 Double Metered Service Connection, 1', with 3/4" Meters and 3/4" Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (0) and (W5). S3 Single Metered Service Connection, 2", with 2" Meter and 2" Meter Setter, per Std. (W4). T3 Tee, 8"x 8"x 8", MJ x MJ x Fig. T7 Tee, 8"x 8"x 6", MJ x MJ x Fig. T26 Tee, 80x 8"x 8", All Fig. O P.C.C. Thrust Block (As required even if not shown) See Water Note 1 on Title Sheet and ISPWC SD -403 V6 Valve, 6" Gate, Flg. x MJ V8 Valve, 8" Gate, Fig. x MJ W6 Water Main, 6" PVC, C-900 W8 Water Main, 8" PVC, C-900 After Agency Has Closed Existing Valve "A", The Contractor Shall N1 Remove The Existing Blow—off And Thrust Block To Complete The Interconnection As Shown. N2 See Water Note No. 2 and Sewer Note No. 2 on the Title Sheet. (Adjust Water tine, As Needed, to Maintain Minimum Separation) N3 See Water Note No. 3 and Sewer Note No. 3 on the Title Sheet. N4 Extend Water Service Pigtail 5' Past 4" Pirr Main Inside Lot. NOTES: 1. The locations of existing underground utilities are shown in an approximate way only. The contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities before commencing work. The contractor assumes all responsibility for any and all damages caused by his failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all underground utilities. Dig Line telephone number is 1-800-342-1585. 2. Contractor shall verify each lot has an existing sewer service and is marked per STD SW3. Install service and/or marker as needed. 1 bU 62 UU ,5Z 4U ,5Z bU 66 ZU 36--60 64 UU 64--40 .54 6U S5 ZU 65 6U S6 UU SU 4U S6 6U 6/--20 S / E Z Uj Z Z v E O H J W J li 0 • C= 0�C6>- p w O N + CD Q c a 2:r rn O Q z WpZp�m3 L Z O oZa LL' V a ao �'o CD 0 Ui 0 (D U �✓f w CL N a U 9 .0 . I O C } o rn d Q A L r7 co � (- SoZZo , U) ma z Q OR =0 om C N 00 00 O MO Nco -q:U- OtlNg4I_ ZS Z pr� O •- Md C3C 0 0 UN� m�00o_aW �W�iM I! f\(n O O SCALE 1 "=40' 1 "=4' VERT OHORIZ 0 N a� U O p i- ML +N p to II NO. 180114 z U II N (0 SHEET 15 OF 21 0 O_ o a� c" + 00 D(ISTING GROUND w L11 61 N8 O o �N �s� — z � 0 II + o�N �I W� o2°'N AT SEWER UNE a ¢�,, �ooQoo 00 cn �Mcn� ---- _ —``— C N rn PJM 11 a C C d -N •� rn co N st�NCz � ___ �� ZCL `-'-- (� 0 E O a U V C pl N LLJN = Wig 1 ��c~n----- ---- — _7F U _ a ��� N y-¢ a c _ - 2V 3 v 0 3 N p U U - FINISHED GROUND a N v p x L o cc --.c-� O c - E N U N 3 o -0 3 o a p v> AT SEWER UNE a� N N O O i W :5 -.+ T E \a L h C N U O J a0 N N2 3 >- 0 112.37 LF LF " 0.757 8" arc 0.7 209.2 LF ^ Z 8" PVC o 0.75% o 98. 3 LF 8" PVC 0 0.75% z v Z (`n W co � en^ tD N ^ ^ 3 n ZCO N N r_ r-� niq n tD to N N r11 . 1 Z N Z :z N v j co coO N N N Z >> Z � . cc wi ri un co CO r- r- to> = Z Z O O = 00 ori �n cri I -2— -r\ n un_ ^ co N N II Z >z - - 00 N N N � - — _ 00 II II II Z =>z II Z M O > Z 00 C> z -0c) S. P ONEER TRAIL WAY - _ = _ 00 00 00 1 +60 32+00 32+40 32+80 33+20 33+60 34+00 34+40 34+80 35+20 35+60 36+00 36+40 36+80 37+20 37+E _° 00 ?696 ?692 • ?676 ?672 M G�iSTE���j Y �- W nJ -C C N 1] C N o z ~ L 2 a� 00 _ C a LL N O p U Z PM4 Z Uj Z Z v E O H J W J li 0 • C= 0�C6>- p w O N + CD Q c a 2:r rn O Q z WpZp�m3 L Z O oZa LL' V a ao �'o 0 (D U �✓f w CL N a U 9 .0 . I O C } O0101011O C N a O Q A L Q (!a ,— U U) ma z Q =0 om C N N) "'R,—o o9._L ZS Z 'aa rn o O O C/) _r m�00o_aW Q m O .�� SCALE 1 "=40' 1 "=4' VERT OHORIZ 0 DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROD. NO. 180114 z 0 (0 SHEET 15 OF 21 0 O_ o r1Z ���=a o C U NO 00 w h _ v_ o '3': (nom u 3a LLQo��LE N � O o U N-o—in > z SHEETS/180114-SS.DWG W� o2°'N �ooQoo >� C 3 Of C C d -N •� �UUva`v ZCL `-'-- (� 0 E O a U V C pl N U _ a N y-¢ a c 2V 3 v 0 3 N p U U Q a N v p x L o cc --.c-� O c - E N U N 3 o -0 3 o a p v> a� N N O O i W :5 -.+ T E \a L h C N U O a0 G�iSTE���j Y �- W nJ o z ~ 0 0 o T� VS a Z PM4 Z Uj Z Z O H J W J li 0 • C= 0�C6>- p w O z o�Zo" CD zm Q z WpZp�m3 L Z O oZa LLJ T� VS Z PM4 LL O • rr 0�C6>- zm Q z O•'^/J LL' O LU 0004 celQ O O0101011O A L Q (!a ,— U � z Q rr VL LU W Z O C/) _r O SCALE 1 "=40' 1 "=4' VERT OHORIZ 0 DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROD. NO. 180114 z 0 (0 SHEET 15 OF 21 0 O_ o m Q � O o z SHEETS/180114-SS.DWG SEE SHEEP S-1 (SEE SHEEP S-5 SEE SHEET S-3 27C 269 269 •: •i 267 267 266 14 6u 6b--20 6b 6U 6b--00 615-40 6b 6u 61--20 6/ --bo 6b--00 66-40 68--80 69--20 69--60 40--00 40--A p y O w lr` i �JwmZ 0 00 N 0 3 a Zz N zao>Z Of 0 O z C6 Z N O '- C)UN po p a Ld Z z z o �NZo� o `% Y E N O OO Q O O 0 � ~ rC) F_ / li L d C -.+ � a O N o 00 W ON4 C4 Z o m Of ' �; �Awo 0-a 00 N z •coin `o Q Q Q '0 N U C N N o N LC U U) acc `o '^ v1 L1J z cp U 0Nt�i^- 0� O O O a 11 + U) 2 U �NpM 0 3 8 ` o .sem. ANISHED GROUND 1 "=40' 1 "=4' HORIZ VERT �cy �0.4- o O (n Z5 Lb K' v N0. 180114 z O EXISIING 'ROUND AT SEWER UNE O 0 � o = e- w u cn AT SEWER UNE N Q 0 ui A a N U N LL 0 o V 3 d N O N N M $Q' ¢ N � � U O SHEETS/ 180114—SS.DWG Vi d- 8::N W \.N- a � o tN d�NN c c N a p W ��V)N N y L N a N IL- V) O z N2 0 N 4 ; Go a'YVC 0 1.00% 2.00 LFZv 1.00% �CqCq a'NrC 0 00cnCO 00 cn CO CD N p O II ? ? O -: 00 00� CO to N N > N N Z C/) LU u v v II Z a 00 Cq 06 00 co o> to N N N �Z a0 II II II z co >Z A 00 00 00 E MU CHIS N ST 14+80 35+20 35+60 36+00 36+40 36+80 37+20 37+60 38+00 38+40 38+80 39+20 39+60 40+00 40+q .0 700 ?696 ?692 •.• ►,M, '•:1 ?676 672 FJ 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET HORIZONTAL SCALE 4 2 0 4 8 12 SCALE IN FEET VERTICAL SCALE SEWER & WATER KEYNOTE LIST I1L! ck Adaptor, 8°, Fig. x MJ Blow—Off, 2", per Std. (W12) Blow—Off, 2', per Std. (W13), Including 8' Valve Cross, 8", All Fig. Elbow, 8', 11 1/4% MJ x Flg. Elbow, 8', 11 1/4, MJ Elbow, 8', 22 1/2', MJ x Fig. Elbow, 8% 22 1/2', MJ Fire Hydrant Assembly Complete per Std. (W7) & (W9) Reducer, 8'x 6', All Fig. S1 Single Metered Service Connection, 1 ", with 3/4" Meter and 3/4' Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (W2) and (W5). S2 Double Metered Service Connection, 1", with 3/4" Meters and 3/4" Meter Setters, per Std.s (W1), (W3) and (W5). S3 Single Metered Service Connection, 2% with 2' Meter and 2" Meter Setter, per Std. (0). T3 Tee, 8"x 8"x 8', MJ x MJ x Fig. T7 Tee, 8"x 8"x 6", MJ x MJ x Fig. T26 Tee, 8'x 8'x 8, All Ag. O P.C.C. Thrust Block (As required even if not shown) See Water Note 1 on Title Sheet and ISPWC SD -403 V6 Valve, 6' Gate, Fig. x MJ V8 Valve, 8" Gate, Flg. x MJ W6 Water Main, 6' PVC, C-900 W8 Water Main, 8' PVC, C-900 After Agency Has Closed Existing Valve 'A', The Contractor Shall N1 Remove The Existing Blow—off And Thrust Block To Complete The Interconnection As Shown. N2 See Water Note No. 2 and Sewer Note No. 2 on the Title Sheet. (Adjust Water Line, As Needed, to Maintain Minimum Separation) N3 See Water Note No. 3 and Sewer Note No. 3 on the Title Sheet. N4 Extend Water Service Pigtail 5' Past 4' Pin- Main Inside Lot. NOTES: 1. The locations of existing underground utilities are shown in an approximate way only. The contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities before commencing work. The contractor assumes all responsibility for any and all damages caused by his failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all underground utilities. Dig Line telephone number is 1-800-342-1585. 2. Contractor shall verify each lot has an existing sewer service and is marked per STD SW3. Install service and/or marker as needed. N SS�ONAL ��G' TE•R,�,�f� a c N�aa.o 2 LJJ >z�o oo�3r= N a ... fi Z p y O w lr` i �JwmZ 0 00 N 0 3 a Zz N zao>Z LL 0 O z C6 Z N O '- C)UN po p a Ld Z z z (Y_ �NZo� o `% Y E N O OO Q O O 0 � ~ rC) F_ / li L d C -.+ � a O N � W ON4 C4 Z o m Of o s O �Awo 0-a LLJZ z •coin `o Q Q U C N N rr U) '^ v1 L1J z O O O Q U) 0 3 8 ` o .sem. SCALE 1 "=40' 1 "=4' HORIZ VERT O Q O PROJ. N0. 180114 z O SHEET 16 OF 21 O 0 � o p N Q 0 ui A a N U N LL 0 o V 3 d N O N N Z N � � U O SHEETS/ 180114—SS.DWG N U O L C O O D W \.N- a � o c c N a p -o p � C vL-+ Q• 3 N y L N a N IL- V) O z SS�ONAL ��G' TE•R,�,�f� ca j y CC O W W Z Cz O ft IJ4 y LLJ 00 N D 4- 00 00 o �00 C14 W Wx �O po O o Qzao V)Qrr) O C) rn 00 zoo LJJ >z�o oo�3r= omo?o Z w �JwmZ 0 • 0 3 F r w =z Zz zao>Z 0 O z C6 Z N O '- Z 0z Ld Z z z (Y_ �NZo� o �z ZZZdw � 0 � ~ rC) F_ r w 3 m W ON4 C4 Z o m Of o z r o �Awo z (~y o LLJZ ca j y CC O W W Z Cz O ft IJ4 y LLJ 00 N D 4- 00 00 o �00 C14 W Wx �O po O o Qzao V)Qrr) O C) rn 00 zoo LJJ Z O 0 • z C6 06 0z Ld Z z �o- (Y_ o � 0 � ~ rC) F_ ON4 C4 o �Awo z (~y o LLJZ Q rr U) '^ v1 L1J z LU O U) O 'q' O LL SCALE 1 "=40' 1 "=4' HORIZ VERT O Q DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. N0. 180114 z O SHEET 16 OF 21 O 0 � o 0° Q 0 ui S-6 LL 0 o Z SHEETS/ 180114—SS.DWG 71.00 LF 18" PVC (TOP -HALF PERFORATED)43.70 LF 18" PVC 0 0.00% 0 0.00% "' / iMW------ SB #P1C-1 DI #P1 C-2 Imo- 77' 71.00 LF 12" PVC 43.72 LF 12" PVC (PERFORATED) 0 0.00% 0 0.00% rl Nn� q------ - ----.-_--•--�-`i�--__---- �__-__--__----s--� �� • . --.._.._.._.._.._----------- E. TACONIC DR. EP ZZ t: - _ ! r _ _ ------ - _ _ ._ • - - ---ate '- ._® _ "aL- .... - .... _ .. _ _ _ . o� - L. rrvvuvlur URICol o - 2.25 LF 12" PVC N GRATE= 2686.53 TBC= 2686.80 6 B L E. REI -1 - An 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET STORM DRAIN DATA (SEEPAGE BED #P1C-1) DI #P1C-1 CL STA. 10+47.00, OFFSET 15.5' LT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -604A, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2685.31 12" INV. OUT= 2683.00 30.17 LF OF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC S=-0.66% TO DI #P1C-2 Q(25)= 0.83 cfs V(25)= 1615 cf Q(100)= 1.18 cfs V(100)= 2246 cf STORM DRAIN DATA (SEEPAGE BED #P1C-3) DI #P1C-5 TBC STA. 1+57.75, 1.00' LT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -604A, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2686.54 12" INV. OUT= 2683.50 1.75 LF OF 12" PVC 0 S=-5.71% TO MH #P1 C-3 Q(25)= 1.61 cfs V(25)= 3055 cf Q(100)= 2.68 cfs V(100)= 4251 cf STORM DRAIN DATA (SEEPAGE BED #P1C-6) DI #P1C-9 CL STA. 13+75.62, OFFSET 15.5' RT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -601, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2686.52 12" INV. OUT= 2683.80 30.17 LF OF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC ® S=-0.66% TO DI #P1C-10 Q(25)= 0.51 cfs V(25)= 782 cf Q(100)= 0.81 cfs V(100)= 1089 cf / DfJ PIC -10 5.00 LF 12 " -' " PVC DI #P1 C-2 TBC STA. 1+57.82, 3.50' RT STA= 13+75.2 0 2.00% CL STA. 10+47.00 OFFSET 15.5' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE GRATE= 2686.552 \ 15.5' LT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TYPE I - RAISED INVERT TBC= 2687.00 SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -604A, WITH 1' SUMP ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP 30.17 LF 12" AWWA SUMP GRATE= 2685.31 RIM= 2686.86± (MATCH SIDEWALK) C-900 PVC 0 0.66% ' / 12" INV. IN= 2683.40 (FROM DI #P1 C-5) DI JP1C-9 687971.2 12" INV. OUT= 2682.70 (TO MH#P1C-1) 12" INV. OUT= 2684.20 (TO MH #P1C-7) \ STA= 13+75.62 • . 4 2.25 LF OF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC 22.00 LF 12" PVC 0 S=-0.45% TO MH #P1C-7 / GRATE= 2686.52 TO MH #P1C-10 0 S=-4.44% TO MH #P1C-1 18" INV. OUT= 2682.90 (TO SB #P1C-3) TBC= 2687.00 687787.8 2463507.0 22.79 LF 18" PVC @ S=-0.00% TO SB #PIC -3 2.25 LF 12" PVC 25)= 1478 cf Q(25)= 0.91 cfs V(25)= 18" INV. 0 SB #P1C-3= 2682.90 Q(100)= 1.44 cfs V(100)= / 0 4.44% Q(100)= 1.30 cfs V(100)= 2056 cf \ / MH p1C-10 STA=13+75.62 RIM= 2687.06 Q O� 19.12 I PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO THE ISPWC SD -627. �4, OO•- a' c ,5Q- i rl Nn� q------ - ----.-_--•--�-`i�--__---- �__-__--__----s--� �� • . --.._.._.._.._.._----------- E. TACONIC DR. EP ZZ t: - _ ! r _ _ ------ - _ _ ._ • - - ---ate '- ._® _ "aL- .... - .... _ .. _ _ _ . o� - L. rrvvuvlur URICol o - 2.25 LF 12" PVC N GRATE= 2686.53 TBC= 2686.80 6 B L E. REI -1 - An 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET STORM DRAIN DATA (SEEPAGE BED #P1C-1) DI #P1C-1 CL STA. 10+47.00, OFFSET 15.5' LT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -604A, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2685.31 12" INV. OUT= 2683.00 30.17 LF OF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC S=-0.66% TO DI #P1C-2 Q(25)= 0.83 cfs V(25)= 1615 cf Q(100)= 1.18 cfs V(100)= 2246 cf STORM DRAIN DATA (SEEPAGE BED #P1C-3) DI #P1C-5 TBC STA. 1+57.75, 1.00' LT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -604A, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2686.54 12" INV. OUT= 2683.50 1.75 LF OF 12" PVC 0 S=-5.71% TO MH #P1 C-3 Q(25)= 1.61 cfs V(25)= 3055 cf Q(100)= 2.68 cfs V(100)= 4251 cf STORM DRAIN DATA (SEEPAGE BED #P1C-6) DI #P1C-9 CL STA. 13+75.62, OFFSET 15.5' RT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -601, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2686.52 12" INV. OUT= 2683.80 30.17 LF OF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC ® S=-0.66% TO DI #P1C-10 Q(25)= 0.51 cfs V(25)= 782 cf Q(100)= 0.81 cfs V(100)= 1089 cf MH #P1C-1 STA. 10+47.00, 20.50' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2685.64± (MATCH SIDEWALK) 12" INV. IN= 2682.60 (FROM D! #P1 C-2) 12" INV. OUT= 2682.50 (TO MH #P1C-2) 45.18 LF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC 0 S=-0.447. TO MH #P1C-2 MH #P1C-2 STA. 12+43.54, 1.38' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2686.29± (MATCH PAVEMENT) 12" INV. IN= 2682.30 (FROM MH #P1C-1) 12" INV. OUT= 2683.10 (TO MH #P1 C-3) 14.50 LF 12" PVC 0 S=-0.69% TO MH #P1 C-3 18" INV. OUT= 2681.80 (TO SB #P1 C-1) 47.30 LF 18" PVC 0 S=-0.00% TO SB #P1C-1 18" INV. 0 SB #P1C-1= 2681.80 MH #P1C-3 STA. 12+62.06, 0.45' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2686.39± (MATCH PAVEMENT) 12" INV. IN= 2683.00 (FROM MH #P1C-2) 12" INV. OUT= 2682.9 (TO SB #P1C-1) 43.72 LF 12" PVC @ S=-0.00% TO SB #P1C-1 12" INV. @ SB #P1C-1= 2682.90 SB #P1C-1 SEEPAGE BED PER ACHD STD. DWG., BMP 21 771, 31.5'W, 4.6'D TOP OF BED (ROCK)= 2685.10 BOTTOM OF BED (ROCK)= 2680.50 71 LF 18" PVC (TOP -HALF PERFORATED) 0 S=0.007. (FROM MH #P1C-2) 71 LF 12" PVC (PERFORATED) 0 S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1C-3) GROUNDWATER= 2680.5± (SEE SHEET DT -2 FOR SEEPAGE BED DETAILS) MH #P1C-7 TBC STA. 1+34.11, 6.27' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2687.01± (MATCH SIDEWALK) 12" INV. IN= 2684.10 (FROM MH #P1 C-6) 12" INV. OUT= 2684.00 (TO SB #P1 C-3) 22.79 LF 12" PVC ® S=-0.00% TO SB #P1C-3 12" INV. 0 SB #P1C-3= 2684.00 SB #P1C-3 SEEPAGE BED PER ACHD STD. DWG., BMP 21 541, 44'W, 4.6'D TOP OF BED (ROCK)= 2685.60 BOTTOM OF BED (ROCK)= 2681.00 48 LF 18" PVC (TOP -HALF PERFORATED) S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1 C-6) 48 LF 12" PVC (PERFORATED) 0 S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1 C-7) GROUNDWATER= 2681.0± (SEE SHEET DT -2 FOR SEEPAGE BED DETAILS) ACHD NOTES: 1. ALL TREES MUST BE OFFSET A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET FROM ALL STORM DRAIN FACILITIES. 2. ELECTRONIC MARKERS ARE REQUIRED ON EACH CORNER OF UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION SYSTEMS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ACHD INSPECTION FOR PLACEMENT OF THE MARKERS PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. ACHD IS CURRENTLY SUPPLYING THE DEVICES. MH #P1C-10 STA. 13+75.62, 20.5' LT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2687.06± 12" INV. IN= 2683.40 (FROM DI #P1 C-10) 12" INV. OUT= 2684.20 5 LF 12" PVC 0 S=-2.00% TO MH #P1C-11 18" INV. OUT= 2682.90 (TO SB #P1C-6) 19.12 LF 18" PVC 0 S=-0.00% TO SB #P 1 C-6 18" INV. 0 SB #P1 C-6= 2682.90 MH #P1C-11 STA. 13+67.06, 20.5' LT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2687.03± 12" INV. IN= 2684.10 (FROM DI #P1 C-10) 12" INV. OUT= 2684.00 (TO SB #P1C-6) 19.22 LF 12" PVC 0 S=-0.00% TO SB #P1C-6 12" INV. 0 SB #P1 C-6= 2684.00 SB #P1C-6 SEEPAGE BED PER ACHD STD. DWG., BMP 21 1061, 16.5'W, 4.6'D TOP OF BED (ROCK)= 2685.60 BOTTOM OF BED (ROCK)= 2681.00 100 LF 12" PVC (PERFORATED) 0 S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1C-11) 100 LF 18" PVC (TOP -HALF PERFORATED) 0 S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1C-10) GROUNDWATER= 2681.0± (SEE SHEET DT -2 FOR SEEPAGE BED DETAILS) ffolm1116INIU_'miDIII R CONTROL POINTS MH #P1C-6 NE CORNER SECTION 32 DI #P1 C-2 TBC STA. 1+57.82, 3.50' RT DI #P1 C-10 688,459.2 2,464,891.9 CL STA. 10+47.00 OFFSET 15.5' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE CL STA. 13+75.62, OFFSET 15.5' LT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TYPE I - RAISED INVERT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -604A, WITH 1' SUMP ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP TO ISPWC SD -601, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2685.31 RIM= 2686.86± (MATCH SIDEWALK) GRATE= 2686.52 M W#4 12" INV. IN= 2682.80 (FROM DI #P1 C-1) 12" INV. IN= 2683.40 (FROM DI #P1 C-5) 12" INV. IN= 2683.60 687971.2 12" INV. OUT= 2682.70 (TO MH#P1C-1) 12" INV. OUT= 2684.20 (TO MH #P1C-7) 12" INV. OUT= 2683.50 2463630.3 2.25 LF OF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC 22.00 LF 12" PVC 0 S=-0.45% TO MH #P1C-7 2.25 LF OF 12" PVC ® S=-4.447. TO MH #P1C-10 0 S=-4.44% TO MH #P1C-1 18" INV. OUT= 2682.90 (TO SB #P1C-3) MW#9 687787.8 2463507.0 22.79 LF 18" PVC @ S=-0.00% TO SB #PIC -3 Q(25)= 0.92 cfs V(25)= 1391 cf 25)= 1478 cf Q(25)= 0.91 cfs V(25)= 18" INV. 0 SB #P1C-3= 2682.90 Q(100)= 1.44 cfs V(100)= 1935 cf Q(100)= 1.30 cfs V(100)= 2056 cf 687996.3 2463741.1 MW= MONITORING WELL MH #P1C-1 STA. 10+47.00, 20.50' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2685.64± (MATCH SIDEWALK) 12" INV. IN= 2682.60 (FROM D! #P1 C-2) 12" INV. OUT= 2682.50 (TO MH #P1C-2) 45.18 LF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC 0 S=-0.447. TO MH #P1C-2 MH #P1C-2 STA. 12+43.54, 1.38' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2686.29± (MATCH PAVEMENT) 12" INV. IN= 2682.30 (FROM MH #P1C-1) 12" INV. OUT= 2683.10 (TO MH #P1 C-3) 14.50 LF 12" PVC 0 S=-0.69% TO MH #P1 C-3 18" INV. OUT= 2681.80 (TO SB #P1 C-1) 47.30 LF 18" PVC 0 S=-0.00% TO SB #P1C-1 18" INV. 0 SB #P1C-1= 2681.80 MH #P1C-3 STA. 12+62.06, 0.45' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2686.39± (MATCH PAVEMENT) 12" INV. IN= 2683.00 (FROM MH #P1C-2) 12" INV. OUT= 2682.9 (TO SB #P1C-1) 43.72 LF 12" PVC @ S=-0.00% TO SB #P1C-1 12" INV. @ SB #P1C-1= 2682.90 SB #P1C-1 SEEPAGE BED PER ACHD STD. DWG., BMP 21 771, 31.5'W, 4.6'D TOP OF BED (ROCK)= 2685.10 BOTTOM OF BED (ROCK)= 2680.50 71 LF 18" PVC (TOP -HALF PERFORATED) 0 S=0.007. (FROM MH #P1C-2) 71 LF 12" PVC (PERFORATED) 0 S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1C-3) GROUNDWATER= 2680.5± (SEE SHEET DT -2 FOR SEEPAGE BED DETAILS) MH #P1C-7 TBC STA. 1+34.11, 6.27' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2687.01± (MATCH SIDEWALK) 12" INV. IN= 2684.10 (FROM MH #P1 C-6) 12" INV. OUT= 2684.00 (TO SB #P1 C-3) 22.79 LF 12" PVC ® S=-0.00% TO SB #P1C-3 12" INV. 0 SB #P1C-3= 2684.00 SB #P1C-3 SEEPAGE BED PER ACHD STD. DWG., BMP 21 541, 44'W, 4.6'D TOP OF BED (ROCK)= 2685.60 BOTTOM OF BED (ROCK)= 2681.00 48 LF 18" PVC (TOP -HALF PERFORATED) S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1 C-6) 48 LF 12" PVC (PERFORATED) 0 S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1 C-7) GROUNDWATER= 2681.0± (SEE SHEET DT -2 FOR SEEPAGE BED DETAILS) ACHD NOTES: 1. ALL TREES MUST BE OFFSET A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET FROM ALL STORM DRAIN FACILITIES. 2. ELECTRONIC MARKERS ARE REQUIRED ON EACH CORNER OF UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION SYSTEMS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ACHD INSPECTION FOR PLACEMENT OF THE MARKERS PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. ACHD IS CURRENTLY SUPPLYING THE DEVICES. MH #P1C-10 STA. 13+75.62, 20.5' LT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2687.06± 12" INV. IN= 2683.40 (FROM DI #P1 C-10) 12" INV. OUT= 2684.20 5 LF 12" PVC 0 S=-2.00% TO MH #P1C-11 18" INV. OUT= 2682.90 (TO SB #P1C-6) 19.12 LF 18" PVC 0 S=-0.00% TO SB #P 1 C-6 18" INV. 0 SB #P1 C-6= 2682.90 MH #P1C-11 STA. 13+67.06, 20.5' LT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2687.03± 12" INV. IN= 2684.10 (FROM DI #P1 C-10) 12" INV. OUT= 2684.00 (TO SB #P1C-6) 19.22 LF 12" PVC 0 S=-0.00% TO SB #P1C-6 12" INV. 0 SB #P1 C-6= 2684.00 SB #P1C-6 SEEPAGE BED PER ACHD STD. DWG., BMP 21 1061, 16.5'W, 4.6'D TOP OF BED (ROCK)= 2685.60 BOTTOM OF BED (ROCK)= 2681.00 100 LF 12" PVC (PERFORATED) 0 S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1C-11) 100 LF 18" PVC (TOP -HALF PERFORATED) 0 S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1C-10) GROUNDWATER= 2681.0± (SEE SHEET DT -2 FOR SEEPAGE BED DETAILS) ffolm1116INIU_'miDIII R CONTROL POINTS NORTHING EASTING NE CORNER SECTION 32 691,136.8 2,464,902.3 E i CORNER SECTION 32 688,459.2 2,464,891.9 MONITORING WELLS a n- a� NO. NORTHING EASTING M W#1 688126.8 2463606.2 MW#2 688170.6 2463523.6 MW#3 688100.3 2464114.9 M W#4 688045.8 2464022.7 MW#5 687971.2 2463711.0 M W#6 687979.7 2463630.3 M W#7 687612.5 2463638.4 MW#8 687720.7 2463622.0 MW#9 687787.8 2463507.0 MW#10 687735.9 2463428.1 MW#11 688016.5 2463630.0 MW#12 687996.3 2463741.1 MW= MONITORING WELL 00 Q PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO THE ISPWC SD -627. 1pNAL vl IL 0 M. S�R09 N fll fn T+-' U o Z C O N Zw��Z oo��P O OC O g -0 O O � N � owowo a n- a� m V N LL U Q -wwz X00- -0o C J-5 � T zz 0 Q J j:7- 4 U)Qo 00n zW 0 oz F- C) Q Z o0 CL �ZN�z c' O co �rn 0C) 1 Z W N � � c' z -p� U UOc: o 00 0 w a ? m 3 n Z J c O N o �Woza (^{%+ w v7 a ,G G "O O Q n' WCi L_ T O C U Q. � V i = A.-Ocn N ' SD -1 00 Q ILZ0 /SHEETS/ 1 80114-SD.DWG OO•- a' c C E Wo U a`� E> y n 0 in .N 3 c -- LL rn c � o rn m M Q:: o` nw o 'y 5 U o 4J "O CJ D- E 2 _ I z �..�../ O 3 0 O v- o ..c v a y '-' o v o OU�� �o ��a�ao E!Qoo 0 'l o L y D NY o C C o L.L� Z a.0 Eoa a � NN Q U U _ d a 0 o °' E Dray N /11 L O pi'C U w N O C Cp .- Q c c ' v 3 .ate. E -i5-_ Q- W O L U O E V C c U O at N a� Z5 y � V) o m o Z 1pNAL vl IL 0 M. S�R09 ca J o Z COD Zw��Z oo��P z m w � N � owowo z0004 m V N Q -wwz X00- zz zz 0 Q J j:7- 4 U)Qo 00n zW 0 oz F- C) Q Z o0 cemO �ZN�z c' O co �rn 0C) 1 Z W N � � c' z o�wo� z o CDm z o 00 0 w a ? m 3 n Z J c O �Woza ca J o COD - O i LL. z m w � N � z0004 M O 0 z X00- L W W ,� x 00 F- �/1 H c\i tr) U)Qo 00n zW 0 oz F- C) Q Z o0 cemO U) co �rn 0C) it ��� w co 0 z�v LN z o 00 0 o Z 0 0 z z m w 0 Z [ IZ 0 z _z Q �/1 H c\i tr) zW 0 oz F- im 0 U U) Cn 0 z 00 0 0 SCALE 1'=40' O W O DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. No. 180114 z 0 co SHEET 8 OF 21 0 CL O o W m QW F- SD -1 00 Q ILZ0 /SHEETS/ 1 80114-SD.DWG m -• . O ^1 • qj O _ a Irk. 25 .r 27 2 689.00 LF 15" PVC 26.90 LF 15° PVC#3 \ 5, (PERFORATED) @ 0.00% . 0.00% 15+ , SB #P1C-2 :. ------------ 105' "' 95' • W 75. 90' M�4 W#4 ----- 195• 1E 33.27 LF 18" PVC ` @ 0.00% 89.00 LF 18° PVC MH #P1C-4 (TOP -HALF PERFPRATED) STA=15+90.26 0.00% RIM= 2687.97 BLK.2 2 25 LF 14" AWWA 9 / a �nnnn Vv� MH #P1C-5 STA=15+66.15 10 RIM= 2687.86 20.11 LF 14" AWWA `_C-905 PVC @ 1.49% ` DI #P1C-3 ` STA= 15+90.26 GRATE= 2687.64 TBC= 2687.91 30.17 LF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC @ 0.66% DI #PIC -4 STA= 15+90.26 \.;r GRATE= 2687.64 TBC= 2687.91 1bA- 85 21 22 23 24 C-905 PVC @ 4.447. 1 . 17 00 f O 6 7 52.85 0 E. RENWICK CT. O o _ - - - _ o O O DIP1C 11 sra= 17+62.s2 GRATE= 2688.30 TBC= 278 / 2.25 LF 12" PVC @ 4.44% MH jP1C-12' STA=17+62.62 RIM= 2688.84 / o 78.00 LF 18" PVC MWi9 (TOP -HALF PERFORATED) 0 0.00% 120• MWi10 SB �p1C-5 • _-t--T- MH jP1C-9 STA=11+90.11 RIM= 2688.58 2.25 LF 12" PVC 4.44% DI #P1C-8 STA= 11+90.11 \GRATE= 2688.25 )' TBC= 2688.52 Ta' 26.67 LF 18" PVC : -' 4 {N 0 0.00% f T49.28 LF 18" PVC " @ 0.00% 78.00 LF 18 PVC (TOP -HALF PERFORATED) @ 0.00% 2 13 00 3 13+52.09 ; O I m r MW#8 19, - 2 12 18 1 4 91.00 LF 18" PVC -(TOP-HALF PERFORATED) 0 0.00% 25.66 LF 18" PVC 5 0.00% MH JP1C-8 /-STA=10+39.61 RIM= 2688.88 X2.25 LF 12" PVC DI jP1C-7 ® 4'44% STA= 10+39.61 GRATE= 2688.55 TBC= 2688.82 E. MURCHISON ST. x_30.60 LF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC ty 0.65% 13+ •..