Jane Albert C.Jay Coles From:Jane Albert <jane.albert@hotmail.com> Sent:Thursday, October 18, 2018 1:49 PM To:C.Jay Coles; Bill Parsons Subject:Opposed to H-2018-0059 I am writing in opposition to H-2018-0059. The proposed naming convention appears to advantage the developer by making it even more  confusing to the public as to an applicant's intent for land use. It seems prudent that the process of the Comprehensive Plan update be completed to guide  any code changes. The changes allow developers greater density and reduces common space requirements.  It is an insult to citizens that a clear conflict of interest exists in that the applicant sits on the Comprehensive Plan update committee. I believe we are owed an explanation why this is acceptable to the City's staff, appointees, and elected officials. Jane Albert 6628 N. Salvia Way Meridian, ID 83646 1