PZ - NextDoor Notification of Continuance to 4-4Oty CleteClay Coles Mushan MayalsOffed canal Notice of Continued Public Hearing - Three Corners Ranch H- 2019-0006 Pi NOTE: This application will MconfinuedtatimApM 4, 2019 Planning and Zoning CommSsion Meeting. The March ] beanngwill only be opened retire purpose of cartnuim the application. No manager will M heart on thatdate. NOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN "the Planning and Zoning Commission NtMOtyaf Mend an will Mld a public hearing at Mendian ciy Hall, 33 E Bmadway Ave, Mend ran, Idaho600 pm. on Thursday, March Z, 2019 to minicar Me application by Sweet land Development Mc. for *me Owners Ranch 0-20H-DMH for a Annexation and Zoning of 31.W acres of land with The R-4 xcnirg distant and a Preliminary Plat consisting of 45 building lots and 9 commom lots. Located at Near E DunwoMytt Any interested wasonswisbing to effibarepocoma to dose stile public Fearing listed on th s occurrence. Oral astimany may be Iimi l to them In minutes Per person. written testimony maybe submitted prior N the above bearing the either by mail or in person to AMidian City Clark 33 E. Broadway Suite Her Mai Idaho 83W or by wheat I to chydeh@nmidiarotyorg. NI written Ledmony and an rioters presented at Me bearing sbau become pmpeM an the city of Mendan and public mxrds subject to the provisions of the Idaho Public RceoNs AR AppLation s are subject to change Mmugbour the public Fearing process and it is iweffort on interested persms to monitor such ebenal by creasing Me ponces in person, online, or b/mntacting Cr yataR To View a copy ofthe Official Applicaliop Msif MtpJ/bdlyM-20140005 Contect the Communhy Development Oeyattment at 208 88415533 M more information. An dgingaccommodationMdisabilitiesmlatedmMe dowmecsand/or hearings pleasecontact the CRy Cirri Office at ODS 888 433 at least R Fours inch to and hearing.