2019-09-30 Josh and Mindi Allen1 Charlene Way From:Josh and Mindi Allen <jmallen4@hotmail.com> Sent:Monday, September 30, 2019 9:10 AM To:Meridian City Clerk Subject:Linder & Ustick I’m writing today to express my opposition to the proposal of apartments going in on the corner of Linder & Ustick. We reside in Bridge Tower and already face an over crowded school district. Placing 3 story apartments in this area will create more issues to an already over-crowded area. New families moving into Bridge Tower thinking their kids will be using the elementary within our boundaries are becoming more and more disappointed as they now have to bus their kids to a neighboring school- defeating the purpose of subdivision convenience. This isn’t what is best for this subdivision and I highly object to this being considered. Bridge Tower Resident since 2011, Mindi Allen