PZ - Applicant's Response to Staff Report1 Charlene Way From:Hethe Clark <hclark@spinkbutler.com> Sent:Monday, June 18, 2018 3:01 PM To:Sonya Allen; C.Jay Coles; Charlene Way; Chris Johnson Cc:Bill Nary; Andrea Pogue; Devin Morris (devinmorris@alturas.com); Travis Barney (travisbarney@alturas.com); Shari Gallivan Subject:RE: Sodalicious - AZ H-2018-0046 Staff Recommendaiton to Commission for June 21st Mtg Attachments:Sodalicious - AZ H-2018-0046 Staff Recommendation to Commission.pdf Hi, everyone. Thanks for providing a copy of the staff report. I spoke with Bill this morning about the cross access issue and I wanted to give some more background for your discussions. I mentioned in my application narrative that requiring cross access now would undermine the agreement from last fall, given the effect it would have on the billboard. Here’s a picture we took last fall (before the new landscaping was installed) that shows how tight this would be. This is what it looks like today: 2 And here is how it is depicted in the Instant Equity Auto easement: As mentioned in my application narrative, the applicant is willing to compromise on this item. We can include language in the development agreement indicating that cross access would be provided in the event the sign is ever voluntarily removed. Please let us know if that is acceptable. The other item is ACHD’s comments. The site-specific conditions included in Para. 6 of Ex. B are items ACHD may require with a future development application for this site. It seems odd to me to include this in a development agreement given that these are only potential requirements for a future development application. We can work with you on this— I’ll just need to discuss with Emily and Bill appropriate language ensuring that these potential site-specific requirements are not misunderstood. Best, Hethe Clark 251 E Front Street, Suite 200 | PO Box 639 | Boise, Idaho 83701 hclark@spinkbutler.com | Direct 208.388.3327 | Fax 208.388.1001 From: Sonya Allen [ mailto:sallen@meridiancity.org ] Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 8:18 AM To: C.Jay Coles; Charlene Way; Chris Johnson Cc: Hethe Clark; Bill Nary; Andrea Pogue Subject: Sodalicious - AZ H-2018-0046 Staff Recommendaiton to Commission for June 21st Mtg 3 Attached is the staff report for the proposed annexation & zoning for Sodalicious. This item is scheduled to be on the Commission agenda on June 21 st . The public hearing will be held at City Hall, 33 E. Broadway Avenue, beginning at 6:00 pm. Please call or e-mail with any questions. Hethe - Please submit any written response you may have to the staff report to the City Clerk’s office (cjcoles@meridiancity.org , cway@meridiancity.org , cjohnson@meridiancity.org and myself (e-mail or fax) as soon as possible. Thanks, Sonya City of Meridian 33 E. Broadway Ave., Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: 208-888-4433 www.meridiancity.org All e-mail messages sent to or received by City of Meridian e-mail accounts are subject to the Idaho law, in regards to both release and retention, and may be released upon request, unless exempt from disclosure by law.