- DI jP1 C-6 B LK. 3 STA= 10+45.00 4 ` GRATE= 2688.58 j TBC= 2688.85 14+M.89 1 2 J iv. STORM DRAIN DATA (SEEPAGE BED #P1C-2) DI #P1C-3 CL STA. 15+90.26, OFFSET 15.5' LT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACRD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -604A, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2687.64 12" INV. OUT= 2685.00 30.17 LF OF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC @ S=-0.66% TO DI #P 1 C-2 Q(25)= 1.37 cfs V(25)= 2807 cf Q(100)= 2.05 cfs V(100)= 3905 cf DI #P1C-4 CL STA. 15+90.26 OFFSET 15.5' RT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -604A, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2687.64 12" INV. IN= 2684.80 14" INV. OUT= 2684.65 2.25 LF OF 14" AWWA C-905 PVC @ S=-4.44% TO MH #P1 C-4 Q(25)= 1.71 cfs V(25)= 3192 cf Q(100)= 2.80 cfs V(100)= 4441 cf MH #P1C-4 STA. 15+90.26, 20.50' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2687.97± (MATCH SIDEWALK) 14" INV. IN= 2684.55 (FROM DI #P1C-4) 14" INV. OUT= 2685.30 (TO MH #P1C-5) 20.11 LF 14" AWWA C-905 PVC @ S=-1.49% TO MH #P1C-5 18" INV. OUT= 2684.20 (TO SB #P1C-2) 33.27 LF 18" PVC @ S=-0.00% TO SB #P1 C-2 18" INV. @ SB #P1 C-2= 2684.20 MH #P1C-5 STA. 15+66.15, 20.50' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2687.86± (MATCH SIDEWALK) 14" INV. IN= 2685.00 (FROM MH #P1C-4) 15" INV. OUT= 2684.80 (TO SB #P1C-2) 26.90 LF 15" PVC @ S=-0.00% TO SB #P1C-2 15" INV. @ SB #P1C-2= 2684.80 SB #P1 C-2 SEEPAGE BED PER ACHD STD. DWG., BMP 21 951, 40.5W, 5.6'D TOP OF BED (ROCK)= 2686.40 BOTTOM OF BED (ROCK)= 2680.80 89 LF 18" PVC (TOP -HALF PERFORATED) @ S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1 C-4) 89 LF 15" PVC (PERFORATED) @ S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1C-5) GROUNDWATER= 2680.8± (SEE SHEET DT -2 FOR SEEPAGE BED DETAILS) 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET STORM DRAIN DATA (SEEPAGE BED #P1C-4) DI #P1 C-6 CL STA. 10+45.00, OFFSET 15.5' RT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -604A, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2688.59 12" INV. OUT= 2686.00 30.60 LF OF 12" AWWA C-900 PVC @ S=-0.65% TO DI #P1C-7 Q(25)= 1.22 cfs V(25)= 2323 cf Q(100)= 1.69 cfs V(100)= 3231 cf DI #P1 C-7 CL STA. 10+39.61 OFFSET 15.5' LT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -604A, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2688.55 12" INV. IN= 2685.80 12" INV. OUT= 2685.70 2.25 LF OF 12" PVC @ S=-4.44% TO MH #P1 C-8 Q(25)= 0.58 cfs V(25)= 1056 cf Q(100)= 0.93 cfs V(100)= 1469 cf MH #P1C-8 STA. 10+39.61, 20.50' LT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2688.88± (MATCH SIDEWALK) 12" INV. IN= 2685.60 (FROM DI #P1C-7) 18" INV. OUT= 2685.10 (TO SB #P1C-4) 25.66 LF 18" PVC @ S=-0.00% TO SB #P1 C-4 18" INV. @ SB #P1C-4= 2685.10 SB #P1 C-4 SEEPAGE BED PER ACHD STD. DWG., BMP 21 971, 19.5'W, 6.2'D TOP OF BED (ROCK)= 2687.70 BOTTOM OF BED (ROCK)= 2681.50 91 LF 18" PVC (TOP -HALF PERFORATED) @ S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1C-8) GROUNDWATER= 2678.5± (SEE SHEET DT -2 FOR SEEPAGE BED DETAILS) STORM DRAIN DATA (SEEPAGE BED #P1C-5) DI #P1 C-8 CL STA. 11+90.11, OFFSET 15.5' RT DROP INLET, TYPE IV, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -604A, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2688.25 12" INV. OUT= 2685.70 2.25 LF OF 12" PVC @ S=-4.44% TO MH #P1C-9 Q(25)= 1.21 cfs V(25)= 2459 cf Q(100)= 1.79 cfs V(100)= 3421 cf MH #P1C-9 STA. 11+90.11, 20.5' RT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2688.58± 12" INV. IN= 2685.60 (FROM DI #P1C-8) 18" INV. OUT= 2685.10 (TO SB #P1C-5) 26.67 LF 18" PVC @ S=-0.00% TO SB #P1C-5 18" INV. @ SB #P1 C-5= 2685.10 STORM DRAIN DATA (SEEPAGE BED #P1C-5) DI #P1C-11 CL STA. 17+62.62, OFFSET 15.5' LT DROP INLET, TYPE I, ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -601, WITH 1' SUMP GRATE= 2688.30 12" INV. OUT= 2685.70 2.25 LF OF 12" PVC @ S=-4.44% TO MH #P1C-12 Q(25)= 1.14 cfs V(25)= 2472 cf Q(100)= 1.80 cfs V(100)= 3439 cf MH #P1C-12 STA. 17+62.62, 20.5' LT 48"0 MANHOLE, SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE I - RAISED INVERT ISPWC SD -615A W/ 2' SUMP RIM= 2688.84± 12" INV. IN= 2685.60 (FROM DI #P1 C-11) 18" INV. OUT= 2685.10 (TO SB #P1C-5) 49.28 LF 18" PVC @ S=-0.00% TO SB #P1C-5 18" INV. @ SB #P1C-5= 2685.10 SB #P1C-5 SEEPAGE BED PER ACHD STD. DWG., BMP 21 841, 40'W, 5.1'D TOP OF BED (ROCK)= 2687.10 BOTTOM OF BED (ROCK)= 2682.00 2-78 LF 18" PVC (TOP -HALF PERFORATED) @ S=0.00% (FROM MH #P1C-9 & MH #P1C-12) GROUNDWATER= 2679.0± (SEE SHEET DT -2 FOR SEEPAGE BED DETAILS) MONITORING WELLS CONTROL POINTS NORTHING EASTING NE CORNER SECTION 32 691,136.8 2,464,902.3 E j CORNER SECTION 32 688,459.2 2,464,891.9 MONITORING WELLS Q NO. NORTHING EASTING MW#1 688126.8 2463606.2 V M W#2 688170.6 2463523.6 W ++ MW#3 688100.3 2464114.9 p p'� MW#4 688045.8 2464022.7 C� cq M W#5 687971.2 2463711.0 MW#6 687979.7 2463630.3 MW#7 687612.5 2463638.4 MW#8 687720.7 2463622.0 M W#9 687787.8 2463507.0 M W#10 687735.9 2463428.1 MW#11 688016.5 2463630.0 MW#12 687996.3 2463741.1 MW= MONITORING WELL c: PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO THE ISPWC SD -627. ACHD NOTES: 1. ALL TREES MUST BE OFFSET A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET FROM ALL STORM DRAIN FACILITIES. 2. ELECTRONIC MARKERS ARE REQUIRED ON EACH CORNER OF UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION SYSTEMS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ACHD INSPECTION FOR PLACEMENT OF THE MARKERS PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. ACHD IS CURRENTLY SUPPLYING THE DEVICES. 5S�'ONAL ENS 4a. TP 74 to 0 0 14oSG� M. S't �o L c: ac a a> uj 00 > a> m �zoJ am�=o O00 0 Mo Q Uai p z H } W Z -0 C T O L H J h Q V /1V1 L Q) pin u� -�v E o • - W ++ =�c-,Z % wo� p p'� Z O zZZaw W C� cq NO U E N O C C =wza oZ� U U U) Oc W p+ p,� V -� Q �(1 � in a� •- 0 2 oo c: I.L p 3 •o� (�j� o+ c � o m Q m(If oo-."c.-+ a W W d my a> aE -p y w dd N O p c N7 p a � U LL. ` O ^ I0 C �T• U N +' o -v o i E cn o Wm �ooaoo >� 3 00 o L ti O �•� aZ D_•-. aOin 0gO�p�; U to� C�� � O c o U o d 3 p p Q Q ¢ N N y C y o L 3 O � N p � •U C zo F"IG EU3� � •O i 3 O� O d N C� V o`��ooa w vi O 'i w a �oo�;��� � tr- 2-� z 5S�'ONAL ENS 4a. TP 74 to 0 0 14oSG� M. S't zil Z C • � �%o� z ^ m LL' OZo:� z Up r - Q H mow~ o Vt ro N zM�1 0 O Q I- 0 cr) C77 c Z 00 O w oSCALE 1'=40' It O 0 i- 0 DWG.DATE 04/06/18 z >O PROD. No. 180114 OO o SHEET 9 OF 21 LD m Q W 00< SD -2 u- z o /SHEETS/180114-SD.DWG �o oz��J uj lot .10 ~ N M �zoJ am�=o O00 0 Mo Q LX L z H } W Z Z Z Z Vl Q Z C> (7 p o C) 0 H J h Q V JJ� 0 c 'D 00 rn =�c-,Z co CDW wo� Z o Z O zZZaw W C� cq O CL =wza oZ� zil Z C • � �%o� z ^ m LL' OZo:� z Up r - Q H mow~ o Vt ro N zM�1 0 O Q I- 0 cr) C77 c Z 00 O w oSCALE 1'=40' It O 0 i- 0 DWG.DATE 04/06/18 z >O PROD. No. 180114 OO o SHEET 9 OF 21 LD m Q W 00< SD -2 u- z o /SHEETS/180114-SD.DWG �o uj lot .10 ~ N M O00 0 Mo LX L �0_`� p o C) 0 f ftai V o QZ� c O 00 rn co CDW z�C14 W C� cq O CL zil Z C • � �%o� z ^ m LL' OZo:� z Up r - Q H mow~ o Vt ro N zM�1 0 O Q I- 0 cr) C77 c Z 00 O w oSCALE 1'=40' It O 0 i- 0 DWG.DATE 04/06/18 z >O PROD. No. 180114 OO o SHEET 9 OF 21 LD m Q W 00< SD -2 u- z o /SHEETS/180114-SD.DWG 0 Z LLJ W U O � W LLJ ui LLJ =3 N x N Z OZ ZM =CLD,N�7ZZ, {{y�� LLJ Q L �Um= W Z = C=m ME z 3 ��-z�N aw! m o= LLJ�LL-z a E ��W = x x m V) O LLI C? = Z CD Z UOZ ZU O 4 xN =-J �jfr=j W Z 11'� Z V Z FE cn (n U W Ca- �i (n WO O OW fn CS OW I I I I I I 1 04 1 I i I I @41 i �1 C:) v) �Z p p m Y= -� 113 WQw� I Z W O L+j J O a3 x W (n W Z O w •-- (j Lf') 2 p Z EL N yy� � �¢ � H Q W N � V' Z W I cn II p Y I co O O N ~ F-mNZ r NJ V uj g p (, cD f n �' Q Q O E P� N j q H W O Z N m p O Z Zr fn >- I m O W > F- xuj O U cD N Z zi�E Z m V) O N N V L_ m �_- p Z O C.7 tr Z rn m 2>" (wj Z Y Nw JO m W p L, Q QNQQ I-- ��Q Q V p N zD O Z Z W X LZL-L W W 7 0 2 Z Z �w c)z � cS � u-1 ¢> w�o F W cD Z Z�- m} x VAN Z O J p E- W � O� W N pNF- W m 3 cL o_ O CLS Z W Z O,- ¢ =W J Z ¢ c, a- =Z �O O NNW Ow 3 4 Zm _j 'n �¢�-O Q ��¢O� ¢ O Z¢ H Z g co O m O Q O j 0 W O Z - U O U QO O p Z x Z W f-- �Q �. Q Z JZZJQ q �LyVjZQ� W O O N W V W H U O O W O O J CL Uj W LL, !n p F--- j� ¢¢¢ x who O mOW W OU pHwxw p m LuljlF- V Q Ix- V O H Q Ow �0 ¢ g U F- L -, w F- ¢LN7L wt.tw_ c~i �¢qo (yD i cD LLI � zoowo o Q..7v) Z o N Zig w �J ¢ S F- J J N¢ H VHNU W =w~ �u 1` ZQ H m w W Z O cD m 3 m tr W t- (.J W N Q g Z Q m W Z CL' Z w Z w �� �W,- w in O g ,�j (n ZS S-� p OZz: G O VmU U Z Z O Y W Q3�� O� W Z F w Q W cn J Q cn 6 p V Z Q (=j W O U q W (Y Q D Nm LLI Ox O N -p .j W w wm t� QOM V QL.Yx Q� Z O () Z~ a~a per-- n- N< m O ¢} ¢ w q W p J > m �_ J q JS Q Z (a _> 0 =U' pQ(n Lj OU x Q - LL]m S>-�OU ~ =�Q(nQvi m (n O Z LJLJ 4 O Z ,-- N Y q (� Z U Z Jam' ¢wU' =O C> =mLLj W Ln I.LJ O W UZ�Z ?i Q O� W W m Y Q m W m> J cD z. v) N > dQ ¢QQ Z Z �~ J pJ -OU W BZW¢ Z pJZZO- q OO 2'- O O Z w J w 1 O-QY-W UQ-�QO Q w 2 (:D WO J �QOw N C-7 m O `[ OO~40 W q ,r=jzp= = 00 HZ q� m m W3Q Z Z Q (n S WmFx-¢ U QL�LJ }Q. W ~ V-• Q� U gZ � O W q --j cr: F Lymj m Z d p > t r 2K D J Z F- Z 3 W (¢n ] Q W QQ� q U V M D 4 d� O W Z=g (nzor Z U Z m U N U N O WOmm p K QO C) q D ul Z S Q J H Z W N p Z O_ m Q W Qp N W Q w Q tr `L w g q S W OJm O �_ m~� m0 O ZU' O��Lj U¢ q �aorz-(n Q ~p r- - J ?r t --q p Lu g (n - Z w O w Q Q w p Q d p �] cL u� w O~ ¢ (n a g o¢ o Qo v~i0 Z O O Q W }" W 0 OU Z< N g w M O�Q �w ZrZ O (n ¢ V Z Z I OZ V� Wwg qm (n Z W Y Z 2 Q U W Z Z W Q v C) O N W W N K m= m m Z > W Q O m 0 H ¢ w w p , -' m m Q J c W W L'' 1 T` � = p�t1 QQ cD m mC) Om�30 W r=Vw~ w <co ¢wqz �¢Z v) 03>' ¢ �¢ ¢ ,r;a� c�.)�=oz oL-��w r=- _ o q q O Q p 0 U ~ >Z a 20 O D x N Uw N m~ z� 0 0 m0 w q O w} q N a. mO Z ZOZ N OS N ��Q(7 h 2 Z c0 QO f--= OO O ¢�¢ z¢o >r= w o p o¢(n W¢ UW c)Q qN o c)o ~z CZ7Z W QN ¢ = Z�U (nW Z(nQmz "� p N WM W W U L- Qwmvt-)a' Q x� o )wa 6L-N~o mz cUm I mz �w w w w L,_. m N- O - q q = Z w O !n W p N Z - LY w N Z Z W O4w-- CC O O U LC) N N O O g O Q >- o 000 �w>�''-'-' u)o mzo^o cna cnx m�U W Ow O =~O VN- (n 4Q W NZN N (n wp W NOvN wZ¢ Sc L.L_.>- SOU w~'ZH� wp N�OgO wp ZZ w NQc=n =Z L- m .LjQ Owq m UZo Oo�Qg OO ��Z¢NaZ OO o¢ 4 Z I H O W= (n - U L'-� W O O Q >J Z O W --j C3) f- Z W UJQ q ON j ~ I c)~0 ¢Fw- Z W zc=r) O m W XYZ~ �m •-OJ�wO CaJ� m� o CD v)W L t: QU' J Q g Z Q o m z g W t r p q OV (n W o 4 v q 0 (n C U O ?N O G m4m� m0 �� m O u)(D �OQZL � Ot=--ZOO � Hor- N M v Lo (D n oo m o M N M C,4 ,b§9t'LL3. l t,£ l AO N N NMo V I �� o . � by y� Q Ov ui 0� ro M N m n f` O Lf) N Lo N o w O M m m 0 ,- co r M c, N 00 r M m rr) n N O O oo L\ O Cl r O m r cD 0 O Lo I- M <I- M O oo O" r f� LO"I N n O rM M Lo to U '-d-M r O (o N CO r') (V r r .- ,- Lo r 1- LL) M c{ CD N M r M m N LL) L() O (o (o m m e F Ln On 'I- U-) r m 1- n w LD d' m :)- O M O N M N N M M O O r N M r M O M It :4- q -q N CD t M oo M o) I- N N O t� LC) N M Lf) co N N n O to to I\ to Of N M N M N N O" In N N O N O .-- M '� N N S Ln O O <t M p ZD o7 Z() bo ;o Zn M M Zn ZD N M o0 zi- ZM 1� Zo i,) r r i+) of = N d- N co m r- r 4 m oo (5 M Lo m � oo oo CO M .- .--. Lt') ;I- V Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z co (n In m N N Z (n z Z Z (n Z Z Z cq (o _ L) _ _ _ O _ _ _ N O M r (D N 1T tC) Lf)Lr) - . Q O M r.) "'o n O �- d- N m Lb Lo 0 .- N m r Lo Lo M M J M _ M M O O Lf) u) N 71 N cV 0 iD W 3 r M M M M W N N O Lmo 0 0 �f- M Ln N lo O V• M d- �• r M M I- N p M N d' f (V rl oo O L� •<h Ln Co N M N U) N N N N Zo d' N O O O o O O oO O O O O O O O O :D0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c5 0 0 0 0 6� Lo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C� O Cl O O O O O O O O_ _ O O O O Lo Lo O O Q N M M I- N n n p r- r- N O O O O m LL' r Lo � <I- st "t 'It c14r N N (D (D N N r M r r (D m r I=- ON N M M M O (o M rl O .- Ln O M Ln oo to M fT u O .t r d- r M M N m r d- O rr) r i� t o0 of oD N r M O C7 (o (o N c^o M N W O M N (oD ^ Lo M ^V O N M rl)to LnM > Tl- oo O) O N M d' Ln O n oo 0) O N M -It n to n m tT O •- LL' N (N (N roM M M M r) M r') Mn I � V d --I- V d- 1 -4 -Ln Lo U V V U U U U V U U U U U U U U U U U U V V U U U V O^ .--- Dmj .- (D �' Mm N n Mco O M�� O m (o U) d- O Lo N M O O r ,rj n r o0 O r o0 Lf) N Lo (D (D I- -4- M (D O O O N N CO r) M to Lo M C) Cr) m O) O N [p N N N V- - M M Lo �t U N N M N r M 04 t N r- 'It O) (7) r N (o (o N M LC) N LD to U W S' 'S w w W 3 3 W w 3 3 3 3 3 3 $ 3 3 3 3 3 s 3 3 m O m oo O N I- N n (o ol) d• N Lo W co U') M O (o Ln N to n <F C, 0 r O +- ? •- ) O N r F4 M O ,I- r L) N N r N S 4- r n N r- r- O Lo N N o0 N N n !` Cl r C) '4- O M eF I- 0)) M V O oo N N N M N N N Ln O N O N O N M Lo N N f7 O O p) to P') co V• ih b bo fo Ih ZV •V• bo r CV in O cV ;4- - r n n N N O oo r, cD <- oo oo oo I` n O M N O O O O z Z z cn (n z z z z (n z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z 01 Lo Lf) M m DU Ln 00 O -_ ' O co N Lo Lo O 4 ,) O d4' L, M� M N O M M Ln O O Lo M O� 't L() M M O O -4-Lo _ oo _ u7 to a) V• oD (o _ L.LJj p M M N d- O N M :t N O M U O O -to l(') M W d' N N � r s}- t+�7 b, in OM to r0 LU � CV Zo ZD N ,M-. N O zo to m N OO O O O O O O O O O Cl O Cl O O O O O O O O O O =>o a� 0 0 0 o p p o 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D O Lr) Lr) O O O O 6 c) 0 6 6 6 c) 07 0 6 0 6 0 6 6 6 6 Q r m CNI L` O Lo O O Ln O O O O r') r) r') M M M M r') M M M f` CC M O co r r, M M Lo Lf) r try to u) LC) Lo r L0 Ln Lo M N �- (o tt) M NO n O O OM r r O n to oo oo d- Lo (o oo U r M _ N oo (o O Lo LD LD I- Ln r- O O O O N N W mM M Lo O N O O Cn O O O (DN N N �' M M to <t J N N M N r M O� N co -,V m (D (D N M Lo N O ID N M d' >_O _N M Lt) O 00 rn O N M st Ln O N M <t to (o r, m O N CV N N N cV N O U U V U U U U U U V U U U U U U U V U U V U U U V U U 9NI21 B 30 SIM M ,* ,*Z,gLgz M .8£,£ L.00 S ,�z'tLti i dd 319b3 'S g — . Lo'�oat N M U) O sls8 CD mCD �4�l UNo 'a00 tzi W �jz CD w W o Ise - 52 �, cV M Y shy � % ,L6-565 w U-) , o N,�p� y�,.50'0* �ZI•LB--- -.00'§9- , Lo0'S9 Cl bop� 955 �8 "' ` . �� Nbo a Go LA! 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F- O 0 0 (n W (n � (0 N 0 0 � (n tD N � F N (n 0 W O 00 (n (n F- X W Q o- �� o a U w w Q m U z a � 3 w 3 3 w w w z w U Q U a w� )- _ ¢ o Z d m w w wOQWzQF-0 = w vi La w OJ � 0 v W z (n Z O W - - - Q ~ r- N 0 ¢ 0) F- _ F-- W Q a 0- x Un � W m w c W w o m in LO in � in cv o) r, r7 u) in OJ WO 0) O z O z 0) 3 0 o w O °- U; d in W a w�_ ' w ¢ -wr aWa 6 0� W�� 0 F- Q O M N M N M O O to 4 O d' Q W � Q Q Q Q * �� Z b) W N Q W� O M � 0 - J) -W N Z 0_ _ i= O O Z W ( �1o M_ O M_ Co _M O _O Q) c_V c0 d- LO h_ _I O� O� O 00 LL Fy Ly W N a) ¢ m CL Q Li } a} 0 z 0 � c4 W Q 3 z N O (n O O) O U-) O to O) 00 tp 0o W Q O W Lo w� O � 0 N O W O N w N " N owN�0�O o O O F4 P W C9 F- F- _ m O a O F Li U N LLED 0L Z ao D C9 0 00 O oo O O O M st �F oo W Li M LL M m O r J F-- (j J 0 M z a t-= a Z W w 3 H O w O� Li Q Q S�Ni1F K) 0 M _ S �F o a F- �_ M Z (0n N Z W Z 5 �0ZwZ O_ Z O LL - 3::o U z o¢ Z 3 N 00 .`tom O W w O O O O O O O O O O O o rn W O M N r�i N O O >- w w a m W Q w O O z F 0 (n a 0 (n N J = J } O N U- } O C% U U- J Z z w Z z z z z z Z Z N N O %' z N LL- M LL- z Z J Q U U a U Q J (n V) w o F- F W V) Q _j Q W M C x V)z� w r w w W W W W W w W w W w w w¢ z W W 0 W 0 W W W W w w -i Lo w J W W W (ten �QOWJ� w �' W = W 0 F- M O W M F Fw- ~ Z z 0 Z Z z z z z z z z z z Z z z F- U Z Z -j z --F z z Z O N O z Z z J (nF- N W� W U W Q W a O am 0_ 0 x m (n N x w ori w w w W W w w w W W w w W w w z W w 0 W 0 W WD W w w w —¢ N—_Iw Y- a a g o w z iE W< a a o f o �aawa� zN w 00 0 r o v a Um a D o �oN a I O O� W Y V) v,�" oW�mz o zoo o w i o U V) O Z (n rn i ZOZ=Q i- O Q f� cv''io =wZp W W W 0:0 v w F= Li D zj5;of o o W w o � wwo Mo JLLI - u `�cli 0 Li w O O cn W F- LLIO p _j > QF - WD p F- Q �wc/i W �Z\Nj W �- Z w O -wm ZwZ=� Q Q �� Qi -x o �' a LL O w wCOD ooz- U- 5 o a I Not o W�o < N¢ w O W 0 o �JZ0 U Z a _ U- � o U- Wa o 2 Ow �- LQ U ezxz U ? 1 F OQWQ nm x W �v �Wco O U F-�}OF U '� � o ao O n co L� LL. itw �- y LLI F- (n U w O O O o Qaw O O O Q m Z r r QUQ= Q Z Q Q w Z L CD o L� ~ F w ii U m LLI F Om� W Li O } W = o I— w w J f}— O O m O F- N <r ?=oma j w � o 03 r -O 0 W-U�a Z UO Z N O d' O H1 J�J� R 4/ W = 00 co �Z Z o 17- At l A.�O t QZ L �s =OWO W I- �ryOXO Z Ow z >- O w T� L- W wa= Qn r QQ �' 20 a Q� w o L L a v�NN o � r7 = 0 O J --J I JLLI um 0 W Ot� W <F-� r JOaz = � QZ� 1— U - OD I W L W LL ir cn � Z V _ Ocr0OVI V) WQO w f— U W V) J O ~ Q U) OmON> J J 16 Qo�w� Za< z 0 owa ONQ Z z O V) -J D m�OQN U U Z�ov W a- Li OR r -� pJWO� p Jw WFUli JUZ O � U¢W zUQ 'L z wor-ZQz F- Q w 1 W ai-V,-v U V) `1 U LL wQw QZF_m� O=ff O z�wav w w Q 1 J o0Q-Q U '~ > Q W O p z = U LL- Xomz LLLI dX a �F-X< zQ O O Q aQW NaM =rte LD '=zCkf 0zwCo ww ¢ww0W �ww (nmaF� �1 WARM •I� Ip WIMFtall A. Z 1 U~ I� w =O m =gip W N r p UN w V) O O OU (n Q LL. P O U o Z w Q O xQ }}. Z f- 1 1� Om p z Y Q W o Z C(If W /` z W Q J }� U �_ m0 O Z_ O F_ -W D } = t� Q � p (-5 F F- Qw U XLH Q Z U z w w �o F- W< Uo 0 Q O z 0 p Imo- >- Q >- �_ a No Cl. 0w U �o W � w Q LL- w a _ ow as LL o p = a }- a ~ p r -1 O i-�- Z z a0 J > oda D a U) > w p ¢ o OU LIJUZ p 0- ooa QO a }ow Q NV) Q zwv Q3� Q o=JQ QU U J 0 J O Z~ Q 0 Q W av aa.. Q�Q U z wcn z o CL w } W�yJ w W J i W = a W owl �o m�cn �a U wc=a vw -ooh < �_ =Q - - . ..- -,___ _-- _.. .' .........- -. /X _... -- - L.... _. - ' ..... - •--'-- ------. .... ...- B -- T I 2686 :: ............. . 7 :: :. .. _. Y ... i 87•-. - - ......._... 2685 ._.... 4 2688 .�..-. - -- ------ -- -- •-'-,: __ - P. - ..... ........................ . ' ... -R.•-- . - F. 2687 ..... 2687 - �� R ;.. - \-- - ---- z r .-......... ... ......... E G. - '-- -' 0 26a8 '�'tr,..... G. _ _ 2sas-...._...... - �\ .. V' k •?;� _. - ---- ..--�_ - .. -...i _.. .. - .. .. - �, L� ) - Ohl' /Ill' ......,.. -`��z✓ .. -�__'� . � rt_ �` - -..- '- - A -ww_ - -_ v _ ....... •� �. - - -- ----------- :.:'::::.: 165 ----- - - -165 - - - _ ..� - ..-- I CD.... -.- O p O -zt.. +L.._'......ry9 _ '_ _ ........... CD o _.,.... 10+0o p SN4 SN5 '-- _ _.,�...... ��.---_ ' , E. TACONIC DR. o _ .. >.:. + - - o\ ko SN4 aSN5 - - 1p T t-�_ S ....�_;__" ... �•i ...-. L, 1 -1-...:.... , O + �. ► VG FL=84.92 c - - _ _ - _0 40 20 0 40 80 120 •. `. T ........_. ..` �^ ,,, 0.40% -- -_ _-- E�TACONIC Df -�_1. \ JL +I - - - - - .r .....-. r- �-�_ - _ _._... fiEl" LF TAt, . EP +I - ................. - - i - - - - .�.. - .. - 60 TAi�Qt... 2685 ......................................... T= - - - . MATCH EXIST. O ----2684 -' - - _ .. - . - o .. -\�'' :':::`-.�-.:�� 2684; ..... C5 MATCH EXIST. o - .. -t::.:..... 2685 ....--• -- .-.... 2686.51± 2685 - \� ::.::.:::. ..... _,..._ ...- �s SC N FE .._... _.- _� _ - __ .. _........... .......-' - -- - -- .... - - 2686 _ = _ � _ _ - - - - -N - - - - - - 268 - _ �` < - -- � --- - - - . _3QfT _ ,� 68648±� "'"""••W1rrr • _ ............. .. .. .... .. .. .. _.... .- - _ _ _ _ _ - _ ,.ss -_ ...-.._. - ...-....--..... ... ......... .... .... ... ....... - _. a..-• i . .T. - - _ _ _ -_ _ - - - -- - - __ =: . o ..--- - t .._ .._. ... . " � � ...2687 - -..... .....-._ ,,_. �. � � `.`.�'- .� y ......... . 10 . ......... . _ MATCH EXIST. - _.. 35 7 .. 2s8 -..r- - ' . .......... ----- ... .. - - ,s N1 - So _ _ 2s8a. - - MATCH EXIST. ........... -_- � - .- � � �•".. _- ••. � ,-. __ sroa w -IL". 2687 10+48 PC - ..... ...... •---- --........ - - - - - - - ..- - - .. � � �- -- .. .... .... ..�zi� ..- ..._----- ...................... .._..................... 2686.74± - _.-- _. - ............... 686 _.._......_.... �' _ 2 2685.44 VC - • ' I- - .. 10+48 C - . - .. - .2686' . - ...._.. _ ;�6 1687?6�B ` FL 2 84.96 268 . 6 VC 13+06.80 PC '•----•- -" --- - - - .._ _.- 21 2 ;' _ - • - 14+20.80 PC �'� --:)- ---- GRD BRK = - VC B�/ 204 687.. .. 2685 52 1 _ ...... _ ..... ..--'.... 8".. -. - . 2685.06 VC - - .. 1.5% 1.5% - - . . FL=2685.04 - - -- ' � PK & WASHER `` •-- ...-- - FL=2684.58 10+56 �- -► •. 10+56 _ - _.................. ' ................... �... _. _ I I �,6 2685.60 VC I - -. " ` ' ` _ - "'"- _ _ --_ _ , ..-. _ _ _ =o .. 81 ROW 2s85so vc ELEV-2686.99 :... ....--'....' �� ', �.:..... - ....... -�-tip"-'-"'.-.:.� ".. � � ,� - FL=2685.12 _ ` ...............7. . '*n �� - I j �s GRD BRK C1 GRD BRK O+OQ AH LT _ :- \: \. \ ��1- j F C� I I I I 0+00 AH RT 11 0 = 11+08 BK 266]` - :. �.-- ..:. r_ - - 11 +08 BK 2685.81 VC:: -. `. .: ' .... - i ► W. t e _ ------------_ ....:.:..... ISTING + 2685.81 VC 0+28.23 RT 266 .:......� `- ::2688 85± - _ --- - 2s85ss vc BLK.1 _ . - - - a II I I •- "- ..--_---- - ,� STREET KEYNOTE ITEM LIST : � _ -• 0+28.23 RT 0+56.46 BK RT 3 .. �_ ...... - - - _ ...... _ _ e - - .. - =..........ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 4 � _ - 2x87...--� `�.. .... .: 1. ti. - • 2688 2685.96 VC 11 +6 .1 AH = .. 6R 3 3 5 - 1 I w 2686.12 VC :-=:4""`:".""�""�'" "' 2689x:'---- -• -- INSTALL TYPE 111 BARRICADE PER ACRD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -1132B AND INSTALL A SIGN STATING I ' - -- --- 0+56.46 BK RT � I ' `'' " - B� THAT 'THIS ROAD WILL BE EXTENDED IN THE FUTURE'. COORDINATE SIGNAGE WITH ACHD STAFF. I i CD ;:'. NIGH POINT -•.... 26 - -C- 1t+63.13 AH ¢ : :--... 89.... I I � 11+7t 6 ' . ............ _ - - 0 ISPWC SD -1132A, -_ 2686.12 VC zo a - _ BARRICADE 2686.15 VC 10+40.25 BAR i E SHALL INCLUDE A KICK PLATE AT THE BASE -..... - .�.................... t 1+71.00 ' : _ (� �{ jT U � ( FL=2685.67 2685.83 VG�7 _ �L................. I u vJ u Uv 2686.15 VG - ..._ .. w___2688--_._.___._ .._..-.-:.:--:.`.- --.--- _ FL=2685.67 t vi 1 t 11+78.50 PC FL=2685.35 : 2689 - - ,. OF THE SIGN TO PROVIDE CANE DETECTION 7 S,INSTALL TYPE UI BARRICADE PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD 11328 I I®�� _.._.. B3 3 FL=2685.62 10+47 r SW=2688.3± 11 +81.50 PC 2% 2% f0+36.50 PC 2685.58 11+20 11+85 12+26.98 12+48.23 Cl CONSTRUCT CONCRETE VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -701. FL -2685.72 I -'j FL=2685.38 FL=2685.31 DS, 2685.87 2686.13 2686.30 2686.39 13+07.36 S' S' I I ® � 2686.50 VC 1 LOW POINT 2686.64 13+66.48 8 . % _ 1 C2 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -702. I I I FL=2686.02 C5 - -. s :.. _ ::: 2686.89 .' ... .:.. , 13+89.78 I I EP=2686.08 -.. ,..-.. •- - 1S. C3 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE VERTICAL CURB (ISLAND)- NO GUTTER SEE SHEET DT -1 FOR DETAIL EP=2686.04-. 12 QO O)9 f Q ' 2686.99 1 -1 ` O9y°la VG ° - - r : • 14+29.16 MS C4 CONSTRUCT CURB TRANSITION, VERTICAL CURB TO ROLLED CURB. SEE SHEET DT -1 FOR DETAIL 83 -. = a. - 12+15 g p aa'" 2687.15 . E. WOODVILLE DR. o t' �+ - G -� - + - :' , o �' `'' 14+57.94 C5 CONSTRUCT CURB TERMINUS, PER ISPWC SD -707. \ HP=2686.2 { t p � - 0 1 EP=2686.04 0.59% o LZ - I f w . 2687.27 14+82.22 68 - D CONSTRUCT 1' DEEP 'V' -DITCH AT END OF ROAD TO TEMPORARY STORM DRAIN POND. :' .- 12+3 .09'---- �°1° . � �..� 2687.3 C5 ���+" .. .. i� W'" 9 _ DS CONSTRUCT 5' DETACHED SIDEWALK PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -709. SEE SHEET DT -1 FOR DETAIL �- 9 w. .co FL=85.90 2686.50 VC '. =. :.. :: •.. k"i•'. •• r.•' .:'.;. o SW=2687.62± $6' FL=2686.02 ZO L2 INSTALL CITY OF MERIDIAN TYPE II STREET LIGHT. SEE SHEET 9 OF 19 FOR STREET LIGHT PLAN. �? C/- 1 T6 EP=2686.08 �p 10+39.87 10+47 11+15 09 11+80.09--- - y:- 14+93.79 CONSTRUCT 5' MEANDERING SIDEWALK AROUND EXISTING UTILITIES AND LANDSCAPING AS NEEDED PER ACHD ``, • 2685.87 VC 2685.58 2685.85 2686.1 t DS 12+26.98 12+46.26 s \ f 2687.45 ` MS SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -709. \ 12+50.05 PC I FL=2685.39 FI =2685.31 2686.30 13+15.87 / FL=2685.99 I LOW POINT 2686.38 2686.67 s' ' ' * - / O REMOVE AND DISPOSE OR RELOCATE EXISTING LANDSCAPING AS NEEDED. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH Q N1 LANDON NORTHEY (PHONE 208-999-0965) 10+36.11 PC 2686.52 VC FL 2685.44 13+89.78 \ . tomoo R=2686.04 12+49.97 PC 2686.99 �h �• DS / N2 REPLACE EXISTING ASPHALT PATHWAY AS SHOWN OR AS NEEDED TO MEET ADA STANDARDS. FL=2685.90 14+22.85 \ : \ �� N3 REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF 160 LF± EXISTING ASPHALT PATHWAY AS SHOWN. '> : 13+00 13 00 12+59.91 2687.13 `` C2 15+35.91 6Ba ` RET RETAIN AND PROTECT ALL UTILITIES \ 2686.68 VC:• X826 604 30 Z9 Z86.52 VC 14+57.94 2687.66 .---" 2 10 '------ Z7 2687.27 CONSTRUCT PEDESTRIAN CROSSING. SEE SHEET D - FOR DETAIL AND STRIPING DETAIL ..--." -..... - .: GR � BRK N •- CONSTR RAISED PED CRO -........ - :i : w.w PC T 1 26 25 15+06.03 .15+54.13 26$6 \ 13+00 BLK.2 2687.51 13 2687.75 SCL SAWCUT UNE / 2686.68 VC DS 15k ` VG CONSTRUCT 4' VALLEY GUTTER PER ACRD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -708. 13+50 15+54.13 15+90.26 \\ 2686.89 VC 2687.75 2687.91 ` / 13+50 / 12 2686.89 VC / \ 87.00 62 . 163- 15+91.91 �,� 2687.00 VG 16 �� w 2687.91 11 .� •\/ 15+90.26 \ / /4� 2687.91 G ` 15+95.86 4 STREET NOTES: � _ 0� 13+75.62 2687.93 14+50 z 2687.00 VC \ / 2687.31 VC DS J� 16+59.91 1. MINIMUM 2' ASPHALT CUT UNE ALL ASPHALT REPAIR SHALL MEET ISPWC STANDARD DRAWINGS, SD -301, SD -303 . �Q � 2688.20 AND SD -806. CONSTRUCT ALL PAVEMENT MATCHES WITHIN ACRD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO MATCH THE EXISTING STREET _ `.�0,� 1 9 0+98.58 3 BLK•Z 16+61.85 f6+61.85 AGGREGATEENT 13* 0E 6' MINUS PITRUNR USE THE GAND FOFOR LOCAL TOSTREETS: DRNE2USEF3�OF ASTPHALT,F63/OF 3/4SHED 15+00 S, -. 2687.07 � 2688.21 2688.21 CRUSHED AGGREGATE AND 13" OF 6" MINUS PITRUN. \<// 2687.52 VC S/j, �' DS 0+68.99 6�1 6 g5 .. 6�, 1+28.16 .............. ..iU a` 2687.20 `l 16+ 15+54.80 0 2686.93 ..•:= - =" •. '... 2O 21 22 23 . _. 24 17+ 3.43 PC 12 1 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, EVEN IF NOT SHOWN. COORDINATE ALL WORK A, ... :, ......... --- 0+39.41 ... 12688.42 \ 10+13.50 PC 2687.75 VC - S , 2687.33 FL=2688.15 WITH UTILIUTY COMPANIES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IDAHO POWER CO., INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO., FL=2687.63 15+64.63 14+50 1 DS _-- GRD BRK : CABLE ONE AND CENTURY LINK TELEPHONE. \ 2687.31 VC - -..-- 0.45% 10+ 2687.80 VC 7.94 PC 10+05 A . ." . ............ 0+17.54 3 2688 48. U U G FL=2687.32 / �/ 2687.43 .................... . DRAWINGS. THE SHALL DETERMINE�ff f EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE N .......................2688.18 VG-• `-`• �, 10+59.75 FL= Al1l DO 8' # 14+74.20 0+00 AH 2688,88 COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES CAUSED BY HIS GRD BRK S 1+57.75 2687.90 10+45 17+21.36 B2 15+=268 PC W %}gyp �k L2 13+96.04 BK 13+35.92 2688.092 HIGH POINT FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL DIG 10+00 _ 2686.80 �- � � 2687.51 2687.76 _ 2688.81 =: FL=2688.19 UNE AT 1-800-342-1585 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. FL=2687.33 w 2688.02 2688.20 VC -;' LOW POINT h Q` 12+05.92 11+40.92'-" 10+89.59 GRD BRK � END CONSTR. - 15+00 � ^� 13+73.37 '' 2687.52 VC �� 2687.61 DS 2688.28 2688.54 2688.75 I - 4. ACHD INSPECTION STAFF WILL BE MORE CLOSELY MONITORING PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES FOR COMPLIANCE :: 61 ROW 10+00 : = / ;" _ °` °O � ' ' _ _ WITH ADA STANDARDS. THE CROSS SLOPE OF ALL PEDESTRIAN HMINCAP RAMPS SHALL NOT BE GREATER THAN 2688.20 VC `' lx . ` •`' - _ .. r- • " ;T _. .: '_ 5% SLOPE AS A REMINDER, SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%; THERE ARE NO } 15+54.80 1 o O ,r::.:...