2019-09-13 Kelli Sansen1 Charlene Way From:Kelli Sansen <sansenkelli@yahoo.com> Sent:Friday, September 13, 2019 11:50 PM To:Meridian City Clerk Subject:Linder & Ustick Hello, I am writing to express my opinion for the development being proposed at the North West corner of Linder and Ustick roads. I do not agree with a storage facility and or 3 story apartment complexes going in at this corner. For one, the traffic is extremely heavy on the street getting in and out of the watersong subdivision due to the school access. Two, there are a ton of storage places being put in this area of town. There is one on Ten mile, one on McMillan and multiple others in close proximity. Also, a three story apartment complex is an eye sore and does not belong in this area of town. Although Linder and Ustick were just partially widened the traffic would only get worse. Schools are over crowded and I believe this corner should remain zoned for commercial. It would be great for a small mom and pop grocery store to be there or a small strip mall with a convenience store. With Settlers Park so close it would be a good place for a restaurant. Thank you for your time.