03-31 Chris Keller1 Christopher Johnson From:Chris Keller <ckeller@boisekidney.com> Sent:Saturday, March 31, 2018 12:17 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Support for Costco To Whom It May Concern at the City Council, My name is Dr. Chris Keller; I’m a kidney specialist in the Meridian area and the managing partner of Boise Kidney, a seven doctor nephrology practice based at St. Luke’s Meridian. I live in the Spurwing Greens Estates subdivision, across the street from the proposed Costco site. I just wanted to send a quick note in support of the proposal. I’ve lived in North Meridian for 10 years and have seen the area grow by leaps and bounds residentially, but only recently have we begun to receive the needed commercial resources that make it easy for us to shop and enjoy entertainment locally. I’ve followed the Costco plan closely from the beginning, and I think it’s a great idea. I’m excited about their offer to help expand Chinden and I think they’d be a good commercial neighbor for us. My family and I watched the entire live stream of the P&Z committee, and I agree with the majority of the committee members that more commercial projects are needed in our area, especially highly desirable ones like Costco. In my conversation with neighbors in my subdivision, the majority are in favor of the project, and are excited about the opportunity. As always, a vocal minority can often drown out a quiet majority, but it’s my assessment that most North Meridian residents would love a Costco in the area! Please don’t hesitate to contact me anytime. Thanks Chris Keller -------------------------- Christopher Keller, MD Managing Partner, Boise Kidney Chair, FMCNA Joint Venture Council Medical Director, Liberty Nampa and Caldwell Phone (208) 629-5107