•:: �• >:�=::_'; •. <..;.: 689" 1. END CONSTR. Bl ASR ° �6 VG 2 "TOLERANCES' ALLOWED. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL MEET ADA REQUIREMENTS. to 2687.75 VC $ %�o� \ o . XS / Z I 01 13 10+05 �' '8p 15+64.63 1+93.45 IV r� .."- f ,n 7 .. ' 5. SEE SHEET SD -1 AND SD -2 FOR STORM DRAIN DATA AND ELEVATIONS. 2688.18 VC Q9 y 2687.80 VC 2686.95 . �_, o _ I-) o o _ E-RENWICK CT. o -) GRD BRK o FL=2687.32 0.47% + - C2 n fIfy 1 - +, - - , - o + + 6. CONSTRUCT PEDESTRIAN RAMPS PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -712H WITH TRUNCATED DOMES SIMILAR TO s 10+13.50 PC B2 �sg \ VG 15+68.39 PC 0'429; ca LZ 0 0.52i% 17+82.72 ISPWC SD -712. DOMES SHALL BE RIGID INSERTS WET -SET INTO THE CONCRETE (CONCRETE STAMP &ADHESIVE o - �- -� FL=88.39 2688.7} MATS NOT ALLOWED) AND SHALL BE COLORED 'TRAFFIC YELLOW.' PEDESTRIAN RAMPS MUST MEET THE LATEST ADA FL=2687.65 ,� Q6 _ FL=2687.33 BLK.2 _ AND ICC/ANSI A-117.1 REQUIREMENTS. 16+41.39 PC / / •' 4'•- o�� X,o o VG 20' 2+29.15 j _ •' 'If . ;'' " FL=2687.64 �' �o O TTP 1 2687.10 - :: ; : - ; _ : • ; .. ..:; ; •� ; ; :.: -. » .: :. 7. �-.:-•"•-�" �", •' ABANDONED BUILDINGS, TEST PITS OR WATERWAYS LOCATED WITHIN CURRENT OR FUTURE RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE t' R=g a�° �,� 10+86.50 PC 10+45 RE -EXCAVATED TO NATIVE SOIL AND BACKFILLED WITH STRUCTURAL FILL PER ISPWC SPECIFICATIONS. PROVIDE I 2+76.09 3+25.07 AH. 3 18+02.58 ;' p�� FL=2687.54 13+67.87 DS 13+02.87 N 12+37.87 11+72.87 11+07.87 10+89.59 2688.81 Q '•. 18+ .58 2688.80 1 1 SOILS DATA TO VERIFY NATIVE MATERIAL MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ENGINEERED FILL PER ISPWC =87.55 \ GRD BRK 2687.29 13+96.04 BK ---&'2687.64 2687.90 L 2688.16 2688.42 2688.68 2688.75 �=2688.54 SPECIFICATIONS AND A COPY OF THE COMPACTION TESTS. 1// - 1-1 GRD BRK 2687,51 266 .. GRD BRK /ril r 1.�>ss 1 c0 11+00 _ 14 8 VALVES IN WIDENING AREA AS NEEDED AND POUR CONCRETE COLLARS AROUND .' J_ a 2688.28 VC 10+ I f .._.. �...._� C� .-' ......... .......... 7.35 2688.88 WATER VALVES AS NEEDED. 2+88 76 • • ' -- - ....-- �- - ........... ....''..:........ FL -=2687.80 � 268 • '- •-..... 1 2687 61 10+59 75 37 94 PC � ' / r 2688 77 h -' - 2 : r �p j� : - • GRD BRK HIGH POINT FL=2688.50 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR AND/OR RELOCATE ALL DAMAGED LANDSCAPING, SPRINKLERS, ETC., TO ORIGINAL DS 3+01 39 2687.41 17+92.26 PC 1 5 J' 18+46.54 CONDITION OR BETTER. COORDINATE REPAIRS AND RELOCATIONS WITH IANDON NORTHEY (208-999-0965). 16+4514 2688 GRD BRK 2688.75 : .. .. 00 '� :. ; - 2688.13 VC. 10+86.50 PC FL=2687_.65-'• ' FL=2687.70 i. // /" ' _ -0 Z LL+_ SEE SHEET ST -2 OO S. MONTAGUE WAY ISLAND CURB DATA AND STREET SIGN PLAN 11+50.23 2688.32 �Cs's - �- =11���\2_ ----. SN2 SN1 `' t 10+50 10+56 2685.94 NC 2685.97 IVC 1.5. 1.5% 10+56 �- -► +` 2685.97 NC SN3 N (1) to T 11-0 N L o rn LL+_ N Oa C O E N OO 10 17- % A W , } a-0 8 > ao"LL z t SN2 aceU 11+08 11+08 n -- -zvizz -n 8 0 O 2686.18 NC 2686.18 IVC ; ED wLd x = - 0 - 75 vi - OLd��T�C 0 _ W O 1 2 0 �a'O �T r2 .-- 11+14 }+U, I 2 �+-� - Z K r a 2686.29 IVC 7; :2st Q , SN3 Q O I_ O L � m ` 2 CD 0 w w c c SHEET 4 OF 21 O 0 CL o o 3 Q z z � rn bj - �:-oL�o 0 m•0 �T EE O U - ,t ON N 3 cp^L mm Q C) e o o a) O ) >, c Q T v' t m U O Q Wm � C Uj .T. -O V -p _ �1 � °:_ 2% 2% --*-I--� 4• -. O L - 0 • v -� 2 a _ -6 o 3 o y c _ .. .� 15 14 FL=2688.48 r I 2688.98 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL EXISTING PRESSURIZED IRRIGATION USED FOR FARMING HAS BEEN REMOVED 13 12 18+02.58 � a AND CAPPED ACCORDINGLY. COORDINATE WITH LANDON NORTHEY (208-999-0965). SEE SHEET ST -2 SIGN INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. OUTSIDE SIGN INSTALLERS MUST BE BONDED WITH ACHD AND MUST OBTAIN A NO -CHARGE RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL SIGN LOCATIONS WITH ACHD STAFF. SIGN KEYNOTE ITEM LIST ITEM DESCRIPTION INSTALL 'STOP SIGN" R1-1 (30'x30") WITH STREET NAME SIGNS. SN1 COORDINATE LOCATION WITH ACHD STAFF. INSTALL ACRD SIGN 'KEEP RIGHT OF ISLAND" SIGN R4-7. SN2 COORDINATE LOCATION WITH ACHD STAFF. SN3 INSTALL ACHD SIGN "NO PARKING ANY TIME' SIGN R7-1. 0 COORDINATE LOCATION WITH ACHD STAFF. INSTALL ACHD SIGN "RAISED CROSSWALK AHEAD` SIGN W17-1. N4 COORDINATE LOCATION WITH ACHD STAFF. 0INSTALL ACHD SIGN "20 MPH" SIGN W13 -1P. 0 COORDINATE LOCATION WITH ACHD STAFF. STRUCTURAL FILL NOTE: 1. IN BUILDABLE LOTS THAT REQUIRE FILL OVER 1 -FOOT DEEP THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STRIP EXISTING GROUND AND BACKFILL WITH STRUCTURAL FILL TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR IN 1 -FOOT MAXIMUM LIFTS. COMPACTION TESTING AND INSPECTION SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A TESTING LABORATORY QUALIFIED TO PERFORM SUCH INSPECTIONS. COMPACTION TEST RESULTS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS, AND TO ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS AS TESTS ARE PERFORMED. ACHD NOTES: 1. ALL TREES MUST BE OFFSET A MINIMUM OF 10 -FEET FROM ALL STORM DRAIN FACILITIES. c N (1) to T 11-0 N L o rn LL+_ N Oa C O E N OO .. __ o>("_( 17- % A W , } a-0 8 > ao"LL z oc aceU (0(0- 00 •v n -- -zvizz -n 8 0 O v O 52 �Vl �-- W - z w J ED wLd x = - 0 - 75 vi - OLd��T�C 0 _ W O 8 a E U . u 0 �a'O �T r2 .-- �= }+U, 5N O ', N 2 �+-� - Z K r a 7; :2st N A , - =_ Q O I_ O L � m ` 2 CD 0 w w c c SHEET 4 OF 21 O 0 CL o o 3 Q z � rn bj - �:-oL�o Z) m•0 �T EE O U 4U�o_6 ON N 3 cp^L mm Q C) e o o a) O ) >, c Q T m U O Q Wm � C Uj .T. -O V -p _ �1 � °:_ O L - 0 • v -� 2 a -6 o 3 o y c N Z a o 00 a-o=-� T -= o�=o o� c a== > 9 O C� O C� DU- -o� a o O w WD c No"� O O 0.rL 1L O L O . 3o o L� y O X co y O O C C U C � - N 2 0 0 0) V-_ o U U O c A Z -,�; 'V p �O.aa d N U c N N < ) w �, Qo Er- C U - N N 3 - N C o ¢ Q, W N _ c O 3 o O 3 z oN C = ) ..L-+ c N U LC .00�T'6 z 0 , L ' U -- y - = Co_ E U 3 Q A L . e_1 a� = , y ° v a w o t c- 0 a - V c U -O L p O �� O . c 0 . a r c- 0 U 0 .--. a 4) N C- d N E N U\ 6 a) U g o? v °> �(/ � - .- O z NAL 11114, o�c � r t 6 Q �l ,�N o TRo, U. S c > > w J o rn oZ� � C/) - CD oow 17- % A W w- o 0 0 I NCD ,It rn z oc Jw c� W - Z (0(0- 00 zn>_w (:) -zvizz -n 8 0 � = t O} z m w �-- W - z w J ED wLd x = - 0 - w 2 c w g o ooC) �ZN � w - o N -o o� Zo z o ZZZ-w r2 3Ew-G � ow � - m - 3 W N Z � 8 O 2 �+-� - Z K r a c zzW 0 o rn Z C/) - CD • o� 17- % A W c I NCD ,It rn z oc o (0(0- 00 (:) �l 0-- � z '- �-- W Tn `�S ED wLd x Lu (L � g o ooC) m IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII aZOD 0 czO pi�w If (o c fh ofrnD 7; :2st SCALE W 1 =40' ORIZ cy)c NO � O DWG.DATE 04/06/18 - a Z m zzW 0 Z C/) �o • o� 17- % A W % C6 z O w _: z f 4c (:) �l 0-- � z '- �-- W Tn `�S 004 N r-) Lu (L � -r zzW 0 H O C/) F__ 17- % A W 0 m(10 w � �D W m (n z m 00 0 If (o c o0 14- SCALE 1 =40' ORIZ O � � O DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. NO. 180114 Z 0 � SHEET 4 OF 21 O 0 CL o m Q LLI ST- 1 00 Q LL z C) /SHEETS/180114-ST.DWG 2688 _. --------- - f-. . --------- 17+34.5 7 2688.51 VCS / / CIL 17+72.75 2688.87 VC END CONSTR. L2 / B / 17+72.75 2688.87 VC END CONSTR. Z B2 I/ SEE SHEET ST -1 SEE SHEET ST -1 _J 16+45.14 T o 2688.13 VC �j , .: FL=2687_.65 16+41.39 PC FL=2687.64 1 1 'ZfBy. 14+57.78 2689.93 X69' DS ��. rj 15+32.78 BK 0+00 AH.--\ 2690.46 15+32.78 ..... 2690.38 62 -0+00_� 2690.17 EP 2689.19�� FL DITCH 9� 10'L x 4'W SAND WINDOW 0+20.77 �o TYP. OF 2 2690.25 EP (SEE SHEET'--DT-2 FOR DETAIL), D �W 2689.44 FL DITCH 1 0+83.40 2690.50 EP .............. . STREET KEYNOTE ITEM LIST ITEM DESCRIPTION B1 INSTALL TYPE III BARRICADE PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -1132B AND INSTALL A SIGN STATING THAT 'THIS ROAD WILL BE EXTENDED IN THE FUTURE". COORDINATE SIGNAGE WITH ACHD STAFF. INSTALL TYPE II BARRICADE AT THE END OF SIDEWALK PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -1132A, 62 PER MUTCD PROVISIONS SECTION 60.02. THE BARRICADE SHALL INCLUDE A KICK PLATE AT THE BASE OF THE SIGN TO PROVIDE CANE DETECTION. B3 INSTALL TYPE III BARRICADE PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -1132B. Cl CONSTRUCT CONCRETE VERTICAL CURB AND GUTTER PER ACRD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -701. C2 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -702. C3 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE VERTICAL CURB (ISLAND)- NO GUTTER SEE SHEET DT -1 FOR DETAIL C4 CONSTRUCT CURB TRANSITION, VERTICAL CURB TO ROLLED CURB. SEE SHEET DT -1 FOR DETAIL C5 CONSTRUCT CURB TERMINUS, PER ISPWC SD -707. D CONSTRUCT 1' DEEP 'V' -DITCH AT END OF ROAD TO TEMPORARY STORM DRAIN POND. DS CONSTRUCT 5' DETACHED SIDEWALK PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -709. SEE SHEET DT -1 FOR DETAIL L2 INSTALL CITY OF MERIDIAN TYPE II STREET LIGHT. SEE SHEET 9 OF 19 FOR STREET LIGHT PLAN. MS CONSTRUCT 5' MEANDERING SIDEWALK AROUND EXISTING UTILITIES AND LANDSCAPING AS NEEDED PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -709. N1 REMOVE AND DISPOSE OR RELOCATE EXISTING LANDSCAPING AS NEEDED. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH LANDON NORTHEY (PHONE 208-999-0965) I REPLACE EXISTING ASPHALT PATHWAY AS SHOWN OR AS NEEDED TO MEET ADA STANDARDS. REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF 160 LFt EXISTING ASPHALT PATHWAY AS SHOWN. RETAIN AND PROTECT ALL UTILITIES CONSTRUCT RAISED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING. SEE SHEET DT -1 FOR DETAIL AND STRIPING DETAIL SAWCUT LINE CONSTRUCT 4' VALLEY GUTTER PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -708.. STREET NOTES: 1. MINIMUM 2' ASPHALT CUT UNE. ALL ASPHALT REPAIR SHALL MEET ISPWC STANDARD DRAWINGS, SD -301, SD -303 AND SD -806. CONSTRUCT ALL PAVEMENT MATCHES WITHIN ACHD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO MATCH THE EXISTING STREET PAVEMENT SECTION OR USE THE FOLLOWING FOR LOCAL STREETS. 2 1/2' OF ASPHALT, 4' OF 3/4' CRUSHED AGGREGATE AND 13' OF 6' MINUS PTTRUN, AND FOR E. TACONIC DRIVE USE 3' OF ASPHALT, 6' OF 3/4` CRUSHED AGGREGATE AND 13' OF 6' MINUS PITRUN. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL RETAIN AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, EVEN IF NOT SHOWN. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH UTIUUTY COMPANIES INCLUDING BUT NOT UMITED TO IDAHO POWER CO., INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO., CABLE ONE AND CENTURY UNK TELEPHONE. 3. THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILMES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES CAUSED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL DIG LINE AT 1-800-342-1585 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 4. ACHD INSPECTION STAFF WILL BE MORE CLOSELY MONITORING PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ADA STANDARDS. THE CROSS SLOPE OF ALL PEDESTRIAN HANDICAP RAMPS SHALL NOT BE GREATER THAN 1.5% SLOPE. AS A REMINDER, SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%; THERE ARE NO "TOLERANCES" ALLOWED. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL MEET ADA REQUIREMENTS. 5. SEE SHEET SD -1 AND SD -2 FOR STORM DRAIN DATA AND ELEVATIONS. 6. CONSTRUCT PEDESTRIAN RAMPS PER ACHD SUPPLEMENT TO ISPWC SD -712H WITH TRUNCATED DOMES SIMILAR TO ISPWC SD -712. DOMES SHALL BE RIGID INSERTS WET -SET INTO THE CONCRETE (CONCRETE STAMP do ADHESIVE MATS NOT ALLOWED) AND SHALL BE COLORED 'TRAFFIC YELLOW.' PEDESTRIAN RAMPS MUST MEET THE LATEST ADA AND ICC/ANSI A-117.1 REQUIREMENTS. 7. ABANDONED BUILDINGS, TEST PITS OR WATERWAYS LOCATED WITHIN CURRENT OR FUTURE RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE RE -EXCAVATED TO NATIVE SOIL AND BACKFILLED WITH STRUCTURAL FILL PER ISPWC SPECIFICATIONS. PROVIDE SOILS DATA TO VERIFY NATIVE MATERIAL MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ENGINEERED FILL PER ISPWC SPECIFICATIONS AND A COPY OF THE COMPACTION TESTS. 8. ADJUST ALL EXISTING WATER VALVES IN WIDENING AREA AS NEEDED AND POUR CONCRETE COLLARS AROUND WATER VALVES AS NEEDED. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR AND/OR RELOCATE ALL DAMAGED LANDSCAPING, SPRINKLERS, ETC., TO ORIGINAL CONDITION OR BETTER. COORDINATE REPAIRS AND RELOCATIONS WITH LANDON NORTHEY (208-999-0965). 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL EXISTING PRESSURIZED IRRIGATION USED FOR FARMING HAS BEEN REMOVED AND CAPPED ACCORDINGLY. COORDINATE WITH LANDON NORTHEY (208-999-0965). 18+02.58 .2688.80 17 20+44.54 An 40 20 0 40 80 120 � I SCALE IN FEET Q� J � I o 0 o L c:a c o E m h 22+50.34 BK. 20 ' 0+00 AH. LL 0 a Q 2690.88 U Q� ICON 22+50.34 1Z- Y z L 7 2690.80 N (D +-C' 62 0 0 � W O 2+92.06 U U a c a c 16 v 2690.59 EP 2689.61 o�ZCl T \ FL DITCH - a- o ............... 2+71.28 Qwr O' j P :� O O c 2690.67 EP 2691 C N O -•U Q� O Q W W er'n'63 EP U) DITCH - NZ/. sk, 2690.12 FL DITCH STRUCTURAL FILL NOTE: 1. IN BUILDABLE LOTS THAT REQUIRE FILL OVER 1 -FOOT DEEP THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STRIP EXISTING GROUND AND BACKFILL WITH STRUCTURAL FILL TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR IN 1 -FOOT MAXIMUM LIFTS. COMPACTION TESTING AND INSPECTION SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A TESTING LABORATORY QUALIFIED TO PERFORM SUCH INSPECTIONS. COMPACTION TEST RESULTS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS, AND TO ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS AS TESTS ARE PERFORMED. ACHD NOTES: 1. ALL TREES MUST BE OFFSET A MINIMUM OF 10 -FEET FROM ALL STORM DRAIN FACILITIES. 0 Z) z 00 0 If CLoO W 00 t LL O 0 W co r z0(o p w O m QW F- LLI LLL z Q v 'PAcn o OF Tg�SG$ M. 5 O N N T+' U C y o 0 o L c:a c o E m T bi 02 v C N 6 i p 00 F_-N� LL 0 a Q V) 00 U Q� ICON � w m Z 0 3 w 1Z- Y z L 7 z Z z N (D +-C' o az o 0 0 � W O v v U U a c a c 16 v z o�ZCl T U) - a- w Qwr O' j P :� O O c } ^' ^+ C N O -•U Q� O Q W W U) No i v- a a v a• a� z �: �w E '' o ^ ii o U O� U 3 � C c D LL v+ c y v rn Q cn cl:: U O wfL 0.41 m "a C� -O � V SCJ O N � O - U -R N m a E O a N w'Ar' 7 O L O ` 0 0 G _ LL +T' O O - • n U O C d C O W:D o3 0 0 y 6 co c c CL Z 10 o O N+ O O U C N N QU 2� C U , N O _ c O N N N C C 0 3 N o V (n c c � N U z O O N 4 O O+'C y N N •- O _ Oc C C- � U 3 O _� a U O_ N c m Wo o L c O a a O F`'_ C N C N C O C uj y� 0 > N O O C tNn E Z S�IoNAL v 'PAcn o OF Tg�SG$ M. 5 m } } o 0 o oB.0 y T bi Z lot 00 F_-N� o m o o o V) 00 w � ICON � w m Z 0 3 w 1Z- Y z L 7 z Z z �Q O ocn 0 0 o az o 0 0 � L , 00 W J�Zw cn zoC) z o�ZCl CD U) - a- w Qwr W o?4°m3 o w z 0 H C, Z m o 0 o y T bi Z lot 00 F_-N� vc o V) 00 z ICON L L LLJ Lij X �o_0 L 7 �Q O ocn 0 ft o az o O000) 0 � L , 00 W N r7 zoC) W A~ 0 m N o U) - a- m Z z z Z L 7 To O F- L , ft1 V� N r7 LLJ W A~ o U U) w VL SCALE 1 "=40' HORIZ DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. NO. 180114 SHEET 5 OF 21 ST -2 IEETS/180114-ST.DWG 2701 O 269; • 270 269 269 •: q*&: 1 269 269 •N O SJ 267 8-00 4U ZU 11-60 21 10-80 1/--20 11 16-80 16-40 16-00 15 60 15 20 14 8U 14+4U 00 14 UU 1.S 60 1.5 2U 12+8U 15 1Z 40 12+00 11 60 11 40 16-80 20 10 80 10+40 16+00 10-1-00 y+6i 18 80 _U W ^ n 1y 6U co UU 2U 4U } 3 04- M I- Z rnW�� = in co 0 + c0 com Q LL �VMIN. N C'4 CL FINISHED GRADE + v N co N N `" AT CENTERLINE FINISHED GRADE � ct zO N WWW OO p_oL tn� oV 3 a r- co E L j � Y � m U y o D J M 1 co N 6 d• - m >-QZ5 SCALE 1"=40' HORIZ O o o s 6 0 co/�rte/� c U C S N N O_ O PROJ. No, 180114 U O (o SHEET 6 OF 21 O ate. It I- 0E o a d O vi N d V C N Lij QU 0 2 d W 0.50% O 3 p o o U N C .> — -- — � N 0.42% N V O N +T o c E � � U � d 0 o z y a c C w -c6> EX/SDNG GROUND c >. w 6 rn Zn rn W `Q J W z J W c0 1 N ?700TE�Vc�'(Y f� O V4to ��o O co 00 � 0] O N UF= 0_ o z U op ^ >_692 , om��o Q U w J V W z In W zo N ZO Z o N 0 N c0 Z p 00 N w FINISHED GRADE Z J J m 0 w U 2 O �J��Z N co 5+ co O w Q w pzmm� � L c=0 o N o O Z d ' 4 ?684 N a o S Y N �= �- ocz� CN 00 00_ , AT CENTERLINE ILI- got � Nrn c1cO N �- J co N N I_. 1� 00 O „� w N + 00 m M d: M c0 o c v co L K G m co to 0.94% O 0_ LoM to CD to cz Y r N N cq 00 co CO w N N + � co N cV "' N N n w � J W -- — — 0.42% Lj N cn �Q ca O N U — , 0 .49% n1 n O � Go M m 000 Lo b6 co m t? ¢ J , C� J L� j W W I O c� + c0 c0 is O c00 ,r; z cC N ao �, W + N n c� Q C9 `` ------ W ----- 0.40% 0.4 Q N C> co + co a N II FINIS ED GRADE ¢ , ; _--- -- — % 0.40% 0.42% IX/ST/NG GROUND �NWNw 11 `- N 3 _' Wr AT ENTERLINE v "' 0 42% AT CENTERLINE 0.42% — -- CA N[o c'n n rmoz _0.42% -- , 0.42% --- — 12'SD __ -- ---- -- J N -a.69 O 0.40% ____— ---- 8 o - - ----- --- --- — 2V N J N 3 w �2 > _r U LLJ .. a EXlS11NG GROUND _ S � cn W ; co AT CENTERLINEcl- S. MONTALGUEE WAY S. M NTA UE W Y Lli 1 ill 1 ill 1 W W I W 1 �U 1 4J 1 1 X17 � 1 1 W 1 W 1 W I W I � I W I W I lu 1 �I 1 W 1 W 1 1 O O 1 N 'R 1 N N7 I Lir) 1 r- 00 1 I 1 00 U-) 1 CO OD st 1 ` 1 M O d 1 � O C" 1 00 I � CO I N n �- I O r'") I I 00 1 N 00 1 c0 c0 1 ^ d' N 1 1- N C� L 0�01:1 Op C6 00 Oj cc) clo � ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Cp � Cp Cp � �p Cp l(j � CQ Lx-) co Lci � tfs <o � l.C) I 1 00 O 00 O co O N 00 co 00 O' 00 O 00 co N 00 O N 00 O N O N O � O O r 00 O N 00 O � 00 c 00 O 00 O 00 c0 c co 00 co N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N } 40 20 0 40 80 120 '_696 000§L— 6ommmm" SCALE IN FEET HORIZONTAL SCALE 1_692 4 2 0 4 8 12 SCALE IN FEET VERTICAL SCALE 1 $ : , '_676 18+00 17+60 17+20 16+80 16+40 16+00 15+60 15+20 14+80 14+40 14+00 13+60 13+20 12+80 12+40 12+00 11+60 11+20 10+80 10+40 10+00 9+60 1+ 60 10-1-00 4U ZU 10-40 21 10-80 21 11 20 11 60 12-00 12-40 12--60 16-20 vi p a= 16-60 00 14 UU 14+40 , 14+80 O 15 20 15 60 1611-00 c a v 16 40 16-80 N 1/7-20 v 1/11-60 16+00 Z Z� 18 40 18 80 19-'-20 1y 6U 20 UU 2U 4U 2U 04- M I- Z rnW�� = in co 0 + c0 com Q LL �VMIN. N C'4 CL FINISHED GRADE + v N co N N `" AT CENTERLINE FINISHED GRADE � ct zO N WWW OO p_oL tn� oV 3 a W E N ,� " U y o D AT CENTERLINE W N 6 d• - m >-QZ5 SCALE 1"=40' HORIZ O o o s 6 0 co/�rte/� c U C S N N O_ O PROJ. No, 180114 z O (o SHEET 6 OF 21 O ate. It I- 0E o a d O vi N d V C N Lij QU 0 2 d W 0.50% O 3 p o o U N C .> — -- — O 3 .N. O <J N C 0.42% N V O N +T o c E � � U � d 0 o z y a c C w -c6> EX/SDNG GROUND c >. w 6 rn Zn rn , a o d N N Z O O C N N E QJ N\D z ?700TE�Vc�'(Y f� O V4to ��o 6 i9l ?696 UF= 0_ o z U op ^ >_692 0O op om��o Q U w J V W z In W zo N ZO Z 0 N c0 Z p 00 N zoo}z W Z J J m 0 w U 2 O �J��Z >_688 z Kc> O w Q w pzmm� U O Z d ' 4 ?684 N a o S Y N �= O0 ocz� CN 00 00_ , � ILI- got � Nrn c1cO N 00 .D 00 civ I_. 1� 00 O „� w N M N W M d: M c0 M 00 L K G m co to O 0_ LoM to CD to cz Y NO p rn N N cq 00 co CO w N N + � co N cV N N N n � J W cn , 3 0 LLJas n1 n O � Go M m 000 Lo b6 co m t? CN 11 C� J L� j W W I O c� + c0 c0 is O c00 ,r; z cC N ao �, + N n c� Q C9 Q ; W 0.4 Q N C> co + co a N II FINIS ED GRADE ¢ , ; ''' % 0.42% �NWNw 11 `- N 3 _' Wr AT ENTERLINE v "' 0 42% 0.42% — -- CA N[o c'n n rmoz _0.42% -- , 0.42% --- — 0.42% __ -- ---- -- W z -2.00 -a.69 0.40% ____— ---- o - - ----- --- --- — > _r U LLJ .. a EXlS11NG GROUND W ; AT CENTERLINEcl- it (W N 3 E. WOOD ILLE DRIV S. UBO WA d V' Li Li Li � 21 2I 2, 2, 2 � U- UnI- Lf--1 C.D CD . I I I N � 04 O O cfl1 I MI f I OI I nI Mi I OI 4 M01I I 00 l2 CO U 1:16 fl ^ r r- C6 r F\ �O 22 OO 00 00 00 00 O M 00M O O00 co M2 OOONi O O N co O O O co 22 00 c co 00 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N� N N N N N N N N N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NO N N N N N 9+60 10+00 10+40 10+80 11+20 11+60 12+00 12+40 12+80 13+20 13+60 14+00 14+40 14+80 15+20 15+60 16+00 16+40 16+80 17+20 17+60 18+00 18+40 18+80 19+20 19+60 20+00 20+40 201 0 )_700 ?692 '•:: F40 20+80 21+20 21+60 22+00 22+40 22+80 -0-1-40 2700- 2691 2% •: n.i-nn n.�dn n-LRn 1.LI)n 1 +60 2700 4U ZU 8U 21 ZU 21 6U 22 UU 22--4u 22--t �C) CD s > Q o a Qac b vi p a= — O 00 a e°r° rn v L , a p O O CL 00 C W 0 c a v O N N W v N✓ N Q Z Z� 0 O W w V) w EX/SIING GROUND 04- M I- Z rnW�� = in co 0 + c0 com Q LL �VMIN. N C'4 CL FINISHED GRADE + v N co N N `" AT CENTERLINE FINISHED GRADE � ct zO N WWW OO p_oL tn� oV 3 a W E N ,� " U y o D AT CENTERLINE W N 6 d• - m >-QZ5 SCALE 1"=40' HORIZ O o o s 6 0 co/�rte/� c U C S N N O_ O PROJ. No, 180114 z O (o SHEET 6 OF 21 O ate. It I- 0E o a d O vi N d V C N Lij QU 0 2 d W 0.50% O 3 p o o U N C .> — -- — O 3 .N. O <J N C 0.42% N V O N +T o c E � � U � d 0 o z y a c C w -c6> EX/SDNG GROUND c >. w 6 AT CENTERUNE , a o d N N Z O O C N N E QJ N\D z ?700TE�Vc�'(Y f� O V4to ��o 6 i9l ?696 o z >_692 om��o Q U w J V W z In W zo N ZO Z zoo}z W Z J J m 0 w U 2 O �J��Z >_688 z Kc> O w Q w pzmm� O Z d ' 4 ?684 a o S CUB OLA WAY ocz� , � ILI- got � Nrn c1cO 00 .D 00 civ I_. 1� 00 O „� w N M N W M d: M c0 M 00 L K G m co to O CD to to CD to cz O NO p rn N N N w N N N N N cV N N N n 0 )_700 ?692 '•:: F40 20+80 21+20 21+60 22+00 22+40 22+80 -0-1-40 2700- 2691 2% •: n.i-nn n.�dn n-LRn 1.LI)n 1 +60 2700 TEMPORARY TURN—AROUND FOR S. CUBOLA WAY me ?692 Nslll m aca E a> O 0 o o R p ol Z �C) CD s > Q o a Qac b vi p a= — O 00 a e°r° rn v L , a p O O CL 00 C W 0 c a v O N N W v N✓ N Q Z Z� O W w V) w EX/SIING GROUND 04- M I- Z m = �( o 0 Q LL �VMIN. Q] c' U O +L. O- W m FINISHED GRADE AT CENTERLINE O � ct zO O t N O C� V N N U °O OO p_oL tn� oV 3 a LLO E 1— U y o D c �18C p .Oi N U O .0 TEMPORARY TURN—AROUND FOR S. CUBOLA WAY me ?692 Nslll m aca E a> O 0 o o R p ol Z LL•p s > Q o a Qac b vi p a= v L N p rn N W �� CL 00 C W 0 c a v p p C� � O v N✓ N Q -q5> O P 04- M I- Z = �( o 0 Q LL m e p rn Q Q] c' U O +L. O- W m E i O � ct zO O t N O C� V N N U °O OO p_oL tn� oV 3 a LLO a 0 0 1— U y o D c �18C p .Oi N U O .0 W N 6 d• - O >-QZ5 SCALE 1"=40' HORIZ O o o s 6 0 co/�rte/� c U C S N N O_ O PROJ. No, 180114 z O (o SHEET 6 OF 21 O ate. It I- 0E o a d O vi N d V C N 0 QU 0 2 d W C U _ O 3 p o o U N C .> Q O 3 .N. O <J N C 1 yTl((• N V O N +T o c E � � U � d 0 o z y a c C w -c6> c >. 6 a o d N N Z O O C N N E QJ N\D ?700TE�Vc�'(Y f� V4to ��o 6 i9l ?696 o z >_692 om��o w J V W z In W zo N ZO Z zoo}z W Z J J m 0 U 2 O �J��Z >_688 z Kc> O z z z w w w pzmm� O Z d ?684 a o ocz� � got � Nrn c1cO 00 .D 00 civ I_. „� w _68o W W x ��_`- L O V _C)0, O az� cz O NO p rn w co Zoo LQ o - CL m Z z m W J O Ld Z � O O P 04- M i— Lu ZO �( o L LI w U) � °O O U c) O SCALE 1"=40' HORIZ 1"=4' VERT OLL 0 DWG.DATE 04/06%18 PROJ. No, 180114 z O (o SHEET 6 OF 21 O ate. It 11 0 Q W ST -3 O O Q LL z 0 /SHEETS/180114-ST-PRO.DWG 1 269 269 0 6 Rol 5 2U 14 SU 2U 11 14+40 UU 12 14+00 SU 1 S 16-1-60 16 2U 12 6U 1Z 4U 12 UU 11--6U q 11 20 20 10 80 10-40 14 10+00 14--40 9 + 61 14--80 W 00 O 15--20 Np+ 15--E vi > > > O N N O N O 0 W 2 N V a 3� J O U U O� Q 3 U z N w Q w� � O_ rn + U Z_ � tD O tTO Qf L O M O n g, - 0 v d -, M v Q Q0i 3 -- Q_ Q- Q-' O , cn 159 M N 0 w �U) n- O� O CD o , 1'MIN. — to N z + co m flo • c; CN Oi m 0 000 t0 O O m 0 000 to + m tD oo O 0 Q o a+ c U Q p st o^O c�i¢i II W �g -g Ln f� ^ w M^ -4 fin N p 1� 0 + + ¢ 00 N p 1 "=40' HQRIZ 1 "=4' VERT z !; II N 3 DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. � O N CD O N O 0 00 0 co C,4 m i 0 0 W t t L 1 p ST — 0 �' M Ncp o ■ W� �—�o�N� 0 FINISHED GRAD /SHEETS/ 1 80114-ST-PRO.DWG ``' a15 o W% w N w -tj n c c W co _mJ -1 c_> W V .Q O N w CL E O m W" Q J U O_ N N AT CENTERUNE N `n �' W cN s C N N V -0.40 ^ M �W� � (� N — oo h �0 >.� E O to o.447. m O c E 3 m F- C) 0.43% 0.43 0 1.947 00% _ z o N LNn 00 — — — — — 00 ►` � — — — — --- — ---- ---- ----- 1.940 pJ O O 0- W o v� p o 00 0.40% to o Y o o 0 00 0 0� Li} Y _7.00, o 0000 o_ o O O " aoi a3i N 0.40% _ + � � to N 0 ►2 N + i E(ISMO ATC 51110NG GROUND — — — — ---------- O+ co °m° m — Lon 00 t00 0 Ln , p 0 m — — — — — — — — — — ---------- EX/STING GROUND II E. MUR HINSON S . ti W m tD m L�+- O tD AT MVIERUNE I I I I I I 1, 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 4 I I I I I C� �u G7 r ti st � co �F 0n Oco ON 4 I tD rn I t\ I w IL al 1 d- � N 1 M rn I n I cD I 0 op 'Q N I d I co p� N CO C� W C: L I I cn � 00 ; (" 00 tT 00 rn � 00 Di 00 ai C0 rn 22 0 0 tr O �' rn o o �' O o a' O E. RENWICK �' COU RT 0 NN co NN 0 NN 0 N co N to N O NN 0 N k N rn 0 N rn to N rn � 0 N rn c N m 0 N 0 CO C� L.V CD �- I L, C) 1.1 t N C9 LL I t.D LL I N t 7 �, 11 I CD Li I N Ll- �V I lL I N Li I N I Q) U- I L, c7 Li (n � N C� WLi L �-u U' L.L_ n t\ i cD O I t` O I ^ O O M N I O N M to I n 0� -" — d r a0 I 0 cD W Li r\ � � r- 00 00 � 0 00 0.50% oo — a0 a0 oo N 00 N 00 co N Go to N 00 co N co to N 00I co N 00 N 00 co Q3 N 00� co N 00 cV 00 N 00 to N N N N N N N N N N N N 1696 '_692 I•ii Me 15+20 14+80 14+40 14+00 13+60 13+20 12+80 12+40 12+00 11+60 11+20 10+80 10+40 10+00 9+60 2701 2691 269; •s l+6U 1 U UU 1 U 4U 1 U tiU 11 2U 11 6U 11 UU 12 4U 12 SU 1 S 20 1 S 60 14 00 14 40 14 80 15--20 15--60 16+00 16 q 8U 1S 20 16--60 O 'v 14 00 14--40 i 14--80 W 00 O 15--20 Np+ 15--E vi > > > O N N O N O 0 W 2 N V a 3� J O U U O� Q 3 U z N w Q w� EXISTI + (n (L% m CMo Y O v d -, M v Q Q0i 3 -- Oto O D) ^ O _ _J_p% 0 w �U) o , 1'MIN. — to N z + co m flo • c; CN cn .Q L- � (n T C3 o co co Q; co o 00 OMi H Z � a €>N�� oao�� 3 cvrn Q o a+ c FINISHED GRADE Q m of v o a LLJ c�i¢i II W �g -g ul N p 1� 0 + + ¢ 00 N p 1 "=40' HQRIZ 1 "=4' VERT z !; II N 3 DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. ZV V O AT CENTERUNE 0 0 _02- N — L S N fl 00 3 _ Vr 0 W 11,t L 1 ST — 0 11 Q o ■ W� �—�o�N� 0 /SHEETS/ 1 80114-ST-PRO.DWG �� a15 o w N ✓ a -tj n c c W co _mJ -1 U zV V .Q O N Co CL E O m V C N N U O_ N N N U CL O ; � p U N c cN s C N N V -0.40 ^ M �W� � (� — oo h �0 >.