PZ - Staff Report Page 1 STAFF REPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: 10/24/2019 TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Kevin Holmes, Associate Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton, Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: H-2019-0105 Verraso Village North MCU PROPERTY LOCATION: 3543 E. Tecate Ln., in the NW ¼ of Section 4, Township 3N., Range 1E. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Conditional use permit modification to reduce the number of dwelling units in the multi-family development from 56 to 36 and update the development plan for the site. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 1.7 Future Land Use Designation MU-R Existing Land Use Vacant Proposed Land Use(s) Residential, Multi-Family Current Zoning C-G Proposed Zoning N/A Neighborhood meeting date; # of attendees: 8/19/2019; 1 attendee History (previous approvals) H-2018-0071; A-2018-0339; H-2016-0132; A-2016-0287; H- 2015-0016; MFP-11-002; FP-09-002; PP-08-007; DA Instrument No. 106137048; AZ-05-061 B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District  Staff report (yes/no) Yes Page 2 Description Details Page  Requires ACHD Commission Action (yes/no) No Access (Arterial/Collectors/State Hwy/Local)(Existing and Proposed) Access is depicted on the site plan via E. Tecate Ln., a private street; emergency access only via N. Records Ave., a collector street, is proposed. C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map Zoning Map Planned Development Map Page 3 III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant: Chad Olsen - 12790 W. Telemark Street, Boise, ID 83713 B. Owner: Envision360, LLC - 12790 W. Telemark Street, Boise, ID 83713 C. Representative: Same as applicant IV. NOTICING A. Newspaper notification published on: 10/4/2019 B. Radius notice mailed to properties within 300 feet on: 10/1/2019 C. Applicant posted notice on site on: 10/11/2019 D. Nextdoor posting: 10/1/2019 V. STAFF ANALYSIS This development is the 4th phase of the Verraso Village multi-family development. This particular site consist of 1.7 acres, zoned C-G with a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation of MU-R. The applicant requests a modification to the previously approved conditional use permit (H-2018-0070) to reduce the number of multi-family units from 56 to 36 and update the development plan for the site. The previous approval’s design consisted of a common garage on the first floor and living units on the second and third floors. The 56 units were comprised of one and two bedroom units with private balconies (Exhibit A). The new proposed plan has private two car garages on the bottom story with units above. The 36 units are all three story, three bedroom, and attached in rows along a shared drive. Each unit includes two parking pads outside the private garages. The development’s gross density is 21.3 units per acre, consistent with the MU-R designation. A. Comprehensive Plan Policies This site is designated Mixed Use – Regional (MU-R) on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM). The purpose of this designation is to provide a mix of employment, retail, and residential dwellings and public uses near major arterial intersections. The intent is to integrate a variety of uses together, including residential, and to avoid predominantly single use developments such as a regional retail center with only restaurants and other commercial uses. Developments should be anchored by uses that have a regional draw with the appropriate supporting uses. Fox example, an employment center should have support retail uses; a retail center should have supporting residential uses as well as support retail uses; a retail center should have supporting residential uses as well as supportive neighborhood and community services. The standards for the MU-R designation provide an incentive for larger public and quasi-public uses where they provide a meaningful and appropriate mix to the developments. The developments are encouraged to be designed according to the conceptual MU-R plan depicted in Figure 3-5 of the Comprehensive Plan. This site is proposed to develop with high-density multi-family residential uses at a gross density of 21.2 dwelling units per acre (d.u./acre); anticipated density in the MU-R designations is between 6 and 40 dwelling units to the acre. The proposed development consists of 36 dwelling units on 1.7 acres of land; the structure is proposed to be three stories in height. The proposed multi-family development should contribute to the mix of uses in this area adjacent to retail, employment and restaurant uses near major intersections (Eagle & Ustick Roads and Eagle & Page 4 Fairview Roads), consistent with the plan for MU-R designated areas. Staff finds the following Comprehensive Plan policies to be applicable to this property and apply to the proposed use (staff analysis in italics):  “Provide for a wide diversity of housing types (single-family, modular, mobile homes and multi-family arrangements) and choices between ownership and rental dwelling units for all income groups in a variety of locations suitable for residential development.” (3.07.03B, pg. 56) The proposed multi-family units will contribute to the variety of rental options available within the City.  “Permit new development only where urban services can be reasonably provided at the time of final approval and development is contiguous to the City.” (3.01.01F, pg. 45) City services will be provided and extended with development of this site.  “Require appropriate landscaping and buffers along transportation corridor (setback, vegetation, low walls, berms, etc.) A 20-foot wide landscaped street buffer is required along N. Records Avenue, a collector street.  “Protect existing residential properties from incompatible land use development on adjacent parcels.” (3.06.01F, pg. 53) The proposed multi-family development should be compatible with existing multi-family residential units to the south.  “Restrict private curb cuts and access points on collectors and arterial streets.” (3.06.02D) Access is proposed via E. Tecate Ln., a previously approved private street along the site’s north boundary. No public access is provided to N. Records Ave., a collector street.  “Locate high-density development, where possible, near open space corridors or other permanent major open space and park facilities, Old Town, and near major access thoroughfares.” (3.07.02, pg. 55) The proposed high-density development is located near major access thoroughfares [N. Eagle Road (State Highway 55) and E. Ustick Road & E. Fairview Ave. (both arterial streets)] and is within walking distance of Kleiner Park, a 60 acre City park, and The Village at Meridian shopping center to the south. B. Specific Use Standards The specific use standards for multi-family developments listed in UDC 11-4-3-27 apply to development of this site as follows: A minimum of 80 square feet of private useable open space is required to be provided for each unit. Private balconies are proposed for each unit that meets this requirement. Development with 20 units or more are required to provide a property management office, maintenance storage area, central mailbox location (including provisions for parcel mail) that provides safe pedestrian and/or vehicular access, and a directory and map of the development at an entrance or convenient location for those entering the development. The property management and leasing office and maintenance storage area is located in the northwest corner of this site. A central mailbox location is depicted on the site plan next to the leasing office. The site plan submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application shall depict the location(s) of the directory & map of the development. Page 5 At a minimum, 250 square feet (s.f.) of outdoor common open space is required for each unit containing more than 500 and up to 1,200 s.f. of living area. All but one of the proposed units are within this range at 1,199 s.f.. Therefore, a minimum of 9,100 s.f. (or 0.20 of an acre) of common open space is required in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-27C. The applicant proposes a 20-foot wide strip of landscaped area along the entire southern boundary of the property, a 50’ x 20’ central open space, and a dog park located at the southwest corner of the property to meet the common open space requirements. These areas comprise approximately 10,582 s.f. (0.24 of an acre), meeting the UDC requirement. For multi-family developments between 20 and 75 units, three amenities are required to be provided with at least one from each category listed in UDC 11-4-3-27D.1. The applicant proposes an approximately 20’ x 69’ pet area at the west end of the building and a pet parlor, both of which staff would classify as quality of life amenities. Staff recommends the addition of at least one other amenity for either the open space or recreation categories. Per UDC 11-4-3- 27-D3, the Commission does have the latitude to consider other improvements as long as they provide a similar level of amenity. Landscaping is required to comply with UDC 11-4-3-27E. All street facing elevations shall have landscaping along their foundations as follows: the landscaped area shall be at least three-feet wide and have an evergreen shrub with a minimum mature height of 24-inches for every three linear feet of foundation. The remainder of the area shall be landscaped with ground cover plans. The landscape plan submitted with this application meets this requirement. The development is required to record legally binding documents that state the maintenance and ownership responsibilities for the management of the development, including, but not limited to, structures, parking, common areas, and other development features. The applicant shall submit documentation of compliance with this requirement with submittal of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance. C. Dimensional Standards The proposed development is required to comply with the dimensional standards of the C-G zoning district listed in UDC Table 11-2B-3 and for multi-family developments listed in 11-4-3- 27. The setbacks for the C-G district are 0; however, the 20-foot required street buffer along N. Records Way will serve as a setback on the east side of the development. D. Access Access is depicted on the site plan via E. Tecate Ln., a private street; emergency access only is proposed via N. Records Ave., a collector street. E. Parking: The UDC requires off-street vehicle parking to be provided on the site in accord with the standards listed in Table 11-3C-6 for multi-family developments. Based on 36, three bedroom units, a minimum of 36 covered and 36 uncovered (or covered) spaces are required for a total of 72 spaces; a total of 72 covered vehicle spaces and 72 uncovered are proposed, double what is required by code. All but two of these spaces are reserved for the individual units. The number of proposed parking spaces complies with UDC standards. One bicycle parking space is required to be provided for every 25 proposed vehicle spaces or portion thereof, per UDC 11-3C-6G. Based on a total of 144 proposed parking spaces, a minimum of six bicycle parking spaces should be provided for the development. The site plan does not depict any bicycle parking. A minimum of six bicycle-parking facilities, built to the Page 6 standards of UDC 11-3C-5C, shall be included on the site plan submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application. F. Sidewalks/Parkways: A five-foot wide detached sidewalk exists on this site along N. Records Avenue in accord with UDC 11-3A-17. The site plan depicts a four-foot wide attached sidewalk along E. Tecate Ln., a private street. The western most building on Tecate Ln. depicts landscaping that could obstruct pedestrians walking to the front entrances of the units or to the adjacent commercial area. The applicant should remove the parking pads from the rear of these units, widen the drive aisle from 20 feet to 25 feet and shift the building further to the south to provide additional open space on the site and ensure safe access for traveling pedestrians in the development. Even with the reduction in parking, the applicant still exceeds the parking standards of the UDC. G. Landscaping: A minimum 20-foot wide landscaped street buffer is required (as proposed) along N. Records Avenue, a collector street, landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. One tree is required per 35-feet per the aforementioned standards listed in code. The landscape plan shall be revised to include a minimum of five trees along N. Records Ave. A minimum of two tree species will be used to meet this requirement, in accord with Table 11-3B-5-3. H. Fencing: All fencing is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. New fencing is depicted on the site plan but no details are provided. A detail of the fences shall be submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application. I. Utilities and drainage: All utilities and drainage facilities are required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11- 3A-18 and UDC 11-3A-21. J. Lighting: All outdoor lighting shall comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-11. K. Building Elevations (UDC 11-3A-19 | Architectural Standards Manual): The applicant has submitted several conceptual building elevations for the multi-family structures within this development. These applications may not be the ones the applicant intends to build. They were provided for illustrative purposes to depict the specific design elements for the development. Further refinement will occur at staff level during review of the design review application submitted with a concurrent CZC application. VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed conditional use permit modification application in accord with the Findings in Section IX per the provisions in Section VIII. Page 7 VII. EXHIBITS A. Previously Approved Site Plan Page 8 B. Proposed Site Plan Page 9 C. Proposed Landscape Plan D. Conceptual Elevations (not approved) Page 10 Page 11 VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. Planning Division 1. Development of the site shall general comply with the site plan, landscape plan, and conceptual building elevations included in Exhibit A, the conditions of approval listed herein, the provisions of the development agreement (Inst. #106137048) and amended development agreements (H-2015-0016, Inst. #2016-106279; H-2016-0132, Inst. #2017-056982). 