2019-11-29 Carol Christensen1 Charlene Way From:Carol Christensen <cchristensen211@msn.com> Sent:Friday, November 29, 2019 3:19 PM To:Meridian City Clerk Subject:Movado apartment plans Meridian City Clerk: Regarding building permit #2019-0099 and 2019-104, I have several concerns, especially as a new resident in the Movado Village gated community. I feel I was not given full information about future building plans in this area. I knew apartments would be built near the front of the subdivision, but not to the extent that I have recently learned. Three-story apartment buildings (200 units!) will make a huge impact on our new subdivision in several ways: appearance, traffic increase (especially with only one outlet onto Overland), property values (I have already seen indications of decreasing home values here), and general safety. The DL Evans representative has indicated that after the apartments are built, management and perhaps even ownership will be turned over to other companies/businesses. There is no guarantee that high standards will be upheld, that property there will be well-maintained. I deliberately moved to this area for comfort and safety during my retirement years, so I feel betrayed regarding the future plans of the apartment developers. Please give serious consideration to the concerns of current Movado residents to do what is best for a residential lifestyle rather than more revenue for city coffers. Sincerely, Carol Christensen Resident of The Village in Movado Subdivision