2019-10-16 Harold and Gigi Leslie1 From:Gigi Leslie <gigeslie@icloud.com> Sent:Wednesday, October 16, 2019 2:55 PM To:Meridian City Clerk Cc:movadohomeowners@gmail.com Subject:Silverstone Apartments, Development Agreement File H-2019-0099 and CUP File H-2019-0104 Honorable Meridian City Council Members: We are homeowners residing at 2058 S Hills Ave in the Movado Greens, Meridian. Thank you for the opportunity to submit these comments for your consideration on this very important project. We understand the need for more housing including for all income groups in the city and the need for more diversity. The planning for this should come with real consideration for it’s impacts. Higher density housing or commercial uses come with greater traffic impacts. We understand that development on the subject property, either residential or commercial, is required to have a driveway connection to Movado Way which will increase traffic at the Overland Road/Movado Way intersection. Overland presently carries a significant amount of traffic making it dangerous to turn onto without traffic control. We would like to support this project with the City Council with the concurrent installation of a traffic signal at Overland Rd/Movado Way as the appropriate traffic control. Currently Movado traffic cuts through on S Hills Ave (our street) at speed to get to the existing traffic signal at Overland Rd and Silverstone Way where they can make a safe turn onto Overland with traffic control. S Hills Ave is not a collector street it is a local residential street with homes, multiple driveways, families, kids and what should be low traffic speeds. The current situation is poor planning, unacceptable and is likely to just get worse. There is one other option to get to Silverstone and Overland or Eagle using Copper Pointe Way, unfortunately a lot of the Movado traffic does not use this alternate. Adding traffic humps on S Hills Ave to slow down and discourage cut through traffic on this street could be an additional option. An appropriate traffic study should consider all of this and not just raw traffic signal warrant numbers. Please consider all impacts carefully and thank you for the consideration. Respectfully submitted, Harold and Gigi Leslie, residents Sent from my iPad