2019-10-15 Mike and Katie Germain1 Adrienne Weatherly From:Katie Germain <katiegermain14@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, October 15, 2019 10:02 PM To:Meridian City Clerk Subject:File #H-2019-0099 and File #H-2019-0104 Hello, this is Mike and Katie Germain and we live at 2214 S. Rolling Hills Ave. Meridian -- 83642 . We are writing this email in opposition of the proposal to add more apartments at the entrance of the subdivision Movado. We have lived in Movado for almost a year now and we love it! We feel very strongly about the opposition of adding more apartments for a few reasons. First of all, when we purchased our home to raise our two boys in, we were completely misled as we were told that it was going to be "mixed use commercial" at the entrance. We were VERY excited about that as that would bring in amenities for the residents to utilize and would enhance the appeal of our neighborhood. If we had known that the main entrance to our neighborhood would actually be turned into what appears to be an apartment complex, we would not have purchased our home. In fact, we are now considering selling if the apartment complex is approved and we know of at least 5 other families that feel the same. Being welcomed by towering apartment complexes will no doubt be a deterrent to someone interested in buying a home in the Estates at Movado. The homes in the Estates are pristine homes that deserve a welcoming and attractive entrance. I have been selling new construction real estate in the valley for 8 years and know first hand that apartment complexes devalue communities. When buying new construction, people do NOT want to live by apartments and I hear about it daily. They DO want to live by more amenities like those what would be included if "mixed commercial" is approved. Next, by adding more apartments, it will increase traffic (especially at peak times) going in and out of the community. Being that this is the only official entrance and exit into the community, this is not only a congestion concern, but also a safety hazard for obvious reasons. The intersection (Overland & Movado Way) is a fast moving, and very busy intersection already. Peak times are currently difficult and we feel as though adding an additional 100 apartments will make it nearly impossible to safely enter into traffic on Overland each morning and evening. In closing, we ask that you please take into consideration all of the residents that currently live in Movado as well as future residents and deny the application to add additional apartments. They will not only add more traffic and safety concerns, they will no doubt decrease our property values. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, the Germains ;)