2019-05-14 Luane Dean 51 Charlene Way From:lid8910@aol.com Sent:Tuesday, May 14, 2019 10:49 PM To:Meridian City Clerk Subject:RE: Three Corners Ranch MPP19-0006/ H-2019-0006 Stephanie Leonard, Associate Planner Bruce Freckleton, Development Service Manager I am writing to you about the proposed Three Corners Ranch. We have lived in Meridian since 1980 and have lived in Dunwoody since 1991. We own the land and are hoping you will uphold what ACHD approved in April 2019. We have been to many meetings and have heard the neighbors saying that ACHD has done something unethical with its approval and that Meridian City feels it has too. Again we are hoping this is not the case. My husband and I are not developers we were hoping to make something nice for many fellow Meridian citizens. We are very concerned about opening up public connection roads to Bristol Heights. Between more development near Eagle Road possibly apartments and more development that Ambrose School is planning it is very concerning for us. Ambrose School has told us it would be an Auditorium with several hundred seats or a second campus. The entrance getting out of 3 Corners can be backed up now at certain times of the day making it hard to get out on Locust Grove. This is something we would have very difficulty proceeding with. Thank you for your time luane dean