CC - Applicant Response to Recommended Conditions of ApprovalAPPLICANT SUBMITTAL FOR LOST RAPIDS (H-2018-0004) City Council Hearing Date: April 3, 2018 Applicant Response to Recommended Conditions of Approval Pages 1-4 Applicant Response to March 30 Legal Memo from A.Carroll Pages 5-6 Proposed Access Findings Through Modification and Variance Page 7 Summary of PZ/CC Public Testimony from City Clerk website Page 8 (Packet to Clerk) APPLICANT RESPONSE TO RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (All changes proposed by Applicant are noted in red) B. EXHIBIT B - AGENCY AND DEPARTMENT COMMENTS AND CONDITIONS 1. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1.1 A Development Agreement (DA) is required as a provision of annexation of this property. Prior to the annexation ordinance approval, a DA shall be entered into between the City of Meridian, the property owner(s) at the time of annexation ordinance adoption, and the developer(s). Currently, a fee of $303.00 shall be paid by the applicant to the Planning Division prior to commencement of the DA(s). The DA(s) shall be signed by the property owner(s) and returned to the Planning Division within six (6) months of the City Council granting annexation. a. The DA for the property owned by Brighton Corporation (the R-15 zoned property) shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: Future development of this site shall substantially comply with the conceptual development plan and building elevations included in Exhibit A and the conditions included in Exhibit B of the staff report. 2. Future development shall comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual, as applicable. 3. Noise abatement in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11 -3H -4D shall be provided for residential uses adjoining US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. 4. Qualified open space and site amenities shall be provided within the development in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3 for residential developments. 5. Prior to issuance of any building permits on the subject property, the property shall be subdivided. 1 (Applicant Comment: The road widening improvements proposed by the overall project relate to the proposed Costco store within the GGZone—not to the residential uses; thus, LLLa.6 should be deleted.) b. The DA for the commercial property owned by GFI – Meridian Investments II, LLC (the GG and R-40 zoned property) shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: (Applicant Comment. Due to the differences in use and development approvals process, separate DA's are proposed for the GG and R-40 zoned parcels. Distinction between those DA's is noted below.) 1. Future development of this site shall substantially comply with the conceptual development plan, preliminary plat, landscape plan and conceptual building elevations included in Exhibit A and the conditions contained herein. 2. Future development shall comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19 and the City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual. 3. , indust44afl shall be pfevided within this development as pfepesed. Alem., The nfediuni densily (Applicant Note: The stricken language is directly from the staff report) 4. Up to two (2) building permits for the Costco Wholesale and associated fuel sales facility structures are allowed to be issued on the subject property prior to recordation of the subdivision plat. 5. Prior to issuance of any building permits on this site, a property boundary adjustment application shall be approved and a Record of Survey recorded for the reconfiguration of existing parcels to coincide with the boundary of the preliminary plat. 6. Provide a detached 10 -foot wide multi -use pathway within the street buffer along US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. as set forth in UDC 11 -3H -4C.4. A 14 -foot wide public pedestrian easement is required to be submitted to the Planning Division prior to submittal of the final plat for City Engineer signature and will be subsequently approved by City Council and recorded. The applicant shall coordinate with Kim Warren, Park's Department Pathways Project Manager (208- 888-3579), regarding specifications for the pathway and easement. 7. The street buffer landscaping and multi -use pathway/sidewalk along the entire frontage of US 20- 26/Chinden Blvd. and N. Ten Mile Road shall be constructed with the first phase of development. 8. Business hours of operation in the C -G zoning district are limited from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm when the property abuts a residential use or district; extended hours of operation may be requested through a conditional use permit as set forth in UDC 11 -2B -3A.4. 