Suzanne Cox 6-211 Charlene Way From:Suzanne Cox <cox2256@hotmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8:28 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Proposed rezoning of Cherry Blossom Subdivision-June 21st hearing I am writing in regards to the latest hearing about the rezoning of the 10.74 acres of property to be Cherry Blossom Subdivision. Despite meetings with the developer and expressing our concerns, it appears that Jayo Development will be going forward with the attempt to rezone this property from R-4 to R-8 and including 47 building lots. My family lives in the subdivision directly to the east of the proposed development. We have lived her for over 13 years and planned to raise our family in Meridian. We have 2 young children who love to be outdoors. I walk my son to and from the bus every day. I frequently walk downtown, including to classes at the Community Center. If this property is rezoned R-8, the lot sizes will be nearly half of those in the surrounding areas and our pass through traffic will greatly increase. We already have unacceptable traffic though our neighborhood, often at high rates of speed with no regard for the many children playing outside. I only see this multiplying with 47 additional families funneling out through 2 residential streets. A big part of being a safe city, something that Meridian constantly totes, is families feeling safe to be in their own yards or have their children play in front of their homes. Meridian also prides itself on maintaining an "oldtown" feel, yet this developer is proposing building high-density housing right in the middle of some of the oldest properties in Meridian. The City of Meridian has a vision to be the West's premier community in which to li ve, work and raise a family. Nowhere in this vision does it mention putting the greedy desires of a developer above families and lifestyle. Several of my neighbors have expressed concern that this rezoning is a "sure bet" for the developer because the city is only interested in future tax revenues, not current (and many long-term) residents. I certainly hope that the testimony of the surrounding neighbors will be taken seriously and considered. Thank you again for your consideration and time. Suzanne Bankhead 1452 N Crestmont Dr Meridian, ID 83642