2019-09-11 Melissa Forbes1 Charlene Way From:Melissa Forbes <4mforbes@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, September 11, 2019 9:30 PM To:Meridian City Clerk Subject:Development on Linder and Chinden I would like to hope my voice counts so I’ll pretend it does. I am unclear as to what exactly is coming into this space but I would love to see a beautiful development like The Village. With trees and lovely landscape....not another unimaginative strip mall and more storage units. We already have two within the space of a square mile, for goodness sake. I have to wonder why you wouldn't want to make into something exceptional, we all have to experience and look at it on the daily whether you actually live in the subdivision or not. Why not use this land to create a little oasis? A space you’d want to escape to after work, on the weekend with live music or during the day for some shopping with friends? Why not be inventive? Why not use your imagination? And have fun creating and bringing to fruition a space that you’d be proud to say you developed! Not another space like the one across the street and beside it and down the road..... Why not make it unique? Stand out, be different. Be better. I don’t know, just wishful thinking, I guess. Sincerely, Melissa L. Forbes Sent from my iPad