9. Qualified open space and site amenities shall be provided within the multi -family portion of the development in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3 for residential developments and 11-4-3-27 for multi -family developments. (Applicable only to R-40 DA) 2 10. A conditional use permit is required for a multi -family development in the R-40 zoning district as set forth in UDC Table 11-2A-2; compliance with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4- 3-27, Multi -Family Development, is required. (Applicable only to R-40 DA) 11. A buffer planted with dense landscaping consistent with the Master Plan in Exhibit A.3 is required on the commercial portion of the development to the residential uses as set forth in UDC Table 11-2B-3 in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11 -3B -9C. 12. A maximum gross density of 24 residential units per acre is allowed to develop within the multi- family residential portion this site. (Applicable only to R-40 DA) 13. As committed to by the Applicant/Developer in response to neighborhood concerns, the following restrictions shall apply: a. The primary service access for Costco delivery trucks and other local vendors shall be from the driveway access via N. Ten Mile Road, approximately 660 feet north of W. Lost Rapids Drive. The driveway access via W. Lost Rapids Drive driveway, approximately 350 feet west of N. Ten Mile Road, may be used when access to the Lost Rapids/Ten Mile traffic signal is needed. Businesses within the development shall notify their delivery providers of this access preference. b. A "no thru truck traffic" sign shall be installed between the N. Tree Farm Way intersection and the W. Lost Rapids Dr. service driveway access. c. No deliveries shall take place for Costco between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am. d. Parking lot lighting shall be designed for 0.0 foot-candles at the property line in accord with UDC 11 -3A -11C. e. Lighting on the site shall be reduced to the level necessary only for public safety and security purposes within one (1) hour of closing. 14. The Applicant/Developer shall coordinate with Valley Ride Transportation (VRT) to determine if an ADA bus stop is needed on this site; written documentation from VRT should be submitted. 15. Prior to issuance of the first commercial Certificate of Occupancy within this development, the following improvements shall be completed: SH 2O -26/W. Chinden Blvd. shall be widened to 4 lanes with signal/intersection upgrades from Tree Farm to Linder (1.5 miles); N. Ten Mile Rd. shall be widened to 4 lanes from Chinden to Walmart (0.80 of a mile); and signals shall be installed at N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Lost Rapids Dr. (Applicant Comment: The multi family (R-40) portion of the GFI property may be developed by separate DA, as noted above, prior to completion of the commercial, i.e., Costco store. Such action could provide the proposed "building" buffer between Costco and the single-family residential neighborhood to the south.) 16. Within two (2) years of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the Costco Wholesale building, SH 2O -26/W. Chinden Blvd. shall be widened to four (4) lanes from N. Tree Farm Way to SH -16 (1.44 miles), assuming ITD is able to secure the renuired ROW. (Applicant Comment: Only the Phase 1 road improvements are required to mitigate the project's impacts. Costco and ITD have agreed to include Phase 2, extending SH 2O-26 from Tree Farm to SH -16, as an additional component under the STARS agreennent. ITD is responsible to acquire the ROW needed for the project.) 1.2 Site Specific Conditions — Preliminary Plat 1.2.1 The preliminary plat included in Exhibit A.4, dated 1/12/2018, shall be revised as follows: a. Depict a cross-access/ingress-egress easement between all lots within the subdivision. b. Note #5: "Lot 4415 is a non -buildable lot ..." c. Under Preliminary Plat Data, Zoning, Proposed Zoning, C -G (Lots 2-1415) d. Depict the street buffers within the residential (R-40 zoned) portion of the development within a common lot maintained by the homeowner's association; and the commercial (C -G zoned) portion of the development within a common lot or on a permanent dedicated buffer maintained by the property owner or business owners' association in accord with UDC 11 -3B -7C.2. 1.2.2 The landscape plan included in Exhibit A.5, dated 1/12/2018, shall be revised as follows: a. All internal landscaping and the site plan should be shown in a lighter line type; only street buffer improvements should be shown. 1.2.3 The entire street buffer and pathway/sidewalk along N. Ten Mile Road and US 20-26/W. Chinden Blvd. shall be constructed with the first phase of development. 