� E O to o.447. m O c E 3 m F- C) 0 0 0 C A _ z o N LNn 00 — — — — — 00 ►` � — — — — --- — ---- ---- ----- 1.940 pJ O O 0- W o v� p o 00 -0.50% to o Y o o 0 00 0 0� Li} Y o 0000 o_ o O O " aoi a3i N _ + � � to N 0 ►2 N + i E(ISMO ATC 51110NG GROUND ►+� � O+ co °m° m M Lon 00 t00 0 Ln p 0 m AT CENTERUNE + N II E. MUR HINSON S . ti W m tD m L�+- O tD I I I I I I 1, 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I C� �u G7 r ti st � co �F 0n Oco ON 4 I tD rn I t\ I w IL al 1 d- � N 1 M rn I n I cD I 0 op 'Q N I d I co p� N CO C� W C: L I I cn � 00 00 C0 (" 00 tT 00 rn � 00 Di 00 ai C0 rn 22 0 0 tr O �' rn o o �' O o a' O t7) I I �' N � co N 0 NN co NN 0 NN 0 N co N to N O NN 0 N k N rn 0 N rn to N rn � 0 N rn c N m 0 N 0 CO N N04 N N N N N N N N N N N N N ?700 ?696 ?692 9+60 10+00 10+40 10+80 11+20 11+60 12+00 12+40 12+80 13+20 13+60 14+00 14+40 14+80 15+20 15+60 16+00 16+40 2701 2691 269: • w QKI + bU 1U UU 1U 4U 1U tSU 00 11 2U 11 6U o s > a m 12 UU 1Z 4U 12 8U 1S 20 16--60 O 'v 14 00 14--40 i 14--80 W 00 O 15--20 Np+ 15--E vi > > > O N N O N O 0 W 2 N V U U O� Q 3 U z N w Q w� EXISTI GROUND (L% m Q W -- - 0 _ _J_p% 0 w �U) o , 1'MIN. co U z FINISHED GRADE W .Q L- � (n T AT CE UNE €>N�� oao�� 3 cvrn Q o a+ c Q m of v o a LLJ OD r �g -g C) OLL O : 1 "=40' HQRIZ 1 "=4' VERT J ? �oallo DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. ZV V O � 0 0 _02- N — L S N fl 00 3 _ Vr 0 LL F - c O E O � III ST — 0 o Q o ■ W� �—�o�N� 0 /SHEETS/ 1 80114-ST-PRO.DWG �� a15 o OL 3 0 N _ O� o ✓ a r V! n c c U zV V .Q O N Co CL E O m V C N N U O_ N N _ 3 O a 5 Q O U CL O ; � p U N c cN s C N N V ^ M �W� � (� — oo h �0 >.� E O to H m O c E 3 m F- C) 0 0 0 C A 'S V d 3 z o N LNn 00 rn cc Lo 00 ►` � Lr SQ Nom- I iTT O O 0- W o v� p o 00 w\p to o Y o o 0 00 0 0� Li} Y o 0000 o_ o O O " aoi a3i N _ + � � to N 0 ►2 N + i E(ISMO ATC GROUND ERUNE ►+� � O+ co °m° m M Lon 00 t00 0 Ln p 0 m + N II J ti W m tD m n O tD F¢ -CL -� W 1-5 1 W N C o %L `�' o co 04 II FINISHED GRADE ¢ w can �' -D° W II W II a J W AT CE RUNE N u — — — (n (n � N J W H N 0.50% 0� -" — 0.50% — — — — 0.50% - _--- -0.40%_/_ 0.40% — — 4'PIRR W SLV 3 'r a , S. PIONEER TRAIL WAY `a �1 c� U- W o LL � c� Li W o Li W 0 Li W o LL 12 W CD U- 2 W CD U- LV 2 ca 2, � �V � �1 2 c� LL �U 2 c� U- 2 �-V c� 2, 2 �U c� LL_ � co Li'• I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I � I f 7 L.L_ O M CD to n 1 t1� N LCi t[7 tD tli OO N Lo O " Lo N Ln p� tD CD I O Ci) st �- I p 0 N N cc 00 0 0 rn^ 0 ^ 0 �O 00 0 0 ap 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 p 0 C6 CA 0 OJ CA 0 op 0 O `� O O O O p) O p� N 0 N 0 N 0 N co N to �p N 0 �p N 0 N 0 N 0 N O N 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 to � N tT CC N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 ?700 Its% ?692 I•�• off, He ME 9+60 10+00 10+40 10+80 11+20 11+60 12+00 12+40 12+80 13+20 13+60 14+00 14+40 14+80 15+20 15+60 —0+40 2704- 2701 269 269; 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET HORIZONTAL SCALE 4 2 0 4 8 12 SCALE IN FEET VERTICAL SCALE n_nn na-4n n_ -Rn 1a -9n 1 +60 2704 TEMPORARY TURN -AROUND FOR S. PIONEER TRAIL WAY ?700 CO '_692 =I L a> acv ELL 00 Z o s > a m C) • COD Lq U Nab O 'v d � i C) W 00 O d Np+ N vi > > > O N N O N O 0 W 2 N V U U O� s U z N w Q w� EXISTI GROUND (L% m Q W -- - 0 _ _J_p% 0 w �U) o 1'MIN. co U z FINISHED GRADE z .Q L- � (n T AT CE UNE €>N�� oao�� 3 cvrn Q o a+ c Q m of v o a LLJ OD r �g -g C) OLL O : TEMPORARY TURN -AROUND FOR S. PIONEER TRAIL WAY ?700 CO '_692 =I pNA.L ZSTE,�c�' f'L O��i Ta4�G W �- o N 3 > ? ~ O m :j oma= zor�W -ZNzz g z¢ZC>z 0 Yw r 4 O C-1 C> woo �sZW� U) oowo� z aoz C� p z m m ry =woo oZa O rn C tI Ld 00_:lot =) d _ OI_ � 00 C) LL_ '� w X W�oL� a2� Z C) ftimi v OW U) ca Ooom Zty- E01 W Z LQ L a> acv ELL 00 Z o s > a m C) • U Nab O 'v (1)+700 C) J W � vi > > > O N N O N O 0 W 2 N V U U O� s U oaa. _c Q> Q w� N .0 o , V N m (L% _O O Q W �{ O L +-+ 0 0 w �U) o co U z c: o o z .Q L- � (n T O 00 €>N�� oao�� 3 cvrn Q o a+ c Q m of v o a LLJ OD �g -g C) OLL O SCALE 1 "=40' HQRIZ 1 "=4' VERT J ? �oallo DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. ZV V O � 0 0 _02- N — L S N fl 00 3 _ 0 LL F - c O E O � III ST — 0 o Q o ■ W� �—�o�N� 0 /SHEETS/ 1 80114-ST-PRO.DWG �� a15 o OL 3 0 N _ O� o ✓ a r V! n c c U zV V .Q O N CL E O m V C N N U O_ N N _ 3 O a 5 Q O O ; � p U N c s C N N V y,,, �0 >.� E O H L d O N o+•C V C C C ov O c E 3 m 0 0 0 C A 'S V d 3 iTT O O 0- w\p o_ o O O " aoi a3i N N N N Z C o 6 Z � ..O- z pNA.L ZSTE,�c�' f'L O��i Ta4�G W �- o N 3 > ? ~ O m :j oma= zor�W -ZNzz g z¢ZC>z 0 Yw r 4 O C-1 C> woo �sZW� U) oowo� z aoz C� p z m m ry =woo oZa O rn C tI Ld 00_:lot =) d _ OI_ � 00 C) LL_ '� w X W�oL� a2� Z C) ftimi v OW U) ca Ooom Zty- E01 W Z LQ m Z C) • O 'v m J W C) LLJ z O U C) M LliW Z 0 W �{ O 0 w �U) z 00 O C) OLL O SCALE 1 "=40' HQRIZ 1 "=4' VERT J ? co DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROJ. NO. 180114 z O � SHEET 7OF21 dao Q III ST — 0 o Q ■ LL Z 0 /SHEETS/ 1 80114-ST-PRO.DWG ABS Acrylonitrile -Butadiene -Styrene CONC Concrete EM Electric Meter ABAND Abandoned CONST Construct, Construction EG Edge of Gravel ACP Asbestos Cement Pipe COORD Coordinate EP Edge of Pavement AH Ahead CTV Cable Television EASE Easement ALT Alternate CY Cubic Yard EVC End of Vertical Curare BC Beginning of Curve DBL Double EXIST Existing BK Back DI Drop Inlet FG Finished Grade BM Bench mark DIA Diameter FH Fire . Hydrant BVC Beginning of Vertical Curve DIP Ductile Iron Pipe FL Flow Line BW Back of Walk DW Driveway FTG Footing CB Catch Basin DWG Drawing FS Finished Surface cf Cubic Foot E EASTING GALV Galvanized Cl Centerline EC End of Curve GB Grade Break CO Clean -Out (Sewer) ELEV Elevation GIRR Gravity Irrigation NOTES GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 1. All construction work shall be done in accordance with the current version of the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction (ISPWC), the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications to the ISPWC (and any addendums), the requirements of the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) and/or the requirements of the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD). The more stringent of any of these standards' shall be the controlling standards or specifications. 2. The Contractor shall have a co f the latest i pyo ate t C ty of Meridian Standard Specifications and Drawings on site at all times during construction (available on the website). Failure to have a current copy of the Standard Specifications on site could be grounds for a stop work order until the situation is resolved. 3. The Contractor shall hove plans stamped Approved for Construction" by City of Meridian Public Works Department on site at all times. The use of any plans on the job without the "Approved for Construction" stamp shall be grounds for the issuance of a stop work order. 4. All Contractors, Subcontractors and Utility Contractors shall attend a pre -construction conference (or an on-site meeting with the City of Meridian Project Inspector) prior to start of work. 5. Contractors shall notify the appropriate agency when materials are on site or inspection of the work is required. No work may begin on any project without Twenty Four (24) hour prior notice. 6. All material furnished on or for the project must meet the minimum requirements of the approving agencies. At the request of the approving agency or the Design Engineer, Contractors shall furnish proof that all materials installed on this project meet the specification requirements set forth in General Construction Note No. 1. 7. Work subject to approval by any governmental agency must be approved prior to (A) backfilling trenches for pipe; (B) placing of aggregate base; (C) placing of concrete; (D) placing of asphalt paving. Work done without such approval does not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility of performing the work in an acceptable manner. 8. Inspection, approval and final acceptance of all water and sewer construction shall be by the Public Works Department, and their decision shall be final. Such inspections shall not relieve the contractor from the responsibility of performing the work in an acceptable manner in accordance with the DEQ/QLPE approved construction plans. 9. Any deviation from the approved plans and specifications must have the applicable agency approval in writing prior to construction. 10. Quantity and placement of streetlights are contingent upon the electrical design by Idaho Power Company. The electrical contractor will be provided a street light map by the Meridian Public Works and Building Department, with the issuance of an Electrical Permit. 11. Take all lot dimensions, easements and certain off-site easements from the plat. 12. The Contractor shall maintain all existing drainage facilities within the construction area until the drainage and irrigation improvements are in place and functioning. 13. All Contractors working within the project boundaries are responsible for compliance with all applicable safety laws of any jurisdictional body. The Contractor shall be responsible for all barricades, safety devices and control of traffic within and around the construction area. 14. All Contractors working within the public road right-of-way are required to secure a right-of-way construction permit from ACHD at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to any construction. 15. The locations of existing underground utilities are shown in on approximate way only. The Contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities before commencing work, The Contractor assumes all responsibility for any and all damages caused by his failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all underground utilities. Contractor shall call Dig Line at 1-800-342-1585 prior to any excavation. 16. Locate subsurface stormwater disposal facilities (including infiltration beds and drywells) at least 25 feet from water mains. This requirement does not apply to catch basins or sand and grease traps. 17. Any common lot containing public water or sewer mains shall be fenced at the lot line(s). 18. The Contractor shall keep on site at all times the approved construction plans on which is recorded the actual locations of the constructed pipe line and any other utilities encountered. The Contractor shall provide these locations to the Design Engineer for use in the production of record drawings. 19. ACHD will inspect all improvements which fall within ACHD right-of-way or easements including but not limited to storm drain construction, a trench backfill procedures, road way construction and concrete work. Any work to be done outside of the 300' extended boundary of the project will require a separate permit through ACHD Construction Services Division. The Contractor will schedule on inspection, requested through ACHD Construction Services, 208-387-6284, a minimum of 24 hrs. prior to construction starting. 20. All construction shall adhere to AIIWest Testing and Engineering Geotechnical Evaluation prepared on January 12, 2018. ROADWAY 1. All Contractors working within the public road right-of-way are required to secure a right-of-way construction permit from ACHD or-ITD at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to any construction. 2. ACHD or ITD will inspect all work within the public rights-of-way to include utility trenches above the pipe zone. 3. Meridian Public Works will inspect storm drainage improvements serving private roads and parking lot improvements outside the public right-of-way. 4. All construction in the public right-of-way shall conform to the current Edition of the I.S.P.W.C. and the latest edition of the ACHD Supplemental Specifications. No exceptions to ACHD policy, standards, and the i.S.P.W.C. will be allowed unless specific written approval is granted prior to construction of any improvements. 5. Set the tops of all valve boxes and sewer manholes flush with the slope of the finished street grades. 6. Ada County Highway District will inspect and approve all storm drainage improvements. Meridian Public Works will inspect storm drainage improvements serving private roads, parking lots and other paving improvements outside the public (ght-of-way. 7. Place all water valves, blow -offs and manholes so that they do not conflict with any concrete curb and gutter, valley gutter or sidewalk improvements. 8. The street Contractor shall backfill all sidewalks at the completion of the paving. 9. Actual field conditions during trenching may require additional pavement repair beyond the limits shown on the plans. The following conditions are listed in Section 6000 of ACHD Policy Manual. 1). All asphalt match lines for pavement repair shall be parallel to the centerline of the street and include any area damaged by equipment during trenching operations. 2). If the cumulative damaged pavement area exceeds 50% of the total road surface, contractor shall replace the entire roadway surface. 3). Contractor shall replace the pavement surface to ensure matchline does not fall within the wheel path of a lane. Matchline shall only fall in the center or edge of a travel lane. 4). Flowable fill or imported material may be required if the native trench material is deemed unsuitable by ACHD Inspector, does not meet compaction standards or time is a critical factor. 5). Any exceptions to these rules shall be pre -approved in writing by ACHD Staff before construction begins. 10. The Engineer of Record certifies that the plans are prepared in substantial conformance with the ACHD Policy and standards in effect at the time of preparation. The Engineer acknowledges that ACHD assumes no liability for errors or deficiencies in the design. All variances from ACHD Policy shall be approved in writing. The following variances, listed by date and short description, were approved for the project: Seepage Beds wider than 15', to be approved by ACHD. 11. ACHD will inspect all improvements which fall within ACHD right-of-way or easements including, but not limited to, storm drain construction, trench backfill procedures, roadway construction and concrete work. Any work to be done outside of the 300' extended boundary of the project will require a separate permit through ACHD Inspection Services Division. The Contractor will schedule an inspection, requested through ACHD Inspection Services, 208-387-6284, a minimum of twenty-four (24) hrs. prior to construction starting. STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS GM Gas Meter LP Low Point GR Grade LT Left HDPE High Density Polyethylene MAINT Maintenance HORIZ Horizontal MH Manhole HP High Point MW Monitoring Well INV Invert N Northing IP Iron Pipe NO. Number IRR Irrigation OHP Overhead Power ISPWC Idaho Standards For Public PC Point of Curvature SS Works Construction PCC Point of Compound Curvature L Length PE Polyethylene LB Pound PIRR Pressurized Irrigation LF Linear Foot VERT Vertical WATER PL Property line POC Point on Curve POT Point on Tangent PP Power Pole PSI Pounds per Square Inch PT Point of Tangency PVC Polyvinyl Chloride PVMT Pavement R Radius R/W Right -of -Way RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe REF Reference RL Ridge Line RR Railroad 1. Construction of the water system shall conform to the standards in the "Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IDAPA 58.01.08)" as well as the standards and specifications referred to in General Construction Note No. 1. 2. The horizontal separation of potable water mains and non -potable water mains (sanitary sewer, storm drain, and irrigation) shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet. Where it is necessary for a potable water main and non -potable water main to cross with less than eighteen (18) inches of vertical separation, the crossing shall be constructed in accordance with Section 542.07 of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IDAPA 58.01.08) and Section 430.02 of the Wastewater Rules (IDAPA 58.01.16). 3. The horizontal separation of non -potable services and potable water services or potable water mains shall be a minimum of six (6) feet. Where it is necessary for a potable water main and non -potable water main to cross with less than eighteen (18) inches of vertical separation, the crossing shall be constructed in accordance with Section 542.07 of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IDAPA 58.01.08) and Section 430.02 of the Wastewater Rules (IDAPA 58.01.16). 4. Place water service lines in a two (2) inch diameter pipe wherever the service line crosses a storm water treatment facility (i.e. seepage beds, drainage swales). The pipe material used for sleeving must be impervious to contamination from petroleum products and must be approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ). 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing continuous water service to all existing water users affected by construction. 6. All water works components shall be ANSI/NSF 61 Certified, and must meet all AWWA and standard requirements of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IDAPA 58.01.08). 7. All water pipe and fittings shall comply with applicable portions of Division 400 of the Supplemental Specifications and Drawings to the ISPWC. Water mains shall be AWWA C-900, or C-909, Class 150 PVC. 8. Five (5) feet of cover shall be provided for all water mains located in a section -line and mid section -line rood. Four (4) feet of cover shall be provided for all other water mains. 9. Locate subsurface storm water disposal facilities (including un -lined ponds, infiltration beds and drywells) at least 25 feet from main water lines. This requirement does not apply to catch basins or sand and grease vaults. 10. The Contractor shall notify the Public Works Department two (2) working days before initial construction begins and shall also request inspection of water lines and appurtenances twenty-four (24) hours in advance of backfilling. 11. Construct, pressure -test, flush and disinfect all water distribution systems in accordance with applicable portions of Section 401 of the Supplemental Specifications and Drawings to ISPWC. 12. The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and marking all existing service connections per Standard Drawing SW3. 13. After installation of the water mains, the trenches shall be compacted to 95 percent of maximum density to prevent further settlement. 14. The Contractor shall field -verify all valve box lid elevations to assure the lid elevations match final street grade, & that all meter lid elevations match an extension of the sidewalk grade as shown on Standard Drawing W5. Contractor shall inspect all valve risers for foreign debris and to ensure that the locking lids are free of concrete from the collar pouring operation. 15. Flanged or mechanical -joint valves shall be located in the street, and fire hydrants are to be centered between back of sidewalk and the right-of-way as shown on Standard Drawing W7. All gate valves shall be set as close (flange connected) as possible to main line fittings. 16. Upon the completion of work, the Contractor shall submit a set of "Record Drawings" to the Engineer. 17. The Contractor may pressure test all water lines before disinfection and flushing, for His own benefit prior to installation of other utilities to ensure the integrity of the installed line. After all utilities are installed and prior to paving, the Contractor shall perform a final pressure test and finder wire continuity test with Meridian Public Works Department personnel in attendance. The Contractor shall furnish all personnel and equipment necessaryto conduct the test. Only water from the City of Meridian's water system shall be used to conduct the pressure test. 18. The most current edition of the City of Meridian Specifications and Standards Book MUST be on-site at all times. A stop order can be issued if the book is not on-site. 19. Locate service lines to the points shown on the drawings or as marked by the Engineer in the field. Mark and construct service lines in accordance with Section 504 per City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications & Drawings to the ISPWC and Std. Dwg. SW3. The service marker shall be in place for the final inspection. Service lines shall extend ten (10) feet beyond the right-of-way where there is attached sidewalk and ten (10) feet beyond the sidewalk where there is detached sidewalk. STREET PLAN LEGEND 0+00.00 Centerline Stationing Concrete Vertical Curb, Gutter & Separated Sidewalk, per ACHD Supplemental to ISPWC SD -701 & SD -709 Concrete Rolled Curb, Gutter & Separated Sidewalk, per ACHD Supplemental to ISPWC SD -702 & SD -709 5' Concrete Sidewalk per ACHD Supplemental to ISPWC SD -709 Valley Gutter, per ACHD Supplemental to ISPWC SD -708 Storm Drain System with a Drop Inlet, Tyype IV 0-12"SD o o per ACHD Supplemental to ISPWC SD -604A & Manhole, ISPWC SD -611 - - Boundary Line Right -Of -Way Line Centerline Lot Line - Direction of Surface Flow SEWER Rt Right SW Sidewalk S Slope SY Square Yard SB Seepage Bed TAN Tangent SD Storm Drain TC Top of Curb SEC Section TEL Telephone SF Square Foot (feet) TOB Top of Bank SG Sand and Grease Trap TOE Toe of Slope SP Signal Pole TOPO Topography SPRK Sprinkler TRANS Transition SS Sanitary Sewer TYP Typical STS Storm Tank System VB Valve Box STA Station VC Vertical Curb STD Standard VERT Vertical SVC Supered Vertical Curb WM Water Meter 1. Construction of the sewer system shall conform to the standards in the Wastewater Rules (IDAPA 58.01.16) as well as the standards and specifications referred to in General Construction Note No. 1. 2. The horizontal separation of potable water mains and non -potable water mains (sanitary sewer, storm drain, and irrigation) shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet. Where it is necessary for a potable water main and non -potable water main to cross with less than eighteen (18) inches of verticala ara i h s p t on, the crossing shall be constructed in accordance with Section 542.07 of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IDAPA 58.01.08) and Section 430.02 of the Wastewater Rules (IDAPA 58.01.16). 3. The horizontal separation of non -potable services and potable water services or potable water mains shall be a minimum of six (6) feet. Where it is necessary for a potable water main and non -potable water main to cross with less than eighteen (18) inches of vertical separation, the crossing shall be constructed in accordance with Section 542.07 of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IDAPA 58.01.08) and Section 430.02 of the Wastewater Rules (IDAPA 58.01.16). 4. Place sewer service lines in a six (6) inch diameter water class pipe wherever the service line crosses a stormwater treatment facility (i.e., seepage beds, drainage swales). 5. When cover over a sewer pipe is less than three (3) feet from top of pipe to subgrade or top of pipe to natural ground, use "Class 200 water pressure pipe", ASTM D 2241, SDR 21, including service lines and fittings. 6. The Contractor shall conduct an air pressure test and television inspection after all underground utilities have been installed. The Contractor shall provide a videotape of the inspection prior to final acceptance of the sewer. 7. All CCN inspections shall be completed by third party testing firm. 8. Approval and acceptance of all sewer construction will be by the Public Works Department and their decision shall be final. Such inspections shall not relieve the contractor from the responsibility of performing the work in an acceptable manner in accordance with the approved construction plans and Standard Specifications and Drawings. 9. All sewer pipe shall be bell and spigot, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), SDR 35, ASTM D-3034, unless otherwise specified. All sewer pipe shall comply with applicable portions of Division 500 of the Supplemental Specifications and Drawings to the ISPWC. 10. Locate service lines to the points shown on the drawings or as marked by the Engineer in the field. Mark and construct service lines in accordance with Section 504 per City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications & Drawings to the ISPWC. and Std. Dwg. SW3. The service marker shall be in place for the final inspection. Service lines shall extend ten (10) feet beyond the right-of-way where there is attached sidewalk and ten (10) feet beyond the sidewalk where there is detached sidewalk. Sewer service lines may be a maximum five (5) feet deep at the property line unless otherwise approved by City Engineer. 11. The Public Works Department will inspect all public sewer construction whether within public right-of-way or easement. The Contractor will notify the Public Works Department forty-eight (48) hours prior to start of construction, and again twenty-four (24) hours prior to pouring concrete collars. 12. Maintain groundwater levels one foot (1') or more below the pipe invert, per ISPWC, during the pipe laying and pipe joining operations and while making sewer taps. Clean and restore to their original state any ditches and storm drain facilities that are silted due to the Contractor's dewatering efforts. Bedding and pipe zone material shall be three-quarter (3/4) inch rock chips unless otherwise approved. 13. The Ada County Highway District will inspect the trench above the pipe zone in accordance with current ACHD standards. 14. Install sewer service lines prior to street improvements. 