Melinda Klure1 Chris Johnson From:Cognito Forms <notifications@cognitoforms.com> Sent:Tuesday, July 24, 2018 4:19 PM To:mayortammy; Luke Cavener; Genesis Milam; City Clerk; Anne Little Roberts Subject:Exterior Elevation of Costco - Melinda Klure Smart Growth for Meridian Exterior Elevation of Costco Mayor De Weerd and Meridian City Council, When the City Council approved Costco to be placed in a highly residential area, the council asked the applicant to design a neighborhood friendly exterior elevation of Costco. Despite all the concerns brought by the residents, this was the ONLY request council made of the developer. Costco held a neighborhood meeting to "gather input from residents"; however, many residents affected by this application were not notified or aware of their right to weigh in. Furthermore, past neighborhood meetings have merely been an informational hour by developers to tell the public what is going to happen. The only recourse residents have is to write directly to city council and put their thoughts on the public record. That is the purpose of this letter. To inform you that I would like to see the City Council hold Costco accountable for developing a truly unique neighborhood- friendly design that would enhance the corner of Ten Mile and Chinden. Given the current submission, the Costco looks like a hodge podge of other Costcos thrown together and is not unique at all. Please tell Costco the Meridian deserves a better design. Thank you, You have a new form submission. Powered by Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Cognito Forms