1.2.4 The applicant shall coordinate with Valley Regional Transit to determine if an ADA bus stop is needed at this location. 1.2.5 All fencing shall comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. 4 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Meridian City Council FROM: Deborah Nelson, Givens Pursley LLP on behalf of Applicant RE: Lost Rapids –CPAM, AZ. PP, VAR (H-2018-0004) DATE: April 3, 2018 On behalf of the Applicant for the Lost Rapids Project applications, we provide this response to the Memorandum in Opposition to Lost Rapids filed Friday, March 30 by Andrea Carroll on behalf of the Coalition Against Lost Rapids (the "Coalition"). I. Transportation improvements necessary to mitigate Project impacts will be completed prior to Costco opening. The Coalition argues it is poor planning to allow the Project to be built ahead of needed transportation improvements or merely to fill transportation funding gaps. This is not occurring here. All transportation improvements required to mitigate the Project's impacts on surrounding roadways will be completed before Costco can receive a certificate of occupancy. Costco will also construct improvements along SH 20/26 that are above and beyond those required for mitigation within two years of the Costco opening, provided ITD obtains necessary right-of-way. Costco is working with ACHD and ITD to utilize the Sales Tax Anticipation Revenue (STAR) Act, I.C. § 63-3641, a funding tool the Legislature has provided for retail projects making significant road improvements such as this one. The additional road improvements along SH 20/26 are an added benefit to a Project that otherwise complies with the City's development criteria. II. The Meridian City Code supports approval of the Lost Rapids Project. a. Access to SH 20/26 –Modification or Variance The Coalition argues "[d]irect access to a state highway is prohibited" and the Project does not satisfy applicable variance standards. Both arguments are incorrect. UDC § 11-3H-3 allows the City Council to modify the City's state highway access standards "upon specific recommendation of the Idaho transportation department". In a letter dated October 18, 2017, ITD recommended approval of the requested access points onto SH 20/26. Based on the recommendation from ITD—the agency with jurisdiction over state highways—the City Council is free to modify the state highway access standards in the City Code. As an alternate basis for approval, the requested change to the City's access standards also meets the variance standards in UDC § 11 -5B -4.E and I.C. § 67-6516: 1. The variance does not grant a right or special privilege. The access points will benefit the traffic flow and utilization of this site and the surrounding road network. ITD, the agency with authority over SH 20/26, has recommended the access permitted by the variance for the benefit of the state highway system. This is consistent with prior decisions of the City granting direct access onto state highways. 2. The variance is required to relieve an undue hardship caused by the characteristics of the site because the site requires additional access. The shape of the lot, rectangular with significant frontage on SH 20/26, necessitates midpoint access onto SH 20/26 for traffic flow and safety. 5 The surrounding roads and existing access points are insufficient to serve the site; direct access onto SH 20/26 is necessary to disperse traffic throughout the area. 3. The variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare because ITD, the agency with jurisdiction to plan, design, and grant access permits onto the state highway system, has specifically recommended the direct access onto SH 20/26. The direct access will improve traffic flow and reduce congestion resulting in increased safety. Specifically, direct access onto SH 20/26 will reduce development impacts and improve traffic flow on surrounding streets, including W. Lost Rapids Rd. and Ten Mile Rd., which will positively impact neighboring residences. Proposed findings for your consideration and approval of the requested access points are included with this Memorandum. b. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Zoning and Preliminary Plat The Coalition argues the remaining applications submitted by Applicant should all be denied because the required findings are not met. The Coalition does not specify which findings are unsatisfied or provide specific support for its argument. The City's planning staff has carefully analyzed each of the findings required for these applications and recommended approval of each. The P&Z also recommended approval of these applications. III. The Coalition is not entitled to preliminary review of development agreement terms. Idaho law does not require the City to include as part of the application record the terms of a future development agreement. Development agreements are a contract between the City and a developer that the City may require "as a condition of rezoning" where the City has adopted an ordinance "governing the creation, form, recording, modification, enforcement and termination of conditional commitments." I.C. § 67-6511A. Consistent with state law, the City adopted UDC § 11-513-3- D-2 allowing the City to "require a development agreement in conjunction with the annexation or rezone pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A." Further, development agreements merely recite conditions of approval that all interested parties previously were able to comment on. In this case, the City planning staff has included in the Project Report specific proposed conditions of approval for inclusion in the development agreement, which is available for the Coalition's review and comment. 0 Access Findings Through Modification and Variance I. Required Findings for Modification of UDC State Highway Access Standards. Under UDC § 11-3H-3, the Council may consider and apply modifications to state highway access standards upon a specific recommendation of the Idaho transportation department. Based on UDC § 11-311-3, the Council finds that modification of the City's state highway access standards is warranted. On October 18, 2017, the Idaho Transportation Department submitted agency comments on the proposed development, which recommended permitting direct access onto SH 20/26 as submitted by the applicant's plans. Based on this specific recommendation, the Council elects to modify such standards because direct access onto SH 20/26 reduces development impacts and improves traffic flow on surrounding streets, including W. Lost Rapids Rd. and Ten Mile Rd., which will positively impact neighboring residences. Inaddition to meeting the requirements for modified access standards, the proposed access also meets the City's variance standards. II. Required Findings from UDC (Variance). The Council shall apply the standards listed in Idaho Code § 67-6516 and all the findings listed in Section 11 -5B -4.E of the UDC to review the variance request. In order to grant a variance, the Council shall make the following findings: A. The Variance shall not grant a right or special privilege that is not otherwise allowed in the district. The Council finds the variance does not grant a right or special privilege. The applicant has shown undue hardship due to site characteristics and that granting the variance for access onto SH 20/26 benefits the public interest. The Idaho Transportation Department, the agency with authority over SH 20/26, has recommended the access permitted by the variance for the benefit of the state highway system. This is consistent with prior decisions of the City granting direct access onto state highways. B. The Variance relieves an undue hardship because of characteristics of the site. The Council finds the variance is required to relieve an undue hardship caused by the characteristics of the site because the site requires additional access. The shape of the lot, rectangular with significant frontage on SH 20/26, necessitates midpoint access onto SH 20/26 for traffic flow and safety. The surrounding roads and existing access points are insufficient to serve the site; direct access onto SH 20/26 is necessary to disperse traffic throughout the area. C. The Variance shall not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. The Council finds the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare because the Idaho Transportation Department, the agency with jurisdiction to plan, design, and grant access permits onto the state highway system, has specifically recommended the direct access onto SH 20/26. The direct access will improve traffic flow and reduce congestion resulting in increased safety. Specifically, direct access onto SH 20/26 will reduce development impacts and improve traffic flow on surrounding streets, including W. Lost Rapids Rd. and Ten Mile Rd., which will positively impact neighboring residences. 7 PUBLIC TESTIMONY FROM MERIDIAN CITY CLERK PUBLIC RECORDS WEBSITE For Lost Rapids H-2018-0004 CPAM / AZ / PP / VAR APRIL 3, 2018 PZ — Public Testimony Through 03-01 • 826 PZ Entries • In Favor of Costco 730 (88%) • Opposed to Costco 91 (11%) • Comments Only 5 CC — Public Testimony Beginning 03-01 • 267 CC Entries as of 9:00 AM Wednesday, 3/28/18 • In Favor of Costco 221 • Opposed to Costco 41 (Individuals plus petition with duplicate entries) • Comments Only 5 • 36 "New" CC Entries as of 9:00 AM Friday, 3/30/18 • In Favor of Costco 35 • Opposed to Costco 1 • 26 "New" CC Entries as of 12:15 PM Monday, 4/2/18 • In Favor of Costco 18 • Opposed to Costco 8 9