15. Construct sanitary sewer manholes in accordance with Section 502 per City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications & Drawings to the ISPWC. 16. The Contractor shall test all sewer lines in accordance with Section 501 per City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications & Drawings to the ISPWC. 17. All manholes shall beon r c st ucted to be watertight with the top of .cone located within one (1) foot of the finished grade. The sewer Contractor shall supply all lid assemblies and the required number of risers and grade rings. The sewer Contractor shall field -verify the elevation of the top of the manhole cone to assure that all ring elevations match final street grades. Manholes may have 12 inches maximum of grade rings. 18. Where concrete collars are used, the paving Contractor shall set the grade and pour the concrete collars per Section 502 per City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications & Drawings to the ISPWC. The paving Contractor shall contact the City of Meridian Public Works Department 24 hours prior to pouring concrete collars. 19. An eccentric cone shall be used on sanitary sewer manholes greater than four (4) feet deep, with the vertical wall placed on the upstream side and rotated 45 degrees. Manholes less than four (4) feet deep shall have concentric cones. 20. The Contractor may air test all the sewer lines after backfilling and settling of the trenches for his own benefit prior to the installation of the other utilities to ensure the integrity of the installed line. He shall furnish all equipment and personnel required to perform the test. The Contractor shall retest all sewer lines, in the presence of the inspector for the City of Meridian Public Works Department, after all utilities have been installed and prior to installation of the street surfacing. The Contractor shall schedule with City of Meridian Public Works Department a minimum of 24 hours prior to the retest. 21. Upon the completion of work, the Contractor shall submit a set of "Record Drawings" to the Engineer. 22. The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and marking all existing service connections in accordance with Standard Drawing SW3. 23. The most current edition of the City of Meridian Specifications Standards & Drawings to the ISPWC Book MUST be on-site at all times. A stop order can be issued if the book is not on-site. SEWER LEGEND 10 21 �- Ste- Sewer Line & Station --Q- Sf Sewer Manhole S.C. Service Connection S.L. Service Length S.I. Service Invert GRD -2 Exist. Sewer Line 4 and Manhole ice �:- Existing Fire Hydrant 01 BENCH MARKS NAVD88 NAD83 (AQA CO. HARM VERTICAL DATUM HORIZONTAL DATUM By I ELEVATION = 2691.29 N = 688,414.1 CHISEL " X ", IN HEADWALL E = 2,464,845.5 BM ELEVATION = 2686.99 N = 688,382.5 PK & WASHER IN PAVEMENT E = 2,463,848.1 ELEVATION = 2686.52 N = 688,411.4 CHISEL " X ", TBC E = 2,462,871.9 HORIZONTAL DATUM USED US GOVERNMENT HORIZONTAL NAD83 ADJUSTED TO THE ADA COUNTY H.A.R.N. SURVEY SHEET INDEX N !/1 fA T •'-' V � C'N L O no u,a Ems•N LL U Q�> 0- CL W W � E U VU .�a.o aa1EE 6-°...-� � -6 0 O-'_ Q 'O O Q L � Do, N L y C+ U` _ Q u, N Tii •a � ` � o LL o� E irV ;> a a -A vi LL me 3 m_�o •rn M d' U n W m C•N �U O �" U ZV O o L a N o O/� v fns p_3 'a ID CL U �o�o` o I- U rno=- ti E-� 3 Z _� V U 'OOL p 'Q •U d •C O to -U a. 0 E 0 0 yT+ N V QU 2_2 C '>j O ; ti O N c C U 0 o c CE V 3� CC, w V •U N i y 3 •aU,l 3:,2 'a O vNi N (A 0 'C SITE PLAN 1 " = 200' THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT L OCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES CAUSED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL DIG LINE AT 1-800-342-1585 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. WATER LEGEND g'w Construct Water Line v=' Install Double Water Service Install Single Water Service �- Install Fire Hydrant ►- Install Conc. Thrust Block - - -8"W- - - Existing Water Line - - - -� Existing Double Water Service -o-- Existing Single Water Serv 0 -- ,DW I I Q 21 T-1 =TITLE SHEET 2 OF o Q o GRD -1 =GRADING PLAN (TO BE ADDED IN FUTURE SET) 3 OF 21 GRD -2 = GRADING PLAN (TO BE ADDED IN FUTURE SET) 4 OF w ST -1 =STREET PLAN 5 OF 21 I w J =STREET PLAN � z OF 21 ST -3 =STREET PROFILES 7 `L 21 O =STREET PROFILES 8 OF 21 SD -1 W 9 OF 21 SD -2 =STORM DRAIN PLAN 10 OF 21 LiGHT =STREET LIGHT PLAN 11 OF 21 S-1 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN &PROFILE � E. TACONIC DRIVE By S. MONTAGUE WAY 12 OF 21 BM 1 �3 BA�f - - E. WOODVILLE DR/ S. CUBOLA WAY 13 OF / S-3 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN & PROFILE S. CUBOLA WAY 14 OF BLKA S-4 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN & PROFILE E. TACONIC DRIVE E. RENWICK CT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 OF 21 i =SEWER AND WATER PLAN &PROFILE 7 16 OF 21 S-6 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN & PROFILE 8 E. MURCHISON ST. 17 OF 21 PIRR-1 E. WOODVILLE DR. 18 OF 9 PIRR-2 I 19 �Q 30 29 28 2710 26 25 =PRESSURE IRRIGATION DETAILS &NOTES 20 OF I DT -1 =STREET DETAILS BLK.2 OF 21 DT -2 i t 19 - _ 20 21 22 23 24 12 E. RENWICK CT. 13 1 14 2 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 :5 1 o BLK.2 m 15 O Z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U vi 16 17 Y 3 M E. MURCHISON ST. 18 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Y 19 5 BLK.2 20 I I I I ice �:- Existing Fire Hydrant 01 BENCH MARKS NAVD88 NAD83 (AQA CO. HARM VERTICAL DATUM HORIZONTAL DATUM By I ELEVATION = 2691.29 N = 688,414.1 CHISEL " X ", IN HEADWALL E = 2,464,845.5 BM ELEVATION = 2686.99 N = 688,382.5 PK & WASHER IN PAVEMENT E = 2,463,848.1 ELEVATION = 2686.52 N = 688,411.4 CHISEL " X ", TBC E = 2,462,871.9 HORIZONTAL DATUM USED US GOVERNMENT HORIZONTAL NAD83 ADJUSTED TO THE ADA COUNTY H.A.R.N. SURVEY SHEET INDEX N !/1 fA T •'-' V � C'N L O no u,a Ems•N LL U Q�> 0- CL W W � E U VU .�a.o aa1EE 6-°...-� � -6 0 O-'_ Q 'O O Q L � Do, N L y C+ U` _ Q u, N Tii •a � ` � o LL o� E irV ;> a a -A vi LL me 3 m_�o •rn M d' U n W m C•N �U O �" U ZV O o L a N o O/� v fns p_3 'a ID CL U �o�o` o I- U rno=- ti E-� 3 Z _� V U 'OOL p 'Q •U d •C O to -U a. 0 E 0 0 yT+ N V QU 2_2 C '>j O ; ti O N c C U 0 o c CE V 3� CC, w V •U N i y 3 •aU,l 3:,2 'a O vNi N (A 0 'C SITE PLAN 1 " = 200' THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT L OCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES CAUSED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL DIG LINE AT 1-800-342-1585 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. WATER LEGEND g'w Construct Water Line v=' Install Double Water Service Install Single Water Service �- Install Fire Hydrant ►- Install Conc. Thrust Block - - -8"W- - - Existing Water Line - - - -� Existing Double Water Service -o-- Existing Single Water Serv 0 -- ,DW OF 21 T-1 =TITLE SHEET 2 OF 21 GRD -1 =GRADING PLAN (TO BE ADDED IN FUTURE SET) 3 OF 21 GRD -2 = GRADING PLAN (TO BE ADDED IN FUTURE SET) 4 OF 21 ST -1 =STREET PLAN 5 OF 21 ST -2 =STREET PLAN 6 OF 21 ST -3 =STREET PROFILES 7 OF 21 ST -4 =STREET PROFILES 8 OF 21 SD -1 =STORM DRAIN PLAN 9 OF 21 SD -2 =STORM DRAIN PLAN 10 OF 21 LiGHT =STREET LIGHT PLAN 11 OF 21 S-1 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN &PROFILE S. MONTAGUE WAY 12 OF 21 S-2 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN & PROFILE E. WOODVILLE DR/ S. CUBOLA WAY 13 OF 21 S-3 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN & PROFILE S. CUBOLA WAY 14 OF 21 S-4 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN & PROFILE E. RENWICK CT. 15 OF 21 S-5 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN &PROFILE S. PIONEER TRAIL WAY 16 OF 21 S-6 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN & PROFILE E. MURCHISON ST. 17 OF 21 PIRR-1 =PRESSURE IRRIGATION PLAN 18 OF 21 PIRR-2 =PRESSURE IRRIGATION PLAN 19 OF 21 PIRR-3 =PRESSURE IRRIGATION DETAILS &NOTES 20 OF 21 DT -1 =STREET DETAILS 21 OF 21 DT -2 =STORM DRAIN DETAILS w C o U Z 1 VICINITY MAP N.T.S. LOCATED IN NE 1/4 OF 21 T-1 =TITLE SHEET 2 OF 21 GRD -1 =GRADING PLAN (TO BE ADDED IN FUTURE SET) 3 OF 21 GRD -2 = GRADING PLAN (TO BE ADDED IN FUTURE SET) 4 OF 21 ST -1 =STREET PLAN 5 OF 21 ST -2 =STREET PLAN 6 OF 21 ST -3 =STREET PROFILES 7 OF 21 ST -4 =STREET PROFILES 8 OF 21 SD -1 =STORM DRAIN PLAN 9 OF 21 SD -2 =STORM DRAIN PLAN 10 OF 21 LiGHT =STREET LIGHT PLAN 11 OF 21 S-1 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN &PROFILE S. MONTAGUE WAY 12 OF 21 S-2 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN & PROFILE E. WOODVILLE DR/ S. CUBOLA WAY 13 OF 21 S-3 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN & PROFILE S. CUBOLA WAY 14 OF 21 S-4 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN & PROFILE E. RENWICK CT. 15 OF 21 S-5 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN &PROFILE S. PIONEER TRAIL WAY 16 OF 21 S-6 =SEWER AND WATER PLAN & PROFILE E. MURCHISON ST. 17 OF 21 PIRR-1 =PRESSURE IRRIGATION PLAN 18 OF 21 PIRR-2 =PRESSURE IRRIGATION PLAN 19 OF 21 PIRR-3 =PRESSURE IRRIGATION DETAILS &NOTES 20 OF 21 DT -1 =STREET DETAILS 21 OF 21 DT -2 =STORM DRAIN DETAILS OF SECTION 32 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST, B.M. MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO LL DEVELOPER 00 UONWOOD PROPERTIES, LLC 11606 CARTWRIGHT ROAD BOISE, IDAHO 83714 Contact: JAMES SMITH Telephone: (208) 514-9303 O U 00 O U O � O o o W J > � 0 O W o °° Q 00 Q LL Z 0 �05 a mo>- -� Z ZW��Z W � J to Z ZZ ZZ N O Z a o > w a �a 0 O Z N O 1- W J ~ Z W N cn �owao Z O N Z O C) o � J O O I y Iw--. M Z N rn (0 � o0 M raoN O w LL_ LAJ z W Noo O rn - _o 00 ca 00 ft COD 0) L4 CL /SHEETS/180114-T1.DWG o ��� ZZZaw cn ZN v m ; W �WaZ� dca ^ m W � W 4rZ 0=Go LLJ ~4 1 VS M W �I o - 0 FLd /SHEETS/180114-T1.DWG o ��� w 0 ZN v N o r OLd SCALE NTS DWG.DATE 04/06/18 PROD. No. 180114 SHEET 1 OF 21 T-1 /SHEETS/180114-T1.DWG /SHEETS/180114-T1.DWG OLUTIONS NGINEERINGESLLP 11118 R O Y E L C .WN OH ADIFOE T A T S D E RETSIGER AHOTN I LAN V R U S DNALOISSEFORP N N ES SKY MESA COMMONS SUBDIVISION NO. 1 NGINEERING OLUTIONS ES LLP 11118 R O Y E L C .WN OH ADIFOE T A T S D E RETSIGER AHOTN I LAN V R U S DNALOISSEFORP N N ES "" " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " "" "" " " "" """ "" " " " SKY MESA COMMONS SUBDIVISION NO. 1 NGINEERING OLUTIONS ES LLP 11118 R O Y E L C .WN OH ADIFOE T A T S D E RETSIGER AHOTN I LAN V R U S DNALOISSEFORP N NES SKY MESA COMMONS SUBDIVISION NO. 1 May 3, 2018 C. Jay Coles City of Meridian 33 E. Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho 83642 VIA EMAIL RE: H-2018-0039 FP SKY MESA COMMONS SUBDIVISION NO 1 The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has reviewed the referenced final plat application by Lionwood Properties, LLC for Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No 1 consisting of 58 single family residential building lots and 6 common lots on a site located south of East Taconic Drive and west of South Eagle Road, east of SH-69 (Meridian Road) milepost 6.52. ITD has the following comments: 1. This project does not abut the State highway system. 2. ITD has concerns about traffic impacts to the State Highway system from this proposed development. This development will gain access to the State Highway system at the I-84/SH- 55 (North Eagle Road) interchange. The City is reminded that the I-84 and SH-55 (Eagle Road) corridors are already congested. This project will increase the number of vehicle trips in these corridors. While this individual development is not large, the accumulation of developments accessing the State Highway system at the I-84/SH-55 (North Eagle Road) interchange is creating additional congestion. As the City continues to add additional trips to these corridors through development, the congestion will worsen until the roadway system is ultimately overloaded and fails. ITD has no current funding assigned to mitigate traffic congestion in the I-84 and SH-55 (Eagle Road) corridors in this area. Additionally, the SH-69 corridor is also already congested. This project will increase the number of vehicle trips in the SH-69 corridor as well. As the City continues to add additional trips to the SH-69 corridor through development, the congestion will worsen until the roadway system is ultimately overloaded and fails. ITD has no current funding assigned to mitigate traffic congestion in the SH-69 corridor in this area. 3. Idaho Code 40-1910 does not allow advertising within the right-of-way of any State highway system. 4. IDAPA 39.03.60 rules govern advertising along the State highway system. The applicant may contact Justin Pond, Program Manager for ITD’s Headquarters Right-of-Way Section at (208) 334-8832 for more information. 5. ITD does not object to the construction of 58 single family residential building lots and 6 common lots as presented in the application. If you have any questions, you may contact Tom Haynes at (208) 334-8944 or me at (208) 332-7190. Sincerely, Ken Couch Development Services Coordinator Ken.Couch@itd.idaho.gov MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.1MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.2M A T C H L I N E - S E E S H E E T L 1 . 2 M A T C H L I N E - S E E S H E E T L 1 . 4 MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.1MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.3MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.3MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . R e p r o d u c t i o n o r u s e i n a n y f o r m o r b y a n y m e a n s w i t h o u t w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n o f B r e c k o n L a n d D e s i g n , I n c . i s u n l a w f u l a n d s u b j e c t t o c r i m i n a l p r o s e c u t i o n . R E V I S I O N S N o . D a t e D e s c r i p t i o n CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE, OR EXCAVATE FOR THE MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES Call before you dig. Know what's below . R www.breckonlanddesign.com Fax: 208-376-6528 Phone: 208-376-5153 ·Civil Engineering ·Landscape Architecture ·Erosion & Sediment Control ·Graphic Communication ·Irrigation Design ·Land Planning 6661 North Glenwood Street Garden City, Idaho 83714 C o p y r i g h t                         THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ARE UNDERTAKEN FOR AND ARE PERFORMED IN THE INTEREST OF "THE CLIENT" NO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION IS ASSUMED BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANY OTHER PERSON INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT. 2 0 1 8 E. TACONIC DR.S. MONTAGUE WAY E. WOODVILLE D R . S. CUBOLA WAY E . R E N W I C K C T . E. MU R C H I S O N S T . S. PIONEER TRAIL WAY E . T A C O N I C D R . S K Y M E S A E A S T P H A S E O N E N O T E S : V I N Y L F E N C E P A N E L P L A N V I E W 2 W R O U G H T I R O N F E N C E N O T E : 1 L A - 1 6 5 3 6 S T A T E O F I D A H O L I C E N S E D L A N D S C A P E A R CHITECT JO N F R I T Z B R E C K O N ( T Y P I C A L A T T R E E S I N T U R F A R E A S ) P L A N T E R B E D C U T E D G E 3 MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.1 MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.2 MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.1MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.3 E N D B E G I N E N D B E G I N 3 L 1 . 0 2 L 1 . 5 T Y P . T Y P . 2 L 1 . 0 T Y P . 1 L 1 . 5 T Y P . 3 L 1 . 5 T Y P . B E G I N A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . R e p r o d u c t i o n o r u s e i n a n y f o r m o r b y a n y m e a n s w i t h o u t w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n o f B r e c k o n L a n d D e s i g n , I n c . i s u n l a w f u l a n d s u b j e c t t o c r i m i n a l p r o s e c u t i o n . R E V I S I O N S N o . D a t e D e s c r i p t i o n CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE, OR EXCAVATE FOR THE MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES Call before you dig. Know what's below . R www.breckonlanddesign.com Fax: 208-376-6528 Phone: 208-376-5153 ·Civil Engineering ·Landscape Architecture ·Erosion & Sediment Control ·Graphic Communication ·Irrigation Design ·Land Planning 6661 North Glenwood Street Garden City, Idaho 83714 C o p y r i g h t                         THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ARE UNDERTAKEN FOR AND ARE PERFORMED IN THE INTEREST OF "THE CLIENT" NO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION IS ASSUMED BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANY OTHER PERSON INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT. 2 0 1 8 E . T A C O N I C D R . S. MONTAGUE WAY E . W O O D V I L L E D R . L A - 1 6 5 3 6 S T A T E O F I D A H O L I C E N S E D L A N D S C A P E A RCHITECT JO N F R I T Z B R E C K O N MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.1MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.2MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.2MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.4 E N D B E G I N E N D B E G I N B E G I N END E N D B E G I N 2L1.5TYP.TYP.2L1.0 TYP. 1 L 1 . 0 T Y P . 1L1.5 TYP. 4 L 1 . 5 T Y P . BEGIN A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . R e p r o d u c t i o n o r u s e i n a n y f o r m o r b y a n y m e a n s w i t h o u t w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n o f B r e c k o n L a n d D e s i g n , I n c . i s u n l a w f u l a n d s u b j e c t t o c r i m i n a l p r o s e c u t i o n . R E V I S I O N S N o . D a t e D e s c r i p t i o n CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE, OR EXCAVATE FOR THE MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES Call before you dig. Know what's below . R www.breckonlanddesign.com Fax: 208-376-6528 Phone: 208-376-5153 ·Civil Engineering ·Landscape Architecture ·Erosion & Sediment Control ·Graphic Communication ·Irrigation Design ·Land Planning 6661 North Glenwood Street Garden City, Idaho 83714 C o p y r i g h t                         THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ARE UNDERTAKEN FOR AND ARE PERFORMED IN THE INTEREST OF "THE CLIENT" NO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION IS ASSUMED BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANY OTHER PERSON INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT. 2 0 1 8 E . T A C O N I C D R . S . C U B O L A W A Y L A - 1 6 5 3 6 S T A T E O F I D A H O L I C E N S E D L A N D S C A P E A R CHITECT JO N F R I T Z B R E C K O N MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.1MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.3 MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.3 MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.4 B E G I N E N D BEGIN END B E G I N E N D END BEGIN E N D BEGIN END B E G I N 5 L 1 . 5 T Y P . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . R e p r o d u c t i o n o r u s e i n a n y f o r m o r b y a n y m e a n s w i t h o u t w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n o f B r e c k o n L a n d D e s i g n , I n c . i s u n l a w f u l a n d s u b j e c t t o c r i m i n a l p r o s e c u t i o n . R E V I S I O N S N o . D a t e D e s c r i p t i o n CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE, OR EXCAVATE FOR THE MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES Call before you dig. Know what's below . R www.breckonlanddesign.com Fax: 208-376-6528 Phone: 208-376-5153 ·Civil Engineering ·Landscape Architecture ·Erosion & Sediment Control ·Graphic Communication ·Irrigation Design ·Land Planning 6661 North Glenwood Street Garden City, Idaho 83714 C o p y r i g h t                         THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ARE UNDERTAKEN FOR AND ARE PERFORMED IN THE INTEREST OF "THE CLIENT" NO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION IS ASSUMED BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANY OTHER PERSON INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT. 2 0 1 8 E . M U R C H I S O N S T . S . P I O N E E R T R A I L W A Y S. MONTAGUE WAY L A - 1 6 5 3 6 S T A T E O F I D A H O L I C E N S E D L A N D S C A P E A RCHITECT JO N F R I T Z B R E C K O N MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.2MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.4MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.3MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET L1.4 E N D B E G I N A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . R e p r o d u c t i o n o r u s e i n a n y f o r m o r b y a n y m e a n s w i t h o u t w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n o f B r e c k o n L a n d D e s i g n , I n c . i s u n l a w f u l a n d s u b j e c t t o c r i m i n a l p r o s e c u t i o n . R E V I S I O N S N o . D a t e D e s c r i p t i o n CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE, OR EXCAVATE FOR THE MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES Call before you dig. Know what's below . R www.breckonlanddesign.com Fax: 208-376-6528 Phone: 208-376-5153 ·Civil Engineering ·Landscape Architecture ·Erosion & Sediment Control ·Graphic Communication ·Irrigation Design ·Land Planning 6661 North Glenwood Street Garden City, Idaho 83714 C o p y r i g h t                         THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ARE UNDERTAKEN FOR AND ARE PERFORMED IN THE INTEREST OF "THE CLIENT" NO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION IS ASSUMED BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANY OTHER PERSON INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT. 2 0 1 8 E. MURCHISON ST. S. CUBOLA WAY E. RENWICK CT. L A - 1 6 5 3 6 S T A T E O F I D A H O L I C E N S E D L A N D S C A P E A R CHITECT JO N F R I T Z B R E C K O N A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . R e p r o d u c t i o n o r u s e i n a n y f o r m o r b y a n y m e a n s w i t h o u t w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n o f B r e c k o n L a n d D e s i g n , I n c . i s u n l a w f u l a n d s u b j e c t t o c r i m i n a l p r o s e c u t i o n . R E V I S I O N S N o . D a t e D e s c r i p t i o n CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE, OR EXCAVATE FOR THE MARKING OF UNDERGROUND MEMBER UTILITIES Call before you dig. Know what's below . R www.breckonlanddesign.com Fax: 208-376-6528 Phone: 208-376-5153 ·Civil Engineering ·Landscape Architecture ·Erosion & Sediment Control ·Graphic Communication ·Irrigation Design ·Land Planning 6661 North Glenwood Street Garden City, Idaho 83714 C o p y r i g h t                         THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ARE UNDERTAKEN FOR AND ARE PERFORMED IN THE INTEREST OF "THE CLIENT" NO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION IS ASSUMED BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANY OTHER PERSON INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT. 2 0 1 8 S H R U B P L A N T I N G 3 D E C I D U O U S T R E E P L A N T I N G 1 P E R E N N I A L & G R O U N D C O V E R P L A N T I N G 4 T R E E P R O T E C T I O N D E T A I L 2 L A - 1 6 5 3 6 S T A T E O F I D A H O L I C E N S E D L A N D S C A P E A R CHITECT JO N F R I T Z B R E C K O N C O N I F E R O U S T R E E P L A N T I N G 5 R-2 RUT R-4 R-4 R-4 RUT RUT RUT RUT RUT R-8 R-8 R-2 R-2 R-2 RUT R-8 R-4 PRE S E OL U T I O N S NG I N E E R I N G L L P DE V E L O P E R CO N T A C T OW N E R S O F R E C O R D PL A N N E R / PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T RUT RUT RUT RUT R-4 RUT R-8 R-8 R-4 R-4 R-2 R-2 RUT RUT RUT RUT R-8 R-8 R-4 PRE S E OL U T I O N S NG I N E E R I N G L L P DE V E L O P E R CO N T A C T OW N E R S O F R E C O R D PL A N N E R / PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T PRE S E OL U T I O N S NG I N E E R I N G L L P DE V E L O P E R CO N T A C T OW N E R S O F R E C O R D PL A N N E R / PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 2 2 5 5 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 PRE S E OL U T I O N S NG I N E E R I N G L L P DE V E L O P E R CO N T A C T OW N E R S O F R E C O R D PL A N N E R / PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T - O V E R A L L S I T E Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 1 STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: May 22, 2018 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Sonya Allen, Associate City Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP (H-2018-0039) I. APPLICATION SUMMARY The applicant, Lionwood Properties, LLC, has applied for a final plat (FP) consisting of 58 building lots and 6 common lots on 18.35 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district for Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1. This is the 2nd phase of development of the Sky Mesa Subdivision preliminary plat. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 final plat subject to the conditions noted in Sections VI and VII below. These conditions shall be considered in full, unless expressly modified or deleted by motion of the City Council. III. PROPOSED MOTION Approval I move to approve File Number H-2018-0039 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 22, 2018, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications.) Denial I move to deny File Number H-2018-0039, as presented during the hearing on May 22, 2018, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial.) