Brian Noah1 Chris Johnson From:Brian N <norcalmx391@yahoo.com> Sent:Wednesday, October 24, 2018 9:47 PM To:City Clerk Subject:RE: Rezoning of 5.9 Acres at Linder/Ustick To Whom it May Concern, I recently found out the city of Meridian is considering to rezone an area not too far from my backyard. I am deeply disappointed that this is even being considered for the following reasons: 1) I purchased my home based on the fact that there were no homes/apartments behind me and that the existing commercial development had not yet been built on. I knew that this may be a future possibility but I accepted it based on the fact that this area would be commercial buildings....not apartments overlooking my backyard! 2) I have two young children that will be attending the local schools that are currently already overcrowded. Adding an apartment complex would create even more issues with our local schools. 3) Traffic is a battle every day on Linder - literally. While there are plans to widen the road...we have enough traffic as is without adding another 96 unit complex located on 4 acres! 4) Quality of Living - the quality of life will go down even further when more apartments are built in the City of Meridian. If this rezoning is approved by the board I will leave and sell my house in Meridian to live in a city that is not allowing any and every spare square inch to be built up with low income housing. Sincerely, Brian Noah