2. The architectural character of the proposed multi-family structures shall comply with the design standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual. 3. The developer shall comply with the specific use standards for multi-family developments listed in UDC 11-4-3-27, including but not limited to the following: a. All on-site service areas, outdoor storage areas, waste storage, disposal facilities, and transformer and utility vaults shall be located in an area not visible from a public street, or shall be fully screened from view from a public street. b. The development is required to record legally binding documents that state the maintenance and ownership responsibilities for the management of the development, including, but not limited to, structures, parking, common areas, and other development features. The applicant shall submit documentation of compliance with this requirement with submittal of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance. 4. The applicant shall provide one more amenity from the categories of open space or recreation listed in UDC 11-4-3-27D, in addition to the two amenities proposed (dog park and dog parlor). 5. Any fencing constructed on the site shall be consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7. 6. The interior parking area shall comply with the required stall and drive aisle dimensions listed in UDC Table 11-3C-5. 7. The site plan, dated 06/11/2019, included in Exhibit VII.B shall be revised as follows: a. Revise Note 6 with correct unit and building count. b. Depict the location(s) of the directory and map of the development at an entrance or convenient location for those entering the development in accord with UDC 11-4-3-27B.7. c. Depict bicycle parking as set forth in UDC 11-3C-6G in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3C-5C; a minimum of six bicycle parking spaces should be provided for the development. d. The western most building on Tecate Ln. depicts landscaping that could obstruct pedestrians walking to the front entrances of the units or to the adjacent commercial area. The applicant shall remove the parking pads from the rear of these units, widen the drive aisle from 20 feet to 25 feet and shift the building Page 12 further to the south to provide additional open space on the site in front of the structure to ensure safe access for traveling pedestrians in the development. 8. The landscape plan, dated 06/28/2019, included in Exhibit VII.C shall be revised as follows: a. A minimum of five trees, of at least two different species, shall be added to the twenty-foot landscape buffer along N. Records Ave. b. The two-gallon “Evergreen Shrubs” used on the plan shall be identified by its species name. 9. The applicant is required to submit a Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review applications for approval from the Planning Division prior to submittal of a building permit application. 10. The applicant shall submit a drainage plan to Meridian Land Development for review and approval to ensure adequate drainage can be maintained on site in accord with UDC 11-3A-18. 11. Staff’s failure to cite specific ordinance provisions or terms of the approved conditional use does not relieve the applicant of responsibility for compliance. 12. The Applicant shall have a maximum of two (2) years to commence the use as permitted in accord with the conditions of approval listed above. If the use has not begun within two (2) years of approval, a new conditional use permit must be obtained prior to operation or a time extension must be requested in accord with UDC 11-5B-6F. 13. The applicant shall complete all required improvements prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. It is unlawful to use or occupy any building or st ructure until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy. B. Public Works 1. A street light plan will need to be included in the final plat and/or building permit application. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-7 of the City's Design Standards. Streetlights are required on public roads, including E. Tecate Lane. Page 13 IX. FINDINGS Conditional Use Permit (UDC 11-5B-6E): The commission shall base its determination on the conditional use permit request upon the following: A. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. Staff finds that the subject property is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and the dimensional and development regulations of the C-G district as required by the UDC (see Analysis Section V for more information). B. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian comprehensive plan and in accord with the requirements of this title. Staff finds that the proposed use is consistent and harmonious with the UDC and Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation for this site. C. That the design, construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. Staff finds that if the applicant complies with the conditions listed in this report, the design, construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area (see Analysis Section V for more information). D. That the proposed use, if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. Staff finds that if the applicant complies with the conditions outlined in this report, the proposed use will not adversely affect other property in the area. E. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools, parks, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water, and sewer. Staff finds that the proposed use will be served adequately by all of the public facilities and services listed above. F. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Staff finds there will not be excessive additional requirements at public cost and that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the community’s economic welfare. G. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. Staff finds the proposed use will not involve excessive traffic, noise, or odors that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare. H. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance. (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005). Staff finds that the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of any natural, scenic or historic feature of major importance in this area.