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2018-0039 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance.) IV. APPLICATION AND PROPERTY FACTS A. Site Address/Location: The site is located southwest of the S. Eagle Road and E. Taconic Drive intersection, in the NE ¼ of Section 32, Township 3 North, Range 1 East. (Parcel No.: R0988260495 & R0988260491) B. Applicant: Lynwood Properties, LLC 11606 Cartwright Rd. Boise, Idaho 83714 C. Owners: Lionwood Properties, LLC Woodside Harris, LLC 11606 Cartwright Rd. 1132 E. Laguna Shore Lane Boise, ID 83714 Eagle, ID 83616 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 2 D. Representative: Becky McKay, Engineering Solutions, LLP 1029 N. Rosario Street, Ste. 100 Meridian, Idaho 83642 V. STAFF ANALYSIS The proposed final plat depicts 58 building lots for single-family residential detached homes and 6 common lots on 18.35 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. The minimum property size in this phase is 7,779 square feet (s.f.) with an average size of 8,719 s.f. Staff has reviewed the proposed final plat for substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat (H-2017-0068) as required by UDC 11-6B-3D.2. The number of building lots is the same and the amount of common open space has increased. Therefore, Staff deems the final plat(s) to be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat as required. VI. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. Applicant shall meet all terms of the approved annexation, rezone, Development Agreement #2017-119308, and preliminary plat (H-2017-0068) applications approved for this site. 2. The applicant shall obtain the City Engineer’s signature on the final plat within two years of the City Engineer’s signature on the previous phase final plat in accord with UDC 11-6B-7. 3. Prior to submittal for the City Engineer’s signature, have the Certificate of Owners and the accompanying acknowledgement signed and notarized. 4. The final plat prepared by Clinton W. Hansen, Land Solutions, shall be revised as follows: a. Note #5: “. . . regulations of the City of Meridian in effect at the time of building permit submittal, unless a greater easement exists in which case the easement width shall govern the setback.” b. Note #12: Include the recorded instrument number. 5. The landscape plan prepared by Breckon Land Design, dated 4/3/18, is approved as submitted. 6. Building setbacks shall be in accord with UDC Table 11-2A-6 for the R-8 district, except for the street setback to living area, which shall be 15 feet due to the location of the PUDI easement described in Note #1. 7. Design of homes constructed within the subdivision shall be generally consistent with the conceptual building elevation photos included in the development agreement. 8. All fencing installed on the site must be consistent with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. If permanent fencing does not exist at the subdivision boundary, temporary construction fencing to contain debris shall be installed around this phase prior to release of building permits. 9. Staff’s failure to cite specific ordinance provisions or conditions from the preliminary plat does not relieve the Applicant of responsibility for compliance. 10. Prior to the issuance of any new building permit, the property shall be subdivided in accordance with the UDC. 11. Street lights are required along E. Taconic Drive. Revise street light notes to current City of Meridian standard street light notes. All type 1 poles shall be black. VII. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 3 1. Sanitary sewer service to this development is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall install mains to and through this subdivision; applicant shall coordinate main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2. Water service to this site is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall be responsible to install water mains to and through this development, coordinate main size and routing with Public Works. 3. All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 4. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Department staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14A. 5. A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110% will be required for all incomplete fencing, landscaping, amenities, pressurized irrigation, prior to signature on the final plat. 6. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post with the City a performance surety in the amount of 125% of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The applicant shall be required to enter into a Development Surety Agreement with the City of Meridian. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 7. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, and water infrastructure for a duration of two years. This surety amount will be verified by a line item final cost invoicing provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 8. In the event that an applicant and/or owner cannot complete non-life, non-safety and non-health improvements, prior to City Engineer signature on the final plat and/or prior to occupancy, a surety agreement may be approved as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3C. 9. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 10. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 11. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 12. Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 13. All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-1-4B. Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 4 14. Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material . 15. The engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 16. The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 17. At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 18. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting (http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272). All street lights shall be installed at developer’s expense. Final design shall be submitted as part of the development plan set for approval, which must include the location of any existing street lights. The contractor’s work and materials shall conform to the ISPWC and the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications to the ISPWC. Contact the City of Meridian Transportation and Utility Coordinator at 898-5500 for information on the locations of existing street lighting. 19. The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian’s standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2” x 11” map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to signature of the final plat by the City Engineer. 20. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with and NPDES permitting that may be required by the Environmental Protection Agency. 21. Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Water Department at (208)888-5242 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources. 22. Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact the Central District Health Department for abandonment procedures and inspections. 23. The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water (MCC 9-1-28.C.1). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single -point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to development plan approval. Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 5 24. All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be tiled per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. V. EXHIIBITS A. Vicinity Map B. Preliminary Plat (dated: 8/17/17) C. Proposed Final Plat D. Proposed Landscape Plan (dated: 4/3/18) Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 6 Exhibit A – Vicinity Map Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 7 Exhibit B – Preliminary Plat (dated: 8/17/17) Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 8 Exhibit C – Proposed Final Plat Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 9 Exhibit D – Proposed Landscape Plan (dated: 4/3/18) Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 10 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 11 Sky Mesa Commons Subdivision No. 1 – FP H-2018-0039 11 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 322 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 9H Project/File Number: Item Title 1. Ordinance No. 18-1776 : An Ordinance Authorizing The Conveyance Of Certain City Owned Real Property To The Ada County Highway District For Right -Of -Way Purposes Located North And South Of Woodbury Drive Adjacent To Meridian Road, A Portion Of Lot 1, Block 1, And A Portion Of Lot 1, Block 13 Of The Fothergill Pointe Subdivision No.1 In The City Of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho; Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute And Attest On Behalf Of The City Of Meridian The Deed And Other Documents Necessary To Complete The Transaction; Providing For A Waiver Of The Reading Rules; And Providing An Effective Date. APPROVED CITY OF MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Date: May 22, 2018 Item # 9H Project Number: Project Name: Conveyance of Certain City Owned Property Please print your name For Against Neutral Do you wish to testify (Y/N) ADA COUNTY RECORDER Christopher D. Rich 2018-047278 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=12 HEATHER LUTHER 05/23/2018 02:15 PM CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO NO FEE CITY OF MERIDIAN ORDINANCE NO. BY THE CITY COUNCIL: BERNT, BORTON, CAVENER, MILAM, PALMIER, LITTLE ROBERTS AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF •'' CITY OWNED REAL PROPERTY TO THE ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT FOR LAAWWEI) IA1JPW-kW-11--* DRIVE ADJACENT TO M[ERIDIAN ROAD, A PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, AND A PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 13 OF THE FOTHERGILL POINTE SUBDIVISION NOA IN THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND ATTEST ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN THE DEED AND OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION; PROVIDING FOR A WAIVER OF THE READING RULES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Idaho Code 50-1401, the City Council has statutory authority to sell, exchange, or convey any real property owned by the city which is underutilized or which isnot used for city public purposes; and, WHEREAS, when it is determined by the City Council to be in the City's best interest, the Council may by Ordinance duly enacted, authorize the transfer or conveyance of the real property to any tax supported governmental entity without compensation; and, WHEREAS, the proposed transaction would convey certain real property to the Ada County Highway District for right-of-way purposes; and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Meridian City Council on May 22, 2018 and at the conclusion of said hearing, the City Council moved to approve the conveyance, subject to certain terms and conditions, and directed staff to bring forth this Ordinance authorizing the conveyance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO: Section 1. That a public hearing on the proposed conveyance was held at the May 22, 2018 meeting of the Meridian City Council. Section 2. That the City Council determined after the public hearing that the proposed conveyance is in the City's best interest and that the property should be transferred without compensation to the City. Section 3. That the City Council has reviewed and approved the legal description of the proposed right-of-way attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY - Page I of 6 Section 4. That the Mayor and City Clerk shall be authorized to execute and attest the Compensation Summary, Temporary Construction Easement, standard form warranty deeds and any other documents necessary to complete the conveyance authorized by this Ordinance. Section 5. That pursuant to the affirmative vote of one-half (1/2) plus one (1) of the Members of the full Council, the rule requiring two (2) separate readings by title and one (1) reading in full be, and the same is hereby, dispensed with, and accordingly, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this 22nd day of May, 2018. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this 22°x' day of May, 2018. W CITY OF MERIDIAN -Zz�. Mayor Ta y de Weerd EDA 1'91-1V `t'l City Cler �p �► 010 U� w C'►'[ E IDIANI. .a Z=0 SEAL ") ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY - Page 2 of 6 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY - Page 3 of 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 326 of 400 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY - Page 4 of 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 327 of 400 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY - Page 5 of 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 328 of 400 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY - Page 6 of 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 329 of 400 Project Name: Meridian Rd., Cherry Ln. to Ustick Rd. Project No: 516027.001 Name: City of Meridian R/W Parcel No: 25 & 28 T3N, R1 E, Sec 06 APN:R2904320620 & R2904320010 (Reserved for Ada County Recorder) WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this 2.2- day of M , 268), CITY OF MERIDIAN, an Idaho municipal corporation, the "GRANTOR", and A COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT, a body politic and corporate of the State of Idaho, the "GRANTEE"; WITNESSETH: FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the GRANTOR has granted, conveyed, bargained and sold, and does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm to the GRANTEE and its successors and assigns forever, that certain real property situated in the COUNTY OF ADA, STATE OF IDAHO, more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, TOGETHER with all and singular the buildings, structures, improvements and fixtures thereto, the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, and rents, issues and profits thereof (the "Premises"). SUBJECT TO those exceptions to title to which this conveyance is expressly made subject, and those made, suffered or done by the GRANTEE: (a) the GRANTOR covenants to the GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, that the GRANTEE shall enjoy the quiet and peaceful possession of the Premises; and (b) GRANTOR warrants to the GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, that GRANTOR is the owner of said Premises in fee simple and has the right and authority to convey the same to GRANTEE, and GRANTOR will defend the GRANTEE's title from all lawful claims whatsoever. The current address of the GRANTEE is: Ada County Highway District 3775 Adams Street Garden, Idaho 83714-6499 The Ada County Highway District (ACRD) is committed to compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related regulations and directives. ACHD assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, gender, disability or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any ACHD service, program or activity. WD- Pagel of 2 Version: 5/22108 Project Name: Meridian Rd., Cherry Ln. to Ustick Rd. Project No: 516027.001 Name: City of Meridian RM Parcel No: 25 & 28 T3N, R1 E, Sec 06 APN:R2904320620 & R2904320010 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has caused this instrument to be subscribed this day of 20 � F) STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. County of Ada ) ATTEST - C. day Col , CITY CLERK On this 22 day of HnO 20 before me a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Tamm de Weerd and C. Jay Coles, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Meridian, the municipal corporation that executed and attested the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. 0 to 00*1 Notary PubliVaho Residing at: , Idaho My Notary Commission Expires 3 aB arJ9 9 - My My Notary Bond Expires 3 - a2 2o22- The 022 The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) is committed to compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related regulations and directives. ACHD assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, gender, disability or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any ACHD service, program or activity. WD - Page 2 of 2 Version: 5/22/08 EXHIBIT Ada County Highway District Project No. 516027 Meridian Road — Cherry Lane to Ustick Road - Parcel 25 - Right -of -Way Requirement Description A parcel located in Government Lot 5 of Section 6, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, and being a part of Lot 1 of Block 13 of FOTHERGILL POINTE SUBDIPISIONNo. 1 as shown in Book 65 of Plats at Page 6639 in the office of the Recorder, Ada County, Idaho more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 5/8 inch diameter iron pin marking the southwesterly corner of said Government Lot 5, from which a brass cap monument marking the northwesterly corner of said Section 6 bears N 0°17'12" E a distance of 2658.34 feet; Thence N 0017'12" E along the westerly boundary of said Government Lot 5 a distance of 365.36 feet to a point; Thence leaving said westerly boundary S 89142'48" E a distance of 40.00 feet to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 1, said point also being on the easterly right-of-way of Meridian Road and the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence N 0° 17' 12" E along said easterly right-of-way a distance of 28.51 feet to a point; Thence leaving said easterly right-of-way a distance of 47.04 feet along the arc of a 30.00 foot radius curve right, said curve having a central angle of 89°50'41" and a long chord bearing N 45°12'33" E a distance of 42.37 feet to a point on the southerly right-of-way of Woodbury Drive; Thence S 89°52'06" E along said southerly right-of-way a distance of 6.87 feet to a point; Thence leaving said southerly right-of-way S 29047'49" W a distance of 68.59 feet to a point on the southwesterly boundary of said Lot 1; Thence N 68029'32" W along said southwesterly boundary a distance of 3.22 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. This parcel contains 992 square feet (0.023 acres) and is subject to any easements existing or in use. Prepare y: Glenn K. Bennett, PLS Civil Survey Consultants, Incorporated 1 September 23, 2016 ir .+ 1 4!k of v M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 3 5 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 3 7 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 3 8 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 3 9 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 4 0 o f 4 0 0 Project Name: Meridian Rd., Cherry Ln. to Ustick Rd. Project No: 516027.001 Name: City of Meridian R/W Parcel No: 25 & 28 T3N, R1 E, Sec 06 APN:R2904320620 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this 22- day of , 20L6, CITY OF MERIDIAN, an Idaho municipal corporation, hereinafter "GRANTOR", and ADA OUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT, a body politic and corporate of the State of Idaho, hereinafter "ACHD"; WITNESSETH: FOR VALUE RECEIVED, and for the term and uses and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, GRANTOR does hereby grant to ACHD an easement (the "Easement") under, over, through and across that certain real property owned by GRANTOR situated in the COUNTY OF ADA, STATE OF IDAHO more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (the "Servient Estate"). This grant is made on the following terms: 1. Authorized Uses BV ACHD. ACHD's use of the Easement granted herein shall be in connection with the construction and improvement of a highway on adjoining and abutting property owned by ACHD municipally known as Meridian Road and Woodbury Drive, (the "Dominant Estate"), for access and egress for equipment and vehicles, for construction, excavation, storage of earth and other materials thereon, for surveying, and for all other reasonable uses that are necessary, advisable or convenient to ACHD in connection with such highway construction and improvement project, and for ingress and egress to and from the Dominant Estate. 2. Use by Others Under ACRD. ACHD's right to so use the Servient Estate during the term of the Easement shall extend to use by ACHD's Commissioners, employees, contractors and agents. 3. Term. This Easement shall be for a term commencing on the date of the GRANTOR's execution of this Indenture and terminating on the completion of the highway construction and improvement project on the Dominant Estate. On the expiration of the term of this Easement, the rights and privileges granted to ACHD hereunder shall cease and terminate and this Easement shall be null and void and of no further force and effect. 4. Indemnification. ACHD hereby agrees to indemnify and hold GRANTOR harmless from and against any and all claims for loss, injury, death and damage caused by or arising out of the use of the Servient Estate by ACHD, its Commissioners, employees, contractors and agents, hereunder, and including, without limitation, attorneys fees and costs that might be incurred by GRANTOR in defending any such claims. 5. Restoration on Expiration of Term. As provided on Exhibit "A" hereto, on the expiration of the term of this Easement the Servient Estate shall be restored by ACHD, at its sole cost and expense, to at least as good a condition as existing on the date of this Indenture. TE -1 of2 Project Name: Meridian Rd., Cherry Ln. to Ustick Rd. Project No: 516027.001 Name: City of Meridian R/W Parcel No: 25 & 28 T3N, R1 E, Sec 06 APN: R2904320620 6. Binding Effect. This Easement, and the covenants and agreements herein contained, shall, during the entire term hereof, be binding upon and inure to the benefit of (i) ACHD AND GRANTOR, respectively, and their successors and assigns, and (ii) their respective interests in the Dominant and Servient Estates. 7. Appurtenant. The Easement herein granted is appurtenant to the Dominant Estate. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD this Easement unto the ACHD for the term hereinabove set forth. GRANTOR covenants to ACHD that ACHD shall enjoy the quiet and peaceful possession of the Servient Estate throughout the term hereof; and, GRANTOR warrants to the ACHD that GRANTOR is lawfully seized and possessed of the Servient Estate and has the right and authority to grant this Easement to ACHD. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Temporary Construction Easement has been duly executed by the parties, the day, month and year herein first above written. CITY OF MERIDIAN, an Idaho municipal corporation: ED AUG Tammy de W e `tupur w Mayor 044E I®IAN -4 1®AN® C ay Col °�yT SEAL ,Pw City Clerk Q'the TReAs��� ADA C�NT��ApY DIS�RICT: David Serdar Right- -WjSuisorRenee JaySr. Right-ont NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT NEEDED. THIS EASEMENT IS NOT TO BE RECORDED TE-2of2 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 3 0 o f 4 0 0 Project Name: Meridian Rd., Cherry Ln. to Ustick Rd. Project No: 516027.001 Name: City of Meridian RM Parcel No: 25 & 28 T3N, R1E, Sec 06 APN:R2904320620 & R2904320010 COMPENSATION SUMMARY PARCEL 25: NO COMPENSATION per interagency government agreement Fee Acquisition: 992 sf Temporary Construction Easement: 674 sf PARCEL 28: Fee Acquisition: 2,615 sf (total buyout) TotalCompensation............................................................................................ 0.00 ACHD WILL PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION FEATURES AS SHOWN ON THE RIGHT-OF-WAY PLANS DATED July 6, 2017, SHEETS 9 and 18 of 30 AND AS LISTED BELOW: 'Access Points as depicted on the plan sheets are subject to change upon redevelopment or as traffic safety conditions warrant.*** Negotiated Items: None Seller's disclosure of hazardous materials: (1) None _ GC __ (Seller's Initials); or (2) Seller's Disclosure: Property Rep Seller: Tamn; eerd, Mayor Seller: Z Ja les�City Clerk ACHD: Renee Jayo, Sr. fight - ay/Agent ACHD: _ �'--Z� /r David Serdar, Right -of -Way Supervisor Phone Date_ K Date S / ?a / ;b/9 Date Date Page 1 of 1 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 4 3 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 4 4 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 4 5 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 4 6 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 4 7 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 4 8 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 4 9 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 5 0 o f 4 0 0 M e r i d i a n C i t y C o u n c i l M e e t i n g A g e n d a M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 – P a g e 3 5 1 o f 4 0 0 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 352 o f 4 0 0 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 353 o f 4 0 0 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 91 Project/File Number: Item Title Parks and Recreation Department: Net Zero Budget Amendment for Spending Authority Not -to -Exceed $1,000 for the Hillsdale Park Grand Opening Meetina Notes uy APPROVED m Q 7 -7 N O co Q (D D 3 (D O- 3 (D 7 T O 3 0 o, n m Q rD r rTF W C m Me lic�)i�- I 0-c�, m � O ❑ ❑ ❑ 0. ❑ O m C a fD O1 00 X a 0 C m O O O 00 O O O O O O O O N I--� N N VI V1 lf1 V1 V1 Ul V1 V1 Ul V1 L, V1 w N N N N N N N N N N . . 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C�-•D� J rl 0 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 9J Project/File Number: Item Title Community Development Budget Amendment for Comprehensive Plan Consultant Not -to -Exceed $214,954 Meetina Notes u APPROVED O O O O O O O O O O O O O O F v D 3 l0 lD N N N N N N N 0 N N Lo N N 0 N v � _ O CD A m m O N O N O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CD O 0 O 0 In V1 In O 0 O 0 O CO O co O W O W 0 W 0 co 0 W 0 OD J J In 00 O O O o m OO l0 l0 O O l0 O l0 O l0 O l0 O l0 O l0 O LD O O lD O l0 O W O 00 0 O 00 O 00 O OJ O CO O co O OD O 00 O W 0 O co O W O W � v = T D n = n � 0 o 0 < o 3 o m w m v v 04 a n o o o v 0 = cn C 0 N I-` N 8C OO O O n A yr N N N lD in in O O O O to A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � 0 O O F v D 3 l0 lD lD lD lD LD l0 l0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N v � _ O CD A m m O N O N O N O FA-- W 1� N N N N cn W N N . 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S (D m(D 7- Z3 (D O. �- d d _. CD Et i d S CL z I ro d N .y+ S rn h = C { d CEm U O (D 3 I o n r� a (D O y I la 3 (D d o -� 67 N O C n 'Y _ 0 7 3 O m o -3o a m 7 < m v o m v o 1 O_ y h O m 0 m < n+ N n a i rD d O O_ M m C al rD m 03 rt � p < d y E art:• wo O n y p m 0 c m 7 n CL m q�hu, �� M+ - �uli �ul V, :/71+31 O 7 f 7 N � q rr+ �n O T r+ r ° (D lD d r T C y J � D r N T O N N N � O m N T N v 0 N N i T i Ll L T W O w 0 IK R t•� City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 9K Project/File Number: Item Title Approval of Agreement to Logan Simpson Design, Inc. for the "MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" project for a Not -To - Exceed amount of $212,554.00 Meetina Notes AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Logan Simpson Design, Inc. THIS AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES is made this 22�d day of M A� , 2018, and entered into by and between the City of Meridian, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho, hereinafter refered to as "CITY", 33 East Broadway Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 83642, and Logan Simpson Design, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT", whose business address is 213 Linden Street, Suite 300, Fort Collins, CO 80524. INTRODUCTION Whereas, the City has a need for services involving Comprehensive Planning services; and WHEREAS, the Consultant is specially trained, experienced and competent to perform and has agreed to provide such services; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, terms and conditions hereinafter contained, the parties agree as follows: TERMS AND CONDITIONS Scope of Services: 1.1 CONSULTANT shall perform and furnish to the City upon execution of this Agreement and receipt of the City's written notice to proceed, all services, and comply in all respects, as specified in the document titled "Scope of Services" a copy of which is attached hereto as Attachment "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, together with any amendments that may be agreed to in writing by the parties. 1.2 All documents, drawings and written work product prepared or produced by the Consultant under this Agreement, including without limitation electronic data files, are the property of the Consultant; provided, however, the City shall have the right to reproduce, publish and use all such work, or any part thereof, in any manner and for any purposes whatsoever and to authorize others to do so. In the event the City shall alter the work product without the Consultant's written consent, then the City shall indemnify and hold the Consultant harmless from and against claims, suits, demands, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, accruing or resulting to any and all persons, firms or any other legal entity on MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 1 of 15 PROJECT #10908 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 2 of 15 PROJECT #10908 1.3 The Consultant shall provide services and work under this Agreement consistent with the requirements and standards established by applicable federal, state and city laws, ordinances, regulations and resolutions. The Consultant represents and warrants that it will perform its work in accordance with generally accepted industry standards and practices for the profession or professions that are used in performance of this Agreement and that are in effect at the time of performance of this Agreement. Except for that representation and any representations made or contained in any proposal submitted by the Consultant and any reports or opinions prepared or issued as part of the work performed by the Consultant under this Agreement, Consultant makes no other warranties, either express or implied, as part of this Agreement. 1.4 Services and work provide by the consultant at the City’s request under this Agreement will be performed in a timely manner in accordance with a Schedule of Work, which the parties hereto shall agree to. The Schedule of Work may be revised from time to time upon mutual written consent of the parties. 2. Consideration 2.1 The Consultant shall be compensated on a Not to Exceed basis as provided in Attachment B “Payment Schedule” attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof for the Not-to-Exceed amount of $212,554.00 2.2 The Consultant shall provide the City with a monthly statement, as services warrant, of fees earned and costs incurred for services provided during the billing period, which the City will pay within 30 days of receipt of a correct invoice and approval by the City. The City will not withhold any Federal or State income taxes or Social Security Tax from any payment made by City to Consultant under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Payment of all taxes and other assessments on such sums is the sole responsibility of Consultant. 2.3 Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, Consultant shall not be entitled to receive from the City any additional consideration, compensation, salary, wages, or other type of remuneration for services rendered under this Agreement., including , but not limited to, meals, lodging, transportation, drawings, renderings or mockups. Specifically, Consultant shall not be entitled by virtue of this Agreement to consideration in the form of overtime, health insurance benefits, retirement benefits, paid holidays or other paid leaves of absence of any type or kind whatsoever. 3. Time of Performance: This agreement shall become effective upon execution by both parties, and shall expire upon completion of the agreed upon services, or unless some other method or time of termination is listed in Attachment A. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 362 of 400 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 3 of 15 PROJECT #10908 4. Independent Contractor: 4.1 In all matters pertaining to this agreement, CONSULTANT shall be acting as an independent contractor, and neither CONSULTANT nor any officer, employee or agent of CONSULTANT will be deemed an employee of CITY. Except as expressly provided in Attachment A, Consultant has no authority or responsibility to exercise any rights or power vested in the City. The selection and designation of the personnel of the CITY in the performance of this agreement shall be made by the CITY. 4.2 Consultant shall determine the method, details and means of performing the work and services to be provided by Consultant under this Agreement. Consultant shall be responsible to City only for the requirements and results specified in this Agreement and, except as expressly provided in this Agreement, shall not be subjected to City’s control with respect to the physical action or activities of Consultant in fulfillment of this Agreement. 5. Indemnification and Insurance: CONSULTANT shall indemnify and save and hold harmless CITY from and for any and all losses, claims, actions, judgments for damages, or injury to persons or property and losses and expenses and other costs including litigation costs and attorney’s fees, arising out of, resulting from, or in connection with the negligent acts and/or errors or omissions by the CONSULTANT, its servants, agents, officers, employees, guests, and business invitees, and not caused by or arising out of the tortuous conduct of CITY or its employees. CONSULTANT shall maintain, and specifically agrees that it will maintain, throughout the term of this Agreement, liability insurance in the minimum amounts as follow, General Liability One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per incident or occurrence, Professional Liability / Professional errors and omissions One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) aggregate, Automobile Liability Insurance One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per incident or occurrence and Workers’ Compensation Insurance , in the statutory limits as required by law. The CITY shall be named an additional insured on both General Liability and Automotive policies. The limits of insurance shall not be deemed a limitation of the covenants to indemnify and save and hold harmless CITY; and if CITY becomes liable for an amount in excess of the insurance limits, herein provided, CONSULTANT covenants and agrees to indemnify and save and hold harmless CITY from and for all such losses, claims, actions, or judgments for damages or injury to persons or property and other costs, including litigation costs and attorneys’ fees, arising out of, resulting from , or in connection with the performance of this Agreement by the Consultant or Consultant’s officers, employs, agents, representatives or subcontractors and resulting in or attributable to personal injury, death, or damage or destruction to tangible or intangible property, including use of. CONSULTANT shall provide CITY with a Certificate of Insurance, or other proof of insurance evidencing CONSULTANT'S compliance with the requirements of this paragraph and file such proof of insurance with the CITY at least ten (10) days prior to the date Consultant begins performance of its obligations under this Agreement. In the event Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 363 of 400 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 4 of 15 PROJECT #10908 the insurance minimums are changed, CONSULTANT shall immediately submit proof of compliance with the changed limits. Evidence of all insurance shall be submitted to the City Purchasing Agent with a copy to Meridian City Accounting, 33 East Broadway Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 83642. 6. Notices: Any and all notices required to be given by either of the parties hereto, unless otherwise stated in this agreement, shall be in writing and be deemed communicated when mailed in the United States mail, certified, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: Either party may change their address for the purpose of this paragraph by giving written notice of such change to the other in the manner herein provided. 7. Attorney Fees: Should any litigation be commenced between the parties hereto concerning this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled, in addition to any other relief as may be granted, to court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees as determined by a Court of competent jurisdiction. This provision shall be deemed to be a separate contract between the parties and shall survive any default, termination or forfeiture of this Agreement. 8. Time is of the Essence: The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that time is strictly of the essence with respect to each and every term, condition and provision hereof, and that the failure to timely perform any of the obligations hereunder shall constitute a breach of, and a default under, this Agreement by the party so failing to perform. 9. Assignment: It is expressly agreed and understood by the parties hereto, that CONSULTANT shall not have the right to assign, transfer, hypothecate or sell any of its rights under this Agreement except upon the prior express written consent of CITY. 10. Discrimination Prohibited: In performing the Services required herein, CONSULTANT shall not unlawfully discriminate in violation of any federal, state or local law, rule or regulation against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry, age or disability. CITY CONSULTANT City of Meridian Logan Simpson Design, Inc. Purchasing Manager Attn: Bruce Meighen, AICP Principal Planner 33 E Broadway Ave 213 Linden Street, Suite 300 Meridian, ID 83642 Fort Collins, CO 80524 208-888-4433 Phone: 970-449-4100 Email: kwatts@meridiancity.org Email: bmeighen@logansimpson.com Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 364 of 400 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 5 of 15 PROJECT #10908 11. Reports and Information: 11.1 At such times and in such forms as the CITY may require, there shall be furnished to the CITY such statements, records, reports, data and information as the CITY may request pertaining to matters covered by this Agreement. 11.2 Consultant shall maintain all writings, documents and records prepared or compiled in connection with the performance of this Agreement for a minimum of four (4) years from the termination or completion of this or Agreement. This includes any handwriting, typewriting, printing, photo static, photographic and every other means of recording upon any tangible thing, any form of communication or representation including letters, words, pictures, sounds or symbols or any combination thereof. 12. Audits and Inspections: At any time during normal business hours and as often as the CITY may deem necessary, there shall be made available to the CITY for examination all of CONSULTANT’S records with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall permit the CITY to audit, examine, and make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, conditions of employment and other data relating to all matters covered by this Agreement. 13. Publication, Reproduction and Use of Material: No material produced in whole or in part under this Agreement shall be subject to copyright in the United States or in any other country. The CITY shall have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose and otherwise use, in whole or in part, any reports, data or other materials prepared under this Agreement. 14. Compliance with Laws: In performing the scope of services required hereunder, CONSULTANT shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of Federal, State, and local governments. 15. Changes: The CITY may, from time to time, request changes in the Scope of Services to be performed hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of CONSULTANT’S compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the CITY and CONSULTANT, shall be incorporated in written amendments to this Agreement. 16. Termination: If, through any cause, CONSULTANT, its officers, employees, or agents fails to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, violates any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this Agreement, falsifies any record or document required to be prepared under this agreement, engages in fraud, dishonesty, or any other act of misconduct in the performance of this contract, or if the City Council determines that termination of this Agreement is in the best interest of CITY, the CITY shall thereupon have the right to terminate this Agreement, in part or in its entirety, by giving written notice to CONSULTANT of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof at least Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 365 of 400 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 6 of 15 PROJECT #10908 fifteen (15) days before the effective date of such termination. CONSULTANT may terminate this agreement at any time by giving at least sixty (60) days notice to CITY. In the event of any termination of this Agreement, all finished or unfinished documents, data, and reports prepared by CONSULTANT under this Agreement shall, at the option of the CITY, become its property, and CONSULTANT shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any work satisfactorily complete hereunder. Notwithstanding the above, CONSULTANT shall not be relieved of liability to the CITY for damages sustained by the CITY by virtue of any breach of this Agreement by CONSULTANT, and the CITY may withhold any payments to CONSULTANT for the purposes of set-off until such time as the exact amount of damages due the CITY from CONSULTANT is determined. This provision shall survive the termination of this agreement and shall not relieve CONSULTANT of its liability to the CITY for damages. 17. Construction and Severability: If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this Agreement so long as the remainder of the Agreement is reasonably capable of completion. 18. Advice of Attorney: Each party warrants and represents that in executing this Agreement. It has received independent legal advice from its attorney’s or the opportunity to seek such advice. 19. Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements or understandings, oral of written, whether previous to the execution hereof or contemporaneous herewith. 20. Public Records Act: Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 9-335, et seq., information or documents received from the Contractor may be open to public inspection and copying unless exempt from disclosure. The Contractor shall clearly designate individual documents as "exempt" on each page of such documents and shall indicate the basis for such exemption. The CITY will not accept the marking of an entire document as exempt. In addition, the CITY will not accept a legend or statement on one (1) page that all, or substantially all, of the document is exempt from disclosure. The Contractor shall indemnify and defend the CITY against all liability, claims, damages, losses, expenses, actions, attorney fees and suits whatsoever for honoring such a designation or for the Contractor's failure to designate individual documents as exempt. The Contractor's failure to designate as exempt any document or portion of a document that is released by the CITY shall constitute a complete waiver of any and all claims for damages caused by any such release. 21. Confidentiality: Consultant understands and acknowledges that all tests and results(confidential information) are intended solely for the City. Consultant agrees to Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 366 of 400 21. Confidentiality: Consultant understands and acknowledges that all tests and results(confidential information) are intended solely for the City. Consultant agrees to hold all confidential information in confidence and will not disclose the confidential information to any person or entity without the express prior written consent of City. 22. Applicable Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, and the ordinances of the City of Meridian. 23. Approval Required: This Agreement shall not become effective or binding until approved by the City of Meridian. CITY OF MERIDIAN LOGAN SIMPSON DESIGN, INC. BY:- -� BY: Y_deMW D, Mayor BRUCE MEIGHEN, tannin ipal Dated: %'u 2.2,2-M-2 Approved by Council: S -22-Z01 Attest: C.JA Cl Purchasing Approval BY: KEIT TTS, Purchasing Manager Dated:: _5 - 2 2 - / U MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROJECT #10908 Dated: Mav 22.2018 � {avauSr 1 00 W J sEPti tip`/ Depart ent Approval BY. CAMERON ARIAL, ommunity Development Director 1 Dated:: Z / Page 7 of 15 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 8 of 15 PROJECT #10908 Attachment A SCOPE OF WORK MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SCOPE OF WORK Task 1: Foundation Task 1.1 Project Initiation and Management. An in-person kickoff meeting between City Staff (CS) and consultant team, and concurrently with the Steering Committee (SC) will be held to review project schedule, major milestones, and deliverables; define communication protocol; and identify goals, key issues, and opportunities. Ongoing project management activities include biweekly (every other week) phone calls ensuring scope, schedule, deliverable quality, and budget are effectively managed and meet the City’s expectations. Task 1.2 Project Logo and Branding. In-house graphic specialists will work to capture the look and feel of the project, resulting in a clear, identifiable, and marketable brand for the Comprehensive Plan. The goal would be to build off the City’s current brand, with a unique and recognizable look in consistent messaging and format. Task 1.3 Public Communications and Stakeholder Involvement Plan. Logan Simpson, in coordination with CS will draft and refine an extensive outreach program to enhance the planning process. The consultant team has placed a high degree of emphasis and budget toward public engagement, as one of the primary objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Task 1.4 Event Series #1: #MyMeridianValues. Event Series #1 will announce the overall process, conduct stakeholder interviews, and begin to ask the community how they would like to be involved and to share their initial feelings about their City. Listening to the ideas and concerns of individual voices will better inform the process and outcome. One kickoff event will be held which could take the form of a listening session as a follow-up to stakeholder interviews. As a supplement to the Celebratory Kickoff Event, additional outreach could include community events throughout the spring, such as Coffee with the Mayor, Spring Clean, and more. Task 1.5 Plan Audit . Logan Simpson will engage CS and potentially developers, boards and commissions, and others familiar with the Comprehensive Plan in an assessment of relevant City, Ada County, Ada County Highway District, and COMPASS policies, plans, standards, and guidelines — with the goal of understanding how Meridian’s policies operate today and what needs and conflicts exist under current regulatory guidance in relation to expected future demands. Task 1 Meetings/ Deliverables: • CS and SC Kickoff Meetings #1 agendas, materials, facilitation, and summaries • Event Series #1 print and media notification, online and text polling survey #1, outreach plan, materials, facilitation, and summary • Stakeholder interviews invitation, questionnaire, facilitation, and overall summary (two full days of interviews, and including one- on-ones with P&Z, CC and other board and commission members, follow-up interviews will happen by phone) • Biweekly coordination calls (throughout project) • Supplemental celebratory kickoff event materials (for CS use at multiple citywide events) • Draft and final project work program and schedule • Draft and final project logo, branding, and key messaging • Initial website platform, social media alignment, content, and setup • Draft and final public/stakeholder input and communications plan • Plan audit setup, distribution, evaluation and summary of comprehensive plan and other relevant Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 368 of 400 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 9 of 15 PROJECT #10908 plans City Staff Role: • Logan Simpson will need City Staff assistance in broadcasting the word to the community. This includes potentially placing branding signage at key destinations around the City. • Logan Simpson will provide materials, but attendance at local events will primarily be CS. • CS to provide stakeholder list and contact information and schedule meeting rooms for two full days of interviews. • CS to assist in distributing the Plan Audit. Task 2: Visioning Task 2.1 Event Series #2: #MyMeridianVision . Event Series #2 will build on the #MyMeridian campaign to increase exposure and recognition, and utilize responses already gathered. Outreach of Event Series 2 will focus on a summer-long series primarily through attendance at existing citywide events, which will focus on articulating the vision of Meridian. Specific visioning areas (The Fields, Southwest Meridian, Magic View/Woodbridge, and the South Rim area) will be emphasized in the visioning process. See Task 3.3 for more information on the specific visioning areas. Task 2.2 Vision Document. The team will generate a summary of community values, with an overarching vision, supporting vision statements, and goals that provide direction for each element of the plan. The vision will be strategically integrated - bringing land use and community development ideas into focus along with multimodal transportation strategies and taking into account Meridian’s economic role within the larger region. Task 2 Meetings/ Deliverables: • CS and SC Meetings #2 and #3 agendas, materials, facilitation, and summaries • Event Series #2 print and media notification, online and text polling survey #2, meeting plan, materials, facilitation, and summary. Logan Simpson will attend the first event. Logan Simpson has also budgeted to create a basic photobooth to have at each event. • P&Z & CC Worksession #1 agenda, materials, facilitation, and summary • Draft and final vision document City Staff Role: • Logan Simpson will provide materials, but attendance at local events will primarily be City Staff. • City Staff will utilize City photographer for photobooth • Staff will utilize City videographer to create a Visioning summary video Task 3: Opportunities & Choices Task 3.1. Strategic Growth Management and Public Services. Task 3.1.1 Areas of Change. As part of the process, Logan Simpson will build a GIS model to illustrate areas of change and areas of stability. Our spatial analysis will assess the collective patterns of growth with building permits, shifting demands for goods and services due to changing demographics, current redevelopment areas and land use densities, and vacant or underutilized lands. This model will not only help identify the location of various market demands, but help illuminate future transportation and housing development potential and help identify locations for successful redevelopment and infill projects. As part of this task Logan Simpson create a Service Impact Tool to communicate the metrics of proposed projects and whether they would meet locational standards. By showing the results geographically, the community can be selective in prioritizing and pursuing annexation areas. The results may indicate that Area A is more attractive for annexation because of existing infrastructure; whereas Area B would require a significant investment in services and infrastructure extension. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 369 of 400 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 10 of 15 PROJECT #10908 The tool will evaluate the location for development in key locations as is related to location and strategic fit (relationship to the vision). The tool will be programmed in ArcGIS Online (City will acquire license) to assume all staff can access the tool. The ArcGIS Online platform could provide access to the community if the City wishes. The user will have the ability to spatially select a parcel/quadrant based on the online GIS parcel based future land use map. Based on a prepopulated set of factors, the system will produce a report with a map inset with a series of locational and strategic fit factors. Task 3.2 Transportation and Economic Development Task 3.2.1 Economic Development & Housing. The economic development and housing analysis will focus on assuring that Meridian accommodates adequate housing to attract and retain the talent that will drive family-wage job growth in the City. This recognizes that in today’s world employment growth is driven by the availability of talent, and talent is mobile – choosing to locate in communities with a high quality of life and attainable housing options. Since the intent is not to duplicate the work already contained in the Existing Conditions report, this analysis will incorporate more targeted research on specific issues and opportunities relevant to the mobility, economic development, and housing components. Task 3.2.2 Overall Market Analysis. Leland Consulting Group will conduct a market analysis that addresses demographic and economic trends in Meridian and the greater Boise area – and make specific recommendations on how employment and residential land uses are balanced across the city and along specific corridors. We will base our analysis on the current Existing Conditions report and the most current COMPASS population and employment projections. The market analysis will include an assessment of population/household growth; income; employment; educational attainment; and other demographic trends that are relevant to defining employment opportunities and housing potential. Components in the analysis include: • Identify the principal target industry clusters in Meridian. For each cluster, identify relevant locational and workforce characteristics that would drive land use choices. • Employment trends, including evolving locational and amenity considerations by industry. • Analyze the following market indicators: population growth; household growth; household income levels; age- by- income patterns (including relevant generational cohort trends); tenure (rent-versus-own) patterns; household composition (size, family orientation, etc.); lifestyle segmentation (psychographics); employment growth (both downtown and regionally); and other indicators, as identified. Prepare data and exhibits to summarize these factors. • Residential development trends (demand drivers, housing type, locations, and amenities) • Vacancy and absorption rates for commercial and multi-family residential • Commercial supply/ demand (office and retail) Task 3.2.3 Corridor Market Analysis. A focused review of up to eight corridors (e.g., the Rail Corridor, Franklin Road, Overland Road, Cherry Lane, Ustick Road, Ten Mile Road, Meridian Road, and the Future SH 16 corridor) will be used to ensure that planned land uses are of the right mix and scale to support transit use in the future. This effort will ensure that land uses provide enough ridership to justify transit investments, while also leveraging each corridor’s unique development context. This work will also identify opportunities to capture the value of real estate and economic development along each corridor to support funding of a future transit system. The assessment for each corridor will include the following: • Assess existing zoning to determine whether the zoning would permit TOD and employment land uses at an adequate scale to leverage transit infrastructure, such as the rail line or planned bus routes; • Map key opportunity sites (vacant, underutilized, key anchor land uses) and key nodes (locations with lateral access to adjacent districts); Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 370 of 400 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 11 of 15 PROJECT #10908 • Identify market-supported residential, employment, and mixed-use land use typologies that conform to the community vision while leveraging the asset of the corridors; • Project development capacity on the corridors using adopted COMPASS projections and incorporating transit-supportive residential and employment land use typologies; • Identify catalyst development sites and recommend specific infrastructure investments that can lay the groundwork for future development of the corridors; The outcome of this task will include annotated maps and infographics to show the existing and potential opportunities for development along the corridors. Deliverables will be designed to be reader friendly and easily transferable into the public engagement and information process. Task 3.2.4 Master Mobility Map. Kittelson will help the City articulate its vision for its transportation system by working with the City to create a multi-year Master Mobility Map. We will work with the City to gather currently available GIS information illustrating existing area transportation plans and infrastructure. These files will be combined into a single geodatabase. A general review across the City to identify areas that may be underserved by existing transportation plans. Kittelson will identify these areas and recommend action items for the City to undertake to work with its partner agencies to address these areas in future planning efforts. Information will be consolidated into a Master Mobility Map containing the information gathered from the transportation agencies and the City of Meridian’s desired future transportation system. The analyses completed for this task will generally be qualitative. Projected volumes provided by COMPASS will be reviewed as well as data available from other recently completed transportation studies, but there will not be any detailed post-processing or traffic operations analyses completed. This Master Mobility Map will take a long range look and go beyond the transportation agencies typical planning horizons to address, define, and support the vision for Meridian’s future transportation system. The results of the above tasks will be reviewed with City staff and the Transportation Commission. Based on this review, changes may be made to the draft planned land-uses and/or the transportation recommendations. Once these refinements are made, Kittelson will identify action items for City staff to pursue with its transportation agency partners to help them implement its vision for the City. Kittelson will provide the final GIS files used to create the Master Mobility Map to the City for the City to use in creating an online mapping application. Task 3.3 Opportunity Area and Policy Choices. Based on the previous analysis, key choices regarding citywide goals, objectives, and implementation strategies will be articulated. Specific visioning areas, distinct corridors, neighborhoods, and commercial areas will be delineated to allow for tailored analysis and recommendations for those areas. Key metrics on the provision of housing, infrastructure, education, job creation, and economic development will be used to evaluate scenarios. Additional analysis for the specific visioning areas will include: • 3.3.1 Fields Area. Logan Simpson will conduct additional stakeholder meetings and 1 workshop to establish a framework for community preference. This task will include additional study to determine the right land use mix and market realities to meet public and city goals. • 3.3.2 Southwest Meridian. Logan Simpson will conduct additional stakeholder meetings and 1 workshop on specific planning for the Southwest Meridian Area. This task will include additional study to determine the right land use mix, specifically the appropriateness of low-intensity future land uses and potential conflicts areas. • 3.3.3 Magic View/Wood Bridge. For additional analysis we’ve continued to team with Kittelson to take a long- range look at land uses and a potential revised roadway network. Expanded stakeholder outreach and coordination will be a key component of this task. • 3.3.4 South Rim Area. Logan Simpson proposes to focus additional efforts on refinements, expansive public outreach, and vetting of current City plans and Council action for the area. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 371 of 400 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 12 of 15 PROJECT #10908 Task 3.4 Event Series #3: #MeridianontheMove. Event Series #3 will be focused around a weeklong series of events focused around Winter Wonderland to discuss opportunities and investigate benefits and effects of key choices. Key to this discussion is not only identifying where these opportunities would take place, but what additional factors do they influence and/or affect. City Staff Role: • Staff to assist in scheduling public events. Task 4: Strategies and Plan Development Task 4.1 Preliminary Land Use Plan. The plan will include required land use mixes, opportunity area schematics, implementation priorities and phases, and other features. Our team will refine the Plan’s vision and articulate the goals, objectives, policies, and strategies, including process and regulatory implementation. Task 4.2 Preliminary Implementation Strategies. Our team will work to create a tailored implementation and monitoring program that meets the City’s current needs while being adaptable to changing circumstances in the future. We will identify ways to address gaps in current programs, policies, and services and will recommend actionable regulatory revisions, strategic initiatives, and catalyst projects, ensuring projects and actions tier and link with capital work programs, sustainability initiatives, and other plans. Task 4 Meetings/ Deliverables: • CS and SC Meetings #6 and #7 agendas, materials, facilitation, and summaries • Draft and final land use map • Draft and final policy recommendations and implementation strategy (including a matrix of recommendations with anticipated order of magnitude cost, responsibilities, and phased by timing that can be either included in the Plan or a supplemental document) Task 5: Draft & Final Comprehensive Plan Task 5.1 Public Draft Comprehensive Plan. The preliminary draft will be revised per one round of consolidated CS/ SC comments and one joint P&Z/CC Worksession, and will be converted to a modern, graphic, and user-friendly format as the public draft. Task 5.2 Event Series #4: #MyMeridianPlan. Event Series #4 will celebrate and highlight the yearlong journey. Attendees and participants will have the opportunity to comment on the public draft plan at a Plan Hub in a venue and setting formatted similarly to a professional art exhibit. Task 5.3 Public Hearings & Adoption . At this stage, the Logan Simpson will support CS in presentations to P&Z and CC. Logan Simpson will revise the public draft plan based on feedback and input from the public, as well as prepare an executive summary describing plan highlights. After P&Z and CC hearings, the team will complete minor revisions, based on public hearing comment. Additionally, Logan Simpson will compile and submit all GIS, InDesign, and associated graphic links and files. Web-Based “Living” Comprehensive Plan. Upon document adoption and finalization, Logan Simpson will work with CS to convert the draft plan into a web-based component that will be interactive, and easily understandable and navigable. Task 5 Meetings/ Deliverables: • CS and SC Meetings #8 and #9 agendas, materials, facilitation, and summaries • Event Series #4 print and media notification, online and text polling survey #3, meeting plan, materials, facilitation, and summary • P&Z & CC Worksession #3 agendas, materials, facilitation, and summaries • P&Z individual briefings and public hearing materials, facilitation assistance, and plan revisions Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 372 of 400 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 13 of 15 PROJECT #10908 • CC individual briefings and public hearing materials, facilitation assistance, and plan revisions • Draft and final plan compilation (including CS/SC draft; public draft; P&Z draft; and CC adoption draft) • Final comprehensive plan (including all associated digital and GIS files) • Web-based comprehensive plan (fully interactive comprehensive plan) City Staff Role: • Logan Simpson will be available for one day of public outreach. Following the initial first day, subsequent days will be led by CS. • Staff will take the lead during the adoption process leading presentations, with LS assistance if necessary. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 373 of 400 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 14 of 15 PROJECT #10908 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 374 of 400 MERIDIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 15 of 15 PROJECT #10908 Attachment B MILESTONE / PAYMENT SCHEDULE A. Total and complete compensation for this Agreement shall not exceed $212,554.00 TASK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Task 1 Foundation $38,474 Task 2 Visioning $16,400 Task 3 Opportunities and Choices $113,028 Task 4 Strategies and Plan Development $22,692 Task 5 Draft and Final Comprehensive Plan $21,960 TOTAL $212,554 Travel expenses, if applicable, will be paid at no more than the City of Meridian’s Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 375 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 10A Project/File Number: Item Title Police and Parks & Recreation Department: Proposed ordinance update to amend Trespass in Parks penalty from misdemeanor to infraction Meetina Notes DRAFT UPDATING TRESPASS IN PARKS VIOLATION PROVISION PAGE 1 OF 2 CITY OF MERIDIAN ORDINANCE NO. ________________ BY THE CITY COUNCIL: BERNT, BORTON, CAVENER, LITTLE ROBERTS, MILAM, PALMER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MERIDIAN CITY CODE SECTION 13-2-9(C), REGARDING TRESPASS IN PARKS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, trespass in parks is a violation of the Meridian Parks & Recreation Code best suited for enforcement as an infraction, rather than a misdemeanor charge; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO: Section 1. That Meridian City Code section 13-2-9(C) is hereby amended to read as follows. C. Trespass In Parks: It shall be unlawful for any person to enter, remain in, or be present within or upon the premises of a park or park facility or any portion thereof during the hours when the park is closed to the public or enters, remains in, or is otherwise present within an area of the park clearly delineated by signs or barriers as temporarily or permanently closed to the public. Trespass in parks shall be a misdemeanor an infraction, punishable by a penalty of fifty dollars ($50.00). Section 2. That this ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Meridian, Idaho, on May ____, 2018. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Meridian, Idaho, on May ____, 2018. APPROVED: ATTEST: ______________________________ ______________________________ Tammy de Weerd, Mayor C.Jay Coles, City Clerk Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 392 of 400 DRAFT UPDATING TRESPASS IN PARKS VIOLATION PROVISION PAGE 2 OF 2 NOTICE AND PUBLISHED SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO I.C. § 50-901(A) CITY OF MERIDIAN ORDINANCE NO. 18-_______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MERIDIAN CITY CODE SECTION 13-2-9(C), REGARDING TRESPASS IN PARKS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. __________________________________________ City of Meridian Mayor and City Council By: C.Jay Coles, City Clerk First Reading: _________________ Adopted after first reading by suspension of the Rule as allowed pursuant to Idaho Code § 50-902: YES_______ NO_______ Second Reading: ________________ Third Reading: _________________ STATEMENT OF MERIDIAN CITY ATTORNEY AS TO ADEQUACY OF SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 18- _________ The undersigned, William L.M. Nary, City Attorney of the City of Meridian, Idaho, hereby certifies that he is the legal advisor of the City and has reviewed a copy of the attached Ordinance no. 18- _______ of the City of Meridian, Idaho, and has found the same to be true and complete and provides adequate notice to the public pursuant to Idaho Code § 50-901A(3). DATED this ______ day of __________________, 2018. ____________________________________ William. L.M. Nary City Attorney Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 393 of 400 City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 11A Project/File Number: Item Title Ordinance No. 18-1775: An Ordinance (H-2018-0004 - Lost Rapids) For Annexation Of A Parcel Of Land Being A Portion Of The Northeast Y4 Of Section 27, Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, As Described In Attachment "A" And Annexing Certain Lands And Territory, Situated In Ada County, Idaho, And Adjacent And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Meridian As Requested By The City Of Meridian; Establishing And Determining The Land Use Zoning Classification Of 39.005 Acres Of Land From Rut To R-15 (Medium Density Residential) Zoning District In The Meridian City Code; Providing That Copies Of This Ordinance Shall Be Filed With The Ada County Assessor, The Ada County Recorder, And The Idaho State Tax Commission, As Required By Law; And Providing For A Summary Of The Ordinance; And Providing For A Waiver Of The Reading Rules; And Providing An Effective Date. Meeting Notes rte✓ APPINED ADA COUNTY RECORDER Christopher D. Rich 2018-047197 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=5 CHE FOWLER 05/23/2018 12:37 PM CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO NO FEE CITY OF MERIDIAN ORDINANCE NO. 18 ` 19 9 5 BY THE CITY COUNCIL: BERNT, BORTON, CAVENER, MILAM, PALMER, LITTLE ROBERTS AN ORDINANCE (H-2018-0004— LOST RAPIDS [BRIGHTON SITE] ANNEXATION) FOR ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/ OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST, BOISE MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, AS DESCRIBED IN ATTACHMENT "A" AND ANNEXING CERTAIN LANDS AND TERRITORY, SITUATED IN ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, AND ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN AS REQUESTED BY THE CITY OF MERIDIAN; ESTABLISHING AND DETERMINING THE LAND USE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF 39.005 ACRES OF LAND FROM RUT TO R-15 (MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT IN THE MERIDIAN CITY CODE; PROVIDING THAT COPIES OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE FILED WITH THE ADA COUNTY ASSESSOR, THE ADA COUNTY RECORDER, AND THE IDAHO STATE TAX COMMISSION, AS REQUIRED BY LAW; AND PROVIDING FOR A SUMMARY OF THE ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR A WAIVER OF THE READING RULES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF ADA, STATE OF IDAHO: SECTION 1. That the following described land as evidenced by attached Legal Description herein incorporated by reference as Exhibit "A" are within the corporate limits of the City of Meridian, Idaho, and that the City of Meridian has received a written request for annexation and re -zoning by the owner of said property, to -wit: Brighton Investments, llc. SECTION 2. That the above-described real property is hereby annexed and re -zoned from RUT to R-15 (Medium Density Residential) zoning district in the Meridian City Code. SECTION 3. That the City has authority pursuant to the laws of the State of Idaho, and the Ordinances of the City of Meridian to annex and zone said property. SECTION 4. That the City has complied with all the noticing requirements pursuant to the laws of the State of Idaho, and the Ordinances of the City of Meridian to annex and re -zone said property. SECTION 5. That the City Engineer is hereby directed to alter all use and area maps as well as the official zoning maps, and all official maps depicting the boundaries and the zoning districts of the City of Meridian in accordance with this ordinance. SECTION 6. All ordinances, resolutions, orders or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, rescinded and annulled. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE — LOST RAPIDS (BRIGHTON SITE) ANNEXATION (H 2018-0004) Page I of 3 SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, according to law. SECTION 8. The Clerk of the City of Meridian shall, within ten (10) days following the effective date of this ordinance, duly file a certified copy of this ordinance and a map prepared in a draftsman manner, including the lands herein rezoned, with the following officials of the County ofAda, State of Idaho, to -wit: the Recorder, Auditor, Treasurer and Assessor and shall also file simultaneously a certified copy of this ordinance and map with the State Tax Commission of the State of Idaho. SECTION 9. That pursuant to the affirmative vote of one-half (1/2) plus one (1) of the Members of the full Council, the rule requiring two (2) separate readings by title and one (1) reading in full be, and the same is hereby, dispensed with, and accordingly, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO, this _=j day of 12018. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO, this r, rid & A _ . . ANNEXATION ORDINANCE — LOST RAPIDS (BRIGHTON SITE) ANNEXATION (H 2018-0004) Page 2 of 3 STATE OF IDAHO, ) ss: County of Ada ) On this 2-9- day of , 2018, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appear d TAMMY de WEERD and C.JAY COLES, known to me to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Meridian, Idaho, and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that the City of Meridian executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. ••wwwa•rrwww• \O'er=udA�ia (SE '• NOTARY PUBLIC FOR IDAHO Av _ tiE=�?E ;I� TA '9 # RESIDING AT: O ,, W COMMISSION EXPIRES:3,9 A0 • , r '�t1i.•O•w• ANNEXATION ORDINANCE — LOST RAPIDS (BRIGHTON SITE) ANNEXATION (112018-0004) Page 3 of 3 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 399 of 400 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 22, 2018 – Page 400 of 400 NOTICE AND PUBLISHED SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO I.C. § 50-901(A) CITY OF MERIDIAN ORDINANCE NO. 18- 1 � q� PROVIDING FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONING ORDINANCE An Ordinance of the City of Meridian granting annexation of a parcel of land being a portion of the Northeast 1/4 of of Section 27, Township 4 North, Range 1 West, Boise, Ada County, Idaho. This parcel contains 39.005 acres more or less. Also, these parcels are SUBJECT TO all easements and rights-of-way of record or implied. As surveyed in attached exhibit `B" and is not based on an actual field survey. A full text of this ordinance is available for inspection at City Hall, City of Meridian, 33 East Broadway Avenue, Meridian, Idaho. This ordinance shall become effective on the I day of `SUt'l , 2018. Wyor and City Council By: C.Jay Coles, City Clerk iED AUG61 1 O, g IpR IDAHO � SEAL aw/ First Reading: '�' / a"�?- / '-'�21K �R��tho TREP� Adopted after first reading by suspension of the Rule as allowed pursuant to Idaho Code §50-902: YES_ NO Second Reading: Third Reading: STATEMENT OF MERIDIAN CITY ATTORNEY AS TO ADEQUACY OF SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 18- 191 9 The undersigned, William L.M. Nary, City Attorney of the City of Meridian, Idaho, hereby certifies that he is the legal advisor of the City and has reviewed a copy of the attached Ordinance No. 18-� of the City of Meridian, Idaho, and has found the same to be true and complete and provides adequate notice to the public pursuant to Idaho Code § 50-901A (3). DATED this22h4 day of CL 52018. U,6 William. L.M. Nary City Attorney ORDINANCE SUMMARY- LOST RAPIDS (BRIGHTON SITE) ANNEXATION (H-2018-0004) City Council Meeting Meeting Date: May 22, 2018 Agenda Item Number: 12 Project/File Number: Item Title Future Meeting Topics Meetina Notes